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tv   The Early Show  CBS  April 3, 2010 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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launching pad. apple's ipad launches right outside our studio this morning. has steve jobs createsed a revolutionary new product or just another strain on your wallet? we have a critique. church in crisis. one day before the holiest day of the year, new disturbing revelations, are catholics losing faith in the church and their pope? easter melodies. legendary gospel singer amy grant sinks some of her biggest hits live this morningn our second cup cafe. and the fabulous final four. it's a magic moment in college basketball and we are here on the court in indianapolis for all the action. can can the bulldogs from butler
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university shock the world? what better way to celebrate march madness and the holiday weekend than here with us early this saturday morning april 3rd, weekend than here with us early this saturday morning april 3rd, 2010. captioning funded by cbs and hello, everyone. welcome to the early show on a saturday morning, the road to the final four now here in indianapolis, lucas oil stadium, the site for tonight's match-ups and monday night's national championship game. inside the drum or the luke as some like to call it, 70,000 plus fans will be on hand tonight for tonight's national semifinals. i'm chris wragge. best seat in the house court side here in indianapolis. this city, no stranger to hosting the final four. this is number six, the sixth time indianapolis has hosted this basketball extravaganza. we've got so much coming up on today's big show. this is a really big show. you remember the movie
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"hoosiers." well, we're going back in time to 1954, the team that the movie was based on, we'll tell you a little bit about what they're up to now and then we have an amazing surprise. but it's also a huge day back in new york city. a little something going on outside the apple store. dave price is with us. and a big show welcome for rebecca jarvis who joins us on a permanent basis. sorry you can't be here with me. >> wouldn't miss this morning for the world. as you mentioned, the crowd's building. good morning, everyone. i'm dave price. hello and welcome. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. we're standing right outside of apple hg, but also our hg. >> this is where we do the show here at the gm building, and when it comes to creating buzz, nobody does it better than apple and this morning we're finally not only going to get a look at
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the reality behind all the hype, we're going to get it touch it and see it and demonstrate it. manuel gallegus is tracking the e pad's highly anticipated debut. good morning to you. >> good morning. we do have a crowd out here this morning. the apple store here is usually open 24 hours a day, but they got closed last night at midnight to prep the store and the employees for the ipad launch. and a couple hundred people waited overnight to be among the first to get one. when a new device falls off the apple tree, people want to bite. or at least a taste. the tablet getting all the buzz weighs a pound and a half. there's no mouse or dvd, no camera or phone, at least not yet. the ipad is a handy wi-fi window on the world for downloading books, music, e-mail, and games. tech writer steven levy was big man on campus at wired magazine
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this week, one of the few to get an ipad in advance. he says apple's goal is to make us change the way we think about computers. >> what they want to do is create an entirely new category, a brand new category that's different than the computer, different than the phone. something in the middle. >> reporter: but do people need another device? >> just seems a bit too big to me. i mean, i'm a laptop user. >> reporter: investors say it's a gamble for apple, ranked the third most valuable american company. their products are popular, $15.7 billion in sales worldwide last quarter, up 32%. >> what you're looking at is a game called need for speed. >> reporter: what will drive demand are the tens of thousands of new programs and applications that have yet to be developed for it. apple will not say how many ipads have been pre-ordered or how many they plan to sell
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today, but analysts pre-dekt about 300,000. and the real test will come at holiday time. >> all right, we wait and see, but the lines are impressive this morning. not only here, but around the country. so does the ipad live up to its hype in natali del conte with us this morning with a preview of the good and bad. not much ugly about it. >> no, it's a lot of thing, but ugly is not one of them. >> so let's go through this light, beautiful piece of technology. what are some of the pros? >> the things that it does that it promises to do it all does well. everything that it says it's going on do, it does those things. i'm a big fan of it as an e-reader. it will compete with my kindle and that's the one they think that it's sort of going after because reading books on the kindle, especially magazines and newspaper, not very enjoyable to just read texts. this gives and you rich reading experience. i like that.
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it also is very good as a web browser. it's speedy. the web looks beautiful. and it has the best app store around. apple has the best apps. >> thousands upon thousands. >> there are 150,000 apps that already work on this because they work on the ipod touch and the iphone. there have been over 1,000 optimized for the ipad. >> so as far as the availability of applications, you're really not going to find anything that competes quite with this. >> no. there is no more populous app store around. >> so let's go through the negatives because in any initial rollout as we've heard with all of the apple rollouts, the techies say it doesn't have or it doesn't do -- let's go through some of the negatives. >> it does not did multitasking. what that means is that you cannot run one application alongside another application. so if you think about the way that you use your computer, you've got your e-mail open, you've got a web browser you have, you have a chat client open, maybe you're skyping. you can only do one thing at a
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time on the ipad. so you can't really use it as a work computer. >> so it can't do as many things as you'd like. where is the keyboard? >> will there there is no keybo. if i want to type something, i have this little screen. if i turn it landscape, it's wider, but it does take some getting used to. if you're really going to do heavy typing on this, then you'll want to use either an external docked keyboard or perhaps a bluetooth keyboard. >> and then you're talking about bringing more stuff. and by the way this beautiful piece of machinery is a fingerprint magnet. >> it is. >> all of a sudden you wind up with a greasy mess. and you can't video conference. where is the camera? >> there may eventually be a camera built in here. the one that steve jobs showed off in january did look like it
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had a tiny little camera. this one does not. so that's a bummer if you buy this one. they can't upgrade your camera. so you may be punished for being an early adopter because this one doesn't have a camera when the next engine race comes out and it's cheaper and has nor storage and it has a camera. most of the time you can get updates. you can't upgrade a camera. >> but you'll be the coolest person on the block today. >> that's for sure. >> thanks for coming by. much more on the ipad all day. let's go to rebecca right now. the sex abuse scandal engulfing the catholic church is having an impact on american's faith and he pope benedict. near lay quarter of americans now have an i have unfavorable vuft pope, that compared to just 4% in 2006. richard roth has more from london. good morning, richard. >> reporter: good morning. well, with another report now of a pedophile priest the vatican
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failed it puni ed ied it to pun arizona,he scandal continues to shadow the catholic church. and remarks in rome by a senior vatican cleric stirred the controversy even more. the comments were on a day that christians marked the crucifixion, a solemn occasion in the relength yus calendar and they pointed to vatican frustration over criticism of the church and its leader. at a service in st. peters basilica, the priest whose job is to preach to the pope said attacks on the church in the sex abuse scandal were like collective violence against catholicism. the priest compared the criticism aimed at catholics to anti-semitism suffered by jews. benedict listened in silence, but the comparison enfewer yated advocates for abuse victims and jew esh leaders. >> frankly, we were stunned. anti-semitism is a different subject entirely.
