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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  March 2, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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making its way thrgthe area. it all started as rain but pret much has turned to snow and,an, that wind. >> here's some video of wind whipping and snow blowing on i-9. the girard point bridge the wheels out there.wo hands let's go back outside wilmington, delaware. it really doesn't matter where you are. the month of march is coming in withank. the weather is our top story tonight at 6:00 o'clock. thanks for joining us. i'm chris o'connell. >> i'm dawn timmeney. just crazy weather we're talking about. this is what it looked like across most of the area today. >> those powerful wind gusts causing big power outages right now there are more than 300,000 people without alone rn 254,000 outages. the worst coming in from montgomery county. atlantic city electric over 25,000. delmarva over3,000 people with no power at this hour. and as well as pse&g they are
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clocking in at 15,000 customers in the dark right now. >> unbelievae. let's head back outside. this is what it looks like righ here in old city outside our fox 29 studios. we crews standing by in bu county, down to the jersey shore and everywhere in between. we have you covered. but let's start with meteorologist scott williams who has a first check of the forecast. scott? >> hi there dawn, this storm it is a monster. take look. the open waters of the atlantic we're looking at that developing area of low pressure just churning and look at the winds out of the north and west. cold air a lot of changing that snow and also we're looking a gusty conditions, winds gusting over 60 miles per hour. so take look across the area. north and west we're dealing with the pocks of snow. sections of delaware moderate to heavy as you move into south jersey the change over to snow numerous widespread wind damage reports. winds have gusted over 50 miles an hour as we go hour by hour,
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the severalrs the moisture will start to taper o about nine, 10:00 o'clock, we're done with that snowfall. the winds, that will continue to howl through the night gusting up to 50 miles an hour. they will stay gusty through the weekend as well. so poor visibles we're looking at that blowing wet snow the high wind winng continues through early on saturday morning. that snow will taper by nip clock. look at the winds right now gusting to 52 miles an hour inl. 51 miles an hour gusts four mount pocono close to 50 in atlantic city. hour by hour we'retill looking at those winds by 9:00 o'clock gusting over 50 miles an hour. so power outages will continue to be a problem across the area. reduced visibilities. where we still have that snow coming down as well and temperatures right now for the most part are a fewdegrees above freezing. so we're not looking at a hard freeze for the oveight. coming up much more onhe exit
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of ts system. the weekend forecast and could we see another wintry mix with the seven day? details coming up. back over to you. >> okay, scott, thanks. let's go back outside where the shore is just getting pounded with this storm. in cape mayw jersey, ase look dowr the promenadth shor much snow asparts rther it mentioned we sent o brad sattin down the shore to check things out. it was windy. it was wet and as you can hear that wind go through his microphone, brad, how is it >> reporter: yeah, it's exactly as you describe. it continues to snow sideways here. the snow as you mentioned really isn't the issue. it's not sticking here. at this point for the most part flooding is not the issue yet. it is as scott mentioned the wisnd and these gusts of 50 maybe even pushing 60 miles an hour. it is pretty brutal out her not lot of people on the roads. we want to sh you pictures we took when we were on our way again, the roads when we were on
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the ac expressway, they were not horrleib. it was a bit of slow going but we did see those salt trucks out for sure. again, as i mentioned the wind the problem at this point knowhaemncyything. management crews have been preparing for the last several days for the potential of flooding. we're looking at a high tide tonhtetween eight and 9:00 o'clock. another one tomorrow morning between 8:00 and 9:00 and as the winds begin to shift potentially overnight, the chances of flooding continue to get worse. weave emergency manemagt crews across the area on stand by. they tell us workers at construction sites are being told to make sure everything is cure. in fact ifa heowneralese here, u are asked to ke sure everything is secure because anything can quickly become a projectile. we checked in with north wildwood officials.
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they repor downed power lines as well. we checked in with cape may emergency management folks. they are on stand byonight as is ocean city prepari they y for eotential ofig snict flooding tomoow. while high tide is 8: o'clock tht, it is not hoy tied yet. the bigger concern certainly chris and dawn is tomorrow for that 8:00 a.m. high tide and potentially there's concern officials are telling me for the high tide tomorrow night as we well. >> brad, thank you. >> thanks brad. part of a tree crashing on to a septa bus this afternoon. septa says a route 125 bus was heading westbound on i-76 and lower merion township when the tree fell on top of it. as traffic was piling up, fox 29 viewer september us this picture of the branch resting on top of the bus. fortunately no one was hurt. heading back outside now over the ben franklin parkway in philadelphia. the snow still falling across much of the area.
