tv The Early Show CBS August 22, 2009 8:00am-10:00am EDT
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the rath of bill. the category 2 storm heads up the east coast bringing with it soaring waves and dangerous rip currents. the clunker clock is ticking. dealers brace for an onslaught in the final hours of the cash for clunkers program. is the auto industry short happy revival already over? who am i? a man found in a park doesn't remember his name or his past, but there's hope that someone may have the painful answers for seattle's mystery man. and field of dreams. a reality show in india proved again that dreams really do come true and these two men are proving it, playing a little baseball, down in florida. early this saturday morning, august 22nd, 2009.
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captioning funded by cbs hi, everybody. welcome to "the early show" here on a saturday morning. i'm chris wragge. >> iraq erica hill. great to have you with us today. august 22nd already. >> it is crazy. you know what is crazier? there are some children back to school. for some of you parents, it is a good thing. but kids back in the schools in mid-august. >> parts of the country, they're back. >> for those of you that aren't back yet or don't have everything you need, you're in luck. we're doing a little back to school bargainista shopping today. live to an office depot in new jersey, we'll go up and down the aisles, find you the best deals for everything you need on that list. >> the best time to shop now at 7:00 a.m. eastern. >> no one is in the store. grab a cup of coffee after "the early show" and head on out. >> we all have houseguests. sometimes they show up unannounced, other times you have weeks to prepare.
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>> do you have enough time to prepare? i like to use the old, i have breaking new, you to leave, or typhoid fever. you plead sickness that works. we have that coming up. what do you do when you have guests. >> try to politely get rid of them, yet firmly. >> all about etiquette and making sure you mind your own territory. >> there you go. >> we want to get to our top story, you've been talking about bill all week on "ac 360," we have been talking about it all across the country. to the big board now and we'll show you the scope, the magnitude of this thing. absolutely gigantic. hurricane bill after battering bermuda, bill now 430 miles east-southeast of cape hatteras, north carolina and making its way rapidly north-northwest. computer models all week long have shown this hurricane to stay away from the east coast. really making its way out to sea. luckily it held true to form as you can see how we have charted it here saturday 7:00 a.m. where we stand right now.
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we'll talk about this in the next couple of seconds, exactly what it is doing to the east coastline. now it is expected to barrel up the east coast from bermuda, head to new england later today. a tropical storm warning is posted for the entire massachusetts coast. deborah garcia of our new york station wcbs-tv is at rockaway beach, east of new york, she joins us live this morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. hurricane bill is over 600 miles from where i am standing right now, but people up and down the coast are bracing for the stormy weather. bermuda is still recovering from torrential downpours that have battered the tiny island, as hurricane bill roared off shore, causing flooding and generating 35 foot high waves. the first hurricane of the season continues to move north off the u.s. coast today. bill is not expected to hit land, but is expected to create dangerous, deadly rip currents. officials began closing beaches in its path friday. >> concern is if the surf is
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much bigger. >> reporter: winds clock in now at 105 miles per hour. but the damage it caused earlier this week is still being felt up and down the coast. >> when the storm was well out over the atlantic, it was a category 4. it takes a while for that wave action to eventually reach the coastline. >> reporter: waves as high as 14 feet are expected along the carolina coast. they may go up to 23 feet in massachusetts. >> just thank god it is not coming too close to shore. cape cod doesn't need anything like that in new orleans, that's for sure. >> reporter: hurricane bill is expected to weaken to a tropical storm once it hits the cold water off the coast of canada on sunday. but the winds that surround the center are expected to move outward and places far from the eye of the storm will feel significant damage most likely. >> wcbs tv's deborah garcia, thank you. there are 51 hours left to
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cash in on cash for clunkers. the extremely popular program is rapidly running out of gas and, frankly, cash of the and will come to a full stop on monday night, two months ahead of schedule. many are bracing for a deluge of last minute shoppers while others are simply saying good-bye to the program early after extended reimbursement delays. cbs news correspondent ben tracy reports. >> beautiful magnetic grid, dark interior. >> reporter: when lee and pam heard cash for clunkers was about to hit a dead end, they knew -- >> we had to make the deal. >> reporter: they're trading in their pickup for a smaller suv. >> there is business and customers. >> more and more business is dead on the side of the ro. it needed a jump start. >> reporter: nationwide, 489,000 clunkers have been traded in for $2 billion in rebates. yet for some dealers, the program has been a real lemon. they have to front the money for the rebates and government has been slow to pay them back.
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the government owes this los angeles dealership nearly $800,000. in fact, of the $2 billion in rebates dealers have paid out, the government has paid back at least $145 million. >> they're going to get their money. we have the money. congress provided the money. >> reporter: major auto manufacturers are now loaning dealers money for the rebates. but those who took the clunkers say the government owes them their cash. >> i hope that the government has enough money to pay us. >> reporter: the government insists there is enough to pay for me deals made before monday's deadline. ben tracy, cbs new, los angeles. a correction on my part, you see the clock on the screen, it is just over 61 hours. i think i said 51. you have an extra ten hours, good news. will the buying spree actually continue once the program ends? joining us now for a look at the future impact of the program, john linko, good to have you back with us this morning. when you look at the program,
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overall, we hear it has been very successful, but we hear for some of the dealers, $145 million out of the $2 billion paid out, there is a little give and take here. overall, a success? >> success for consumers, success for the people that were able to take advantage of it. for dealers, it is going to be a little bit of a float. for the country, yeah, we have people working, people getting commissions, but now we have a tipping point where sales might peter out. >> after monday, we could see that decline? >> definitely. we're probably seeing people holding off in may and june from buying because we heard cash for clunkers so they waited and rush into dealerships. that's also pulling in people from october, november, december, january, february of next year who ran in to get the money to. we'll see a dropoff. >> dealers have seen a really -- when this comes to business alone, they have and sigh positive impact in that respect. could we see new incentives from dealers? >> dealers have cleared out their inventory. there is not many vehicle on the lot. ford and gm said they'll ramp up production. if people hold off, we're in the
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incentive cycle. i get more vehicles on the lot, i have to put more money on the hood, people buy them, there is not as much money on the hood. >> eight of the ten top selling cars for cash for clunkers are not american cars. a lot of people look at that and say i want this to helphe u.s. economy. how many of the cars are made in the u.s., though. >> 51% of the vehicles in the top ten are made in the united states or versions are made in the united states. it depends if you're one of the people that says the final dollar goes back to -- then this is not for you. consumer reports says these vehicles are all reliable, all of them are reliable vehicles them get good fuel economy. it has been a success in that respect, getting old vehicle and unsafe vehicles out of the hands of inexperienced drivers, potentially. >> as you pointed out, also we have seen a ramp up in production so tha helps some workers go back to work temporarily. real quickly, was this a temporary band-aid or the
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beginning of pulling the auto industry out of bankruptcy? >> at this point, it looks like it is a temporary band-aid. we'll probably have a big dropoff. let's look in january and see if it goes up and down, up and down. it is probably going to be up here in the july, august time frame. >> we'll see you in january, then. all right, chris, good news for the economy i hear you have standing by. >> yes, like with everything there is a silver lining and also some black clouds. there is signs the housing market is coming back to life. 7%, the largest gain since 1999 but home prices continue to fall. here to explain is deirdre bolton. what led to the surge? >> three main reasons. you have foreclosure-driven selling. we'll talk about maybe why there is a black cloud in there. that was 31% of the data point. you also have the support from the obama administration, that $8,000 tax credit for first time buyers and you have pretty close
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to a record low mortgage prices for the month of july. 5.37%. that's pretty cheap financing. those are the three main reasons why you saw that figure come in at a two-year high. >> we always said and the experts claim the housing market will lead us out of the recession. is the housing market back finally? >> let's talk about some of the problems, three points i just mentioned. with the consumer driven spelling, most are saying it is not good to have a fire sale dynamic leading the sale if you like. you have sellers who will wait f you know you can't get a good price for your house, you're going to wait that creates an inventory glut later that will be an eventual problem. also the obama administration's plan, $8,000 tax credit, that's been supporting, that ends november 30th unless congress decides to extend it. but you know that's a big support point. mortgage rates obviously, that sort of ties to what the ten-year does and the market controls that more or less.
