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tv   9 News Now Tonight  CBS  August 14, 2009 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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way up. i'm bruce leshan at the arlington county courthouse where the former alexandria police chief pleaded guilty to drunk driving and was sentenced to five days in jail and fined $300. >> used bad judgment, drank too much. got behind the wheel of a car and paid what i think is a disproportionate price for it. >> reporter: the form chief ducked cameras at the arlington courthouse but put out a written statement in which he said he will be forever haunted by personal embarrassment and humiliation. he repeated his apology to the woman he hit, who suffered whiplash and had to be rushed to the hospital. >> i'm nine sports director brett haber. the eagles get an immensely talented player and the pr headache and stigma that will follow michael vick for the rest of his career.
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he thanked his new team for offering him a second chance to play football and vowed to make them look wise for doing so. >> i'm just blessed to have the opportunity to be able to be with this organization. my goal is to come back and get acclimated and whatever coach reid says, that's what i do. i'm here to contribute. >> reporter: redskins fans won have to wait long to see vick in person. the eagles play at fedex field on october 26th. and boy, many of you have some strong opinions about michael vick sounding off on our website at this one wrote -- those are
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some very spirited responses and we want you to keep them coming. the web b@address is more michael vick this sunday when he speaks out for the first time about his dog fighting conviction on 60 minutes. here's a preview. >> you know, i feel tremendous hurt behind what happened. and, you know, i should have took the initiative to stop it all, you know and i didn't. i didn't step up. i wasn't a leader. >> reporter: again, see more of this interview on sunday on 60 minutes. that happens right here at 7:00 p.m. on wusa 9 on sunday. the tex convict claims he
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didn't know dog fighting was wrong because he grew up around it. the washington animal rescue league is educating kids in our area about the dangers of dog fighting and not to mention illegal. lindsey mastis has the story. >> reporter: barkley and archie are two of the friendliest pit bulls you will ever meet but often dogs of this breed are taught to fight each other. >> i'm always amazed kids as young as 7 or 8 can say i have seen people doing that. >> they say dog fighting happens frequently in the district. she is teaching kids that it is wrong so later in life they don't turn out to be like michael vick. >> i learned dog fighting is illegal. >> he says he loved football but was upset when he heard what vick did. >> it made me feel terrified of why would somebody do dog fighting. >> pit bulls are wonderful companions and they have been horribly abused. >> they are teaching the kids
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to love all animals and that they have emotions just like people, like pain, anger and happiness. >> you put yourself this their position an you wouldn't like it at all. >> people think that pit bulls are mean dogs. they are aggressive but they are not. >> anytime they see an animal injured or mistreating an animal they can speak up for them. >> reporter: carlos says he will do just that. >> i will say that's wrong. why would you do that? lindsey mastis, 9 news now and now debbie jewel also works with schools to spread the message about dog fighting. if you are interested in learning more about the program go to our website and click on this story. now, back to the health care battle. four versions have been approved by congressional committees. to there's a lot of misinformation out there but there is one sticking point that none of the bills clearly address and that is will illegal immigrants be eligible for health care? the issue came up at a town
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hall meeting earlier this week in hagerstown. >> why not go to an area that is more effective like tort reform and closing the borders [ applause ] >> illegal aliens will not be in this bill, period, the end. >> reporter: joining us now is the director of research for the center for immigration studies. thank you so much for being here. >> good to be here. >> okay. so now, you are a nonpartisan group. that's okay. that's just the mic. let's start with senator cardin from maryland. he said that imgrants are not going to be included in these health bills. is that really reasonable and realistic? it. >> is a good point. first of all, the bill seems to say, or at least some forms of it that illegal imgrants are not to be eligible for expanded care. however, the congress actually
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stripped out the provisions that would have prevented them from getting it. so it is sort of like we have a situation where it is like having a speed limit on the oad but the co ol is a gray area. so half right and half wrong. >> reporter: now you uncr edch the numbers and you deal with statistics how much does it cost galeill angredimtso tgale imgrants to gealhet th he insurance? i mean when we e thartalking about illegally. e >>in every seven or six people in the united states without ale thrasuncrancinis an illegal immigrant. with are spending 4 to $6 illion of taxpayer money to provide them with care. a lot of it emergency care. some free clinics, that sort of thing. somewhere around 100 to 211% of the total bill is attributable to the illegal immigrant. >> your point is we are not just costing taxpayers right now. we are talking about potential health bill, universal health care will cost taxpayers
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nonetheless. >> right. they are obviously using services right now. a lot of times they pay on their own but a lot of it is absorbed by taxpayers if we decide to cover them with medicaid which is health insurance for the poor our bill will go up, maybe 10 or 12 billion do cover them and sop these are the decisions we have to make. the numbers are big but shouldn't be overstated either. >> reporter: steve, we want to point out that the bulk of the uninsured are still nonforeign citizens here in the united states everybody correct. >> that's right. maybe one in six, one in seven of the uninsured is legal, one fourth or a little more are an immigrant that is someone who is foreign born, legal and illegal are the uninsured. now if we put in their u.s. born children it jumps to one third. one third of the uninsured in america are either an immigrant, legal or illegal or the u.s. born child of an immigrant. the numbers are big but most of
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the uninsured are not immigrants or their their children. >> 43 billion is what it costs for overall inuninsured and 12 billion is coming from foreign. >> illegal and legal. >> imgrants in the legal. >> this is a huge topic. it is not easy to go over in three minutes but thank you for clarifying what we are dealing with and what portion of the country the universal health bill will take. thank you so much. right now a quick check on the weather. topper, seemed like a typical summer day out there. >> it was. very nice actually. temperature in the upper 80s. a little breeze. a couple of showers on radar. we will show you that in a minute. for on the, partly cloudy sky and temperatures will stay mild. mid 60sin the suburbs. low 70s downtown with es htigw naatn
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l. 82 frederick and 80from 80from ssmaasna and quantico. 85 yoadhedou wnyou down95 to ic rgeder . bu ill d.nost ba orst m atth. 00 storm th noonrth ofnorth of olney and west of 50. w ilbel in north of upper shrill and drift over topa stmo lyow ersh we ward to rdwathe plains down 66. tht rdthat is about itbu or e st mstoday are few and far between. we will come back, though and we will talk about the heat coming in and also the potential thunderstorms over the weekend all coming up. looking forward to that weekend forecast. thank you, topper. ahead, details on a brains church burglary. plus, the cancer survivor has taken her job search on the road but she got the wrong kind of attention. don't want to miss this story. 9 news now continues in 65 seconds.