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as we continue our team coverage for you, we were done at the shore with brad. now let's head over to delaware county and check in with shawnette wilson much she's tracking conditions in delaware county. >> rorter: wl, dn,ette? echo a loft what brajust talked about he mentioned the whipping wind i'm trying to hold ton my hat and my hood. i don't know whai'm touching right now but the wind is britt tee brutal out here and he also mentioned projectiles. makes you concern. i look at some of these what do you call them traffic signs here like the stop sign here is leaning overnd theind is whipping. so the wind a b concern for people out here. traffic touch and go here. it is moving now on baltimore pike in springfield. you saw awhile ago you can compare it to how traffic was pretty much at a standstill. it is crawling along now an little bit lighter than it was maybe an hour ago. but you can even hear, though, as cars go along the road just how wet the roads are here. as we mentioned the wind. looking at the trees blowing.
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traffic signs blowing. and power outages are also a big concern. we've been getting reports from our news desk from peco from other places about power outages in the area. we talked to woman a few minutes ago who work at the macy's at springfield mall just down the road from where we are right now. she's off earl daal because power is out there. here's what she had to say. >> we were blacked out at macy's that's where ik and it's crazy there, so we had to shut down, and i figure well i'm going get high hair done. it's all good. >> you haven't ventured too far out of the parking lot. you haven't been on the main roads. >> i was on the main roads for a little bit. not much. it's crazy. it's crazy. >> roads a lot of traffic. >> messy, terrible. yeah. but, you know what, i mean i think it's going to be fine. traffic is bad. but, you know. we'll get through it. >> reporter: what's the worst part of this to you, the snow, the rain, the wind? >> um, that it's march. [ laughter ] >> and we're getting snow right
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now. >> reporter: you heard her. she couldn't pick the worst part it's march. and this right now is what we're looking at. a snowstorm on what the second day of march? so, again, we've been talking about how things will continue to go throughout the evening before it gets better. so as usual if you don't have to be out, stay in. dawn and chris, back to you. >> big snowflakes flying there, shawnette. stay safe. more travel problems on the ground. all amtrak trains are now suspended in the northeast corridor at least until tomorr tomorrow. that is from boston to washington, d.c. this was thecene in philadelphia 30th street station this afternoon. where many travelers are now having to adjust their plans. from the ground to the skies, fox 29's joanne pileggi live at philadelphia international airport with how the weather is impacting air travel i'm assuming lots, joan joanne. >> reporter: yes, that's right, chris. lots if you were thinking of heading out of town by plane,
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it's probably not going to happen from philly internation international. this weather, this early march storm with the high winds and all of this snow is making a mess of airline schedules as you can well imagine. more than 300 flights in and out of philly have been canceled. american airlines canceling all flights for the rest of the day. and that disrupted plans for a lot of people. take a listen. >> boarded the flight at 12:20, sat on the runway until 3:30 or so the flight was canceled and then stood in line to learn where our luggage was going to finally be found. >> sharon had pretty good attitude. but she was trying to go to florida and she's not going to . she can get on a flight for tomorrow. norican airlines counter
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had three agents at that counter and there were more than 300 people in line. many of the people pretty upset. but as you can imagine, these planes are not going to take off in this wind and bad weather. so, again, if your flight has been canceled, the airlines are waving the fees. hopefully many of these people who are here tonight will get on a flight tomorrow and get where they node to go. as you can imagine, the hotels around the airport are probably very crowded tonight. that's the latest from philly international. joanne pileggi. back to you in the studio. >> i'm sure they are. our weather coverage does not end here. another live report if just a few minutes for your latest forecast at your fingertips download our fox 29 weather authority app. it's free and can be found in your apple store. sean? dawn, barclay is putting up ridiculous number at the nfl combine. check out what he did that might get him drafted number one overall. that's coming up later in
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♪ live look at allentown lehigh county where the snow is still falling although the roads not looking too bad at the moment. on to developing story in philadelphia. fighting words firing back and forth between the police union and the city's new district attorney. >> jeff cole has more on the dispute and joins us live in studio. jeff. >> reporter: shower do. the battle is over a meeting da krasner had with police cadets earlier this week invited by the guardian civic league an organization of black officers. krasner spoke about the public trust officers carry in the high standards expected but comments about center mass targeting drew a heated response.
