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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  September 21, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no c ring terror arrests thp three men in custody and headed to court in a nationwide terror investigation. likely failure. a grim no warning about > the war in afghanistan from the top u.s. ring general. and emmy no carrier winners. encore ring victories for the two best shows on tv. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring this is no carri the cbs"cbs morning news" for monday, september 21st, 2009. no car captioning funded by cbs > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier good morning and thanks for ring joining us. i'm no carrier michelle ri gielan. three terror no carrier suspects will face federal judges today in no carrier denver
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and new york. they were arrest this had weekend in connection with an no carrier alleged al queda linked > bombing plot ring here in the u.s. whitt no carrier johnson has more from no carrier washington. whitt, good morning. >> reporter: new details are emerging ring leading authorities to believe there was a terror plot ring no carrier unfolding here in the u.s. still the three men at the no carrier center of the investigation > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring maintain their innocence. najibullah zazi his no carrier father and a third manual face ri charges this morning of lying to the no carrier fbi ring about a plot to blow up no carrier targets in the u.s. >> ring the allegation is no carrier that mr. zazi lied when no c he said > he ring no carrier had no knowledge of nine ring pages no carrier of ring handwritten bomb-making material. >> reporter: the 24-year-old was arrested in denver saturday ring along with his father after no refusing to talk to federal agents for ring no carrier a fourth day. he had ring cooperated the three previous days. court no carrier documents show satisfies zi travelled to > ri pakistan last august and admitted to attending ring bomb-making courses at an al queda no carrier training ri facility. police also
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say they found bomb ksh making note this is his ring handwriting, his no c fingerprints were found on materials that authorities believe could be used to make ring no carri explosives. all three suspects have ring repeatedly no c denied having any no carrier links to terror. the third > ring man in no car this ri investigation, no carrier ahmad wais afzali is also no ring stranger to the fbi. no it turns out he's been a ri government informant for no carrier years. >> they don't ring have no carrier ri any evidence of terrorism no carrier against anyone and as a result they're lashing out and no c they're > ring no carrier ring lashing out no against one person ring no carrier afzali who had consistently helped they will. >> reporter: authorities concerned 37-year-old ring afzali of warning zazi and his father that they were being monitored and then lie building the ring conversation. friends can't believe afzali would no carrier be no carrier > part ring of any no carrier ring terroristic no carri activity. afzali will be ring arraigned this morning in a new york federal no courthouse. zazi and his father will answer their charge mis-denver. if no convicted, each could face up to eight years in no carrier ring
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no carrier no carrier > federal ring prison. >> reporter: right now the three men are only no car charged with lying to the fbi, ring no carrier ring but legal experts say as the investigation continues, it's ring likely more charges could be on the way. >> whitt ring johnson in washington. no carrier thanks. and as whitt ring reported there could be more arrest no car misthis case and additional charges may be filed against the no carrier suspects already in ring custody. rous mitchell ring discussed the case with cbs news ring justice correspondent possible no carrier orr. >> reporter: ring federal no carrier ring officials believe that no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring najibullah zazi no carrier ring is the real deal, that is he was committed to doing something somewhere using homemade explosives. unlike some of the other so-called plots we've seen this one has a no carrier nexus, a direct connection to no car international ri terrorists. for example, federal agents no carri know that zazi traveled to pakistan he's admitted meeting with bomb makers and al queda ring know-how people in pakistan. and then when he came back here he no car maintained contacts and reached out > ring to no others. so using that information, federal officials say it is not
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a stretch at all no carrier to believe that he was very no carrier ring serious about making these bombs and setting them no off. >> at this point do we know why the feds decided to ring move in now? >> reporter: we can guess that a couple of no carrier no carrier > things. number one, zazi was tipped off to police and pbi surveillance. one of the people in new ringyork the man in queens who has been tee takened, according to charging documents, told zazi and zazi's father that the fbi and the police had been around showing his picture. so he got no carrier spooked. ring but beyond that, no carrier there was a lack of bigger riknowledge, that is no carrier no carrier they didn't have the great outlines of an overall > plots ring and they at any time though no carrier ri what they didn't know, so they wanted to move. there were a lot of high profile events no carrier ring in new york. it was the 9/11 anniversary the president was in town no the u.s. open was going on and of course the in meet was coming up so the police got a little nifsh us saying we know this guy's up to something, we don't know what it is, and then when he was tipped off and fled they had no carrier to move ring in. no carrier >>. now to the war in afghanistan and a grimace no says the of the situation from the top u.s. ring commander there.
