tv 9 News Now at 5pm CBS July 13, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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andrew thank you for that. bonita jacks is accused much murdering her four dollars and living with their corporations for seven months. the southeast woman's trial started today at spar court with a woman turning down defense request for delay. -- bruce leshan is live from the courthouse where he got a look at the videotaped statement that jacques gave to police the day they found the bodies. >> reporter: if you were hoping this tape would offer a window into the mind of a mother who allegedly killed all of her daughters, you're probably as frustrated as the detectives here at the courthouse. police brought out boxes and boxes of evidence, that tape nay -- may be the most important piece of evidence and the defense is trying desperately to keep it out of evidence. the tape goes on and on for about six hours. jackson a soft, slow raspy voice tiptoes right up to the edge of explaining what happened to her girls and then backs away.
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saying the detectives wouldn't understand. at one point, she says that her oldest daughter was, quote, possessed. she says she went to sleep with her youngest daughter, 4-year- old asia and woke up to find her dead. she says the others just quote, passed out and never got back up. the family's row house was cold and dark. the gas, water, and electricity had been cut off. and bonita jacques says no one in the family had eaten in a long, long time. police found a knife next to the oldest girl brittany 17 years old. after a long analysis, forensic investigators determined that she had been staged to -- stabbed to death. the three other girls were strangled or strangled and beaten to death. her lawyers urged her to accept an insanity plea but she refused. today jacque's interrupted her lawyer to ask that the judge clear the courtroom. that was turned down. the trial is expected to pick back up tomorrow morning, with opening statements.
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derek? >> bruce leshan live from the courthouse thank you. confirmation hearings for sonia sotomayor are underway on capitol hill. republicans were quick to voice their concerns about president obama's pick for the u.s. supreme court. but as hari sreenivasen reports with democrat in the majority her path to the bench appears to be a relatively smooth one. >> so help you god -- i do. >> reporter: judge sonia sotomayor promised senators if she is confirmed by the supreme court, law will drive her decisions not emotions. >> my personal and professional experiences help me to listen in on -- and understand. with the law always commanding the result. in every case. >> in the first day of her confirmation hearings lawmakers on both sides laid out the lines of questioning they plan to follow. when they grill the first hispanic nominated to serve on the high court. >> she appears to believe that her role is not con strained to objectively decide who winds based on the weight of the law
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but rather who in her personal opinion should win. >> in case after case, she rolls up her sleeves, learns the facts, applies the law to the facts and some -- comes to a decision irrespective of her inclinations or personal experience. >> reporter: democrats hold the majority. so sotomayor's path to the supreme court will be relatively smooth. >> unless you have a complete meltdown you're going to get confirmed. >> if judge sotomayor is confirmed to the high court she is not expected to shift the balance of opinion on controversial issues. like abortion rights or affirmative action. but the nominee will surely be asked about her remarks about wise latinas making good judges as well as a case the supreme court overturned last month. she ruled against a group of white firefighters. the high court found they were discriminated against based on race. lawmakers will directly question sotomayor tuesday. hari sreenivasen, cbs news, the supreme court. u.s. cap -- capital police arrested four anti-abortion
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protesters who interrupted today's confirmation hearings. the two men and two women were all charged with unlawful conduct. president obama nominated dr. redch regina benjamin to be surgeon general today. she is a rural physician from alabama who received national recognition for caring for people along the gulf coast after hurricane katrina. when we were talking in the oval office she said the one thing i want to do is make sure that this surgeon general's office gives voice to patients. that patients have a seat at the table. somebody is advocating for them. and speaking for them. >> benjamin is a member of the board of trustees at the american medical association. she is also well known for making housecalls to her patients. the washington nationals enter the all-star break with the worst record in baseball. >> indeed. but now they will start the second half of the season with a brand new manager. brett haber has more on the firing of manny acta. not totally unexpected, brett? >> no, we saw this coming quite
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awhile. manny acta didn't blow the saves or leave the runners stranded for was -- nor was he the architect of the team. he was just the guy who was asked to make a loosing team win. when he couldn't make that happen he was shown the door. his last game, a 5-0 shutout at the hands of the astros last night. his final record, 26-61. as the nats hit the all-star break, acta issued a statement today thanking the nationals for the opportunity and thanking the fans for their patience. but team management decided that on this young team where according to them, hustle and effort have been inconsistent, it was time for a change. >> we want still to make something out of this season. and so we're making this change today in hopes that we can kick start it in a way that makes the pieces come together better than 26 and 61. the tough thing to do is do what we did today. is to replace a very popular, very good baseball guy, with
