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tv   9 News Now at 11pm  CBS  April 11, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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yes, it is. wait for me here. i don't know, david. it's okay. i do. i waited around a couple of hours until i realized how crazy it all was. david came back for you. i don't understand. he crawled through the woods and died under that tree. i had a chance. i didn't take it. i never felt that way again. director instructed us to keep your involvement out of the press.
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thank you. hey, jimmy, give us a minute. what's up? you talk to roy? about what? that son of a bitch. is this about the break-in or roy? he's cheating on you, meg. the investigation took a turn, and it... turns out he's having an affair. who is it? does it matter? what does the break-in have to do with my husband cheating? she was there that night. i'll spare you the details, but long story short, your... genius husband staged that robbery to cover it up. guess i should have seen it coming. i want to know who you were texting. it was business. business that couldn't wait? the-the peterson deal is cratering.
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can we go inside and talk this out? talk what out? uh... (door slams) (sighs) hey. hey, hey. look, don't want to fight anymore, baby. please. how about we go away next weekend? i'll leave my phone at home. only if you promise. i promise. (chuckles softly) there's somebody in the house. stay here. i just... kept thinking he was going to change. hey. you can't blame yourself here. nothing's turned out like i thought. what am i supposed to do now? for starters, you get rid of that bum. (laughing): i'm 40 years old. tough just to... start over.
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things haven't gone exactly according to plan for me, either, so... (sighs) oh, nicky. never even asked how you're doing. hey! hey, you can't be in here. got a sneak and peek warrant. we're taking a quick look around. i already told you, i had no beef with that soldier. i've got nothing but respect for anybody that served. see, that's what we don't get, al. why is a respectful vet like yourself getting into fights with other gis? i don't know what you're talking about. rush: well, it says here you got into a brawl at an anti-war rally, brained a veteran against the war with a tire iron. those men turned against their own. like david? hey. listen. he... was going to run off to canada. he helped me out, and he left. well, then, how do you explain this?
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it's a ford galaxie. david quinn's car. cavanaugh: looked at your army records, al. wounded in a shau. board decided you weren't fit for duty, dismissed you. but you wouldn't give up. i can drive a tractor sunup to sundown, plow 800 acres of open fields, and i'm not fit? david was fit for duty, but he didn't want to fight anymore. look, you got to understand, i would... i would have died to go back. i tried to tell that kid, but he... he wouldn't listen. tell him what? how much i love my country. i couldn't understand how another soldier would betray it. going through my stuff? says you're due back at fort dix at 0600. didn't tell me you were going back to 'nam. gonna hitch a ride back to base. got the money for my car? do you one better-- i'll give you a lift.
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no, really, don't sweat it. i insist. i'm not looking for a problem here. you a coward, boy? what, are you... you going to force me to go back? you have a duty. a duty to what? war? you must have seen stuff, too. what are you talking about? oh, come on, man. tiger force. lurps. you were up close and personal. you don't know what i saw. know what i saw? children... ripped apart by bullets, women dragged into... into huts to do god knows what. things i can't... i can't get out of my head. a little girl screaming in her... in her dead mother's arms. shut up. grip so tight, i have to... have to break her forearm just to get her free. shut up! shut up! i don't want to see that face in my dreams anymore.
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my girl's waiting. you got to go. honor your commitment! why? why? why do i got to go, huh? tell me why! (gun fires) ("the weight" by the band playing) ♪ i pulled in to nazareth ♪ was feeling about half past dead ♪ ♪ i just need some place
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♪ where i can lay my head ♪ "hey, mister, can you tell me" ♪ ♪ "where a man might find a bed?" ♪ ♪ he just grinned and shook my hand ♪ ♪ "no," was all he said ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ take a load for free ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ and... ♪ and... ♪ ♪ and... ♪ ♪ you put the load right on me ♪ you can put the load right on me ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i picked up my bag ♪ i went looking for a place to hide ♪ ♪ when i saw carmen ♪ and the devil walking side by side ♪ ♪ i said, "hey, carmen" ♪ "come on, let's go downtown" ♪
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♪ she said, "i got to go" ♪ "but my friend can stick around" ♪ ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ take a load for free ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ and... ♪ and... ♪ ♪ and... ♪ ♪ you put the load right on me ♪ you can put the load right on me ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ go down, miss moses ♪ there's nothing you can say ♪ ♪ it's just old luke ♪ ♪ and luke's waiting on the judgment day ♪ ♪ "well, luke, my friend" ♪ "what about young anna lee?" ♪ he said, "do me a favor, son" ♪ ♪ "won't you stay and keep anna lee company?" ♪ ♪ take a load off, fanny
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♪ take a load for free ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ and... ♪ and... ♪ ♪ and... ♪ ♪ you put the load right on me ♪ you can put the load right on me. ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs and warner bros. television captioned by media access groupat wgbh built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america- including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. get 0% apr for 60 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models
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with an average finance savings around fifty four hundred dollars. these things are for real. but you know what, so is this. excedrin migraine, starts relieving migraine pain in half an hour. that's not all. it gets rid of the headache, the sensitivity to light and sound. everything. bottom line is this. excedrin migraine start relieving the pain in half an hour, and if you have migraines, you know how fast that is. (announcer) number one neurologist recommended.