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according to the "washington post," general stanley ring mcchrystal says more u.s. no carrier troops are urgently ring needed or the mission will fail. the "post" obtained a ring confidential report in which mcchrystal says success no carrier in afghanistan is still achievable but he warns that failure to increase u.s. no carrier resources, quote, risks a no carri longer conflict > greater ring no carrier ring no carrier casualty, higher overall ring no costs and loss of political support for the war at home. and any of those risks, he says, are no carrier likely to result in mission ring no carrier failure. president obama talked about ring the war in afghanistan during a series of no carri interviews on sunday morning talk no cshows. he says a decision on > sending ring who are troops no carrier ring will depend on no carrier changes in ring strategy. mr. obama also answered no car questions on health care and main other issues. ring kimberly dozier no clortss. >> reporter: flip the channel this sunday morning ring no c and this is what you'd see. all president obama just about ring no carrier all the time. with no carrier > ring no carri one exception. >> the only no carrier ring place you won't see barack obama making yet another pitch for
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ring health care. >> reporter: there were five no car interview, originally intended to focus on pushing health care no carrier reform. the president, at least for one morning, no carrier dominating the debate. but topics no carrier ranged > from the economy to swine no c flu, to the investigation of torture ring by the no carrier cia. >> nobody's above the ring law. >> reporter: and whether he'll send more no carrier troops to afghanistan. >> whatever decisions i make are going to be no based first on a strategy to keep us safe and then we'll figure out how to no c resource it. >> reporter: he was also asked if he agreed with president jimmy carter who blamed race for no carrier > ring much of the tone of the health care debate. the no carrier ring no carrier white house believes the president is thaerhair best salesman, but ring critics are using the o ring word as in no carrier overexposed. >> when the president ring becomes video no carrier wallpaper, ring no carrier when he's always on on all the > channel, people naturally tend to tune no out. >> reporter: others argue that the media market is now so ring fractured, this is how you reach no carrier america. ring >> in truth, lots no c of people are only seeing him once and those are the people's trying to reach. >> reporter: he's got an hour of
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media exmoes sure yet to come ring on no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no david letterman. though it has its ringrisks. of a her his appearance on no carrier jay leno last march, one throw away line dominated the no carrier ri headlines. >> it's like special no carrier olympics. >> reporter: there were no such misfires sunday morning. by day's end, mr. obama had no carrier reached an estimated ring audience of just under ten no carrier million. the pin's response is no carrier yet > ring no carrier to come. kimberly dozier ring cbs news, the no carrier white house. president obama's also no carrier paying close attention to state level ring no politics particularly new york ring no carrier governor david patterson ring no carrier no carrier > ring on oig's bid for ri a new bid. he no urged help to withdraw because of his low public approval ring rating ps p the father is that ring a ri paterson defeat no car could lead to other democratic losses. ring paterson says he has in plan it is drop no carrier > out. officials in ring no carrier florida say a suspect in six murders left the country. ring a mother and her five young children were found dead in an apartment in a no carrier ring
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no c gated community in nap ring naples florida. the husband's car ring no carrier ring was found at the miami airport and he's no carrier believed to no c have flown to haiti. >> no carrier unfortunately, every ring no carrier homicide is tragic. however, this is the ri worst no carrier of the worst. >> the ring sheriff no c says the husband has prior ring no carrier domestic no carrier charges for > domestic violence against his ring wife. no carrier ring no police in washington state have recaptured an insane killer who escaped from a mental hospital outing. police say 47-year-old ring phillip paul tricked a friend no carrier ring no carrier into helping him after paul escaped? n. spokane on thursday, the friend no later notified authorities and showed them no carrier where to look. just ahead ring no car on the "morning news," our "moneywatch" report. plus the ring no carrier ring emmys. these stars were glamrous on the red carpet but did they win? ring first indicate at the couric has a review of tonight's no carrier ring no carrier "cbs evening news." every patient wants the latest in high-tech medicine but it's ring driving the no carrier costs of health care way no carrier up. are so many scans and tests
