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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  WTXF  March 6, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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hitting delaware. temperatures dropping. snow is on the way. the forecast evolving by the minute. hundreds of closings already in and you've got to see ♪ states of emergency declar declared. school closings coming in by the second. radar looking more and more ominous the nor'easter has arrived. but don't worry, the fox 29 team is going to help you get through
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it when the snow moves in, we go there. now fox 29 news at 10:00. ♪ major nor'easter on the way as we take live look at reading in berks county right now we're getting ready for serious snow. while some areas will see more snow than others, we're not just talking about snow look out for the wind. this system bearing down on us right now. it's kind of like a sucker punch just days after a powerful storm hit us with snow and wind and knocked out power to tens of thousands. this is one nasty nor'easter. we'll be dealing with. but we'll help you get through it all. i'm iain page that. storm is rapidly changing. details and new information coming into the fox 29 newsroom by the minute. so here's what we can tell you right now. we've got hundreds of school closings. scrolling at the bottom of your screen. philadelphia public schools and arch diocesan schools closed tomorrow. snow emergency goes into effect in philadelphia tomorrow morning and across the area other cities
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and counties remain under states of emergency. storm like this demands team coverage from your fox 29 weather authority. our chris o'connell is live in broomall, delaware county where folks are busy getting ready for the storm. shawnette wilson stand buying in wynnewood, montgomery county. let's begin tonight with kathy orr. kathy, the all important question, how much snow are we going to get. >> you know that is going to be determined by the exact center of that area of low pressure, iain. there's no doubt that we'll see the heaviest snow north and west of philadelphia that is the red he had will red zone for sure many folks will be seeing a foot of snow. i have high confidence in that. here's our storm system developing off the coast this first primary symptom is weakening that nor'easter is definitely taking shape. we still have that winter storm warning in effect from philadelphia north and west where we expect highest accumulations south and east still advisory. new information the weather center does suggest some colder air moving a little bit farther south that could mean an increase of some of those snow totals but not significant
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increases. we'll go hour by hour. you can see by tomorrow morning 7:00 a.m. here's a snapshot of what the weather map will be looking like when sue serio shows you what's going on. temperatures at or above freezing from philadelphia north and west. i-95 corridor right on that mix line that dreaded mix line, and then rain to the south and east. we're carefully watching that because the more we mix, the less snow we get the less we mick obviously the more snow. by 11:00 o'clock in the morning, to the north and west we have some moderate snow falling. difficult travel. 33 in philadelphia. this warm air is trying to wedge in theism 95 corridor. and you still see some snow through south jersey and then by the afternoon 3:00 o'clock, everyone seeing snow before the storm moves out by about 6:00, 7:00 o'clock in the evening. so that means storm moves in faster it moves out faster but temperatures still borderline it is a heavy wet snow and that is the biggest concern. the height of the storm late morning into the afternoon. heavy wet snow at least an inch an hour north and west of the city we could have one to 2-inches an hour as far as the rate is concerned.
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winds gusting 30 to 40. but just difficult travel. we reduced visibility. we'll talk more about the high impact of the storm and go neighborhood by neighborhood with those snow accumulations comincoming up iain. right now i do anticipate that big real mother load of snow to be north and west of the city eight to 15-inches of snow and that highest accumulation mainly three the lehigh valley and even our northern and western subur& suburbs. philadelphia between three to six and five and eight right on that borderline. more updates coming up later in the broadcast. >> kathy, thanks. >> some of our viewers in delaware county barely recovered from friday's storm this nor'easter heading our way making things much more difficult. thousands there are still without power and the cleanup is far from over. our chris o'connell live in broomall tonight with more on what's going on there, chris? >> reporter: well, iain, i'm to home depot in broomall. this has been a very busy place this week. from generators to chainsaws earlier this week to shovels and
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snow melt tonight. some of that precipitation that kathy was just talking about just starting to fall here in delaware county. little bit of snow. little bit of freezing rain keep in mind thousands are still without power for them spring could not come soon enough. how you keeping sane? >> a lot of wine. [ laughter ] >> serious allot of wine. >> reporter: candlelight glimmering from darkened broomall home certainly looks romantic. >> we had already throw out two refrigerators full of food. >> reporter: after four days without power dan says this is getting old. >> coming down i'll show you what's been able to keep us somewhat warm. >> reporter: if it wasn't for the gas fireplace he and his wife would have been gone days ago but what makes it even more frustrating, look out the wind window. all of his neighbors on winding way have power and utility crews are camped out a block away. yet he still waits. >> what have you been doing to pass the time. >> listen to our radio now.
