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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  September 20, 2009 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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do we have poverty in the united states, but i'll tell you, now, you gotta be here to see this. this is of another demension. i was one of those who sat at home and watched it on television, you know. and i get upset and i cry like oh my goodness. but when you come here, you actually see it. it''s hell. it is absolute hell. it's one of the smallest and one of the most beautiful countries in southern africa. but it's also among the 10 poorest nations in the world. 65% of the children in malawi are severely malnourished
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and teetering on the edge of life and death. it's the injustice of some children in the world having too much and some children in the world having too little. i think that's the bit that makes you angry sometimes. it's just so sad. hunger is a silent killer of millions of children every year. that's why feed the children has been responding to this global crisis since 1979. and thanks to the government of taiwan giving us 11 millions pounds of rice, we're about to put forth one of the largest food distributions ever for the starving children of malawi. so, please, don't go away. you won't want to miss this special feed the children program and opportunity to join us in bringing the hungry children of malawi lifesaving food
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and a grain of hope. the setting looks like a beautiful painting, red earth, bushy trees, thatched roofs. but in the midst of the beauty of this tiny, southeastern african nation lies a tragic suffering of millions of children. they're emotionally dead. they're nutritionally dead. they're starving slowly. in the united states if we found someone who had a dog living in those conditions, we would put them in prison. just take a look at sakuleje. hunched over and barely able to walk, this beautiful little girl can't get through a day without severe pain. her mother says sakuleje was born normal. however, shortly after she started walking, they noticed something was seriously wrong.
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like most malawians, they live in a rural area and are desperately poor. sakuleje's father is dead. and the only money her mother makes is a few cents here and there from selling clay pots. so many days she has nothing to eat. it's a big problem trying make sure that the families have got enough food for their children. these children are chronically malnourished. however, feed the children has some hope for these hungry and suffering boys and girls. do you know what hope is? let me share with you a well-known secret at feed the children. when we find children who are hungry and malnourished just like you have seen, we immediately start looking for a solution. and guess what? just listen to this. the government of taiwawn has given us 11 million pounds of rice for hungry children in malawi. this rice can help supplement 44 million meals.
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but the job of getting it to the children is much bigger than we are. the rice must be shipped all the way from taiwan, across the indian ocean and then offloaded in mozambique. from there it has to be trucked throughout malawi to various feeding centers where children can receive a lifesaving meal. for only $10 you can provide 500 meals to starving children in malawi. that's only 2 cents per meal. children like sakuleje are in a fight for their lives. but for just $10 you can provide a meal for 500 hungry boys and girls. and help them win this fight. please, call feed the children now. here's the plan. the rice is in taiwan. we have to ship it to south africa. it's offloaded to another ship which takes it to mozambique. now, please, realize this. every time hands touch the rice, it costs us money.
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and when it gets to mozambique it's taken off, put on trucks, and then it goes across mozambique into malawi, 11 million pounds. now, you may be saying, larry, are you sure you can do this? yes, we can because we've already done it for kenya. 11 million pounds and what a difference it made in the lives of kenya's hungry children. now, will you help us do the very same thing for malawi? for only $10 you can help provide 500 meals. for $30 1,500 meals. i don't know what your level is, but, please, call right now. and if you like, put it on your credit card. or you can go to our secured website. if you'd rather write out a check and drop it in the mail, make it out to feed the children. send it to box 28. that's oklahoma city. zip 73101. and in the corner of your check, just write the word "rice." thank you for helping us move us 11 million pounds of rice to the hungry children of malawi.
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i see the millions and millions of people that larry jones and feed the children have helped. we will never.i.i'll tell you this right now. we will never cease to give and donate to feed the children. because i don't think there's a better organization in this country. i really don't. imagine being born into one of the poorest countries in the world. then imagine your mother dies and leaves you all alone. since his mother's death just 2 months ago, albright has been cared for by his grandmother, who is very old, sick and desperately poor. as if being an orphan isn't hard enough for this little boy, he also has a serious disability. albright was born with spina-bifida which left him paralyzed from the waist down.
