tv The Early Show CBS August 11, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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traffic, go to >> have a great atday. >> bye. breaking news. eunice kennedy shriver, the younger sister of president john f. kennedy and the foupder of the special olympics, has died. we'll look back at her extraordinary life. fight is on as president obama takes his battle for healthcare reform to new hampshire today. >> we're against this plan! >> we'll talk with white house press secretary robert gibbs about the president's big town hall meeting. a question prompts a very undiplomatic response from secretary of state hillary clinton. >> wait. you want me to tell you what my husband thinks? my husband is not the secretary of state. i am. >> we'll tell you why it was a moment lost in translation. and not amused. a roller coaster comes to a screeching halt, leaving thrill
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seekers dangling high in the air for more than four hours. "early" this tuesday morning, august 11th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs the sun is shining over new york city. good morning, everyone. i'm julie chen in los angeles. harry smith is in new york. maggie rodriguez is off this morning. good morning, harry. >> good morning, julie. we've got breaking news this morning. eunice kennedy shriver has died at the age of 88. family members gathered at the hospital in massachusetts last night. eunice kennedy had been in critical condition since last week. her family issued a statement this morning saying she was the light of their lives and led a life of love and service to others. cbs news chief washington correspondent bob schieffer looks back. >> reporter: she was born into one of america's most prominent families, the fifth of nine kennedy children, graduating
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from stanford university in 1943. she later became a social worker at a west virginia prison. she married sergeant shriver in 1953, and together they had five children, including maria shriver, now the wife of california governor arnold schwarzenegger. it was growing up with a close family member who was mentally retarded, her sister rosemary, that led to eunice kennedy shriver's life's work, the establishment of special olympics. her goal, she said, was to demonstrate that people with mental retardation are capable of remarkable achievements in sports, education, employment, and beyond. it began in 1962 as a summer camp at her home in maryland and led to the first special olympic summer games held at chicago's soldier field in 1968. 1,000 athletes from 26 states and canada competed.
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today the games have more than 1.3 million participants in over 150 countries. in 1984 ronald reagan awarded shriver the highest civilian honor, the medal of freedom. >> her decency and goodness have touched the lives of many, and eunice kennedy shriver deserves america's praise, gratitude, and love. >> reporter: born to privilege, she made her life's work helping those who had little. she wrote special olympians and their families are proof that the value of human life should be measured in many ways. eunice kennedy shriver was 88. >> we'll talk more about eunice kennedy shriver, share some memories of her, and reflect on her life a little bit more a little bit later on in the broadcast. julie? >> thanks a lot, harry. in other news this morning, president obama jumps into the heated debate over healthcare reform today. he'll hold a town hall meeting
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in new hampshire aimed at people who already have insurance. cbs news correspondent kimberly dozier joins us from the white house with a preview. good morning, kimberly. >> reporter: good morning, julie. the last couple town hall meetings the president has held have mostly been polite. they've been full of obama supporters who have had doubts and questions, but they've been respectful. we've had word that today might be different. >> we're against this plan! the majority is against this plan! >> reporter: today's healthcare town hall probably won't get as heated at this one in brighton, colorado, but president obama is likely to hear from some of those opposed to reform. protestors have already told the media they'll be there, and conservatives say their voices need to be heard. >> everybody needs to be treated with a level of respect rather than being dismissed as nut jobs, as the president and his minions and the speaker of the house are trying to do. >> reporter: monday the white
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house launched a counterattack on the web. >> the notion that the government will interfere with what you have, it really is laughable. >> reporter: white house officials say they welcome a vigorous debate as long as everyone keeps the facts straight. they're going to have to work hard to sell that message to the american public. the latest cnn gallup poll shows, while 50% of americans support healthcare reform, 45% oppose it. harry? >> cbs' kimberly dozier, thanks. joining us now is white house press secretary robert gibbs. robert, good morning. >> good morning, harry. how are you? >> so somebody stands up in this meeting in new hampshire today and starts shouting, what's going to happen? >> well, i think what the president will do is turn to that person and probably ask them to be civilized and give them an answer to their question. harry, i've probably been to 500 town hall meetings with barack obama all the way back to his state senate days. we've been to a lot of meetings where people didn't agree with us, but the tradition of a town hall meeting is to give people
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information so that they can make a decision about a policy that impacts their lives, and i think that's what this town hall meeting will do today. i know the president is excited about engaging the public again. >> the folks that have been shouting at these meetings, they're passionate, they're adamant, they're absolutely convinced these healthcare reforms will make it worse, not better. what do you know that they don't know? >> i'll tell you exactly what the president is going to talk about today. he'll be introduced by somebody who got discriminated against by an insurance company because they had a preexisting condition. we know that more than 12 million people over the past three years have been denied insurance coverage on the private insurance market because an insurance company decided they had a preexisting condition. that has to stop as part of healthcare reform. that has to be part of something that we make, as part of healthcare reform, to make it better for the american people. not just cutting their costs, not just helping small businesses survive, but ensuring that people aren't discriminated against on the basis of a
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preexisting condition by an insurance company. >> president presideexpects to accomplish this by columbus day? >> i think the president hopes he has a bill on his desk sometime this fall that he can sign and begin to put the insurance companies and the healthcare system back on the side of middle class america. >> and, mr. gibbs, a word, if you will, from the white house about the passing of eunice kennedy shriver. >> look, harry, obviously our thoughts and prayers are with slouhevi sy,ad hobviously, she impact on millions throughout this world, and the world will certainly miss her. >> robert gibbs, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> thanks, harry. >> all right. now here's julie. >> thanks a lot, harry. now to the war in afghanistan. nato officials say three american troops have been killed in southern afghanistan, the center of the growing taliban-led insurgency. cbs news correspondent mandy clark has more.
