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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  August 11, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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doppler. we'll track that coming up. lesli. thanks top. her family says she was the light of their lives and led a life of love and service to others. eunice kennedy shriver died earlier this morning. family members had been by her side since she was admitted to a hospital last week. cbs news chief washington correslook back at her legacy. >> she was born into one of america's most prominent families, the 5th of nine kennedy children. graduating from stanford university in 1943, she later became a social worker at a west virginia prisonnen. she married sergeant shriver in 1953. and together, they had five children, including maria shriver, now the wife of california governor, arnold hwarzenegger. it was growing up with a close family member who was mentally retarded that led to eunice kennedy shriver's life's work. the establishment of special
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olympics. her goal she said was to demonstrate that people with mental retardation are capable of remarkable achievements in sports, education, employment, and beyond. it began in 1962 as a summer camp at her home in maryland. and led to the first special olympic summer games held at chicago's soldier field in 1968. 1,000 athletes from 26 states in canada competed. today, the games have more than 1.3 million participates in over 150 countries. in 1984, ronald reagan awarded the highest civilian honor. for decent si and goodness touched the lives of many. eunice kennedy shriver deserves america's love. >> born to privilege, she made her life's work helping those
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who had little. she wrote special olympians, is proof the value of human life should be manied in nemany ways eunice kennedy shriver was 88. >> and thanks to eunice kennedy shriver. there are now 3.2 million special olympics athletes. >> on 9news now at 9:00 a.m., brady talked about her legacy. >> in its adopted population that had been marginnized for centuries all over the world and created a movement around sports in 1968 into something now that is in every country in the world. >> the shriver's hosted the best buddy's charity ball at their home for years. caps owner is on the board of best buddies and worked with the organization for years. he spoke to us by phone from new york. >> mr. shriver was really an authentic american hero. the work that she did touched
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honestly millions and millions and millions of lives and when you look at the shriver family between special olympics and the peace corp. and best buddies, they really apit mize what public service is all about. mr. shriver was such a role model for so many people around the world, certainly in our local area and this is a huge loss for our community. >> she met him en he was a classmate. we have much more coverage of the life and legacy of eunice kennedy shriver on our website, attached to the story you'll find a slide show and the entire statement issued by the special olympics about her passing. >> a woman who went to check on a relative's cat end up the victim of rape. it pp haedenin loudoun county whe e erthedsheriff's departmen is looking for help in solving the case. peggy fox has the story. >> i can't believe something
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like this would happen. >> in this area. >> you wouldn't expect a crime like this to happen out here, where fields run deep and homes are spread out five to an acre. >> this is a quiet neighborhood. you never hear of any crime. it is very disheartening. >> here in this community, a woman was raped friday evening around 6:30. the 32-year-old woman come to check on a cat in a relative's house when two men attacked her before she could get inside. >> she was approached from behind from two unknown subjects who assaulted her, one of the man held her down and another man sexually assaulted her. >> the attacker stole the woman's cell phone, so she had no way to call police. she drove herself to a hospital. >> the victim lives in fairfax county and she may have been familiar with the hospital because that's where she came. >> recommended all people that would represent any possibility of a sexual assault keep their
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clothing on and any possible evidence in tact. >> the woman was taken to fairfax hospital, which has a rape treatment center. the evidence collected will help get two violent men off the street. >> i think it's very sad. >> peggy fox, 9news now and >> detectives don't have a description of the suspect. they are hoping the victim will be able to remember more details. >> a carbon monoxide scare sends three people to the hospital. the american hotel at 9th street and board walk was evacuated this morning after guests began showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. the top three floors. the source of the leak is under investigation. >> 9news now learned one of the hydrants used in the fire to destroy the mansion belonging to the city's school board president was mismarked by wasa. the question now is what does that mean for the testing of