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the only part of his body he can move is his upper body which he uses to scoot along the hard ground. not able to feel anything below his waist has caused albright traumatic injuries. recently when he was sleeping, a rat chewed off the tip of his big toe. he didn't even notice. and there was no money to take him to a doctor. life is filled with one hardship and heartache after another for albright. so poor and destitute, he lives in a house that is literally bare. sadest of all, albright goes many days without anything to eat. it's the injustice of the. of some children in the world having too much, and some children in the world having too little. i think that's the bit that makes you angry sometimes. who cares for these poor, vulnerable little children? feed the children does!
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and thanks to a generous donation from the taiwanese government of 11 million pounds of rice, we're going to be able to feed thousands upon thousands of hungry children in malawi. a lot of countries have surpluses, and often times those surpluses lie in the warehouses unused, and many times that food spoils. in this case, the taiwanese they have surplus rice and they're sending that rice to the areas of greatest need. and they're providing this tremendous quantity of rice. and those of us in america all we have to do is, you know, open our pocketbooks and.and help feed the children from the distribution which is really simple to do. but we need your help like never before. for a gift of only $10 you can provide 500 hungry children with a nutritious meal from this shipment of rice. just $20 will feed 1,000 children.
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malawi is among the 10 poorest nations in the world. millions of hungry and destitute children like albright are helpless with no one to turn to. but just think, for only $10 the cost of 1 dinner out, you can feed 500 of these hungry children. please call feed the children right now. albright's parents can't sign up for welfare or disability. they can't walk down the street to the local food pantry so they feed their hungry disabled son. there's no such help for hurting children and their families in malawi. this is why i'm urging you to please help us feed malawi's hungry children. the taiwanese government has given feed the children 11 million pounds of rice for hungry boys and girls in malawi. this is an exciting opportunity to help save a lot of children's lives. but we can't make this happen alone.
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we must have help. for only $10 you can help feed 500 hungry children with this rice. that's the cost of just 1 dinner out. and for $20 you can feed 1,000 children. please help us help malawi's hurting and hungry children. call now. i'm feeling more and more that our world is in a state of hopelessness. people are losing hope. we're in a crisis of hope. and i personally believe that the. the more we offer hope to others, the more hopeful we can become.
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so, we're not only benefiting them, but we're.we're reviving our own value system, that it is possible to make a difference. this is not something that can't be addressed. and that you become hopeful and you reach out to a child. one day as i arrived at our feed the children center in rural malawi, i was shocked to see more than 100 hungry and handicapped children waiting outside. notice this girl here, that something is wrong with her right eye. yeah. this baby here looks like it's definitely malnourished.
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this one, look at this. this boy right here has a big smile. you know what has happened to him? he looks like he's got brittle bones. it's an inherited condition where he doesn't have enough calcium in his bones. so they're very soft and they break very easily. it looks like it''s really bent. yes. the program director and i took louis inside for a closer look. now, is the protruded chest and back, is this from the brittle bones? yes. yes. can i turn you around? okay, so it looks like his spine is curved. yes. it's very curved and very bent forward. later that day i visited louis and his family at their home.
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it didn't take long to see the reality of just how hard life is for malawians. louis' parents work day and night trying to survive in this barren and unpredictable land. but back-breaking labor still leaves them with little or nothing to give their son. sadly, louis goes hungry most of the time. and malnutrition will just worsen his brittle bone syndrome. i think it's always been difficult for people in the united states to understand how difficult this work is, and there are so many problems for the children here in the developing world. these children are in serious condition. the problem is enormous and we have to have help. frances is so right. the problem of childhood hunger is so enormous. let me ask you a question. did you get to vote to be born in america, the land of opportunity? of course, you didn't. not anymore than i did. well, the people of malawi,
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they didn't vote to be born in a poor country where their children will go hungry and suffer from malnutrition. however, in a few moments you're gonna get to vote for the children of malawi. right now you can help a desperately poor and hungry child like louis by calling feed the children. we've been given 11 million pounds of rice from the government of taiwan for hungry children in malawi. and with 65% of malawi's children being malnourished, this rice could save a lot of lives. many parents carry their children to the center from miles around, through the blistering hot desert just so that their children can have a hot meal. but now with this huge shipment of rice, we'll be able to send families home with bags of rice which will provide nourishing meals for their children. for a gift of only $10 you can provide 500 children with a lifesaving meal from this supply of rice.
