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tv   9 News Now Tonight  CBS  August 4, 2009 7:00pm-7:17pm EDT

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stories, parks, shutting down the local beach town, become the victims of their own success. and a new program, cash for a house. and plus, silent no more. jason campbell unloads. at redskins training camp, another set of two-adays for them. full squad in the morning. but no one is talking about that today. it is all about a magazine article. the new issue of sports illustrated, they are hitting news stands tomorrow. jason campbell, he'll be on the cover. in it, the articles, they are talking about their needs to step up this year and also making references to the offseason drama that they endured this year as they quoted various replacements. after biting their tongue all offseason, they finally take a swing. their quote in the magazine, i'm fine now. but a couple of times in the offseason, i felt like a piece of tissue that they were flushing down the toilet, end quote. they had this afternoon off and
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did not comment. but his good friend on the team, the fullback, he did. i'm here in prince george's county where a cash for clunkers deal for real estate is taking off. >> today, we went to settle on our first home. >> reporter: these to people closed their deals today. >> with something not to dance on the table. >> the purchase of the five bedroom home in clinton, out of foreclosure. these live-long renters, they are stunned now to be homeowners. this deal is called down payment on your dream. up to $20,000 in grant
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money directly from prince gorge's county to stimulate first-time buyers to snap up the excess of foreclosed homes on the market. we're just about at the bottom here with significant amount of number compared to the region as a whole. but i do see the numbers starting to diminish. more buyers out in the marketplace. >> they call @ economy. people, they have less money to spend, yet they want some type of recreation. >> oh my gosh, 'sithorrible. stkpwhr-eyz 's left z behind piles and piles of trash. so much that the town council, they decided to close a popular park out there and playground. >> it's a big draw, but it brought a lot of maintenance out there that was, well, more than
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what we could handle. >> they are also out there for the parking. and they removed the grills in the park. and it is looking into banning cooking devices for them, sleeping on the beach, and creating a dusk to dawn curfew. >> that is the forecast here for them. tony, a little warm and humid out there. >> that's right. things are quiet in the rainfall department this evening. making it up to around 90. the humidity went up from yesterday. so a ttlinc urtlefoom.leablittl. that will be uncomfortable overnight. 20 to 30% chance of a thunderstorm. that's about it. tomorrow, a different story. a pretty good chance for them
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and then some hot weather to show you in the seven-day forecast -r. we'll let you know when that will arrive here for you in just a moment. they have sparked major investigations. both at the dc and the federal level. nine news now, they are there today when the fbi, they are armed with the search warrant, and they shut down two locations in the district. they had to go out tr and the pain and the rehab centers and offices today, computers and boxes of the records, they were caught out there. the spokesman for the fbi, issuing a statement for them. and now, i can confirm that the location you have provided is a search warrant carried out earlier today for the standard medical supply as part of the health fraud investigation. they were just shocked. >> first thing i was greeted with was the fbi. free, drop everything that you can. put your hands up. we made calls out there for
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them and they either hung up or said that the owners were unavailable for comments. >> silence it no more. >> it is happening almost everywhere. democrats trying to defend the healthcare reform and angry protesters, they shouted down both the health and human services secretary out there. and the the senator as well. they say that both of them reflect a real fear over the possibilities of increased taxes. right now, the senate, they are debating the confirmation of the judge. most of the republicans, they are insisting she would be an activist judge. this nomination is forcing them to walk a tight rope. no vote could please their conservative base. but they just might ail crane ate all of them -- ail nate them. >> they say that they are going to lower the rating of any senator who votes for
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confirmation. >> they are one step closer to reality now that the governor, martin, is on board. today, they announced the locally preferred option. a 16 mile light rail system with 21 stops in dozens of communities for them. they need to rebuild that path to accommodate the trains. the reaction is decidedly mixed. >> it means that you'll be able to go east and west without being stuck on the belt way. >> i'm sorry that they are spending that much money, just to make an ill sitting, well, arrangement like that. >> and the purple line opponents say that they have collected 18,000 signatures against it. and now they are firing off a letter to the federal transit administration, urging them to oppose any plan that puts mass transit next to the trail. well, just ahead, it's virtual reality. for the real world to call y. l llu't yo w reality. you'll want to see it. plus, tony is back with that full forecast.