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the hopes of jumpstarting and -- an underachieving team into performing better in the second half of the season. >> reporter: taking over for acta is national's bench coach jim riggelman, he was a skipper for the corks padres and mariners. and a maryland native to boot. he grew up in rockville. we will have more on his local ties coming up at 6:00. in the meantime we will like to know what you think. did the nationals do the right thing today. did manny acta need to go or should he have been given more time to work things -- things out. that is our web poll of the day. cast your vote at we will show you the results later in the hour at about 5:50. until then, derek, back to you. and, well, in largo today, mixed reactions as criminal profilers look into two murders that targeted mothers and daughters. zibet -- despite eerie simulators they don't believe the crimes are linked. >> reporter: the murder of delores did he -- dewit and he
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dar ughter march 16th yreal because it i ce came only six weeks after karen lofton and her daughter were murdered in the same community. with fear that a killer or killers was targeting mothers and daughters a police task force was launched to solve both sets of murders. >> the crimes were similar, the age, the location. >> police lieutenant bill rail is a leader on the team that brought in fbi criminal profilers. now list reveal the profilers do not believe the cases are linked. >> the cases weren't connected. and we kind of suspected that all along but we just needed to -- other eyes and ears to take another look at it. >> you have to treat each case separately. >> in largo, residents are torn between relief and more fear. >> a serial killer is scary. two sets of killers is scary. either way you just want them to be caught. >> there are no suspects in the murders. one reason the police task force remains in business.
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they are even taking dna samples from every suspect investigated for other crimes, and hopeful someone will talk. >> we have the pieces to the puzzle. we need somebody to call us with an additional piece of the puzzle so we can make a full puzzle to know what happened. >> one side of all of this is that crime here what -- has begun to plummet as police have solved a number of burglaries, robberies and carjackings as they have kept the pressure on. to give the task force that last puzzle piece it is looking for. in largo, scott broom, wusa now. investigators met with the profilers twice and they plan on at least one more meeting. and police believe the man responsible for murdering a coil -- couple in languageley park has -- langley park has committed suicide. a man and woman were found stabbed to death in their apartment on saturday. the stove was left on and the smoke was coming from burning food. later that morning in d.c. a 53- year-old man jumped to his death from a building under
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construction near union station. the lease for the langley park apartments was if his name. a d.c. teenager isisin custody tonight for allegedly shooting five people including a 10-year-old girl. the shooting happened last weekend -- week in southeast washington. metropolitan police arrested 18- year-old derek phillips. one of the victims remains in critical condition. the others including the girl are expected to recover. montgomery county prosecutors have dropped conspiracy charges against the two students accused of that bomb plot out at spring brook high. originally police saidthe sapa planned to kill their principal, by throwing a nail bomb into his office and igniting a gas line explosion. well, -- well, as part of that lee deal the teenagers will plead guilty to arson and reckless endangerment charges for setting fires inside school restrooms. district students are doing better in reading and math. that's the word today from mayor adrian fenty who highlighted the improved test scores and -- at d.c. public
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schools. last year we saw increases of 8%, in reading and 11% in math. this year, another 4% increase in reading. another 8% in math. >> despite the rising scores mayor fenty acknowledged d.c. schools still have room for improvement well, you know what, i am sort of running out of superlatives to talk about the weather -- weather we have had this july fortunately or unfortunately. >> bill: but -- >> he with -- we have one more day of this nice stuff. but during the week we will turn up the heat just a little bit. certainly nothing oppressive. i don't see anything like last summer you know where you had a little stretch of 90 or 95- at ree weather with a he 00. x er watthonen pprehaat heat lea hertin tm. ser t's keoklo a at at is pp en g ha anw.her beauful enev in the mihudity isn ihuthe 30% range. 86 downtown. mid-to-upper 80s in most areas. we will settle back into the
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50s tonight. away from the city. almost a touch of autumn. if you're watching us in the mountains around cumberland i wouldn't be surprised if you guys drop into the 40s by tomorrow morning. 60s in the city, though, tomorrow. just a gorgeous night. it will turn warmer and more humid during the middle and end of the week. we will throw a chance for a couple of thunderstorms in the forecast. but in the short term, outstanding. we come back in just a few minutes -- minutes we will check that seven-day forecast. for now back inside. thank you, sir. coming up, renewing arlington cemetery. hundreds volunteer their time to beautify the nation's largest military burial ground. but first a deadly accident on the west coast raises questions about the safety and regulation of indib ca our to wn. o.