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>> we're seeing a surge right now, but there won't that be money there, we're thinking maybe people will die down their interest on buying a new car, same with their homes. let's talk about the market again, market eclipsing 9500 yesterday first time since election day. what does that signify in. >> ten-month high, that's impressive. here is the caveat, it is august. most people are on vacation, not you because you're a hard working guy. but you're going to see big price swings, a lot more volatility as you mentioned. s&p 500 up better than 1.5% on friday. if you look to monday, down close to 2.5%. that's typical for august. you'll see ai high highs and a lot of low lows. the s&p is still strong for the year, up around 13%. >> let's talk about the meeting house prices, one of the black clouds we were talking about here, still dipping below where it was a year ago.
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>> about 20% below where we were prehousing boom. that is troublesome. another component of that data is a lot of strength in sales was coming from a certain demographic, if you like, of housing prices, between $100,000 and $200,000. for a housing recovery to be one we can believe in, you have to see improvement in all price points, not just that lower end. >> got it. we sit back and we wait. >> there you go. >> we wait. more good news, the better. thank you very much. ira joe fisher is in for lonnie quinn with our fst check of the weather. something tells me i know what you're going to be talking about. good to see you. >> it fits the bill, thank you, chris. as you mentioned earlier, we're talking about hurricane bill, its winds 105 miles an hour. and it is going to -- there is good news here, this front that stalled along the eastern seaboard will help steer it along the gulf stream and keep it out to sea. however, that's the good news, it won't give us a direct hit on the u.s. mainland. it is going to cause dangerous
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undertones as the high tides as well. you have to be really, really careful as this system moves and skirts cape cod later on today with winds possibly 40 miles an hour. we're going to keep an eye on bill and keep you apprised of its progress throughout the morning. that's the weather. >> ira joe, pleasure to see you. good morning, everyone. there are stunning new allegations about cia interrogations out this morning. newsweek magazine reports an internal government report reveals terrorist interrogations may have included mock executions. the report also reveals that in one incident, cia interrogators
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threatened one of their prisoners with a gun and a power drill. the 2004 report has been kept secret until now. it will be made public next week. there has been another raid in connection with the investigation into michael jackson's death. this time the target was the mickey fine pharmacy and grill. it was searched for evidence of controlled substances. it is in the same building as jackson's dermatologist who is also being investigated. the raid came as the family delayed the burial until september 3rd. it was scheduled for august 29th, the singer's 51st birthday. if your magazine has something to say, it may be because it contains a video ad. for the first time ever an upcoming issue of "entertainment weekly "will have a video player inside it running advertisements. it plays automatically as the
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page flips open. breakthrough technology is sure to be a stain until advertising, because as they say, one picture is worth a thousand words. back over to chris and erica who have their hand on this hot new technology. >> i'll hold it up so we can get a quick shot of it. i have one improvement to make on it. i think the ad should be for "the early show saturday." >> good thought. >> it is really wild. it is like the cards that play music. >> talk about a revolutionary way of getting the word out. >> it is very cool. very cool. >> it is all cbs shows which -- >> we love cbs. just ahead, recession-busting back to school bargains. >> a little music. we're live from office depot with shopping dos and don'ts that can save you a bundle of money.
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♪ i got to go back back to school again ♪ the musical gets you in the mood for school. sales of back to school supplies are expected to be down almost 8% from last year. as parents everywhere are looking for ways to spend less. no one wants to skimp on supplies. how do you do both? we have a back to school list from a new york city high school and we're putting it to the test with this saturday's bargainista. lisa freeman accepted the challenge. she join us this morning from office depot in new jersey with some very important dos and don'ts to help us save a bundle but get everything we need. good to have you with us this morning. >> good morning, erica. >> before you go out the door, you say bring that list with you and make sure you look online and in your local paper for all the coupons and deals that are
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there. >> absolutely. but you also want to shop before you shop online. go to sites like, for coupon codes and you'll find online at the websites of the stores, may get a coupon you can print out and bring with you, look at the weekly flyer. you can compare and see which stores have the best prices on the stuff you need. >> it is worth making the rounds if you need to. when you get to the store, you say stick to the basics, go with the generic. >> that's right. one way to do that is leave your kids at home. they're going to want to upgrade you. what you want to do is forget about the jonas brothers backpack. this is 30 bucks. >> you're killing kids everywhere. >> this one is half the price. half the price. you leave your kids at home, you don't have to worry about that. also, basic notebook, forget about the fancy notebooks with spider-man on. bring your kid, he'll want the spider-man, not the basic
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compositionxo composition notebook. >> what about buying in bulk? it sounds like a good idea and then you get home and you say i overpaid and i'll never use all this. >> here is a great tip. shop with another parent. these pencils are a great deal, three bucks for all of the pencils. but do you really need all of these pencils? probably not. shop with another parent to make sure you get a good deal. bring a calculator with you. keep in mind, just because it is big doesn't mean it is cheaper. some of the smaller items that are on special might actually be a better deal. bring that calculator and speaking of calculators, erica, these things can cost over $100 bu . that's a lot. go online and see if there are specials online. don't just automatically go to the store and pick up a calculator. might be able to get online, i saw for -- officemax, 20% off all online purchases. >> that's a definite savings you want, especially on a big pull. for a lot of people, the big item is a computer, not just for college kid, all ages need them these days. >> that's right.
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even little kids are using computers for school nowadays. you can buy a lap to be for $1,000 or more. that's a whole lot of bucks. you don't need that. today you can buy a hot little notebook, net books, rather, 300 bucks, your kid can do his homework, word processing, research online on these little things and another option is to get a desktop computer. you can get a refurb for $300 or less. if you have an old screen from an old computer, you're all set. tell him to get a job if he wants a fancy computer to play games. >> i like that idea. lisa, great to have you with us. do your inventory at home, before you go, you may have a monitor or something else. thanks. for more on the great deals, logon to our website, you'll find them all right there. >> she's tough. >> she is tough. >> kids at home say me no likey.
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welcome back. the oscar winning movie "slum dog millionaire," a young man beats enormous odds to win "who wants to be a millionaire". as you're about to see, sometimes life does imitate art. they wake up with the sun to warm up. and play in games every day, all summer long, all for just a few hundred dollars a week. just your typical minor league
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ballplayers. so it might seem a little unclear as to why we're telling you about these two. ring and denish are from india. in 2007, they were two of 30,000 contestants on the indian reality show "the million dollar arm" which promised a million dollars to anyone who could throw a baseball 90 miles per hour. ring finished first and was awarded $100,000 after topping out at 89 miles an hour. denish came in second. they got an unbelievable shot at their american dream. it is an amazing story. when they came to the states, they didn't speak any english. they didn't know anything about the game of baseball. they couldn't even understand why they needed to play with mitts. they preferred to play bare handed. now their odds at making a major league squad one day are long, but who would have thought a little movie titled "slum dog
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millionaire" would have won an oscar. >> absolutely right. >> they think this is a joke. we come and i throw hard and we win some money. >> reporter: they throw a baseball close to 90 miles an hour. they have been learning this new game and culture almost as fast. >> it was really hard. we don't know,000 speak english, don't know how to play the game, don't know anything about that. here everything has changed, living, everything. >> they say it only took them two or three months to get used to living in america. and playing the national past time. but friends and family back home have a hard time understanding exactly what they're up to. >> they don't know what we're doing here.