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it targeted screws as victims for no reason other than the fact they were jews. >> reporter: in the pope's native germany, the day's message was apologetic. prayers were offered for children who had been molested in religious schools and a statement from the head of germany's catholic bishops said the church feels horror and shame over appalling crimes of sexual abuse. a vatican spokesman sought to calm the controversy saying the pope's priest was not expressing an official xlurnchunlg view. but today his remarks are published in vul in tfull. and there's criticism from britain from a different source. the archbishop of canter bury. he says the sex abuse scandal has cost the church in ireland its credibility and that catholicism overall is now facing what he call as colossal kourpt tround off. with criticisms mounting,
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the scandal continues to threaten the legacy of poen benedict. what can he do to end the crisis? david gibson at politics daily daumt joins us. good morning. always published author on the topic. talk to us about what the vatican, what the pope, can do with this corporate scandal. >> it's really going from bad to worse as you've seen from that report. and what we need to hear from the pope himself, he's the one voice that has been silent in all of this as you've seen these various voices speaking up and saying things that aren't helping anything. >> what message does he need to convey? is there a truth in all of this that perhaps he could convey that would satisfy people's minds? >> i think basically all people are looking for is a sense that he understands this crisis and he understands how he himself was not atuned to this. what which is really what these
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cases that are coming out that had a direct connection to his own time at the vatican when he used to be the top official there and when he was archbishop in munich. they just want to know from him that, yes, he's been on a learning curve, as well as many other, and he has much more to learn. they want the words from a ba pastor. >> and they want potentially something more charismatic. the fact of the matter, is by comparison to john paul ii, this pope has not been in the limelight nearly as much. >> and he really doesn't like the limelight. and he doesn't have that reservoir of popularity that john paul had. he was known as a kind of german theologian and scholar, the rule follower to make sure everybody stay this had line fed in line .
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then he became pope. didn't have all the warm fuzzy credibility that john paul ii did. so, again, he's really got to work on that. >> and who she be direould he b directing all of this message toward? all the world or to catholics specifically? >> both. obviously he has to wen over his own base, if you want to put it that way, about for you decade, popes have realize that had they cannot command, he has to convince. if he wants to rechristianize europe, he's got to be convincing to the entire world. >> david, thank you so much for being with us and now over to elaine ke quijano. 25 were killed in southern bag cad late friday. iraqi authorities say many were members much a faction that revolted against al qaeda. three families were targeted and the dead include at least five women. president obama is pointing to the biggest job increase in three years as a sign america is
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beginning to turn the economic corner. a new report from the labor department says businesses added 162,000 jobs last month. that was the largest gain in three years. though the unemployment rate remains at 9.7%. there is police will h cite erykah badu for disorderly conduct for stripping naked. she did it as part of a video for her song window seat. city officials say she did not have the proper permits. the misdemeanor charge as a fine of up to $500. it is about 14 minutes after the hour. now let's go to dave who is doing double duty this morning for our first check of the weather. good morning, dave. >> good morning. i just need to know how i fill out the time sheet, but we'll figure that out at the end of the show. and i have the permit that erykah badu does not. but i will save it for the entsd end of the show. let's take a check of the weather. easter weekend is upon us and from top to bottom along the
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eastern seaboard, mid-atlantic states, you are seeing weather more likely seen on memorial day in many locations. nice and warm. we'll head out west and we've got a storm system brewing in the pacific northwest that could bring upwards of a foot of snow to the northern rockies. it seems more like the christmas holiday there. that's a quick look at our national maps. here's an early look at the weather for your weekend. and out we go to basketball central and chris. >> dave, thank you very much. i've got that permit, as well. of course just kidding. we've got a little surprise here. a certain someone doesn't know we're about to do this, but like you saw at the beginning of the
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broadcast, we want to welcome a new member of the family here on the saturday early show. rebecca jarvis will be joining us on a full-time basis as our news reader while erica hill is on maternity leave and also be cbs news' business and economics correspondent. so a big congratulations to her. >> thank you, chris. >> and don't smile just yet because we've got a little video tribute here. >> i see that in my notes all of a sudden. what's going on? >> sit tight, take a look at the tape and we can respond afterwards. rebecca jarvis, everybody. to family and friends, she's known only as becky. and her comfort in the spotlight was evident early on. at 15, she hosted a local television show, was editor-in-chief of her high school paper. and in the year 2000, teen "people" magazine named her as one of the top 20 teens most likely to change the world. >> we always new becky would made it big. she's one of those people who has a little something about her. >> reporter: after high school, becky attended the university of
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chicago will legend has it fun goes to die. and as always, she became the life of the party, graduating with degrees in economics and constitutional law. she then began working as an investment banker, but left the fast paced world of wall street for a career in journalism. >> as president obama showed us his new task force -- >> reporter: in 2006, she joined cnbc as a business reporter. >> why isn't anyone holding them accountable? >> reporter: if you've never seen rebecca on air, you may remember her from the apprentice season4. >> randall, you're hired. >> reporter: when she was second runner up thankfully because donald trump loss is most definitely cbs' gain. >> becky, i live you and i think you'll be awesome at cbs. i know you're going to do it with gumption and courage and with grace like everything else that you do. >> crying on my first day practically, chris. >> and let me say this, i have not watched that apprentice show since that final episode.
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donald made the wrong move. but a big welcome. dave, i think we got her. and also i'm fridaying her back a game ball because i know and you were point guard. >> a lot he have people don't realize that great controversy year she had. it is a great addition and are you a pleasure in the first 15 minutes of working with you, a pleasure to work with. >> i still get an a plus from the dave price? >> absolutely. >> and he's a tough grader. just like the university of chicago. it's so great to be here. >> but welcome. it's great to have you finally. dave, thank you very much. we'll see you fwhoth a couple minutes. >> still to can, did you have butler in your final four? brket buster, big stories here at the tournament and i'll tell you coming up tonight, you've got one of four teams that h win a national champion. we'll break it down when we come back. ♪
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why choose between delicious or 100 calories? with yoplait delights... you can finally have both. it's the perfect parfait... ...with two indulgently rich layers... ...of chocolate... ...and raspberry yogurt... ...and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or".
