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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  October 6, 2009 5:00am-5:52am EDT

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program. and some of the first doses of the h1n1 vaccine are expected to go out in our area later today. and doctors now say it is not just what you eat but how much that can change your risk of developing cancer. >> this was my way back in. i'm a cancer survivor. and this is just a positive thing in my life to keep going forward to make me feel better and better. & celebrate my life
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&& look at your screen. think harvest moon was full on saturday night and city pretty big and with fair skies you can see a lot of the moon's surface features. welcome back to 9 news. thanks for joining us this tuesday morning.
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angie is here. she has a smile onher face. trfic is looking good so far. howard is smiling, as well. the forecast is looking good. >> looking good this morning. >> it was forced? >> well. >> turn that frown upside down. >> we are in good shape this morning. it will be late tonight and early tomorrow we may have a shower but the real concern is temperatures especially at the bus stop. we will have the moms like bus stop forecast coming up at 5:45. in frederick at the moment. so some areas are cold. they will need a jacket. but near patuxent river low to mid-50s. so we are wide range and in the mountains of west virginia and high country virginia had me frost advisories until 9:00 this morning. looking at the day at a glance, upper a 0s by 9:00 and a few more clouds for the drive home. we will top off at 70 degrees. right now 53.
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some places chillier than that. time for the traffic update. good morning, angie. >> good morning. hey, folks, got a little taste of what we are seeing across the region. not a lot. drivers are behaving out there. 66 eastbound we are tracking the head lights from centreville 395 northbound the next shot. we are tracking -- we are checking these travelers. 95 then the bw parkway no complaints to 495 and we will wrap up with 270 southbound we are free flowing from father hurley to the split. tomorrow is the 8 year anniversary of the u.-led invasion of afghanistan. and with american casualtiesic spiking this fall troop commanders want more forces and protesters want the withawal. >> president obama is faced with a critical decision over
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whether to escalate the afghan war after the commanding germ there has pressed publicly for more american troops. protesters block the white house gates to get their point across. they want an end to the war. >> i don't want to see it end in 2013, 2014. end the war today. >> reporter: in rural eastern afghanistan over the weekend eight u.s. soldiers were killed in a four hour long fight. and anher american soldier died yesterday. the top diswrerl mccrystal is asking president obama to send 40,000 more troops or risk defeat by islamic insurgents. the taliban now control 80% of the country, up from over half two years ago. senator john mccain in an interview with cbs news katie couric. >> i think the reason why we didn't do a better job on afghanistan is our attention
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either rightly or wrongly was on iraq were mccain hopes for a strategy that provides a secure environment for the people cretary of defense robert gates has made the point that president obama needs elbow room to make strategy decisions about the war. as the white house debate went increasingly public. reporting live, 9 news now and ed to a maryland family will bury a special forces soldier killed in afghanistan at arlington national cemetery. fellow members of e green berets marched bradly in. he was killed when a bomb hit their humvee. police in herndon, virginia are surgeryingfor a man who dragged a woman in to the woods and sexually assaulted her. it happened near the hundred don't monroe park n ride. the attacker may have been
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riding a silver bike. they have not released a sketch of the man. the victim, 19 years old was treated for injuries. and a fight between the haves e have-nots could lead one 77-year-old woman -- leave one 77-year-old woman without a place to live. alice jonsson lives on a mobile home on a two acre plot with no running water or plumbing. it was donated by her after her previous home was condemned. she has been living there on an emergency permit which has run out. and the neighbors say they want her gone. >> well, that's progress unfortunately. if she could have afford to keep the land that's the way it would be. that's what makes america great. >> there are two families on this road that spend thousands of dollars on an alternative septic system why aren't they
