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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  May 22, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> glor: tonight, as estimates of the gulf oil spill continue to soar, so does criticism of the government's response. >> i'm sick to my stomach. and we told them. we told them. >> glor: i'm jeff glor. also tonight, mission to iran it's mothers of three imprisoned mirns are back home tonight but still missing their children. game on-- in the worst job market since the great depression, many graduate feel their best best is on video games. and bottle boat-- a vessel made of recycled plastic bottles, hoping to make it across the ocean and send a message at the same time. >> what we're trying to advocate is smart material. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. >> glor: good evening. 31 days after the gulf rig
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explosion, oil continues washing ashore tonight as even larger plumes lurk offshore. the leak still has not been stopped. here is a live look underwater tonight at the gushing pipe 5,000 feet down, and here is the latest from the gulf coast. new estimates put the oil flow as high as 100,000 barrels a day. that's almost four million gallons a day. oil is reaching more gulf coast beaches and the finger pointing over who's to blame is growing more intense. our coverage begins this evening with mark strassmann in grand isle beach, louisiana. mark, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, jeff. for a second day, more oil has washed on these beaches. i mean, take a look at this. all these dark stripes you see are dried or drying oil. there's a lot of. it runs the length of this beach for seven miles. we were just in a boat offshore, and i can tell you from what we south carolina for this community, it's about to go from bad to worse. hazmat suits rather than bathing suits. it's another sign that grand
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isle has become grand oil. crude oil smears its seven-mile beach, closed by police order, other than cleanup crews. offshore, two porpoises swam into danger, into more oil, heading to the beach. this is more bad news for grand isle. this boat is sitting maybe 25 yards offshore, but it's also sitting in oil wave after wave of oil is now coming ashore, and behind me, there's not a boom in sight. >> i'm going to lose this place when i know i'm trying my best. and i want to save my fishing. >> reporter: wildlife officials found four more dead birds, all from grand isle. some were splattered in oil, including a brown pelican, the louisiana state bird. an egret was also covered in. oil is spilling into plaquimines parish. >> we told them the booms are not working. the booms are not working. >> reporter: a mile under the
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gulf, this b.p. tube trashed some of the gushing pipe line. but taken today, as thousands more barrels bled into the water, anxiety spiked across the gulf. >> where the wind blows is where the oil is going to go. >> reporter: this meeting in key west, florida, was packed. local leaders grilled b.p. officials and the coast guard. what's latest? what's the plan? their good news-- in the gurks f mexico, a new shift in the loop current could push less oil than feared towards florida. but that's no comfort to dodi vegas on grand isle. her family marina business is on the line, and next weekend, memorial day, suddenly no one wants to stay in her hotel. >> as soon as i hung up the phone, i was picking up the phone again. it was one after the other. >> reporter: all cancelling. >> yup, yup. >> reporter: and they all said the same thing? >> yup, yup, because of the oil. >> reporter: i want to show
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you something. the oil you saw floating offshore-- this is thatol a couple of hours later. it has all washed on to the beach. there is a lot more of it coming in almost with every wave, more oil, little bit and pieces of oil keep drifting in and spoiling this beach. noaa, the federal agency that watches the oceans, has a forecast projecting the path of this spill for the next 72 hours, jeff. this area is the bull's eye. >> glor: wow, sad scene tonight, mark strassmann tonight in grand isle beach, mark, thank you. in washington today, the debate over the obama administration's response to this spill intensified today. senior white house correspondent bill plante has that story. >> reporter: the pol tibs of anger over b.p.'s failure to plug the leak has become as toxic as the undersea gusher itself. with b.p. making little progress, there's increasing pressure on the administration to find a solution. >> we're drawing on america's best mind and using the world's best technol to stop the leak. >> reporter: in his weekly
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address, the president announced a bipartisan commission to investigate the disaster and admitted federal oversight of the industry has been poor. >> even as we continue to hold b.p. accountable, we also need to hold washington accountable. >> reporter: but increase will, members of congress, some in the president's own party are, urging the administration to do more than just continue to rely on b.p. >> if the defense department or nasa or cia have technologies that can help, they should use them right now. >> reporter: iian mcdonald of florida state university, who first questioned b.p.'s low estimate of spill volumes, is one of four scientists signing g this "new york times" op-ed piece today. they estimate the oil discharge is at least 40,000 barrel a day and could be as much as 10 100,0 barrels. mcdonald said the government should take a more aggressive role. >> it seems b.p. is calling the shots, even to the extent of collecting necessary data, and that shouldn't be totally that way. >> reporter: the president's