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direction. the dow finishing up 184 points closing at 8330. the nasdaq climbed 37 points. the s&p 500 up 21. ed. >> this just in. federal investigators are urging metro to continuously monitor its computerized train control system following last month's deadly crash. metro said its signaling system was tested each month before the june 22nd crash that killed nine people. reviews are now being performed daily. but in a letter today, to metro general manager john cato, the ntsb says daily reviews are quote not sufficient to address the safety issue. the ntsb is calling on metro to develop a system that would continuously evaluate the control system and immediately alert the operations control center of problems. trains would then be stopped or slowed to prevent collision. pedicab. sort of a cross between a bike and taxi spring up all over downtown d.c. the human powered
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carriers have become popular among tourists and workers who got a move between the monuments and government offices. but how safe are they and what are the rules and regulations. bruce johnson investigates. >> reporter: there is no set fare. no apparent seatbelts. and no consensus on whether this pedicab should be preet -- treated as a taxi or a bike for hire. do you follow bike rules or taxi cab rules. >> that is a good question. there -- there are rules -- we're basically we're a taxi cab. >> barry clark has been driving or riding a pedicab throughout downtown washington. seems perfect for the job. >> our company line that is we don't work for a fee. we work for tips. >> by far his most lucrative day was this past fourth of july. he made about $4,000. one fare was $100. what appears to be a fun ride can prove dangerous in traffic. the death of a passenger in the san diegdipeb cais raising new questions. sharon miller a rider school teacher was riding in the three
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wheeler with her husband on july 4 when the driver suddenly swerved causing miller to fall out. she hit her head and eventually died as a result of her injuries. in light of that incident in san diego we wanted to know what are the rules and regulations governing these pedicabs in the nation's capital. we found out there are no rules and regulations. we were directed to the dc taxi cab commission. the dem of consumer and regulatory affairs. the mayor's office, the d.c. council but no one seems to know of any rules or regulations for the stied's pedicab. >> we follow cab rules. we're not allowed to ride on the sidewalks at all. >> there is a business license and fee. outside of that it appears the pedicab operators and their passengers are coming up with their own rules out here on the streets. bruce johnson, 9 news now, and and just one footnote. national pedicabs appears to be the largest company around here. they have 20 of those carriers out on the streets.
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at this hour, repairwork continues on a water main break in fairfax county that has been giving motorists trouble all day long. it butters at van buren street at 7:30 this morning. crews will continue to work on the problem through the rush hour. one lane is open in both directions on van dorn street. water service has not been disrupted for businesses or residents. you could call it a show of patriotism with gardening tools. today hundreds of land scapers from across the nation are donating their time and expertise to spruce up arlington national cemetery. it is part of the 13th annual renewal and rememorial brans project hosted by the land care network. children are also volunteering, planting -- flowers and laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown. tony we have one more day is what we can count on here? >> you know, i say that but it is not going to get oppressively hot later this week. it will just be more normal. >> you mean like 90? >> like it is supposed to be
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this time of year. i mean, this is not a big warm- up i'm talking about. just a return to more typical july conditions. no big deal there. but it will be a beautiful night tonight. and everybody will enjoy that when they wake up in the mortgage tomorrow. but i want to show you fricts down south, suffolk, virginia. they had big storms there last night. even? , wind gusts over 50, 60 miles an hour. again i showed you this last week, too. there has been rain around us, especially down to the south. and into the carolinas. but around here, it has been a long time since anybody has seen a steady rain since perhaps the beginning of the month. in that respect perhaps, we could use a little precipitation. and i will show you a little bit of that on the radar in just a second. let's switch over take a look at the three-day trend. as we head through the next few days. there is a the warm-up i was talking about. tomorrow will be nice just like today. but wednesday and thursday, 89, 90 degrees and that will feel warmer but -- you know what submit is the hottest part of the year. that is what is supposed to happen. so just back to normal.