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>> reporter: a spokesman for the commanding general in afghanistan stanley mcchrystal says the taliban are moving into new areas but denies insurgents are losing the war. general mccrystal told "the wall street journal" that they're facing a more aggressive enemy now that the taliban is moving into western afghanistan. >> they hold greater sway in some places. looking at all of that in concert, one may say the taliban is doing quite well. >> reporter: general mcchrystal also warned that casualty figures will remain higher for months as forces push into taliban strongholds in the south. his comments come as a top military adviser called for 4,000 extra u.s. troops to combat the insurgency. that would bring the american military presence in afghanistan to about 100,000. insurgent attacks have increased 60% over the last eight months alone. with the presidential elections
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just nine days away, the threat is only expected to increase. now back to you. >> mandy clark in kabul this morning. joining us now is richard haass, president of the council of foreign relations and the author of 12 books on foreign policy. his latest is "war of necessity, war of choice." welcome back to the broadcast. >> thanks, harry. >> july was by far the deadliest month for u.s. and coalition troops in afghanistan. u.s. is basically doubling its forces there, has been ramping up to eventually double the forces there. with this difficult enemy to fight, the taliban, does the u.s. have any good options available? >> there are no good options. if by good you mean something in the short run is going to turn this thing around. that's simply not in the cards. we're looking at something very long and very difficult. i would say this is barack obama's biggest foreign policy gamble, what i would describe as his war of choice. essentially, he's increasing u.s. forces. he's trying to push the taliban
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back. he wants to buy time and space to build up the police forces and the armed forces of the government of afghanistan. the real question is how well does this work? will the afghans prove able to be built up, and will we, the united states, have the staying power? we're not talking about months, harry. we're talking about years, conceivably even a decade. >> when this war first started in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. u.s. forces went in. there were all kinds of promises of rebuilding infrastructure and all of this that was left to the wayside as the united states went to fight in iraq. now left to fester all of this time, is the problem even worse now than it was six or seven or eight years ago? >> the short answer is yes. part of the tragedy is what we're now doing today in 2009, we could and should have done in 2002. it wouldn't have been easier then, but it would have been less difficult then. so, yes, the taliban have staged a comeback, and we've essentially lost six or seven years. the afghan government, rather than having gained ground, in some ways lost ground. it's corrupt. it's lost support of the people.
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drug production is at record highs. >> and it's about to be reelected again. >> you're going to have an election in ten days, august 20th. i don't know if the karzai government will win the first round. ultimately, he's likely to be reelected. he doesn't enjoy a lot of enthusiasm. it's corrupt. it's not terribly competent. they don't have a lot to show for five years in power. >> this obama plan to go in, pacify the country, then get the police built up, the afghan army built up, which is going to be a much more difficult job than even the iraqi army was, is any of this really doable? >> it's doable, but it's going to be extremely slow. there's going to be setbacks. american casualties are going to go up. a big exception is to what extent pakistan continues to be a sanctuary. it's hard enough to win the war in afghanistan in afghanistan, but if they continue to have the taliban continue to have a sanctuary in neighboring pakistan, it's almost impossible to prevail. i keep going back to the war
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here. wars are not simply fought on a battlefield. they're also political. it's a big question that barack obama, given everything else he has to face domestically, given everything else he has to face internationally, including an unraveling situation in iraq, an iranian nuclear program, a north korean nuclear program, whether those in congress are going to say, hey, we're here for another five years. we're going to watch american casualties grow. we're prepared to spend $4 billion or $5 billion a month. i'm not sure he's going to have that kind of domestic support at least if there's no progress to point to. >> richard haass, thank you for your expertise. dave price is off. lonnie quinn is here with our first check of the weather. the biggest weather news i have is for the hawaiian islands, which had been going on, felicia, which had been a monster, category 4 hurricane, is weakening as we speak. by the time it passes the hawaiian islands, it will be nothing more than a tropical
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depression, wind gusts around 30 to 40 miles per hour. you've got to be on alert. clearly a better situation than it could have been. rain from the northeast stretches out to the tennessee valley. sort of hit or miss scattered showers and storms, and it's all because of the steam heat in place. new york city yesterday had their very first 90 degree day of the summer >> all right, everybody. if you're looking for the nicest
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weather in the country today, it's going to be around the great lakes and midwest. temperatures in the 70s anddioma th humidity. that's a quick look at the weather. julie, over thank you. >> thanks a lot. up next, secretary of state hillary clinton makes a very pointed response. we'll tell you what triggered her comment. also ahead, stuck on a plane overnight, we'll ask one of the unlucky passengers what it was really like. and why new mothers have a distinct advantage in the battle against breast cancer. this is "the early show" on cbs. (announcer) for many with arthritis pain, not treating is not an option. all prescription nsaid pain relievers, like celebrex, ibuprofen and naproxen, help treat arthritis pain and have some of the same warnings. but since individual results may vary, having options is important. prescription celebrex has been the option for millions of patients for 10 straight years. just one 200-mg celebrex (once a day,) can provide dependable, 24-hour relief for many with arthritis pain, stiffness and inflammation. based on the available data,
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tens of thousands homeless and hundreds missing. now a powerful earthquake. cbs news correspondent barry peterson reports from tokyo. >> reporter: in storm-battered china, seven three-story apartment buildings collapsed. local officials insisted most were already evacuated. on neighboring taiwan, only helicoptersldou c reach a village where hundreds are missing after a wall of mud simply wiped it out. a second typhoon veered away from japan, which got a predawn earthquake instead. just after 5:00 a.m., 6.5 on the richter scale. it shoved us up and down, says this man, then side to side. roads were damaged. trains delayed. two nuclear power plants shut down for inspection. and then came the clean-up. barry peterson, cbs news, tokyo. a miscommunication sent secretary of state hillary clinton over the top. mrs. clinton snapped yesterday during a question and answer period with students in the
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congo. through a translator, clinton was asked what her husband thought about chinese influence in africa. >> you want me to tell you what my husband thinks? my husband is not the secretary of state. i am. so you ask my opinion, i will tell you my opinion. i'm not going to be channeling my husband. >> uh-oh. it's not clear if the student or the translator made the mistake. afterwards, the student told clinton he meant to ask about president obama. she told the student not to worry about it. a daring rollercoaster rescue in santa clara, california. two dozen riders were stranded 80 feet in the air when the invertigo coaster screeched to a halt yesterday. that does not look comfortable. took four hours to get them down safely. safely being the operative word. they did get down safely. no one seems to know exactly why the coaster stalled. people don't want to know why.