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spokesman says under a 1990 law, b.p. is responsible. >> they're responsible for the cleanup and they have to pay for it. >> reporter: gibbs was pressed repeat told explain why the federal government hasn't taken over. >> i'm asking why you don't take control of the whole operation. >> it is their responsibility. >> reporter: does the government just stand there as a spectator? >> we are overseeing the response, okay. >> reporter: officials say that there's no way they can declare an emergency and take over because the law says b.p. is responsible. so whether the government is doing everything it can or not, the white house has an increasingly serious political problem and one about which they are increasingly sensitive. now, there's no easy solution in sight. >> glor: the president today also delivered the commencement address at the u.s. military academy at west point. he told nearly 1,000 graduating cadet that america's foreign policy should focus increasingly on diplomacy and cooperation.
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>> the international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times. countering violent extremism and insurgency, stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials. combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth. helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick. preventing conflict and healing wound. >> dismissed! ( cheers and applause ). >> glor: the tossing of the caps, a west point tradition. insurgents launched a ground assault tonight on the nato base at kandahar in southern afghanistan, a taliban stronghold. officials say several soldiers and civilian workers were wounded. the kandahar attack follows an attacked with on bagram airfield outside kabul. in india a horrific plane crash. the flight from dubai to mangalore was carrying 166 people and only eight survived. mark philliphas more.
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>> reporter: it was the breaking up of the plane as it overshot the runway at mangalore airport that may have saved some of its passengers. the survivors were either thrown free or managed to climb out through gaps in the fuselage as it split apart and before the flames cob assumed it. "there was a blast, perhaps a tire bursting, as the plane landed," this man says. "within five seconds there was fire and smoke all over." "we looked up and saw an opening and crawled through it," says this man. the flight from dubai to mangalore was full of indian migrant workers and their families returning from jobs in the gulf. more than 20 children were on board. the plane, a boeing 737 was only three years old. the airport, though, has a reputation as a challenging one for pilots. its runways are carved out of hilly jungle country and are sited on a tabletop plateau with cliff-like drop-offs. the plane appears to have skidded off the end of the
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runway as the pilot tried to regain control and plowed into the gorge beyond. >> there are certain challenges when you approach an airport that's laid out the way this one is, and it's nothing unsafe, but you just have to really pay attention because there's not as great a margin of error there. >> reporter: it's the beginning of the monsoon season in southern indcra, and the weathers wet, but visibility was adequate, and both pilots had experience at this airport, more than 80 land there is between them. india crash investigators joined by experts from boeing will now try to discover consider this happened. mark phillips, cbs news, london. >> glor: three american mothers are back on u.s. soil tonight after an emotional visit with their children who are being held in iran. when the mothers returned, it was impossible for them to hide their anguish. >> reporter: exhausted and empty-handed, the mothers of three american hikers detained in iran, sarah shourd, shane
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bauer, and josh, returned to the united states today. >> the pain we felt at having to leave tehran without our children is almost more than we can bear. our greatest hope was to bring our children home with us where they belong. >> reporter: just 48 hours earlier, as they saw their children for the first time in months, they were filled with hope. iranian authorities in a carefully oh, straight moment thursday pulled the hikers out of detention for the on-camera reunion. >> it's really difficult being alone. shane and josh are in the room together, but i'm alone, and that's the most difficult thing for me. >> reporter: last july, the three were arrested along the iran-iraq period. iran has accused thef am spying. their families insist the three were hiking and say if they did stray into iran it was accidental. this week the mother spent 10 hours over two visits with their
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children but said their trip ended too soon. >> we regret that because our visit was cut short we didn't see more of them. >> reporter: the mothers' effort to free their children comes amid continued tensions between the u.s. and iran over iran's nuclear programs. while the mothers expressed gratitude, they also said their children, who have not been charged, have not seen a lawyer. >> shane, sara, and josh have done nothing to deserve their continued detention. >> reporter: alex fattal remains hopeful. what are you going to say to josh when you see him again? >> i'm going to embrace him, say i love you, welcome home and then we're going to go out and shoot some hoops. >> reporter: while the family waits for more news there was an interesting development yesterday. two iranian detainees captured by u.s. forces in iraq were freed, but it's not clear whether that was related to the american hikers' case. jeff. >> glor: still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, the do's and don'ts of job hunting
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tonight's cbs evening news, the with moderate alzheimer's.ting it was tough news to hear. everything changed. mom. ♪ i didn't know what to do. that's when i asked my doctor about exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition, which includes things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding. [ female announcer ] the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear, but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about the exelon patch. visit to learn more.