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clear to partly cloudy tonight and pleasant. the temperatures will drop to the 50s in the suburbs. like i said in the mountains maybe even dropping into the 40s around 64, 65 downtown. winds light and variable. you can certainly open the windows after the sun goes down tonight another great one tomorrow. partly to mostly sunny. no humidity. temperatures in the mid 80s. sunrise tomorrow morning at 5:55. let's swim over to live doppler 9,000. i have been talking about the nice weather and all that stuff but there actually is a couple of thunderstorms to discuss. one of them just a lone cell crossing over the chesapeake bay from calvert county over towards eastton near root 50. if you're watching us around the shore line looking east you can see that thunderstorm sell. that should dissipate over the next couple of hours. there has been some activity across the northern neck but elsewhere, it is completely dry. just those couple of little isolated cells. let's switch it over take a wider view here. we can see a lot of activity again off to our south. pretty decent storm system off the carolina coast there. that will continue to pull away and take the cloud cover along with it. we will wind one a mostly clear
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sky tonight. with the air being -- so dry the temperatures will drop up pretty quickly. in the mid 80s right now. 86 downtown. 84 in hagerstown. but with dew points in the lower end of the 50s as soon as the sun goes down the temperature will fall fast. the dew point at national airport is 53 producing a relative humidity of only 30%. and the comfortable north wind at about 13 miles an hour. high pressure still in control tomorrow. begin -- giving us another beautiful day. warmfront will be approach fringe the evident -- west. that will sweep through on wednesday. usher in the more humid air mass and give us a chance for hit-and-miss showers and thunderstorms. i emphasize the hit-and-miss part of this. if you have outdoor plans any one of those days where you see a lightning bolt i certainly wouldn't cancel it because this is not going to be a widespread rain event. but wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday, a chance for the typical summertime thunderstorms in a few places with high temperatures, closer to normal. maybe near 90 in a couple spots. >> that is not bad sir. >> not for this time of year. thank you, tony. still ahead, the latest on
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a swim club accused of kicking out camp kids because of their race. also ahead. >> nasa is going to try it again. the astronauts on board the space shuttle "endeavour" are strapped in, ready to go. to the international space station. >>b i am drew levinson at mckenzie space center. that story coming up. my husband and i, we love to go to steakhouses
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i can smile, i can carry on our conversation i do most of the talking yes i wear dentures and they fit wonderful super poligrip acts as a seal between my dentures and my gums super poligrip makes eating more comfortable. even well fitting dentures can feel more comfortable with super poligrip. just a few dabs of super poligrip create a seal between your dentures and gums to make them more comfortable while you eat. i can eat my steak, i just love it. try super poligrip.
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glnch if off pet trying to keep the fleas away we have an cd for you. natural flea repellent. this is safer because they don't contain toxins that can contain cancer and other diseases. the ingredients repellants use can harm soil and get in the drinking water. you can also try this. mix together white vinegar and water. survey spray it on your pet's fur and it just might keep the fleas away. if you would like more tips go to, just click on living green. well, that says hoping the fifth time is the charm for launching the space shuttle "endeavour." >> over the past month the launch has been delayed because of hydrogen leaks and bad weather.
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as drew levinson reports it is now set to blast off at 6:51 tonight from florida's kennedy space center. >> the space shuttle "endeavour" is fueled and ready to go. again. it was set to launch a month ago. but was twice scrubbed because of hydrogen leaks. it was delayed saturday to make sure all electrical systems were working. after lightning struck near the launch pad. and storms around the pad and an emergency landing site once again forced nasa to call off sunday's attempt. this trip to the international space station may be a designs mission, but this is a -- science mission but this is a construction job. >> we're crane operators and construction workers. we're going to replace elements of the station, install new almosts on the station -- >> their biggest chore is adding another major piece to the giant kibo space lab. they begin soon after the shuttle docks with the station in two days. >> the station recently doubled in size to six. so it may get a little crowded up there. it is like a big family already
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living in space. and seven relatives are now coming for a short visit. it will be the first time there have ever been 13 people living on the space station. for nasa, it is a real test for its life support systems. they will try out the recycler that converts urine to drinking water. out of the shuttle mission r missions this is considered whisenhunt of the most -- considered one of the most ambitious. >> i won't argue that at all. it is a challenging complex mission. >> nasa hopes to complete the station by next year. drew levinson cbs news, the kennedy space never. they were shot to death while their eight children slept. now police are searching for at least four more suspects in the deaths of a wealthy florida couple. but first last friday at ld s time he was being ho t tonight he's speaking out about that standoff. /d
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at myer henderson hall at the military base. she works at the pentagon. bonita jacques is on trial for allegedly murdering her children. the remains of four daughters were found in a row house in southeast d.c. in january of 2008. police say the girls were killed the summer before. supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor faces her first day of questioning tomorrow on day two of senate confirmation hearings. sotomayor testified today that if she is confirmed to the high court, the law would drive her decisions, not emotions. he was held hostage for seven hours. and now, bob lotus is speaking with our own 9 news now with the standoff with police in leesburg. ray chen has his story. >> being so thankful for what god did for us. it is just realizing how much he is in our life. >> reporter: an e-- emotional
