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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 6A  FOX  March 7, 2018 6:00am-7:00am EST

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>> live from center city with mike jerrick and alex holly. >> now, march madness, mother nature she shoots, she scores, the region getting, women it, will get slam with a second nor'easter, in less than a week. rain and snow around the region. what's on the menu for noon, lunchtime? big snow. which spots will get the most inches. good day everybody, it is wednesday, march the seventh, 2018. number of things to get to here this morning, as we start at 6:00. hi, sue. >> on twitter, every time this caller pops out of my -- this collar pops out of my sweater
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tweet me or drink hot cocoa. drinking game. just keeps popping out. >> cocoa drinking game. >> so you said green was number one for the choice of the sweater, and then pink was number two, so pink shirt, green sweater. they really don't go together. >> yes, they d. >> is it okay? >> totally. >> okay. now, all of the other station also ask you to send in pictures of snow, which is fine, my theory over the years is nobody cares about other people's snow picks. that you really want to do is eat. right? i mean, we towards up the fridge. sends in pictures of your breakfast. specially the french toast. i have french toast on my brain right now. >> oh, and it looks good. specially because we haven't eaten this will make us that much more hungry. >> i just put something on instagram begging for restaurants that have really good french toast, i mean, bring it by before it gets bad. >> true. let us help you. >> it might be against the fcc, i'm not sure, but we will get to the weather. that's the big story of the day with sue and mike. s and m. >> okay. we have our low pressure system taking shape still to
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the south of us. so all of the precipitation is in advance of the storm, everything we're getting right now. so, what we're watching and we will continue to watch all day is the line between rain and& snow, you see it cutting through delaware, and through part of south jersey, right now. we will continue to keep an eye on that. our number of the day, with the worse yet to come, and difficult travel ahead, going with two out of ten, bus stop buddy has a lot of clothing on, because it will be a rough day. now you see the roads are mostly just wet here in old city, degree above freezing, feels like 24. we will stay in the 30's, all day long. the temperature of course will determine the type of precipitation we will lay it all out for you coming up. mike masses co-of course we sent you out tide because you're tough. >> absolutely, not bad morning thus far. all about intensity with the storm, and with the light snow intensity, you're not going to get much in the way of accumulations, but that's going to ramp up in a big way.
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we got dumpster fire of weather coming into late morning hours and into the afternoon hours. >> pretty impressive looking storm, on our satellite radar composite now. actually back in up for you, show you, that's actually fox future cast showing you the tail end of the storm. we've got a lot more to to get through unfortunately in terms of very, very heavy snow expected to move in as we get into the afternoon hours. so again, the deals will be, we have a long duration storm, there we go, bring to you what you should know what you need to know. it is 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. crunch time when we get slam down and smashed around with snow gusty winds, snow bands, and i think even thunder and lightning component, testimony al to the strength of the storm, of course travel will be ill-advised through the course of your day with our visibility coming down to around zero. so nothing happening here in old city and center city for that matter.
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but that's going to change in a big way later this morning, weaver new information coming in, sue and i are going to analyze it little bit, we will share it with you coming up in just a little bit. here is bob kelly. >> can we watch them analyze that? i think that would be pretty good. >> sure. >> sitting down with the maps, their graph paper. 6:04, good morning, live look at route 202 and limekiln pike snow and rain coming at you, this is the appetizer to everything that's going to happen. 459 speed restrictions in play, down to 55, coming in from new jersey the wet heavy kind of snow already dragging down some of the tree branches and even pulling down power lines, route 73 at route 130 over here in pennsauken, crews are working this morning, over in new jersey, they kicked in a state of emergency, mixed messages though, i think because the mt. laurel school district, has school today, half day, and then it is parent teacher conferences
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cents. so, over here in new jersey, the restricted travel on some of the roadways, speed restrictions on the new jersey turnpike, 295 brooklawn circle closed because of high water all due to high tide that kick in at 5:30, also some flooding down at the atlantic city, the end of the atlantic city expressway. so far so good for mass transit. if you really must travel, the sun way, the market frankford line, trains running around the clock every 20 minutes, mike and alex back over to you. >> this is what we have planned. alex annually sit here, until at least 1:00 in the afternoon. and these three reporters will be out there all morning long. we got your jenn fred there in montgomery county. who else, lauren over there in quakertown, right? >> right. then steve keeley in the lehigh valley. >> over at the wegmans. >> all right. do you want to start with lauren johnson? looks like she has actual flakes in bucks county. lauren? >> reporter: hey, guys, so yes, these flakes are falling much slower than they have been for the last two hours, when we got here around