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they just want to know how quickly can you get me off this thing? >> and it's called invertigo? if you didn't have it before -- >> you've got it now. julie? >> can you imagine how sun burnt they must have been after four hours? >> that's the least of their worries. >> i worry about the skin cancer, all these things. still ahead, a dark secret of the suburbs. mothers who drive drunk. why is it a growing problem? you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by control your financial destiny. get started at the all new (miley cyrus) miley cyrus & max azria
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minnesota. julie has a segment a little bit later on. julie, there are all these details coming out. delta locally in rochester actually said we'll take these people off the plane for you. this is really crazy. >> it's really bad pr for continental express. at first the story was we can't let you off because all the security personnel at the airport. they've gone home. and now they're saying, well, another flight, people got off at the same time. but the bottom line is, look, i think most of us have been in a situation where we've been stuck on a plane too long. things have got to change, the airlines, whatever body of authority can make some changes so we're not in these situations. >> passenger bill of rights. got to have it. >> the bathrooms weren't working or something. >> it backed up. >> julie, we'll talk to a guy who was sitting in the last row in our next half hour. t. 1#fab@
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good looking crowd out there on the plaza this morning. curb your enthusiasm. welcome back to "the early show." good morning, julie. >> good morning again, harry. we have a lot coming up in this half hour. we all know about this story. we've been hearing about it for a couple of weeks now. she was drunk, and she drove her car the wrong way down a freeway killing eight people. but it turns out she's not alone. we're going to take a look at why more and more mothers are driving under the influence, harry. also ahead this morning, julie, we're going to tell you how breast-feeding can help in the battle against breast
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cancer. but first, it's every passenger's worst nightmare, being stuck on the tarmac overnight. as we first reported yesterday, 47 people were traveling to nneapolis on friday night, but their continental express flight was diverted because of thunderstorms. it landed after midnight, and the passengers were locked inside the plane for more than nine hours overnight with no food and no working bathroom. joining us now is link christin, who was on that plane, and kate hanni, who is a passengers' rights advocate. good morning to you both. >> good morning. thank you. >> link, let me begin with you. can you briefly describe your experience on that plane being stuck. >> well, when we got diverted over minneapolis for thunderstorms, they told us we could refuel in rochester, minnesota. we landed there. over a period of time, they told us a bunch of reasons why we were about ready to get off the plane. they started off saying there's storms there, but they'll
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disappear. once they were done with the storms, they told us a bus was going to come. then they said a bus was still going to come. then maybe a bus wouldn't come. so it was six hours of contin d continued -- a continued sense that we were going to get out therefor. we were going to get off that plane. there was never a question that we weren't going to get off the plane. >> needless to say, you were frustrated as were your fellow passengers. >> we became increasingly frustrated. everybody at that point was pretty exhausted. people had children crying. the whole atmosphere of the plane was just one of sort of deteriorating emotional stability. >> yeah. let me turn to you, kate. what could link or his fellow passengers have done to get off that plane? is there anything, or were they -- >> i have to be honest. there's not much you can do. right now as it stands, the airlines can hold you indefinitely, and they don't have to provide you with food, water, hygienic toilets, or any medical needs. so in my situation, which was 13
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hours on a plane, there were women making diapers out of t-shirts. diabetics going into shock. there's no culpability for the airlines at all, which is why we're pushing for a law in congress. >> kate, since your nightmare experience, what have you done? what changes do you want to see? >> what we want to see and what we have in the senate legislation now that just passed the congress committee, there's a maximum time they can hold you on the tarmac. there are no federal regulations preventing them from removing you from the plane. we want to see the essential needs, food, water, toilets, and trash are managed while you're on the tarmac. >> kate, what is the maximum amount of time they should be able to hold you? >> three hours. >> link, in the final moments, let me turn back to you. i know you're going before congress next month to have your story heard. what do you plan on saying, and what do you want to see done, link? >> i will say this. i simply want to tell the story. i sat in the back row by the bathroom, and i watched everything for six hours.
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so my view is to not politicize it, but to tell the story what it was like to be on that airplane for nine hours essentially being a prisoner. my only general thought is i would like to see the rights of passengers on a tarmac be enhanced to the extent the rights that passengers have safety-wise when they're in the air. there's thousands of regulations that protect us in the air. i'd like to see some of those regulations while we're on the ground. >> link christin, kate hanni, thank you both. and good luck to you both next month when you both speak before congress. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> now let's go to lonnie for another check of the weather. >> good morning to you, julie. good morning, everybody. steamy and stormy. i'm talking about places around the northeast, boston, new york, stretching down through nashville over into the southern plains. what kind of weather? the scattered variety.
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it's not an all day rain for everyone. spots will pick up one 0 two inches of rain. damaging winds and dangerous lightning all throughout that stripe of blue. that's where i see the wet weather. on the back side that have, it's all associated with a cold front. beautiful weather in the great lakes and into the midwest. it's going to be hot around the northern plains with temperatures in the 90s. then you make your way out west. up and down the west coast, it looks beautiful until you make your way around seattle. going to be cool and gray.
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>> make a great day wherever it is that you are. that's going to do it for weather. jules, over to you. up next, mothers driving under the influence. why it's a growing problem. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.po tion to lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix. if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare
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a tragic car accident in new york has drawn attention to what is apparently a growing problem, mothers who drink and drive. cbs news correspondent bianca solorzano reports. >> reporter: in new york's westchester county last nth, eight people were killed in this head-on crash. the driver was drunk and high. she was 36-year-old diane schuler, and she drove in that condition with five young children in her car. >> i think that this is a growing trend, and i think that it is very alarming. >> reporter: the county police commissioner says that what was once unheard of is now becoming more common. >> our officers are encountering more women while they are driving drunk, and in many instances with their children in the car. >> reporter: driving while under the influence is no longer just
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a male problem. according to government statistics, in more than half of the country, the number of women arrested for duis rose nearly 29%. from 1998 to 2007. the organization mothers against drunk driving says pressure could be a factor. >> the stress on women is at an all time high and is increasing. more women are working. more women are running errands for their family, taking their children. >> reporter: the transportation department's annual crackdown on drunk driving begins later this month, and the focus will be on female drivers. the goal, to prevent this from ever happening again. >> the risks are so great, the potential outcomes are so horrific, there's no good reason to do it. >> reporter: bianca solorzano, cbs news, new york. >> joining us now is dr. david sack, ceo of promises treatment centers. good morning, doctor. >> good morning, julie. >> in your line of work, how
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often do you see this where a mother of young children gets behind the wheel of her car either drunk or high? >> well, we certainly see it often that people who may not even be alcohol addicted will drink excessively. they'll binge, and their judgment's impaired, and they get behind the wheel and endanger themselves, their children, or other drivers on the road. >> is that the reason why we're seeing an increase? it's just that they have bad judgment? >> well, i think part of what's going on is a very significant increase in binge drinking. we talk a lot about alcoholics, but, in fact, there's been a 35% increase in the proportion of people binge drinking in the united states, and many of those are women. >> why is there an increase in binge drinking? >> i think that people are less afraid to drink. there is a lot of stress. there's an age bias, in other words, that young people are more likely to binge drink. i think that stresses that occur
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in midlife or child rearing years are a big factor. when you see women of child-bearing age, a very large portion are the ones that binge drink on a regular basis. that means they're going to do it in regular circumstances. >> can you explain how a grown adult, a parent, can rationalize getting behind the wheel of their car if they've even had a few drinks? especially when their kids are going to be in the car with them. >> i think it's the nature of, when a person becomes intoxicated with a drug, that their judgment changes. what would scare them off and what would make them unwilling to do something when they're sober, as they drink or use a drug, their judgment changes, and they start to be unable to tell how impaired they are. >> so what do you think needs to be done? what can be done so that we don't see horrible stories like this one in new york again? >> i think, clearly, lowering the blood alcohol limit for drinking has helped. that is, every time a government steps in and says we need a
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lower blood alcohol level, we save lives. i think the second thing is that friends and family members have to step in and say even one drink is too much. you can't drive even after a single drink. the sad thing about alcohol is that it's a progressive disease so that early on relatives tend to minimize how dangerous the drinking behavior is. they'll say, oh, she just got high at a party. she was just having a good time. really family members need to step in early and say this is potentially dangerous and to make sure a person's not doing it when they're taking care of their children. >> dr. david sack from promises treatment center, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. up next, an age old remedy that can cut down on the risks of breast c on cbsyou're"the earho on cbs. the great taste of splenda® no calorie sweetener and added a little fiber? sweet! sweet! (together) sweet! (announcer) now for the first time, a gram of healthy fiber in every packet. sweet! (announcer) splenda® with fiber.
