tv Mc Laughlin Group CBS October 2, 2010 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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watch this. just pop a few pieces of watermelon in there. to that, i'm going to add a couple of pieces of pineapple, rind and all. that just goes right in there. >> now i'm going to add a handful of spinach. >> to that, we're going to pop in a couple of pieces of beet root, and to that, we're going to add a couple of florets of broccoli. >> yuck! i hate broccoli! >> in just seconds, you have a delicious juice drink filled with the vitamins and minerals of all the vegetables and fruits that just went into it. >> and you tell me, berman, can you taste any broccoli in that? >> hey, that tastes great! not like vegetables at all. >> that's because the taste of the fruit overpowers the taste of the vegetables. you get all the vegetable goodness, but you don't get that yucky vegetable taste. >> and the kids will never know. >> you know, i can really see myself using this thing every day of the week.
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>> absolutely, this is going to be so great. >> announcer: introducing the original magic bullet-- the personal, versatile countertop magician that does any job in 10 seconds or less. turn ice, fresh fruit and a splash of juice into a delicious, nutritious fresh-fruit smoothie or a protein drink in just eight seconds. grind whole coffee beans, coarse or fine, for fresh-ground coffee in just four seconds. chop garlic or onions without the sticky, smelly mess in just three seconds. or turn tomatoes, onions, garlic and hot peppers into zesty salsa, garden-fresh and ready-to-eat, in less than five seconds. with the magic bullet, frozen berries and orange juice becomes a luscious fat-free sorbet in just eight seconds. plus, you can even cook in your magic bullet. first, grate cheese and chop peppers all at once. microwave, then pour over chips for spicy 60-second nachos. or combine fresh tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic and herbs. puree the tomato and chop the veggies and herbs all at once. cook in the microwave and serve
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up a hearty marinara sauce, ready to eat. and only the magic bullet comes with these self-blending party mugs, turning your magic bullet into the ultimate party machine. now making a different frozen cocktail for everybody is easy, so everyone gets their favorite, made and served right in the same mug. you could spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a counter full of kitchen appliances that still won't do everything the magic bullet can. but right now, during this special introductory offer, you can get the complete 17-piece original magic bullet system for only $99.99, or just three easy payments of only $33.33. plus, everyone who orders from this program will get this amazing bonus which turns your magic bullet into the bullet blender with the same power and capacity as this big $100 blender. but that's not all. call now and you'll also receive as a second amazing bonus the extractor kit, which turns your magic bullet into the bullet juicer that turns fresh fruit and vegetables into delicious, nutritious juice just as easily
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as this $200 juicer. but it goes right into the dishwasher, so cleanup is a breeze-- something you can never do with this big $200 juicer. and you get them both free. that's right, it's like getting this $100 blender and this $200 juicer plus the complete magic bullet system, a nearly $400 value, all for only $99.99, or just three easy payments of just $33.33. but hold everything. call in the next 12 minutes and get a second magic bullet free. that's right, get another system, complete with bonuses, absolutely free. all you pay is shipping and handling. makes the perfect gift for friends and family, or for dorm rooms, boats and campers. this offer is only available on tv, so remember to call in the next 12 minutes and get your second magic bullet free. call or log on now to get the 17-piece magic bullet system, plus the bullet blender and the bullet juicer extractor kit, all for only $99.99, or just three easy payments of only $33.33, plus shipping and handling. plus, remember to call in the next 12 minutes to get
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a second complete magic bullet system absolutely free. all you pay is shipping and handling. best of all, you can try the magic bullet risk-free for one full month. if it doesn't do any job in 10 seconds or less, simply return it for a full refund of the purchase price. remember, this offer is only available on tv, so call or log on now and get a second magic bullet free. the preceding program was a paid advertisement. [birds chirping] [children laughing] >> woman: time for dinner! >> announcer: homeland housewares. >> women: ♪ we make life easy at home. ♪ are very interested in
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the race. it's only 50% for democrats. that's a 60% intensity gap driving the republicans. >> well, i think that's an important, very important factor in the midterm elections. what i think is also going to be very important is the fact that a lot of these people are going to have very difficult economic news between now and the election time. and that's going to drive a lot of people to go out and vote. i don't think -- i don't want to under estimate obama as a campaigner. i don't think it's going to be nearly enough to turn the tide. the only question is, how big will the republican victory be and the question is, will they get enough to capture the house and how many senate seats will they capture? >> the anger out there is against both parties. when they go to vote, they vote against the incumbent. >> in the good rhetoric in obama. is there a sense on the part of
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the electorate, been there, done that? yes you're good, but you are not a leader? >> no, absolutely. not only that he's not a leader, he hasn't delivered. whatever the level of expectations were when he was elected, they were much higher at that point and i think therefore, it's going to be very difficult. >> this is not a gop election at all. that's out at madison. >> what do you mean by that? >> people are voting against. they are coming out to vote against obama. >> that's the intensity factor. >> pelosi and reid and debts and deficits. that's why the republicans made a terrible mistake. the party of no was winning. here's the things we are going to do. put a target on their back. interrupted their own momentum. >> they should have stood aside and let it be a referendum on the democrats. instead, they put their extreme proposals out there. >> well, the candidates around the country are running on the