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>> the road ends here. welcome back to "the early show" here on a saturday morning. we're in indianapolis for the final four. national championship on monday. like we mentioned, two things that hoosierss here probably thought they'd never hear, someone that butler is in the final four and, two, governor mitch daniels for president? well, one has happened. the other is now gaining some momentum. governor daniels is a second term governor, he has a 70% approval rating. and now he's being talked about as a potential candidate in 2012. i had a chance to spend the day with the governor to talk about some of indiana's treasures and also some of their challenges. at a crowded canseco fieldhouse, fans turned out for the high school basketball championships. among them, governor mitch daniels. >> somebody else may have hung up the first peach basket, but nobody really scored until the first one went up on a barn in
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indiana. >> reporter: might be to the state finals which included an appearance by the governor's alma mater, north central high school, he took in a round of n krcht aa basketball at butler university hangout mo and johnny's where fans and students witnessed the hometown team make a historic run to the final four. you give butler all the praise, but looking at your brackets, you had them losing to syracuse. >> i had notre dame winning twice. i'm probably one of the few had purdue getting as far as they did, but he was trying to be realistic. but i'm so glad to have been wrong about that. >> reporter: when games, there was a stop at the state science fair. where neal pecked up $10,000 for his study on the homing capability of the honeybee. and then like today where it's a
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huge basketball day for the state to have something like this where these are the minds of the future, to be able to award an award like this. >> nothing's more fun than basketball, but nothing's as important as academic excellence in particular we believe in math and science. that's why here in indiana, we elevate them above everything else if we can. >> reporter: as we drove between the day's events, the governor and i discussed the serious problems facing indiana like statewide unemployment near 10% and visible remains of a housing market bust. how do you friday back? it's difficult nationwide, but also locally. >> well, it's not an overnight thing, but we've steadily improved the business environment of the say the. >> reporter: an area indiana has faired better than most states is by reigning in the state budget. hoosiers are among the few without a deficit. it's a success conservatives argue would make governor daniel as viable republican candidate for president. >> i know you were once quoted as saying when i look in the
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mirror, i don't see a president of the united states. but has that changed in any way? >> not really. i've got serious concerns about the condition and direction of the country and so do millions of people. and i hope to have a few thoughts to offer one way or another. but there are other ways to do that. >> reporter: the governor says he'd prefer to keep his focus on the people of indiana. and watching him share in the celebration during last saturday's incredible victory of the butler bulldogs, it's pretty easy to see why. >> a very excitable governor. you can see really enjoying that butler game there. wonderful to have the access that we did with the governor, but like he mentioned, still a number of challenges that do remain here in the state of indiana. up employment right at the national average at about 10%. the housing industry still trying to come back. automotive and r vcht manufacturing, which are the two big industries, not back to where they were pre-recession levels. but we will see what happens. but we thank the governor for the access that did he grant us.
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coming up, we will talk about the final four. butler, the send der rely la team, but what about michigan state, duke and west virginia? cbs sports analysts will join to us talk it all over. the sun's out. not up to it, huh? well... maybe tomorrow, huh? millions of children suffer from p.i. -- primary immunodeficiency, a defect of the immune system that causes children to be sick over and over again. early diagnosis can give your child
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>> i heard something totally different. you what happeneded to wear your giants footsies. you said . there was it's crazy. i'm hardly ever sick.
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with so many affordable plans, second cup cafe with a special easter concert, but first elaine quijano is at the news desk. president obama has approved a request to declare the entire flood soaked state of rhode island a disaster area. meanwhile there are positive signs floodwaters may be receding there. but forecasters say it may take until tomorrow before the main river causing the flooding drops below its bank. in massachusetts, state officials say nearly 3500 residents have applied for federal emergency flood assistance. the death toll from a huge oil refinery fire north of seattle has climbed to five. the fire began after a massive explosion early friday during maintenance at the plant. two people were seriously injured. the refinery was recently fined for safety violations.
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john forsythe has died after a year long battle with cancer. he was the voice of charlie of charlie's angels as well as the silt ver haired oil tycoon on the premie time soap dynasty. he was also well respected for his work in theater and movies. he was 92. those are the headlines. time now for another check of the weather. good morning, eryone. doesn't matter what city you pick along the eastern seaboard, you will be in great shape. why? this area of high pressure is just dominating right now. look at these temperatures. 70s and 80s and mid-80s. it's just going to be a beautiful easter weekend and sunrise service on sunday for many of you will be lovely. different story as we head out west. pacific northwest, you're seeing a strong low pressure system roll in. cold front beginning to push through as well and that means snow. in some locations upwards of a foot. so it is going to be a challenge
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getting from here to there and everywhere in between in that area. that's a look at the national map. here's an early look at the weather for your weekend. 33 minutes past the hour. when we can back, stretching can prevent an injury. it can even fight aging. but most of us aren't taking the time to do it. this morning, rebecca and i will h, though. we'll try to do some of the key stretches and teach you some of them, as well. and, again, we'll tell you you why you should never skip these. it's coming up. be good to your heart? so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol,
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rebecca's changed into her athletic outfit. we all know stretching is good for us, but we have no idea when or how to do it about sglp here to help us understand why stretching matters, tone i can't, thank you so much for being here. this is the question, to stretch before or after you work out. >> i'm going to recommend that you stretch after or making sure the muscle's warm. you should not stretch a cold muscle. there are so many benefits. you'll reduce your risk of injury and create more mobility in your joints. >> so dave is our guinea pig. you'll show us how to do that with him. >> and these you can do anywhere. the first one i want you to do is -- >> as she bows out. that was good. >> take your palms behind your
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back and bend your knees and pull your abs in. now lift up in your chest, take a deep breath it in and you feel the front of your shoulder stretching. and then when you release your hands, lifting up, you have more energy. >> we should have done this before the show. >> here's the question. what do you do as far as breathe something because immediately when i did that, i tensed up. >> and that's key. when you're breathing, you you want to relax and use the breath to help you release. the purpose is to release the tension. >> let's get to at one. step your foot forward, tuck your tailbone slightly forward and frpress into your left hip. this is hip flex ocors. >> is this something you would do to stay more fit? >> it's something you want to do to feel better in your body and
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mobility. it's not a work out, but absolutely you should do it every day. >> are a beck to rebecca, let's another one. >> come down to the floor. lie down. put your arms done and left up in the front of your chest. this is called prone stretch. lower back, front of your spine. putting that natural curve -- >> i feel my chi, my cha -- >> this is a great stretch for putting that natural curve back in the lower back. >> how long do you hold these positions? >> i recommend 10, 20 seconds, and then releasing down slowly and then you can try it again.