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am, f. fm old december and playing gin rummy. >> reporter: about mile away at the home deport storm weary residents had to pass bite barbeques, patio furniture and lawnmowers for rock salt, snow shovels and chainsaws. >> never thought thinking of snowstorm that i would need gas but after what happened this past weekend the first thing everybody is thinking about is losing power. >> this was the very last of the hundred 57 generators they sold today alone. >> it's what the reaction when people get a generator? >> relief. you think they were -- i don't know. it's like they were buying a car or something. dream car but it's a sigh of relief. >> reporter: back on winding way the family is sold told for third time their power will be restored tomorrow. if you're listening peco, they'll be waiting. >> you think you'll have power. >> way things are going no way because the storm that's going to hit. friday, saturday i'm figuring. >> reporter: and here is a little tip. if you are still in need of a generator, the home depot here
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in broomall will get a shipment of at least 100 generators overnight. they open their doors here at 6am. they say those generators will go very quickly. from the hardware store to the grocery store, let's head up to montgomery county where my now is talking with people who are prepping for this storm. shawnette. >> reporter: well, chris, you're talking about generators, of course, we certainly heard some in different neighborhoods around here running in wynnewood but the only sound i've been hearing for the past hour is carts. so you know what that means. >> they did have some bread but like all the good stuff, all snacks. >> reporter: late shoppers rushed over to this giant supermarket in wynnewood to stock up on food. some surprised to find slim picking. >> i can't believe it. the vegetables are wiped out. potato chips are wiped out. people are buying like they never saw food. >> reporter: maria solomon says she purposely got a late
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start. this morning i came earlier because i was visiting my parents and it was mayhem. so i figure let me try tonight. i'm glad that i did because it's a lot less. >> reporter: maria says her only mistake was bringing along her eight-year-old granddaughter maya. >> what did i get? comfort food like comfort food. and a word to the wise never take your granddaughter shopping because you end up with extra things you would ever never never never envision buying. >> school is closed for mism a tomorrow she's not sure how she feels about it. >> i'm probably like tired of it because we had snow on friday. >> 14-year-old alan in a james feels the same way. >> as much as i love not having school i'm so tired of the snow. i don't like it. >> alan in a was tacking along with her dad who had long day an long list from the wife. >> you came with honey do list? >> very long one. >> after dropping off gymnastics picking up volleyball now at the grocery store. she'll started aing to the list and more money will be spent. i'll get healthy items things
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they need versus things they want. >> around the area crews are working late nights trying to restore power to homes knocked out from last friday's storm. a lot of dark streets and power lines keeping people in the dark. people are getting ready for whatever can come. >> i'm so confused at this point with all the reports but i'm planning to be home. >> reporter: all right. hopefully she'll keep watching us for the very latest. everyone i spoke to say they were lucky they never lost power from the storm last friday and that's very strange because they say their neighbors across the street did not have power. they are hoping they'll be just as lucky come tomorrow. iain? >> let's hope so, shawnette. thank you. philadelphia city officials declaring a snow emergency. starting eight tomorrow morning so you know what that means. all parked cars have to be off those snow emergency routes and you should park far street corners. if not your car it's going get relocate the. if tomorrow is your trash day hold it until next week. the storm comes as more than
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10,000 people are still without power from last week's nor'easter. peco reports there are still 4,000 customers without power in delaware county and close to 4,000 more in montgomery county. bucks and chester counties also still have customers in the dark. the "good day philadelphia" team also following the storm for y you. sue has got the latest forecast. bob will have your traffic conditions and all your day's news and headlines. good day starts at 4:00 and goes until 10:00. maybe longer tomorrow. of course it's right here on fox 29. developing right now the search for a driver who hit a and her little girl in mayfair. six good samaritans lifted that car to save them. police say the 36-year-old sidewalk with her two kids when a car jumped the curb and hit two of them just before 7:00 tonight. the driver then ran off and left behind the would it toyota you see here on if i son avenue. three-year-old girl is in critical condition at the hospital. her mom is in is stable condition and other child was
