tv The Early Show CBS May 21, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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4:25. breaking news. wall street reform. the senate votes to overhaul regulations on banks and other financial institutions. we'll tell you how this could impact you. pilot threat. jet blue grounds one of its pilots after he sends an e-mail threatening to crash a plane. we'll have the latest. the oil hit hs home. heavy crude reaches the shores of louisiana where residents are fed up. we'll ask a top bp official what the company's doing about it. and lohan drama. lindsay low man gets a last minute reprieve after facing up to six months in jail for missing a court hearing. we'll tell you how she narrowly escaped early this friday we'll tell you how she narrowly escaped early this friday morning may 21st, 2010. captioning funded by cbs
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we made it to friday, everybody. congratulations. good morning and welcome to t"te early show". >> julie will be mehere in a little while. this morning we're seeing that well that's gushing oil into the gulf of mexico in real time. this picture shows you the oil and gas that is spewing out which bp now acknowledges what a lot of people have been saying for a long time, that it's a lot more than originally estimated. that's just one of several new developments this morning and we'll ask a bp official about all of them. >> and it took a month to get that picture. first the latest from wall street. not good news as financial reform takes a giant step forward. late last night, the senate approved tough new rules on banks and other institutions which could be put in place by the fourth of july. cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is
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at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> reporter: and we've seen two big questions lately spooking the markets. one is the future of financial regulatory reform. the other is the status of the global recovery and with the senate's vote last night, we have an answer or a closer answer to one of those big questions. >> the bill as amended is passed. >> reporter: with those words, the senate approved the most sweeping financial regulation of wall street since the great depression. the financial regulatory reform act passed the senate by a 59-39 vote. four republicans voted in favor. two democrats opposed it. coming just two months after health care reform, it's viewed as an important achievement for president obama. >> our goal is not to punish the banks but to protect the larger economy and the american people from the kind of upheavals that we've seen in the past few years. >> reporter: some of the key provisions create a financial stability oversight council that would identify risks to the
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financial system, set up a bureau of consumer protection to curb abusive lending, particularly with mortgages, ensure that troubled companies no matter how big can be liquidated at no cost to taxpayers. >> because of financial reform, the american people will never again be asked to foot the pill for wall street's mistakes. there will be no more taxpayer funded bailouts.pill for wall street's mistakes. there will be no more taxpayer funded bailouts. period. >> reporter: the bill still needs to be reconciled with the house version passed in november. and senators like chris dodd are pushing for a vote on that reconciled version by july 4th. >> let's and you can about ttal a and the bill. the volatility down there is nutty. >> reporter: and uncertainty and instability, that's the key
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word. it's not just about this financial regulatory reform. which is a big component. it will definitely determine how banks in the future do their businesses and some things can really change about how banks conduct business. but also this question about the global recovery. the fears over what's happening with europe's debt right now are certainly playing in to that uncertainty, as well. >> rebecca jarvis on wall street this morning. thank you so much. this morning a jet blue pilot is in deep trouble after allegedly threatening to crash the plane that he was scheduled to fly. eileen curran of our boston station, wbz tv is at logan airport where he was taken into custody. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this appears to stem from a bad breakup. sources tell us the jet blue pilot's girlfriend contacted authorities after she received an e-mail from him where he threatened to crash the plane he was about to flyoncile with him.
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it was the most unsettling news for passengers about to take off on jet blue last night in boston. >> i don't think it's appropriate, especially with what's going on rn at world. >> reporter: a source tells wbz a pilot, so personally distraught, he e-mailed his girlfriend threatening to crash the plane he was about to fly if h they didn't reconcile their relationship. >> it's ridiculous, but people say things and they don't always mean it. >> reporter: but this was taken seriously. the tsa confirms the pilot was taken into custody, admitted he wasn't fit for duty, and needed help. and taken to a local hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. >> i would think given all the training that they've had, that they would have been given all sorts of warnings about the implications of anything that they say to anybody. >> reporter: the airline released a statement saying, quote, a jet blue pilot was removed from duty for health related reasons. at no point were any customers
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or aircraft in danger. and jet blue calls reports the pilot threatened to crash his plane, quote, pure speculation. >> if that's something that's on his mind, you know, you can't -- that can't be taken too lightly. >> reporter: and jet blue also says it is working closely with boston authorities to make sure that the pilot gets the proper medical attention. maggie, back to you. >> eileen curran of wbz tv, thanks. now for the latest on the massive oil spill in the gulf. this morning bp is conceding that the size of the spill is bigger than its original estimate. oil has now washed ashore in populated areas along the louisiana coast and people there are getting angry. cbs news correspondent mark strassmann is in empire, louisiana with more. good morning, mark. >> reporter: good morning, harry. as you just mentioned, as more oil does wash ashore, a deepening frustration and fury and gloom is also settling here.
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harsh feelings dreblgts s dire bp and the federal government. a feeling that this disaster will only get worse. oil has finally washed up where louisianians live. people had wanted it the feds to build sand barriers. they're still asking, but less politery. >> wasn't them to get our their butts. you've got to give us a permit. >> reporter: thursday bp allowed the first real time images of the gushing well, but only under pressure from congress. company officials admit the leak is much great every than earlier estimates. the black tube with stripes is the straw-like device syphoning up 200,000 gallons of oil a day, but hook how much isn't being collected. congressman ed markey, a bp critic. >> bp has lost all credit ability. now the decisions will have to be made by others.creditability. now the decisions will have to be made by others. it's clear that they have been
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hiding the actual consequences of this spill. >> reporter: unit der orders from the epa, bp has to switch to less toxic chemicals to break up oil in the water. this video obtained exclusively by cbs news shows the chemicals in a light colored cloud mixing with the oil may 2nd. bp has already used 655,000 gallons of the toxic dispersants. none of it's good news to jeff gallet. he worries about the oyster areas his family has fished for four generations. >> this is going from oyster shrimp from birds, fish, everything. >> reporter: bp's credibility is a major frustration, a complaint here, a sense that the company will not give people here the straight story about the magnitude of this disaster. homeland security secretary napolitano agrees. she has sent a letter to the company demanding a full and
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public disclosure. maggie? >> mark strassmann in louisiana. thanks, mark. joining ugs now from robert, louisiana is chief operating office doug suttles. good morning. we've learned bp grossly underestimated the size of the leak, that congress had to pressure you to reveal the live video. can you can understand why a congressman told thaws bp has lost all credibility? >> well, maggie, i understand the frustration. i know people want more information. they want this thing to come to an end, they want us to be able to clean it up very, very quickly and we're rye to go do these things. i can tell you we're trying to give the data as quick as we. we've tried to upload the video to our website. i think that's up now. the chemicals we're using for dispersants are actually approved by the epa.