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i have 00 tanother one for you. hamstrings, and i have a couple bands here for you. so the band goes on the ball of your foot. >> this require as lot s a lot flexibilinex flexibili flexibility. >> oh, you bend it. i go to the gym and i look at other people and they're doing things that are ten times more difficult thanky. >> it's individual. but the more you do it, it's like brushing your teeth. you want to do it daily, try to fit it in. you'll gain more flexibility if you're diligent about it. >> so stretching is key. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> this is good. >> i'm just going to stay like this. and we should remind you, for more tips to improve your flexibility, go to our part per in health,, and search
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stretching. >> on that note, i think it's time to go back to chris. >> to be honest, i think we should stay with you guys back there. do you want to do a little stretch something. >> we could use a little bit. going to have a long day today. >> when we come back, we'll break down the final four. and i thought we weren't going to see anything embarrassing with dave price. you're watching "the early show" from the site of the final four. mm
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this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i'll never forget what i went through. don't take your health for granted. [ male announcer ] have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. and welcome back to the final four here in indianapolis. the semifinal games tonight, you were looking at shots of michigan state. they'll take on butler, the cinderella team. i want to introduce you to the
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experts here from cbs sports. seth davis and greg anthony, good to see you both. march madness began on march 18th and now finally we are down to four teams. and butler is the cinderella team, but before we start talking about all this basketball stuff, we want to take a little trip down memory lane 20 years ago so we get kind of a feel for what these kids are getting toward go through here tonight. 1990. do you remember 1990 so? this is your life. >> vaguely. >> taking on duke. of course duke playing tonight hoping for a better result. 30 point win back then. >> it was. how about the hair? >> were you like a sophomore at the time? >> i was a sophomore at duke and i think they may have played the next year. i forget what happened in that game. but if you were a duke fan, you did not want to see greg anthony on the court going against your team. >> but luckily we've got him right now.
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let's begin with the butler/michigan state match-up. >> they're actually favored in the game against michigan state and a lot of people would say that butler may feature the best player in the final four. so as you mentioned, they are not a cinderella. they've played exceptional basketball and probably the most impressive run to get to the final four. >> i would certainly say that this butler team, the slip are doesn't fit them, but the butler progm, the butler story, absolutely does with all the history and tradition. the idea that they could actually win a national championship and on top of everything else have it be in their hometown, it's going to be great in this arena tonight with all those butler fans. >> but tom izzo, this is a guy who was stachblt lconstantly in four. tough guy to coach against. >> he really is.
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nobody better at preparation. the one advantage he'll have, they will have had basically week to get ready for this. and you talk about the experience him being here last year. they understand the environment and the stakes of how to approach that and i think that would be a huge advantage for them playing here. >> let's talk about the night game, which is west virginia and duke. you've got the lone one seed that's still sur vigs against the two seed of west virginia. >> and how about this, this game features the most wins ever for an ncaa match-up between two coaches. they combine for over 1400 wins abo . so a lot of success between the two and two programs really looking for an opportunity to win a championship. >> and i know you went for duke, but you can give me an honest assessment of who will win is this. >> i am peicking duke because i feel they can play even with west virginia inside.
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maybe not democrat nanominate, even. they're an older experienced team. about i would give them the edge, but into the huge edge. >> you can believe the upsets with this tournament? it really kind of looked like kansas basically would run the table. and here we are. it's incredible. >> i think that speaks to the parity that we have in college basketball today. now oftentimes you'll find these kids at the programs that aren't considered the elite or power programs feeling really that they have the ability and the opportunity and the confidence to go out and compete and win. and think they proof that hprovt season. >> i'm going to duke. >> i picked west virginia to get here. so i'm going to stick with them. >> got do it. all right. seth davis, greg anthony, thank you so much. good luck tonight. when we come back, amy grant, you you know her, you you love
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her, and she's performing in our second cup cafe. we're so thrilled to have her with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ here comes peter cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail ♪ vo: at walmart, you can get all the best easter candy for 20 percent less than leading national retailers. which means more candy... more places to hide it... and of course, more fun finding it. easter costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. announcer: trying to be good to your heart? so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol, heart healthy levels of sodium, and taste you'll love. chef: we're all kind of excited about it. guy: mmm! i can see why.
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announcer: campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good! for your heart. so kate you were stressed, a lot of junk food on the go and you were... a little irregular, sluggish. my daughter needed activia! so i gave it a try and wow. it works. now she has a spring on her step. i'm loving it, every morning. mmmm. avo: help get your system back on track. activia with bifidus regularis helps regulate your digestive system would you recommend activia? i already have. she recommends it. what are you waiting for? singer: activia. miracle-gro results ever? spectacular plants without all the weeds. with miracle-gro shake 'n feed plus weed preventer. just a few shakes stops weeds before they start. plants grow twice as big. with almost no weeds. even in your vegetable garden.
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want three months of feeding, without all the weeding? ♪ all you need... is shake 'n feed plus weed preventer. ♪ [ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. ♪ that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. recommended citracal. it's different --
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it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal. one of music's most successful artists join us this morning in her more than 25 year career, amy grant sold over 30 million albums, won six grammy awards and earned a star on the hollywood walk of fame. this week she released her 17th studio album, somewhere down the road. she's here this morning to perform the first single off that album called better than a hallelujah, please welcome amy grant.
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♪ ♪ god loves a lullaby. ♪ ♪ trs ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ fr ♪
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♪ ♪ >> that was truly beautiful. and this album i love that this was really a family affair for you. everyone in the family got involved. >> that's right, my husband, vince, my daughter, and a duet with sarah. >> and the album art was done by sarah? >> actually, me. i just asked the record cover please no more cover photos. just anything. >> i at the tiget it. was this anything that stood out for you very different from the rest? >> i was given a lot of creative premie to pursue any direction i
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wanted. that was a gift. >> more amy grant on our website and in the next hour. interesting grooming.
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thanks. i did it to let the judges know that my dog is the right choice. i got the idea from general mills big g cereals. they put a white check on the top of every box to let people know that their cereals have healthy whole grain, and they're the right choice... just like buttercup. (announcer) general mills is the only leading cereal company to put healthy whole grain in every box. the choice has never been easier. for whole grain guaranteed, just look for the white check.
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good job. for the first time in three years, positive job numbers, a temporary mirage or are employers ready to keep on hiring? time for tiger. tiger woods' return to golf just days away. is he ready for one of the biggest media spectacles of all-time? and upset for the ages. in 1954, a tiny school beat one ten times its size in an end independent basketball tournament. it became the stuff of movies and legends. >> the five players on the floor function as one single unit. team, team, team. >> this morning that story you probably remember with an incredible twist you won't forget. join us here live at lucas oil stadium in indianapolis, the
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site of the final four early this saturday morning april 3rd, site of the final four early this saturday morning april 3rd, 2010. captioning funded by cbs it is a beautiful site. hi, everybody. welcome back to t"the early sho" here on cbs. it is a major, major league day here on cbs for college basketball. the final four. i'm live here in indianapolis. we're taking you back to 1954 in just a couple of minutes and we're also bringing you a reunion for the ages. so special we cannot wait to bring that to you. guys in new york? >> great suv coming from you if in indianapolis. i'm rebecca jarvis in for erica hill who is on maternity leave. dave price along for the game, as well. >> we just put up a sign a few minutes ago that rebecca jarvis was starting here, come meet her if you want. look at the crowd that has shown up. look at the excitement here.