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"healthwatch," reducing the risk of breast cancer. one in every eight women will develop invasive breast cancer, and women with a family history of this type of cancer have nearly double the risk. a new study finds that new mothers can lower their chances of developing the disease. our dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us how to do that. so 1 in 8, 1 in 9, you hear both those numbers. whatever it is, it's plenty significant. everybody knows someone whose family has been affected by this. what is this new study all about? >> this is a very reputable and solid study, harry. comes out of the nurse's health study. they've been keeping data for over 20 years. they looked at 60,000 women who had a first degree relative, so a mother or sister with a history of breast cancer, and found that those who breast fed reduced their risk of developing breast cancer themselves by 59%. it's a huge number. >> do they have any -- that's just analyzing raw data. >> that's right. >> is there any extrapolation as to what they think may be behind this?
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>> very important point. this was an associative study. they didn't show a cause and effect. the proposed theory or mechanism that researchers will be looking at in the future is that there's possibly something about engorgement or milk production that then, if you don't stimulate that and you suppress that, that actually winds up leading to inflammation and triggering a cascading offense. >> so that's the idea. >> that's the idea. they didn't look at mechanism in the study. also to note importantly they didn't look at women who had a brca mutation, which puts them at a higher risk for breast cancer. they had a first degree relative but not the gene. >> so it's great to go back and talk about the many other benefits of breeast-feeding for both mother and child. >> absolutely. it's huge. for moms it's well-known that, if you breast-feed your baby for any duration, you have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes,
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acceleration of weight loss, and a reduced risk of ovarian cancer and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. >> the benefits for the child, they're so well-documented. >> plethora of benefits for the baby. we all know it has a reduction in risk for respiratory infections, diabetes, obesity down the road. it's a good bonding opportunity. most women don't know they don't have to actually breast-feed the baby. they can get the same benefits via pumping. women should anticipate logistical issues, get that breast milk to your baby any way you can. >> and do your homework and look into it. dr. ashton, thanks so much. the skinny on the new bigger trend in reality shows when we come back. is one clear choice: all free clear 2x concentrated detergent. all free clear's powerful clean is free of the ingredients you'll find in most detergents: no perfumes... no dyes... no preservatives... free clear is specially designed for people with sensitive skin and has powerful stainlifters, so you can trust it to get the job done right.
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breaking news. the passing of eunice kennedy shriver. we'll remember her life of devotion to others. the new skinny on reality tv. will bigger participants lead to better ratings? we'll ask plus-sized super model meme. and does lyl or ttyl have you scratching your head? we'll help you break the code "early" this tuesday morning, august 11th, 2009. welcome pack to "the early show" on this tuesday morning. you're taking a look at a live picture of a lively crowd outside our new york studio at 59th and fifth. i'm julie chen in los angeles.
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harry smith is in new york. maggie is off today. good morning again, harry. >> good morning, julie. the tough economy has had an interesting side effect on some families that's forced them to live together. several generations under one roof. you're going to meet one family that is trying to make it work. >> also ahead this morning, we continue our series called "harvest 101." this morning we're going to show you how to pick and cook corn, harry. >> my favorite. and by the way, if you're hoping to see neil diamond this morning, we've got bad news. he was supposed to be on but wasn't able to make it this morning. don't worry. he'll be on very soon in the near future. first let's go inside to chris wragge and a look at the news. >> good morning to you at home once again. eunice kennedy shriver, the sister of president john f. kennedy, died earlier this morning. her family had gathered at the cape cod hospital, where she'd been in critical condition over the week. shriver had suffered a series of strokes. she founded the special olympics, championing the rights
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of the mentally disabled. shriver's family said in a statement, "she was the light of our lives and taught us by example and with passion what it means to live a faith driven life and love of others." eunice kennedy shriver was 88 years old. aung san suu kyi, the leader of the pro-democracy movement in myanmar was found guilty today of violating her house arrest. a myanmar court originally sentenced her this morning to three years in prison. but the leader of the military rule junta said she can serve one year sentence under house arrest. how would you like a car that gets 132 miles per gallon? gm is unveiling the new volt, chevy's new electric car. the car is supposed to deliver 230 miles per gallon in city traffic. the first mass-produced car ever with a three digit fuel economy rating. and in eastern thailand, rescue efforts for a baby elephant. somehow it got stuck in a
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manhole. take a look at this. it took three hours and an earth mover, but they finally got the baby elephant out none the worse for wear. now let's head out to the plaza. lonnie quinn is out there with another check of the weather. it kind of looks like what harry and i did to you with the garbage can this morning as we stuck you in it. >> we haven't really had a chance to discuss that. we've got a nice looking crowd out here. this sign gets my attention. my name is sunday. i'm here on a tuesday to see "the early show." sundae, where are you from? >> i'm from rochester, new york. >> i notice it's not sunday spelled like the day of the week. it's sundae as in hot fudge. >> absolutely. that's the best kind. >> and she's a sweetie. there you have it. let's talk about the weather out there. here's the big story. felicia had been a huge hurricane. it had been a category 4. it is weakening now to a depression as it passes through the areas just north of the hawaiian islands. we're talking 30 to 40-mile-per-hour winds with heavy rain.
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1 to 3 inches of rain. rough surf. the surfers are going to be digging it out there. hang ten, dudes. bigger picture across the continental u.s., a cold front from the east into the southern plains. hit or miss showers or storms. nice weather in the great lakes. temperatures in the 70 >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful.