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only they know my son's playing. they don't know what is the baseball. >> when i came, my parents say don't go over there. i said, no, i want to go. >> reporter: he recently made history, becoming the first indian-born pitcher to record a win in a professional baseball game. >> awesome. >> reporter: they are off to a great beginning, so naturally i asked them about a hollywood ending. did you want to play in the major leagues one day? >> we don't know about the future. but we try hard. >> we focus what we're doing right now. >> reporter: are you enjoying this? are you having fun? >> we love to play baseball. >> reporter: two kids from india, now two boys of summer, on their very own field of dreams. >> good kids and we wish them all the luck in the world. we'll tell you when they finally get to the major league squad. still ahead, the mystery man found in a seattle park without a name or a past.
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not such a great day here in manhattan this morning. the whole eastern seaboard, a little under that cloud cover with bill right off the coast. a tough morning around here. >> good day to stay in and watch "the early show." >> got that right. good to have you with us. i'm chris wragge with erica hill. when she's not here, "ac 360" is the place to be monday through friday. >> there you go. he can speak four languages but doesn't recognize his own name. his life is like a jigsaw puzzle he just can't put together. we'll look at the rare form of amnesia that left this man lonely and without a past. we'll try to shed some light on what is going on with this situation. >> how he moves on is fascinating in and of itself. they came, they saw and they
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are not leaving. how do you throw the houseguests from hell the door politely and what do you do when your friends do overstay their welcome and is there an exception when there is family? you want to know about your in-laws, right? we'll tell you. soul, rock and gospel from an artist quickly climbing the sharts charts in "second cup cafe." >> bedbugs is another great excuse. the place is just infested with bedbugs. i hope we took care of it. we haven't been in the guest room in so long, we don't even know -- we'll get to that in a couple of seconds. right now, let's get you caught up on the serious topics this morning and bring in priya david who is at the news desk. good morning, everyone. police quelled a riot at kentucky prison last night but not before inmates burned down much of the place. inmates set fire to several buildings at the medium security north point trading center. 30 miles south of lexington. the riot ended a few hours later when police used tear gas. some minor injuries were reported. the prison had been in lock down
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since tuesday when one group of inmates assaulted two others. the nation's largest lutheran denomination now allows gay and lesbian pastors. the evangelical lutheran church of america decided to lift the ban. no congregation will be forced to hire the pastors but some have condemned the ruling threatening to left church which has 4.5 million members smember. in september, they will meet to decide their future course. and there could be a special golf state in the vineyard this week between president obama and tiger woods. the first family is officially on vacation, spending the weekend at camp david before heading to martha's vineyard tomorrow for a week. as president obama leaves the health care debate behind, the burning question, will the golfer in chief tee up with tiger woods? the two may travel the links on
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monday but the president only will say he plans on lots of golf. now over to ira joe. >> hurricane bill still exists as a hurricane. its winds are up to 105 miles an hour. it is going to skirt the united states line. there you see it is going to at the moment moving to the north-northwest at 22 miles an hour, going to veer around on the gulf stream and move into cooler water and calm down. but that's 24, 36 hours into the future. still a hurricane, still very dangerous. there is a front, as you see, along the eastern seaboard that will help steer it out to sea and keep it away. concerns are in the cape cod area where you could see winds of 40 to 50 miles an hour.
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here in the northeast, that's a soggy saturday look at the weather. eric ra? >> ira joe, thanks. just ahead, a well dressed man is found woundering in seattle. no idea of who he is, how rare is this form of amnesia that seems to have stolen his identity and how does it happen? we'll take a look next in our health watch. stay with us, you're watching "the early show" on cbs. show and tell you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer.
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which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake. with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products. ♪ fresh and tasty naturally ♪ a dip for you, and a dollop for me ♪ ♪ daisy just goes with family ♪ so, do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop ♪ ♪ things taste better with a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪
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a chinese emperor that he declared it a sacred plant. benefits... buddhist monks believed eating soy... was healthier for the body and spirit. and american farmers planted soybeans... to help revive the barren soil of the dust bowl. for thousands of years, people all around the world have eaten soy. [ birds chirping ] and today, we take that same historic bean, mix it with fruit and bake it... into soyjoy. learn more at what makes a hershey's bar with almonds pure? pure happiness. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you... ♪ pure delight. pure delicious chocolate with almonds. pure hershey's.
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passing bus driver he didn't know who he was or what city he was in. >> i have no idea how i arrived here or by wha means. >> reporter: the seattle times published the mystery man's photo in print and online. within hours an english teacher in shanghai identified him as edward lighthart. >> the name doesn't seem familiar. >> reporter: but photos were of dr. edward lighthart, a public relations consultant to international businesses, fluent in french, german and english. >> how did i get the skills? >> reporter: doctors told him he's suffering from disassociate tiff amnesia, that probably some extreme pain or stress or anxiety prompted him to lose many memories. he remembers being married to a woman named tina who died after a mischarnlg, still wears his and her ring. >> it is a lot of confusion, a lot of frustration because i'm remembering bits and pieces here and there that don't fit. >> reporter: his real fear is that many memories may not come back and not knowing what he'll
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do to support himself once he's out of the hospital. >> it is absolutely terrifying. >> reporter: a well educated man, still struggling with the simplest of questions, what is your name? >> again that was chris lagaros from seattle. we're joined by a director of the stroke center at seattle swedish medical center. that's where the man who may be edward lighthart is being treated. good to have you here this morning. we hear he may have been -- a sister came forward, they had a falling out and she asked him to leave. could it be an event like this that could have triggered this very rare amnesia? >> i think a kind of disassociate tiff reaction where you escape reality in a sense, an uncomfortable reality can come from an emotional disturbance. >> this is very rare too. how often do you see a case like this where someone escapes with amnesia? >> in a lifetime of practicing
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medicine, i've seen maybe three or four people who have had that. none compromising such a verbally gifted individual. >> and he spoke -- speaking of being verbally gifted, he said he was fascinated and terrified by what was happening to him. he was sort of looking forward to starting over. you hear how well spoken he is and how composed he seems to be, i mean, do you buy it? do you think he's suffering from this amnesia or is this a way for him to start over? >> i think this is very clearly something he's describing just exactly how he feels. i don't think he's faking it at all. >> how do you treat a case like this going forward without maybe triggering some of the trauma that brought him here? >> i think it is very difficult. i think the fascinating element of it is that everything is brought to him electronically within secretariy seconds withi it is put on the internet. he faces it all of a sudden. >> is that good or bad?