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it's just remarkable. welcome to the cbs family. >> thank you so much. and we also have amy grant along for the ride. we have easter egg hunt tips for tomorrow. >> we've got a lot coming up. but first let's go this and say hello to elaine quijano with a look at the headlines. good morning. after weeks of hype and speculation, apple's latest invention, the iflt pipad, goes sale around the nation. manuel gallegus is here in new york with the latest. >> reporter: do you feel like you need an ipad? because people certainly are curious about it. take a look here outside the store in new york. we have maybe 300, 400 people. kind of hard to say. it's been building all morning
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with people who are anxious to be the first among anyone in the world to get a hold of the ipad. >> why are you out here and how long have you been waiting something. >> we got here at friday 5:00 in the morning. we wanted to spend the night in new york on the streets. we're really excited to get the ipad. i want to use it for work forks reading. she's looking to use it for the games. >> and you're actually one of the very first people in line. when did you get here? >> thursday at 11:30 p.m. >> and you're getting it for your aunts. why does she want one so badly? >> she wants to use it for work and everything possible. >> are you anxious issue to get your hands on one? >> i'm probably just going to use herself before i give to her. just don't let her know. >> reporter: take a look. so many people waiting to get one of these things. apple won't say how many they plan to sell, but you know they
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want to get the word out that they'll sell out. apple didn't invent the mouse, tablet or phone, but they have a great way of making it appealing and getting people excited about it. back to you. the unemployment rate remains at 9.7%. businesses added 162,000 jobs in march. cbs news senior business correspondent anthony mason reports. >> reporter: the jobs drought is finally over. in march, america was hiring again. >> this is a strong number by almost any standards. 163,000 overall. >> reporter: nearly a third of the gains, 48,000 jobs, came from the hiring of temporary government census workers. >> i was very excited when they called me last week and that starts at the end of april, but, again, that is only temp aer for six to eight weeks. >> reporter: but business hiring was strong, too, as the economy and he woulded jobs across most sectors included manufacturing,
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retail, even the construction industry added 15,000 jobs. its biggest gain in three years. employers are gaining confidence. >> we look at the job market and we're trying to pind good new talent that can help us grow. >> reporter: tyler technologies, a dallas based software company, is looking to add 150 worker this is year. >> people to install the software, project managers, support people. >> reporter: economists expect the job market to continue to gain strength. >> i think it will be a slow recovery, but it looks like a recovery. >> reporter: one america's been waiting for for more than two years. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. federal prosecutors have filed terrorism charges against a second american woman in a so-called jihad jane case. ramirez was arrested in philadelphia friday when she arrived from ireland. ramirez and colleen rose are accused of plotting on line to
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attend a terror camp. you can expect to see a lot of chocolate easter bunny this is weekend, but how about a bitter sweet biblical scene. two tons of chocolate was krooed to create jesus christ and those who surrounded him. the chocolate bible scene has been a popular tourist attraction for ten years. it's about six minutes after the hour. now here's rebecca. know if tiger woods will win a green jacket. what we do know is that it will be a huge media circus as woods returns to golf follo following self-imposed hiatus after he admitted to cheating on his wife. so what can we expect? joining me now is editor at large for sports i also straighted golf group. and we're expecting this huge
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media frenzy. >> it will be an absolute circus outside of the gates. you'll get tmz, you'll get media from all over the world. everybody but the fat lady will be there. >> what about haglers, people coming in and actually booing potentially tiger on the course in. >> at any other event, that might oeason he's returning at augusta is because it's look a came could not. he's entering a very safe place which is a very tightly controlled. you can't run on the grounds without being asked to leave. so if you try to b ocht o tiger, you'll be ushered out the front door. >> but that media presence will still be there. how does that play into his game? he's always good under pressure. >> tiger is the greatest i've ever seen at com part mentalizing his personal life and his professional life. he's able to focus on hitting a golf ball. he used to say when i'm on the course, it's just me and the little white ball.
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but now we'll see what tiger's like when he realizes that the world is watching not to see him play golf, but to see if he has fallen as a golfer the same way he's fallen as a husband and father. >> and how about the competition here? what are the other golfers going to think of all this media attention? >> hethey'll say please don't pr me with tiger woods. it will be so swens thintense t you're playing in the group with tiger woods, you'll probably lose two or three strokes per round. you don't want to be in his group, in front or behind. you want to stay as far away from that circus as you possibly can be. >> what are we hearing about his game? >> we're hearing that he's practicing a lot. and if tiger woods is coming back, the only reason he's doing it is because he thinks he has a chance to win is he going to be rusty, definitely. but he's the only player who can
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win a tournament with his c plus game. so we could see him win next week. it's very possible. >> and will he have supporters cheering him on? >> everybody love uoves a winne. he'll never be the same, but if we win, we might see some sponsors return and a very dramatic story line play out. tiger woods back still better than ever. >> thank you, and now out to dave price for another check on the weather. easter is coming up. let's go on over here and see if we can meet some folks here who have come out for the easter egg hunt. >> hello. >> what's your name? >> connor. >> what are you here for? >> blah. >> and what's your brother's name do you want to translate for your brother? do you have peanut butter on your fleece that your brother is licking it? i'll tell you what, here we go.
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watch. some day i'll be a great part. if you tell me your name, i'll give you a candy bar. oerks i have a way with kids. take the candy bar. let's take a check of the -- don't even take the candy bar. fine. let's check the weather, shall we? what a gorgeous day here in the northeast and throughout the eastern seaboard. the really messy stuff is out in the pacific northwest where you could see snow up to a foot in shall locations in t some locations in the northern rockies. great lakes could see shower activity all the way down to texas, as well. here's an early look at the weather for your weekend. mm
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i'll give you a candy bar if you tell me your name. >> oliver. >> there you go. we have a winner! chris, out to you. it has been called the greatest upset of all time. and it happened less than six miles from where ear sitting right now. when we come back, a new take on the hoosier story. we have a big surprise coming up here on the big show. you're watching the file four from indianapolis here on cbs. >> announcer: this weather segment sponsored b new aqua fresh iso active whitening. it not only helps prevent cavities, it whitens 33% better between teeth. aquafresh iso-active whitening.
