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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  September 16, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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still 70 in southern maryland where the humidity has come up a little more. 72 by 9:00. 80ish by noon. could be a shower late. highs in the mid to upper 80s. right now 5:00 a.m. let's get to traffic news. a fatal accident investigation going on and it is between brooks drive and silver hill road. we are hearing from officials they will probably have it closed in both directions up until 6:30. beth best bet to leave early this morning and avoid the area. 395 northbound, everybody is okay this way. making your way from the beltway across the 84th street bridge. 66 drivers eastbound, lanes are wide open. westbound approaching centreville that we have crash activity. overall very light traffic.
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and finally 270, end with that. earlier construction at montgomery village avenue. it is out of here. smooth sailing to the spur. back to you. an investigation is underway in to that deadly crash that angie mentioned. an suv collided with answer ambulance early this morning killing three people. the crash happened in the 5600 block of marlboro pike in prince georges county. 9 news now reporter kristin fisher is live from the scene with the latest. a very sad start to the day. >> yeah. hey, good morning, andrea. not only is this a tragic situation, you have three adult men dead. but this is also going to be probably a real traffic inconvenience at the very least for people driving along the marlboro pike this morning and here's the reason why. look at this video. you are looking at all that is left of the prince georges county ambulance that was involved in this crash. i mean you can see it literally looks like it exploded all over the roadway.
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what happened is shortly after midnight the ambulance was enroute to a call. it just left the station and was traveling westbound on the marlboro pike in district heights. emergency lights were on on. sirens were sounding and somehow the driver of a suburban suv didn't see it. he was drive thing wrong side of the road and going fast when the accident happened. >> the ambulance saw it coming at the last moment, was able to swerve to the left to avoid a head on collision, however, the suburban suv sideswiped the passenger compartment, right side of the vehicle of the ambulance causing catastrophic destruction of that particular unit. >> reporter: after the suv sideswiped that ambulance, it then hit a brick wall and a utility pole before coming to a rest on its roof 120 feet away from where it first struck the ambulance. now, there were three people inside the suv. three adult males, all were
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pronounced dead at the scene. as for the two people inside the ambulance, those medics, they were transported to a trauma center at a local hospital but have since been released and they are reportedly doing just fine. very sad situation here. as i said it is also going to be a big inconvenience for drivers. i just chatted with the spokesman for prince georges county police and he said that right now this accident scene is just behind me and right now there is an accident reconstruction team on the ground trying to recreate and figure out exactly what went wrong so they can put together this accident report. perhaps more importantly for drivers is the fact that you saw the video and how much debris was all over the roadway. so it is really a big inconvenience right now for people trying to investigate this scene. they are trying to clear that debris off the roadway and hopefully marlboro pike will be back open by 6:30 but that's the earliest. it could be later in to the early morning rush hour.
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definitely plan for extra time this morning if you are going to be -- if you drive around the area. back to you. >> thank you. thankfully all of the injuries are minor in a crash involving a metro bus and fire truck. this happened yesterday at madison and 14th streets in northwest washington. fire and ems officials say the bus did not yield to the fire truck, which was heading to an emergency call with its lights and sirens running. 23 people went to the hospital but none had serious injuries. the army says two people were buried in in the wrong graves at arlington national cemetery. the revelation came amid an investigation in to burial mixups in arlington. a family from ohio can rest easy about the remains of their son. scott and melissa warner came for the exhumation of their son. he was killed in iraq in 2006 but recently missing paperwork
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raised doubts whether whether he was buried in the right place. the exhumation proved he was properly buried. >> i can breathe. i feel a ton of bricks have been removed off my chest. good news. a prince georges county man is sentenced to 30 years in prison for what prosecutors call a cold blooded murder. investigators said tommy an his cousin lured the victim to the back of a middle school in landover by apparently offering sex in exchange for money. they saw the man dying of gunshot wounds in his car but he was able to describe his killers. his cousin has not been sentenced in the case yet. a hostage situation we were following yesterday morning in captiol hill heights did not end peacefully a man held his girlfriend at gun point in the 8600 block of ritchie-marlboro road. after the standoff, officers say the 37-year-old man shot