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extreme proposals. you're right. >> self-identified conservative, listen to this number. the largest conservatives are the majority. 42% say they are conservatives. 20% say they are liberals. >> the key, john, is conservatives don't agree with each other except on getting rid of obama and reid and pelosi. if the republicans say on that, they win. if we get into, did we? >> the biden blame game. >> there's some on the democratic base, not the core of it, that are angry because we didn't get every single thing they want. and so those who don't get -- didn't everything they wanted is time to buck up here. >> before he said buck up, he said something else. stop whining. wait a minute. let's get to the point here. is he laying the foundation for a blame game, namely blaming the left if they lose? >> people, he is trying to get
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-- >> you don't understand. >> don't get these people by yelling at them and blaming them. you want them to come out, you know, and support you. that's not the way to get them out. you can't provoke them. >> they need to be bucked up. but the point he's trying to get across is, if liberals stay home because they are disappointed, they will get a choice that is worse that night one they have now. so just as his economic plan is, it would be worse without any economic plan. if you don't vote for me, it will be worse with the other guy. it's a complicated argument to make. >> he's saying you liberals better get on your game. you are going to drive me to the republicans. you are going to get things done. that's what he's saying. >> i don't think he is going to cripple him. >> he had them feel as a candidate, is that he would be a unifier. what this is going to do, it's going to make him a divider again. >> monica. >> john, i take pleasure in reminding both president obama
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and vice president biden who used the phrase, buck up, that the last president to regularly use that phrase to rally his troops was richard nixon. >> you get pat confused? >> no, i was looking at pat because we both worked for president nixon. nixon used the phrase buck up. this is a referendum on progressivism. >> no, i'm talking about progressivism. what eleanor refers to as extreme policies in the pledge, we are talking about cutting taxes, limiting government, cutting the deficit. > [ inaudible ] >> let eleanor in. >> what's your point? >> i was talking about extreme policies that republican candidates are running on that the republican leaders on capitol hill don't want to be part of. >> let me just clarify. she was referring to are
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limited government, lowering the tax burden. constitutional government. >> exit question. >> get it in here, pat. >> on a scale of 0 to 10, what is the probability that obama will close the intensity gap with republicans and motivate his coalition to buck up and turn out next month? 0 to 10? >> it is a 0, john. he can't -- he can maybe make some gains, but the real problem, obama's great mistake is he misread an election that said get rid of republicans as a mandate for transformational change that he never had. and because he moved in that direction, he has lost the center. >> i disagree. he didn't act on the mandate he had from 53% majority win and he misread the public's desire for everybody to get along for thinking the republicans might want to do that. and that failed completely. >> monica. >> close the gap is probably
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two or three. but there's a march this weekend in washington and john stewart and stephen colbert could put the young people over the top. >> colbert? >> they are having -- >> obama never reached out to the republicans. not on stimulous, not on healthcare. not on any of the issues the republicans were trying to work on him. that 42% conservative number -- obama led this country from the real far left. >> what's your number? >> i don't under estimate the obama team's ability to -- >> what's your number? >> 2 to 3. >> he had a failed economic policy and a healthcare program that has the lowest level of support that anybody could have imagined for somebody that devoted time and energy. the substance also accounts. i think it's between 1 and 2. >> all right, that substance will be vindicated in the
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future, either in 2012 or in the future. done good things since the economy with healthcare and the stimulous plans in addition. >> mort is almost right. the answer is vo:geico, committed to providing service to its auto insurance customers for over 70 years. more information on auto insurance at or 1-800-947-auto any time of the day or night. the forecast is full of ifs. retirement these days, if i'm too exposed to downturns. if i'll go through my savings too fast. to help you feel more confident consider putting a portion of your savings in a metlife variable annuity. when the market goes up,
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and then watch every red zone play on nfl redzone. watch out couch, you've got competition as daddy's favorite. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v visit we get it. we get it. and this is why when we outline it here our pledge to america, i can tell you, weare very serious about implementing our pledge. >> house republicans have unveiled a 21 page manifesto. the pledge to america. with this agenda, the pledge may deflate the democratic wrap against republicans, namely the gop is quote, the party of no,
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unquote. no programs, nothing constructive. the boehner 21 page document promises that a republican controlled congress will execute the following. one, cut spending. two, cement in place the bush tax cuts at all level. three. trim the u.s. government. four, sack obama care. five, put in gop healthcare. six, pay down the catastrophic u.s. $13 trillion public debt. and get this, any future bills including budget items must include exact words from the u.s. constitution that justify the content of the proposed measure. >> question, what is the reaction of rank and file republicans to the pledge? i ask you monica. >> what a radical agenda. constitutional government, holy cow. i can see why the left is threatened by this and thinks it's extreme, but it's not. this pledge is a very good start for the gop.