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hydrants all across the city? we turn to digital correspondent who is live in northwest washington for some answers. dave. >> lesli, this hydrant here at river road is marked with yellow plastic. this means this hydrant should be capable of flowing 1500 gallons per minute of water. about 40% of the hydrants across the city have been labeled, color coded in an effort to help dc firefighters. but we have learned here at 9news now that a hydrant shows that the system may not be foolproof. >> there's a piece of blue plastic on the ground next to hydrant 03353. that's the indication ofs offo rmer status. being in the top tier of hydrants. capable of flowing more than 1500 gallons a minute of water. when firefighters tried to use this hydrant, they found it
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didn't flow anywhere near 1500 gallons per minute. more like 300 gallons every 60 seconds. it is now marked red. >> how does a hydrant go from being the highest flowing type of hydrant in the city to the lowest type? >> it has to be a mistake. we rely and have a very high confidence in those markings and the work. >> we hope they will get it squared away. >> lives across the street from the hydrant. >> they found out after the fire. >> after the fire. well, that's distressing. >> mentioned that firefighters used the hydrant the night of the fire as a secondary water source. it doesn't talk about the hydrant being mislabeled. what the mayor did tell us, they are better helping firefighters. >> they will share some additional information with us about the gallons per minute flow. >> the fire department doesn't
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believe the mistake is not a signal of bigger problems. >> what checks are balances are to make sure that wasa is providing you with what they say. >> i think we will be a bit more tuned into this aspect now, because of this. >> so what does this all mean, the mistake in the color coding? we heard the dc fire department, now wasa tells us that this was a human error. they do not believe this is a problem in their system. >> thank you for that. dc mayor fenty had help showing off one of dc's newest schools today. a group of children helped cut the ribbon for the new $50 million education campus in northwest. the campus is the district's first combined school recreation and library facility. it is over at new jersey avenue and pierce street. that new school will
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accommodate 850 students. another sign that the summer break is about to come to an end for most area school kids, today was orientation day for new teachers in the public school system. the day long session was held at wise junior high school in upper marl marlboro. frederick community college is expecting another spike in enrollment this fall. the number of students went up 6% last year and college officials anticipate another 12% increase this year. the enrollment deadline is august 20. more than 6,000 students are expected to sign up for classes at frederick community college. >> new hampshire became the latest stage for opponents to speak out against the president's healthcare reform plan today. hundreds marched outside president obama's town hall meeting. as joel brown reports, most of the people inside seemed to support the president's plan. >> opponents and supporters of the president's plan to overhaul healthcare drew the
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battle lines outside his new hampshire town home. while loud protesters made their case outside -- >> first time in 68 years that i protested. >> inside, president obama tried to regain control of the debate while taking on the critics that dominated town hall meetings with lawmakers across the country. >> where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no representation. >> focusing more now on how he thinks his plan will help those who have health insurance, rather than the 50 million americans who don't have coverage. he pledged healthcare reform be ban insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions. making healthcare deseasons. >> i don't think government
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bureaucrats should be medaling, that's the healthcare system i believe in. >> but the president's words weren't enough to convince some protesters outside the event. they are convinced the healthcare reform movement means the government takeover of medicine. it's the message that lawmakers will have to fight hard against next month. joel brown, cbs news, the white house. earlier in the day, pennsylvania senator, arlen specter became the latest to face a protest in his home district. last night it was maryland's ben harden. you can see more of that meeting at by clicking on maryland news. tonight, federal agents -- into michael jackson's death. a dea spokesperson says agents from las vegas and la arrived at the pharmacy this morning. they are reportedly looking for
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records of controlled substances provided by the facility. investigators believe that jackson's personal physician purchased a powerful an stettic from that s pharmacy. the numbers from wall street coming up. and dramatic rescues after a typhoon hits southeast asia. the latest on the deadly storm is just ahead. gó