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himself. he had life-threatening injuries. the hostage was not hurt. time for another "living $mart" report. jessica doyle has a preview of the day ahead on wall street. she got the blue memo. >> apparently we are matching today. we love that t. the september rally came back yesterday. we don't know about today. we are waiting on jobless benefits claims and investors are hoping for good news. the dow stands at 10572. the nasdaq climbed 11 and the s&p rose by 4. nine companies in our area are on the list of the 100 best companies for working mothers from working mother magazine. working mother media says there are more women in the work place than there are men. on sunday, you are going to
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see a change on the front page of the "washington post." a-1 will get an ad for the first time. mclean based capital one financial bought the ad place and you will see it at the bottom of the page, about two inches high. this is obviously a move biff the "washington post" to bring in more advertising but this is a big change for the company. >> below the mold is good placement. >> there you go. >> today's money saver, we are saving you thousands of dollars a year by making a simple lifestyle change. >> very good. thank you. stick an for that. dc elections officials say they learned a lot from the primary. results didn't come in until tuesday night. the district has overhauled the elections process, but not all of the technology was cooperating. >> we are looking forward to the primary election being a baseline election for us, and every election from here on. we will make improvements. >> reporter: the executive director of elections says they
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got to keep accurate parts right but the third issue is speed an they expect to be faster in november. as you know, vincent gray beat mayor fenty and he faces no republican opposition in november. so one big question gray has been asked is whether he will keep schools chancellor rhee. bruce johnson tried to get an answer yesterday. >> reporter: will you ask her to stay or will you wait until you hear what her plans are? >> no. we are not going to make personnel decisions until after the general election. >> reporter: some gray supporters like the teachers union, want rhee ousted. some others argue she should be urged to stay on for the sake of an orderly transition. now that he has conceded the race, what's next for mayor fenty? he insists he will charge ahead for the next 106 day he is still mayor and he has no other job offers a this point. he has a law degree but spent
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little time practicing law and got in to trouble with the dc bar when he died did -- when he did. he says he is almost positive he will stay in washington. a botched ending to a hostage situation could result in police and journalists facing charges. that story is coming up. five months after the oil rig explosion in the gulf, engineers should get within one step of their final process today. and researchers find another health benefit for people who regularly take aspirin. it is nine after the hour. 68 degrees. you are watching 9 news
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a top prosecutor in the philippines says she will seek charges in the hostage drama and wants to charge ten officials, police and journalists. eight tourists from hong kong were killed when the crisis
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ended in a gun battle. israeli prime minister netanyahu and palestinian president abbas met with secretary of state hillary clinton but failed to come to an agreement on jewish settlement. it is not clear yet when they will meet again. the relief well in the gulf of mexico could be completed sometime today, and if that happens it could be sealed for good this weekend. the april explosion on the deep water oil rig killed 11 workers and caused the largest oil spill in u.s. history. one city proposes going smoke free outdoors. that story is coming up. plus, severe weather strikes the middle of the country. coming up on 5:12. here's howard. >> the same system is heading east. we will let you know what it means for the forecast and what the impact is for the weekend. that's coming up when we return.
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what's in your wallet?
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welcome back. kansas was hit by severe weather yesterday. the storm slammed the state with tornadoes, heavy rain and in some cases, the noise you are hearing, golf ball size hail. while there are plenty of power outages and scattered damages, no serious injuries were reported. >> getting to the second severe weather season in the midwest. you have one in the spring but as we get to transition from summer to autumn, sort of get a mini season and they are on the beginning of that mini season. golf ball size hail, can you imagine that, four, four and a half inches. >> this has to be a great time
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for meteorologists. you have that and what have going on in the gulf and the gulf of mexico. >> the tropics have been humming and this is the peak time for tropical weather. karl may be a hurricane. southern gulf of mexico in to mexico. that's not a problem but igor over the weekend could slam and i mean slam bermuda. let's talk about our weather. we have a front on the way. that will bring much-needed rain showers but looks like if you are watching north and northwest of town up to pennsylvania, western maryland, west virginia a better chance of seeing appreciable showers opposed to south of town where you will be hard pressed to see much of anything. 72 by 9:00. 80 at noon. 84 at 5:00. should be a shower by then but the beer chance 0 will be north and northwest of dc. code green air quality once again and breezy this afternoon. winds could gust to 20. the bus stop forecast, partly cloudy, comfortable. 580s and 60s and near 70 in a few spots. sun is coming up at 6:50.