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3:15 a.m. this morning it was pretty steady snow falling, you can see enough to sort of coat the areas that have not been salted out herement the roads are just wet from the rain that fell first. then the snow came down. so there is a light coating on everything. we've made our way over to the quakertown borough. here is the deal, mike and alex. there was a city council meeting scheduled here for 7:30 tonight. you guys know that's not going to happen. right? but there is still single man out here salting the sidewalks right near the front door trying to keep people safe who might show up in this area and then about to show this way, a plow truck coming through, look clearing the area out. so we've been seeing them all morning, at the wawa for about two hours earlier today. and they kept coming through, fueling up, then i asked one of the guys, where are you headed? he kind of seemed like he was still sleepy. he said i don't know yet because the worse of this hasn't fallen yet. but these guys are busy. they'll be busy all morning. then we spotted this over here. near the quakertown borough
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offices. the salt is over here in a little like barn area. cup guys see that? so i guess this is where they come and sort of refuel the trucks, and salt, you know, put the salt back in the back of the trucks. isn't that kind of cool. >> very cool. >> yes. >> all right. see how much we knock that down today. >> we should keep an eye on it, maybe take a picture before and after. >> oh, that's good. >> remember david, we brought in for the daily news, he took amazing shot of that salt stack up there. knocking it down? >> yes. we'll show it to you. >> you know lauren used to work in orlando. >> and now here in the snow. >> boy did you blow it three years ago. steve keeley, in allentown, are you with the wegmans there? that thing i think is open 24 hours a day. love that store. >> what told you the wegmans, big neon sign that said wegmans, was cents that the give away? by the way, yesterday, you
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asked, at the king of prussia wegmans do, all wegmans have a clock tower. >> yes. >> well here is your answer. no, they don't. how about that? >> wow. >> who would have thought the next day i would be back here with no clock tower. and -- >> thought they came with a clock. >> ya, well, the higher elevations up here, i don't think anybody panicks up here and does the grocery runs like we see back toward the philly area. because the couple of people that we see here coming out, they're just coming out with like breakfast, like here comes a guy, has cents a shopping cart, but it looks like he has like one little bag in the cart. i don't know if you really need a cart for that. but he doesn't care, he has got the cart. you can tell, there is no, nothing falling yetment look at this car in front of us here. nothing on it. we do have little bit of some kind of frozen precipitation starting to fall. it looks worse in light than it does on my black jacket. so, not much going on here yet. but i'm heeding the warning of all of our weather experts
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saying watch out you'll get wallopped the worse. since you said we're on at 2:00 i have a feeling i'm not going to get home until it is dark out today. because if we don't leave until 2:00 this will be three hour drive back. so i'm in for long day i'm sure. i'm not complaining. >> no, certainly not. >> all right, but he was up at midnight. so that will give him, well, that's a long day. >> it is a long day. we appreciate you, steve. by the way we have the picture i was talking about by david. >> the salt barn? >> the salt barnment look at this one. >> wow. >> isn't that beautiful? it is a black and white photo. >> huge. >> at the philadelphia streets department shed in north philly. >> yes, we call it margaritaville. jenn fred is out, is she roaming around today? where are you now jen? >> i'm in pottstown. i'm in lovely pottstown. and as you can see, the snow is coming down a little bit harder than it has been in the past hour or so. come on back. we will tell you everything you need to know about upper montgomery count
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>> we've got what, five hours? >> we will be here. we know you will be here. where do you have to go? >> no one is going anywherement just sit here, watch us. >> doylestown, nobody on the roads there. >> hey, sue. >> oh, then cherr cherry, seeing
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more little going on in cherry hill there. >> i think that's about all i got. >> now we're going to sue. >> this is a tease. >> you can do whatever you want. >> well then i'm leaving. >> tail light. >> just kidding. there is no place i would rather be, you see, some of us getting rain, some of us getting heavy rain. oh, some of us getting snow. it will all be filling in, and then, piling up, we will breakdown this weird storm, coming up. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it.
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with strayer university's mba program today. what about baby's soap? way to test things this paper represents proteins in your baby's skin. only baby dove with our 1/4 moisturizing cream, ...