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not hurt. a disturbing crime in the heart of center city. a woman brutally attacked sexually assaulted and then robbed. now, police are after two men in connection to the incident. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at 13 many and lombard where this all hammed. dave? >> reporter: iain this sexual assault has folks who live in this neighborhood and travel through it on edge tonight police used words like atrocious and brutal to describe this attack they say the suspect grabbed the woman right off the street corner. >> yes it's scares me. very badly. >> for women walking through the area near 13th and lombard in center city, there was deep concern tuesday evening after police announced that a woman was beaten, robbed and sexually assaulted here. >> pretty, like, terrifying being a woman i can definitely, you know, relate to probably being in her a situation like that. that's never happened to me before but the thought of that terrifies me. >> this man is overpowering much he's intimidating. he's, um, physically significantly more imposing than
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our victim. >> reporter: 5:30 sunday morning when surveillance cameras captured the suspects as he grabbed the 36-year-old victim on her way to work and viciously attacked her. >> he puts her in like a choke hold sort of a head lock and forces her down the 400 block of south watts street report roar police say the suspect repeatedly punched the woman, robbed her, then sexually assaulted her and fled. investigators say he also had an accomplice who acted as look out. >> the description of the primary attacker would lead to us believe that he's homeless or doesn't have significant means because he specifically described as having warn dirty clothes. >> reporter: all this startled samantha. she walks this way to work some days. >> i try not to work around early in the morning or late at night by myself. >> i will let my wife out and my children come, my grandchildren come, and at night once night comes new york city. they can't come out. >> reporter: cynthia gibson waits for the bus each day a hundred feet from where the woman was robbed and assault.
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>> i'll pray for her and hope she is gets better and i they hope they catch him. >> kind of scary. i kind of want to take a different route to work now. >> reporter: victim did receive medical treatment for several injuries. police do believe the two suspects in this case may frequent this area. they have no other attacks like this in the city at this point. iain? >> all right, dave, thank you. protecting local kids in school, south jersey police helping keep security tight and parents, well, not everyone agrees with the new plan. watch that massive tree come crashing down. smashing right on to a car and blocking a street. it sat like that for days. until neighbors called us for help. >> you guys show that you care about the neighborhood and we appreciate that. >> getting ruts and now neighbors are hoping it i see other carriers touting
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let's take a live look at wildwood. the rain has start to do move into our area. you can see it on the radar the snow we'll watch closely this winter storm could be significant. your full forecast is still ahead right here on fox 29. news at 10:00. in philadelphia's mayfair neighborhood, a giant tree fell on top of a car. the strong winds from friday's storm were to blame. that tree fell on to a car and concerned neighbors have been calling the city every since to try and get it out of there. fox 29's dawn timmeney stopped by and she got results. >> we watched it. it was going back and forth like this and then all of a sudden boom it hit the car. >> reporter: this big tree crashing down on the 1600 block of benner street in the mayfair section friday night in high winds. the whole thing captured on anita hopkins surveillance
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camera. >> before this happened, two cars passed by. after the second car, that's when it fell. >> reporter: talk about a close call. the cars owner michelle robinson is still shaken. >> unbelievable. it was just totally unbelievable. >> reporter: robinson had just pick up her grandson from school and was getting ready to back out. fortunately the snowy windy weather changed her mind. >> we would have been in the car and he's only seven years old and he is my pride and joy. i have two grandchildren that i love so much. and it would have been terrible situation. >> reporter: robinson called the city to have the tree which was also blocking the street removed. she was told someone would be out. that was three and a half days ago. in the interim impatient drivers pulling on the sidewalk and people' lawns to get around. >> it's just making really hazardous for the neighbors for everyone on the block. >> reporter: anita hopkins surveillance camera catching one person plowing through the tree