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regis helped to ring the closing bell on wall street today. not sure many folks walked away as millionaires. the dow finished the day down 96 1/2 points. and the s & p 500 fell almost 12 points. >> a desperate rescue effort now underway in storravaged ar edare buried in the aftermath. charlie has the latest. >> an elderly survivor hangs on for his life as rescuers rushed to get him out of the disaster zone. but other villagers are scuffling with crews, saying not enough is being done to
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save residents. taiwan's military air lifted 300 victims from remote villages after a deadly typhoon triggered mud slides that wiped out their homes. survivors broke down in tears as fears grew for more than 700 people still missing. dozens are confirmed dead. one helicopter on a rescue mission crashed into a mountain with three crew members on board. still, choppers continue to fly around the clock, bringing food and supplies in and taking people out. children and babies cling to parents while emergency teams struggle to keep shocked victims warm. the typhoon pummeled taiwan. these homes were destroyed in seconds when a hillside gave way to the relentless rain. i heard this loud rumbling sound, he says. in about one second, the whole building came tumbling down. rescuers spent hours searching
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for any sign of life in these buried buildings. not all those pulled from the mud and rubble survived. chinese authorities are still counting the human costs after the worst typhoon flooding to hit the region in 50 years. charlie dagata, cbs news. >> those are tough images. he has a shot that we really want to see. one of our favorite residents here in dc. we want you to see if you notice anything. >> okay. >> that is normal. look carefully, almost holding, it is a frog. isn't that cool? >> where? wait. >> he is looking at it. >> oh, that's right. >> he is holding -- look at that. good job, bobby hall. >> he did a good job. he did everything right. it is a great picture and he had a name and we appreciate that. i had to blow out some great
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lightning pictures. sorry. you want to send us something, go to our website, go to photo galleries and go to your best shot photo gallery and then upload your picture, just one, and please include your name and your hometown. you can do it -- there's plenty of places. let's talk about our next three days. temperatures are going to be okay. we said good-bye to the 90s for a while. tomorrow, thunderstorms, 86. 85, more storms on thursday and i think even on friday we'll see some storms. temperatures will remain in the mid to upper 80s. tonight, partly cloudy, muggy. a few storms are possible. low temperatures 68 to 76. winds out of the north at 5 to 10 and some of the storms that develop could be hefty. let me show you live doppler 9,000. we have already seen severe weather up to the north of us in adams county. it is pretty quiet right now around the immediate metro area. in the next hour, these storms gain a little bit of strength. it is storms to the north that are going to come out of
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pennsylvania and drop southward that we are concerned about later on tonight. probably in the 9 to maybe midnight time frame. we'll keep you posted on that. the atmosphere is moist. this is where the storm is now. this just popped up in the last half an hour. crossing 40, south of haggerstown, and to the west of smithsburg and we'll put this into motion. the next hour, it is going to move due south towards myersville and pass into the west of frederick. when we get north to south. those can be intense storms. we'll keep you posted all night. right now, a flood warning into adams county. 88 gaithersburg. the temperatures are a little more handleable today. 90 right now in fredericksburg. tomorrow morning, partly cloudy and warm. 70s and 80s by afternoon. more storms are possible. good news is, highs are 85 on wednesday with light winds. the zone forecast for you again tomorrow, mid 80s middleburg. maybe 87 in dale city.
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afternoon storms, and we are looking at the same forecast downtown. temperature wise, a bargain. i mean, 86 downtown tonight. 84 in annapolis. 85 in plum point. very quickly, satellite picture, radar combined, this is the line of showers pushing through pittsburgh that will eventually come through here later on tonight. we'll keep you posted. 86 tomorrow. mid 80s on thursday. upper 80s on friday and saturday. yes we have thunderstorms. we do creep up to around 90 on sunday, monday, and tuesday of next week. also with thunderstorms, but less of a chance that period, a good chance wednesday and thursday. >> okay. at least it's not staying way up there, you know. >> that's true. though it is day 2 of the thickness out in ash burn and the redskins have been dealing with it. >> they certainly have. hey dave. >> what's up, ladies, 48 hours before the redskins take on the
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ravens. michael vick's agent was in the house today. hear what he has to say about his client. the break. acoming up after the break. fa
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have you heard about miralax? miralax relieves constipation with no bloating. no cramping. no sudden urgency. announcer: only miralax is clinically proven to work like that. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax.