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$20 will provide 1,000 meals. this comes out to only 2 cents per meal. where else could your pennies mean so much? please, call now. i hope you're saying right now i'm going to vote for the children of malawi. and you can do that right now by simply reaching over and picking up the phone and saying, i want to provide 500 meals. i'll give $$10. of course, $20 will do 1,000 meals, but $50 will do 2,500 meals. please, for such a small amount of money, you can do so much. so, give us a call right now. if you like, put it on your credit card or you might want to go to our secured website. now, let me give you a real challenge. go the second mile. it's gonna take a lot of support to move this rice from taiwan to malawi. would you get your group involved? go to your church, your business, your civic club, your school and just tell them,
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feed the children is trying to move 11 million pounds of rice to the hungry children of malawi. if you've got questions, give us a call. we'll get back with you. but, please, go the second mile and get your group involved. thanks for doing that! oh, it''s a tremendous value to think that such a small amount of money can make such an incredible difference to a family's life. and if you truly believe that our children are tomorrow's future then you need to feed tomorrow's future. and you need to give them something you want them to give back to our world. so, i can't think of a better place to put our donations than to give to the children. you should invest in feed the children because there's a real difference being made. they are truly impacting these kids. how can you not see the kids and be affected.
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it's a mother's worst fear to have a child born with a disability. now, imagine having three severely disabled children. what happened to oscar and his sisters seems almost unbelievable. both oscar and his oldest sister were born with cerebral palsy. then his other sister suddenly had a bout with cerebral malaria which left her with permanent brain damage. this burden would be hard for any single mother to handle, let alone one living in an impoverished nation like malawi. oscar's mother works very hard selling small bags of charcoal.
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but she never earns enough to make ends meet. many days oscar and his sisters have nothing to eat. malnutrition is a serious threat to a child's health, especially children who suffer from physical disabilities. it's estimated by just feeding a child will prevent morbidity, mortality or death and destruction, so to speak, by at least 50%. so, it's quite important for the child's health. sadly, in countries like malawi, it makes no difference whether you're disabled, poor, alone or hungry. families are on their own struggling to survive in a land beseiged by poverty, aids and hunger. this is why feed the children is reaching out to children like oscar. and we need your help! recently the taiwanese government gave feed the children 11 million pounds of rice
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for hungry children in malawi. rice is an excellent source of protein and can make a huge difference to these hungry, sick and vulnerable children. so, when parents bring their children to the feed the children center for therapy, we'll also be handing out bags of rice which will help them feed their children at home. but we must have help in order to get this rice into their hands. for a gift of $10 you can feed 500 hungry boys and girls with this rice. only $10. and hundreds of children can have a nourishing meal. for just $20 you can feed 1,000 children. how wonderful that someone like you and others had a vision, and there were others who had faith to provide all this. and it made me just say my god, what can i do? we can't let this rice go to waste
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when millions of needy children like oscar and his sisters are starving. your $10 gift could be the gift of life itself. call feed the children now! i hope you'll call immediately. we have so much rice to distribute to hungry children, but we desperately need your help to get it all the way from taiwan to starving children throughout malawi. rice is an excellent rice of protein for malnourished children like oscar and his sisters. without food these children have no chance at all. for a gift of only $10 you can feed 500 children with this rice. now, i pray that you'll call feed the children now and not let this food or this opportunity to help save a child's life go to waste. thank you and god bless you! he said the poor will always be with us. and.and he that helps the poor,
10:51 am're on the right track because this is what jesus came for, to help the poor and to help the lost. larry and frances jones have heartfelt vision. they got spirit vision. they are driven. they're quick in their spirit and said, hey we're gonna make a difference, and makes a difference. hey, what's up, this is nellie. and i'm asking all of you watching to help me out. there's a great organization called feed the children that i support. they're really doing amazing things to feed hungry kids. but they need your help too. so, please, call now! it's the biggest thing that you can do from your heart is to be able to give to somebody who doesn't have what you have. and especially just the basic necessities out of life. they're not asking you to, you know, buy them a car, none of that. they want something to eat, man. announcing our brand new online store. you'll find uniqute gift items such as celebrity autographs and rare sports memorbilia from some of the greatest athletes in history. music of many top artists are included, such as the limited edition, garth brooks "the hits." we also have beautiful art, books, toys and many gift items.