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this morning tree limbs flying everywhere. >> they were going super fast. when all the branches came up there was a huge big branch. >> reporter: i called philadelphia parks and recreation, they were aware of the downed tree but say they've been unundated from friday's storm prom mig someone would be out today. >> true to their word two hours later, crews arrived. using a crane, the tree removed from the car and the street cleaned up and passible again. >> we were so happy that fox news was on it, on it, on it, on it. >> you guys show that you care about the neighborhood and we appreciate that. so thank you. >> reporter: and just in time, neighbors were worried with another storm op the way it was only going to get worse. now they're breathing a huge sigh of relief hoping the rest of the trees on this block remain standing. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. >> if you're flying you definitely want to check with your airline because there could be delays and cancellations and of course before you go to bed
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tonight charge your phones and i pads. kathy is pack talking about high winds and heavy snow if you lose power you can still watch us online or on your fox 29 app. happening right now, parents in cherry hill concerned for their children's safety at school after that mass shooting in parkland, florida. the school district is already started enhancing security at their schools. one example, more police offic officers. let's get out to dave kinchen live outside cherry hill high school west tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, there was less tension in this meeting with more progress made in the name of securing schools but parents made it clear there is still a long way to go. >> if there's any bad guys listen right now you don't mess with the cherry hill police department. >> reporter: cherry hill parents and a special school board meeting praising the call to have armed officers patrolling all schools. they also hailed the tightening of access to buildings. at the same time parents said it's not enough. >> we need metal detectors.
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you gotta stop it before it gets in the school. >> live feed cameras necessary. something that should be delayed no longer by september 1st they should in all 18 schools. >> reporter: student spoke out in support of ap history teacher tim lock of cherry hill east reportedly suspended after telling his class he worried a tragedy like the florida massacre could happen here. his removal prompted student protests and walkouts. >> i don't mean to assume that you guys have a distain personal vendetta against him but that's wait seems like to me. >> reporter: board members said they would not make any formal decisions on the teacher and additional security changes tonight, they pledged to continue think the critical conversations. >> remember, your words matter and together our words matter. >> reporter: the board says it will announce the specific decisions and courses of actions they will take at their march 13th meeting. in cherry hill, dave kinchen,
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fox 29 news. ♪ oh, it's coming. are you ready? rain, wind and did we mention snow? schools closed. it's going to be nasty. ♪ that is a five-year-old girl dangling from a chair lift but the strangers below aren't going to let her hit the ground. ♪ she may be michelle obama's biggest fan and today this toddler had a dance party with the former first lady. ♪
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the storm is already moving in from the south with heavy rain in delaware. the biggest impact is going to be tomorrow late morning into the afternoon. the heavy wet snow tugging on the tree limbs and power lines. winds 35 to 45 miles an hour and power outage that is could be widespread. this storm is going to have major impact on our area. iain? >> all right, kathy, thanks. montgomery county judge has to make important decisions that could bring changes to bill cosby's retrial. who will testify and what evidence makes it in front of a jury. our bruce gordon was in the courtroom during the two-day pretrial hearing in norristown. >> reporter: as the embattled entertainer left court following the two-day hearing i asked -- ready for the trial mr. cosby. [ laughter ] >> reporter: rulings from judge stephen o'neal on three key issues may determine whether cosby is still laughing when his trial begins next month. prosecutors want the judge to
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allow them to put an additional 19 accusers on the witness sta stand. to establish for juror that is cosby had a half century long pattern of be friending, drugging and sexually assaulting younger women. the defense argued those extra witnesses are simply an effort to bolster a weak case with allegations that are too old and too dissimilar to be value at this retrial. in the original you'll recall the judge allowed only one extra accuse sir the 13 requested by the prosecution. cosby charged with drugging and groping former temple university athletic department employee andro ya constand inside his home is january of 2004. the defense wants to be allowed to put marguerite jackson on the witness stand. a former co-worker of constand's she was barter from testifying in the original trial. but has claimed constand told her she could make up allegations to get money from a rich celebrity. and both sides have their reasons for bringing the civil lawsuit filed by constand against cosby into this retrial.
