tv Up to the Minute CBS October 11, 2010 3:05am-4:00am EDT
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what have we got? the guy in charge of the drill called it in. but then he didn't want to speak to me until you got here. hey. james grace, homeland security. don eppes, fbi... so, james, you want to give me a little rundown here? we were conducting an anti-terror drill: testing new bio-chem sensors and our response. at the end of the drill, a few of the sensors went off for real, indicating that there was some kind of release of toxin into the air. do you know what it was? hazmat's identified it as phosgene, a relative of chlorine. and what about all the people? everyone on the train were either mta employees or undercover cops. i was told six of them went to the hospital, but everybody's okay. wait, didn't we get a memo, right, that you guys were planning more drills? this was just our first one. we got ten more in l.a. the next seven days. james, what the hell happened? we don't know yet, peter. special agent eppes, special agent reeves, fbi. peter houseman, from homeland security... oversees these drills. glad to have the bureau's help. what can you tell me? don: i just got here,
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but i can tell you i think you should put your other exercises on hold. sorry, but that's not an option. not an option? we've been planning these exercises for the past year. i've got drills in nine different cities in the next six months. we pack up now, we won't be coming back. well, i understand that, but until we find out what happened here... we'll continue to run these tests... in l.a.'s local airport, in the hospitals, in the harbors... i'm not going to compromise the safety of los angeles because some janitor left the lid off a jar. washington thinks the chances of this being an actual terrorist attack are slim to none. i agree. and that's based on...? logic. terrorists go after maximum casualties. they don't go after anti-terror drills. megan: that is one type of profile. there are so many others. you think somebody did this deliberately, it is your job to find them. oh, i'm sorry. see, i didn't realize the fbi takes orders from homeland security. fine. you've got your work cut out for you. and i've got a job to do of my own.
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your boss always this reasonable? he's right. stop the drills now, it's like turning the titanic. the titanic hit an iceberg. we all use math every day. to predict weather... to tell time... to handle money. math is more than formulas and equations... logic... rationality... it's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know. captioning sponsored by cbs and paramount network television [ female announcer ] buy one get one half off everything. ♪ don't stop it, no, don't stop it, now ♪ [ female announcer ] during payless bogo.
3:08 am
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3:09 am
spiriva does not replace fast acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain... or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate... as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take... even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. now, i'm managing my chronic bronchitis every day. ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. we all do it. but you don't have to. thanks to secret flawless renewal... with odor-absorbing micro capsules that capture... odor and release a fresh scent. it's still working, so you can stop checking.
3:10 am
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hey, dad, you seen cha.... ...right. 40 portable chairs, a banquet table, and an arbor. for saturday. okay, great. see you then. an arbor? you're right, that upstairs bedroom would make a great changing room. good. val? hey, don. it's been a long time. since high school graduation. look at you-- you look great. thank you. i think the last time i saw you, you were driving off in that vw you had.
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my clutch gave out right by ventura. what's going on? she's getting married. yeah, right here. yup. oh, you're kidding. what, here at the house? val: yeah, my fiance and i were planning a big june wedding but then he just got transferred to london this year, and my mother, she flew into a total panic... val's parents invited us to the wedding and i found out what was going on. they just sold their place and moved into a one-bedroom on wilshire... so, i said, "what the hell, it's no problem. have it here." sure, why not? thank you. wow. so, um... you're an fbi agent. had to make amends somehow. and what are you up to? pediatric surgery. yeah, she's a doctor. yeah, yeah. your dad was telling me about charlie... the math rock star. no surprise there, right? we always figured he'd do something special. you forgot that big fight you had with your brother when you invited val to the prom? come on, dad, what are you talking about a fight? he was 13. he was going to go out with her? you'll forgive me if my recollection is different from yours.
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so, anyway, i hear you two work together now. yeah, when i can find him. not that i don't want to reminisce, but it's why i'm here. charlie was in the garage... no, no, wait, i just saw him go out front. all right... hey, great seeing you, val. you, too. you're gonna come, right? umm... yeah, sure, i wouldn't miss it. absolutely. good. congratulations. thank you... thanks. so, this is where all those university research dollars go. everything you see here came out of our own pockets. calsci's mini-bot "chain yank and crank" is next friday. larry: after five years of ignominy, the physics department has ascended to the finals against engineering, thanks to professor charles edward eppes. charlie: i just "free-styled" faraday's law of induction to triple amp the armature coil and maximize horsepower. this thing's actually going to pull the car? larry: hm-mm... six feet to glory. let's do it. all righty. guys, there's something else. this is it. all right. okay, ready?
