tv CBS Evening News CBS April 24, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> glor: tonight, tornadoes sweep across the south, leaving deaths and injuries and damage buildings in their wake. we will have a firsthand look. i'm jeff glor. also tonight, oil spill in the gulf-- in a new finding, officials say this week's deadly drilling rig explosion is still leaking oil, creating a slick covering hundred of square miles. the with the e-mail trail. newly released memos show goldman sachs executives boasting about huge profits after betting against the housing market. and panda-monium. the nation's capital may be divided politically but it stands united in the fascination with a possible panda birth. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor.
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>> glor: and good evening. the governor of mississippi calls it utter obliteration in parts of one rural county tonight. a perfect storm of weather conditions triggered a deadly outbreak of tornadoes in the south today with tornado watches or warnings in at least six states. at least two are reportedly dead in yazoo city, mississippi. >> reporter: the deadly tornado ripped through the town of yazoo city, mississippi, about an hour north of the capital of jackson. >> this metal beam has been bent around. >> reporter: the twister swept across at least three counties in west central mississippi, leaving a trail of damage. high school senior connor mcrory drove straight into the heart of it. >> go! go! go! >> we were, you know, following-- we were tracking the storm as it made its way up from louisiana. and it kind of actually snuck up on us a little bit faster than expected, and we were only able to catch a glimpse of the tornado before we realized that
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it was heading right for us, and also, we tried to move, but we didn't have time, and we ended up getting hit by it. >> reporter: experts say the storms that hit the southeast today were especially powerful. >> not only are we talking about multiple tornadoes but we're talking about very violent, strong tornadoes. and any tornadoes that are on the ground have the potential to live for a long time. we did have a track that moved through western mississippi that flattened many homes, damaged many buildings. >> picking up trees! >> reporter: there have been 41 reports of tornadoes so far, and more storms are expected tonight. >> glor: joining us now on the phone is mississippi governor haley barber, who has just been on a tour of the affected area. governor, tell us what you saw. >> there's tremendous deffization here around zazzue city when a huge tornado set down and at louisiana, madison parish, across the river, came
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through warren county, mississippi, and here has done huge damage around yazoo city, mississippi. we have fatalities, a number of people that we're still trying to rescue who are trapped in buildings. but it is a major, significant tornado that went on from here up further north in the state. and i-- it did some serious damage and perhaps some fatalities north of here. >> glor: governor, i was going to ask you how bad the damage is outside other i cans across the mississippi here. >> it's reported in another county there may be fatalityes. that's 80 miles from here, 70 miles from here. so the tornado was on the ground for at least 150 miles. >> glor: governor haley barbed our from mississippi. thank you. we appreciate your time this evening. >> sure, jeff. >> glor: to the south of the tornado zone, the coast guard announced today the aftermath of the oil rig explosion that took
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11 lives is worse than originally believed. new information is showed oil is leaking from that rig in the gulf of mexico from the ocean bottom, creating an oil slick many miles long. don teague has latest. don, good evening to you. >> reporter: good evening, jeff. it was with a sigh of relief that officials said yesterday there was no oil leaking from the well head that the deep water horizon had drilled but late today the coast guard arntion nounced there was trouble 5,000 feet below the surface. a robotic camera has determined a pipe leading from the well is leaking oil at an estimated rate of 1,000 barrels, or about 42,000 gallons a day. that's still much less than the worst-case scenario. the well is capable of pumping more than 300,000 gallons a day. still, officials say it's a serious problem and calls for a massive response. >> our goal is to fight the spill offshore. our goal is to contain this oil subsurface as much as possible but we have to be prepared to
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respond to a major spill. >> reporter: right now, the oil has formed a 20-by-20-mile slick, but it's more than 40 miles offshore, which is good news, and coast guard officials say they have a third of the world's oil spill cleanup ships in the area already, and they're fighting the spill. the hope is they can contain and skim that oil off the surface until workers can shut off the flow. jeff. >> reporter: don teague for us tonight. thank you very much. first the s.e.c., then the white house, and now congress. another blow for wall street giant goldman sachs today after a senate panel disclosed company e-mails that showed top executives boasting about the profits they made during the housing crisis. tony guida has more on that. >> reporter: in texas, jerry and mary davis worried they would lose their home. same for carl donovan in chicago and angela and paula palerlyo in florida. it was 2007, and cbs news was reporting that across the country, the housing bubble was beginning to burst, but on wall
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street, some goldman sachs executives were cheering. "sounds like we will make some serious money, "bon goldman banker e-mailed another, referring to bets goldman made against the housing market, called shorts. "good news. we make $5 million." another e-mail as a california subprime mortgage maker went belly-up. and this from goldman c.e.o. lloyd blankfein: "we lost money then made more than we lost because of shorts. >> they were self-interested promoters of risky and complicated financial schemes. >> reporter: michigan democrat carl levin is chairman of the subcommittee investigating the role of investment banking in the housing meltdown. he made the goldman emails public. >> they bundled toxic and dubious mortgages into complex financial instruments, sold them to investors, magnifying and spreading risk throughout the financial system. >> reporter: in a statement today, goldman sachs again aserred it lost money in the