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one of the big reasons why they lost in 2006 and 2008. it's because they went down this big government, big spending road. they lost touch with what they're supposed to stand for. this pledge, i understand heading into a big election, you don't want to go out there with aggressive bold proposals like a balance budget amendment or a cap because you want to win in november. but after november, assuming they make big gains, they will have to come out with much more aggressive. >> there's nothing extreme about that. and it's an effort to try to co- op the tea party emotions and the tea party candidates are running on positions they want to privatize social security and medicare. they want to get rid of the energy department and this doesn't say how they will go about doing this. everybody can say cutting the deficit, doing it, specifying the programs. it's a disaster. >> why? >> the republican party had tremendous momentum going forward. they put this thing out.
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the conservative said this is a pile of mush. the democrats said you're going back to the bush policies. they attacked it. folks like me who were saying the party is really rolling along, why did you stop and interrupt this? in addition, john, do you know they put it on the air at the same time obama was given a speech so even on cable, nobody saw their event. >> well -- >> do you think it is tough on them? you don't think people like to hear what we just heard? >> the press says where's your plan? where's your plan? here's our plan and they will get clobbered. >> it's to paper over the establishment of republicans and john boehner has been there. he was there for the first revolution. this is not a new threat facing here. >> they are trying to capture the anger of the country on a couple of issues. they are trying to capture it, shall we say, if anything from the tea party as well. they want to at least make clear that they are the voice of that anger and not just another party. >> there is an impact to what
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boehner said. namely that there will be a fusion between tea party and them. because what we just had up on the screen is very attractive to the tea party. it's not everything they want, but it is attractive and pulls them closer so there is a fusion between the two. because when it comes two years from now, there's not a fusion, the regulars and irregulars may be out in the cold. >> everything that he would like to accomplish, of all the things is get the tea party to support the republicans. i don't see where else they can go. >> war for the soul of the republican party will start on november 2. we agree, for example. >> why don't you see that building the fusion between the two? >> well look, the tea party has been taking down regular republicans consistently. quite frankly, these guys are trying to capture it. get out of the way, ride this to victory and make your decision to what you are going to do. >> a battle between the conservatives, the true conservatives and the republican dreaded
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establishment is going to be one that is worth the price of admission that even people support the democrats, okay, democrats might lose, but this could be a lot of fun. this is going to be really entertaining. >> so exit question. let's get down to the political fusion. scale, 0 to 100. 0 meaning no fusion whatsoever. and 100 meaning perfect fusion copper and brass forming a single entity. to what extent will the gop and the tea party fuse by the presidential election? >> you just asked a question as to whether or not the republican will provide the next president. reagan is a 10. he did put the anger together and did it. george bush number one didn't. i think it's probably a 4 or 5, but it will take a richard nixon, frankly, or a ronald reagan to do it. both the skilled politicians. >> eleanor. >> i think all of the candidates in the republican
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field are going to pander so far to the right that whoever gets the nomination, it will not be worth having. but there are some exceptions. i think i have just been to new jersey and chris cristie is someone who could walk above the various factions and he could be one of those come from nowhere candidates and i can't say that about anybody else on the political horizon right now. >> cristie is doing some of those radical things you are talking about. cutting taxes, doing pension reform. >> a number of 0 to 100. >> i would say, it's about a 20. i would put it at 20% because the tea party is not going to be coopted. what the tea party is doing is dragging the republican party back to its core principles. whether the establishment in the gop is going to be listening to and absorbing the lessons is an open question. >> what's your fusion number one? >> it's going to be 50 to 60. they know what they want. they want a conservative
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predictions, pat. >> i think after the election, john, we have been talking. i think the tea party and the war party which wants to go to war against iran, you could have problems there. a lot of the tea party folks are not anxious for anymore interventions and some are come home america people. >> tea party? >> yes. dynamite. eleanor. >> california is coming home to the democrats and the revelation that meg whitman had hired an illegal alien for nine years and kind of looked the other way is dealing -- will deal her campaign a deadly blow. >> she denies it? >> she can't deny this woman worked for her and exchanged documents. >> she looks authentic.
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>> her husband said maybe he did see the documentation from the irs about it. so we'll see. >> we don't know the whole story. [ inaudible ] >> quickly. >> the debt is causing another crisis for the zone. it will put enormous pressure to bail out ireland the way they did greece. >> quickly. >> president ahmadinejad is going to go to syria in two weeks to stabilize the country. >> i predict that syria [ mom ] my son ryan didn't know his voulez-vous
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