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bob delote talks about the terror that happened on friday while the s.w.a.t. team moved closer in a nightmare was happening inside their value view home where the couple said they had never endured in their 63 years of marriage. bob beloth often leaves the door to the garage hope, easy target for someone looking for a hideout. friday afternoon, belth says 49- year-old william spencer came to that garage door. >> with the pretense that his car was broken down and he wanted to borrow jumper cables. but beloth says that is not what spencer really wanted. >> he walked in with a gun in his hand. he said i want your money. >> reporter: and that would begin the couple's seven-hour ordeal. bob says the hostage taker didn't know his wife frances had a cell phone in her pocket. when they were forced in the bathroom, frances called 9-1-1. police had a short conversation with the couple before they say spencer broke down the door. >> he cut the telephone line first and tied me up with the telephone line. >> then it became a waiting
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game and the couple says spencer began to calm down. enough to start giving in. >> when he said, well, one of you can go, i said go, frances, go! and she didn't want to go. she wanted me to go. and she stay there. and i said no way. not gointon. happe >> reporter: a half hour later, police say spencer came out and surrendered. authorities found bob safe inside the home. . bob beloth says he believes the suspect really wanted the money and didn't want to hurt them. a second suspect was arrested late last night. donald blount of leesburg is charged with conspiracy to commit robbery at a jewelry store where the whole thing started. right now three men are in custody for killing a florida couple known for adopting disabled children. police are searching for at least four more suspects. as kathryn brown reports robbery maybe the motivation but police in pen sa cole what are also looking into other --
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pensacola are also looking into other reasons. >> tips from the public led police to this van and three men wanted in the murder of a wealthy florida couple. byrd and melanie billings known for adopting children with developmental disabilities were shot this their home near pensacola what on thursday. an arrest warrant suggests the suspects went there to rob them. both men face murder charges and will appear in court tomorrow. gonzalez's father, leonard gonzalez, senior, will appear in court today on charges of evidence tampering. police say the 56-year-old tried to paint over the apred v spotted on surveillance video, leaving the billings home. police say more arrests are possible and are looking into multiple motives. we have a sort of tie with this family, through a business relationship. but to state that the participants in this crime knew the billings family we can not confirm that. >> gonzalez, senior, told investigators he was the getaway driver. and that several other men were
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involved in the break-in. the billings had extensive surveillance at their house to help look after the children. each had two kids from a previous marriage. and together, they adopted 12 children with autism. downs syndrome, and other developmental problems. >> especially melanie. has been referred to as an angel. they opened their home and their fortune, to children with special needs. >> police have interviewed agency -- eight of the children who were home and sleeping when their parents were shot. they are now staying with friends and relatives. kathryn brown for cbs news. back in 2005 the billings told the pensacola news journal they wanted to share their wealth with children in need but they didn't imagine their children -- family would grow so large. and police are investigating the death of a elderly woman whose police -- body was found in the freezer. her grandson called police to her apartment in glen burnie. that is where they found the body of dooris cook as we said in a freezer. cook lived in her apartment with her two daughters. she apparently died a few weeks
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back. >> we don't know why -- i won't make a false statement because that would be ignorant on my part so -- we -- you know we're -- they are still looking into it. still looking to find out what happened. >> at this point, again, there has been no death determination made. and that there are no suspects at this time. >> authorities say cook suffered from a host of medical conditions. and had been bedridden for a long time. they also say they believe she was dead before she was put in that freezer. the fairfax county board of supervisors will hold a public hearing tonight on the proposal to expand the islamic saudi academy campus. opponents are concerned about the school's teachings. the academy receives much of its funding from the saudi government and faced criticism that its religious curriculum fosters tolerance. the academy say these have revised its textbooks and has a positive relationship with its community. and a follow-up now on the philadelphia swim club accused of racism after barring dozens
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of minority kids. a discrimination lawsuit has now been filed against the valley club of huntington valley. that suit filed on behalf of the 60 children seeks unspecified damages, but it alleges the club discriminated against the children on the basis of race. swim club officials say the decision was actually made out of safety consideration because there -- there were simply too many children in the pool. last night, members voted to reinsight the memberships of the three-day camp -- reinstate the memberships of the three- day camps. north korean leader kim jong-il is reportedly suffering from life threatening pancreatic cancer. '67-year-old dictator was diagnosed with the disease last summer when he -- suffered a stroke. speculation increased following his appearance last week at a rare public event. kim's youngest son is expected to be his successor. three cranes collapsed at a building site in new delhi india killing six people. the disaster happened as workers attempted to lift a steel girder in place at a