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...leaves baby skin more nourished... ...with every bath. >> promises cents, promise. >> i have some good news. >> what's that? >> at the airport, there have been some concellations cents, my cousin? from tennessee, he just made it out. >> oh, thank goodness. >> so, not all of the flights are cancelled. >> no,. >> you just have to check. >> you know, it will be a morning of cliche's, let me do one right now, hey, before you head out to the airport, check with your airline, because there will be some delays. >> right. >> ya, sue? >> this is a challenge.
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>> having some camera issues, so you won't see me. which is probably just fine. oh, wait. i didn't want to show that. but there. that's what i wanted to show. i will say, that i drive by the airport every day, on my way to work, today it took everything in me not to make a hard right and just hop on a flight somewhere. because look what's happened this morning. we've got an expansion of our winter storm warning now, with a possibility of heavier snowfall, if places like new castle county, delaware, salem county, new jersey, gloucester, camden, part of burlington have been included now, in our winter storm warning. again, with those snowfall rate of an inch or two per hour at the height of the storm. so, weaver our storm forming. it is getting cranked up now. off shore we've been talking for couple every days about the transfer of energy here, and there you see, this ohio storm weakening as the strength starts coming to the off shore storm. but, this is way ahead of the storm, all of the
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precipitation we're getting right now, so with this thing expected to be with us, through about 7:00 or so this evening, it has a long way to go. but, we have few dry slots here, lehigh county, north of allentown, we have some places cents where we see some heavier snow, potentially falling around west depford, around runnemede, cherry hill, in new jersey, adventurous trip down the a.c. expressway with some snow changing over to rain as you make your trip. some heavy rain around bridgeton, new jersey, possibly a mix of rain and snow there. it is all rain in cape may county. and in southern delaware. as we look at the future cast, and we watch that rain-snow line, as we will be with you all day, you see some heavy snow, cranking up around 11:00. and that warmer air, trying to get to us, and probably not. so we do have a chance for that heavy snow to really pile up, even here in the city, and across the river in new jersey, we will watch it all with you all afternoon, as we
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continue, looks like, 7:00, 8:00 when we're going to see the end of this storm. so the height of the storm, saying, between is 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m., heavy snow falling at the rate of inch or two per hour, winds gusting up to 35 or 45 miles per hour, trees and power lines could come down with the storm. already seeing the branches, very heavy, with the wet snow, the places are getting snow. and reduced visibility difficult to travel. so, these are snowfall estimates. we could go up or down, bob kelly, depending on how much rain mixes in. >> whole deciding factor, 6:18. kicking offer this one, market frankford broad street subway running on regular weekday schedule. that's the best bet. really have to go out, think about what's going to happen, how you will get back later on this afternoon. yes, not that bad right now. but that will certainly& changement septa running on saturday schedule for regional rails, no service on the cynwyd, delays and concellations likely across the board throughout the day. high-speed line running service every 20 minutes,
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amtrak and patco have made some service adjustments. the city of philadelphia, the snow emergency, kicks in at 8:00 a.m. no parking on the snow emergency routes, i put link up for those route up on my facebook and twitter pages. live look here, delaware avenue, in philadelphia, and let's bring in from penndot headquarters, chelsey is on the phone with us, chelsey, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> anything going on right now? anything to report as far as penndot? i know that you guys couldn't put down the brine yesterday. but just kind of i saw bunch of salt trucks just waiting in the wings here this morning. >> yes. still pretty quiet. we are waiting for the snow to accumulate for the plows to put their blades down. but they're out there, salting, already, and -- >> chelsey, one thing i want to point out, you have new feature up on the website. you can track the plow trucks, right? >> yes, at 511pa. com. >> check this out. we have it up on our screen right now. so you go to 051pm.
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com. up comes the whole area. you zoom on in. >> zoom in. >> now which plow truck are you in, chelsey? can we find you here this morning? >> so accurate? you are able to see where the trucks are. then how frequently that roadway has been plowed or salted, right? >> that's correct. so this is a great feature. of course we're urging people to avoid travel if possible. but if you have to go out, you should turn to this website so you can schedule and choose the safest routes according to the last time. >> penndot truck number 77, stopped at wawa for coffee. just report that. okay? mike and alex, back to you guys. >> thank you so much, bob. and thank you, chelsey. >> okay, the time now is 6:20. >> let's get back out there. what do you say? >> well, we will look at the snow totals here.