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i'm haoward bernstein, when you are cooking at home, don't use appliances that are too big. heat in the oven small uses more energy than you need. try using a toaster oven instead. it will heat up the food, but not the house. m.9.remore mops, tigo to wucosa juicstwu living green. you n become a fan on facebook. the virginia lottery says sales of its new redskins
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themed game tops $4 million in one week. the redskins mania scratch tickets went on sale august 3. those tickets cost $20 each. the prices range from $20 to $1 million. nonwinning tickets can be entered for a chance to win other prizes, including redskins season tickets. speaking of getting psyched about the redskins, the preseason is about to get started. the first preseason game is 48 hours away, dave owens is sweating it out at redskins park and he joins us now with the latest. hey dave. >> how is it going? wrapping up their final day of practice before they take on the ravens. players battling through these 90-degree temperatures. the sizzle surrounding a guy who wasn't even on the field. he was standing on the sidelines talking about agent joel segal. he visited with skins executive of football operations.
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he is still confident an opportunity will soon surface for the recently reinstated quarterback, but says his visit had nothing to do with that. he was simply to check up on his other clients. >> jason, diangelo, watch a couple of my guys practice, spend some time with vinnie and enjoy the day. talking to a host of clubs and confident he will be with the team. >> no chance. >> no chance, all right, on the field, of course, brennan always seems to be a popular player in camp. interestingly enough, the second year man out of hawaii hadn't thrown an intersection all camp. he would give the first guy who picked him $100. consider chris $100 richer today. he was the first to get a theft this morning. much more coming up. we'll tell you who won't be playing on thursday night. also tell you one of those second year wide receivers will be ready to go and introduce you to one of the redskins of
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the iron men, that's all coming up later in sports. ladies. >> we'll see you then. a programming note here now, michael vick will be on this sunday's 60 minutes. it will be his first interview. now that is this sunday, august 16 at 7:00 p.m. you can watch it right here on wusa9. >> coming up, new details in the death of a lees bergmann who appears had been mauled by a dog. >> coming up, is gm's new plug in car $40,000 price worth the $40,000 price tag? it hard to breathe.
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let's reset some of the stories in news. eunice shriver died at the hospital surrounded by her family. she was the sister of president john f. kennedy. she also founded the special olympics. she died at the age of 88. right now, loudoun county police are looking for two men
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who raped a woman at a house in shantilly. the man left with the victim's cell phone. a hospital emergency room for help. >> one of the hydrants used to fight a fire that destroyed a mansion owned by dc's former school board president was mismarked by wasa. the discovery comes as wasa tests hydrants throughout the district for water flow problems. the agency is preparing a data base for dc firefighters. >> tonight, new details are emerging about a 20-year-old man was mauled to death by five dogs. it happened inside his home. g lice said the e yog unman's scr grathemade the atgrizzly ery in leesburg. here's digital correspondent with tonight's followup. it's now being called a vicious dog case. a preliminary autopsy report confirms carter was killed by two pit bulls in the basement of his home. >> the bite marks actually
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struck arteries that controlled the flow of blood through the brain. >> chris jones with leesburg police says the large dogs also killed a small pug x. mi he says it's possible carter tried to stop it. >> were they going after that smaller pet dog and was carter trying to rescue the small pet dog from the pit bulls? >> adrian with loudoun county animal control says that is a likely scenario. >> when it comes to certain dogs, when human interfears, they don't stop. they aren't able to stop and sometimes the humans are injured. >> both of the large american pit bulls are being kept here at the loudoun county animal shelter. adrian lawson says both are still acting aggressive. >> they are not happy. they were highly aggressive yesterday at the scene. >> lawson says carter's brother owns the pit bulls. he will not face charges. while the family is deciding what to do with the dogs, it will likely not be their