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>> but it seems like every day we hear new allegations that bp had been cutting corner respect. the most recent one is that the company that was hired by bp to test the integrity of the well says that they were told to stop before the explosion, before they were finished. so many of these keep mounting. how can you keep responding to this? >> maggie, i understand that people are very concerned and they're trying to find what's wrong. and i can understand that. lots of things are being looked at. as you know, there's many investigations taking place. i know they'll get to the bottom of what caused this and i know they'll figure out what needs to change. but at the moment as you know, what i'm trying to do is figure out how do we get the thing stopped, how do we minimize the impact and how do we fight this thing at sea. >> so as the individual most focussed on the response to this cleanup, what is the best case scenariond and the worst case scenario? >> i think the best case scenario is actually either late
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sunday or early monday this top kill procedure works and the flow stops. i know we all want that to occur. i know everyone is behind that. i think the worst case is it takes us until the relief well gets down, which will probably be about early august. but between now and then, we'll try every technique available to to us actually get this flow stopped. >> there are a lot of people who say they're not sure if the environment will survive this. are you confident that it it will, are you confident that bp will survive this? >> it's hard to actually know for certain because i'm not an expert, but i do know there have been larger spills and gulf has survived. the experts tell me that there are many things going for us in this case. it's a large body of water, it's a warm body of water, it has natural oil seeps which the environment deals with, but we'll put a lot of effort into monitoring this and do everything we can to minimize it
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impact. but i'm optimistic that the gulf will fully recover. >> and as for your company? >> you know, maggie, there are over almost 100,000 employees for bp, i think about 40,000 if the united states. we're the largest invest authorize in oil and gas in the united states, the biggest producer. i believe we will. we have a great team of people that are very dedicated, their commitment has shown up. i'm very, very proud what have they're actually doing. and i believe we will. i believe -- >> our satellite seems to have frozen up, but we thank doug suttles for his time morning. betty nguyen is at the news desk. good morning. this morning a top obama administration official is paying the price for mistakes that almost led to disaster. he's dennis blair, director of national intelligence. bill plante has more. >> reporter: blair leaves after a series of intelligence
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failures and serious doubts about whether the job itself has any real relevance. in a written statement, president obama said of blair during his tenure, has performed admirably and effectively at a time of great challenges. but still blair's resignation was not a surprise. u.s. intelligence failed to identify the terrorist ties of army major nidal hasan who killed or wounded more than 40 people at ft. hood. and then there was the christmas day airline bombing attempt. there were 14 separate int intelligence failures. the agency has been under increased scrutiny in that the ranking member of the senate intelligence committee said of blair's resignation it must have been challenging to be forced on the sidelines by the attorney general but still catch all the
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blame for the failings. counterterrorism analyst philip mudd says the post of director of national intelligence needs to enter defined. >> he's leaving because if you look at the position that he was assigned to, it's a very difficult position. you're trying to manage the intelligence community, which is a community of hundreds of thousands of people, when you don't actually own those people. >> reporter: blair was also on the losing side of tur it of battles with cia director leon panetta, but his one white house official put it, his job was to connect all the dots and we only had bits and pieces. betty? h. >> bill plante at the white house. thank you. a follow-up now on deportation fears for a second grader who met the first lady, michelle obama, this week. the 7-year-old girl hinted to mrs. obama that her mother is an illegal immigrant saying she doesn't have papers. so is her mom in trouble? apparently not. homeland security says immigration authorities won't pursue the little girl's family. now to professional cycling's latest doping scandal.
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disgraced cyclist floyd landis finally admits he used drugs and he claims lance armstrong did, too. cbs news correspondent ben tracy has more. >> reporter: before crashing during a race in california thursday, lance armstrong fired back at accusations that he used performance enhancing drugs. >> it's all a bunch of [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he questioned the motives of his former teammate. >> it's his word versus ours. we like our word, we like where we stand. >> reporter: after four years of doping denials -- >> did you use any -- gr no. >> reporter: and $2 million trying to clear his name, landis now admits he cheated for years. >> only reason i'm doing any of this is because i want to cheer my conscience. i don't want to lie to anybody, including high mom. >> reporter: in a series of e-mails, the former tour de france champion said he used banned substances. he says his doping began when he joined lance armstrong's team in 2002 and says the seven time
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tour winner gave him the blood boosting drug epo. >> only lance armstrong knows whether he has something to hide or not. >> reporter: because armstrong has never tested positive. >> he's bit of a pariah among the racers and among the staff. they feel like he lied about whether he was doping or not. >> reporter: the question is whether or not landis is now telling the truth. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. dave price is here now with the first check of the weather. good morning, dave. >> good morning, everyone. let's go to the maps and take a look at this morning's headlines. we've got wet weather, hot weather and then the best weather. let's get to it. first let's talk about the hot weather. look at these numbers. these are not heat indices. they're actual highs. phoenix, in the triple digits. lo laredo at 101.