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the possibilities, the estimates, as we say. you want to see some other numbers? make you feel better if these came through for you? we'll be right back in two minute.
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♪ gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles) me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'!
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>> let us know what kind of snow you're getting right there, right now. it is, what time is it, 6:24. 33 degrees. right at that point where you don't know. i mean, is it rain or sleet or snow? >> do you see that flooding? that's been there since sunday. >> sure has. >> you can only imagine, i'm sure the weather won't help with that getting through. >> okay, miss, well, that's right by the holiday inn. so we're headed north -- southbound, southbound, dave and buster and the evident left. headed towards the hit on, spruce street harbor park. >> your favorite. >> yes, my favorite. not this this weather. >> looks like a police officer down there, letting people know that it is flooded out there. all right, so jenn fred is in montgomery county. trying to get to all of the counties. she is near pottstown. >> hey, jen. >> i have a microphone, baby. i have my microphone, all-pro ticketed from the precipitation.
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in kaiser i can smith who lives in pottstown sees it. it is not going to get wet. it is covered. hey, here's what's happening. it is snowing here. we are on the corner of high street and north penn. this is sort of what we've been seeing all morning long. i mean, there has been some slots where it has been a bit dry. but this is what it has been. we haven't seen too much rain in and around pottstown. we talked earlier, about what it look lick in other part of montgomery county where they had severe power outages over the weekend, and talking about the lower merion township area, radnor, those areas had trees that were bent over. look at this tree right here. it is standing up. it is ready to go. it is no where near a power line. it is not going to hurt anyone. that's the kind of tree we like to see, and, unfortunately, when i was coming into work at 2:00 a.m., the trees, mike and alex, already bent over and into the streets, where i had to like drive around into someone's like driveway to get around them. and that's one of the big worries with the storm, is that those trees, you know,
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they're already saturated from the rain we had when it was warm, then the wet snow that we had on friday. they're going to go on those power lines, in and around montgomery county. but here, in pottstown, it looks pretty good. now, obviously, we have to wait. hi, guys. until the 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. window. when we expect monsters, monster amount of snow. now, 4:00 a.m. this morning, you know karen, and i love her, and thomas, they were begging people to go out into the snow and show them snow picks. it is a tv thing that everyone likes to do. right? >> enough. >> but i was like no one will get out of their covers and go outside and take a picture of this. so i started something. i said show me your chill. i wanted to see people chillaxing. so we do have a lot of pictures, guys, of people with their socks and their jammies in front of fox 29 their cute babe its, little baby diaper getting her diaper changed at 5:00 a.m. in the morning.
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people have been tending -- sending me their cat. i'm not a cat person. >> are you indicating that we need to see some of these now or is this a tease? >> i want you know it is working in the world of social media. >> oh, here is one. >> if you want some stuff on the twitter, ask for that kind of thing. don't ask, not yet. okay, wait until people wake up. >> we did the same thing at ofment i'm asking for breakfast, i am obsessed with french toast right now. i just want pictures of french toast. and people's feet. she included don't sit where we're sitting. she want us to go to the other studio so she doesn't even see the snow behind us. >> oh, she doesn't like the windows. we are in a snow globe. we kind of like it. >> this is our advantage over the other stations. >> so basically, just show us what you are doing right now, she want to know, see you chilling, you were talking about cooking breakfast, just show us what you are doing. >> i would rather seek your breast fact than your feet, but feet are cool, too, mike
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masses co? >> morning, guys. good morning, really the appetizer before the big event. we have the latest
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advil presents a big breakthrough in pain relief. advil liqui-gels minis. a mighty small pill with concentrated power that works at liquid speed. you'll ask... what pain? advil liqui-gels minis.
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>> good day, march the seventh, 2018. this is the challenge today, to make this interesting, it is a snow day but not snow yet. so this is people watching on television, waiting on television, no one going to work or school. >> so just hang with us. again, i'm begging for people to bring by food. so do we have any pictures you want to show there, ryan, big guy? all right, well, put them up. for god sake. >> all right, this is a video. >> that is chads forwards, beautiful view from somebody's backyard. oh, look at the little howls. i wonder how small those people r is that your house, al next. >> yes, that would be my neighbors. >> have you met the neighbors? have you met the smalls? that's gorgeous. sue, take it away. >> all right, see, it is snowing someplace.