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getting later and later. tonight, scattered showers. a thunderstorm can't be ruled out. 57 to 67. southwesterly winds will turn northwest late. north and west of town. we will see the northwesterly brieses tomorrow. that is going to give us a pleasant friday. low to mid-80s with a northwest wind at ten miles an hour. the average is 79 here in town. we are 68. 70 southern maryland. 63 easton. bill in newland is 64. tappahannock 63 and few spots in the upper a 80s from lurayen, stanton and martinsburg and the mountains, as well. 68 with partly cloudy skies at reagan national. winds are calm and the humidity stands at 81%. across the country, flying to seattle, bring the umbrella, some showers moving in there. same story with more shower and storms could delay your flight in to detroit. nashville watch out, you have showers, same with columbus and
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cincinnati. we will watch this. this is our next weather maker. a warm front to the south. more humid air to the south and west. that will work in through the day today. it will feel different than it did with the shower and storms moving in. here tonight, at 10:00, look at what happens overnight. the stuff falls apart an south of town not showing you much in the way of rain. mid to upper 80s today. leonid 80s tomorrow. feel good tomorrow and saturday. sunday the skins are home. 85 good looking weekend for the festival, as well. and more heat next week. right now most of the region is checking out incident and accident free. but as you can notice from the scene on our maps that we have one tieup to tell you about on marlboro pike. the roadway is closed in both directions and will be like that the next hour or so. it is an accident investigation
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in to an ambulance crash that happened overnight. and definitely going to affect commuters this morning. let's move over to the outer loop. moving well from 95 to 270. no complaints. in to the district we go. inbound new york avenue, lanes are wide phone the times building past florida avenue. keeping things going, take you to 95, good morning, virginia. nice and clear out of fredericksburg past dumfries up to 395. that's the latest. in the living well headlines, today a senate subcommittee will hold a hearing on human embryonic stem cell research. a ruling has researchers concerned about the future of many projects underway and whether they could be stopped or have their federal funding cut off. new york city officials want to their smoking ban outdoors. the city council will consider a bill outlawing smoking in parks, beaches, marinas, boardwalk and pedestrians
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plazas throughout the city including times square, central park an the coney island boardwalk. violaters could be issued a summons by the parks department. add one more thing to aspirin's list of benefits. a study says it prevents bowl cancer. people who regularly take a low dose of aspirin for a year reduce their risk of developing bow well cancer by 22%. the numbers are even higher after a five year period. there is injury news concerning albert hanes worst. and the nationals make the most of the few hits they got against the braves. here's who's celebrating a birthday today --
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you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber.
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and now nine sports, the best sports in town. good morning, everybody.
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the reason football teams study so much film of opponents is try to figure out what they will do, to decipher their play book without having it, unless someone gives it to you which is what kyle shanahan is essentially doing. the past two years he was the houston texans coordinator and kyle is serving as the skins chief double agent. >> we have inside knowledge of their scheme an their personnel. so definitely ask kyle some questions. every has been picking his brain and we will have some type of advantage as far as knowing what they like to do. >> we know how to attack each other. it is more -- there's no secret what we like to do against each oh. so it is more what are we going to do. >> reporter: haynesworth was limited at practice on wednesday due to an ankle injury. he did play against the cowboys last sunday, but he didn't start. mike shanahan has not said what
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his role will be against houston. as soon as i tell you the nats were in lane last night you assume they lost because they have the best record in baseball and when i tell you nats had five hits this the game, you really assume they lost until i show you this. the bases loaded and then a grand slam. good odds. 4-0 nats after two. lanham had a filthy dirty curve ball going. struck out six and the kid came out in the ninth and 4-2 nats win the second home series that the braves have lost all year. at camden yards last night, o's and js tied in the fourth. patterson with a couple of mennen on and he turns in the fast ball. felix score and that's the game winner. o's complete the eat of the jays. that's a look at sports.