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charlie: there it is. there we go. you see that? it's moving! ( excited muttering ) all right, we're there. three feet... halfway. come on, baby. we did it! ( motor stops ) sorry, guys. this is like 1998 all over again. hey, did you see val? yeah, yeah. a doctor. well, her talents always were in biology. i take it you both knew this woman? we were all in the same class in high school. larry: oh, yeah. i keep forgetting you graduated the same year. so you're not here to talk about val. yeah, right. you know anything about phosgene gas? a diluted form of it was released on the subway this morning. oh, my god. we're trying to figure out if it was an accident...
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like, maybe a maintenance worker mixing bottles together. phosgene's used in the manufacture of dyes and pesticides. it's in the chlorine family and it is highly toxic. theoretically, it could be accidentally produced by combining certain cleaning agents but that's... that's very unlikely. so, it probably wasn't an accident? charlie: what was the delivery mechanism? do you know if it was an air duct or a canister...? we don't know yet. why? because when gas dissipates, it leaves a trail behind. you may be able to determine the original release point. and if we find that out... you may find who released it. oh, looks like we got something. the drill participants were all mta employees or law enforcement. mta windbreaker's easy enough
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to get your hands on. so it looks like the guy dumped this out here in the confusion, and then walked away a new man. colby: gas mask... megan: is that a cafe latte to go? i love these things. looks like someone drilled a hole in it and then resealed it. well, now what? now, we buy charlie a coffee. these coffee drinks... i've seen 'em. half my students suck down one per lecture. don: let me see it. how does it work? the can has an internal heating system. there's a button on the bottom... you press it... and water mixes with quicklime. it's highly exothermic, and it can produce heat as high as 140 degrees fahrenheit. and it makes a really nice latte. and quite an efficient delivery system. here you go. kept at 48 degrees, phosgene's a stable liquid. above that, it turns into a potentially deadly gas. this diagram illustrates gas intensity levels
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throughout the subway car, as measured by first-responders. now, using that data, i was able to run a gaussian plume dispersion model... a manner in which to determine the pattern of the gas release. now, to the naked eye, a gas release can appear as one large cloud. the gas will spread from its release point driven by air currents to open doors and windows. obstacles in the path of the gas will affect it's dispersion. one large cloud is actually comprised of many separate plumes. using a generalized diffusion equation i was able to backtrack, to find the origin point of the gas release. your assailant released the gas here-- precisely in the center of the car. why right there? well, this placement allows for the greatest dispersion. see, this air ducts on the perimeter, there's no way for the gas to vent out. right. theoretically it was released in a way to maximize deaths. remember, you said the phosgene was diluted. and it was, by mixing in a harmless additive to negate its deadliness. someone with this type of proficiency...
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this wasn't a mistake. which means this person could have taken lives, but chose not to. we know he deliberately chose to target and anti-terrorism drill. so we're talking about a high risk taker, with a thrill-seeking disposition. right, it's like a game to them. and most thrill-seekers are adrenaline junkies. so i'd say our guy's going to strike again. only this time he'll need to up the ante. we're going to get ourselves some real casualties.