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in the desert southwest, a fire throat. meanwhile, east coast is going to that's a quick look at your weather picture p gusts of 50 miles per hour in portions of southwest take. still to come this morning, lindsay lohan messes up again missing her day in court. find out why she didn't get sentenced to jail. >> when you were in 4 h down in
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miami, did you ever show hogs? >> negative. >> no? we'll meet a 4 h teenager who ohio that saved up so much money from showing hogs she bought a house. how about that? >> not bad. kiss those lines goodbye! bye bye! discover new juvéderm® xc, the smooth gel filler your doctors uses to instantly smooth out those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth for up to a year! temporary side effects include redness, pain,
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so just 24 hours ago it looked like lindsay lohan was going jail. because last minuteman you're saved her. we'll tell you what it it is when we come back. >> announcer: in portion of "the early show" sponsored by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand
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observe the stunning blue sea. in your mind that is. well, you get the picture. actually, you don't. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. haha, here already? i got another 300 miles in me. sure you do, honey. come on guys, give me a hand. we can make it to paper clip mountain! looks like somebody needs a comfort inn. hi, reservation for the carter family? ahh yes. your room is ready. [ female announcer ] free high-speed internet... relaxing pool... cozy beds and free breakfast with hot waffles. need to relax after a long day of vacation? comfort inn. now stay two times with comfort inn or any choice hotel... and you can earn a $50 restaurant gift card. book now at and we've got some huge rollbacks. come on. let me show you. this is just a dollar now. who wants a rollback? don't you want a rollback? three bucks less. can you believe that? that's a dollar savings right there. how's your breath? rollback! i hope it's on rollback. [ laughs ] [ beat-boxing ]
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they sound like they're on an amusement park right. that's what it's like here on a friday. you're supposed to put your hands up like this. welcome back to "the early show." coming up, a proud and young homeowner. how young? how about a teenager. we want you to meet lindsay, a 19-year-old ohio farm girl. she just bought that house with cash indeed. and we'll tell you how she did it and her amazing story in just a couple minutes. >> we could all learn a little something from lindsay this morning. also ahead, you remember these guys from last fall. we saw their unbelievable basketball shots on youtube. now they have worked out a new
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video -- nothing but net -- just in time for the nba finals. and it is even more incredible. we'll show to you exclusively. but first, at 7:30 on this friday, new trouble for lindsay lohan. she was a no snow a court appearance yesterday. she was in france and said that her passport was stolen, so she couldn't leave the country in time for the hearing. the judge threatened to put a her in jail, but there was a dramatic last minute twist and layer are a spencer is here to tell us what happened. >> reporter: it looks like she was in big trouble. $100,000 bail was what h. >> reporter: it looks like she was in big trouble. $100,000 bail was set.what happ. >> reporter: it looks like she was in big trouble. $100,000 bail was set. her legal team did some maneuvering and was able to avoid a jail sentence. so for now, lindsey's okay. from the dog ate my home work to
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the end/she said, this story will just not go away. >> her father says that this this no show in court is further evidence that she needs help. has he made any head way in his efforts to get her to go to rehab? >> he sounds incredibly frustrated. i know he desperately wants her to get help. he has asked the court and feels confident they agree with him that what she needs is not jail, but mandated rehab. and what he's asking for is a rehabilitation center that's closer to the family's home on long island because he and his attorney, lisa bloom, believe that it's integral for her health that the family come together as a unit which sounds like a great idea finally and get her healthy as a teen. so that's what they're hoping for. but he sounds so frustrated. she blamed the missing passport on him. and he said he's had it with her. he said she is sick and the fact that she's in cannes choose to go attended parties when she
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should be back here attending hearings is further evidence that she's out there. >> so she needs to get back home. when will she be back in a? >> she better be back in l.a. by monday. the court has said and made it quite clear that lindsay needs to be in court with her attorney 8:30 a.m. no excuses. she has a temporary pass toporto she better be there. >> way >> i wanted to ask you about bret michaels who everything was just astonished at how quickly he recovereded from that brain hemorrhage. was he back in the hospital? >> he was back in the hospital again. it was miraculous, right? he had this incredible recovery and then earlier this week he was apparently suffering from mumness on the left side of his body that included his face and his hands.
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doctors describe it as a warning stroke. tests showed that he has a hole in his heart. the poor guy. doctors say it's quite serious, but it is operable. they also say thats's highly unlikely that it's connected to the brain hemorrhage. so he's got a lot going on. we have learned, though, that he went back home last night and on his website, he says, quote, he's sick and tired of being in a hospital and he's ready to rock again. so i know he has a sold out show on may 26th in arkansas. and here's hoping he makes it there. >> oh, absolutely. also, we're hearing that jesse james, the estranged husband of sandra bullock, will follow in her foot steps and leave l.a. she's been in new orleans. where is he going? >> well, first it was sandra, now it's jesse. he's high tailing it out of the los angeles area. he's put their former home up for sale down in orange county and "people" magazine is now reporting that he's looking for a place to live in austin, texas.
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as you probably know, bullock has a home in austin, texas. although she is currently intending a lot of time in new orleans with her adopted son, lewis, who is from there. friends say it's because he's holding out tone hope for a reconciliation. >> lara 13e7bser, as always, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> and we'll look for the latest on lindsay lohan tonight on the "insider." even if it take as cous a court needs to get into rehab. >> i don't know what you can do. >> force her. dave is here with a friday look at the weather. we're very excited about friday. >> no scandal zone right here. so let's get to it. as we journey across the country, let's take a quick look at our national forecast. at elevation, you'll's some snow as you head to the pacific northwest. maybe six inches or so in the highest elevation. rain otherwise. east of denver, you'll see strong showers. threat of severe weather.