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decision. >> if they choose not to euthanize, we will go to court and the judge will order for the dogs to be put down. >> 9news now and animal control plans to meet with the family tomorrow. two small dogs that were inside the home at the time are now staying with the family. >> a six-year-old girl's grandmother, her uncle, and abuse charges il in inrgviia. police in bristol say they upd rg he child and scared her shni puntmer foidsps punishment for ta kingfood from n. tc veorstigats say she was pe atlyraedst reedigin inan apartment bedroom last month. that child is now in the custody of social services. >> the man in this police mug shot may be smiling, but what he is accused of is not funny. police say walter brown snatched a purse from a three- year-old girl. it happened yesterday as she waited in line with her aunt. the toddler had a few dollars of change in that purse. brown was arrested a short time
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later. general motors is shining a spotlight on its first electric car. new details were unveiled today, including the price. here's the latest with all the specifics. >> you couldn't miss the headlines. gm's long awaited electric car promises 230 miles per gallon in city driving. >> having your car that gets triple digit fuel economy, we believe, can and will be a game changer for us. >> the chevrolet volt is scheduled to start production late next year. the plug in battery lasts up to 40 miles. on a highway, that gets used up quickly and a gasoline engine takes over to power the car and recharge the battery. >> you can charge the volt at night, r off peak for about 5 cents per kilowatt hour. which means it will cost about 40 cents. >> even with the savings on fuel, people may find the $40,000 price tag too steep,
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which is why the industry doesn't think the new car will save gm, but at least polish its image. >> it is a big step as far as pride, showing that look, we are ahead of toyota. we are putting out a plug in electric vehicle. >> gm has been talking it up for months. the challenge was rating a car that runs on kilowatt hours and gas pump society understands. >> it is the equivalent of getting 230 miles per gallon. >> if that figure is proven and government tests, it will be four times the current fuel champion the toyota prius and make the volt the first triple digit mileage barrier. cbs news, new york. >> coming up on 9news now at 7:00, we'll take a closer look at the impact electric cars could have. stay tuned for the director of the maryland energy administration. >> a high speed chase in los angeles today.
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the california highway patrol says it reached speeds of over 90 miles per hour. the car made several dangerous u-turns and drove in the opposing lanes of traffic. the chase lasted more than an hour before ending with a driver's arrest in the driveway of a home. now here's something you probably never seen before. oh my goodness, an elephant stuck in a manhole. it happened sunday in thailand. the baby elephant fell into the hole as it was being walked by its handlers. rescuers spent three hours digging it out. the elephant was not injured. we are getting close to the end of an era. more on that and a nine month odyssey to try and save a homecoming up in living smart. one homeowner's frustrating attempt to get help. >> and one of our favorites. >> lesli, anita, that means it's time for the latest intall stalement of the good, the bad, and the ugly. subdued by a 6-foot eagle. plus, as if seeing the cowboys
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helmets themselves didn't bother you enough, wait until you see what's under them. that frightening sight coming up in gbu. top. >> got me a little scared. we had a break on temperatures. we also had a break on the pollen count. you can access this via the web at go to the weather page and follow the drop down menu. low for grasses, low for trees, and mold spores in the low range. we'll come back and talk about a break in the heat and an increase in thunderstorms. r42rpp seem smooth and strong to irreversible damage. no different. irreversible loss of enamel. enamel shield enamel loss by forming against acid attack. toothpastes dentists check most. save your enamel. be gone for good. enamel shield. with the rinse. @
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americans who don't qualify for federal mortgage help are stuck in a tough spot. they want to keep their homes, but are tough to losing it all. getting through the modified maze is a frustrating task. >> i go do photo shoots in the morning, go to the regular 9:00 to 5:00 job and after that, we work on our real estate business. this is actually for the front and back deck plans for the foundation. >> dan is doing everything he can to keep his house. working three jobs, getting little sleep, and nowhere on his loan modifications. in april, he got this e-mail. >> country wide had denied us. >> he had been trying since december of 2008 to get some help with no luck. >> so i essentially have to screw up my great credit and not give the mortgage company about $8,000 to $10,000 which doesn't make sense.