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and as we keep telling you, waking up and saying what's the big deal? welshing here is a storm down in north carolina, virginia, hasn't even gotten here yet. what we're seeing now and there is precipitation is in advance, of actual storm. see the rain snow line we keep watching. it is trying to move a little further northward. and mix some rain in with the snow. we will continue to watch that of course with you all day long. two out of ten today. like i said, just getting cranked up here. temperatures in the 30's, pretty chilly, enough to support snow. and bus stop buddy, bundled as he is, see it is falling here in philadelphia, ground still just wet. it is an agree above freezing, feels like 24 out there. and temperatures are in the 30's, in the in case of dover, upper 30s, where they are getting rain, wildwood getting rain, right around freezing just below freeze nag lot of places and also keeping an eye on wind speeds, which are in the teens, right now, 13 miles an hour in philadelphia. we expect to stay in the 30's, throughout the day.
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every once in a while in the philadelphia area the rain will mix in and will affect our snowfall totals. estimates coming up. take a look at the feature cast as well. what about right now, bob kelly? >> you got it, 6:33, put your tray in the up-right position. here is a live look at philadelphia international airport. we checked with the airport tote board. there are a lot of concellations cents up and down the board on all of the airlines this morning. new york, jnk, newark, also over 500 concellations, up there in new york, so do check with the airline before you head down to the airport. as the airport likes to say, they're always open, it is the airlines that decide. >> the airport is open. >> airport is open. you have chickie's and pete's' down there, ready to go. no at all. checking jam cams. live look at the schuylkill expressway, cool shot here at sit avenue. combination of the snow, the rain, but look, the roads are wet. passable, this is right where all of the penndot trucks were all set up here right at the turn around at city avenue. here is a live look at i-95 in
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northeast philadelphia. again, starting to see visibility start to drop here. no problems on the freeways, coming in from south jersey some downed wires in pennsauken route 73, at route 130, right by where the old pennsauken mart used to sit there. over in new jersey, new jersey declared state of emergency, so keep that in mind, as you plan your trips today. the new jersey turnpike, up and down, as a speed restriction, but i don't understand they have a state of emergency, but the mouth laurel school distrit has half day of school. then parent teacher conferences. i don't understands a state of emergency but giving the kids an opportunity to go to school and the parent out there for the parent teacher conferences, mike and alex being back over to you. would you like to go to my parent teacher conference? >> i got you covered. >> they make a different decision later this morning. >> possibly like around 11:00 a.m., so watch for that. okay, so, we would ask for pictures of you just relaxing because there is not much snow to table pictures of, that's
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what everybody else do. oh, who? >> denise t says cooking breakfast, why don't you stop in. >> here is the thing, den eels. we can't. we are sitting here until about 2:00 in the afternoon. here was the idea, even though i thank you for the pictures. >> what are the squares? >> sausage? >> scrap snell. >> oh, it looks like little squares. >> sometimes you get hash browns that way, but scrapple definitely. >> i do like my throwing sunnyside up. >> no, we need food here, here, not at your home, because i would love to, because denise watches every day. >> thank you, den eats. >> lawyer many, i think the only one who actually saw a flake yet. >> in quakertown. >> mike, i can go to someone's breakfast, so if you tell me where denise or anyone who is cooking may be, a vegetarian friendly breakfast, i think that's more fun than waiting for snow, right? i can go have a breakfast party. >> quakertown. >> let's do that. >> here is the deal. snow starting to fall a little bit more than it had been the last time we checked in with you guys. so it is coming. but mike masses co-called it
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earlier, an appetizer. one of those cold wet ones that you want to send back. you don't really want t but we have no choice today. the plow trucks are out. we have some video from wawa earlier this morning, they were fueling up, getting ready it, wasn't much action happening, i asked one of the guys earlier, where he was going, and he said: i don't know yet. because there really wasn't anything happening. so we came over here to the quakertown borough offices. they're supposed to be having 7:30 council meeting tonight. i don't think that's going to happen. we've seen one person here today. he is dedicated, and you can't distract him. i think there he is at the top. he just went back inside. so he's had a shovel. a bag of salt, a cup. he's shoveling the sidewalk. he's spring lynn the salt down, i tried to talk to i let me tell you guys, he is devoted to the cause. the hardest working man in quakertown today. but mike, you reminded me of my florida roots. i went over to the big barn over there. and instead of brine, i kind of feel like it remind me of beach sand.