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this is 9news now now. commuters get ready. major streets into town are being closed down tonight to get ready for the president's two day nuclear summit. i'm bruce johnson. thank you for joining us tonight. on monday and tuesday president obama will be hosting world leaders at a nuclear summit. more on that in a minute. first, local folks traveling in and around the district tomorrow will see gridlock. security is being tightened at embassies and hotels. 13 bus lines are affected and at least one metro station is being closed down. let's begin tonight with
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downtown. >> reporter: imat the perimeter of one of the security areas. massachusetts and 11th and m street. right behind me you see the beginning of a mess that will ensue for the next 48 hours. a lot of police officers, military humvees moving in. semis moving in very heavy concrete barriers. bruce, while this nuclear summit is supposed to make the world a much more peaceful place it isn't going to be peaceful tonight. in fact, tens of thousands of folks who have to commute by here on a daily basis might just go ballistic. the unprecedented summit will create an unprecedented nightmare for the tens of thousands who commute through the center of the nation's capital. > >> reporter: the metro station closed at 9:00 p.m. sunday evening. >> there are thousands of folks that use that metro station every day to be able to get to
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work and everywhere else that they need to go. >> reporter: law enforcement agencies from the police department to secret service have locked down 24 square blocks in the heart of washington dc so dozens of motorcades carrying the leaders of 47 nations can make their way in and out of the convention center. and that means residents who live nearby will be screened before they can get to their homes. >> in order for you to come through they will ask you to show your i.d and who are you visiting, stuff like that. >> reporter: and with no vehicles allowed in or out, some like harry moore who needs dialysis on a daily basis doesn't know how he will get there. >> reporter: even the washington airspace which is already highly controlled will be more closely restricted during the two days of the summit. and now you are looking at a live image of the perimeter on 11th street and massachusetts and one of the problems that folks will be facing if they
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try to commute in this area is not just the perimeter and security all around the convention center, but also, bruce, anybody who is lived in the metro dc area for any length of time knows about the precedential motorcades that stop traffic while those limousines go by. over the next two days there will be 50 motorcades from all of the world leaders going to their hotels, going to the convention center, going to all kinds of meetings. so things are going to get very, very difficult all around the heart of washington, dc, for the next two days. >> you're right. we should also remind the viewers to keep in mind as commuters begin to avoid the closed off streets it will send traffic to other streets in other neighborhoods. patience tomorrow morning. local businesses near the convention center are already complaining about their losses. britany morehouse is live with more on that story. >> reporter: hello, bruce. losses that you mentioned are big time. some owners are telling me 75%
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this weekend alone not because the streets were closed because actually the streets near the convention center were open but because they were getting ready to close them and that chased away customers. you can see across the street we have the turkish embassy. already we have seen a lot of cars pulling up in and out. we have seen some international visitors pouring into the meeting rooms and they are the  kind of visitors that these local businesses at the convention center tell me will help what they have already hurt. >> we are a small business owner and this has really hurt us big time. >> reporter: an empty bar on fun day sunday. >> baseball. masters going on. we shouldn't be packed but at least 75% capacity. this is pretty much dead today. >> reporter: it has been dead since friday inside the dominion old brewhouse. >> once the barrier went literally business dropped more than half. >> how can i help you. >> reporter: halfway up the
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block, fielding cancellations. >> we will do some business tomorrow. >> reporter: and new business tuesday. >> we might lose a couple thousand. that's a lot for a small business. a big hit for a big summit. it is a familiar scenario up and down 9th street where mom and pop shops plan to stay open. >> you actually can't drive on 7th street, 9th street. n street, m street, l street. >> reporter: now they are thinking what were we thinking? >> we are worried about some of the employees getting in. >> reporter: worried that for anyone selling food and drink might have an upside. >> i think it is a good thing but i'm expecting the business to be busy. >> they will have 4000 people or so inside. hopefully we can get some business from them to offset our losses. >> reporter: and they are already brewing up specials. >> i hope so.