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amazing. trugreen lawns are easy to spot. that's the hasskamp house. great-looking lawn... hi, bobby. hi, bobby. ...better-looking daughters. i got a solid business plan, too. take the walker's. no trugreen. no thanks. trugreen treats every lawn special. they call it customized service. i call it my ticket to the cover of forbes. [ male announcer ] call 866-trugreen and get a customized plan for a healthy, green lawn, guaranteed. more green, means mo green. [ male announcer ] get a healthy, green lawn today. call trugreen. go greener. [ male announcer ] get a healthy, green lawn today. ♪ (announcer) right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting five percent cashback bonus at home improvement stores. it pays to get more, it pays to discover. at cousin everett's blueberry farm to talk about our blueberry juice drinks. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, packed with th-those antioxidants
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being played here in what is i guess arguably the basketball capital of the universe, we thought it would be fitting to tip our caps to one of the most legendary basketball teams in state history. if you drive about 80 miles southeast of here, you'll run if to tiny milan high school. the source of one of the greatest basketball upsets in basketball history and also the inspiration for one of the best sports movies of all-times,. >> reporter: jake white is up early chasing the dream of winning end independent state basketball championship like his team did back in 1954. tiny milan high school beat a team more than ten times its
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size 32-30. a game some have called the greatest ever played. oldtimers remember that '54 season like it was yesterday. >> as long as some of us old people are breathing, it will still be here. >> reporter: milan's victory inspired a screen play for the iconic movie hoosier's about a make believe town name hickory. >> i started looking at names that made sense and i wanted for some reason i wanted the name of a tree. i don't know why. >> reporter: the baskets nailed to the sides of barns where the real life mila ncht boys practiced are now gone. but not the memories. everybody in this state has a milan story and you guys are the center piece. >> they estimate that had 90% of the adult population either listened or watched that game.
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>> reporter: in the movie, gene hackman played a hot headed coach at the end of a career scarred by hitting one of his players. >> you you keep your mouth shut. >> reporter: was he able to capture your coach? >> no, he was far removed from our coach. >> 180 degrees. >> reporter: real life coach marvin wood, known affectionately as woody, rarely even raised his voice. but he knew how to get his team ready before a big game. >> he said, i'm going to tell you something, they can shoot the is out of the bucket and a couple jump up and take a quarter off the top of the backboard. and he said it just like that and bob said, woody, that may be true, but they're have to prove it to us. >> come to practices and sit on the bench with me during the games. >> you want me? >> reporter: there was no alcoholic assistant coach in '54. and there's still resentment where people think the real story is better than the movie.
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>> tonight misunderstand me. it was good movie. but that's what it was. it was a movie. >> reporter: in the real game with his team behind two points in the fourth quarter, bobby held the ball for more than two minutes. school second betty dobson was so nervous, she couldn't look. >> i'd say what's he do something bobby was holding that ball. and he said is he moving? >> reporter: the biggest similarity between game and movie, the final 18 seconds. >> i faked to the left and he leaned a little bit. >> i'll make it. >> when you see the movie and he says, coach, i can make it -- >> i didn't say that. >> do you wish you had? >> no. i wished i looked like he did and had as good a stroke like he
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did. >> reporter: time as moved on for the men of '54. when i asked what they'd like to be remembered for, they said the game of life has become much more important. >> i'd like to be remembered as good teacher. >> i'm not sure it would even be related to basketball. but as a person, as a father, as a person in my community. >> reporter: back in mil after the n, ballplayers are still trying to be like bobby. and hit that last shot. when we come back, a reunion for the ages. five players, five teammates, five friends, 56 years later. you're watching "the early show" from the final four here on cbs. [ male announcer ] as long as we're winding up our doing dials, let's wind 'em with precision. open our throttle to even more selection. and turn that savings swagger up full tilt. ♪
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so when the time comes to bust open a can of doing... we've got all the tools for all the things we need to make 'em happen. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get scotts nature scapes mulch for the new lower price of just $3.88. want to make sure allergies don't always have to keep you cooped up inside. that's why we're making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offering products like new zyrtec® liquid gels.
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zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work on your worst symptoms... indoors and out. you'll also get the expert advice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you'll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever. and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia! not to let your immune system become a statistic. support your immune system with patented ester-c. ester-c provides up to 24 hours of immune support. ester-c. the better vitamin c.
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- gps: turn left ahead. - ...i mean left. woman: but gps changed our lives. turbotax does the same thing for our taxes. it answers tough questions in sple language, getting us to our maximum refund. guaranteed. announcer: try turbotax now. welcome back. like we mentioned, we are reuniting the 1954 milan high school basketball team state champions.
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this is gene white, and ray craft, bobby plump who sank the winning shot, roger schroeder and roland cutter. good morning and thanks for being here with us. what's it like to continue to see that footage? does it bring you right back to that day 56 years ago? >> well, i can say what gene always said. he said should be his luck hky shot. >> did you know that he had made it at the time? >> i played with bob so many times that i felt for sure he would make it. and then when it went through the net, i looked it at the clock, three seconds left, and i thought everything was going to be okay. >> it is a victory that lives on to this day. it's still the talk of the town. how has it changed your lives? >> well, it basically changed
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mire life because it gave me an opportunity to go to college and get an education. i think that just being on the milan team and playing at butler gave me an opening when i tried to apply for jobs. athletically, it was the most important part of my life. >> twhahis is an area where may there was about 1,000 people, 161 people in the entire high school. what was it lilake meadlik it l after? >> immediately after, there were proper 30,000 or 40,000 people. and put that many people in a small community of 1,000 people, it's incredible. we couldn't believe it when we drove in to town. they did clear a little path for us, but it was just amazing. >> and i'm assuming you didn't know at the time that this would end up really kind of not only changing your lives, but
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changing the way people view sports movies, the way the underdog looks at playing the fafrt favorite. >> yes, someone once asked me about the david versus goliath. and i said if it didn't happen rarely, would he wouldn we woul about it. so i think that's the whole thing. it hasn't happened very often. >> bobby, this game, you and i have talked, i love your explanation as to how -- it was more than just a basketball game at the time. it really kind of changed the way people thought, the way when people woke up in milan and then as it gru to other parts of the country this, game was more than just a state championship. >> well, i think it was. i think it meant so much, number one, to the team because nine of the ten of us were afforded a chance to go to college. but it raised the expectations of the students in the school. previously maybe 16, 20 in four years went to college.