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metro rail construction site. new delhi's metro serves more than 14 million people. three people suffered minor injuries at today's second to the last running of the bulls in pamplona, spain. that is in contrast to yesterday when a 44-year-old spanish man was goredded by a bull. he's -- gored by a bull. he's in intensive care tonight. last friday a 25-year-old spaniard was gored to death. the first fatality in the running of the bulls since 1995. the 8th and final run of the festival takes place tomorrow. well, the cbs evening news is now less than an hour away. and anchor katie couric joins us now live from new york city. hey, katie. >> i have never been called an anchie. hi, derek. that running of the bulls. what kind of more ron would have to do that. don't you think that is the most moronic thing in the world. >> it is hard to feel sorry for folks who get hurt when they decide to do that. >> i feel bad because you don't
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want anyone to be seriously injured or god fored by killed, but it is just such a stupid macho ridiculous thing. that is page from my notebook, derek. let me tell you what is coming up tonight. as a number of u.s. troops in afghanistan increases, we will have some really dramatic and exclusive video from a deadly fire fight against the taliban. plus there are new concerns about the h1n1 flu. we will show you what some summer camps are doing to protect their campers. and of course we will have complete analysis of the confirmation hearings for supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor. and i know everyone in washington was watching probably. but we will have those stories and more tonight only on the cbs evening news, right after 9 news now. and derek, you would never do the running of the bull, would you? >> the idea has actually crossed my mind once or twice but i quickly woke up and realized how crazy it was. >> okay. okay. >> thank you, katie. >> okay, bye. another one of michael jackson's siblings believes the singer was murdered. plus they are small, portable and coming to a laptop
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near you. living smart takes a look the -- at pros and cons of net books. i am brett haber at national park. more details on the fires of dr -- firing of manny acta. and the rockville maryland native who takes his place. nnauand i am nypato enwea fuintienevg. vebu ha a leinlitt ra in ll. fore b i u owyo withat ain teirnuheut takstreh bit w numbers at the top of the hour. 86 downtown. netud, ware is coming up next /d
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sales of desk top computers are falling but net books are selling pretty briskly. in fact, purchases of these light weight laptops are expected to quadruple over the next four years. but living smart's less -- lesli foster says there are tradeoffs and important features to look for if you're considering one. if you need to go online while on the go perhaps you should consider a netbook. these mini laptops weigh less than four pounds and have 9 to 10-inch screens. they are even smaller than a full-sized notebook computer. they are some of the cheapest laptops out there but consumer experts caution that while you will save a bundle, you will sacrifice some features. >> they are typically slower and have less memory. which makes them fine for light
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office work but not for gaming. and they are wi-fi ready. well equipped for people who want to go online or check e- mail while they are out. >> consumer reports tested the lease -- least expensive window netbooks on the market and found several good choices priced around $400. >> when shopping for a netbook there are several features you should consider including ergonomics or how easy it is to use. >> look at the keyboard. they are smaller than typical laptops and can feel cramped. try out the track pad and see how easy it is to press the buttons. this one had a big paled but tests showed you need over a pound of pressure to push the pad button. it should be less than half of that. finally compare the battery life. some run for more than six hours. others less than two-and-a- half. the beauty of the netbook is its small size. you can carry it in a carry-on or large handbag. as long as you know you're giving up a few things ex exchange for portability you probably won't be disappointed.
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lesli foster with 9 news now. there may be a few gsinth you ne edin to be awaref e om's fet tom nhebooks e ld nso thsoi d soliste so drha e. mat u ntyoway bee oiavoiesth e caey thvehauslittle storage space. check the specs. alvesose raofse e tbth neoo ks t nonocome with anti- scriers software. you will have to install some of your own right away. for more news you can use go to, click on living smart. a possible showdown between make jackson's mother and his ex-wife was postponed today. a custody hearing originally scheduled for this morning, is now set for next monday. meanwhile, jackson's sister, latoya now says she believes michael was murdered. ben tracy has the latest. >> reporter: was michael jackson murdered for his money? that is what the london tabloids claim his sister latoya told them. michael's father joe jackson has made similar allegations. >> michael was dead before he left the house. i suspect foul play somewhere.
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>> the family can never have closure it seems to me until they know what happened -- when and how last 12 hours of his life. >> reporter: but just ma jackson was like if his final hours depends on who you talk to. his concert promoter says he appeared healthy but tmz reports that the pop star was an anesthesia addict seeking out doctors and even dentists to prescribe powerful drugs such as diprivan. >> there are a lot of people in this town that will have doctors on their payroll for 30 or $50,000 a month. the doctors will come to your home. they will be there at 1:00 in the morning, 2:00 in the morning, and give you whatever you want. >> during a 2003 raid of jackson's neverland ranch, sheriffs deputies found several bottles of pills, prescribed by multiple doctors. some carried names of employees even though they may have been jackson. but piecing together jackson's medical history is proving to be as complicated as the singer himself. ben tracey, cbs news, los angeles.