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required to do the same. the law is the law. >> johnson says she wants to live her life in the property. the county board of supervisors will meet tonight to decide whether she will be allowed to stay or go. >> people in loudoun county will hear from the candidates running to become the next governor. the county chamberof commerce will host a forum between creigh deeds and republican bob mcdonnell from 8 to 10:00 a.m. it is at the national conference center in lansdowne. they will have ten minutes to present their platform an take questions from a business leaders panel. the election so four weeks from today. today the dc council will get a look at the bill to legalize same-sex marriage. councilman david catania is introducing the legislation. earlier this year the council overwhelmingly approved the bill recognizing the same-sex marriages performed in other states. they say they will pressure
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congress to reject the bill once the council passes it and it is expected to do so. time for another living smart report. and digital correspondent jessica doyle is back with the downs and ups for our 401-ks. >> yeah, switching it around. that's what happened. so many investigators took a beating in the market last year, thankfully, though, that's not the end of the story. new numbers are out from the employee benefit research group and the investment company institute. last year the average 401-k fell to $55,000. that doesn't account for the losses until the market bottomed out in march. since bottoming out on march 9th the s&p 500 which is the broadest measure of the mark has gained 51%. cash for gold has turned in to a gold mine. the company urges people to send in their gold jewelry in exchange for money. it became a household name with the super bowl ads featuring ed
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mcmahon and mc hammer. it brought in $90 million in sales so far and on track to hit 160 million in sales by the end of the year. time for the money saving tip of the day. it can be hard to put away money, especially when times are tight. here's a way to do something good for your body at this same time. each time you skip a snack or dessert, put it in your savings account. it is really going to add up. and the twin goals of losing weight and saving money could keep you motivated on both fronts. >> pretty good idea. we were talking about the fancy coffees. if you put that aside it is a lot of money. >> good deal. i was hoping for something else, too but thank you. a watch dog group has determined which foods are most likely to make us sick. that story is coming up. plus, after chicago was
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rejected as the host of the 2016 olympics there are corruption charges against the city which won. 58 westbound travelers through annapolis and bowie to the beltway and beyond. right now no incidents or accidents to report. we will have more 9 news when 9 news now returns. stay with us.
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in the news now, officials from the united states, canada and mexico are meeting this week to discuss efforts to combat the h1n1 pandemic. north american health officials hope more openness and communication will help them to better respond to a resurgence of the h1n1 flu which is expected this winter. road crews have replaced the spore state signs officials say contributed to a deadly bus accident in atlanta. a charter bus, carrying the bluffington university baseball team took an exit ramp at high
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speed two years ago and fell back on the interstate 75. seven people were killed. as chicago takes down signs promoting thfailed bid for the 2016 olympics. another finalist city is leveling charges of how rio de janeiro won the game. tokyo officials charge brazil's president made promises to african ioc delegates and got french support by agreeing to buy french-made fighter jets. a billionaire businesswoman mocks one of the gubernatorial candidates and it is caught on youtube. it is what's on the web. and a list of the top ten foods that can make you sick is out and i has some surprises for consumers. here's howard. >> some high thin clouds, yesterday 71 and 54. almost on the money. we will be close to average. now some rain on the seven day. it is coming up when we return.
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just as we promise 100% fresh produce...