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mr. houseman, look, i know you're not going to want to hear this, but i really think you're going to have to put those exercises on hold. i don't like having the same conversation twice. neither do i, but that gas was released intentionally, all right? by someone planning to do some serious harm. and you know this how? among other things, a mathematical analysis which i stand by. really? i've got some math for you. how about 52 killed in a london subway. 191 in madrid. right. do i really need to mention 9/11? no, i get your point, and here's mine, okay? because everything we know tells us whoever did this is going to do it again and the next time the gas is not going to be harmless. we've got chemical plants that are exposed, we've got harbors. our food supply, water-- all very vulnerable to attack. this city needs these exercises to protect itself. i understand that, but i'll telling you right now, if we don't stop them i am going on record saying you're making a mistake. and i think at the very least, we should inform the people that are partaking in these exercises. and totally corrupt the exercises. that would accomplish nothing. look, agent, i've had some experience making tough decisions like these when i oversaw base security
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as a consultant in iraq. the question is, would you rather write two letters of condolence or 200,000? hi, there, gentlemen. what happened, larry? charlie draft you into another one of those investigations? you're not going to believe this. somebody attacked an anti-terrorism drill on the subway. was anyone hurt? no, fortunately our budding terrorist utilized a diluted form of phosgene gas. hey, charlie, you know, i could use a hand getting the yard ready for the wedding. yeah, don needs to figure out what happened asap. come on, she was your friend, too. i guess this is what i get for volunteering, huh? yeah, for volunteering my house-- yeah, that's fair. i'm providing house, you provide labor. i understand don and charles went to school with this girl. oh, yeah. your friend charlie had quite a crush on that girl. i was 13, and she was my lab partner. you weren't so casual about it then. especially when don took her to the prom. remember? they actually had a wrestling match about it
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on the lawn. isn't it nice having a living history of embarrassing moments from my childhood. no, no, no, i'm quite enjoying the vision of a young charles eppes moved to violence by a girl. oh, he was moved all right. you know what, can we... can we... why are talking about this? this is something that happened... i have work to... we have work to... we have to get work done. yeah. well, i guess i have to clip the hedges myself. how'd it go with homeland security? it didn't. the drills are going forward. there are three tomorrow, four the day after that. well, maybe keeping the exercises in play is good. it's limiting the number of targets. what do you mean? there's ten all together. we don't have troops to cover all of them. maybe we don't need to. charlie can probably help us out there. gentlemen. what do you got? subway security camera caught our guy on tape. witness saw him dump his gear in a trash bin. we id'd him as a roger holstein, 31, ex-army special forces. body art was the tip-off. that tattoo right there? that means he's a c-t team operative. c-t team?
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counter terror. they're soldiers trained to role play our enemies and mimic their tactics. including terrorist simulations. colby: they test the security at military bases and weapons stations by staging mock attacks. and the subway strike? it's right out of their playbook. this guy holstein, he's been doing the exact same kind of work as a civilian contractor since he was discharged from the army. they're last job was two months ago. his team staged a mock attack on mirabo labs-- private chemical facility. what, you think that's where they got the phosgene? yeah. you say these guys usually work together in teams? always. can you play back the tape? yeah. and stop it right there. can you zoom in on his ear? mm-hmm. highlight it right there. whoa. he's wearing an earpiece. holstein wasn't giving orders, he was taking them. and was this guy in charge of the operation at the chemical plant? no, it was another ex-army, ex-c-t team guy. you got his jacket? yeah. glen nash, former special forces,
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served in iraq, got a medal of valor. retired from army service in '03. went into private contracting, mostly overseas. except for a few jobs in the states at places like mirabo. jacket says he has training in psyops, cyber-warfare and covert operations. wow. what? in 2002 when he was still in the army, he led a c-t operation that penetrated security at a naval base and stole a submarine. a submarine? and he only had seven men in his team. all right, look, i want his full background. i want team photos, everything. i want to know where he is now. you mean to tell me they could steal a submarine from a naval base with seven guys? think how easy it would be to attack a wide-open city. "be careful out there. "as you know, we have more standard safety features "than you. "10 airbags... daytime running lamps... "onstar automatic crash response. "in case ya didn't see it, that's probably why "msn autos called the cruze
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3:27 am
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to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. that's why they pay less. but at allstate, they pay a whole lot less. in fact, safe drivers can save 45% or more on their car insurance. protect your home with allstate, too, and you can save an extra 10%. think allstate's expensive? think again. now that you know the truth, let the good hands give you a great price. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. dollar for dollar, when did you last see your brother, ms. nash? a couple of months ago. he was in l.a. doing some security work. i let him crash on my sofa. in the morning he was gone... no good-byes.