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and moving on to the movies. "bruno" is proving to have serious box office clout. >> what's up? i am bruno! >> sacha baron cohen's mox documentary about a gay fashionista took in $34 million. that made it the number one weekend movie. it did better than "borat" in '06. "ice age dawn of the dinosaurs" came in at number 2, and the previous number 1 hit "transformers revenge of the fallen" ended its reign at the top at number 3. 9 news now at 6:00. it is about 15 minutes away. here's a look at what we have for you tonight. the u.s. supreme court stops the execution of convicted killer paul warner powell in virginia. we will have reaction. we will also have election result from reston where a
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candidate with controversial views on the holocaust was in the running. it is scary who you might end up next to -- >> you don't want the middle seat. >> you don't know what might happen. >> just talk weather, tony. >> not much to talk about. when weather people say that it is a good thing. it will be beautiful again tonight. unseasonably cool. it will almost feel look fall by tomorrow morning. 50s -- liking that. >> yeah. >> some of the suburbs. maybe even the 40s in the mountains. >> sleeping weather. >> yes. let's start with the three-day trend. it will change in the middle of the week. won't be unusual but it will get back to the way it should be in july with temperature close to 90 on wednesday and thursday. and maybe a hit-and-miss thunderstorm in the afternoon, but in the short term, more of the same. clear-to-partly cloudy skies tonight, pleasant, low temperatures are dropping to the mid 50s in the cooler suburbs. low-to-mid 60s in the city and again if you're watching way out in the mountains around cumberland, western, maryland i
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wouldn't be surprised if you dipped to the upper 40s by tuesday morning. partly-to-mostly sunny skies during the day on tuesday. newt -- another nice one. humidity in the comfortable range in the high temperatures expected in the mid 80s. let's switch it to live doppler 9,000. we have kind of an interesting thing to show you here. while most areas are dry, little pop-up thunderstorm developed out over the chesapeake bay and is now drifting towards the eastern shore. just south of east india route 50. if you're watching from the shore line in calvert county you're looking east i am sure you can see that cell is moving away from you elsewhere it will stay dry. so no concerns about precipitation tonight. let's switch it topher take a wider view here. we can see a bigger storm system down across the carolinas pushing off the coast. this is one i thought may clip us when we were talking last week. it stayed far enough to the south we just wound up on the northern fringe of it. that is what triggers some of those thunderstorms down there across the northern neck and southern maryland. but it is pushing off the coast now. we will wind up with very comfortable conditions and clear skies later on tonight.
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84 in hagers town, 81 in winchester. 86 in baltimore. officially at national airport it is also 86 degrees. look at the dew point. only 53. that is going to allow the temperatures to fall fast after sunset because the air is so dry. relative humidity, only 30%. so the dew points are usually a good mark to set -- see where the low temperatures will wind up. if you have dew points in the 50s most of the time you wind up in the 50s for overnight lows. high pressure in control tomorrow. a little warm front will be coming through on wednesday but still, nice day in the short term. for the next 24 hours on tuesday, and then we turn up the heat and humidity just a little bit, wednesday, thursday, we will be up close to 90 degrees. with hit-and-miss thunderstorms in the forecast. all the way through thing good of the weekend. i emphasize the hit-and-miss part of it because -- if you have outdoor plans i wouldn't cancel them. i would put a 30 or noter% mark -- each one of those days you would run into something outside, which means that there is a 60% chance that you won't. so -- >> there you go. >> look at it that way. tony pann the weatherman, thank you, sir. i am asking brett if we
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heard from manny acta yet. >> yeah he spoke last night. he's been very respectful about the whole thing and thanked the nationals and the fans but still said -- he was good guy. and you know what hit me today? bruce boudreaux is now the consider coach slash manager in the town. and he's been there for only a year-and-a-half. talk about volatility in a career path. at age 40 manny acta was the youngest manager in the majors this career. some might argue a teach as young as the nationals could have used a more seasoned hand to guide it through this season. on the other hand, with a bullpen this bad, i am not sure casey stengal would have survived this season. >> it wasn't personal. in fact, nationals brass made a point of saying they expect manny acta to have a long successful career elsewhere but at 94 games under .500 after two .5 years, clearly it wasn't happening here. >> we're not happy with the 26- 61 record. we think we have more talent than that. i think anyone who watches our team feels we have more talent than that. we're just not willing to waste the whole year.