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and rancher's reserve beef, guaranteed tender 100% of the time. at safeway, we have a new promise. a commitment to thousands of new everyday low prices... with savings of up to 25%. so you can get what you want... when you want it. at the price you need. today... and tomorrow. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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a consumer watch dog group is out with a list of the top ten foods that could make you sick and what is on it may shock you. >> reporter: many of the foods that are supposed to be good for you could be the most likely to make you sick. >> unfortunately what we found is that some of the foods that are best for you nutritionally can be the riskiest in terms of food bourn illness. >> reporter: a report out today contains the top ten foods regulated by the fda that have caused the most outbreaks. leafy greens top the list accounting for a quarter of illnesses, linked to contaminated food. 13,000 cases since 1990. eggs came in second, followed by tuna, oysters -- >> thing we love like cheese and potatoes, those are all among the top ten. >> reporter: many items in the report are common products found on an everyday grocery list and some may even surprise
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you. >> ice cream. >> yeah. >> i'm surprised. how can ice cream be risky? >> reporter: a scoop of the sweet treat ranks seventh ahead of tomatoes and routes. berries number ten. the c says 76 million cases of food bourn illness acure in the u.s. each year, including 5,000 deaths many more go unreported leading experts to the think number is much higher. >> most are preventable and it is a matter of time before the next one strikes. >> makes me think of cleaning my vegetables. >> reporter: but experts say that can only do so much the fda and department of agriculture are teaming up to write food safety rules for fresh produce so a trip to the supermarket doesn't end with a trip to the hospital. cbs news, washington. >> my goodness. >> not safe to eat. i know. you can't say you can drink the water because that has its own
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problems, as well. we want to say good morning. a i met a lot of neat people. i was the emcee at the national catling association gala and we are a lot -- have a lot of teacher and parents and students getting up early. >> adjust your sleep time. you will be fine. we are in great shape. if you would like to join me in the chat room, go to my blog and we do it every morning at 4:00 a.m. let's talk weather. changes are heading this way in the form of a cold front. it will really bring us a lot of wind tomorrow and a few showers late tonight in to wednesday morning. thursday, though, the winds die down and the sun is back in full force and temperatures will be in the middle 70s. here -- here's the moms like bus stop forecast. we have temperatures around 40 upper 30s to 50s near bigger bodies of water and also by the bay. let's go with this afternoon's forecast. we are talking partly sunny and
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pleasant. highs around 70. southeasterly winds at five to ten miles an hour and then tonight, cloudy with a front approaching. not as cool. winds southernly. in the 50s and past midnight toward morning is when we get a shower threat for the area. currently the 38 in york. 39frederick. to the west, temperatures in winchester in the lower 40s. low 50 today the south in fredericksburg and mid 550s at the naval air station in patuxent river. moon is just fading a little bit. 53 with a northeast wind at five miles an hour and a barometer rising as high pressure nudges in. the next weather maker with a front. it is up here in the northern plains and you see the blue on this, on south dakota. that is snow. getting snowfall on the backside of this as we get in to okay now and a lot of rain on the front side with that front lining up there. this front is still well to the west. this front isn't even to chicago yet. high pressure is in michigan. front will be by late afternoon, east of indianapolis
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heading this way and by tomorrow morning is when the front will on top of us. we will have a couple of showers here. a better chance of showers in the lighter green area up to new york and albany and boston. the seven-day forecast shows temperatures up and down a little bit. 70ish the next couple of days. watch for the wind tomorrow. thursday and friday look nice. warm on friday, should be a shower friday in to saturday morning and windy and blustery and wet by monday, 64. join us at the convention center this weekend at the green festival. angie goff has a long list of traffic. >> overall not so bad. we are talking about the slough goes setting in across the region. it is slow from the prince william parkway to lorton. no indentors accidents. moving along, 395 northbound. looks like from the area of the duke street area to the 14th street bridge we are free flowing here. take it to the district. live from 16th and u street. you can see no complaints. one driver on the road. over to the outer loop we go.
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we have volume building between new hampshire and georgia. finay look at the bw parkway. from route 32, making our way all the way past 198 to the beltway. looks like we are tracking nice green cars telling us the drivers are moving at speed. i'd like to share a 9 news now click with you. say hello to tommy of maryland. he's on the the right. he is battling lymphoma an was nominated to have a wish granted by make a wish foundation. he was chosen and here he is with pals emma and dean and he's on his way to hawaii to swim with the dolphins and see the volcanos. we want you to know we're behind you, tommy. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. a new viral video is making waves in the virginia's governor race exactly four weeks before election day. yesterday, footage surfaced on youtube of bet's cofounder sheila johnson speaking about a fund-raiser for mcdonnell. in those remarks she made fun
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of the way his opponent speaks, contract, creigh deeds. take a listen. >> we need someone who can really communicate and bob mcdonnell can communicate. the other people i talk to, and especially his o-- o, opponent. they do not interview well. he could not articulate what needed to be done. >> is that mocking of the stuttering that has some people outraged. johnson since apologized for those remarks. she said she is sorry for the way she attacked deeds. now deeds is weighing in we caught up with him yesterday as he campaigned in northern virginia and this is what he had to say about it. >> i will be honest if it is about being smooth or a good communicator i will never win that discussion but i work hard to do what is right and be
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honest and create prosperity. >> there you have it. the debate over that exchange will likely continue. the youtube video of johnson has been viewed 20,000 times and it only has been up less than 24 hours. >> all right. thank you. a reality show will go on despite the death of its celebrity star. that story is coming up in the buzz. david letterman issues an apology. you've got a strawberry pop-tart,
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but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas.