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mortgage market, $1.2 billion in one year. and said the senate subcommittee "cherry-picked just four e-mails from 20 million pages of documents," "making it seem the subcommittee had reached its conclusion even before holding a hearing." on wall street thursday, president obama criticized bankers for what he called reckless practices as he works to head off a republican filibuster of his financial reform package when it comes up for a vote next week. more trouble for the powerful investment bank. 63 members of the house, including one republican, are urging the justice department to open a criminal investigation of goldman sachs, while two of its shareholders have filed suit, accusing the c.e.o. of lax oversight of deals involving risky mortgage-backed securities that later went bad. jeff. >> glor: tony guida in new york this evening. tone ethank you. the national debate over immigration is ratcheting up0
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tonight now that arizona's governor has signed the toughest law in the country. supporters say a flood of illegal immigrants has left arizona no alternative while opponents vow to fight that law in the court and hit the state's pocketbook. john blackstone is in arizona this evening. >> reporter: in tiewson today, protests continued over arizona's tough new law cracking down on illegal imimmigration. hundreds turned out to rally against the law. this congressman called on industries from manufacturing to tourism to boycott his own state. >> there has to be an embarrassment sanction, and that's part of it, and there has to be an economic sanction. >> reporter: the economic intablght of the bill signed by republican governor jan brewerred from has many in arizona nervous. the state is dependent on the $19 billion visitors spend here annually to support more than 160,000 tourist-related jobs. and of the 37 million tourists that visit the state, nearly four million come from mexico. all legally with money to spend.
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the new law gives police broad powers to question people's immigration status and require them to provide proof of citizenship. critics say that will lead to racial profiling, something governor brewer addressed head-on yesterday. >> i will not tolerate racial discrimination or racial profiling. >> reporter: businesses here remember the last time there was an economic boycott from 1990-1993. the state lost 170 conventions and $300 million from boycotts because of the state's failure to approve a martin luther king jr. holiday. >> i'm not willing to stand by and see everything that i've worked for, my community, go down the drain. >> reporter: the governor says the state has no choice. it's estimated there are a half million illegal immigrants living in arizona, and that 9% of the state's population, nearly double what it was 20 years ago. but arizona has already seen that enforcing tough immigration laws is easier said than done. three years after passing a tough crackdown on employers
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hiring illegal immigrants an enforcement audit found half the businesses check head hired undocumented workers. >> glor: john blackstone in phoenix, thank you. join us from washington to help put the immigration debate and the rest of the week in focus is political anively john dickerson. john, clearly a great deal of passion on this issue both in arizona and in washington. right now, does the white house have the support for immigration reform? >> no. the president doesn't have the votes. he called some republicans this week to try to convince them. they weren't convinced, and he's going to have a tough fight ahead of him on this. democrats think even if something doesn't pass, they can get hispanic voters excited. the problem with the politics on this is conservatives also get very excited about immigration reform. lindy graham, senator from south carolina, has said moving too fast on immigration will ruin any efforts to work with graham on climate change bills. so the politics of this are very exciting and unpredictable. >> glor: meanwhile, let's go back to these goldman e-mails for a second if we can.
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we know the senate begins debate on financial reform this coming week. how do these e-mails affect that debate? >> well, they help the white house. the white house has been trying to say republicans are in the pocket of wall street to the extent that these e-mails make goldman actions and wall street look bad, that puts pressure on republicans. but democratic leaders in the senate say they don't have the 60 votes they need. what's keeping republicans held together on this is that they think while wall street is unpopular, that government is also quite unpopular so the notion that government is here to help you is not necessarily a winning argument in this case. >> glor: john dickerson joining us, as always, from washington. john, thank you. >> reporter: thanks, jeff. >> glor: still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, heartbreaking medical decisions in the aftermath of an earthquake.
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in haiti, the medical crise there remains desperate. the situation in the capital is bad, in the northern city of port-de-paix, jon lapook found doctors and nurses going from crise to crisis during his visit to haiti on the long road back. >> it's not scientific at all. but it works. >> reporter: as a nurse working in northern haiti, melissa curtis is trying to deliver a baby. in primitive conditions. >> there's no reason why she hasn't had this baby. she's just exhausted. >> reporter: in one corner of the room is a premature baby weighing less than three pounds. in the other is a mother struggling in labor. when the unborn baby's pulse drops, the only oxygen machine in this clinic is taken from the preemie and given to the mother. >> i just spoke to the head nurse and she said there's not any availability here of c-section, so what's going to happen is going to happen.