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ohio valley is going to see some rain today. let's talk about an interesting fact as we look to the east of florida and to the east of the coastline. we know hurricane season begins june 1st. look at this. this could become a tropical depression. if it is, it will become alex. tropical depression could form that could bring heavy rain and high winds to places like north florida, georgia and south carolina area. we'll continue to watch that as it develops. rare but not out of the question for this
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7:37 right now. that's a look at your weather this half hour. >> does the official start of tropical season is -- >> june 1. >> we're almost there. >> yeah. >> i knew you would know that. >> he better. >> if i didn't, we have bigger problems. sdl thank, dave. up next, you'll meet a young one, you'll love this, who spent her childhood showing off pigs and brought home the bacon. >> nice, harry. >> when with come back on "the early show." you'll love this story. to you? nothing. you don't enjoy things the way you used to. you're sad. anxious. maybe you feel guilty. fatigued. then there's the aches and pains. cymbalta can help. cymbalta treats many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens,
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notice the lifelike color on this yellow seahorse. oh sorry, yellow-ish seahorse on your tv with three color technology. observe the stunning blue sea. in your mind that is. well, you get the picture. actually, you don't. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant.
7:40 am
zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. in hard times it's always good to have a lesson in saving. and this is a great story. 19-year-old lindsay bindgar loves to show her price winning hogs at local fairs. over the years, she saved $40,000 in price money and bought a house in her hometown of greenfield, ohio, where she joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm really well. i'm really well.
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you look great in front of that house. >> thank you. >> for the folks in america who don't understand what it means to show a hog, tell us what that is. how do you do that? >> well, you get the hog in early may and you have it for six months. if they're lucky enough to be my hog, they get baths and walks and clean pens and fresh feed every night. you show them at the highland county fair or state fair or national fair. and you show them to the judge and see what the judge thinks and if you're lucky enough to be that one, then you're lucky enough to get some money. >> what kind of breed do you show? good >> i show cross breds. >> you've been very good at this and have accumulating prize winnings. i would imagine as a kid wouldn't want you want to spend some of that money? have you ever spent any of it? >> yeah, actually, i spent my --
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i won open show one year and that's just a smaller show from the county fairs. i won $300 and i kind of splurged on a purse and a little bit of a shopping spree. and that's the only money i've ever spent until now. >> so over all these years showing hogs at all these fair, you saved how much money? >> $40,000. >> $40,000. now, are your parents pretty thrifty? >> yes. yeah. my dad especially. he's very financially stable, i would say. he's very good with his money. >> well, what made you decide then at 19, at the ripe age of 19 years old, that you were going to go ahead and buy a house? >> well, the opportunity came up and my tad said that it would be a good investment and make me money in the long run. and i was all for it. >> because right now, housing prices i imagine are about as low as they're going to go. and if you're 19 years old and
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hang on to that even for another 19 years, you'd probably make a dollar or two. >> yeah that's what i'm hoping. i'm hoping the economy goes up, makes me some money. >> there you go. now, so are you living in this house? >> no. i rent it out to my great aunt and uncle. i'm tell living at home. >> so you buy the house for cash, rent the thing out. so it's not only accumulating value presumably, but you're getting rental income at the same time. >> right. right. yeah. >> holy cow. i tell you what, you know, there's a job at the federal reserve that might be available. the president may want to get you -- >> i want to be a teacher. >> that would be a good use of your talents, as well. we sure do appreciate you coming on the show this morning and telling us your story. and congratulations. >> thanks for having me.
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haha, here already? i got another 300 miles in me. sure you do, honey. come on guys, give me a hand. we can make it to paper clip mountain! looks like somebody needs a comfort inn. hi, reservation for the carter family? ahh yes. your room is ready. [ female announcer ] free high-speed internet... relaxing pool... cozy beds and free breakfast with hot waffles. need to relax after a long day of vacation? comfort inn. now stay two times with comfort inn or any choice hotel... and you can earn a $50 restaurant gift card. book now at "know it all" made a cup of premium starbucks via. "know it all" shared it with "single and loving it!" who made a cup the next morning for "ladies man" as he was rushing out the back door.
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he shared it with "blondes have more fun" and "fiery redhead," who, after finding out about each other, shared starbucks via with their new boyfriends, "firemen keep it hot" and "drummers rock," who called his friend "know it all," who said he already knew about it. premium starbucks via ready brew. now available wherever you buy groceries. ♪ for all active families. our advanced 2-in-1 power... cleans tough stains like grass better than the leading oxi detergent and helps get your family's wash incredibly white and bright. try new all oxi-active. it's all good. to help your skin get healthy and clear. fast forward a few years... ...and now that your problem is wrinkles we still have the solution dermatologists recommend most. neutrogena anti wrinkle moisturizer with pure retinol sa. in just 1 month it's clinically proven to smooth even the deepest wrinkles. so all you neutrogena girls it's time to become neutrogena women.
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neutrogena recommended most by dermatologists. at world record speed. i'm luke myers. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. announcer: eggs. incredible energy for body and mind. (guitar music) we brought julie into see this. all of you will be amazed. do you remember that we met they call themselves dude perfect? these students at texas a&m, they're also roommates who became youtube sensations with their incredible basketball shots. well, that was nothing. take a look at their latest one. >> you're in the air. >> let's go, baby. >> let's go, tyler. >> this is the airplane shot.
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>> no, your eyes are not deceiving you. they really hung out of an airplane out of a crop duster and on their second try got the ball in the basket in the field below. it was a stormy morning in austin to boot. so not only did they have to figure out the right speed and height of the plane, but they had to account for the storm and rain. and they nailed it on the second try. that's not edited. >> and they had to get the gmc truck in there in the right way, too. >> because gmc sponsored it. >> and that's just one of the videos that they made for the nba finals for gmc. we'll see more as the playoffs continue. >> i will take credit forgetting them on the show in the first place. >> oh, you will, will you? >> yes, because i saw this video. i'm online doing my usual surfing. and i see this crazy video and i
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says not possible, not possible. so we had them on and they explained how they do all these opportunities. and they're cool guys. very, very cool guys. >> okay, you do deserve credit then. >> we'll give harry credit for bringing help back because they're coming back monday. >> i invented basketball. >> and this is my show. did you know that 40% of tooth surface is hidden between teeth, where inter-dental stains can form? that's why aquafresh created iso-active whitening. a breakthrough gel that transforms into an active foam. it not only helps prevent cavities, it whitens 33% better between teeth. whiten beyond toothpaste. try triple protection iso-active whitening from aquafresh.