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in our graduating class of 30, 17 of help went to college. so that was a significant step. and it just kind of raised th r expectations. and then the whole state seemed to -- as he told you before, i got five gallons of gas coming to fort wayne. >> let me ask you about three of you went to butler. so you got to be thrilleded with what's going on here. what do you tell these kids to get them prepared for the biggest game of their lives tonight? >> well, i tell you what i would tell them, brad stevens has done such a great job right now, just listen to him. there isn't anything i can tell that you he doesn't have and you just follow those instructions, play the way you did the last two games and we'll cell operate t celebrate the victory monday night. >> how many of you married your
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high school sweethearts? >> how about it. so great to see you. real a pleasure. the ♪
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[ female announcer ] they make little hearts happy... ♪ ...and big hearts happy too. because as part of a heart healthy diet... ...those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. [ cheerios spilling ] cheerios. how can something so little... you do something so big.
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try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite. easter a day early. we're getting a jump on the easter holiday. who wants to go on an easter egg hunt? and the two of us, too. welcome back to the "early show." i'm dave price. >> and i'm rebecca jarvis. also our big show first. our ch"chef on a shoestring" isn indianapolis. we're take ing to the road with taste of food from the final four and a very special easter treat. amy grant is back in our second cup cafe singing her huge hit
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baby, baby. >> so stick around for that. in the meantime, let's go in and say hello to elaine quijano. she has our final check of the headlines morning. good morning. flooding issues are making it difficult for rescue efforts at a mine in northern china. 153 men are said to be trapped after a flood nearly a week ago go. a small team of rescuers went in this morning, but were forced out by high waters. yesterday hopes were raised after tapping sounds have been heard, about now signs of life since then 37. eugene allen who served eight presidents has died. he worked at the white house for 34 year. and he began as a dishwasher rising to. he joined in ford's birthday parties at the white house. eugene allen was 90 years old. and a new addition at the bronx zoo. meet gertrude. she was born at the zoo last
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september about has been kept out of the public eye until now. starting today, visitors will be able to watch gertrude scamp per up tree, play with twigs and leaves and interact with her mother in the zoo's congo gorilla forest exhibit. and those are the headlines. now to dave with the weather. paback outside. a very excited crowd ready for easter. are you all set? >> yes. >> and what is it, national pillow fight month? >> international pillow fight day. >> all right. happy celebrating. that is some of the excitement going on in the crowd right now. let's take a look at the maps, see what's happening all across the country. eastern seaboard looks like what? a beautiful day, am i right? yes. how about some money for the weatherman. all right. up and down the eastern sea bofrd board, it will be beautiful. and as you head down to sections of eastern texas, you'll have a possibility of rain.
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the northwest is where we see real problems. some areas in the northern rockies could see upwards of a foot of rain. that's a look of our national maps and now here's an early look at the weather for your weekend. still ahead, we're celebrating easter a day early with the big show easter egg hunt. it's not too late for you to plan your own party on easter sunday. waef g we've got tips on everything from egg dying to hunts. >> did you know only 20% of homes built before 1980 are well
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insulated? have your insulation checked to avoid a hot house in the summer and a cold one in the winter. for the early show this saturday morning, i'm consumer correspondent susan koeppen. vo: at walmart, you can get all the best easter candy for 20 percent less than leading national retailers. which means more candy... more places to hide it... and of course, more fun finding it. easter costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. ♪ (female announcer) if you want to slim them down, wear them out, or clean them up, you can find exactly what you need during the petsmart solutions sale.
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save up to 20% on hundreds of items! right now, at petsmart. day after day, allergy season drags on. oh, how many days are you going to suffer? nasonex is the only prescription that's proven to help prevent most seasonal nasal allergy symptoms, including congestion, so you can have more symptom-free days. [ female announcer ] side effects were generally mild and included headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. it does not me in generic form, so ask your doctor about nasonex. [ female announcer ] and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details, terms and conditions. one reason? lubriderm® contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it for a clinically shown 24 hours. for skin that looks and feels truly comfortable. lubriderm®. your moisture matched. [ slap! ] -[ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] -ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums.
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calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums it was my idea. well, little things like that make a difference. for example... scott naturals. you get the high-quality performance you need... and just the right blend of recycled fibers. best of both worlds. i like that. yep, it's like having your cake-- and eating it too. exactly. it's green done right. do you know scott? scott naturals are green done right. holiday season is upon us. we're in the middle of pass over. easter sunday is tomorrow.
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you can have a great easter egg hunt. >> parenting expert shannon eis is here with last minute tips. and you say it's not too late to plan the perfect party. >> absolutely not. and affordable with a quick trip to the drug store. >> tell us about what we need to know. >> first decor. you can do plastic colored eggs filled with a few things, jelly beans. and for outdoor, you can repurpose those eggs as ournmentes for trees just to really make the backyard more fest festive. >> so let's get started. how you do we do what we need to do to get all these elements if place? >> let's talk about eggs first. i have taken a pass at some of the new trends. this would be a ca mcht ocht egg. and then some glitter.
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water color which is easy, none of the dipping. and this is a thumb print egg. and there's sheep and chickens. >> here's the only they think i ask. when we do this, at the end, you tell the world who has done the better job. >> i think we'll find out right now. >> always has to be a competition with dave price. >> we will get rebecca started with some glitter. just put them in there and we'll get you in this very easy process, you can see the dye is actually in this q-tip. you'll see the ink is coming out the bottom. >> and i assume this is very safe vegetable dye or something? >> yes, very natural die. none of the vinegar or smelliness. >> this is art happening live before your eyes.
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keep your eyes on your own work and stop cheating. >> do you have anything else that could help me get a leg up on dave price? >> do you want one of these q-tips? >> is this this dye he hedible? >> it's safe and easy on the go. >> so as we make our easter egg, let's talk about tips for a great hunt. >> if there's lots of kids, break help up this small groups by ages, by gender. it's also good to set boundaries. and give them a map. so we've created a map of someone's backyard. and for small children who can't read words, you can do symbols like xs on where they could be. >> how about in case it rains? >> some cool ideas there is when you hide the egg, you put clues
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inside about where the next one is. so you could have a picture of a bathtub and that's a great way to play indoors because they have to go to that next destination to find the next egg. >> what about prizes? >> it can be anything from -- we have over here like chalk to straws to glow sticks. so it's a gamut. little prizes along the way keep them motivated. >> an ipad is definitely a good prize for dave. >> i would love an ipad. let's get it started. the kids are now in the middle of their easter egg hunt. and look at hair factheir faces. they love these things. >> they may love the competition more than you. >> i'm going to help somebody out here. let's head over to chris. thank you so much. have a great easter.