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>> it was one of millions in the same predicament. stuck in the middle of a mortgage mess. 51% of his income goes toward his house payment. >> in july, it was denied again. >> industry experts say that lenders are reluck tent to modify some loans because it hurts their bottom line. >> they may have to write down others and that affects their finances. >> the magazine editor says if you are turned down, be as proactive as you can. >> you do have to be your own advocate and if you talk to one person at your lending office and they say no, ask to talk to your superior. >> he is still getting nowhere. >> my only other option would be to walk away from the economy. >> he plans to keep pushing for answers, even if it means more work. >> the mortgage companies always tell you to call us first, call if you have a problem, we are here to help. they are really not. they are not at all.
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>> if you are stuck t jane say in g. u geto t gein touch with in the federal he lp . keonep . keep on reaching ngout to credi counselors. don't accept no, do whatever you can to save your home. >> today, truly marked the end of an era. after 72 years and 69 daytime emmies, the cbs soap opera shot its final episode today in the town of new jersey. kim ximmer has played the character for nearly 30 of those years. on the soap, she is married nine times, traveled in time, and even been cloned. so what will she miss the most? the men. i mean, come on. i've gotten to be involved with some of daytime's most gorgeous men. now they will be me and my husband of 38 years or however long we have been married. you know, i mean now it will just be us.
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i won't have that fantasy world. >> talk about a reality check. the final episode airs on september 18 and you can see it here on wusa9. >> she still has to go home at some point. 9news now at 6:00 is about 15 minutes away and new tonight, local children talk about how eunice kennedy shriver changed their lives for the better. plus if you are thinking about laying away some items, we have some living smart tips you should know first. and get ready, we are going to rock and roll and do it all at camp. those stories are coming up all new tonight at 6:00. >> look at those kids. >> hey hey. i want to learn. i want to go to that camp. >> they are doing it. >> i would love to be able to play a lead guitar. i would love. >> you have the skills? >> no. i have no idea. extremely hard to do. >> it is very hard. >> no, not coordinated enough. >> you are a great forecaster. >> thank you.
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even when you are a little nasally. >> i feel a little better than i sound. kind of a horse race today. >> here's the forecast first now. the next three days, we are looking at temperatures on the way down. 80s across the board, which is nice. 86 tomorrow. 85 on thursday. and then mid 80s to upper 80s on friday. we have storms each day, particularly tomorrow and thursday. so we are in good shape in terms of temperatures. we aren't going to be able to shake the storms and showers. tonight, partly cloudy, muggy. a few thunderstorms possible. low temperatures 68 to 76. winds light out of the north at 5. now let me show you live doppler 9,000. we talked about this earlier. it is pretty quiet around the immediate metro area. we are looking at not anything close to us. however, pretty big storm up around myersville. we showed you this a half hour ago. it is going to move down 70. head toward middletown.
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put this into motion. right through myersville. it will have heavy rain, may have some strong, gusty winds. if you have any hail with this storm, give us a call and send us a report. it will move right across middletown into frederick. we'll keep you posted. all right, go back to the computer you go and tomorrow, first we'll do temperatures. upper 80s in brooksville. 89 at dumphry's. we are 4 degrees less than we were at this time last night. now tomorrow morning, partly cloudy and warm. 70s and 80s. by afternoon, partly cloudy, warm, storms are still possible again. high temperatures at 85 and winds calm tomorrow. here's our microcast. 10:30 tonight, see showers across the delmarva. for the most part, we are not in bad shape. we go through the day much like today. clouds, sun, we do think storms are going to develop as we go through wednesday night. to the west of us, wednesday
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around 5:00. 8:00, some showers and thunderstorms possible over us. the front goes south of us late tonight and tomorrow. it stays with us and kind of plays cat and mouse with us. the storms are possible wednesday, even into thursday. all right, zone forecast. isolated showers on front royal. 87 in dale city and again, 86 downtown with afternoon storms. next seven days, 80s for a while. that's the good news. the bad news is, still some storms. it will become a little hotter. not crazy hot, but hot on sunday, monday, and tuesday with temperatures generally right around 90. >> all right. thank you. it's time. >> yes. >> i have a special treat for anita. it's her favorite. i have furries this week. >> i love that. >> i have fake animals and one real animal. it's the look at the excellent and not so excellent sports. we start with the good.