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classic glen. any idea where he went? we're not that close these days. why is that? glen's changed. you know, he served in iraq. yeah, we looked at his service record. glen lost men over there. that hit him pretty hard. that'll do that. you were there? afghanistan. then you know. is my brother in some kind of trouble? ms. nash, right now we just need to talk to him. colby: but sooner... rather than later. i wish i could help you. megan says the only way we're going to stop these guys is to catch them in the act. you know what? i think she might be right. well, charlie, look, i want to stop something terrible from happening. you know, i don't want to clean up after it. i understand. i'll apply site percolation theory.
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site percolation theory examines how a suspect navigates through a maze of lattice points-- obstacles-- in order to achieve an objective. come here. think of the exercise like a pachinko game. our attacker is the ball descending through the maze. and the nails are like physical obstacles-- alarm systems, locked doors. the holes are security traps laid in his path. now, our guy has to navigate around the obstacles and avoid security in order to reach his objective. a different pachinko game will yield different lattice points. just like different exercises will present different security measures. absolutely. now, by analyzing the choices our attacker made that led him to infiltrate the subway, i may be able to postulate an mo. however, i'm going to need data from the remaining exercises. i'll talk to homeland security, sure. great. hey, did you hear what dad's doing? oh, my... he's too obsessed with this wedding. honestly, seriously, he went out and bought himself a copy of brides magazine.
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our little wedding planner. he says because he has two sons, this may be the only chance he'll have to get to throw a wedding. it's kind of weird val getting married at our house, though, don't you think? uh-huh. even weirder, because i liked her and, you know, you took her to the prom. come on, you're still upset about that? no, i... remembering that brings back other stuff. like what? like what it was like to be don eppes's 13-year-old brainiac brother. come on, charlie, don't start. i mean, it wasn't that big a deal. not for you, but high school sucked for me, don. man, i was a little kid. everyone was years older than me. and yeah, there was this one girl who didn't treat me like i was different. she was nice to me. it was no easy trick being your brother, either, you know. you're five years younger than me, we're in the same grade. i'm like an idiot next to you. so, i'm sorry if i was better than you at something. whatever, man. you're the one that asked.
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so, predicting how nash will strike is only half the battle. it's not going to tell you where. well, can you tell us that? no, but nash will. i'll tell you what. let me start by looking at his military operations. then i think i'll be able to tell you more. okay. okay. we pulled jackets on the rest of nash's team from the mirabo labs job. now holstein we know about. the others are jason small, demolition specialist, and henry olerud, electronics geek. all right, well, let's say nash has put together a reunion tour and he's targeting the exercises. that still doesn't tell me why he's going after homeland security. this might. nash has been working as a contractor in iraq this last year, and the base he was working out of was supposed to be secure, but it wasn't. in april they were hit by suicide bombers and he lost two of the men on his team. david: but how is that connected to homeland security, though?
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because the same lapses in security that he saw there he sees here now. my guess is he's decided to call attention to it. how? by gassing the subway? in his mind, he's found a way to exert control over a situation he was helpless in. emotions aren't rational, grangar. revenge is just an emotion. i checked the background. nash's ct team fell off the grid after mirabo; cell phones, bank statements, credit cards, it all stopped dead. but wait. he had a sister, right? who said she doesn't know where he is. let's get her on surveillance. i mean, if we don't find him, he's going to find us, you know? mm-hmm. hey. hey. master plan is one of the remaining exercises. thank you very much for your cooperation. i appreciate it. i think you should take a look at this first. our department keeps records of all threats made against homeland security personnel or operations. nash, he sent letters making a lot of noise about how easy it would be
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to trash houseman's anti-terror drills. i'd appreciate if you don't tell houseman i gave you that. yeah, absolutely. but why didn't he give it to us? he doesn't like to respond to what he calls idle threats. i'm glad you don't agree. i did my time in the army, first gulf war. i've met men like nash, special forces. my experience? they don't bark unless they intend to bite. ( knocking ) oh, a new algorithmic mapping system? mm. it's a seating map for the wedding. my dad finally found me a job i can help him with that's interesting mathematically. yeah? well, it seems just a little elaborate. well, it is a complicated series of evaluations; dynamic traffic flow, graph analysis, acoustic patterning. okay. you know, i tell you, none of this explains why i always get stuck
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sitting between the great aunts and the cigar-smoking cousins. oh, diversions aside, this case i'm working on is presenting some difficulties. anything you hope to discern? the pattern in glen nash's past acts are key to his target selection. yeah? anything else going on with you? hmm? it's just the other day, you know, your father recalled the amusing anecdote of you and don fighting over the girl. yeah. what about it? it's just that, you know, you didn't seem all that amused. there's some stuff between don and me that's not worked out. have you talked to him about that yet? no. it was high school. well, you know, sometimes, the path to closure is as elusive as the path from row three to row six. it's certainly not as simple as it appears. people always desire to have the best seat in the house, which is the row directly behind the families, but no matter how you map it out, there's always going to be some seats some targets... harder to get to than others.