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it was not mentioned during the original proceedings. prosecutors say during negotiations toward the ultimate settlement of that suit, cosby admitted behavior that helps their case. the defense says constand attempt to get money from cosby through the lawsuit bolsters marguerite jackson's claims. spectators hoping for a public war of words between lawyers may be disappointed. no comment from montgomery county district attorney kevin steele after the hearing wrapped up. and only this from lead defense attorney tom meromes serrie. >> this case will be tried in the courtroom not the media. >> reporter: jury selection for this retrial set to begin march29th with a pool of jurors selected from here in montgomery county. and comments from the bench on tuesday judge o'neal made clear he's aware of the cultural shift the me too movement regarding sexual misconduct that's taken over this country sin the first cosby trial ended in a hung jury. how might this cultural shift affect the retrial? stay tune. in norristown, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news.
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now that is a sight for sore eyes. for so many power crews work aig round the clock block by block. neighborhood by neighborhood to get the lights back on. others flooding stores making sure they've got what they need, time is running out. once that snow starts you do not want to go out. ♪
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>> good evening to our friends in new castle county we take live look at wilmington on this tuesday night. heavy rain moving in. we're getting ready for the arrival of a major nor'easter. check out the radar. some people could just see rain. some could see a lot of wet heavy snow. kathy will break it all down for us in few minutes. of course as that storm moves n we have important information to get out to you. here's what we can tell you right now. we've got hundreds of school closings scrolling at the bottom of your screen. philadelphia public schools and arch diocesan schools are closed tomorrow. a snow emergency goes into effect in philadelphia tomorrow morning and across the area. other cities and counties remain under states of emergency.
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you planning to ride septa regional rail tomorrow, well get ready for fewer trains because of the storm. trains are going to run on severe storm schedule that basically means septa saturday schedule with a few adjustments. septa cynwyd line will not operate. check the schedule before you head out. you can find a link on fox29.c it's the same thing with amtrak before you leave check your schedule i will operate on modified schedule tomorrow that includes the northeast corridor between washington, d.c. and boston. as well as the keystone service which runs between new york philly and harrisburg. amtrak is contacting people who are impacted and trying to accommodate them on different trains. while some people are still without power, after friday's storm, others are heading to local supermarkets storks are stocking up before the next big storm. our joyce evans has more tonight from bala cynwyd. i wasn't ready but now i'm getting ready. >> reporter: ready for backed up check outlines. >> i actually went to west
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philly to the marks just to get hamburger it was so crowded i had to walk right back out. >> reporter: grocery carts are overflowing. >> i came in for bread and milk. so, hey, you never know. >> reporter: good thing there's constant shelf restoc restocking. >> they're calling people in to help out. asking people to stay things like that. >> reporter: colleen moved from pharmacy to grocery. at the acme upper darby. >> power came back on within eight hours. >> reporter: sharing stories between many shoppers just trying to restock after getting wiped out of grocery when they lost power in the last storm. >> it seems to be getting old after awhile. >> reporter: just a few odds and ends says anthony mastro jell-o also shopping for his 86-year-old mom. in case the lights go out again. >> are you worried you'll lose it again? >> yeah, we are, because it's like you never know what's going to ham. >> reporter: winter storm supplies that are typically on sale are push aside by now are
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front and center again. >> saturday and sunday things were mobbed but i think people kind of learned and stock up ahead of time. >> everybody making it look like it's crazy i said let me get everything that i need. >> reporter: arnold scott got carried away in the moment. >> i don't know if i need something. i probably got everything in the house. i'm just going to double up just to be safe. >> reporter: food is not the only things folks are doubling up on. doubling up on batteries and shovels and rock salt. in march. in bala kin wide, joyce evans fox 29 news. peco still working around the clock get that power back on to those left in the dark down branches, wires and trees are still a common sight in delaware county. jeff cole has more from ridley township. >> reporter: crews cut away dead limbs from a massive tree in swarthmore in advance of the next blast of late winter. just a few feet away the handy work of friday's nor'easter is everywhere. cut wires coiled in yards, trees
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chopped and lining the streets and no power here since the storm hit. >> it's like a war zone. it's definitely like -- i've been here 13 years. i never saw anything like this before. we've had storms before. this was the worst. >> reporter: it's the third worst storm in peco's history says the utility with 630,000 in the dark at its peak. 9300 peco customers were still without power this morning in delco alone. peco says it's attack to restore hospitals and nursing homes first and then goes for the repairs that bring back the most customers, now, the tough stuff is last. >> so this is really that hard work where we're seeing a lot of damage. it's taking a lot of work to bring back a very small amount of customers. >> reporter: this string of damaged utility poles way tree resting on wires would fit the bill. 19 homes here in ridley township on swarthmore's border have also been without power since friday. >> we don't know if these peco wires are live. um, we're in our homes with
