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tv   9 News Now at 6pm  CBS  August 4, 2009 6:00pm-6:17pm EDT

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at an america's best location near you. good evening everyone. apparently a little diplomacy goes a long way. the north korean government issues a special pardon for the the two american journalists jailed on harpblgs of espionage. they have more on how the former president, bill clinton put the wheels in motion. >> reporter: on an unannounced yet high-profile trip to north korea, success for former president, bicllln,in toand two detained american journalists. after meeting with them, they pardoned them who were air forced on march 17, near the north korean china border and ordered their release. it's unclear what, if anything, north korea will receive in return, but some analysts say that the prestige of a visit from a former united states
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president may be enough. >> the connections and the history, all point to bill clinton being the right man at the right moment. >> i think it is highly unlikely he would go there without some signal from the north koreans in advance that this trip was going to be successful. >> ling and lee who worked for current tv were charged and convicted of illegal entry and so-called hostile acts, sentenced to 12 years in hard labor. in recent months, north korea, they have antagonized them with nuclear and missile tests. the white house press secretary, robert gibs, calls it a private mission and responded to criticism that a visit from a big name like clinton rewards north korea's prosacktive behavior -- prosrabgtive efforts. >> we hope that the north koreans would look at it the same way. >> the white house denies a report from the area that clintoned delivered a message from president obama to north korea's leader. in northwest washington, nicole collins, nine news now.
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there will be more about this special pardon coming up on the cbs evening news at 6:30. you can also get the continue wall updates occupy our website, $2 billion, that is how much they spent on háb for the poor in the district of columbia -- healthcare for the poor in the district of columbia every year. that is a major concern for both dc and the federal government. today, the fbi, they took steps to put one company suspected of fraud out of business. and they prove that johnson has our story. >> this is just too much. the health patients, arriving for treatment at the south washington clinic, they were turned away this morning. >> they were greeted out there and the fbi. and what have they been doing? >> well, they are dropping everything from them. stkphr-t fbi agents, they are armed with the search warrants, closing the offices of the standard medical supply center and that the pain and rehab center on martin luther king. both companies advertising seeking clients who qualify for the medicaid business.
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>> that is everything that is going so smoothly and legit. they could be seeing from them as their offices that is a a as a emst thenatsaatt y eyemtheyth canno confirm that location that you have proved where the search y. mfr t t from rldaeato e d an suerldir toda and the medical supply is a part of the healthcare fraud investigation. the fbi, they offered no further e did tails of the -- no further details of the pros. they are located here on the second floor of this building in the 7600 block of george avenue north wás. according to witnesses, -rlier today, about nine fbi agents, they showed up here and they went into that office with the search warrant. they came out with the computers and lots of records. >> nine news now, they were able to make calls into the standard supply company and the pain and the rehab center and the offices that were out there today. they either hung up or said that they were unavailable for the comments. and bruce john thomas, nine news now and the fbi offered no information on just how much fraud is suspected in this
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particular case. >> the purple line, connecting all of them is one step closer to reality. now that the governor, they are on board. today, he announced the preferred local option for the east, west route that is light rail. the digital correspondents, they are joining us live from the end of the line. with axes out there, that not everyone is happy about this. >> well, no, they sure aren't. but the good news is that the 60 mile purple line will connect montgomery and prince george's county and some 1,000 cars are off the road -- 19,000 cars are off the road. but building it will destroyer placeable green space enjoyed by thousands. >> trees will have to come down to make way for the purple line that will run 7 to 10 feet from hikers and bikers from the crescent trail. it is also right out there and in their own backyard. >> well, it is on property line. >> the purple line will cut through the golf course at the country club too. the spokesman, they say that they are concerned about noise, safety, the negative impact on
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their property. but montgomery county delegate, they say that getting thousands of people out of their cars and onto the mass transit, that is worse than compromises. does will they will link up many of the existing metro stations, the marked stations, on the other stations, and i think that they are going to help us achieve our goals of the sustainable transit oriented walkable communities. >> the governor, they say that this $1.5 billion plan will now be submitted to the federal transit administration. and to try to get the federal funding for it. >> the purple line option that we're proposing will be sleek. it will be quiet. it will be low to the ground. and this is not your grandfather's lite rail. >> reporter: as the plan moves forward, the thousands of people who use the trail, they are hoping that they don't lose this little slice of tranquility. >> they can try to mix it in, make it look nice for the trees and stuff. >> reporter: now, opponents of the purple line, they say that they have collected 18,000 signatures on a petition