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>> hot coffee. >> reporter: nuclear specials that may actually attract some of those summit attendees. the secret service is not allowing food to go in or outside the convention center. interestingly, bruce, i spoke with an anc commissioner who thinks he has legal grounding next time around to convince the city that these businesses should get paid for the several days that they shut down to allow this kind of summit to go on. >> britany morehouse reporting from downtown. thank you. right now we want to get to dc police chief joining us by phone. chief, what should we be aware of tomorrow? what is it you want to say to travelers in and about town tomorrow? >> like we always ask and like our dc travelers always do, we have been putting information out the last several days just asking people to have a plan, try and use alternate routes and alternate transportation and those that have to come anywhere near the security perimeter we need you to be patient coming through.
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dc traffic is not pleasant on a normal day sometimes. so we are hoping that people have done what we ask them to do and take a little time in the morning. >> 47 foreign leaders, chief. a lot of motorcades and a lot of street closures. not just the downtown area we are talking about much of the town period, right? >> that's correct. they have been going all day today and some for a couple of days and there have been no problems so far. i think most of the motoring public in dc are used to the motorcades and are very observing. if you can find other ways to get around and take public transportation, please do. >> i can't imagine you've got every available person on duty for tomorrow. but any threats that you can talk about or just what comes with the turf? many international, national figures. do we have any threats we should know about tonight? >> we are not working on any specific threats.
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>> okay, we just lost dc police chief. she says they don't have any specific threats. good news. we begin before everybody else tomorrow at 4:25 a.m. in the morning. join us for up-to-date information on street closures and best routes into and around town. leaders from 47 countries are in washington tonight for that nuclear security summit. it is believed to be the biggest gathering of world leaders ever in the nation's capital. president obama said today that he was pleased by the sense of urgency and warned that al- qaeda wouldn't hesitate to use a nuclear weapon if it could. the president's aim is to secure all loose nuclear material by the end of the term. >> the special focus goal of this summit is getting the international community on a task in which we are knocking down that nuclear -- we are locking down that nuclear material with a very specific plan. >> today president obama met
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one on one with leaders from several nations including india and pakistan. both have nuclear weapons. north korea and iran are not invited. there is enough usable nuclear material in the world to build more than 120,000 nuclear bombs. in poland mourners lined the streets as the body of the president was returned to warsaw. shocked and grieving people stood in silence as his coffin made its way along the 6-mile route to the presidential palace where his body now lies in state. the country paused for 2 minutes over the president, his wife, dozens of government, military and religious leaders were all killed when their car crashed in heavy fog saturday in russia. here in washington people stopped by the embassy to remember the 96 people killed in that crash. flowers and cards lined the iron gate outside the embassy while inside mourners signed
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the condolence book. people expressed shock and sadness at the loss of the polish leadership. >> they always stuck together through thick and thin and they support especially this president. i don't know much about it but my sister said he was the best. >> for me he was a very clever man, very smart wife. he knew his way. he stuck to his way. he was professor. >> the russian government is investigating what caused that plane to crash in dense fog yesterday. back here, fire at a dc high school caused significant damage to the roof of a building. the fire was discovered around 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. at eastern senior high school on east capital street. it took some 75 firefighters to bring the fire under control. investigators say the blaze was accidentally started by construction crews during renovations on the roof of the building. we are told the fire will not
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impact classes tomorrow. crews are busy at another school where playground equipment caught fire at green elementary in the 1500 block of mississippi avenue in southeast. it happened around 12:30:00 p.m. this afternoon. the fire damaged windows and outside of the building. investigators are trying to figure out how the fire started. a woman and her 3-year-old daughter are murdered and tonight police are looking for the woman's ex-boyfriend. it happened in the 300 block of south reynolds street in alexandria. police were called to the residents this morning for report of a domestic incident. they found the bodies of 27- year-old sabli teesima and her 3-year-old daughter. the bodies were taken to the medical examiner's office for autopsies. police say a suspect 34-year- old simon esfaya is wanted for first-degree murder. he may be driving a silver acura. anybody with information about this case should contact
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alexandria police. suspended wizards guard gilbert arenas has entered the prerelease center in rockville. he spent the past two days in jail and entered the halfway house this morning. he will spend 28 days there and is required to sleep and eat at the facility which houses close to 170 residents. he will also be required to perform 400 hours of nonbasketball related community service. he was convicted of gun violations last month. still ahead on 9news now this sunday night. a plan to charge travelers who are carrying carry-on luggage has one fighting against it. >> those attendees of the show looking to control their own destiny. it is a great option. >> how some people are taking advantage of new franchise opportunities. hope you had a great sunday out there. i was aiming for a high of 76 today. or at least 77. we hit 76 today. highs and lows now.