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and i don't know if you remember but the last time we had snow you and alex thought it was a great idea to go to reading but i was able to trade the snow for sand, this time, i'm stuck. i have no where to go. >> not going to happen. >> i'm stuck. i'm stuck in the snow. >> a lot of people will say that about noon today, stuck in the snow. good luck with the breakfast in quakertown, keep you posted on twitter. steve is up even farther north. >> he can certainly get breakfast, in front of wegmans. >> in another town, though, not quaker but allen, allentown. >> we have patiently waited for both the sun and the snow and they've come at equate time. you will hear the jets taking offer from the lehigh valley airport. so air traffic not affected here. i don't know if as busy as philadelphia. but certainly sounds that way. wegmans not so busy today. again, as i said a half hour ago, it is like just buy breakfast and then leave. this is not a panic-pre
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snowstorm kind of buying wegmans here in the lehigh valley. these people live with snow. they make living off of snow nearby in the poconos. so used to snow. what they're not used to, though, two powerful storms that knock out power within five days, still, 7500 or so ppl, the big power company up here, customers, that means homes and businesses without power from friday, so still without power. mikey checked. despite all of the fresh food you can get possibly at any one building, wegmans does not offer french toast. so my breakfast choices cents will be -- >> that's an outrage. >> as you make me hungry, organic protein, and that's 26-, bbx protein rush, 40 grams, then going with french van all for the power pack pudding, then for dessert, i'm go with the lean one fat burning protein bar. >> good lord. >> as i think back, sue serio, will remember, the denny's on delaware avenue in buffalo.
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i used to get the french toast where they would cut the three slices three wedges meet with the scoop of ice cream looking butter in the middle. then for breakfast i would also have a dessert. i would get the turkey medal yan over the rice pill after. my dessert. i good regularly those two things, 12 punch at the denny's in buffalo. but then doctors came out with all of there cholesterol stuff and this healthy eating stuff and that was the end of my french toast days. >> whether was the lasts time you had a plate of food? >> i don't know, but if we noon a dine their will have a good platter of french toast with the thick, thick bread? >> yes. >> i'm going for it. >> texas toast. >> and i'll bring in maple syrup from wegmans, l real stuff. remember on the seinfeld episode with courtney cox larry the cook comes over to the table, upset they brought in the real maple. he said there will be no outside syrups, do i make myself clear. one of my favorite lines on seinfeld. >> steve, maybe we can come back to you. >> i'll bring in an outside is her up. >> we are seeing people come
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in and out though, couple of people behind you get in their cars and lyft watch are they getting? is this last minute runny guess? >> they are. >> no bread and eggs? >> they are know snow, they're not getting stock up. >> he still only has the little cart. do you notice? and the lady behind him, coffee and just breakfast, just sleeping is like a wawa here in lehigh valley. >> basically. >> they do have wawa's, but they use this wegmans as a wawa. now, that guy, look, whenever they don't make icon tact with the camera. >> i know. >> look -- >> oh, he's waiving. >> i got a wrap two minutes ago. let moo ask you something, the first customer come out with more than one bag, is this snowstorm buying? >> for the fire department. >> for the fire department. what's breakfast for the fire department today? >> oh, chicken nuggets for later, some waffles for now, some bacon mac and cheese for the boys, sole milk, some water, so. >> waffles. no french toast for the firefighters up here? >> i see it is easy to make
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the waffle and localed it in the truck while driving. >> oh,. >> so you went with the mega and brand, didn't go with the let go of my eggo. what goes into the thought about what waffle do you buy? >> we're firefighters. we got to go with cheap. we can't afford eggo's. >> but this is the imitation eggo because it is a rounds waffle. >> yes. >> it is perfectly centered it holds the butter and the syrup while driving and trying to put your gear on. >> you guys don't go with the real syrup, with the imitation snuff. >> oh, absolutely, we got to go with the good stuff, the stuff that clogs the arteries. >> well look, south whitehall township firefighters hopefully no fire today. just enjoy hearty breakfast of chicken nuggets and wegmans. >> chicken and waffles, that ' thing! >> that's right. >> thank you, my man. >> i love him. he is great. >> oh, of course steve could never be a firefighter. they eat too poorly. >> they invited us for breakfast. >> oh, that's so nice, steve. >> take him one of your
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nutrition bars. >> yes. right, i'm sure they want that. >> shout out to that fire station. >> yes, whole milk, by the way. >> let's check in with jenn fred real quickly, she has been running all around, jen? >> i have so much to say about that steve keeley. okay? but i don't have time. while he's eating a buffet of everything awesome, i'm at a pawn shop. no chow. come on back to pottstown having great time talking about the snow, you'll hear everything i have to say about keeley. and the pawn shop.