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generators. they're telling us don't touch anything. >> reporter: they say they've called peco and expect power back by late wednesday. but it's not the wait that truly bothers them. it's the fear of the hanging wires overhead. >> we understand that we may still be a few days without power. but we need to know if these are live wires. we just want someone to come out and assure us. >> reporter: we've alerted peco to the situation here in ridley township at the start of the day peco said it had 24,000 customers without energy. tonight it has under 20,000. but yet another winter storm is bearing down. in ridley township, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. >> "good day philadelphia" team is also watching this storm closely for you sue has got the latest forecast. bob will have all your traffic conditions and all your day's news and headlines. good day starts at 4:00 a.m. and goes all the way to 10:00 right here on fox 29. what's all the fuss? well, that. right there. forming right now. major not be much tonight but
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get ready because this storm is packing quite a punch. and learning to ski takes a scary turn for a five-year-old dangling p from the ask chair lift by the friends, colleagues,
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here's live look at the lehigh valley this is allentown much it's possible people there could be buried in heavy wet snow. kathy is going to neighborhood by neighborhood and let you know what you can expect in your driveway coming up in just a few minutes. it's always that time of year for students, prom and formal season, is getting close. and it can get pricey and some families just can't afford the dresses that cost several hundreds of dollars. bill anderson takes a look at a program making sure cost isn't an issue so young girls will have night to remember for goodness sake. >> we were in for a shock every dress was 350 bucks. 400. >> reporter: just the dress. >> just the dress. >> reporter: this may look like an elected officials office but they turned into boutique so parents can get everything they need for their kids formals and prom and get it for free. >> we are kicking off our seventh anniversary of the princess prom program. provides free dresses and purses and shoes from middle school
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formals up to their senior prom. >> this free boutique set up in new jersey assembly wayne deangelo's office. i can see immediately how helpful this is to parents from all different economic backgrounds. >> wait dresses, right. >> yeah. >> excited about it. >> amazing. good you're happy because -- >> safe money. >> reporter: nicole norman came after work with their two daughters and two of their friends. >> like so many hard working parents they know these events have been shockingly expensive. >> can be over $500 by the time you get shoes andres. and accessories and things like that. >> you got multiple kids. >> you got a dress. 200 on up to maybe $500. you've got shoes, 50, 60, $70. got to get their hair done, makeup done. you could be at a thousand dollars per child for one note and you still haven't even bought the ticks to the event. >> this is supposed to be like the last hoorah you want to kind of indulge. >> especial until these times that cost is a little hard to
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justify. >> parents expressed gratitude and teens left smiling as local girls club counselor brought in some of the girls she works with the impact of the free boutique it got even deeper. >> it's great. i never had that opportunity. even though i'm from the area. i can relate them a lot. i never went to my prom. >> this program is giving much needed relief and corner knee as it may sound allowing teens of all backgrounds to feel something that maybe unusual for them. >> i feel like princess for a month. >> if a free dress and accessories can do that then job well done to all who participate for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ that's finney five-year-old girl dangling from chair lift but the strangers below are not going to let her hit the ground. this nor'easter is no joke, kathy. >> um-hmm. >> some people will get hit hard. >> iain, the trend for colder air even in philadelphia and
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that could mean a little more snow. we'll talk about the possibilities plus the is moving in as we spe
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live look at doylestown in bucks county. this time tomorrow this could
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look a little, arc lot different actually blanketed in snow. the system is moving in but it's just the beginning. we'll break it all all down hour by hour. caught on on camera from five-year-old a five-year-old girl dangling from a ski lift at bear mountain. folk below scrambling to position a tarp to catch her when she falls. the girl was with a ski instructor and slipped off her seat. she eventually dropped into the crowd below and she's ago. thankfully just a few bruises. former first lady michelle obama having a dance party with a toddler in her office in washington, d.c. that's the girl from the viral photo showing her staring at her portrait that the national portrait gallery. pretty good stuff there. look at michelle going at it. emotional video of a mom's reaction to eight gift she got from her daughter's best friend. >> aww. >> press its finger.