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best job by a mascot. the manley eagle from the australian rugby league. subdued him until security could arrive. but the best part of it is, the eagle in full uniform gave an interview. >> bought me wings -- he gave him a bit, don't you love how he didn't take his hat off for the interview? the red sox throwing the purpose pitch high and tight to alex rodriguez. doesn't get charged with a ball, because as you can see, it hit his back. arod tries to argue that it hit him in the shoulder. the replay doesn't lie. here's another mascot. look, he is trying to play a little. >> wait a minute. >> no, she's not buying that. she's a little too smart. best luck in the history of luck. this texas trooper helping a motorist change a tire on a
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bridge. watch along the guardrail as another tire wizs by his hip and nearly kills him. that second tire came off an 18 wheeler. it grazed his gun holster, but he was fine. that is lucky. we go to the best. best effort, worst results. makes a nice one handed pick up on the slow roller and throws it to home plate. he missed first base by a whole base. that is not good. but still a nice pick up. the throw not so much. worst haircuts. those given by the cowboy veterans to the rookies. that one looked like my accountant and they call that the shark fin, because of that thing in the front looks like a dorsal. worst motorcycle jump. these two guys who land on each other at the x-games. that is blake warton. i don't know. i'm not hip on the x-games.
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are you supposed to do that? it is extreme. i think you'll agree, but probably not what they meant to do. most unfortunate foul ball attempt. he goes after it and he lands on his melon and apparently it was a big hit on the melon because as you can see, the bloody forehead and there's albert trying to take care of them. he was okay. finally, worst in sports. nascar and horse racing through the cars. >> wow. >> that's on a highway in israel as the horse put two hoofs through the windshield, nearly killed the guy driving the car. the horse got away, and the driver got away. >> wow. >> and we are afraid of deer. >> you know what? deer have done that too. a deer is not as big as a horse, but that's why -- then again the deer see you and they stop in the headlights. >> okay. thanks brett. up next, the common and inexpensive drug helping people
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with cancer live longer. i'll explain in tonight's living well report. my husband and i, we love to go to steakhouses
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b@ an experiment tall bone drug looks good, showing good results for both men and women. two studies in this week's journal shows something like denosumab. help women avoid painful spine fractures. also seemed to help men
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battling prostate cancer avoid losing bone during their treatment. possible downsides include higher infection risk and a high price tag. on the other hand, aspirin is sometimes described as a multipurpose miracle drug. it is cheap. it buys pain, inflammation, strokes, and heart attacks. it may help people with colon cancer live longer. >> eight months ago, cindy got a huge shock. a diagnosis of colon cancer at age 46. >> i was in denial. i have a healthy lifestyle, very active. ate extremely well. >> after surgery, she is now in remission. >> i have a less than 10% chance of reoccurrence. i'm grateful for every day of my life. >> to help make that life as healthy and long as possible, survivors like cindy are being advised to take aspirin. >> the first major study that demonstrates that by taking essentially what is available over the counter can help to
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reduce colon cancer related deaths. >> the study looked at more than 1200 people with stage one, tworks or three colon cancer. the people who took aspirin had a 30% lower risk of dying during an average of 11 years. the aspirin benefit was primarily seen with tumors. >> a high percentage of colon cancer express this enzyme. aspirin actually suppress this enzyme. >> the doctor says based on the latest research, he is suggesting aspirin therapy to colon cancer patients. something cindy is very open to. >> i would definitely be proactive and taking that. >> now of course we can't overlook the most powerful weapon against colon cancer, that is regular screening,
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folks. colonoscopy can show pallops. coming up next at 6:00, new information in the crash over the hudson river. find out what dive crews just found minutes ago. >> and don't forget, we are always on for you at stay with us, 9news now continues. abrasive on dentures? look, scratches collect and grow cause bad breath instead clean without scratching causing bacteria every dayfab@fafa
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