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necessary? and could they even no carrier ring no carrier be harmful? a user's guide to cutting evening medical technology tonight only on the "cbs evening news." no carrier ring no carrier ring ...martial artist... no carrier ring and a stuntwoman. no if you want to be incredible eat incredible. no carrier announcer: eggs. incredible energy for body and mind. > ring no carrier ring (guitar music) no carrier ring no carrier for a pure clean, there is one clear choice: all free clear 2x concentrated detergent. no carrier ring all free clear's powerful clean is free of the ingredients you'll find ring no carrier in most detergents: no carrier > ring no perfumes... no carrier no dyes... ring no preservatives... free clear is specially designed for people with sensitive skin and has powerful stainlifters, ring no carrier so you can trust it to get the job done right. ring free clear is the number-one detergent ring recommended by dermatologists... no carrier ring so, for a pure clean, all free clear is all you need. no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ri no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ri no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ringnasa's no carrier ring no carrier modified no carri747 carrying "discovery" home to no carrier no carrier > that. at the had a brief stop ring no carrier to refuel in ring texas. the ring "discovery" is no carrier scheduled to make a last shuttle flight before the fleet is ring retired a year from ring no carrier thousand. now let's catch up on financial you intoes ring starting with stocks in asian. here's ross palombo. >> reporter: good morning. no carrier > ring no asian markets are slightly down this morning. investors are waiting for this week's federal ring reserve meeting for more clues about the u.s. recovery. a number of ring markets including japan were closed for the no carrier ring no carrier ring no carri holidays. wall street is hoping to add to a two week wins streak this morning. the dow no topped 9800 on no carrierfriday. blue chips added >
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ring 36. the no carrier nasdaq gained six. this week all ring no markets will watch closely what the fed has to ring say no after its upcoming two day meeting. it's ring expected to leave rock bottom interest rates alone. investors will be ring looking for clues about when no carrier rate hikes ring no carrier might begin. president obama will urge world leaders to help reshape the global economy during this ring week's g-20 summit no carrier in pittsburgh. european ring leaders are expected to push for a deal to curb ring bankers' pay and no carrier bonuses at this ri two day conference. french president nicolas sarkozy is threatening to walk away ri from the no carrier meeting if the u.s. ring does not agree to new no carri limits. the government is no carrier giving > ring international tax cheats more time to come no carriclean. the i rcht s ring will announce today that everyone now has until wednesday to apply for an ring amnesty program that offers reduced ring penalties no c and no jail time. more than 3,000 americans who are hiding no carrier assets ring overseas have already no carrier > ring no capplied. and goodyear tire workers will keep on rolling at half a dozen no c plants in the u.s.
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ring more than 10,000 union members ring approved a new contract that will prevent the country's biggest tire maker ring from closing no carri several plants. the new contract gives ring workers more pay and better no carrier benefits. no carrier > michelle? >> all right, ross ring palombo here in new york. thanks. straight ahead, your monday morning weather. and in ring sports a last minute kick no carri ring disappoints dallas and no carri the cowboys sparkling new corral. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring come on. [ kissing ] no carrier come on. good girl. mollie's never looked better. no carrier > i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. ring no carrier ring no carrier people stop us when we're walking and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" ring no carrier ring no carrier [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... ring no carrier unlocks the brilliance of nature... ring to transform the life of your dog. no carrier for us to see the difference in mollie-- were really excited about it. no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring it just makes you feel wonderful. no carrier ri [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. no carrier ring no carrier ring no carri pollen. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. >
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ring no c but nasonex relief may i say... ring no carrier bee-utiful! ri no carrier prescription nasonex is proven ring to help relieve indoor and outdoor nasal allergy symptoms like congestion, runny ring and itchy nose and sneezing. no carrier (announcer) side effects were generally mild and included headache. viral infection, ring sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. ask your doctor about symptom relief with nasonex. no carrier > ring and save up to $15 off your refills. no carrier ring go to no c for details, terms and conditions. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring welcome to chili's. try chili's triple dipper dinner. ri choose your three dippable favorites no carrier like our chicken crisper bites big mouth bites, and classic southwestern egg rolls. ring no carrier ring nine craveable options to choose from. no carrier build your perfect meal, only $9.99. ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ring no carrier no carrier > ring here's a look at the weather in some cities no carrier around the ri country. new york no c sunny, 76. ring miami, partly cloudy ri91. chicago, 72. denver windy with ring showers, 54. l.a., sunny and 75. no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring it time for a check no carrier on the ring national forecast. the latest no satellite picture shows cloudy skies across ring no carrier the northern plains as much cooler air pushes through the region. no carri it's a beautiful clear morning from the rockies to the west coast. but the ohio and no carrier ring no carrier tennessee valleys are wet. later > today, more wet weather will be found from the southeast coastline to the great no carrier lakes. the northeast will remain dry ring and pleasantly no carrier mild. it will be windy ring and much cooler across ring the northern no car plains and along the eastern foothills of the rockies. the west coast will ring be sunny no carrier and ring unseasonably warm. no carri in sports, at the grand no carrier > ring opening of their new stadium, the cowboys gat house warming gift they could ring have done without. the largest crowd ring in nfl regular