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that's the commonality. out of 30 ct team operations, all were against military bases and high security labs. but i know that in the military, ct teams often choose their own assignments. it seems like glen nash made a point of choosing the most unassailable targets. well, there's your pattern. megan, we ran an employment check on nash's former team. prior to mirabo labs, holstein, small and olerud all worked jobs in construction, home-building supply and electronics wholesale. that doesn't track. cowboys like this don't take ten-dollar-an-hour mcjobs. these special forces guys are trained to live off the land and make use of what's readily available. like turning a convenience store item like a cafe latte can
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into a chemical bomb. we figure maybe these guys helped themselves to some phosgene gas when they were working at the labs. could be they chose the other worksites for whatever else they needed to steal. we should talk to their former employers, see what else went missing. hey, where's don? he's with the homeland security guys in the conference room. great, 'cause i think i may have an answer for them. after the first world trade center attack in 1993, mathematicians at the nsa tried to predict other attacks by evaluating likely target choices using a linear discriminant analysis. agent eppes, am i here for a math lecture or a substantive discussion of the problem at hand? well, how about both, mr. houseman? based on past acts, i've deduced that glen nash doesn't just prefer hard targets, he goes for the hardest. the greatest security challenges. given this fact, i've applied my linear discrminant analysis to the ten remaining exercises. and i've calculated threat assessments based on a series of variables: number of ingresses, egresses, number of security cameras,
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police presence, proximity to the freeway and so on. now, from these variables, i've rated the targets from softest to hardest, and i believe that nash's next target is city hall. we have an exercise there tomorrow, 9:00 a.m. so that gives us, what, like, 11 hours. well, that's enough time to run nash's mo through my psych percolation theory algorithm and that may tell us how he'll attack. we have a breach at the homeland security office. ( garbled radio transmission ) terry: it doesn't make any sense. the homeland security office isn't a hard target, and to strike two days before a scheduled exercise breaks nash's mo. maybe he's telling us we're on his schedule now. nothing was missing. security says no. colby: is it possible they're trying to download plans for the exercises and trigger the alarm that way? tech guys say the firewall hasn't been breached. i want every inch of this building searched again. no one has entered, peter. every inch, james.
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and your guys didn't get anything off of these video cameras? or the motion detectors. so nobody actually made entry. but they want us to believe they did. why would nash want to trigger an alarm if his team never entered? it's not a game if there's no objective, right? right. so tripping the alarm accomplished what? well, it brought us all here. nash is trained in cyberwarfare. he hacked into their system, right? but why? what's the point? what if we're the point? if he can hack into their security system, why couldn't he hack into their video surveillance? they're both on the same circuit. terry: so he's watching us through those cameras. david: okay, he's watching us do what? he's watching us respond. it's countersurveillance.
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copd doesn't just make it hard to breathe... it makes it hard to do a lot of things. and i'm a guy who likes to go exploring ... get my hands dirty... and try new things. so i asked my doctor if spiriva could help me breathe better. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd... which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better for a full 24 hours. and it's not a steroid. spiriva does not replace fast acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain... or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate... as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take... even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. i'm glad i'm taking spiriva everyday because breathing better is just better. ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you.