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welcome back. an exercise originally used to build explosive muscle power is popping up in local gyms. in tonight's healthy hour focus on fitness, anita brickman looks at how some are daring enough to get biometrickized. >> pull the knees up to your chest. up, up, up. >> what number are we on. >> seven. >> so much energy. >> a lot of fun but oh, my gosh it is crazy. >> six. >> reporter: explosive movement. it is the hallmark of the biometrics class at bally's total fitness. >> it gets the heart rate up. burns a lot of calories and great for muscle tone and definition. >> they say the combination of rapid fire jumps, lunges and other call less thennics makes biomany metrics one of the most intense workouts out there. >> for most people it is great because they have a lot of muscles in the lower body and they will really feel it.
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>> a beginner starts on a lower step. after that they move up. >> the more advanced you are the higher you will jump. it is really you challenge yourself. it is all about how hard you work. >> the long jumper also played football in college he says biometrics builds speed and strength, far more than simply running. >> as soon as the foot hits the ground you have to jump up. a lot of repetition and a lot of plus stimulation. >> reporter: and the class has helped brian lose almost 670- pounds. >> i used to be very overweight. i used to weigh 210 and now 156. so a big difference. you are basically forever moving. it is very fun. we are all joking around while we are work ought. we keep each other motivated. >> wndo. >> come on, breathe. up pop up. >> wow. the intensity of the workout and the up pact on the joints
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as you can see means it is not for everyone. if you have chronic medical conditions the folks a bally's suggest you talk to your doctor before you start biometrics. to find out more about this new craze go to our website at and click on living well. ahead, it's a new type of traffic signal aimed at keeping pedestrians out of line of fire. plus, topper returns with the full forecast. keep it right here. don't go anywhere. 3f?f?f?f gó
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here's the other health care argument. an unusual sign of the h economic times unfolded in waldorf today. 54ola r-ead unemployed r-widow and cancer survivor took to busy ng out resumes at intersection. but buinstead of a job she ende up trngattiac tithe attention o police. scott broom is following her efforts. >> i need a job full-time, steady with benefits. >> donna, unemployed and desperate for work. >> 37 years of work experience. >> reporter: she handed out resumes on a busy median strip in the heart of waldorf. >> thank you so much. pass it on if you know anyone. >> it is up to us to do what we can to help her find a job. >> i need a job. >> just across the parking lot from the retail boating store she managed until a bankruptcy put her employer out of business three months ago. >> i put hundreds of resumes out all over the web but the
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web can't see your heart. >> i have my resume. >> reporter: and her sign tells you more about they are or d 2007, 2007, her husband died when her house burned down. >> i lost everything that day that i worked all my life for that we worked hard. he was a wonderful man. he was my best friend. >> reporter: now many -- now day ms. prescriptions go unfilled. she is a survivor of breast cancer. health insurance is a huge hurdle in this. >> i see this and it is breaking my heart to see all that is happening in this country and people trying to find health insurance. congress has to do something about this. >> reporter: but this unusual job search ended early. according to charles county ordinance laws there is no solicitation of any type. >> he is doing his job and was nice about it. >> donna got most of her 25 preprinted resumes handed out before she has to quit she hopes something comes of that
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before he takes her search back to the internet and newspaper want ads. scott broomg, 9 news now and >> a tough break right there. you can have a look at her resume by clicking on this story at well, take a good look at this man. 20-year-old devon champagne is on the lam tonight. he escaped from custody in howard county last night. a sheriffs deputy was about to take him to jessup, maryland when he attacked the officer, climbed out a window and took off. if you have seen him go ahead and call police. do you recognize this man? arlington county police say he's a person of interest in a church burglary. police have not said what was stolen from mount olive united methodist church, only that this man is a person of interest. if you recognize him, call police, as well. in northwest dc, you'll find a new type of traffic signal aimed at keeping pedestrians safe. it is called the hawk. it has been installed at georgia avenue and hemlock
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streets. it stays dark until a pedestrian activates it with a push of a button and then the overhead signal lights up, telling drivers to stop. the signal is the first of its kind in the district. okay. not bad. >> and the sun signals that we are hot, hot, hot. not bad. >> not bad. we were 97 on monday. >> i do remember that. no need to remind me, topper. >> we have gone downhill and looking at a nice weekend, not crazy hot. a slight chance of a thunderstorm. here's the forecast first the next three days 89 on saturday. not quite hot. we will reserve hot for sunday and monday. isolated storm over the weekend. that's it. 90 on sunday and 91 on monday. for tonight, partly cloudy and mild. low temperatures 64 to 72 with light wind. remember you can access doppler on our website at and also you can access our interactive radar which is pretty cool. you can check that out at here's the tropics. we are checking that out.