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i'm brett haber. have a great thursday. where does washington rank on the list of recess proof cities that story is coming up in our next living smart report. one virginia county goes to extreme lengths to gee people to pay overdue taxes. and a live update on the top story. a deadly crash involving a prince georges county ambulance. here's angie. we will have more on that crash activity but in the meanwhile, i want to show you at 257, past the airport all the way though the beltway, it is smooth sailing for you. 9 news now returns after these messages. stay with no - ( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected.
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capital one bank. they're everywhere. ♪ yeah, you're right! [ horns honking ] hey, there's one right up the street. [ male announcer ] capital one bank. the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? ove, go long!
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♪[ music ] the kennedy center and mexican embassy had beautiful weather for the bicentennial celebration. musician and dancers provide entertainment to go with the
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ceremony celebrating the country's 200th anniversary of the mexican war of independence. >> excellente. >> you told them they were going to have great weather. the ambassador from mexico was the featured performer who called together all of the people to come together and fight for independence. >> very nice. >> on the south plaza. >> very nice in we had a good day also today, the first half of the day. second half of the day things change, especially north an northwest. in think mountains a better chance of seeing much-needed rain shower than dc and points south where our rain chances go up a little bit. show you what is happening outside. some cloudiness and high, thin clouds will give us, perhaps if we are lucky, a nice sunrise. if we are in the it will be cloudy during the morning hours but showers to the north and west through detroit heading to cleveland and columbus right now. it will be moving east. it is kind of cool, especially in the northeast.
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in the 40s. we have mid 50sin the mountains to upper 60s in town. with temperatures ranging from the mid to upper 80s in dc and points south. in the low 80sin the mountains. angie, over to you. >> thank you, howard. good morning, everybody. we have made it half way through the 5:00 hour. don't worry. we will help you through the rest of the morning. right now we will zoom in. this is our first problem from overnight. it is carried in to the morning. marlboro pike is closed in both directions between brooks drive and siller are hill road because of an ongoing ambulance crash activity investigation. as a result to that, up until 63 orange 7:00 if you have to head out this way i would suggest to use route 4 as an alternate. don't want to go near this. 395 northbound, everything is all clear this way. southbound getting word of an accident near the glebe road exit. a little volume around germantown road but okay
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approaching the spur. this morning police are investigating a crash that killed three people. the three were inside of an suv that sideswiped an ambulance on marlboro pike. kristin fisher is live from the scene with more. >> reporter: this all started shortly after midnight. what happened was there was a ambulance traveling westbound on marlboro pike. it was responding to a call. two people were inside. they were in the westbound lanes. at the same time there was an suv a suburban suv traveling eastbound on the marlboro pike but he was in the wrong lain. so you had an ambulance and suv going westbound in the listen behind me on the marlboro pike at the last second. the driver inside of the ambulance saw the suv coming and he side of swerved out of the way.
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so what happened is the suv struck the back passenger portion of the ambulance and take a look at what it look like. an unbelievable scene of destruction. looks like the ambulance exploded over the roadway. well, what happened after that was after the suv kind of sideswiped the ambulance it hit a brick wall and utility pole before coming to a rest on its roof, 120 feet from where it struck the ambulance. turnly there were three adult men in the vehicle. all three were pronouned dead on the scene. as for two people inside of the ambulance, those two paramedics were both taken to a local trauma center, but the good news is that both of them have indeed been released. i just chatted with the prince william county spokesman that said were it not for the fact that the driver of the ambulance had indeed swerved at the last minute this most likely would have been a catastrophe on both sides but still three people dead.