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guy goes through the trouble, but why not just steal houseman's security plans for the rest of the exercises? because then houseman might cancel them. our boy nash wants to make sure those exercises stay in play. as a target. uh-huh. okay, thank you. hey, i just checked those other jobs that nash's guys had. you were exactly right. there's a bunch of stuff missing. blasting caps from a construction site, a pesticide called cordex missing from a home supply store. a bunch of cell phones from the electronics shop. palestinian suicide terrorists, they use cordex
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to mix with explosives. plus blasting caps and cell phones. nash is making a bomb. don: we're talking about concrete evidence that nash and his men have an explosive device. terry: any my psych workups indicate that he's getting tired of sending you messages you don't listen to. if we stop the exercise, we're giving him what he wants. and you don't and you are literally daring him to cause real casualties. i think we should listen to what they say, peter. all right. we postpone the exercises until you get nash. tell our people to stand down. that went a lot easier than i thought it would. you don't think a bomb going off is enough of a motivator? what part of his personality says he can take a suggestion? okay, well, what's changed since the last time we saw him? the break-in at homeland security. he seemed pretty rattled. which we assumed was because nash hit him where he lived. think something else scared him?
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maybe. hey. hey, brother. what's up? dad's lasagna. it's actually worth digesting. why don't you grab a plate? i'm good, thanks. are you sure? yeah. what do you got there? what is it, high school yearbook? no way. yeah. i don't remember you being next to val. yeah, val eng, charlie eppes. i thought it was part of a greater plan. what? i ruined that? what's your quote here? "eternal nothingness is okay if you dress for it." oh, yeah, woody allen. that's good. i don't remember you being all that funny. oh, and yeah, you were hilarious, right? man, i totally didn't get you. we totally didn't get each other, did we? no, negative. we could have never done this work together as kids. no way. both: can you imagine that? we're doing all right now, right?
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somehow, yeah. we're doing all right. charlie, look, you know, if i did stuff that hurt you when we were kids, i'm sorry. thank you. you don't have to... i was 13. yeah, exactly. you were 13. she was, she was so hot. she's still hot, man. and just think how happy dad would be if one of us married a doctor. i think he'd be happy if i married someone with a pulse. nice point. hey, listen, so something larry said got me thinking about the targets. yeah, it doesn't matter 'cause they canceled the exercises. we're going to have to catch nash the hard way. that's just it. i'm not so sure the exercises were the target. what do you mean? come on, bro, i'll show you.
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so i based my linear discriminant analysis on nash's past operations which yielded a preference for hard targets: missile silos and battle command labs. right. which is why you thought he'd strike city hall. but in focusing on nash's patterns of behavior, i overlooked something. the subway, the office of homeland security, those are soft targets. which don't fit his mo. so we've either been looking at the wrong guy, or the wrong targets. hey. hey. terry: morning. good morning. tape from the homeland security office. yeah, i'm trying to see what nash was seeing. he's watching us. right. that's us, but watch houseman. he's checking out his laptop. don: look at his face. yeah, okay. i see the eyes, the jaw, the tension. something on that screen scared him.
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don: what if nash wasn't just hacking into their security system. what if he was hacking into houseman's computer? so he wasn't watching us, he's watching houseman. whatever message he sent was received loud and clear. wait, back up. a little more resolution. yeah. oh, "k-i-a." that's "killed in action." he's talking about the american troops killed in iraq. all right, call homeland security. get a bomb squad over there. tell houseman he's going into protective custody, and that's willingly or unwillingly. see, charlie thought the exercises weren't nash's prime target. so he's going after houseman, not the drills. houseman didn't show up for work this morning. they've been trying to find him all day. surveillance just saw nash go into his sister's house. all right, let's get over there.
3:48 am
megan: there is our guy. all right, we go on my command. just hold it. nash's sister. all right, you two deal with her. let's go, let's go, let's go. ms. nash. ms. nash. fbi! arms in the air! who called 911? get your hands up. get 'em up! all right, just stay cool, partner everything's gonna be all right. one more step, i'm gonna put a hole right through you! step away from the door, step away from the door. get down on your knees. down on your knees! hands on your head.
3:49 am
check it out. get 'em on your head! most people use a pot rack to hang pots. where's houseman? who? where's the bomb? ( snorts ) you're sure asking a lot of questions for someone who's trying to make me think you got all the answers. look, pal, you don't want to mess with me. it's over. i'm your only hope. it's never over, agent, not until the last man standing.