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>> i think it could be very disturbing. i think he describes it as very disturbing. he doesn't know what to do with the information, which he's in a sense asked for. >> and how does that affect the profit for him tork have details of his life handed to him as opposed to maybe recalling them on his own. >> i don't think he would recall them on his own. i think the real task ahead is for him to work with psychiatry to try to very slowly bring together why he got into this situation and in a sense how to get out of it. it is less about confronting somebody with a memory than i think it is to sort of say how do you put your life together again. >> it has been just about three weeks since he wandered out of that park. what is it it say to you that no one has come forward to claim him and help bring him out of this amnesia. >> i think many people in the community have offered him help. some have offered him a residence -- >> what about family members and friends who may have been a part
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of his life? >> i think they responded. it is hard to say what happens next. >> dr. william likosky, thank you. if you would like to learn more about this very rare debilitating condition, logon to do a search for amnesia. summer houseguests who just won't leave. it was fun in the beginning until they stayed. we'll show you how to heauguom . you're watching "the early show" on cbs. my muscles ached all over. i felt this deep lingering pain that was a complete mystery to me. doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia muscle pain and then he recommended lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is fda-approved to help relieve the unique pain of fibromyalgia. and with less pain, i can do more during my day. how sweet is that? lyrica is not for everyone. tell you doctor about any serious allergic reaction that causes swelling or affects breathing or skin, or changes eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. lyrica may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people. some of the most common side effects of lyrica e dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands and feet. do not drink alcohol while taking lyrica. you should never drive or operate machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. if you think you might have fibromyalgia, ask your doctor about lyrica. oh, yeah, time for a little "me time." perfect paws. a little rub. bit of a trim. looking sexy! when you demand the very best...
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oh, yeah. it's a dog's life. you have to try cottonelle ultra toilet paper. come to papa. it's the ultimate way to be kind to your behind. i'm in the lap of luxury. light & fit has 80 calories veus 100 in the other leading brand and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. light & fit. great taste, fewer calories. ♪ now create your own look with my new line miley cyrus & max azria only at walmart. save money. live better. walmart.
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♪ should i stay or should i go now ♪ ♪ should i stay or should i go now ♪ we know the answer this morning. we all heard guests are like fish, they both sink after three days. thank you to my father-in-law dave for that. >> august is a huge month for entertaining. so what do you do when your guests become more like stinky
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roommates? you get some advice, you just get out of town yourself. thomas farley is with us this morning, author of "modern manners." a tough predicament, you get guests and it is like what do we do with these people? >> set the parameters up front. you got guests coming, make sure you know and they know when they're come and more importantly when they're leaving. >> and what to bring with them and that is expected of them. you say you shouldn't bend over backwards for your guests. >> put out the welcome mat but don't become the door mat. you don't want tonight maid or cooking for them the entire stay. >> know the ground rules. no unexpected long-term visits. it is like show a little respect for both sides, correct? >> that's right. a nonsmoking home, headacmake se people know this is a nonsmoking home. >> sometimes i feel bad saying could you take your shoes off.
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should you say that when they walk in the door? >> mi casa, su casa. >> i have ex-in-laws, in europe, they used to come over for two weeks at a time, which is fine, because they're european. they would come over three times a year for two weeks at a clip tc. it wasn't just mom and dad, it was mom, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend. >> all at once? >> all at once. they would come down and all eat and i would work late, come down, 10:00, they would be out of the house already, but it looked like there was a fire drill, chairs are everywhere. food all over the place. and i'm likehat is going on here. >> clean up after yourself. be a good guest. >> that's right. you want to set down rules right away. don't set a precedent by enabling them. the first time you saw that happen, that's a chance to jump
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in and say, give me a hand and bring the chairs back into the dining room. >> sometimes you feel like saying, hey, can you put the chair back but then you feel like you're being cranky. >> you got to set down the rules and it really -- it means a better trip for everybody. >> it is about your own sanity. what do you do when someone says i want to come and stay, how do you politely bow out? >> be up front and maybe you have a good reason, maybe your house is too small, maybe you're having guests, you don't want to come up with crazy alibis because they'll come back to haunt you. >> they will. >> be polite but firm. >> and you have to be careful with those, we have a beach house, you should come on down. >> people will take that invitation and run with it. >> they will. >> is it different when you deal with family, like your in-laws, for example? >> with family, let's hope you have a good enough relationship that you can be more honest. unlike the long lost cuzzens
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fr, your parents, you'll see them again and again. >> then maybe if they're mad at you, they won't come as often. >> every once in a while, you have to be honest, we don't want you. coming up, the next big thing, diane birch performs in our "second cup cafe." that's coming up next. this is "the early show" on cbs. why did i take an allergy medicine... ...that only lasts four to six hours? i discovered claritin has a new 12-hour. it works all day, so i can make it to the top. (announcer) introducing the only non-drowsy 12-hour allergy medicine. new claritin 12-hour.
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live claritin clear. it's perfect. (max azria) perfect. ♪ ♪ now create your own look with my new line miley cyrus & max azria great styles at incredible prices. only at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. light & fit. great taste, fewer calories.
8:51 am
the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. ♪ yes, u're lovely... ♪ what do you think? hey, why don't we use our points from chase sapphire and take a break? we can't. sure, we can. the points don't expire... ♪ there is nothing for me... ♪ there's no travel restrictions... we could leave tomorrow. we can't use them for a vacation. you can use the points for just about anything. i know... ♪ the way you look tonight ♪ chase what matters. get your new chase sapphire card at
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this morning in our "second cup cafe," a unique blend of soul, rock, gospel and pop. her name is diane birch and this preacher's daughter counts prince among her jamming buddies. critics love her debut cd "bible belt." this is her morning television debut. we're thrilled to have her here, diane birch with "nothing but a miracle." ♪ getting tired of living living for a moment ♪ ♪ getting tired of hanging on the line ♪ ♪ i wake up every morning and i pull back the curtain ♪ ♪ and wonder if it's gonna rain or shine ♪ ♪ getting tired of thinking getting so tired of begging ♪ ♪ getting tired of forgetting ♪ ♪ that there's two of us
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♪ i'm getting so of making ♪ ♪ just tell me tell me why i'm holding on ♪ ♪ i can't say good-bye ♪ just tell me baby why i've been holding on for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing put a miracle is gonna bring you back ♪ ♪ bring you back to me now ♪ oh no i got to get myself together ♪ ♪ got to stop telling myself that i can do no better ♪ ♪ got to go out and maybe start mting some new people ♪ ♪ i got to go out and buy myself one of those little black dresses ♪ ♪ cause i'm so tired of this t-shirt ♪ ♪ i'm so tired of crying
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off all my makeup ♪ ♪ getting so tired of waking up with a lonely heart ♪ ♪ i'm getting so tired about an absent hearted man ♪ ♪ tell me tell me why i'm holding on when our love is long gone ♪ ♪ i got a good mind so why don't you tell me why i can't say good-bye ♪ ♪ just tell me baby why i've been holing on for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing but a miracle is going to bring it back bring you back to me now ♪ ♪ oh, i can see it f.m. coming out of the shattos ♪ ♪ i can see it coming through the windows ♪ ♪ i can see it coming down from the ceiling ♪ ♪ i can see it coming down from the ceiling ♪ ♪ i can't escape it
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can't escape it ♪ ♪ tell me why i'm holding on when your love is long gone ♪ ♪ i got a good mind so why don't you tell me why i just can't say good-bye ♪ ♪ just tell me why i've been holding on for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing but a miracle is gonna bring it back ♪ ♪ bring you back to me now ♪ oh nothing but a miracle is gonna bring you back to me now ♪ >> hi, diane, how are you? nice to see you. thank you for waking up early for us this morning. we mentioned you were jamming buddies with prince. you're playing in a hotel lobby, he walks in, then you're playing with him. is that the most surreal thing that happened to you in your career so far? >> yes, for sure. >> we cannot wait to hear more. you sound great. >> thank you so much for having me. >> more diane birch coming up. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. back in a couple of minutes.