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very sad situation here this morning and right now we have an accident investigators on the scene trying to figure out what went wrong. they are trying to clear out debris and that's why we are dealing with road closures along the marlboro pike and it is likely going to stay that way throughout the rush hour. >> thank you. today the man accused of opening fire at ft. hood, texas last november has a pretrial hearing. the attorney for hassan says he dunn think his client can get a fair trial. >> the court-martial temperature will be used in a manner that disregards the defendant's rights. >> reporter: the defensive john gilligan says he is asking the army to close future proceedings to reduce the media frenzy surrounding the case. 13 people were killed and 30 wounded in the shooting. hassan was shot by responding officers and is confined to a
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wheelchair. a man in virginia is charged with sexually assaulting a woman he met on an on-line dating service. police say the victim went to the home of 34-year-old john evans where she was held against her will and sexually assaulted. the two met through the e- harmony website in june. they are concerned there maybe other victims who have not come forward. tonight the wssc holds a second public hearing on a proposed improvement program. they are presenting plans for major water and sewer projects from 2012 through 2017. last night the commission held a meeting at the stella b. warner building in rockville. tonight's meeting is in largo. it starts at 7:30. wall the wssc at 301-260-8110 if you wish to speak at the media. you can submit comments in writing to the wssc by
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september 27th. counties all around our area are struggling financially. that's not news but what is the road block one virginia county is putting up. the isle of white county treasures office says show me the money and if you don't we will take your license plate. county officials say 200 people have not paid vehicle taxes for at least two years them treasurer says her office has done everything to set up payment arrangements. >> it has not worked. they haven't kept their obligation. >> may not have no job. their job might have left and everything else. >> reporter: people have until monday to pay their bills or risk losing their tags. time for another "living $mart" report. jessica doyle is back with recession proof cities. do we live near any of them? >> i think so. but you might be surprised which city comes out on top of the list. you want to take a guess? >> okay. it is surprising.
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>> washington, d.c. >> omaha, nebraska. >> omaha, nebraska. the reason why, it had the lowest unemployment rate at 5.5%, half of the national average. lowest change in unemployment over the last three years, but it turns out our area is the king of the comeback kid. metro monitor reports 41 cities have recovered to prerecession levels of economic output. washington, d.c. leads the way with a 6.9% boost. there's more blackberries than any orphone, a report shows that it was running on 39% of smart phones in july. google rang up 7% with the android platform. time for the money saver. a simple lifestyle change can save you money at the store and mall. take the plastic out of the wallet and put more cash in. consumer behavior studies find people are more reluctant to spend cash than their swipe
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their credit cards so they tend to spend 12% more when using credit. that change would save you around $1,000 a year or $80 a month. for more money-saving advice, check out my blog the follow me on twitter. fun to spend the extra thousand dollars on clothes. >> going to the store, you have told us before make a list because that also costs extra money. >> when you don't make the list you have impulse buys. >> go up and down the aisle. i like that. >> thank you. high profile names were honored at the u.s. navy memorial. entertainer bill cosby, former nfl and redskin quarterback ed la barren and phillips the first african-american navy sonar technician were recked for their military service and contribute to their communities. the black tie even was held at
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the national building museum. congress gets a second try at passing a bill to help health workers with problems after cleaning up the world trade center site. that story is coming up. plus, tropical storm karl makes the first land fall and is now heading for mexico's mainland. angie is looking at the traffic. >> not moving too much where we have the water main break. southbound new hampshire avenue between shaw and thomas, we have crews out there taking away the right lane for drivers. more news is next. with us. think about the internet. growing, evolving, literally transforming our lives. now imagine the possibilities of what tomorrow could bring.