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against it. and now they are firing off this letter to the federal transit administration that must approve funding for this plan. it says in part, just last month, two teenagers were killed by the baltimore lite rail that passed through their neighborhood. it goes onto say this is a danger that question not abide. if this plan is approved, construction on the purple line will begin in 2014. back to you. >> lots of strong feelings. thank you. in the meantime, a cash for clunkers style stimulus plaque for the real estate is gaining traction in prince george's county. five deals were closed today alone for the tpáeufr-time home buyer program -- first-time home buyer program called down payments on your dream. kicking in as much as $20,000 per deal to help them snap up the large inventories of the foreclosed homes. and we went to the settlement and closed and we got our keys. it has been a journey, but we were successful today. >> without the program, we wouldn't have had the
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opportunity to purchase this home. >> reporter: meanwhile, real estate brokers report that the market for the foreclosed property is heating up with inventories dropping and a recent 17% jump in home sale in prince george's county. still to come when nine news now returns, new car buyers, they are not the only people that are taking advantage of the cash for clunkers. it is also proving to be a lucrative scam. we'll tell you what to look out for in living smart. it's hard to believe for them and he said it was legal. that's why i was so trusting to him and i felt so much better. okay, she might feel great, but her neighbors, not so much. coming up, find out why this woman is allowed to parade outside the bus without fear of getting arrested. and they have the steamy forecast. hi, that's right. another quiet evening. heat and humidity, but ca no th nderstos. e tho have some in forecast. we'll show co ndseju. a st second. oka loat doppler 9,000. nnrug nnclean sweep. that's a good thing. we'll see what they have to say.
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center live at redskins training camp and once again, another key injury today. this time, you'll want to see jason campbell's secret service agent. we'll tell you how bad and plus the punters and kickers, are they really the football players? they are joining me for that bebait in 17 minutes, nine news now returns in 70 seconds. s
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welcome back. a massive multipatient kidney swap has taken place right here in d.c. 14 patients were involved in a seven way kidney exchange over four days in july at both washington hospital center and georgetown's university hospitals. in all these cases, the donors and the recipients, they were total strangers. not exact matches. but a new blood khrepbsing
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technique made -- cleansing technique made that possible. they plan to go door to door to see if they are still selling something like that. they passed an immediate ban on making, silling, or po -- selling, or possessing that herb. ten states have banned them, but that is not the case in maryland. we want to help you steer clear of scams. in tonight's living smart focus, it seems like consumers are not the only ones benefiting for the cash for clunkers program. they have created fake websites with the single family names to steal the social security numbers and other personal information., the only official website for this program. so if you come across a bogus one, contact the office of the inspector general at the u.s. department of transportation. and how can you do that? we have a link on click on living smart. when nine news now returns, public nudity is not against the
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law in portland, oregon. so what can neighbors do about one of their own who is taking add van tan of -- advantage of that? we'll explain. first, a look on the cbs evening news. coming up, it's one of the country east most popular -- country's most popular offroad vehicle. linked to a troubling number of injuries and even death. an exclusive investigation cbs the incbs eving news. it hard to breathe. but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. (announcer) for people with copd including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function.
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(announcer) new icy hot medicated roll. for wherever you hurt. icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. the new icy hot medicated roll. with the roll, pain's under control. on cap hill -- capitol hill, you're watching history in the making live. these are live pictures of them taking debate to confirm sonia sotomayor as the first hispanic justice on the u.s. supreme court. thatted could have the political reprocushions. >> they could check his or her personal agenda on the door. a test that sotomayor knows how
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to pass. >> this is the kros roads moment i think for the republican party. i think that they will always remember this vote. >> they are planning to make that vote on sotomayor's nomination this thursday. she would replace all of them out there who is retiring. those three americans who strayed across the border are under arrest. as friends and family members say that they were staying in the hotel in northeast iraq and gone hiking with when they wondered into iran. they have referred cases for
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them along the east coast for the possible criminal trials in washington and new york city. that's a change from the pentagon plan to hold civilian and military trials for detainees at a single courtroom within a prison facility in the midwest. they have rocked the capitol of afghanistan. one child was hurt. no group has immediately claimed the responsibilities for the rocket attacks. and last week, they touched down, now, it's the space shuttle discovery turning to blastoff into the outer space. anded to, engineers, they moved the discovery to the launch pad. discovery is going to lift off from the kennedy space center, three weeks from today. that is for the international space station.
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>> nine years after vanishing from her australian home, they were reunited with the owners, roaming free for nine years, and apparently, they lost some 1200


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