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from names like danskin now and starter. select eyeglass frames are just $9 at walmart - and they have a 12-month guarantee. juniors' tops from op are $9, too. $9. considering what you get, that's a really great price. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. female announcer: from jennifer, while supplies last, this luxurious microfiber sofa and chair for just $399. our most dramatic offer ever: both pieces, just $399. while supplies last. from jennifer: you don't have to spend a lot to have good taste. .
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the first hurricane of the season heading up the east coast as a category 2 storm, closing beaches and leaving dangerous riptides in its wake. feeling the heat, it is the middle of august, clearly vacation time. but should the president really leave the heat of the health care fight for a week at the beach? manhunt, a $25,000 reward being offered for the missing reality show contestant suspected of killing his model wife. now a hotel manager says the couple stayed there just days before her body was discovered in a suitcase. run for her life. an 18-year-old track star from south africa blows away the women's field to become a world champion. but what if she is really a he? all that and much more coming your way early this saturday morning, august 22nd, 2009.
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good to have you with us here on "the early show." a little brighter for your saturday morning where you are. a little dark here in new york. i'm erica hill, also of cnn's "ac 360." >> i'm chris wragge, hurricane bill, a little cloud cover our way. >> that's for sure. you know what is not going to put a damper on your weekend, edie falco, so excited about this. you may be watching "nurse jackie" which i was turned on to after the interview, it is fantastic if you haven't seen it. >> if you didn't get the final episode of "the sopranos", raise your hand. >> what do you mean you didn't get it? can't get enough. we'll get the answers from her. what does she think happened? the important question. first, we'll check in with priya to take a look at the morning's
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headlines. plenty of bill out there, huh? >> plenty of bill. after bearing down on bermuda, hurricane bill is moving rapidly up the east coast. it is expected to reach new england later today. a tropical storm warning is in effect for the coast of massachusetts. deborah garcia is at rockaway beach outside new york. deborah, what is the latest out there this morning? >> reporter: right now it is sunny and beautiful. but we know that stormy weather is coming our way. people up and down the coast are preparing for what is coming next, thanks to bill. now, bermuda is still recovering as you mentioned after 35-foot waves battered its shores and torrential rain flooded the island. hurricane bill is now making its way up the u.s. coast, it won't hit land, but it will create dangerous rip currents. waves as high as 14 feet are expected along the carolina coast. and they may grow up to 23 feet in massachusetts. now, beaches along bill's path, up and down the east coast, have closed starting friday and will
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likely remain closed throughout this weekend. now, hurricane bill is expected to weaken into a tropical storm, once it hits the cold waters off of canada. but the winds surrounding the storm will likely still cause us great damage here on the shore. >> sounds like you'll be dry for now, but not much longer. thank you very much this morning. deborah garcia with wcbs. if you've been thinking of trading in your clunker for cash, put your pedal to the metal. the program will come to a screeching halt monday night, a little more than two months ahead of schedule. it is running out of money, even though congress refueled the program with an additional $2 billion. some dealers were preparing for a rush of last minute shoppers. but others are leaving the program early after extended reimbursement delays. american airlines plane was forced to make an emergency landing in los angeles because of a crack in its wing. flight 414 left san diego for
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dallas/ft. worth. the pilot landed the plane safely and no one was injured. sources tell the los angeles times that former reality tv contestant ryan alexander jenkins may now be in british columbia. national correspondent hattie kauffman has more. >> reporter: these are the last known photos of jasmine fiore and her ex-husband and suspected killer ryan jenkins. websites say the pictures were taken less than two weeks before her body was found in this dumpster last saturday. >> authorities say positive i.d. was made using the serial numbers on her breast implants. the couple checked into this hotel, just days before her body was discovered.
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there are reports showing jenkins leaving, suitcase in hand, but no sign of fiore. >> we do 300, 400 guests a day. they were just as norm as anybody has seen. >> reporter: officials are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. >> he is an animal. what he has done to jasmine is unspeakable. >> reporter: jenkins has a record of assault, which producers of the reality show megan wants a millionaire said they failed to uncover in their background check, before casting him as a contestant. hattie kauffman, cbs news, los angeles. time for this morning's early line. here's erica. >> priya, thanks. tomorrow the first family will ex-bark on a summer vacation to martha's vineyard. with the president's poll numbers slipping, is it really the best time for the president to take a break? that's the question we will try to answer in this week's early
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line. joining us this morning from boston, doris kearns goodwin, presidential historian, in washington, mark amateur, political editor at the atlantic. and cbs news political consultant. and dick morris, he's the author of "catastrophe," a new book on the obama administration. dick, i want to start with you. as a former adviser, let's say you're advising president obama now, everything going on in the country, poll numbers are slipping, health care as we know is on the table. is it a smart time for him to go on vacation? >> no, no, it is a terrible time. he needs to be rebuilding those poll numbers. i used to work for hurricane bill. not this one, but bill clinton. >> the other one. >> right. and i conducted a poll for him as to where he should go on vacation. he wanted to go to the vineyard like he always did and hang out with the starlets but the polling said it was better to go to the rocky mountains and go camping and fishing.
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and he said can i hunt? i checked the poll numbers and i said no. >> do you really have to be that precise about things? he didn't go to martha's vineyard until the following year. historically, vacation, when it comes at an important time of decision or when it is too long, former president george w. bush took a lot of heat for his extended vacations, can it really reflect negatively on a president and hurt them heading forward? >> it can, but i would respectfully disagree in the thought that i think presidents, as all people, need time to relax, to replenish their energies to rerefresh their mind and their spirit. when bush was down at his ranch, he had to deal with documents, national security things, it did seem like a long time, he actually beat the record, even reagan had less days away than president bush had. but think about it. hewe w he nt to the soldier's home outside of washington, he was able to think of the emancipation proclamation
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away from washington. fdr created the whole land lease thing while on a fishing trip for ten days. they both argued you needed to have time away from that bubble to get away from conventional thought. everybody needs the chance to replenish energies and refresh their thinking and play for a while. i say go, enjoy it. >> mark, give us an idea, how much vacationing will happen during this week versus the work? because as doris said, that does follow him wherever he goes. >> he is still going to receive his daily presidential intelligence briefing, he is still going to receive his economic briefing and he's probably going to make a couple of side trips off the island. there may be one or two events related to policy throughout the time. and you'll see him on television, perhaps from afar, but carefully crafted photo-opes with his family, get him outside the campaign setting. i do anticipate he'll find a lot of time walking the beach.