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hey, chris. rebecca, thank you so much. we are cooking here in indianapolis at the final four. tim love joins us and we'll experience a little bit of a taste from each of the four teams in the final four on a shoestring budget of $40. we're also goi to steam some basketball. that's when we come back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ with two scoops!™ of raisins harvested at the peak of sweetness, and golden flakes of bran with 28% of their daily fiber, nothing gets your family's day off to a brighter start...
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than the goodness of kellogg's raisin bran® cereal. feed their sunny side. is it a magic trick ? is it everyone's favorite restaurant ? it's the lg french door refrigerator. everything your family could ever want, right at your fingertips.
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so is it a refrigerator ? or something better ? ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ oh, do it ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ hey [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate. from nestle.
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it's better when you add your flavor. welcome back to indy for the big game. we have moved outside of lucas oil stadium, we're now in bracket town adjacent to the stadium. we brought our own kitchen and we also called in the big guns.
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tell love tell lo tim love is with us. great to have you with us once again. and what we're doing here, first let me get rid of the basketball. we're not steaming the basketball like we mentioned, but we will bring in a little bit of a taste of the final four. let's show people what we have on the menu. >> i prepared a meal here that represents all the teams in the final four. so if you want to have a party ating it on a budget. for michigan state, we have some awesome fish sticks here. for western virginia, a little bit of a stretch here, charcoaled grilled chicken wings. and then for duke, the carolina pulled fork sliders. >> and fakbaked fish sticks. >> and corn on the cob for butler. for my wings, i like to add a
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little citrus. oil, lime juice, now some orange g juice. i mix that up real good. now add the chicken wick wings. let them marinate overnight. which by the power of tv we can do that very quickly. and then i've got some going right here. it will only take about ten minutes in the grill pan. >> and just normal chickwhich c wings. >> yes. but i like to add citrus. >> cover it up or anything? >> cover it up in the fridge. and then throw them in the grill pan. now, also for the pulled pork, this sauce oig is real easy. >> for what region?
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>> for duke. i don't know how many are rooting for dunlg. obviously i'm rooting for indiana, the home team. a little cider vinegar, a little ketchup, a little chili flake here. and then brown sugar. mix that up until the sugar dissolves and the sauce looks like this. i have some pulled pork here. this is real easy to make. we season it up and let it go low and slow in the oven. >> pulled pork is a long process. >> it's a long process, but it's very easy to tend to process. so it's not like something you have to stand around all the time. >> how many hours on the average? >> about three hours. you set it and forget it, you know what i mean? >> and you hope it falls right off the bone. >> that's what we're hoping will happen here. and see how it just comes right apart there? this is amazing.
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>> i'll try one of these while we move to the next region. >> let me show you how you make one of these up. take the pork, put it in there like that. >> pretty easy, put it on the bread, put it in your hout. >> all of this can be made in under 30 minutes and all of it under 40 bucks. what else can you ask for this bracket town? >> what next in. >> and then this corn of could be. what's interesting of this is i run it for mayonnaise first. season it up with chili powder. if you're worried about the calorie, we can hoshoot hoops afterwards. put them on the grill and finish it with a little goat cheese. they're good, right? >> oh, man.
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>> and finally in. >> the fish sticks. the humble fish sick. real simply egg whites, this is your healthy version, by the way. although it has bread on it, i guess. >> jury is out about the healthy part. >> so egg whites, bread crumbs, taragon, bake them and serve with tartar sauce. >> let's see how did you. y i know you didn't go over. >> you have to keep in mind that i am in an out of towner. see, i had to shop here. >> you didn't get a chance to bring your own items. let's see how you made out on our how low can you go chart. >> not so low. >> amanda pry taking was able to
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shop in the home city. >> she cheated, i agree. >> so a little advantage. >> i know how it works. >> thank you so much. really great to have you come up here. >> come on out to bracket town, come see us. >> stay with us, we'll be right back. a little bit more from here at the final four. you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. >> annouer: this she have on a shoestring segment sponsored by lance sandwich crackers. lance. love the little things. vo: around 10 dollars can fill a nice enough basket at a national drug store.
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but at walmart? the same 10 dollars can buy so much more. more easter. plus great new rollbacks. that's worth hopping in for. save money. live better. walmart. i'm more active, i eat right, and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism. a complete women's multivitamin plus more for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. from one a day. food myth number 22. nothing's better after a long day than a giant plate of lettuce. c'mon. who's satisfied with that? with lean cuisine you can enjoy dishes that are nutritious and... are you sitting down?... delicious, too! take their new spa apple cranberry chicken. they put in grilled chicken, whole wheat pilaf... sweet cranberries... farm-picked veggies... and an apple reduction sauce... plus 6 grams of fiber. cranberries got you thinking red? turn to page 57 for the red that suits you. lean cuisine. keep life delicious.
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welcome back to the final four. before we say good-bye to on you this semifinal saturday here on cbs, we're here with the mascots. a quick reminder the games today here on cbs, fagame one of tonight's doubleheader as we crown a national championship on monday night. the butler taking on michigan state and then in the might cap, duke versus west virginia. i've got the pull sized mascots duke versus west virginia. i've got the pull sized mascots, duke versus west virginia. i've got the pull sized mascots.
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if you come down this way, this is blue. oh, i'm sorry. see, look at that. blue celebrated a -- there you go. >> you you may have a lot of cute animals around you, but i have a present for you this easter egg, i'll have it for you next week. also here next week, denim that sucks in your tummy and makes you look a size smaller. i wouldn't mind some of that. we'll put those jeans to the test and we will put everyone else to the test, a well. >> stay tuned for that. nemtd, had such a great time and a terrific crowd, we want to wish everyone a happy passover, a happy easter. and now we'll leave you with some more great music. elaine that's your daughter, isn't it? >> it is, yes. >> we'll leave you with more music from the one and the only, amy grant. happy easter.
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♪ baby, baby i'm taken with the notion to love you with the sweetest of devotions ♪ ♪ baby, baby my tender love will flow from the blue skies to the deepest ocean ♪ ♪ stop for a minute baby i'm so glad you're mine oh, you're mine
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♪, baby, baesh the stars are shining for you, go walking through the forest, the birds above are singing you a chorus ♪ stop for a minute, baby, they're so glad you're mine ♪ ♪ and ever since the day you put my heart in motion ♪ ♪ baby i realize there's just no getting over you over you ♪ ♪ baby baby in any kind of weather ♪ i'm here for you always and forever ♪ baby, baby, no muscle man could sever, my love for is you true and it will never stop for
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a minute, baby, i'm so glad ♪
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9:59 am
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