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>> that's it for weather. let's get over to harry. up next, we will remember the life and times eune kennedy shriver, who passed away this morning when we come back. the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful. nothing. you don't enjoy things the way you used to.
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side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. ask your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. how about a swim? i'm a little irregular today. don't you eat activia? for my little issues? they're not that bad. summer's no time to put up with even occasional digestive problems. believe me, once they go away, it's amazing how good you feel. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks. summer's a wastin'... take the activia challenge now. it works, or it's free. ♪ activia come on. good girl.] mollie's never looked better. i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it.
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it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. as we have been reporting, eunice kennedy shriver passed away earlier this morning. she was john f. kennedy's younger sister and helped start the special olympics. she was 88 years old. joining u nhiasn wtong fdcl ,er edward m. keedy, a biography. and on the phone from east hampt hampton, new york, sally quinn, a reporter for "the washington post" and am lly, first of all, sally, first of all, just talk about what a remarkable womant this was. >> she was incredibly energetic. i mean, she had -- i mean, my husband remembers her from the years when the kennedys were in the white house as having more
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energy than anyone he ever knew. she had a real -- i think it was part of her catholic faith. she was very religious, and she had a real sense of doing service. she passed on to her five children. he started the special olympics, and she changed the way we see people who are disablbe ir teny.s i remember a friend fel tling m years ago that she had a t down syndrome child and, of course, t t pu in an institution, and everybody sortf t ddno. that's what you did then. the extraordinary suffering ofd so many of these children being institutionalis dongha tive gp children was something that was just accepted in those da. and she turned that around and made everyone believe that each life has its own worth, which, you know, is a very religious point of view. but also humanitarian. i have a son who is learning disabled and who wrote a book
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this year about it and had a website, and his friends were saying, well, you know, people will always think of you as learning disabled if you do this. that's a big mistake. and he said, yes, but i am. and i thinkun eice gave him the courage to do that. i mean, she e inspired so many people by taking the time to make sure that people understood that people who were cognitively challenged had a life that was worth just as much as anyone else. >> adam, in your book you write about joe kennedy and his relationship with his kids, in your book about teddy kennedy. what did he say, what did joe kennedy say about eunice? >> he said, if she'd been a man, she'd have been a hell of a politician. and she was certainly more interested in politics than the other girls. i think, though, sally's right in terms of her contribution.
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she accomplished something most poti ncianserev even aspire er w caed the way america faced a moral question, how it treated the mentally disabled. and she did it not just with the special olympics, although that's certainly well-known nationally and internationally, she also pestered her brother jack constantly to support legislation, the first federal legislation to put some money into research about mental retardation and into ways -- better ways of treating the disabled. as her brother ted said in a video not long ago, she has the biggest heart of all. >> i had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with her the at a special olympics event in colorado 30-some years ago. as you say, sally, i mean, the energy of a person, i had just never seen anything before.d ersi hnthuanasm was nt infectious. she made everyone around her
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understand that this was imrtant, that this was -- this wasn't a trivial pursuit. this was what her life was about. thank you both for taking the time to share some memories of eunice kennedy shriver with us this morning. >> thank you. >> take care. up next, from bulging brides to biggest an wr,see'll look at the growing trend in reality tv when we come back. a chinese emperor was so impressed by soy's health benefits... that he declared it a sacred plant.
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buddhist monks believed eating soy... was healthier for the body and spirit. and american farmers planted soybeans... to help revive the barren soil of the dust bowl. for thousands of years, people all around the world have eaten soy. [ birds chirping ] and today, we take that same historic bean, mix it with fruit and bake it... into soyjoy. learn more at
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for years reality tv shows featured lots of lean men and women. but now there are some new programs with, shall we say, a broader range of contestants. when you think of reality tv, you might think of babes in bikinis picked right out of central casting. >> please give this rose to the woman you would like to share a romantic evening with tonight. >> but these days there are tons
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of new shows which give a whole new meaning to widescreen tv. >> guys, i think, are afraid to date a bigger girl, and they love the skinny [ bleep ]. >> in fact, these hefty shows typically feature women who tip the scales at at least 200 pounds or more. some people say it's taking poundage to an extreme. >> in a way, you sort of want to go, oh, it's great. they're selling us on tv finally. >> kristen, your starting weight is 360 pounds. >> but on the other hand, it's disconcerting because they play up the weight so much. >> the shows are coming at a time when the country is facing an obesity epidemic. studies show that up to 50% of american women are size 14 or bigger, and it costs the country close to $150 billion annually for healthcare. >> all the new reality shows that feature plus-sized women in particular, i feel like it's further normalization of obesity.
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it's plus size, it's plus size, it's plus size. if you look at the numbers of people who are overweight in this country, we're normal sized. >> with shows like more to love, are people loving what they see? >> i think it's kind of insulting. if i was obese, i would be insulted by that. >> it's good to see the reality, and you get a better understanding of them. >> but at the same time, it's reality, but i don't want to watch it. i want to see skinny people on tv. >> joining me now is a true hero to plus-sized women everywhere, super model meme, host of "more to love." when they came to you and said do you want to be involved with this show? what do you think? >> my first thought is this is great. the average person needs to be able to fall in love right now this second. not ten pounds less, ten pounds more. love is there for us for the taking. >> because there certainly is that whole sort of mindset among so many people that i would be
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lovable if i were only 20 pounds lighter or even 10 pounds. >> it drives society to the brink of craziness. we definitely, as we saw in the lead-in, that there is an issue with obesity in our country as well as a horrible problem with anorexia in our country. we don't see average people being reflected in love scenes or in love interest stories in a positive light. so "more to love" is doing just that. >> it's interesting, though, because you heard the woman, one critic talk about the normalization. you know, the most recent study is we have states in this country where the obesity rate verges on 40% and 50%. this is a national epidemic health problem. >> without a question. >> how then do you balance sort of as a society? are we celebrating these folks? are we making fun of these folks? what is it exactly? >> there's a lot of average, harry. there's a lot of average that's not being covered. if we had 62 million above a