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>> mark, is martha's vineyard a smart place for this president to go now or does it seem a little too elitist? >> clearly this president has -- he may have chosen differently. president obama is different. >> he chose both. he went to the rockies and to martha's vineyard. >> he's fitting it all in. >> he's balancing his ticket. >> part of it is, look, he didn't come to office the wealthy man, unlike ronald reagan or richard nixon, he didn't have a place he already set down his roots. hawaii you could argue is that place, but that was where he took his last vacation. so for -- he could go to chicago where he lives, but, again, that's not much of a vacation. it would be more of a staycation. the choices aren't limited, he can go anywhere in the country, there is not an obvious place for him to go. >> so, doris, i want to bring you back in for a second. when you're trying to find that
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place and to balance your dish don't want to say your reputation but standing with the american people, congress, congress is on vacation as well, how much do you have to take that balance into account as president? >> well i think the american want to know that you're keeping up with what's go on and that there is some sort of an emergency and that was the problem for president bush when katrina happened while he was on vacation to stay down there in texas. other than that, i think the american people have a toleration. they understand that they themselves love to take that time away that there is something that happens to the mind and the spirit when you get away. you can break away from conventional thinking. we should all hope that is going to happen for obama. the most bizarre vacation story ever probably was when president cleveland was on vacation, he had an operation on the hudson river on a yacht on his -- for his cancer of his jaw. nobody knew about it. and that could never happen today. >> that would never happen today, that's true. real quick, you wouldn't advise
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it now, but people do really seem to love seeing the image of the obama family together, the images of mr. obama as a father. could that help him? >> this is a president yam campaign team that is based on charisma. that's how he won the election. now they have to fight over issues and they're not used to it. as doris kearns goodwin knows, ever since social security was passed and lyndon johnson pas d medicare, the elderly has been a core building block. obama is losing them for demoatic party and could lose them for generations because of the health care issue. and for him to be on a vacation while his party is tanking because of his program, i think it is a little much for the members of congress. they're not on vacation. they're getting killed at town hall meetings. >> they are, that's true. great to have all of you with us this morning. we'll head to ira joe fisher with a check of the weather.
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the weather is not so great for the obamas, whether or not they should be on vacation. >> initially for their vacation on martha's vineyard, a problem with the clouds and the wind and the rain, all associated with the outer edges of what is hurricane bill. the latest on the storm is this. 105 mile an hour winds, still heading to the north-northwest at 22 miles an hour. and as it goes it going to veer off to the north-northeast, over cooler water. that's good news. at least a day into the future for it to lose its strength and become something less than a hurricane and a tropical storm. tropical storm warnings in effect from the coastal line and the cape cod area.
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and that is a saturday look at your weather, chris. >> ira joe, thank you very much. coming up next, a question of sex, the gender bender everyone is talking about. is this runner a woman or a man? you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. come on, girls with limp, lifeless hair... our expert stylist recommends full & thick from pantene. it just got the good housekeeping seal. you wanna know why? the full & thick collection really leaves the hair full. starting at the roots, your hair lifts up and away. look at all this body. and that's gonna last all day. [ stacy ] a little expert advice. full, thick-looking results the leading salon brand can't beat. full & thick from pantene. healthy makes it happen.
9:14 am
how about a swim? i'm a little irregular today. don't you eat activia? for my little issues? they're not that bad. summer's no time to put up with even occasional digestive problems. believe me, once they go away, it's amazing how good you feel. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks. summer's a wastin'... take the activia challenge now. it works, or it's free. ♪ activia wwalmart checks other stores' schoprices,lies? and they'll match any advertised price. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here. save money. live better. walmart.
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this morning, a story that is generating a ton of controversy around the globe. on wednesday, south african runner caster semenya became a world champion, but the title has led to a new level of scrutiny and now the world wants to know is she really who she says she is? here is cbs news correspondent richard roth in london. >> caster semenya. >> reporter: racing more than two seconds ahead of her nearest
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opponent to win the women's 800 meter final at the world championship in berlin, 18-year-old caster semenya ran right into controversy. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: some of her competitors said she should have been running against men, then track and field's governors confirmed that the south african is the subject of testing to verify her gender. >> i heard one that you born a man. what do you have to say about stuff like that? >> i have no idea about that. i don't know who said that and i don't know. >> reporter: testing gender in sports depends on much more than appearance and anatomy. >> it is not just a case of pulling down somebody's shorts or a quick blood test. >> reporter: experts deciding semenya's case include a gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a psychologist to determine gender identity. in south africa, where she is called the golden girl,
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semenya's family and supporters say the investigation is offensive. it may take weeks to settle to determine if she gets to keep her gold medal. richard roth, cbs news, london. >> joining us, david epstein, staff writer for "sports illustrated," an expert in track and field. good morning to you. is this highly offensive or something to be said for this? >> this is an 18-year-old young woman, so -- clearly her family is taking it to be offensive. but it is something that has gone on in track and field before and it is difficult because in track and field, you want to be able to category identify competitors as male or female, but biologically it is not as black and white as you might want it to be for competition. >> the iaaf, they're investigating right now. is this something they do on their own or is this because the other competitors all say she's a man, she should be racing with other men? >> well, they used to do this regularly and they gave it up in 1991 because it is not very clear cut.
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they will do it when, you know, some of her rivals said rude things, just take a look at her, she came out of nowhere, she blew everybody away, and so they had to respond some way, basically. so this is their response. >> how tough is it to prove someone's gender. this is more than just a quick blood test. >> the reason they got rid of it and the international olympic committee before sydney got rid of it is because in some ways it is kind of impossible. that's why they got out of this business. you can't genetically, there are -- you can't even look at someone's chromosome. there are women with xy chromosome, normally for a male, there are testosterone levels that are all over the place. genitalia can be ambiguous or doesn't determine sex necessarily. there really is no clear cut way to tell. >> she's definitely defined looking at the pictures we're looking at now. could it be a performance enhancing drug issue as well? you look at female body builders, some of them look masculine.
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>> she hasn't failed a doping test yet. but this sex verification test started in the '60s. a lot of them were thought to be doping. so you don't know, but she passed the tests. >> with automatll the tests goi now, how long until we get a definitive ans zblert medical community said you can't always tell the difference between a male and a female, so i don't know how they are going to tell. but we'll hear something. what they certainly will find out is if she's masquerading -- a man masquerading as a woman. that would be cheating. >> if you look at the reports, that are out this morning, as they talk to experts, there are so many different chromosomal matchups that can define whether this is ayman or a woman. it is a strange, strange case. is this typical? does this happen in the international track and field world? >> no. it doesn't happen a lot at all. in atlanta, i think there were eight competitors found to genetically be male but they
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were female competitors. but then their bodies also weren't able to work with the testosterone they were given. if anything, they were at a disadvantage, not an advantage. it is not very usual, but usually i think it is handled with a little more discretion, unfortunate that this young woman has to be in front of the world like this. >> 18 years old, and the reportes say so miserable, she had to be coaxed into going to the medal ceremoniy to accept her gold medal. >> this should be the best moment of her life. >> thank you for coming in this morning. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. >> we'll keep everyone updated on this situation as we get more information. up next, under the radar for the 2 million calorie cupcake. that's a long time on the treadmill right there. this is "the early show" on cbs. maybe this is one of the most important. new centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50. ..n d.