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welcome back to "the early show" on this gorgeous friday morning here in noin new york c. >> look at all these people? >> it's the weather. >> as far as the eye can see. >> i'm julie chen with harry smith, maggie rodriguez and dave price. we'll have more on our series on alzheimer's disease. people make jokes all the time about having a senior moment, but sometimes these episodes are serious enough to be signs of alzheimer's. our dr. jennifer ashton will slain how to tell the difference. also ahead, early wrap of
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the week in the news. we'll be attacking some of the most important issues of the day, including the pole dancing episode in the past of miss usa. and then the kid who cheated his way into harvard and all that stuff. and i expect cheers to happen shortly because ashton kutcher is dropping by today. in his latest film, he play as killer who is trying to hide his past. very entertaining and actually also very funny.akiller who is his past. very entertaining and actually also very funny.killer who is ts past. very entertaining and actually also very funny. as he is, so anything can happen with ashton kutcher this morning on "the early show." >> everyone going to stick around for that? i think so. let's go inside first to betty nguyen. we begin with the oil spill disaster. crude is still gushing from that shattered bp well on the sea floor and sludge is washing into
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the mississippi delta. this morning maggie asked bp chief operating officer doug subtles for his best and worst indication scenarios on capping the well. >> i think the best case is actually late sunday or early monday this top kill procedure works and the flow stops. i think the worst case is it takes us until the relief well gets down which would probably be about early august. >> meanwhile, the epa has ordered bp to use the least toxic disperse ants available to help break up the oil slick. a jet blue pilot is in trouble for sending an e-mail promising to harm himself if they didn't reconcile the relationship. he was taken into custody, admitted he wasn't fit for duty and was taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation. a sad send to the search for
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kayleah wilson. police say a body that was found in a ditch if greeley, california wednesday has been identified as the missing girl. the death is ruled a homicide. she disappear orded on march 28. dental records were used to identify the body. the senate has approved a sweeping financial reform bill. the vote was 59-39 with four republicans voting yes. the bill gives the government more oversight of the biggest u.s. banks, imposes new trading regulations on complex derivative investments, requires home buyers to prove they can pay their mortgage, and creates a bureau to prevent abuse by banks and lenders. it must be reconciled with a house version. and just call him the white house mole. moments before president obama spoke, not an undercover spy, but a furry critter. see him right there? ran across the rose garden steps yesterday and disappeared into some bushes.
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we'll continue that investigation. katie couric now has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." good morning. it's a piece of medical equipment decades in the making. how some patients are moving to a whole new beat thanks to this heartfelt technological breakthrough. we'll have that story and much more tonight only on the cbs evening news. dave price has another check of the weather on this friday. >> good morning. what a gorgeous morning it is in the northeast. how about it? let's go to the maps right now. we told the story it's the pick lift the week here in the northeast. the lower third of the united states is going to deal with high heat. southern california, there's a fire threat. gusts could be as high as 50 miles an hour. they're currently this morning
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working on a fire in riverside county, california. meanwhile in the pacific northwest, the story is the rain and at the highest elevations, mountain snow. it looks dismal in places from the twin cities through sections of the ohio valley, but keep in mind by the time you get to the end of the weekend, you'll be flirting with 90 degrees in the warmest temperatures you've seen in minneapolis and st. paul since last august. here we go, everyone. it's going to be a great weekend in the midwest, sunshine, blue skies, highs in the upper 80s and low 90s. just the perfect weekend to transform your backyard into a vacation spot, so go out and get patio furniture and play sets all ready for the kids and get yourself prepared for the sum are because it is spoken upon u. that's quick look at our national map. here's an early look at what's going on in your area.
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>> announcer: this supersized weather report is sponsored by the home depot. more saving, more doing. that's the power of the home depot. and that's a quick look at your weather picture. houddy to everyone watch manage utica, new york. we'll send it back inside to you. up next, the warning signs of alzheimer's disease. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. let's take the garden into our own hands. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings
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haha, here already? i got another 300 miles in me. sure you do, honey. come on guys, give me a hand. we can make it to paper clip mountain! looks like somebody needs a comfort inn. hi, reservation for the carter family? ahh yes. your room is ready. [ female announcer ] free high-speed internet... relaxing pool... cozy beds and free breakfast with hot waffles. need to relax after a long day of vacation? comfort inn. now stay two times with comfort inn or any choice hotel... and you can earn a $50 restaurant gift card. book now at in this morning's "health watch," a senior moment or a symptom of alzheimer's?
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we want to wrap up our series on this devastating disease with a look at how the warning signs compare to the normal signs of aging. dr. jennifer ash ston is here t help. how you can tell the difference? >> it's completely normal to forget things from time to time almost on a daily basis. really we're talking here about memory loss that interferes with your daily activities, so especially short term. if you're in a conversation, someone says something, you usually lock that into your short term memory. if you find that someone around is you repeating that question in a same conversation, that can be an early sign. >> what if someone forgets the day of the week? >> also very common. usually, though, you can get command of that fact when you think about it. you'll remember it later. but losing track of general dates and seasons, not normal. and, again, that can be something that is subtle about you if you find you're getting it, you want to get evaluated
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seern rather than later. >> what about i can't find my car keys or glasses. >> just because you misplaced your car key, again, not something that would typically trigger a thought that you're progressing to alzheimer's. that's part of our daily hectic life. but if you find that you cannot retrace your steps, that's something that leaves the normal realm and goes in to something that could potentially be a sign of alzheimer's. the other thing that we hear again and again is if you find that you're putting those things or the person around you is putting those objects in strange places, so if you find a tooth brush or hair dryer in your car, the keys in the refrigerator, not normal. >> what about a lot of times people with alzheimer's, they struggle with speaking. they can't find the right word or they can't remember -- what is the word for that? >> exactly. that can be very common in the course of a normal day for anyone. we're multitasking. this is a little more subtle.