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getting more heated if you will. this is what we are watching for the possible of the first named tropical storm of the season. it is not super unusual to go through july without a named storm. not many form in june and july. the percentages in terms of the breakdown per month on our website at our blog on we will watch this carefully. could be a tropical storm over the weekend. could be a depression tonight at 11:00. we will have an update. 81 gathersburg. 80 woodbridge. 80 fredericksburg. these temperatures are a bargain for this time of the year. no doubt about that. tomorrow morning, partly cloudy, pleasant, 60s and 70s. by afternoon, partly cloudy and warm. a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm. upper 80s and winds east southeasterly at ten. talk temperatures. 97 on monday. we are down to 93 on tuesday and then we leveled off. 87 on wednesday, thursday and friday. that's average. that's pretty good. as we go through the weekend, temperatures will go back up to 90 but no 97 in our future.
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here's the zone forecast for you. we will start in winchester, 87. slight chance of a storm on saturday. 88 leesburg. 89 fairfax. upper 80s for manassas and you may touch 90 in woodbridge on saturday. if you don't on saturday you will on sunday. 89 downtown. 89 rockville. 89 bowie. upper 80s for the bay. there's not a small craft advisory, pretty nice weekend to be on the water. just keep an eye out for isolated storms. 90 in waldorf. next seven days, 89 on saturday. isolated storm. 90 on send, isolated storm. we will keep monday dry for now, low 90s and then in a holding pattern. low 90s pretty much on tuesday through friday of next week even. a few storms are possible on wednesday. probably a better chance for thunderstorms on thursday and friday. plus, we have rounds three and four of the pga which is on channel 9 over the weekend. i might be watching that. it is still in the 90s up there outside of minneapolis. >> not to mention the humidity
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obviously makes it so much worse. >> yeah. >> little sticky. >> all right. we'll take it. thank you, topper. we'll be right back. wusa 9 continues after this. b@a
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okay. so we're about to embark on a journey i'll bet none of you thought of venturing out on. going going rek ecdntoe thredne chla. unit ealds nturtle lake, onscanwin siitewd gr out of thr boredom but e otthere isis nhin boring about these games. >> reporter: here in turtle lake, wisconsin you'll find no red faces. >> red neck fest [ laughter ] >> ladies and gentlemen -- just crowds. >> please ride and remove your hats. >> it may look like a demolition derby or nascar race but those events would feel like the opera compared with this. >> we're good to go. here it goes. >> pretty much a red neck car launch [ cheering ] [ laughter
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] oh. >> that one was good. >> great family entertainment. >> the price is right. >> we can afford this. >> kids, don't try this at home. >> reporter: the idea was inspired last year by boredom. >> this is the brain box right here. so they figured out a way to turn big cars in to remote controlled toys. >> turn this knob here. project so complex it seems anything but red neck. >> we don't really need steering. >> the car takes off and they follow close behind on a four wheeler controlling the speed and the direction it. >> is going to fly until takeoff. major air [ laughter ] >> school bus. >> that will be the short bus [
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laughter ] >> what's not to like when you can destroy big things like that? a different type of cash for clunkers program. we never said it was news but it was fun to watch and our thanks to joe for that story. that's going to do it for us. back here tonight at 11:00 and don't forget you ncan log on anytime to see you tonight. just as we promise 100% fresh produce...
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this is "entertainment tonight" in high definition. oprah in tears. maria shriver carrying her mother's casket. >> mommy was our hero. >> what you haven't seen from eunice kennedy shriver's funeral. >> she fought right up until her very last breath. >> kathie lee and frank. stevie wonder. where was ted kennedy as he battled the brain tumor? plus, is this the end of camelot? michael jackson's secret drug meeting? the new doctor speaking out today. did michael offer her nearly $1 million for dangerous drugs? jon and kate and the cops why police had to get between the estranged couple. the music, the mudslides. what you never knew about woodstock on its 40th anniversary. the untold story in a brand-new vi


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