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season play ring watched felix jones no carrier ring no carrier give dallas a 31-30 fourth quarter lead but as time no carrier no carrier > ri expired, no carrier lawrence kicked a game winning field goal and the no carrier giants won no carrier 33-31. ring in chicago, jay no carrier cutler ring no carrier passed for 236 yards and two ring touchdown, but it was robby no carrier no carrier gold's > ring 44-yald field goal with 15 seconds left that lifted the bears over the super bowl champion ring steelers. no in baseball the tigers ring avoided a sweep no carrier by ring no carrier ring no carrier the twins. ray rayburn homered as detroit no carrier beat the > twins ring 6-2. the no carrier tigers have a three game no carrier lead over minnesota in ring the american no carri league central division. and in the national ring no carrier league ring andre no carrier ring no carrier no carrier ethier hid > a two run home as the ring dodgers beat the giants. no carri the win ring no carrier ri puts l.a. 30 games over .500 for the first time in 24 years. when we return another look at this morning's ring
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top no carrier stories and how sweet it is. the no carrier ring no carrier no carri big winners savor > victory at the prime time emmy awards. no carrier ring bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and ring no c triglycerides are still out of line? ring then you may not be seeing the whole picture. no carrier ring ask your doctor about trilipix. no carrier ring no carrier if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a no carrier > ring statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with no carrier ring diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides no carrier ring no carrier and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three ring no carrier ring cholesterol numbers. no carrier trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart ring attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. no carrier no carrier trilipix is not for everyone, including people > ring with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease ring no carrier ri or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and no carri if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. ring blood tests are needed before and during no carrier treatment to check for liver problems. ring contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle no carrier ri pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare no carrier but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. > ring no carrier if you cannot afford your medication, call no carrier 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. ring
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no carrier ring no carrier ring trilipix. no carrier there's more to cholesterol. ring no carri get the picture. no carrier > ring when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately.
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wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier on the no carrier "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's ring weather. showers and thunderstorms will extend from the southeast no carrier coastline to the great no c lakes. > the east will stay dry and it will turn sharply colder across the northern plains. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier here's another look at this morning's top no carrier stories. three men arrested ring as no part of a terror investigation will appear ri in court today. they're charged with lying to the fbi about an ring alleged no carrier bombing plot. and ring the top u.s. commander in afghanistan is making no carrier > ring a grimace saysmentgrim no carrier ring assessment of the no carrier ring no cwar. general mcchrystal says without additional resources, the war will likely end in ring
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failure. it was television's time to shine at last nim's prime time emmy awards here on cbs. there were some ring repeats and some surprise no carrier ring no carrier winners, as well. the report now from hollywood > ring help. >> reporter: last year's no carrier ring top emmy winners did it again no cnbc's 30 are being oig nabbed the award for best comedy series ring no carrier ring for the third year in a row. no carrier amc's ring "mad men" no car took away the ring statue for best no carrier drama, the > show's second rigo-around. it was a big night no carri for cable television. bryan cranston from no carrier ring amc's no carrier ring "breaking bad" won for best acting no c in a ring drama temperature no carrier ring no carrier tony collette no carrier > ring and glenn close won the night's best actress ring awards. >> probably no carrier maybe the character of no my lifetime. >> reporter: newcomers also scored big in the supporting no carrier actor ring category ring no carrier kristin chenoweth won for her role no in push > ring daisies ring and nonkrir no carrier ring no c for "two and a half men."