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in the news now, a bill to help those who got sick after the 9/11 attack comes before congress. in july the bill needed a two- thirds majority to pass. time it only requires a simple
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majority. a protest movement is gaining more supporters in northern india. demonstrators burned a bus and cut down trees to block a highway. they are demanding a greater share of jobs in the government. tropical storm karl knocked out power to tens of thousands of people in the yucatan peninsula. hundreds were evacuated from low-lying areas as karl dumped rain over the popular tourist hot spot. now the focus is on preventing damage to oil rigs. some high school students are building cars with triple- digit gas mileage. that story is coming up. an the redskins are using secret agents to tip them off about the weekend's opponent. how's the weather looking? >> it is fine now. quiet but you may need the umbrella before the day is out. i will explain when 9 news now "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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welcome back to 9 news now. some dc high school student an teachers learn firsthand about how to build more fuel efficient vehicles. yesterday a group of students from philadelphia who participated in a competition to build a vehicle which can get 100 miles a gallon spoke to the campus and show off their creations. the students built the cars while taking part in the progressive insurance automotive x prize. >> students worked on improving the fuel efficiency of our cars and even created an ideology model that correlates with the team's principles. we are still working on making our plans come true. >> reporter: progressive says the goal is to find and cultivate the next generation of automotive engineers. >> i love that stuff. there is incentives and engineering and introducing kids to science at an early
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age? they are doing science with what they want to do with a career. >> if we get cars going 100 miles a gallon. >> i'm all for it. >> exactly. >> not as chilly as yesterday morning. some clouds out there. a little more humid than it was. temperatures have been dropped as much. 68 in town. 72 by 9:00. more cloud and a breeze and even the chance of a shower at 5:00 p.m. the best chance today will be north and northwest of town. in the mountains and under the pennsylvania border, then from south of dc. south of dc, i know you need rain too. you will be hard pressed. the bus stop forecast this morning it is partly cloudy to mostly cloudy. comfortable. 50s and 60s to near 70. sunrise 6:50 in a little over an hour. tonight scattered showers, best chance north of dc from the upper 50s in the mountains and upper 60s here in town. becoming northwest real late.
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tomorrow, partly to mostly sunny an pleasant. could be a few showers in the mountains in the morning. temperatures down low to mid- 80s. northwest winds ten miles an hour and sunrise 6:51. sething 7:13. the satellite and radar. we have the clouds streaming in from the west. these are generally high clouds. no rain here but in to ohio and michigan, all of those areas you are seeing showers and storms. 70s still in southern maryland to 54 in cumberland. winchester is 62. culpeper an gaithersburg 61. easton is 63. locally we are looking at 59 in reston to 57 fairfax and laytonsville. andrews 63 degrees and ft. belvoir down to mount vernon around 6 -- 61. the winds are calm with partly to mostly cloudy skies out there. as we show you the bigger picture you will see the shower and storm activity in michigan through ohio. this is moving in this
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direction and that will help, at least, up our rain chances. if the front moves north and east the nine future cast will show the moisture moving in to the region. later during the afternoon, especially by north and west and by five, 10:00, we are struggling and move out overnight. the seven-day forecast, we are looking at a chance of showers late today and tonight, especially north. we cool down tomorrow from 87 to 83. saturday and sunday looking good for the weekend. monday 83 and the last couple of days of summer warm in the upper 80s. it is 5:48. happy thursday. >> hey, back at ya, howard and everybody joining us. we are hoping for a great day today. we are going to help you get there. right now we begin with a tieup we have to tell you about on marlboro pike. what we are dealing with is an ambulance crash investigation that will continue probably for the next hour or so. you want to avoid marlboro pike
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in both directions. use route 4 as the alternate to get in to the district. that's the best bet. on the outer loop, no incidents or accidents out here. we are filling out a bit and mainly between university and georgia. the delay is on the way. virginia, 66 eastbound, tracking the trip, as well. a lot of taillights out here between 50 to 123. an the inner loop in virginia, looks like you are doing fine making your way from braddock road to 66 but a little low approaching that american legion bridge. back to you. >> thank you. well, when the redskins play the eagles in a couple of weeks you can bet the coach will pick mcnabb's brain like crazy to get whatever inside he can about andy ried's offense but mcnabb is not the only double agent the redskins have on their payroll. some texans wither doing some espionage for this sun's game. >> kyle shanahan coordinated the offense for the texans in
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2008 and 2009. they are in dc now. call it built in intelligence own on one of the prolific offenses. >> we have inside knowledge of their scheme and you know their personnel. obviously, definitely adds -- ask kyle some questions. >> they have been hitting me up a bit. >> reporter: mcnabb jokingly responded. >> we are not using that. that's not how you play the game. you play the game and just watch the film and just prepare [ laughter ] >> reporter: mcnabb may be playing coy but will most assuredly take any advice on how to attack the defense, a unit his backup man knows well and says if asked he will share? if he has any questions and i will talk to him all week. he will have a lot of advice and heads up on certain techniques. >> reporter: coach shanahan is quick to.out the benefit of his
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son's experience in houston maybe minimized. after all the texans know kyle, too. >> anytime you go against somebody you know well. i'm not sure either team has an advantage. off game plan that he believes is the best chance to win and sometimes you overthink it. >> reporter: dave owens, 9 news now. find out who's been named the dc sports person of the year coming up in entertainment news. and denzel washington comes to dc with some ideas on how to keep more kids in school. coffee is not just for your cup anymore. i will bring you five surprising uses for everyone's favorite bean coming up. ♪
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get selsun blue for itchy dry scalp. strong itch-fighters target scalp itch while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue. william niecen is dating after the death of his wife natasha richardson.