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all proceeds benefit feed the children. so, while you treat someone or yourself with unique gifts, you also help to feed hungry children. visit today. it seems like every year the state of our world's children is more insecure. our world is not child-friendly. the children are in pain. they're suffering. and i don't think childhood should hurt. imagine being a disabled child in one of the poorest nations in the world. in malawi, this means you have nowhere to turn if you're starving, sick, impoverished or disabled. it doesn't even matter if you're a child suffering with these hardships. 6-year-old lydia knows all too well what it's like to suffer with no relief in sight. she lives in an impoverished slum in blantyre, malawi.
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both she and her sister have brittle bone syndrome, a genetic condition that leaves her with constant fractures and pain. she also suffers with the pain of hunger. her family is so poor that many days they go without anything to eat. when i saw lydia, i just wanted to make the hurt and the suffering go away. what hope does she and other needy children in malawi have unless we reach out to them? it's really overwhelming. every one of them are sick. their living conditions are so, so hard. you can see just the.the poverty and the difficulty, the filth, just deplorable conditions. the good news is that feed the children does have some hope for these children. do you know what real hope is for the children of malawi? it's 11 milliion pounds of rice. that will feed literally thousands upon thousands
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of children. but here's what else it will do. for the children who come and there are many, when they come for physical therapy, their mother will go home with a bag of rice. we can't solve all the problems of a developing country, but i'll tell you what we can do. we can give 11 million pounds of rice for their hungry children. we've been given 11 million pounds of rice from the taiwanese government for the starving children in malawi. that means we can supplement 44 million meals. but we urgently need your help to get the rice all the way from taiwan to malawi. for only $10 you can help feed 500 hungry children with this rice. $20 will help to feed 1,000 children. very often, if it's not for feed the children, the child would literally die at home. that's how important the work that we're doing is. it's the difference between life and death.
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children like lydia are teetering on the edge of life and death. but with your help, this enormous shipment of rice could save a lot of lives in malawi. please, call feed the children immediately with your $10 gift. of all the good deeds you've ever done, this may be the most important call. please, call now! i want to say a big thank you to the government of taiwan for giving us 11 million pounds of rice. and then another big thank you to all the partners of feed the children. if you haven't called yet, i want to encourage you to call right now. and, remember, for only $10 you can help provide 500 meals. now, $100 - 5,000 meals. now, listen to this, if you can give $1,000 - 50,000 meals is what you'll help provide. i'm just asking you to be as generous as you can and write the best check that you've ever written
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to help feed hungry children. if you like, put it on your credit card. or perhaps go to our secured website. but, please, do something right now. i want to encourage many of you to take the second mile challenge. a business, a school, a civic club and just say, feed the children is trying to move 11 million pounds of rice from taiwan to malawi to feed their hungry children. let's help them because they're taking on a big job. now you may have some questions. you give us a call and we'll get back with you. please, this is a big, big project. get your group involved. if you'd rather write out a check, make out your check to feed the children. send it to box 28. that's oklahoma city. our zip is 73101. and down in the corner of your check, just write the word "rice." we're taking on a big challenge. thank you so much for joining us. god bless you for caring. up next, mark victor hansen,
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co-author of the bestselling series, "chicken soup for the soul." each volume of "chicken soup for the soul" is filled with personal stories that contain a moral. the life story of larry jones, "keep walking," has many morals centered around one man. larry appeared on one television station where he asked farmers to send wheat for children. they responded generously, like everyone does when larry reminds us that hunger never takes a vacation. 28 years later larry coordinates the distribution of hundreds of millions of tons of food through feed the children, the charity he founded in 1979. i can think of no hardship larry hasn't seen as he's walked through famines, droughts, floods, hurricanes and military conflicts. his magnetic story is food for thought and nutrition for your soul. i urge you to pick up a copy of "keep walking," by my great friend, larry jones.
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and you're gonna love it. "keep walking" is available online and on december 4th at bookstores everywhere. (clapping) ♪ we are marching in the light of god ♪ (clapping) ♪ we are marching in the light of god ♪ (clapping and singing) (clapping and singing) (clapping and singing) closed captioning provided by feed the children
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