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about 100 miles northwest of port-au-prince, the city of port-de-paix has no paved roads and limited electricity. it's the poorest part of haiti, and it is a stark reminder of the state of health care, even before the earthquake struck january 12. by 8:00 a.m., 400 patients line up at the northwest haiti christian mission. its clinking doesn't have enough equipment but is still one of the best in the area. are you already starting to see effects of the earthquake? >> absolutely. >> reporter: what kind of effects? >> we saw them immediately. we saw a huge population shift to this zone. >> reporter: as many as 700,000 people left port-au-prince after the quake. 50,000 came to this area. mary st. fluoris one of them. the house fell down on you? >> yeah, the house fell down and our roof was like this on my head. >> reporter: a steel door crushed mary's leg and broke her foot. her leg is badly swollen and she
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came to the clinic because she's afraid of losing it. where do the tears come from? is it from the pain or the sadness or both? >> i don't know. >> reporter: even a simple x-ray would help the, to thes figure out why her thigh is so swollen. >> you can't get a c.t.? >> no. >> reporter: but there's no x-ray machine here and mary can't afford the $15 it would cost at the public hospital in port-de-paix. the earthquake crippled the health care system already desperate for a government overhaul. but the disaster incapacitated the government, too. 49 of the 80 public hospitals in port-au-prince were damaged. an estimated 10,000 nongovernmental organizations, or n.g.o.s, have stepped up to care for the two million haitians living in tents. >> this is the best formula for disaster. that's what i've said since the beginning. >> reporter: dr. reginald ludman is a haitian doctor working for the n.g.o . world vision. >> when you look behind you, there is not enough space, not
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enough sun coming into the tents. and people are living in-- we have not -- >> reporter: epidemibs of disease like typhoid and hepatitis. and without clean water or proper shelter, the best efforts of n.g.o.s are not enough. enough. this used to be the ministry of health. rebuilding it will be the easy part. the hard part? creating for the very first time an effective public health system. to do that, there needs to be leadership and coordination under a central organization. >> n.g.o.s do whatever they want. >> reporter: dr. gellen is a former government health official. he says the outlook is not good. >> reporter: to keep the system from failing, there is a call to decentralize port-au-prince, move the resources into other provinces, and encourage n.g.o.s to train haitians to help themselves. as the nation struggles to
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survive, back at the clinic, the two babies do the same. the premature baby's mother seems resign. how did you feel to see the baby so small? >> my heart was breaking because i see that my child is so week. >> reporter: when comes next for you and the baby? >> well, god gave me this child. if he takes it, it's his will. >> reporter: the preemie is having trouble breathing. in the u.s., over 90% of such babies survive. but five days later, the baby boy died. as one mother grieves... >> hello, baby! >> reporter: the mother we saw in labor welcomes her healthy baby girl into the world, a six pound 11 ounce symbol of haitian resilience. dr. jon lapook, cbs news, port-de-paix. haiti. >> glor: we'll be right back.
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the 20th anniversary image is called "mystic mountain," but this mountain is actually a pillar of gas and dust three lightyears in length. its dark shadows are being pierced by astonishing light of nearby stars and infant stars forming inside. also from hubble, the orion neb lark the home of brand new planetary systems and thousands of stars. hubble's deepest view ever was this look back 14 billion years. only 600 million years after the big bang to galaxies just beginning to form. and this, another stunning image of saturn at the edge of its rings, more evidence of hubble's amazing 20-year run. believe it or not, the hubble does not travel to planets or stars. takes all of its pictures from earth's orbit traveling 17,000 miles an hour. still ahead to tonight's cbs evening news-- will she or won't she? the panda
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washington, the pandas are the must-see treeks. >> what's he eating? >> bamboo. >> bamboo! that's right! >> reporter: the national zoo is now on panda watch, hoping for a new cub. >> cherry blossom and pandas we go nuts over. >> reporter: swriew keepers say the behavior indicate the end of a real pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. it's not easy to tell with pandas. >> she has tropical depression off with her eating some. she's sleeping more and doing a lot of body grooming. she's cradling objects which is something typical of a panda about to give birth. >> reporter: other behaviors like shredding bamboo and making a nest in her den also has picked up. there are signs she is at least preparing for something. >> it's really a mystery until she actually either gives birth to a cub or doesn't. we won't know for sure whether she's pregnant or not. >> reporter: around here a new pug would bring back pan pandem
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pandemonium. the nation's capital went nuts, fawning over his every move. fans were crushed when he was moved to china in february to enter a breeding program, part of a deal that brought his parents to the zoo in 2000. >> he go to china. >> it was really sad. it was kind of funny. people were waving good-bye and crying it. >> reporter: now, fought volunteers are monitoring her every move. veterinarians are conducting ultrasound for any sign of a fetus, but for panda lovers, the wait is tough to bear. whit johnson, cbs news, washington. >> glor: that is the cbs evening news tonight. russ mitchell will be here tomorrow night. i'm jeff glor, cbs news, in new york. good night.
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