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keep it right here. we'll be back in 65 seconds. gó
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welcome pwafpblgt as you know, the mason tennis classic is underway. and andy hits the court tomorrow. but for the past couple of days, he's having a bit of a problem with boredom. he is live. what was he trying to do to cure that problem? >> he had a good option. going into the white house for a private tour. it is a good city to kill the climb. now, they had a tour out there which most celebrities did. a tour of the east wings and the executive residence. and i was digging the white
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suits too. very cool. now t is the president's birthday. >> yes. >> this is video of him before the briefing, to get the health reform passed. but they accomplished something else today as well, we're told. >> on their own birthday, they seem to be more of a giving and receiving mood. they surprised all of them, the dean, or should i say, the grand dam of the white house press course. why? because it was also their birthday. they turn 89 today compared to o bomb ma's 48. they pointed out that she had been covering the white house as long as obama has been alive. >> that is truly scary. the question we asked earlier which no one knew the answer. how many presidents has she covered? >> i think that everyone is out there. >> okay. >> which would be nice. >> we know that it is a lot? >> yes. >> that is the examiner, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> nice chatting. >> speaking of the president's birthday, no birthday is complete without a salute in song. center this is courtesy of the white house correspondent and the political area.
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>> it would be cruel and unusual punishments. >> happy birthday to you. >> yes. >> we all noticed that you gave yourself a birthday gift, by kenneling no press appearances today. >> now, can i get my one-on-one interview? we'll be right back.
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stphr-frpblgts okay, by now, you have certainly heard of virtual reality. even trying it out in the video game. well now, the concepts, they are brought into the real life. these are the correspondents for them joining us now with the virtual details, lindsay? >> well, it's called augmented reality. and it means when you walk down the streets, people, they will be able to see your personal information. >> walk into a room with people that you have never met. hold up your cell phone, and you can see their names. the titles, even their hobbies. and this is just one example of the augmented reality. >> you'll be able to walk down a normal city street and be able to actually see true real world, real time information about the people around you as well as the people that are out there, 1,000 miles away.
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>> they say that it is like having access to your computer all the time. you are very true on what it is like to be a soldier and battle today. >> but it doesn't stop there. they will soon be able to wear cameras and get even more information. >> we are now building smaller and much more powerful projectors that can be worn or, well, embedded into the clothing, or embedded into objects that are portable. center that means that in the future, you can make a phone call from the palm of your hand. or, you can find out that your new friend, they are a student, who works in the media lab. >> there are some privacy concerns. the idea is that the information that people see, they are all information that you have made available. and if you do not want to share anything, you can opt out.
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derek? >> it's like your own personal heads up display out there. i have to ask you the question we all want to know, when? when is this really going to be available? >> well, there are certain parts of it that are available right now. so some of the applications you saw, you could down load today. some of them are not coming out for a few months and a few more years as well. >> very cool stuff, thank you so much for that. >> well now, consumer alerts here for them and the back-to-school supplies. they are focusing on the environmental health, saying tobgsics school supplies on the ste s.shve l they found high levels of lead e d and ia thuche d wall greens, ei thcsbrand thback paen e envinmviroe ental consumer groups say that the products, they appear to ro besaying pvc thd its the items he atth. ee w,that fr. eew, ey no theeare a poison often mai , adlel ofad that and other
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hazardous chemicals. the new school year, less than a month away in the fate of the special education programs, in prince george's county, they are still very much in the air. tonight's living well report, they are introducing us to something that is called conductive education. center you don't ebs peck to walk into a classroom, finding them living in the floor. >> they are getting them out of wheelchairs and the walkers. >> the wheels on the bus, they go round and round. >> they are encouraging the movement and to relax all of the muscles. >> to push it up. >> and the unique brand, they are pushing the body awareness, overcoming the physical disability, continuing all day long. >> the biggest issue is that you don't do just that therapy. you dot toilet training, all of that feeding.
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that is by the foundation out there. a nonprofit started bit 9-year-old. >> we wanted that in the public's school. kids that can utilize that out there to take benefits from it. they really should


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