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size 12 in this country, not seeing -- >> anybody who looks like them. >> anybody who looks like them in a love interest way, i think that we -- yes, we as a nation need to probably move more. we also need to also accept ourselves this second, this moment, that, yes, we deserve. yes, love is there. yes, dating is hard, number one. a lot of us go through the dating scene, and you have a bad date, and you blame yourself. because of this or that. age, weight, whatever it could be. but it's like you have to get out there. you have to get back on that horse and build your self-esteem enough that you can actually find love. >> do you think your show helps fight against stereotypes? >> it's breaking boundaries down. there's people that love the show, and there's people that's like, oh, i'm aghast. and it's great because people are talking about how they feel about the word fat, how they feel about the word obese, how they feel about who deserves love. >> you sure look beautiful this
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morning, meme. >> thank you, harry. >> thanks for stopping by. >> she does look beautiful. thanks a lot, harry. settle down there, harry. settle down. america's food companies are making inroads into china's huge fast food market, but as cbs news correspondent celia hatton reports, your favorite snacks are getting a major flavor makeover. ♪ yummy yummy yummy i lot love in my tummy ♪ >> reporter: grocery stores in china might surprise even the most savvy american shoppers. blueberry flavored potato chips. strawberry and milk flavored chee-tos. what about aloe juice from minute maid? every major food label is trying to bite into china's $186 billion fast food and processed food industry by creating new products designed just for chinese taste buds. this beijing supermarket is filled with brands that might look familiar but flavors that
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definitely aren't. tropicana cantaloupe juice, orange flavored chip ahoy cookies, and chinese herbal medicine gum. but it's lay's potato chips that push the boundaries. early tests revealed that chinese people didn't like popular american flavors like sour cream and onion. product researchers came up with new flavors inspired by traditional chinese food from szechuan spicy to tomato, all the way to the spectrum with cucumber, lychee, and mango. >> the market is very competitive. there are new products launched regularly into the marketplace. >> popular american chains are getting in on the idea. mcdonald's has purple taro pie. starbucks offers coffee drinks with jelly cubes on the bottom. and kfc has spicy squid on a stick. these products may seem wacky in the u.s., but there's serious
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pressure to be the object of chinese cravings. >> china is going to become the second largest, if not largest consumer market in the world in the next five years. if american companies don't try to figure out how to get it right in china, they're going to be missing out on what should be their major generator for growth. >> reporter: even the toothpaste companies can't afford to ignore the flavor game from lotus flower crest to salty colgate. every corner of the grocery store is trying to tempt china's curious consumers. celia hatton, cbs news, beijing. >> all i know is those were not the chinese snacks i had growing up, and i brought some in here. i'm told that you guys have the same snacks as me. i just want to make sure. >> yeah. >> you have an egg custard. >> oh, yeah. >> looks good. >> that i encourage all of you to try. i like to call it -- it's kind of like a chinese creme brulee. the crust is a little salty. the center is sweet. so you get a savory kind of
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taste. >> it's good. >> lonnie likes it. >> what else have we got? >> who didn't try? i don't see mouths. >> we don't have time to try them all, julie. >> yes, we do. >> i'm going easy on you here. wait. you're eating the wrong one. that one you won't like. >> i like this one. >> that's the white spongecake. it kind of has like a slippery texture to it. >> it's good, though. >> you do like it? i'm impressed. harry, what did you eat? >> that's awesome. i love the spongecake. >> and the last one is a deep fried sesame ball. if you break it in half, which i'll cut here, there is sweet bean paste inside. who wants to be the daring one to try it? >> harry's all over it. >> it's got sweet stuff inside. >> i'm very impressed with your
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i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ... yeah, every night is something different. oh, yeah yeah... ... she always keeps them in the house. no, no, no. i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. babe... umm, i gotta go. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good.
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awesome crowd this morning on a steamy august morning as we welcome you back to "the early show." real quick. where in michigan? is that any place close to dawajack? >> yes, it is. >> say hello to everyone on indian lake. texting has become a language unto itself, especially to teens. lol, 143, do you know what those mean? we've got an expert to help break the code. good morning, julie. >> good morning, harry. do you know what either of those mean?
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i know you know lol. everyone knows that. but the other? >> i don't have a clue. >> i know. i just found out. i'll wait for the segment. also ahead this morning, we'll take a look at new multigeneration households and get some tips on how to avoid conflict while saving money, har harry. and we've got harvest gold, ears and ears of corn. we'll show you how to cook it. and, oh, my goodness, a very important announcement today from the victoria's secret folks. we've got some amazing victoria's secret models with us today in this half hour. >> who's doing that interview? >> that would be my job. lonnie, you do the weather and wait for the grown-ups to take over. >> thank you, harry. this is what i've got for you out there. first of all, a happy birthday wish to martha from connecticut. there you go. happy birthday. and call 811. >> can you tell me what is this all about? >> basically, 811 is the national number to call before
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you dig to get your outdoor utility lines marked before you dig under the house. >> and not electrocute yourself in the process. call 811. make it simple. let's talk about the weather. in terms of the big picture, you're looking at a cold front around the northeast stretching through the tennessee valley out to the southern plains. we're not dealing with cold air by any stretch of the imagination, but we will have scattered showers and storms on the back side of it. it's a little more pleasant and cooler around the great lakes with temperatures in the 70s. it is hot around the southwest. you expect that this time of year. as you take a look at your forecast for tomorrow, typical summer day in the desert, meaning it's going to be hot during the day in the southwest tomorrow. we are broilliing in the 90s fo central and northern plains. but, again, not talking about cool dry air either.
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if you are an avid "early show" fan, maybe you've already checked out our early backstage. if not, head to our website at to watch what you do not get a chance to see on tv. it's a whole behind the scenes inside scoop stuff. the last time i was backstage, you had me kissing a kangaroo, which is a very long story. not going to get into that right now, but here's harry. >> thanks so much, lonnie. if you've got kids, especially teens, chances are they text a lot. you may be clueless, especially when it comes to symbols and
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abbreviations. here to break the code is web life editor for yahoo. i brought in the big gun, lindsay ellingson, one of the victoria's secret models, who's going to crack the codes. i don't know anything about that. let's look at some of the very common codes, especially kids, use when texting. and parents ought to know what these are about, right? >> parents might actually be using some of these themselves, like lol. >> see, i thought that was lot of love. >> really, it's a generational thing, don't you think? >> a lot of people think it's lot of love, but it's actually laugh out loud. >> but you shouldn't feel bad because on yahoo this week it's the second most searched messaging term. up 26%. people are typing in lol into the search bar and asking what does it mean? don't feel bad about that one. >> here's the next one. i have no idea. rofl. do you know what it is? >> i actually don't. i've never heard of that. >> this is good. stumped the star. >> it's rolling on the floor laughing. kind of notched up from lol.