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>> i still can't believe it. that's why they keep remarking that ring it's heavy because no it's on the only thing that remines you you actually won no carrier ring it. >> reporter: there were more nominees overall. no carrier 38 total. in hopes of getting more no carrier > ring no carrier viewer to tune in. ring this rear's host no carrier kneel patrick hair rirks proved show tunes ri aren't just for broadway. ring no carrier ♪ don't hit the ring no carriloo ♪ >> reporter: the actors not only brought their style to the red no carpet but many talked about how they feel television is going through a new no carrier > ring golden age. >> can't argue with the quality no carri that there is now and variety of work for ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no cactors. >> sometimes ring the we arewe are roles in television. >> reporter: jessica lange took home an outstanding leading no carrier ring no car actress award for her no carrier > ri role in delay g no carrier ring no carrier gray ring no carrier gardens. ring legends and new koersing a like ring no carrier enjoying television's biggest night. at the movie box office no cloudy with a chance of no carrier > ring no carrier
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ring no carrier ri meatballs no carrier made the sunshine. the 3d animated family comedy was the top money maker with $30 million ring no carrier in ticket sales. the no carrier informant was a no carri distant second with $10.5 nomillion. and i can > do bad all by myself was third. a huge free con sister and peace rally in havana is drawing fire from no carrier ring no carri some cuban ring no carrier americans. but the hundreds of no carrier thousands ring of no carrier cubans who turned out for the 5 1/2 hour show > ring were there for the music. the show no carrier ring no carrier was organized ring no by ring juanes who live this is miami. we'll share a bit of it for you. he you're watching the "cbs morning news." ♪♪ no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ri no carrier no carrier > ring
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no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ri this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. no carrier ring pounds and a smidge. no carrier ring no carrier a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages ring no c under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, ring no carrier if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. > ring no c cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier maybe five. ring no carrier priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. ring no carrier no carrier > a simpler way to ship. ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ring no carrier ring no car no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier no carrier > ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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man: oh those boys are much too much those boys are much too much! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we got the spirit we're hot we can't be stopped! we gonna beat 'em and bust 'em, both: beat 'em! bust 'em!... announcer: the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. both: let's. get. a little bit rowdy. r-o-w-whoop-d-y. announcer: take time to be a dad today. one more time. both: oh those boys are much too much, those boys... good morning. i'm angie goff in for andrea
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roane. topping our news this morning, it could be weeks before things get to normal in dunn dak, maryland. they cleared mud and debris from the streets after the 72- inch water maybe break. president obama appeared on five sunday morning talk shows speaking on a vast array of topics including afghanistan and health care. the president taking -- taping most of the interviews on friday. tonight he will be the first sitting president to appear on the show with david letterman. washington failed to score a touchdown in the opener against st. louis. the skins won against the rams who many believe are one of the worst teams in the league. >> the first half i got disgust and went outside and did yard
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work and found out they still didn't score. >> when it is a win, i put this on facebook, don't say they have to be pretty but it is unnerving. >> it does not inspire confident dense. let's get to the weather. not as pretty as this weekend was. still a nice day t. a win for you. as we look at the clouds they have cleared somewhat. more clouds to the west. in to western maryland and west virginia may have a chance of a shower this afternoon. right now temperatures as cool as 50 in baltimore. 52 andrew and easton. more clear skies east and west. mid to upper 70s today with a mix of clouds and sunshine. time for a traffic update. good morning. >> we are starting with an accident at eastbound central avenue shut down at bright side drive. we will keep you posted on what is happening there. the outer loop, much better news in that area. cars are moving well.
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it is clear at university. go over to virginia this morning. good morning, everyone. a disabled vehicle at little river turnpike. left lane is blocked at this hour. many health insurance companies market plans they call affordable but a consumer report investigation found many people who purchase their own insurance are not as protected as they think. lesli foster has more. >> reporter: find yourself in an emergency room and you may find out you have junction insurance. too many of us have falling victim to hazard us a health care plans but you don't discover the problem until you are sick. gina eaten knows her policy has such a high deductible she opted not to get treatment after a miscarriage. >> i went to bed for three or four days and tried not to walk around or do anything. just stood still and hoped it would heal itself. >> reporter: the policies are like swiss cheese and the way
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it is written it is hard to spot the gaps. even the insurance expert we hired to help us had a hard time deciphering them. the was word on many policies is affordable. >> many big-name insurance companies are offering these. they look like a good deal because the premiums are low but they are low for a reason. they are riddled with loop holes and exclusions and they will not cover your expenses if you ever fall seriously ill. >> reporter: here's how to avoid them. never buy one labeled limited benefits or not major medical insurance. next, don't leave out a category of care because you'll never use it. you may not use it now but could desperately need it later. and don't just rely on the sale's person's word. read the fine


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