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead. mom, mom, mom, we've got cookies to sell. the girl scout cookie inspired flavors you love, now in the dunkin' coffees you love. only at dunkin'.
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(clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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>> definately starting to see a significant change in the storm here. live look at 202 right in west chester, again, roads are wet. you got the snow sticking to the grassy surface. kind of weighing down the trees. now, look at 95 here, northeast philadelphia. this is starting to see the 95 corridor, get hit with the heavy flakes, and of course, the poor visibility. and then here is a live look at the ben franklin bridge, same deal. so things are certainly starting to change, as we get ready for i guess we call it the second course of the storm. route 73, route 130, pennsauken, some downed wires right at the interchange. 495, speed restrictions up and down the entire mess.
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but right here again we don't have the heavy band of snow yet. still dealing with just that rain-snow mix. now, the snow emergency for philly, kicks in at 8:00 a.m. no parking on the snow emergency routes. which includes streets like right out front mere, market street, i put link up, to the emergency routes on my facebook and twitter pages, so make sure your car is not park on those routes, or the ppa will be happy to move it for you. sue has got the forecast in 15 seconds. >> quick example what's going on out, there honeybrook, on the chester-lancaster county line. looks so pretty with the snow starting to pile up, the grasses and the trees, but then with the wet heavy snow the tree limb will get very heavy as you just saw, the
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wind are picking up, as well. winter storm warning extended down to new castle, sam err, gloss cents at the, camden, part of burlington counties, possibility of heavier snowfall there. still seeing the energy transfer to that coastal storm, so all of the precipitation we have now is in advance of the actual storm, which arrives later this morning, early this afternoon. so, we will continue to watch that rain-snow line for you, as looking up to the north where steve keeley is, we had dry slots up there this morning, but pockets of heavier accumulating snow around west depford, here in philadelphia, around upper darby, delco, and there is the line around pit grove, between the rain and the snow, so very, probably, very shrubbery, heavier rain knawling cape may. quick look at the future cast shows the possibility of the snow really piling up after 11:00. if it hangs around before the exit of the storm, that is when we could get to the double digit accumulations, as the rest of the afternoon goes on, so we expect exit time of the storm to be around seven-ish, this evening, heavy wet snow, at the height of the
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storm, and that snow will fall at a rate of one to 2 inches per hour. so mike and alex being factor in the winds, trees and power lines could come down as well. mike masco is outside. who am i tossing to, mike? there you are. >> you got to laugh offer you'll start crying, right. >> good morning, everybody, you know, this is a storm where it is not about how you start the day, it is how you will finish this day. we know is going to be a bad storm as we get into the afternoon hours, i want to show you waist going on on radar. very interesting looking storm. you look at this, you go, mike, this is not looking very good. but look out toward cincinnati. chicago, st. louis, see the huge swirl in that's about a 300-mile swirl of action, that is the energy that's transferred to the coast and it will allow for that low pressure cente center sitting rt over hatteras to go gang busters. we're forecast that to happen later this morning, into the afternoon hours. we're fine tuning the forecast
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and we will talk more about it with you coming up at the 7:00 . bob kelly into you. >> i'll be -- >> i think we will take it, thank you. >> jammo, i'll do my bob kelly. i can do that. >> jelly donuts. >> ya, you turn laverne. right, bobo. >> you got it. >> jammo. >> this is all for the shaders out there, no, for the letter more john's. >> that's where karen hepp is. good morning. >> good morning, guys. getting a lot of snow. i had 4 inches right outside my backyard. let me show you the roads right now, we take a look, actually have somebody, i don't know if you can see them walking up there in the foreground, right along the road. so the trees certainly getting coated good inch, 2 inches, so we can certainly see, the evergreens, we will have a lot of those coming back down again, more wires down. and we were wallopped with the storm friday and i think we'll get a do over. people are waking up,