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>> reporter: the video run for about ten minutes. district attorney krasner stands in front of police cadets at the training academy and tells them he'sir backs if theirak a hest a >> reporter: as he describes the scenario, in which a mentally challenged man was killed by police who were justified in the shooting says krasner, the da also says this. >> reporter: center mass is how police are trained to shoot. firing at the middle or bulk of the body. the comment prompted the head of the police officers union john mcnesby who did not attend the event and had not seen the video to aggressively criticize the da
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in this letter thursday writing "krasner has intentionally sought to endanger your lives by his outrageous effort to instruct you on the use of your firearm". fox 29 spoke to mcnesby thursday night. >> for them to hear two separate messages is not good. especially when they're leaving in two days, tomorrow actually to go out and protect the community. >> reporter: friday after releasing the video of krasner's talk the da spokesperson said much of mcnesby's letter is not true. >> don't do what you were told to do in the academy. what do what i tell you. watch the video. it's not what happened. it's not even close to what happened. >> reporter: mcnesby stands by his words says the spokesperson he didn't know if the union leader had actually seen the video. spokesperson for krasner says mcnesby should retract that letter it posted all the video hit of the event. fox 29 does not know what occurred or after the recording. there's link it to on
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spokesperson for the police conditioner says the da and the commissioner have spoken and they are moving on. i'm jeff cole fox 29 news. folks? >> all right. jeff, thanks. let us get back to the story that's been dominating the headlines today. fox 29 weather authority take a live lock over the ben franklin parkway right now. not sure if that's the ben franklin -- i guess so. can't say enough about the weather today. >> absolute mess to start your weekend. when it will start to clear out meteorologist scott williams has a full check of your forecast in veep seconds. >> this storm system has definitely been a doocy. take live look at ultimate doppler. it's lit up. we started out with the rainfall, changed over to snow, we're still dealing with that snow through the next several
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hours across the region. poconos have soon over 6-inches of snow. areas north and west anywhere from two to 4-inches. a coating as we move toward philadelphia and surrounding suburbs. but this thing, it is rapidly intensifying. hurricane force wind gusts for sections of new england. so ultimate doppler once again getting a little bit of a break far north and west. precipitation isting up north and west, but south and west of philadelphia still somewhat intention bands that darker purple that you see. e' bs urs.over t several you can see it tapers north and west by 9:00 o'clock still some liownghowers down the ore and temperatures will holdt. leigh ti cycles to get through combine that with the full moon the next tighe high tide is tonight but between 8:0. expecting minor flooding but moderate flooding expected
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saturday morning and also again saturday night. beach erosion we're looking a property damage, a surge of about 2 feet. and look at the gusty winds continuing ipt steeriel and for ponding one roadways, slick conditions still looking at gusts potentially down the shore up t60 miles per hour. so we talked about this yesterday how there would be power outages and that is definitely what has been playing out still looking at moderate power outages across the arease. ur w n, 33 degrees in philadelphia. we have 35 in wildwood. peratures are a few degrees above freezing. we're to the looking at a freeze whatsoever for the overnight as temperatures hold pretty steady. so as we talk a little bit about the forecast for tomorrow, adual clearing but look at this. we're still talking about winds guveourand that will make itlike it's in the with the windast
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showing temperatures over the upgain it wil .
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hello, peco. hi. can yohelp me save on my energy ll? old applianc. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope.
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what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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♪ it's snowing, it's freezing in the wind right now is down right disrespectful this is the first time in weeks i wish i was really down in clearwater with the phillies. spring training continues for the phils and the warm weather seemed to help them out little bit. aaron nola got the start in the whippehe was shaking once again he wt three innings striking out two but gave up two earned runs on three hits. not a good one. era is now nine in spring training. now in the third another young star showing potential scott king gry with one shot to right that helped them get the win and tide the game up and the phils went oh to win nine to two. now to a little bit of football. penn stae's barclay is about to be an abute beast. he best running back to
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come out of the draft since adrian peterson. i said it even better than ezequiel elliot he's that good and today barclay showed off the speed. he ran a 4.40, 40-yard dash for perspective seek ran a 4.47 at this combine. and he can run around you. he can run through you. he can jump over you. he can just flat out out run you if he wants. that 40 time complete add ridiculous combine for barclay. 4.40 again. bench pressed 225. 29 times. so he's stronger than any linebacker in the league and his vertical leap was a 41-inch berth. that's vince carter hop right there. after these numbers there's no doubt he doesn't get out of the top five in the nfl draft. now when horsing around goes a little bit wrong. steph curry is a star on the court we know this but he's unbelievable golfer. i've seen him golf in person. if he didn't play basketball, he'd be on the pga tour.
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he's that good. but he had a couple issues this week while staying at a hotel he was practicing his swing. and that's what happens when you practice your swing indoors. broke all the glass. he tweeted this out instagra ind this himself. steph what are you doing. that's why you keep this outdoors. >> exactly. >> you think you're perfect. you let go of the nine iron and that's what happens. >> just reach in his pocket. >> that's why it was an easy tweet. that's a quick couple bucks for me. >> all right. our weather coverage will continue tonight at 10:00. we have crews where you are bringing you the latest on the storm and keeping your family safe. that will do it for us here tonight at 6:00 o'clock. >> up next, page six followed by dish nation at 7:00 then stay tuned for tmz at 7:30. stay dry. we'll see you at 10:00 o'clock. ♪
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right now on "page six tv" who can explain why beyonce doesn't have a star on the hollywood walk of fame? what's behind the rumors that music sensation sizza is psychic? mimi, nicole, katie, when did tom cruz go from being the marrying kind to forever single? and why did "charlamagne the god" have run ins with oprah and monique? he's live to answer that question on "page six tv." [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome to "page six tv." i'm john fugelsang. and here to bring us today's top stories, "page six" senior reporter mr. carlos greer. variety write elizabeth wagmeister. and while bevy smith is in l.a., we are proud to have the breakfast club's own charlamagne zaga. [ cheers and applause ]


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