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we're talking about if i'm speaking to you and i don't remember what this is called. and i say to you give me that thing you're holding in your hand or instead of saying something's watch, you call it a wrist clock. that's a little more subtle. so forgetting words in speaking and in written language that can be an early sign. >> are there other early warning signs we haven't talked about that we should know about? >> they're subtle. talking about changes in judgment or withdrawing from work or your social life, those can be things that you might not necessarily notice in yourself, but you might notice it in other people. and the key is see someone early. you want to get evaluated by a doctor, whether a neurologist, a si psychiatrist, internist, and they will start to run through with you key things. when did the symptoms start, what kind of symptoms, and how often. if you have one of these things once in a blue moon, not usually a problem. if you're occurring with increasing frequency that can be a sign.
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and are they staying stable or gettings worse. a the sooner evaluated, the sooner they can get intervention, treatments and planning can start for those around them. >> dr. jennifer ashton, all good advice. thank you so much. up next, from miss usa's past to the travolta family's future, we'll take a look back at the week that was. >> announcer: "cbs health watch" sponsored by dannon activia. try the great new taste of active i can't light to help you feel. ce but to eat ce on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever. and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia!
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we've been talking all week again about the golf of mexico oil spill, but some new stories got our attention h this week. a harvard hoax, a new miss usa, and a new pregnancy for john travolta and kelly preston. here with an early wrap on the week's news is yahoo! web life editor heather cabot, ann marie
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cox and pete dominick from sirius radio. >> sirius xm radio. >> because if it were serious radio, you would be the last guy we would want here. >> no, i'm a comedian. b but i have a serious radio show. let's just look at the panel. beautiful, bald, beautiful, bald. >> got to have that. co do you want to talk about oil? does anybody want to talk about the oil spill? i mean, i'm incensed, i'm outraged, i'm what? >> and worried and scared. and you're not even in the white house. i came up here from washington and this is just freaking people out because it's not the same as
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katrina. obama won't lose that kind of political capital, but this is the worst environmental disaster history. >> can we quickly talk about the way that we use it? i'm on national tv. next time i go to the grocery store and i see someone buying a caves bottled water, i'm going to take my can of spam, throw it over their head and pump them over -- why do you need 100 bottles? get a thermos. keep refilling it. buy a bike. if we use all this, that's why we need it. >> i like the outrage. >> and your seafood, a study came out in, 40 year, if we keep fishing the way that we're fishing now, there will be no commercially sustainable seafood left. >> in milwaukee, they're taking former industrial buildings and growing perch in the buildings because the lakes won't sustain
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the personal oig ach anymore. >> i think the live stream will continue to outrage the public. i feel like we've been watching the pictures and now we can see it live unfolding right there. >> do you think for a minute that they didn't want those pictures out so people wouldn't realize, oh, my god, it's coming out at 50,000 barrels a day? >> of course. >> the nasa images that were taken to see the true extent of that arm. >> none of that has been funny so far. >> and the government's saying we took their word. really? when did we start taking their word? >> all right. adam wheeler. anyone know who he is? >> the whole world does now. does anybody here now how he was able to fake the s.a.t. scores? i cannot figure that -- how can you do that? >> i actually did do that. what you do --
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>> this guy brilliant fp it's a very sad story and i applaud his parents. >> the kid who fakd everything. >> how hard was that for help to come forward and basically say, you know what, our son has broke the law. and it's sad story . >> i'm turning my kids in if they're frauds. >> the kid needs help. >> there's. >> how is it that the local prosecutor is the guy who is involved in this? where is the administration of harvard? fu furs. >> good it hear harvard is getting bad press. this kid is set for life. it he getting bad press. this kid is set for hea getting bad press. this kid is set for life. wall street is recruiting him
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right now. they love a scammer. >> the new miss usa. the usa pageant had its own phony scandal before the pageant happened with the lingerie ads and all this other stuff. as it turns out, she's not only the first arab american to win the miss usa contest, but also the first miss usa winner to have been a pole contest winner, as well. >> and you me p-o-l-e. . >> i had her on my radio show for half an hour and then went out for drinks -- i'm lying like adam wheeler. but i had a poll in the studio. i want to switch this around. this woman is beautiful, she's smoking hot, she's really smart, and is very funny, which is upsetting when a beautiful person has a good sense of humor. but can we talk about pangeants for a second?
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why is there no man pageant? >> here's what's important. if in case this scandal results in her being stripped of her title, she's always have something to lean back on. >> oh, really? really? man pageant, harry. >> did you care about this this story in the only thing i cared about was that she tripped during the evening gown -- >> my favorite thing was she said after she won she said ask me about it after i have a pizza. beautiful women can eat. >> and last but not least, john and kelly having a baby. she's 47 years old. isn't it sweet? >> i'm sorry, no, it's not sweet. let's have a conversation -- they've been through a terrible tragedy. but can we have a conversation about how old is too old to purposely get pregnant? >> first of all -- you have that discussion with your wife.
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ask her about that. >> thank you all very, very much for being here. >> my wife is 80, by the way. and pregnant. now here's maggie. ashton kutcher is here to tell us about his new movie "killers" which i heard you're really good at shooting guns. >> i'm a fan of shooting guns. >> so i thought maybe you could teach me a little point and shoot with the camera. >> yeah, we can do that. i have some experience with this. i have long arms, so i can get a better frame. are you ready? why are you making a face? >> i'm smiling. let's see. oh, you're terrible. >> what are you talking about? it's like a fedex commercial. look at the truck in the background. >> i saw the movie and he's a lot better at shooting guns. we'll talk to him about that when we come back. don't go away. [ male announcer ] are you watching cable?