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leann rimes saying getting married young is one reason that led to her cheating on her husband. she said i think any relationship is hard to get out of and i don't think the way i did it was right. in local buzz, gowns were long and laces were up in what is considered to be the 7th annual sneaker ball. >> loving husband. >> former university of maryland basketball star vasquez was honored at the 20 -- as the 2010 dc sports person of the year. star athletes showed up to toast the best of dc sports. we didn't spot mcnabb but grabbed his brother who said he is not the only one happy here in dc. >> i think washington is the police for donovan. he loves them and they love him and i think it is the place for
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us, not just him. >> you are welcome. put on sneaker ball benefits local charity that uses sports to improve the lives of kids. a redskins legend's wife presents the ultimate fashion showcase. the wife of green hosted champagne and more at the mclean hilton. the ballroom became boutique packed with hand selected designers. posh girl event sponsored the show and the proceeds benefited breast cancer. now it is your turn. sunday in video and pictures of evens happening where you live. and submit your stuff today. you can always post your ideas on my facebook page as well and on twitter. award-winning actor denzel washington not only came to dc to promote a new movie but also a new program aimed at keeping youngsters in school. we see how the girls and boys
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club plans to reduce the high school dropout rate. >> reporter: there's a buzz at this boys and girls club in southeast. >> i think it was pretty inspirational. >> reporter: they saw denzel washington at the national press club adding his star power to the boys and girls club new campaign attacking the high school drop out rate. 69% of american teenagers finish high school, compared to the club's 90% graduation rate. >> we need more programs like the boys and girls clubs during the hours when our children are out of school. we need for every american to do his or her part. >> reporter: washington as the club shaped him as a young man? he said, young man, you know with this smarts you have you can do anything up to do and i was a small thing to say but i never forgot it an i'm 55 years old and never forget it. >> reporter: another famous alum threw her support behind the cause. >> boys and girls club give that home, that encouragement build to say you don't have to
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do this, you are not stuck here. you don't have limits and boundaries. >> sixth graders that have poor atense dense and failing math and english in poverty environments have a one in phi chance of graduating. >> the club has 25 high schoolers. the goal to get each one to graduation day. >> it has helped me to become a better person. >> my goals are to try to get a scholarship. try to get out of high school and go to college. >> reporter: and they will, thanks to help from their role models here in hollywood and here at home. 9 news now. denzel also brought a message to the white house about the need to transform some 2000 high schools that often get under funded and have an over concentration of the neediest kids. we want to say good morning and welcome to 9 news now and those of you watching at 6:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. howard bernstein is here with the forecast. a special hello to lydia who is
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flying out of town today. how's the weather going to be. >> depends where you are going. we have delays through detroit and across ohio through kentucky in those areas. >> kansas yesterday got hit hard and could see severe weather today. things to watch for. an here we are watching a few clouds across the region this morning from the midwest. there's some showers in to michigan and ohio and columbus. flying to cincinnati could be delays but around here, just partly to mostly cloudy skies with temperatures in the upper 50s north and in hagerstown and frederick and cumberland 54 to upper 60s and near 70. 63 for tappahannock. they will be near 90 today. we will be at the 87 range but lower 80s up north with a better chance of showers as the day goes on. looking a the day planner at a glance. 84 for the drive home. more clouds ensures north as we head through this afternoon. front tonight with some showers and should set us up well for the weeken


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