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beginning to come outside. and seeing it stick on the back roads as you're seeing, you can see the trees are particularly heavy -- heavy. so i think as the storm progresses cents we'll see a lot more of those trees come down, wires come down, not ton of accumulation right now, but zero but that's what we have out here. and we have the big flakes, so the snow, it is happening in the suburbs, guys, back into you. >> we got big flakes. also, michael has something big here, michael owe answer wants to show us his sausage, we'll try to get that on the air. >> oh, there is the sausage. >> thank you, michael. those actually are -- >> header and beer brats. >> manny love when you pop that skin open, you know, it squirt out? ya. pennsauken our next location. >> that's where thomas is. >> hey, thomas. >> boy you guys will be all hungry this morning, just passed the cinnamon sin diner. can you guys hear me? good morning to you, along 130 here. up and down the road. i tell you, you go a mile or
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so, and it really does change, we're in the purple their sue was talking about here in new jersey, go mile it, goes cents from rain to snow. back to rain. so we're along 130 here. earlier today it was actually worse in south jersey. look at this video right here. >> this was take never gloucester around 1:00 a.m., this morning, in logan township. you can just see how slushy and messy the roads were this morning, a lot of slipping and sliding. weep got the country roads out there. so a lot of dips and turns and people were spinning out this morning. just got word from a couple of schools out there in logan township. they are closed this morning, they were on delay. but they're closed this morning, so dealing with this wet soggy snow on the power lines, in fact, just pulling up here on 130, we will check in with these crews that bob heist been telling but, 130 and 73 here, they're repairing these power lines and see what they are up against all morning long. state of emergency here in new jersey. we'll update you in just a bit. back to you in the studio, mike, al next. >> thank you very much. oh, somebody drink some cocoa right now, because the fat man
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that's his handle says my collar popped out. >> oh, okay. popped. >> thank you for that. our drinking game this morning, it is just cocoa, coffee. >> or juice. >> or snug well one of our babies, what one of our viewers, not getting out of bed, watching the tv. what i'm doing right now. >> thanks for sends that. cute picture keep sending them use the hashtag #fox29snow so cute picture keep sending them use the hashtag #fox29snow so we new fast play games are out, and break the bank has progressive top prizes. bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. ready? go! (objects clattering) (high-pitched giggling) i won. fast play. pay fast. win instantly.
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>> picking up in doylestown. >> yes, seeing a difference, that's why we're checking out the different areas. because we're seeing different things. >> i want to see that tree. this, the trees are beautiful, when the weather does there is but that makes them come down to the ground and go through the power lines, that's for sure. pretty, but dangerous. >> jenn fred, upper montgomery county. >> high! >> hello. >> can you hear me? >> sure can. >> well, how are you all doing? hey, here's what's happening. we are in pottstown. and it is snowing. i have to say kudos to the fox
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29 weather team from kathy orr to sue serio to mike masco and all of the other 29 people that work there, because they nailed t i mean, they've said all morning long, what they predicted and all morning long, it is happened as they say. see little bit of the wet slushy stuff? we saw that early just like they said we would see it in the overnight hours, then into early this morning. and then they said montgomery county, north and west, up to the poconos, that we were going to see snow. good news here. in pottstown, it is light fluffy snow. this is what the people in montgomery county, and delaware county, are desperate to see. they do not want to see the heavy stuff. that's going to be weighing on the power lines, weighing on the trees. so, if the weather peeps can keep it light and fluffy, like i like to do most days, we can have a wind, let's go for the winds. >> really prepared. your a wearing hat that you got in minnesota, right? looking for minnesota-like conditions? >> yes, i am. but no, no, because that was negative 17.
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>> right. >> we don't need that. >> i didn't appreciate any of that, 32, with light fluffy snow, good sledding, cleared up, so my kids can go to school tomorrow. that's a win. >> nicely done. >> kids need to go back to school. they missed too much school this year. >> to the aforementioned sue serio. >> so remember temperatures got to the upper 40's, yesterday. that's why a lot of this is melt whg it reaches the grounds as you saw out in pottstown with jen. but the storm is still approaching us. we will tell you what happens when
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7:00 am
>> people scrambling to prepare as the region gets slammed with the second nor'easter in less than a week, and the course is still to come. >> after what happened this past weekends, the first thing everybody is thinking about is losing power. >> thousands still without power, since last friday. and the heavy snow and gusty wind, you know what that will do, knock down more power lines. our crews are on the ground, tracking the latest conditions in your neighborhood. >> let us know what it looks like where you are. >> the sun begins to move into the sky. good day, it is march the seventh, 2018. so how do you make


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