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>> finger? >> ♪ >> searer boat right capturing this moment a grieving mother hears her daughter's voice for the first time since she was killed by a drunk driver in 2016. sierra a recording put into a teddy bear as you can see that mom overwhelmed with emotion when she heard that. a billionaire explorer has found a famous u.s. aircraft carrier that was sunk by the japanese during world war ii. wreckage from the uss lexington has been discover sunday 500 miles off the australian by billionaire paul app len one- of the% us aircraft carriers the vessel dubbed lady lex located at the bomb to the coral sea nearly 2 miles below the surfa surface. the ship was found submit up in to three main pieces. here's live look at the pocono mountains this is blue mountain the poconos could see a lot of snow in the next 24 hours. kathy's forecast is just 15
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seconds away. ♪ wow. this is one compact but very strong storm that is developing off the coast of the mid atlantic and we're already seeing rain and snow showers moving in from the south. of course, most of this not sticking because the temperatu temperatures are still well above freezing it's 33 in wilmington so close. philadelphia 36. you can see in millville it's 37. 30 in the poconos and 40 in allentown as we speak. those winds out of the southeast right now between 15 and 20 miles an hour. those are the gusts. by tomorrow morning, gusting to 43 in atlantic city and millville. philadelphia gusting to 25. and then still seeing those strong winds by noon. by 6:00 o'clock gusting close to 40 especially down the shore. as our storm pulls away watch
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the winds out of the northwest this is going to be in and out during the day on wednesday. so here we go. by 2:00 a.m. we're seeing light wet snow falling. most of it not sticking. by 8:00 o'clock, look at this. that warm air makes it up to philadelphia. heavy rain in south jersey along the 42 freeway the garden state parkway and the expressway. and then as you get closer to philadelphia, you encounter a wintry mix and snow to the north and west. then by the time we make it to the noon hour through 3:00 o'clock we see that some of the heaviest snows and it makes down through south jersey temperatures though will be above freezing and after 3:00 o'clock, we'll see the storm begin to pull away by 8:0. it will high impact and very compressed period of time. that's going to be the problem. it's going to be very heavy wet snow. we do have eight to 15-inches to the north and west of philadelphia with models coming in colder win the last hour, i shifted that five to eight further south including philadelphia three to six interior south jersey because of
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that cold air. even a coating to 3-inches closer through south jersey with that snow making it farther to the south. as we zoom in you can see if in philadelphia and even into mt. laurel five to 8-inches of snow possible. eight to 15 high confidence in through abington and norristown and marple and into the lehigh valley and upper bucks and montgomery and thee to six flew gloucester, pemberton and tabernacle even waterford. so the trend is colder but it's going to be a heavy wet snow with temperatures still around freezing. and that means it's going to tug on the tree limbs and power lines the major impact is going to be power outages. undoubtedly that will be what we're talking about with this particular storm. overnight, 34 in philadelphia. 24 in the poconos. during the day tomorrow, snow heavy at times. the heaviest north and west of the city. northeast winds 15 gusting to 30 in the city. on your seven day forecast, thursday sunny and windy. that snow will be melt wig that sunshine. friday a chance of a morning
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snow shower pleasant over the weekend we have the philadelphia st. patrick's day parade on sunday the looks great. monday a chance of shower late and by tuesday sunny and dry the temperature 46 degrees. we'll continue to update you on this changing storm as it continues to develop. iain, this hasn't even formed yet. still have changes with it all the models not in total agreement with this. >> all right, kathy thanks. tom what's coming up in sports. >> flyers have been struggling. live lost three straight but help may be on the way. we'll explain why. phillies had the day off but in this game between the astros and the nationals, well, the fans make a difference. they make your play of the day. we'll so you what happened next.