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i test at night or after i eat makes a big difference. a good diet and testing your blood sugar regularly can help you manage-even reduce-the risk of complications. that's why liberty offers a wide selection of most brand-name meters. and, all the help you need to understand your meter. if you're over 65, have diabetes and are on medicare, call now and we'll send you a free meter. it offers alternate site testing, so you can test on your arm. no more pricking your fingers. so it's less painful. it makes a big difference. and to make it even less painful, the cost of your diabetes testing supplies may be covered by medicare. join over a million others who have chosen liberty medical. call now and get your free meter. plus, for a limited time, get a free cookbook when you join. call the number on your screen. can add up fast. so i'm packing my own lunch now-- for less than $3. thanks to walmart. just two times a week
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one of our first things that happens early every saturday around this time, a little under the radar, which we don't have over there at "ac 360," which i am during the week. time to sit back and relax. first up, our catch of the day. two little girls wading into shallow water, the one reaches down with her bare hands, pulls out -- is that really a fish? did she really pull that fish out of the water with her two little bare hands? some people are wondering if it is real. i'm one of them. >> a ninja. >> right. >> next, a colossal, it is isn't a word normally associated with a cupcake. check out this cupcake. the world's very largest cupcake, weighing in at 1,224
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pounds. and it is only 2 million calories. took 12 hours to bake along with 800 eggs, 200 pounds of butter, sugar and flour. it is a diet version. a bakery in detroit made it to raise money for breast cancer research. you can see the pink icing on there. a great cause, but, boy -- >> a great cause. that's a little too much cupcake. that would be a lifetime supply. the italian cash for cheese program this is an actual cheese bank. producers of parmesan deposit their product as collateral for their loan. the cheese consortium holes more than 4,000 wheels of cheese, valued at more than 400 bucks a piece. the bank holds it, ages it the vault, $186 million worth of cheese in there. it is what they call the wedge fund. >> stinks in there too, by watt i. >> it does. tastes good. stay with us, edie falco is up next on "the early show." ?ñ??
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hi, everybody. >> wow. checking in with our crowd here. we have people who walked in the rain they get extra credit for being on the plaza this morning. >> we wanted to come out here. these kind folks have been braving the elements while we have been tucked away in the posh, but not overly ostentacious studios. manhattan volleyball, right? >> a few more of our friends with us on the plaza at "the early show." thank you for being with us. i'm erica hill. >> with chris wragge here as well. >> love when you show up on a saturday. we have so much coming up this half hour. one thing we're excited about, edie falco. could "the sopranos" be headed for the big screen? she played carmelo soprano.
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what was the final scene in the restaurant all about? we'll ask her coming up in the next half hour. she talks about her new role as nurse jackie on the show time hit. that and much more including her life as a mom. that's coming up this half hour. >> love the jersey diners. shoutout to jersey. home soaked blueberries over ice cream sound like your cup of tea. don't miss our "chef on a shoestring." that always gets me every week, the "chef on a shoestring." >> you can do it. one of these zblazdays. >> a refill from our "second cup cafe," diane birch. >> lots to come. still, one final check of the headlines, priya is standing by at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. in his weekly radio and internet address, president obama is trying to rebuild support for his plan to overhaul the nation's troubled health care system. mr. obama accused some of critics of the plan of making, quote, phony claims. he said the distortions are being promoted by the people who want to keep things just as they
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are. in their weekly address, republicans accused the president of misrepresenting his proposal. there is good news this morning about treating the h1n1 flu. u.s. health officiales say there have been no problems so far in tests of the new vacvaccine. the worst systems are sore and swollen arms this week, tests continue on children 6 months to 17 years old. how effective the vaccine is won't be known until next month. if it continues to perform well, an estimated 200 million doses could be produced by the year's end. finally, a los angeles woman has come up with a novel way toe she's auctioning of other husband's -- on ebay, directly above marilyn monroe's final resting place. your chance to spend eternity with the actress. the top bid so far, $4.6 million. now out to ira joe fisher with our final check of the weather.
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the bid ends on monday. the auction is over there. you want to get your bid in now. >> i wasn't going to address such grave matters, actually, out here. what we're going to talk about other such things as -- unfortunately, we'll talk about a hurricane. let's walk along the coast here with the wonderful people who are out visiting us on the plaza. you meet the nicest people on the plaza. the big subject of whether news and news news today is hurricane bill. still steaming out in the atlantic. now, some strengthening could happen today before it ultimately veers to the northeast, moves out and over colder water tonight. and loses a good deal of its strength. the winds at the moment, 105 miles an hour, tropical storm warnings, winds 40, 50 miles an hour in the cape cod area. beware of that. up and down the easrn ngunous daderto as a result of hurricane bill. ou
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accumulate 10 nights and get a night free anywhere. welcome rewards. smart. so smart. maybelline's new pulse perfection vibrating mascara with our exclusive motor inside (whisper) works like no hand can! (announcer) vibration coats more evenly from root-to-tip vibration separates more precisely vibration sculpts more perfectly the result? a new level of definition. for a flawless fan of perfect lashes each and every time. (announcer) new pulse perfection. see the difference. (announcer) only from maybelline new york. experience the power of vibration ...go to for $3 off now! come on. good girl.] mollie's never looked better. i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it.
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it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. with three emmys and two golden globes to her name, edie falco made her mark. as carmelo soprano in the megahit "the sopranos". now she's starring as a nurse on show time's critically acclaimed dark comedy "nurse jackie." this monday marks the season finale. here is a sneak peek. >> i broke my own finger, so i could have a long time with you because we have amazing chemistry. >> you said it, not me. >> you are a moron.
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>> nurse jackie joining us now in person, edie falco. so great to have you with us. this show is fantastic. >> thank you. >> one of the things i love is that it keeps you guessing. there are all these things you don't expect from this character. has she kept you guessing throughout the whole season? >> absolutely. which is why i was so excited to do it. there is so much these days i was looking at, reading, but it doesn't keep you guessing. it was a criteria. >> is it hard to make this decision, because you've gone from this fantastic show, that so many people identify you with now, you're carmelo soprano to so many people, and then to jump to a new series was it hard to make that decision? >> it was because my standards were so high. it is not the norm so much in this industry, i feel like. it is easier to stick with what people know, what will be successful and what the viewers want to see. and so to find something that was surprising to me and in theory to an audience was
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definitely difficult. >> she's very complex. very dedicated nurse, mother, a wife and yet she's sort of this pill-popping adulterer at the same time. >> right. >> is that hard sometimes to figure out how do i -- how do i embody this, how do i make her come to life? >> it probably should be harder to do than it is. for some reason i'm having no difficulty at all. >> i would say that's a good thing. >> good for my career, but that's another story. i think that you kind of play each scene, i guess, as if it is the only one. when she is with her boyfriend, she's not necessarily thinking about her family at home. i think with that kind of behavior there is a lot of compartmentalizing this is all that is happening, this is all that is happening, it is too hard to have them exist in your brain at the same time. that's what partially gets her through the day. >> you're a working mother. and juggling those two things a lot of times it comes down to, i'm at work -- >> that's it. when i'm here, i'm this person.
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when i'm here, i'm this person. it is hard to sometimes like right now imagining me picking up after my dog, which is a normal part of my morning when i'm not wearing, you know, high heels -- >> easier in flip-flops or sandals. >> there you go. i don't know how i got here, but anyway -- >> so as you're going through and doing that, was it a change for you too? because you had a little downtime "the sopranos." and then you added some kids to your life, your daughter came along and then to have to go back to work -- >> the truth is, i love to work. i would have worked the day after "sopranos" if i found something i liked. as usual, if i stay out of the planning of all this, it works out beautifully. and my daughter came along and i had time to be with her as she's -- including the summer, as she's becoming like a walking, talking person in my house, you know? >> after the first episode aired, you were picked up for the second season, which is almost unheard of. >> that's true. that's true. yeah.