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jim graham will retain oversight of the taxi industry despite his alleged involvement in the xi tacab scheme. and citizens committee finds montgomery county's top two law enforcement officials don't make enough money. read these story and more in the examiner. david letterman issued a second apoll joy lasnight the late show. last week he revealed he had sex with women on his staff and that led to him being the
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victim of a $2 million blackmail threat. last night he mixed humor with his regrets. >> it did not occur to me last week when i was discussing having had sex with women who worked on this show that then what would happen is reporters and newspaper people and radio and tv would start to hound the staff and saying, what do you say, are you, and this and that. it was unpleasant and i would like to set the record straight. no, i'm not having sex with these women. those episodes are in the past. my apologies to subjecting them to that vulnerability and being brow beaten and humiliated. it never occurred to me and as a matter of fact, allen colter wanted to know if we had sex. remember that, allen. >> i did and i don't remember. >> he doesn't remember [
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applause ] >> i will just say i am terribly sorry i putt the staff in that position inadvertently. i just wasn't thinking ahead and moreover the staff here has been wonderfully supportive to me. not just through the furor but all of the years we have been on television and here at cbs. and my thanks to the staff for putting up with something stupid i have gotten myself involved in. and the other thing my wife rejean that she has been horribly hurt by my behavior and when something happens like that. if you hurt a person it is your responsibility, you try to fix it. at that point there's only two things that can happen. either you make progress and get it fixed or you can going to fall short and not get it fixed. so let me tell you, folks, i have my work cut out for me. >> yes, he does. >> let's move on. you may remember djam.
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they found him dead of an overdose. he will be resurrected on videotape because there is a series he filmed with mtv called "gone too far "that will be debuting next monday -- monday and he deals with folks who are dealing with addictions and battling with that and trying to discuss that and give people an inside look. we know him as celebrity deejay but the family says they decided to allow mtv to go with the series because they wanted people to know the person who gave so much of himself to help others. you can see more of adam goldstien host post hue mousily on mtv. >> someone who knows who he is his exguy, nicole richie. mo who was hurt in a car crash in beverly hills. she was driving her land rover when a photographer rear ended her and what it turned out to
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be is a the photographer didn't have a license and so he was arrested on the spot. he was a 29-year-old. ricci at the time said, yes, i have some pain but she opted to get her own treatment instead of having an ambulance called and there's no word. officials won't say whether there were any children in the car. she has a 2-year-old and infant. >> paparazzi type? >> yeah. that what it sounds like. he's a freelance photographer and he is rear ending her and chasing her. >> the judge won't be kind on that. >> not at all. >> i don't know what this reality show has become. it is a train wreck. we are talking about ka and jon plus eight, minus jon, whatever. how about minus $230,000 from their joint account. that's what kate is claiming the husband took 230 of $231,000 on "the today show" yesterday. she said i'm sitting here with bills to be paid in my purse and i don't have money.
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>> they have that much cash. >> it is liquid and heed a mythed on the larry king he had made a million dollars, a half million dollars after taxes he said he only took 100 and some thousand from the account. which she will make a lot more. but. >> he is running around with the guy that is doing girls gone wild. so he needs money. >> a train wreck. >> a train wreck. smooth sailing is our weather this morning. we have generally clear skies and high clouds
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