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here's what's coming up on fox 29 news at 11:00. barreling in rain right now
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and then the snow. if you're not ready for this storm you better work fast. >> utility crews are scrambling to restore power before the next nor'easter blows in. i'm chris o'connell in delaware county. to tonight we're talking with people who are still in the da dark. >> fox 29 news at 11:00 is next. ♪ your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. 76ers continuing think four game road trip tonight in charlotte against the hornets. now yeah the battle for play off positioning continues it every night fort 76ers more importantly you want to get better every night with this young team. 76ers coming off a game they had 26 turnovers that was sunday night and that was a season high. in charlotte tonight though a different story. how about a charlotte turnover right here. mcconnell feeds simmons he goes left handed for the ally-oop. sam he had 16 points did ben. 76ers hit 16, count them 16
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threes. robert covington had 22. and iced things off yo joe joel embiid up top for 18 points. sixers back on track tonight looked better beat the hornets 128-14. flyers had a weekend road trip to forget lost back to back games down in in order. saturday in tampa. sunday in miami. all told they're losing streak is at three games. dave hexitol gave the flyers the day off monday to regroup. flyers back on the ice at practice to get ready for the penguins tomorrow night at the wells fargo center. help on the way there. wayne simmons he's missed the last seven games with an injury. expected to play tomorrow. >> i think the boys played well& um, you know, but like said it's nice to come back in and lend a helping hand. we're making a push right now. hopefully we're trying to finish first in our division. >> after practice members of the military guests of the flyers in the dressing room. lots of autographs a few selfies and the smiles flyers their way
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of saying thank you. phillies with their first day off in camp this spring host the boston red sox wednesday afternoon and don't you wish you were there down in clearwater. it was a good time today for kristen rodgers to go one-on-one with manager gabe kapler season him what he has seen at this point in cam. >> most importantly we want our guys to stay strong and recovered throughout not just april and may but through september and objection as well getting the reps that they need to get to that strong and healthy place is the most important thing right now. obviously we want to win as many baseball games as possible winning is critical no matter if it's spring training, inter squad game or up in philadelph philadelphia. but certainly we want our guys to be healthy and strong. number one goal. >> the guy that wants inter squad games. within a few of the regular season. astros and nationals down in west palm beach. this is jose. he hits the roam run for the nationals watch this guy again with the fair catch. out of nowhere he sprints in he's got beat on it one hands it
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like edit the whole way. nationals lost but he's happy. little more than a month removed for the first soup time you like this in the warm dry conditions the eagles have new reminders hanging at lincoln financial field. super bowl banners proudly displayed. if you're going to see them tomorrow please drive carefully in the snow. >> oh yeah. >> absolutely. >> good to see those. they'll be there all season for >> that's great. >> absolutely. >> that is great. weather not so great. >> not so great. it's moving in right now. i mean ultimate doppler you can see this storm moving from from the south it will move in quickly and move out by late tomorrow afternoon. you can see where the snow is, chester county, delaware county and south jersey temperatures falling fast. 33 degrees in wilmington. so that is going to begin to stick. so we'll go hour by hour. you can see by early tomorrow morning sue serio and mike masco will be on with bob kelly to the north and west of philadelphia it's all snow. philly right on that borderline south and east rain but even south jersey you'll see that
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accumulate snowing it could get heavy. >> all right. thanks for that, kathy. of course we'll be checking in on that right now that will do it for us at 10:00. don't go anywhere because we got you covered on the other side of the break at fox 29 news at 11:00 and more on this nor'easter. and remember your mega million
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♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at


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