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tremendously good fortune. it is very unusual that i have loved so much the experience of doing the show and people have liked watching it, you know. very often it is one or the other. i got as lucky with "sopranos". i figured walk away from this and be grateful. >> i'm sure people still ask you, but do they come up to you and say, what really happened? >> of course. as i if wrote it or have any greater understanding than they do. it is a huge compliment, people are still asking about it. i still know as little as i did the day i read it. i was like, so, what? >> do you like to think, here is what happened? >> no. not that smart. >> let it go. >> i think david chase, who -- the creator of "sopranos" said one time and i'm paraphrasing, something about -- i think what it means is your life goes on and we just don't see it anymore. either he gets killed or he doesn't or if he doesn't get killed this time, he probably does sometime late are or maybe he won't. the reality is that whatever it
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is, we're not going to know. we're not. >> you are done. there is always the question of will there be a movie like there was for "sex and the city". any talk like that? >> nothing other than people asking me. people that aren't involved. there is no talk of it that i know of. as usual, it is a family member that says you're doing a movie in september, great. >> thanks for coming in. edie falco, a pleasure to meet you. >> pleasure is all mine. >> you can catch the season finale at 10:30 p.m. on show time. that was not "the sopranos" answer i was looking for. up next, our "chef on a shoestring," jon bonnell, three courses of texas sized flavor for under $35. we'll find out when we come back. show" g "the early show" on cbs. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches.
9:43 am
beautiful. great looking skin... it's in the dna. [ female announcer ] new regenerist dna cream with spf 25 doesn't just correct. it helps protect your dna witht a $200 department store price tag. olay regenerist. all free clear 2x concentrated detergent. all free clear's powerful clean is free of the ingredients you'll find in most detergents: no perfumes... no dyes... no preservatives... free clear is specially designed for people with sensitive skin and has powerful stainlifters, so you can trust it to get the job done right. free clear is the number-one detergent recommended by dermatologists... so, for a pure clean, all free clear is all you need.
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the bigplape. jon bonnell has a blend of the southwest, mexico, creole ingredients. he's our "chef on a shoestring" today. he has a $35 budget. jon, good to see you once again. >> how are you? >> excellent. glad to see you made it. you are our master chef for our thanksgiving extravaganza. >> a little more budget to work with. we can make this happen. >> congrats on the book. what do we have on the menu? >> jalapeno twice baked to patos with bacon in there. shrimp and angel air pasta and blueberries over ice cream. >> these look like potato skins. >> with lots of extra flavor. we take little potatoes, boil them for a little while, use a redskin potato, yukon gold, i like to make one biters, this would work for a cocktail party. sour cream and butter. this is not the diet day.
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we melt that a little bit. >> we scoop out the potatoes. >> scooped them out with one of these little scoop guys. got our inereds here. i'll add in some scallions. do a little salt. i'll get you to mash these for me. and i got some roasted jalapeno here, beautiful stuff. just a little bit of spice. jalapen jalapenos, pop them on a grill until they blacken on all sides, scrape the skins right off, easy like that chop them up. >> i can mash them? >> absolutely. mash those guys. give it a little salt and pepper, of course. keeps the flavor going in there. and you just have to mix it a little bit. doesn't take too much. once we got the seasoning in there, those look great. we're going to pop those right back in the skin. i like to use a little scoop. so pretty easy. >> the ice cream method, right? >> that's the ice cream method. very technical here. using the most high tech of all
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tools. pop these guys. not too hard so far. we can do this. i'm going to pop them with a little cheese. everything is better with a little cheese, right? >> and bacon. >> if you don't like bacon, i don't know what to tell you. >> houw long. >> depends on the size of the potato. i have some beautiful little guys there. a little slice of jalapeno on top. before or after the oven. depends on your guest. pop these little guys right here. excuse me. those are hot. be careful. a fun one. next we'll do a shrimp and angel hair pasta. garlic and olive oil in a pan we take a couple of tomatoes, squeeze them gently, don't hurt yourself and just tear them up. this is a really fresh, quick, easy sauce. just tear them apart. that's it.
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>> make sure you have clean hands doing it. >> that's right. once this cooks for a little bit, splash in a touch of white wine. you okay? >> yeah. >> got your apron a little dirty today. that's how you know you're really cooking. >> only second time it happened. simmer them up there. >> once they start simmering, this is what it looked like. a little salt and pepper in that one. as soon as you got your seasoning in there, we'll toss in baby shrimp. i've got some right over here. this one gets a little splash of white wine. you got some. >> the baby shrimp cooks very quickly, right? >> the smaller they are, the quicker they cook. that's going to be it. let me turn that up a little bit. we'll let them start to cook. doesn't take long. as soon as those guys start to pink, they are just about there. sizzle in that sauce. >> want to get to dessert. >> oh, yeah. dessert, got some -- rum-laced blueberries. >> that is going to -- you're
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going to watch over that. last thing we do is toss the pasta, fresh basil, a beautiful sauce like that. tomatoes wilt down and make this texture to go with it. you let it simmer for the last minute and a half, soaks up all that flavor. >> you come over to the dessert here. >> all we did was cook some blueberries, fresh blueberries with a little bit of rum, some lemon zest and sugar. as soon as they start it make that sauce, it thickens up a little bit. >> that looks great. >> we'll scoop it over some homemade vanilla ice cream. people will come lining up. as soon as you get a little dessert with -- >> lining up for food? >> especially with a item of booa little bit of booze. >> what are you saying about it
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us, joh us, jon? >> let's look at the overall total. in good range here. look at this. how low can you go, number three right there. >> is there a bronze medal? >> you're on the podium with a bronze. we'll see how long that lasts. jon, thank you very much. good to see you as always. congratulations on the book. >> i appreciate it. >> if you want to try his recipes at home, go to our website, all the recipes, of jon and the other chefs are there for the eyes to see. sounds good, tastes good. up next, our "second cup cafe," another number from diane birch when we come back. we're going enjoy a little pasta, shrimp, ice cream, potato skins. this is cranergy energy juice drink from ocean spray, the great taste of cranberries, naturally energizing green tea, and b vitamins.
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it's a "good for you" kind of energy that helps you get stuff done. and when your days look like this... you need all the help you can... get. hey, your wednesday just opened up. now 40% more cranergy for your money. look for our bigger bottle in the juice aisle. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. th zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
9:53 am
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where you already save. well, actually just a few rows over in walmart's expanded electronics department. your new, fully-activated at&t, t-mobile or verizon wireless phone is a lot closer than you think. save money. live better. walmart. welcome back. before we leave you, tomorrow night on "60 minutes," a tribute to don hewitt who created the groundbreaking show. and so much of what you see on tv today. that's right here on cbs. >> looking forward to that.
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also next saturday, we want to let you know, the mothers of invention. we'll immediate some ordinary moms who turned their bright and sometimes bizarre ideas into hugely successful companies. >> thanks for joini iningou on saturday. we leave you now with more music from diane birch. have a great weekend. ♪ well, i passed the wishing well and i threw my penny in ♪ ♪ said a prayer out of the blue ♪ ♪ that you would come my way again ♪ ♪ yeah i seen some better days ♪ ♪ and the next one you were there ♪ ♪ running circles through the graveyard ♪ ♪ throwing daisies in the air ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh valentino oh, oh, oh, oh
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i still don't show honey, they flow ♪ ♪ well, i crossed the lakes and mountains ended up in hollywood ♪ ♪ playing piano in the pink hotel just like you said i would ♪ ♪ kept looking out my window hoping one day you would come ♪ ♪ going ever shade of blue under that california sun ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh valentino oh, oh, oh, oh my tears don't show ♪ ♪ oh, hundroney, they flow ♪ ♪ so much for the promises ♪
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