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awesome rocking crowd out on the plaza today. welcome back to the early show oig, everybody. everybody's ready for the weekend, but we want to start with serious science. we want to take a few minutes now praise bubble wrap. bubble wrap, it protects our valuables and provides hours of entertainme entertainment, right? i thought the best use was this. this is good, right? >> yes. >> but it's not the only one. the makers have an able competition asking kid it is to come up with creative new ways to use it and this morning we have three finalists who will compete this weekend for a $10,000 savings bond.
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how about that? very good. we begin with 13-year-old jared mann. how are you doing this morning? >> good. >> what is your creative important environment saving use? >> my invention uses bubble wrap in two different ways. the first one, let's say you haven't gone shopping into while, so you have lots of unused space in your refrigerator. >> unused space means energy wasted. >> yes. so what i just did is i took bubble wrap and just put it in the spots where there's space and -- >> and then you have this other very creative device here, too. what do you call this, this drape? >> this is the curtain. and there's one curtain in front of each shelf on so that when you open the refrigerator door, all the cool -- it stays cold. >> how brilliant is this guy
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jared? well done, well done. julie? >> i think i can top that, harry. i'm here with 14-year-old maryann bulawa. and her invention also has a conservation theme. tell us what you inventeinvente. >> mine is a smart toilet. it kroos bubble wrap to display the water that fills up in a tank. so you can use a powerful flush and low are powerful 234rush. when you don't want to use a lot of water to flush your toilet, you just leave it down and it displaces the water so less water fills up in the tank. >> that's kind of like putting a brick this there, right? >> yes, but my cousins, they he helped me out with the idea, they said sometimes you need a more powerful flush. when you need it that, take you
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this out and more water fills in. >> do you have a name for this? >> smart toilet. >> let's their for the smart toilet! maggie, can you stop the smart toilet? >> we yes, i think we can. this is 13-year-old matthew huber. and his invention is different from all y'all's. it's called petri bubbles because it makes use of each individual bubble in a very clever way. >> my invention, it can be used it like test for contaminated water or to test for diseases because it you can grow the bacteria inside of it and test for different diseases and it's really helpful for like disaster victims. >> so instead of individual petri dishes, he uses the bubbles which are the perfect size. a great idea. good luck to you. good luck to all of you guys. isn't that awesome?
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>> is there bacteria growing if h there now, are we in danger sner. >> let's stick your finger in this and find out. >> now we want to go back to dave. where are you, dave? >> over here. i was not allowed to enter, but i invented the body protective unit. and i did this -- how about that, huh? widen out the shot here. watch this, because with this bubble wrap, i'm completely protected from falls. how about that? >> very good. >> let's pop on over to the weather wall right now. it looks like in the northeast we will see probably the best -- i can't get up here. all right, there we go. thank you. your on camera appearance money is on its way. as we head to the northeast, programs the best dave ty of th week. southern california, watch for a
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fire danger. we have windy conditions with gusts upwards of 50 miles per hour. and high heat in south texas and it will be warm straight through the gulf states in to florida. that's a quick look at your nation that's a quick look at your weather picture. i'm humpty dumpty. maggie, over to you. this time the punk is on him. in his new movie "killers," ashton kutcher plays a hit man
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turned devoted husband, until one day everyone he knows starts trying to kill him. >> don't do it! sfwh ju sfwh. >> just shoot, please. >> are you crazy? >> ashton kutcher is here. good morning. and that's how your character's wife finds out that you're a spo former spy. >> yeah, it's a really relatable moving. >> he tries to get out of the spy thing. he's got to know that it will come back to haunt him. >> really it's more a movie about two people in a relationship that have this lie between them. and whether or not it's a good thing to keep things secret or not. and sometimes it is. there's some things that in a relationship you really just -- your partner just isn't like. >> like? >> like if it you're a killer. >> and the other scene i like is that, no, you don't have your
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mother's arms. >> but do i look good in these white pants? yes, you do. there do you ever have to lie in your marriage? >> lie, no. omit, occasionally it doesn't hurt. >> and thing about your character this week, he just really wants to be a normal guy. wants to go to the block party, he wants to leave his old life behind. >> that's it. it's just the idea of having a normal life sounds very good. sometimes i just want to go fishing. sometimes i just want to go for a walk down the street and get a coffee. >> do you ever get to be a normal guy in. >> yeah. occasionally. >> what do you do that's normal? >> i go get coffee. >> another they think you do is you interact with so many regular people on twitter, right? >> yeah. >> i'm in a tweet right now.
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>> you just omged? oh, lol. >> on how many twitter followers do you have? >> like about 5 million or so. >> and what is that like for you? do you ever get creeped out by that idea? >> nope. no, you know, i really see it as like it's a great place to do good things in the world. i sort of have a mantra that i sole from the guy who runs zoa.os and he said every has to be icy. it stands for inspiring, connective, entertaining or education. and so i'm sort of putting that out in the world and then people sort of put that back into you. and then you get a certain help amplify their messages. right now we're doing a competition for around the movie where i'm going to let one person actually like tweet something from my page. like anything that they want if they win the competition. so all they have to do is
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find -- the movie trail ser online and if they can find the one that has me at the end of it, telling them that they win, and then they put the code into my facebook page, then i'll send out a message whatever they want. >> as long as it's icy? >> yeah, within a parameter. >> icy, not racy. >> icy iwould be good. >> well, thank you so much. i love the movie. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by bayer advanced. better science, better results. summer means cookouts and other back yard fun and also lots of ges. so we've asked the host of carter can can on hdtv to show us how to sx baexpand our livin space into the outdoors. good to see you. this looks all very inviting. >> i'm going to change your life. you know why?
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because outdoor space is where it's at in the summertime. it's really about the barbeques sometimes with friends, family, but having the space outdoors. if you don't have the space, they don't want to hang out outdoors. so you want it to blur that line. >> because so often we think outdoors and you gee to tyou go furniture store and get a folding chair. >> it's really progressed. taking those elements that you have, the style, and make it inviting and comfortable for your friends. for instance this couch. i have the same sofa at home back up in michigan. it's made from a synthetic fibers, but also a teak frame. so very durable.