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>> acta was well liked but perhaps too well liked. on a young team that called for discipline some say manny let too much slide and the clubhouse needed a new voice. >> did manny lose this team. >> i don't believe he did. i really don't. i thought the team played heart up and including yesterday. leak i said it was just -- they dug themselves a big enough hole and we just couldn't get out of it. >> new skipper jim riggleman. >> as of today acta's headaches get shifted to veteran baseball man jim riggleman who found out in the last -- middle of last night that he was being promoted. he has find years of managerial experience. he grew up in maryland. the question is with the word interim in front his title will very a chance to be here beyond this fall. >> well, he whats a chance to lift the team above what it has accomplished so far. obviously, if he's successful in that, that gives him quite a leg up on the job permanently. >> reporter: as for nationals fans their relationship with
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acta was an affectionate one the last three years. but even the most loyal of them seem to realize it was time. >> well, i think he definitely needed to go. i mean, i have been a season ticket holder for now about four years. and just watching them play, you would see mistakes -- you would expect to see in little league. >> i don't know if it is his fault but qn -- when you're this bad you have to change something. can't change ownership. might as well change management. >> can't change the players either as it turns out. we asked fans all day what do you think about today's move. do you think man any acta should have been fired. so far only 30% say yes. 54% say no, 16% aren't sure what to do. i kind of neil the same way about that. -- i kind of feel the same way about that. add your vote at time to bring back frank robinson. >> frank is very happy. hes had a job in the front office of major league baseball but i feel for the guy because what are you going to do you in got dealt hand of a team that was poorly assembled in the first place, manny kept an even keel. did he the best he could but this team wasn't going to win i
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don't think under anybody this year. >> they want to bring it up above where it was. that is a low bar. >> not far to go. here's the good news. steven strassberg us coming up. we have another top draft pick chug coming up. the longer you stay bad, the more draft picks you get. stay bad long enough you will get good. let's hope. and i am manuel llgeagos, we will have a story about doctors using water to lose weight. we will have that story coming up. gefab@fab@ abrasive on dentures? look, scratches collect and grow cause bad breath instead clean without scratching causing bacteria every day
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travel, stress, eating on the run. diarrhea just stops me. (announcer) kao speeds to the source to shut down diarrhea and its discomfort. stop it fast with kaopectate. here's a buzz on our mom's web site, a mom in laurel wants to know the benefits of teaching young children americansign language. yif have experience with asl head to moms like and share what you know. click on the discussions tab and scroll to the bottom as seen on 9 news now. and in tonight's living well, moderate alcohol intake has been shown to reduce the
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risk of a heart attack. now new research says consuming moderate levels of alcohol can also lower the risk of alzheimers disease in older adults. researchers found that adults who consumed up to two glasses of wine a day, saw their risk of alzheimers reduced by 37%. but for seniors who drank more than two glasses a day, their risk was double that of someone who didn't drink at all. there is a new way to lose fat using liposuction. more accurate than traditional lipo. the new treatment uses water jets to break up the fat. . >> reporter: after three kids nicole mackerl.a. lane started losing her battle against belly fat. after each child it got worse and worse. once i hit 40 how sha was the magic number that just -- changed my body. >> reporter: to get her body back in shape mackerling chose
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a new type of liposuction that utilizes the power of water. >> by yewsing water it is much gentler. >> with traditional liposuction doctors rely on force pushing back and forth to dislodge fat before sucked it out. with this new machine dr. jerald pitman says the water jet does the work. >> water assisted liposuction uses water to flush out the fat and the more complete way, than the former method. >> reporter: doctors say there is less bruising and swelling with this new approach and that usually means a shorter recovery time. >> other methods like laser lipo promise to break up fat in a unique way but dr. pitman prefers the water jet because the spray also delivers anesthesia directly allowing the patient to stay awake during the procedure. >> i use it because it is very efficient. it shortens the procedure. the results appear more quickly. >> mackerling says she started seeing results right away. and here she is four weeks after the surgery. >> i could not have asked for anything better. i feel fabulous. and -- i would do it again in a
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heartbeat. >> reporter: the new machine is gaining popularity but experts say the real key to successful liposuction is making sure you're in the hands of an experienced surgeon. manuel gellagos, cbs news, los angeles. coming up next at 6:00, she has been described as an angel and a -- in a light coat. we will introduce to you dr. regina benjamin. the nominee to be the next surgeon general. don't forget -- we're always on at stay with us, 9w ewno uein
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