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>> that's good. here's another one. ttyl. you know this one. >> talk to you later. >> of course. >> that's a good one to use for you too. >> here's 143. do you know what 143 is? >> no. >> this is good. >> this is really insightful to know what this is. it means i love you. what's important about this is it's a numeric value for each of the words. 1 is "i." >> wow. >> there's not one way to create these various abbreviations and codes. >> here's a tough one. have you seen this before? bcnu? >> no. >> say it fast. >> i've never heard of these. >> be seeing you. >> oh, be seeing you. like the old song from world war ii. ♪ i'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places ♪ i'm sorry. >> you're dating yourself. >> you'd better believe it. kpc. >> this is an important one for parents. >> hang on to this. we have the victoria's secret
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models here. these are professional texters, right? >> yeah. >> you guys are always like this in the middle of shoots. >> not really. >> this is more for teens. this is keeping parents clueless. >> that's very important. >> this is one you need to know about. >> very good. lindsay, i'm going to have you go back on the couch and continue our conversation. good job. people who text a lot didn't even know what some of these were. >> the thing is this language is evolving so quickly that people are adding new words to the lexicon every day. you shouldn't feel bad if you don't know them. in fact, another good yahoo stat. smh up 400% this month. it means shaking my head or scratching my head. people are typing that in wondering what that means. >> it's very important for parents to have a clue. >> it really is. i think it's important for them to have a clue, but it's also important to know it's a great way to communicate with your child. an at&t study from last summer found that kids prefer to text
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with their parents to keep them up to date. it's their favorite form of communication. it's so easy and quick and convenient. doesn't feel invasive. >> everybody knows no one returns phone messages. >> not anymore. >> heather cabot, thank you so much. >> to be fair, if marisa or alessandra would like to come over and help me with this segment, you're more than welcome. >> a survey of finds that more than half of all grandparents are providing financial assistance in some form to their children, and that frequently is in the form of living. we went to duxbury, massachusetts, where one family is living its own crowded family experiment. lois and derek lugg have always been close to this children, but never this close. this year they went from living down the street from their grandkids to living down the hall. >> i don't know, it's just weird
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they live next door like in the same house. >> reporter: in june they moved with their daughter victoria and her husband jason, a stay at home dad. they now split the rent of this four-bedroom rental home with an in-law wing. >> it was like a step backwards almost. >> reporter: but financially it was a step forward. by splitting their rent, each couple is saving $200 a month. plus there's extra savings on monthly bills. >> our electric bill is $80 for this month, and previously i think they paid about $60, and we paid about $90. >> reporter: that translates to each couple saving an additional $150 a month on utilities and cable. plus with the extra cash there's some unexpected bonuses. >> they always have laundry all over the darn house. unbelievable pile of laundry. i said, listen, why don't i take over the laundry? that's what i did. that's my contribution.
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>> reporter: father and son-in-law have grown closer since sharing a workspace in the garage and take turns watching the kids while their wives are working. >> we're obviously quite separated by age and personalities, you know, but got to kind of learn to live with it, you know. have to give and take a bit there. >> reporter: the men also do grocery shopping and cooking. the two couples split costs with victoria and jason to put in a little extra to cover the kids. overall, each side is saving $300 to $400 each month. money that will go towards buying a house if this little experiment works out. >> it's just a win-win situation all around. >> reporter: joining us now, gary drevitch, senior editor for good morning to you. >> the economy is certainly a big part of it, but it's really calling attention to something that's been a tradition in many families. families have always been there when families are in need. what's interesting, what a lot of people don't realize is in
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62% of the cases of families becoming a multi-generational household, it's the adult children and their grandchildren moving in with the grandparents as opposed to the other way around. >> i think some people say to themselves living with the in-laws or with my parents, oh. there's got to be some rules in place. there's some rules that can really help if you have to take this course of action. one is to respect each other's space in time. >> again, in many cases, it's the kids and grandkids moving in with the grandparents. the grandparents, we really recommend they've got to keep their space. whether it's a large space or a small space in the house, it needs to be respected. that's the key thing. and it's also not taking advantage of each other's time. grandparents need to -- they're not there to baby sit 24 hours a day. they shouldn't be taken advantage of. >> got to have their lives too. make rules mutual. >> whether it's buying the groceries, filling the car with gas, or putting their kids to bed. the grandparents and parents have to give the same message to the kids. they need a consistent message.
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grandparents like to break the rules. that's always fun. that's the fun part of being a grandparent. you can't lose track of that when you're living together. but when it comes to rules for the kids, the parents should really set the tone. >> i like this. treat your family like they're your friends. we show a lot more patience with our friends than we are with our families. >> we like our friends. we seek them out for advice. and we think twice before criticizing them. that's almost the opposite of how we treat our immediate family. if multi-generational families can remember that, it will go a long way. >> avoid slipping into old rules. what are those? >> very often a child hasn't lived with their parents since they were 18. when you're 18, you have a lot of issues with your parents. you think they've gone away, but you move back in, and these issues come up, and they find themselves falling into roles of the rebellious teen 37. >> finally, remember the grandkids are watching. >> the grandkids are watching. you've got to get along.
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if you have issues with each other, resolve it away from the kids. the kids take a lot of cues from how the oldest people go along. >> we'd like to go on ten minutes, but i'm told we cannot because we have to go over to harry right now. >> thanks, chris. it's about to get a little warmer around here. we have four of the most beautiful women on the planet this morning. they are victoria's secret super models, and they are going to reveal a secret about the upcoming sexiest show on earth. joining us now are marisa miller, alessandra ambrosio, lindsay ellingson, and emanuela de paula. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> what's the big breaking news? big breaking victoria's secret news this morning. >> well, it's really exciting. the victoria's secret fashion show will be right here in new york city this year. >> back in new york? >> yeah. >> where it belongs. >> where it belongs. >> that's right. so there will be that live show,
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and people will sort of hurt each other to get tickets. >> we film it in september, and it airs in december. >> i'm glad you came on to tell us. anything else? >> oh, yes. there's a lot. >> there's a lot to come. >> lot to talk about here. another thing i want to ask you about because you're the baby of, what, a year ago? >> almost a year ago i had my daughter. >> and look at you. >> beautiful, right? >> you don't look like you had a baby. >> yeah, i did, you know. she's at home sleeping right now. >> how was it? when you told the victoria's secret folks you're going to have a baby, right? >> i was kind of scared when i told them. i was like, guys, i have something to say. i'm pregnant. you know, you kind of knew just from my tone of voice. they knew i was going to say that. but they are all happy. here i am back working. i did the show last year.