3:50 am
3:51 am
i figure i'm entitled to use an amendment or two. hey, come on, don't cloak this in the constitution. this is about your men dying in iraq, isn't it? we pulled background checks on the homeland security personnel. you know that houseman did a consulting gig in iraq before he worked for the department. it was his team who drew up the security plans for the airbase where your team members were killed. made a lot of money doing it, too. don: you sent a letter to the pentagon-- they didn't listen. boy, i'll bet that pissed you off, huh? so you found another way to be heard? did you ask your team to steal phosgene gas from mirabo labs? the same gas that was used in the subway. hey, if that happened, it wasn't under my order. oh, all of a sudden you weren't in charge. now, why do i have a hard time believing that? after the mirabo job, we all went our separate ways. i want to know where they are, i want to know where the bomb is and i want to know where houseman is, and that's your only shot at a deal, you hear me? if i were in charge of this operation, we wouldn't even be having this discussion
3:52 am
because there's no way in hell a bunch of feds would've ever caught me, pants down, at my sister's house. i'm not that stupid. we just talked to nash's sister. he hasn't even been in the country for the last four weeks. where was he? he's been in mexico in drug rehab. i guess after what happened in iraq, he started using. the rehab clinic confirmed nash has been there this entire month. yeah. iraq messed him up, just not the way we thought. all right, so if not him, then who, and, and why are they after houseman? this army file may have our answer. i just got to thinking, who served nash up to us as a suspect on a silver platter? ( phone ringing ) houseman's number two. eppes. nash isn't the only ex-army guy who lost men. great. different iraq war, same story. on our way. houseman was just spotted. where? homeland security with james grace.
3:53 am
you sure security's right? there's no good reason for grace to be on the roof. okay, guys, i got him. grace, get your hands up. i don't think so. get 'em up where i can see 'em! uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. i wouldn't get any closer if i were you. i got him on speed-dial. all right, we're going to need a bomb squad and we gotta set up a perimeter. aren't we in it? we need a perimeter around the building. there's a bomb on the roof. we've pulled your file, major grace. you were special forces yourself. like nash. him and his team served under you. all those men were great men. is that how you're gonna make your point? you're gonna blow up a bunch of fbi agents? there's only one person here that deserves a body bag-- him. james, what the hell did i ever do to you?
3:54 am
to me? nothing, but those men in iraq... you let them think they were secure... and you're doing the same thing now, here. i'm just trying to protect lives, the same as you. how? by staging these drills? everything's pre-planned, guaranteed for success? you want a real exercise, peter? one with real risk? you got one, right now. that's what this is, isn't it, major? an exercise. i want him to feel what those men felt in iraq... for real. then you've accomplished your mission. let him go. that bomb's not real, is it? you think i would dishonor the men that fight for this country by killing a defenseless man like him? all right, relax. we're coming in. what? yeah, feel it, peter. feel it.
3:55 am
( mutters nervously ) ( yells ) like i said... it was just an exercise. yeah, i hope it was it worth it. if it gets the message through to people like him? absolutely. ( string trio playing ) can i just adjust your tie? you're acting like i'm getting married. boys. how do you like the flowers, hmm? it's great, yeah. i was thinking of getting potted kumquats, but, uh...
3:56 am
dad, whatever you did, the place looks beautiful. don: absolutely. good job. charlie: you throw a great, wedding. remember that, both of you. oh, here we go. mr. eppes? i just wanted to thank you. no, it's alan, and you look absolutely lovely. thank you. huh? well, now... it's a beautiful bride. so where's the groom? uh... oh, ben's over there. i better go back inside before he sees me. catch up with you after? hey, congratulations. yeah. thank you. he's a doctor, too. so am i, dad. that's what i meant. are you charlie eppes? sure, why not? i'm bree. bree eng? bree eng. you're val's cousin. right. wow, you were so... so little. i'm not so little anymore. i was looking for an escort. uh... sorry. groom side. lead on. okay.
3:57 am
well. don: he's got to close, though. that kid's gotta learn how to close. yeah, that's what he needs, a seminar from the dateless wonder. i don't see you with a date, pal. who says i don't have a date? the caterer? yes, the caterer. nice. she has a daughter, too. she's very cute. i can take care of myself. take a look. there she is. oh, that's her daughter? yes. oh... see, that's food for thought. captioning sponsored by cbs and paramount network television captioned by media access group at wgbh
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