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ortho home defense max. defend what's yours. >> glor: the job outlook for americans remains choppy with unemployment at nearly 10%. but for teenagers, it's even worse. one study out this week finds oat one of four teens who wantaise job can find one. jay dowwill be has more. >> reporter: if practice makes perfect-- >> i can handle three things at woans. >> reporter: then eudese wilans will be ready for that big summer job. >> to work in a daycare, to work in a school, to work in a summer camp would be my ideal job. >> reporter: wilans is being trained on the dos and don'ts by the boston-based community development organization a.b.c.d. she is one of 1,000 teens all
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but guaranteed a job chosen by lottery from 7,000 applicants. >> we need to invest in these youngsters right now. they're our next generation. it will be woe on us if we do not step up to the plate. >> reporter: the sad fact swilans may be one of the few lucky ones. in 2000, 45% of the country's teens had jobs. that rate has fall tone just 26% today, the lowest since the end of world war ii. the summer jobs outlook is just as bleak. only one in four teens will be working. >> the magnitude of these declines are pervasive. they've affected every gender group, every race-ethnic group, every family group across the country. >> reporter: andrew sum of northeastern university says teens who cannot find a job may also struggle to find work in their 20s. >> we are denying them an opportunity to acquire these skills that employers value very highly. >> reporter: in brooklyn, with the help of a local jobs program, robert cirino and zaire
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williams learned basic job skills, including how to present themselves in public. >> me being the exception, i'm happy i got my job. >> reporter: in just a few weeks, both teens will be working as ride operators on the famous coney island aboardwalk. >> i'm optimistic about the whole thing. i feel great about it. >> reporter: in boston, a.b.c.d. president john drew says he can do better with more federal funds. >> what we need is help from congress at this point to be able to get the money to get the kids off the streets. >> reporter: in fact, next week, congress is expected to vote on $1 billion in funding to create an additional 350,000 teen jobs nationwide. that sounds like a lot, but an estimated three million to four million teens will still be unable to find work this summer. jeff. >> glor: all right, jay dow. it's just so frustrating. the middle of this special moment
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and asked frequent heartburn sufferers to take prilosec otc for two weeks. the results? prilosec otc's 24 hour heartburn protection gave a whole lot of people their days and nights back. ♪ [ cheering ] [ man ] prilosec otc has let me live the life that i love. [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. join us at >> glor: if you haven't heard, this is the 30th anniversary of pac-man, the hit video game that devoured many hours for many gamers. video games have come a long way since 1980, but their future seems even brighter, and that is the focus of tonight's "weekend journal," video game designers, the next generation. parents might think these kids are wasting valuable time playing video games when they might be studying. but these college kids are studying at a gaming workshop
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class. >> having this kind of experience in college definitely gives you a leg up over other students. >> glor: the experience they gain here at the replay lab on the campus of drexel university could help them get a job once they graduate. >> we created the rest of this all by ourselves, all the models, all the characters, all the effects you see in here, we did. >> glor: using tools like a motion-capture studio and 3-d modeling, andrew and his classmates are learning the fine art of video game development, a career and a business that is exploding. will be in 2009, americans bought more than $20 billion worth of video game systems and software, surpassing even the mighty movie industry at $18.7 billion in box office and dvd sales. >> the entertainment segment of the video game industry is huge. a modern title can make a couple of hundred million dollars in one weekend. >> reporter: tom bissell,