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then about the wakeup weather tomorrow morning. chilly. not all that cold. i've got the next three days and exact track on what is to come and some showers looming in our future. your complete forecast just a few minutes away.
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at least one lawmaker is speaking out tonight about plans of spirit airlines announcing starting in august it will begin charging $45 for carry-on luggage. spirit says the move will lighten the plane and get passengers on and off the aircraft more quickly. but a senator said the move is "a slap in the face to travelers." >> the decision by spirit airlines to charge passengers a whopping $45 for a carry-on bag has crossed the line. >> the senator says he plans to ask the u.s. treasury department to end a loophole that allows airlines to charge carry-on fees. he says many people need carry- on bags to take medications and other necessities aboard a plane. nuclear summit talk at the convention center. surae chinn reporting there was a record turnout at the international franchise expo this week. perhaps an indication more people are interested in
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becoming their own boss. >> reporter: he is a man on the hunt for a new career. >> wonder if you could tell me a little bit about your franchise. >> reporter: not wanting to explain to his currents employer he is looking elsewhere. we have agreed not to show his face. >> tired of the weekends and the evenings. >> reporter: it is the ink cartridge business that piques his interest and may breathe new life into a second career. hundreds of options to choose from. restaurants, retail and even owning your own driveway paving business. some folks say this could be the right time to reinvent themselves. >> at 58 there is not a lot of people interested in me. i've got a lot of energy and i've got 15 or 20 years i want to drive my own business and be my own boss finally. >> people have been down sized, outsourced, laid off. at a certain point people will say it is time to take a little more control over myself. >> reporter: the 58-year-old job seeker says it will take 60 to $80,000 of his savings and
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rolling over his retirement fund to start up his own franchise. if the economy hadn't tanked do you think you would be doing this on your own? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: if it is a sniffing dog, a t-shirt business, weight loss center or anything else, job seekers understand there are no guarantees. but franchise experts say using a proven business model has a higher success rate than going at it alone. in north west, surae chinn, 9news now. >> many of the 1200 franchise establishments at the expose are looking to expand into dc and the mid-atlantic region which could pump billions of dollars into the local economies. tomorrow in the washington examiner the deficit road back to the black for the region's cash strapped governments will be paid largely by their drivers. you can read that full story monday. still to come on 9news now. tonight, what about the forecast coming up for monday?
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the forecast is up next. stay with us. ói
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>> good day today. hot in some places. >> justice to that forecast yesterday. i didn't think just a mild day, thought it would be a warm day. enjoy it. quick change to the forecast. tomorrow won't be that bad. back into the 70s for most but we do have some showers looming in the forecast as soon as tuesday. so many still a decent day. a little bit cooler than we were today. upper 70s right around the 70- degree mark for most. little bit of a north wind will kick in. not bad though. that's why we are a little bit cooler. here is the shower activity coming in tuesday. that morning drive is going to be a messy one. i guarantee it. it will keep us a lot cooler too. temperatures stuck into the 60s. overnight tonight we might see just one or two clouds. we have got a front that is moving through right now as i just mentioned and also switching the winds interest the -- winds from. not quite
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as chilly as we could be. in the 30s in some spots a couple days ago. now back up to lower to mid- 50s. heart of downtown. by the afternoon still lots of sunshine coming in. right around the 70-degree mark for most. still a mild day but little cooler than it was today. that north breeze if anything picks up to 10 miles per hour. it is still a mild 68 at national. the rest of us well into the 50s. baltimore hanging around 60. how about over towards southern maryland. and ruse 69. naval air station 72. satellite and radar together. band of clouds is starting to move through. that is our cold front. really not a significant cold front. not doing anything right now. it turns to a significant cold front as we will see back in our forecast which we will check out right now. just a few clouds rolling there. north breezy tomorrow maybe 10 miles per hour. but we will start to see the
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division of this front. i am going to call it a warm front from just what it is. warmer air down south and cooler air off to the south. the front trying to come back to us. we have a weak system. just goes right on that front. see what happens here by tuesday afternoon. there is the shower activity moving back in. tuesday evening overnight into early wednesday showers coming through. but most of the rain shuts off early enough wednesday but that wednesday drive isn't going to be a problem at all. go to wednesday afternoon, sunny, but still a chilly day. temperatures only recovering to lower to mid-60s. overnight here tonight. temperatures as you'll see heart of downtown some 50s. rest of us upper 40s. maybe some mid-40s. high temperatures here tomorrow. a lot of 70s still showing themselves. it will be a great, great day. right into that seven-day forecast. rain coming in. tuesday, early wednesday morning keeping us cool. but a nice recovery for the end of the week. upper 70s and fortunately right now somewhere ar


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