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it was two months after i had the baby. >> just two months? >> yes. >> you don't look any the worse for wear. >> they looks better. >> even better. >> you think? >> yeah. i want some notes. >> people see these catalogs, people see you. there's this kind of ideal body type. meme was just on a little while ago. what advice do you have to people who think i can't -- did you hear the interview with meme? this whole notion i can't be lovable unless i look like a victoria's secret model. is there a message that you have for women and girls out there? >> well, victoria's secret is all about making a woman feel beautiful and confident. they have sizes out there for any woman. they love curves. and they just really are all about celebrating women's bodies. >> there you go. is there some other thing that we're supposed to be talking about? >> today? >> it's the ten-year anniversary of what? >> of body by victoria collection, which is a great favorite among women because
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it's like an everyday bra. you probably have your favorite pair of jeans or t-shirt. this is like the favorite bra that we have that we wear every day. >> sneakers? support, right? >> even support. >> support and utility, right? different kinds of support. >> you did a lot of research on this. >> i'm just thinking about sneakers. emanuela, you're from brazil, right? >> right. >> what is it about brazil, so many of your gorgeous predecessors as victoria's secret models come from brazil. what is it about brazilian women? >> i don't know. i think it's a mix of, you know, we have blond girls, black girls. it's a mix of everything. it's natural. it's from the water, i think. the water we drink. if you can go there and check it out. >> no question. >> there is like a secret in the water there. >> yes. >> aha. >> and it's the samba dance.
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i'm trying to get her to teach me to samba. >> all about the samba. >> we drink the water, and then we have dancing. >> it always comes back to the samba. we have to go? >> no. >> no problem. >> we have a contest launching today. it's called love your body by victoria. you can get on facebook or body by and you tell us why you love your body and the winner gets a pampering from victoria's secret. >> a spa weekend in new york. that's great. >> ladies, thank you all for being with us. we'll see you this fall when you come back to do the show. >> great. you did a great job. >> we'll get you a ticket. >> you're going to have to be there. >> i have to be there. we're going to wade through the maze of vegetable options. get it? maize, corn. we'll be right back. gó y sheam@rl a fa
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>> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by bounty. the even thicker quicker picker-upper. summer harvest 101, sweet flavorful corn. aaron sanchez of the new food network program "chefs versus the city" is here with some kernels of truth. >> corn, harry, is one of my favorite ingredients in the summertime. it's all about corn and tomatoes. >> just couldn't agree with you more. >> you want to make sure the corn is plump and firm and has the outer husks intact. >> if you're looking at a big table full, this one versus this one, this one is a little thicker. you want to go with that. >> and once you peel it, you don't want to go with this where it's a little shabby. you want to go with something robust and the kernels intact.
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once you cook this, you can store it in your freezer up to six months. it's great. >> nothing to it. >> once you get it going, brush it and on the grill. >> can i ask you? before we go grilling corn, if you're going to cook corn -- some people cook it like forever. i say blanche maybe a minute but that's it? >> and the reason you do that is because you want to expediate the process. cook it and bring out the natural sugar. once we brush it with oil, we put it on the grill. this is five minutes on each side. this helps to give you the charred corn flavor that brings out the sugar and the sweetness. >> oh, my gosh. >> i've actually taken it off the cob. i don't recommend standing it up. just take your knife and run it down each side. that's what i've done over here. just to kind of finish up the salsa. i've actually had red onions, and i've pampered it with a little red wine vinegar to actually take off the raw red onion flavor. >> that's working. >> we're going to add that to
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our bowl. >> that works. >> and a little cilantro, fresh basil, roasted tomato, and then i season it with salt and pepper. you can stir that for me. and then once you have that, you can let this sort of sit and marinade for up to a couple of hours. this is great with grilled fish, chicken, steak, just about anything. >> what is this? >> these are venezuelan corn cakes. i have some tamales over here. and i have a couple of samples. you have friends you want to invite over so we can sample this good stuff? >> excuse me, lonnie, do we have any friends to help sample the food here? >> i was looking for my list. come on in here. my new friends. >> is there anything better than tamales? >> no. >> yes. i've got a couple of them over here. >> what is this? >> these are corn. these are all sort of utilizing
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corn. this is just -- you can actually pick this up with your hand if you want. >> is there anything like this? this is from venezuela. is there anything like this from brazil? >> we have a lot of things from brazil that it's made with corn. >> made with corn? >> yes. i don't know how to say it in english, but it's delicious. >> we want to prove that victoria's secret models actually eat. there you go. >> we need our curves. >> there you go. >> thank you so much. for more of aaron's corn recipes, go to our website, julie? >> suddenly the chinese treats i brought in don't look so good next to the corn stuff. >> way to go, jules. >> and you guys are going to be in herald square in new york when? >> today from 3:00 to 5:00. come. we're going to have a great time. >> bring your family.
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bring your friends. >> have a great day, everybody. your local news is next. hmmm... well... naaa... yeah! calculating for getaway. ♪ find your way to a perfect destination at busch gardens... and water country usa... where family-fun surrounds you... and world-class rides astound. start at
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with four family-friendly rides... and everyone's sesame street friends. ( elmo giggles ) ♪ big and small! there's fun for all! ♪ good morning. great to have you with us at the channel 9 information center it is 8:55 and i'm watching the satellite-radar loop. keeping an yea on the sky and i don't see any rain. we are heading out. if you have late-afternoon plans, umbrella alert. you want to have it with you. the reason why thunderstorms will be firing. we will take a trip to the 90s. not as hot as yesterday. that's the good news. we won't see 97 but certainly 93 isn't a far reach. 80 in winchester. 73 cumberland with more clouds out. there these thunderstorms inside the beltway, probably by 3:00. you folks in western maryland working on a late-morning until
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noon. tomorrow, notice the big temperature changes. instead of 90s, we will keep us in the 80s, much better. a slight chance of a shower or storm and then thursday is the pick of the week. with that 85. if you are catching a flight we can help you out. heading up to great falls in the 90s today. 92 new orleans. 90 memphis and atlanta and if you are west coast found the middle 60s in san francisco. 81 los angeles. we are watching the storms fire along the front, angie later this afternoon, you know the windshield wipers off and on, off and on. >> that's right. get ready to use them. hello. before a live shot. this just in from my buddy at vdot. at 34th and wisconsin have have an accident scene out there. they claim to be working the scene for the next hour or so. so you need to use caution and expect delays. a beltway alert. a live shot for you on the inner loop. they are taking away lanes as needed but in the last minute
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or so they have blocked all lanes approaching 95. that's because we have a situation an and an accident involving a car that had run in to the woods. that is toe the left side of the inner loop as we look at the head lights facing us. right now we are seeing a backup at university. it will obviously grow. nobody can exit off the ramp there. we will keep you posted when things open at 9:00 a.m. that doesn't look good. keep us in the loop. follow her on twitter and join us for the 9:00 show. it starts right after this. nt ?ñ??
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