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author of the new book, "extra live "calls video games the preeminent art form of our time. >> i think we're really on the verge of, like, a wider acceptance, that it's not just nerds, or not just geeks that play these things. some very intelligent, thoughtful, smart people are designing them and playing them. >> glor: today, more than 200 colleges offer gaming courses, training future workers in everything from art design to computer engineering, to feed video game giants like electronic arts, developer of the franchise hits madden football and tiger woods golf. e.a. will add more than 600 jobs this year. average starting salary in the business b$40,000. >> a lot of people, this is their first job or one of their first jobs right out of college hoarpt phillip holt is e.a.'s orlando studio general manager. >> we love university students because they come in, they're excited, freshly minted skill set. >> reporter: it's a chance to make money, feed their passion, and have a little fun along the
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way. >> i just didn't realize how challenging and exciting it would be to actually make a game. i never really thought about where they came from, just played them. >> glor: and you never know where the next inspiration comes from. pac-man's designer was spurred by the sieft a makcoespd i mt akhaestho ea br eai'thm inbr i c anso j ioi cn anth jeu . nn ou nc(aernn)ou a ncco wpdit,h cl ud ison,chitis, em phys emema,ph oysrem a, onews. ad n re gca vair hadelvapsir s higelnipse o va air iadom m osfrt omot mhe caus e beth a n boanthti a-in ni la'tce r st -a ctfa caus e beth a n boanthti a-in ni y ha vema ay hhaigvepncec reaspo orostsieosporosis a d so mean e pr meey do yctouorr idof ctyooru i f yoonondition
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>> 13-year-old jordan bake the youngist person to reach the top of mount everest. in an ocean voyage inspired by the contiki's expedition more than 60 years ago, another adventurure tonight is crossing the pacific ocean in a vessel called the platt ticky. >> reporter: on board his boat, the pla the plastiki, dave rothschild is calling in vier skype. >> we're right now thousands of miles from anywhere. i can show you out the window. it's a pretty calm day today. >> reporter: de rothschild, an heir to the banking family fortune is about halfway on his voyage from san francisco to sydney, australia, a voyage meant to focus attention to the damage plastic is doing to the oceans what is this?
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>> it's a plastiki. >> the plastiki was still being built in a san francisco warehouse when we first met him largely composed recycled plastic water bottles. >> we have 12 and a half thousand of these bottles. >> reporter: in all, de rothschild spent more than three years designing and building the plastiki. before it was ready for testing on sa san francisco bay. >> it doesn't get much better than this. a beautiful sunny day in san francisco. >> reporter: originally, the plastic bottles were going to provide the entire flotation for this boat. that didn't quite work out so about 70% of the buoyancy of the plastiki comes from these recycled plastic bottles. you're in a war against plastic but this is a plastic boat. >> that's correct. the water bottles, the soda bottles, liz, what we're trying to advocate is smart material, smart use of plastic.
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>> reporter: now, 10 weeks into the voyage and thousands of miles out to sea, de rothschild says he's finding exactly what he feared. >> we dove boat water and your first impression is everything's fine, and then when you start to look very, very closely in the water and run your hand past the front of your face, you start to see all these little bit of plastic gathering on the front of your hand. >> reporter: like the old message in a bottle, de rothschild is hoping his boat made of bottles can deliver a message that the ocean needs help. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> glor: that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs, two editions of "48 hours" mystery. russ mitchell will be here tomorrow night. i'm jeff glor, cbs news in new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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