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>> you're in traverse city, which is way up it there. does this stuff hold up? >> actually, this fabric is an outdoor material, but in the springtime, take the sofa outside, the cushion, they will come in if it rains, but the rest of the summer, the whole thing winter comes about glp there's coffee table, your japanese lanterns. >> this string costs about $25, so very cheap. so if you're not a master electrician, you want to just string some up like this. very inexpensive. but even lamps that are very inexpensi inexpensive. >> i leak this whole idea of taking the living room, moving it outside. people hang out there forever. don't forget the scitronella
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candles. >> right, and ifdining spaces i you're adding square footage to your home. this table is a tropical hard wood. oil tefr onit every once in a w. add some color and make it inviting to your guests. >> i have some of these and the key words are you need to oil it and clean it. >> but, again, it's really about durability. and trust me, if you have a dining table outside, it's going to make all the difference. >> people will stay out there fours and hours. >> exactly. and that's why you have your lights, too.hfours and hours. >> exactly. and that's why you have your lights, too.ours and hours. >> exactly. and that's why you have your lights, too. the last thing which we have is a cabinet. i found this on am made saazoma
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inexpensive. on casters. whatever you want to put away, whether it's plates, additions, utensils, this is a perfect thick with thing with a lot of service area. >> and i think you can do some shopping, you can go on these different places p. you don't have to necessarily spend a fortune, although all of this looks really cool. >> and extremely durable and extremely eco-friendly, as well. and the synthetic fiber that won't fade and will last for a really long time. >> very cool looking stuff. you know what, though, you have the confidence to say i'm going to do it that, i'm going to do that. we'll just follow your example. >> why not? i appreciate that. >> carter oosterhouse, thank you very much. for more, go to our website,
8:44 am now that the guys have decorated our outdoor space, it's time for the girls to take over the grill. katie lee is here with great recipes for your summer barbeque. >> you're right, the grill is not just for the guys. we'll bring it out for the girls. let's hear it for the girls! we can grill, too. we'll show you how to make it really easy. you can't need a gas grill or lighter fluid. all you need is a chimney starter. this is about $13 at any hardware store. super simple. just take your newspaper from the morning, crumble it up, put in the bottom. just like that. >> can i see how it looks inside? for all you girls who may not have seen h this before, okay, so you put the newspaper right under that little thing?
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>> underneath. and is it t. stt stays in there. and you fill it with charcoal. i like hard wood char ccoal because it's all natural. light it and it gets red and ashy inside and gray on the top. and that means it's ready. just pick it up by the handle and dump it in. so that takes out all the lighter fluid and all that stuff. and next on the chicken, i love grilled chicken, but a lot of times it gets really dry and overcooked. so if you cook it on the bone with the skin, you'll keep the moisture this. we have a whole chicken. just take a set of kitchen shears and cut it open. just cut the backbone right out. >> you make it look so easy.
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>> it is easy. do you want to try? >> i'll let the pro to do it, tk you. >> so cut the backbone out. and kitchen shears are a really good tool to have. of course it's slipping on me. >> do you need help? >> i think i got it. so just cut that backbone right out and we'll throw this away. or you could keep itchicken sto. just push down on the breast bone like that and spread it out 37 now we'll make my mayor n marinade, just let me clean my hands off. so chilly powder, garlic salt and paprika. we'll generously salt the
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chicken and take it and brush our chicken. and that will get all that nice flavor in there. you can put this in the refrrer tore refrigerator or just put it right on the grill. i have one that's already done right here. you'll flip it on both sides. about 10 to 15 minutes on each side. and see how this is just falling apart? so tender and beautiful. >> you want to make sure it's cooked all the way through? >> so get a meat thermometer and it should read about 165 degrees and this means it's done. this is a grill to hang your stake. it's a flavorful cut of meat and
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less expensive than f filet. you can put this butter on your stake, really elegant. and you can grill your dessert. this is pineapple, put it on the grill and topped with caramel saws. >> any other fruit? >> any kind of stone fruit is good for the grill. >> we have like ten seconds left. >> i have grilled onions, kabobs, bread, anything can go on the grill. perfect for friday night. >> katie lee, thank you so much. and you can find the recipes on our website at we'll be right back. (announcer) even without pre-rinsing the food from your plates,
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he i want to thank our great crowd here. amazing group of folks. if you're not doing anything tomorrow, make sure you check out the saturday "early show." >> come on back. a great show. we have the dog whisperer, and also i got a fever, and the only prescription, more cowbell. >> how are you going to do it? >> christopher walken is on the show. and this segment you'll love, we have bikinis. betty, take it from here. ? i'm not wearing them, thank god. but, yes, we do have some of the best bikinis out there on the market. memorial weekend is right around the corner, so stay tuned for that. big show tomorrow. >> and jury is not out on
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exactly what we'll bewaring, so make sure you tune in. >> harry may come in for that. >> the cowbell segment. >> i will give 1u $ $100 if you up in a bikini. >> you bring the money. you're on. >> before we go, i have one quick question. i'm asking katie. for the shears, you have to clean it out? >> they pop right apart. you can put them in the dishwasher or clean them like any other dishes. >> and use them only for meat. we'll see and you monday. your local news is next.
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60. 30. 75. 65. it's not just a number. it's a revolution. i'm a 25. i'm a 30. your sleep number. my sleep number is 50. i'm a 90. because even though 9 out of 10 couples demand different degrees of firmness, only one bed delivers that: the sleep number bed. my sleep number is 35. and i'm a 60. after we found our sleep numbers, it brought us back together again in the same bed. it calibrates to the precise zone of comfort your body needs. adjustable on each side. now that we have the bed, we have one less thing to argue about 'cause i've got my soft bed, she's got her firm bed. the sleep number bed. a revolution in sleep. but it just could be a revolution in marriage. i actually enjoy sleeping next to my husband now. and during the sleep number memorial day sale,
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