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tv   The Early Show  CBS  October 15, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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christmas party. >> the next news is at noon, until then get the news, weather and traffic at >> see you monday morning at 4:25. storm front. a nor'easter drenches much of the east coast with heavy rain and powerful winds. raises kerns of flooding and power outages. dave price is live in new england with the latest on the big storm. going home. at least three of the miners are released from the hospital and begin to head home to face their new-found fame as new details emerge about those harrowing first days trapped underground including fears of cannibalism. we're live in chile. daytime drama. >> hold it. hold it. listen to me, because you'll learn. >> a conversation with bill o'reilly gets a little too hot,
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so whoopi and joy walk off the set and it didn't end there. we'll take you inside the showdown on the sofa early this friday morning, october 15th, showdown on the sofa early this friday morning, october 15th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs big crowd on the plaza here on a friday morning. >> and so enthusiastic. look at that. >> good morning, everybody. i'm harry smith. >> i'm maggie rodriguez. welcome to "the early show." >> paying so much attention on the story of the tekts tex-mexico border on the lake where david hartley allegedly was murdered two weeks ago and now, after all of this week with the execution-style slaying of one of the authorities down there in mexico, they have apparently called off the search. so, we will get you the latest on that story in just a couple of minutes. >> but bege thin this friday morning with the fast-moving
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nor'easter that rolled up the coast the past 24 hours bringing heavy rain and powerful winds now pushing through new england, where dave price, is in rye, new hampshire for us this morning. already feeling the effects, right, dave? >> certainly so, maggie. the wind and rain really beginning to pick up, places like philadelphia and washington, new york, mid-atlantic states, really didn't bear the full brunt of this because it really began to form once it went out into the atlantic and got some of that energy and moisture. now, in areas through new england it is going to be a very, very tough go. even those folks in places like new york and south are still going to see the effect of winds through the next 24 hours or so. now, as far as wind gusts and speeds, we're talking about winds 30 to 50 miles per hour as we roll into sections of new hampshire and massachusetts and into maine. and, as we're talking about the higher elevations, you combine that wind with precip, it could be in the form of snow, especially above 2000 feet.
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but, for travelers who are traveling the 95 corridor or flying into places throughout new england today, it is going to be a very tough go and the worst of it probably coming from right now until later in the afternoon. keep in mind they're going to be treacherous conditions on the roadways and the morning will be filled with fog some areas and limited vinlt. it sn s an awful morning here as we say hello to an early nor'easter in new england. back with a full forecast in a little while but it is a raw morning on the new hampshire coast. back to you guys in new york. >> all right, thanks, dave. now to the latest on the 33 miners in chile, they're leaving the hospital one by one, to start new lives with their families. as we hear for the first time about the desperation of their lives underground before rescue efforts began. cbs news correspondent seth doane is in copiapo chile with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: as the miners are leaving the hospital, they will also be leaving a very carefully
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controlled communication bubble. journalists will have more access to them and, in fact, there are already cracks emerging in that story line of unity presented so far. the first three miners were released from the hospital late last night in what continues to be a carefully orchestrated pick tear-perfect rescue for. more than two months we've witness ad scene of harmony among them but there are new reports this morning from deep uner ground there were uglier moments we did not see. according to a freelance journalist who interviewed the miners undergrounds, the first 17 days before they were discovered what's extremely intense. there was infighting among them that came to blows, even feelings of despair and even reportedly a fear of cannibalism if the situation grew more desperate. those feelings are in the past for now, as the miners continue to celebrate their new-found freedom.
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carlos mamani, the only bolivian of the 33 had worked in the mine just five days before the collapse. he said to the crowd, i'm very thankful and long with chile. he was welcomed home still wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes. but already getting a glimpse of the spotlight. after worrying about their rescue for up to 70 days, day 71 brought the chance for recovery. relatives of jimmy sanchez, the youngest trapped, videotaped their reunion for cbs news. the 19-year-old told the camera he's doing well, but doctors worried he seemed withdrawn. sanchez's uncle, pedro gonzalez, had been dreaming of this day most of the miners appear healthy but doctors are thinking about longer term psychological affects of being in that mine. do you worry about jimmy? >> translator: of course. but i think with all of the support from his family, that he
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will be fine, gonzalez told me. at the hospital, one visitor really stood out, chile's president, sebastian pineiro. he challenged the men to a soccer match and joked that the winners could stay in the presidential palace but the losers would have to go back to the mine. of as these 33 men have become global celebrities, their lists of invitations has grown and i've been keeping a list. there's an invitation to the greek islands for two to sit on the sunny beaches paid for by a greek mining company. there are trips to spain and the united kingdom to watch soccer matches, to chile's coast paid for by the tourism board. the runner of the group invited to the new york marathon. even the president of bolivia would like him to come stay at his presidential palace. it's clear that the lives of these 33 men from a small mining community in northern chile is starting to change. seth doane, cbs news, copiapo,
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chile. >> maggie snirmsts thanks, harry. at 7:07 turning to politics and a senate debate in nevada that could have a huge impact on the next congress. the senate majority harry reid is slugging it out with a republican challenge, another tea party favorite, sharron angle. our correspondent ben tracy is in las vegas with the latest. good morning, ben. >> reporter: good morning, bag gee. this one of the nastiest and tightest senate races in the country. the polls basically show it is tied. if the tea party can knock off the most powerful man in the u.s. senate that, would be huge for their movement. so last night, in their first and only debate, the candidates were ready to spar. >> i live in a middle class neighborhood in reno, nevada. senator reed lives in the ritz-carlton in washington, d.c. >> reporter: the first punch in a debate that at times found harry reid sxars rated. >> i'm really disappointed she
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would suggest that. >> reporter: the two gaffe-prone came clearly with talking points. >> obama-care is destroying our economy. >> that's really extreme. >> extreme. >> obama-care. >> reporter: angle has said she wants to privatize social security. >> an extreme idea, not good and will destroy social security. don't frighten people about social security. >> man up, harry reid, do you need to understand that we have a problem with social security. >> reporter: the debate was mild compared to the two campaigns' increasingly nasty ad war. >> harry reid, the best friend illegals have ever have. >> introducing sharron angle's crazy juice. >> reid says her views on privatizing social security and medicare and abolishing the department of education are too extreme for nevada. yet, anger here against reid is deep, especially among tea partiers. >> dump harry reid. >> reporter: they blame him for
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nevada's economic woes, as well as the government bailouts and health care reform in washington. >> in november, harry reid's going out on his ear. >> reporter: despite his well-oiled campaign machine he can't seem to shake the insurgent who just raised a whopping $14 million in the past three months. you're up against an opponent you call extreme and pathological. why aren't you doing better? >> well again, it's a tough time. people are struggling. they're angry because they are struggling. like i said, we've always known it was going to be a difficult race. >> reporter: definitely a tight race. know they debate last night was even more crucial because early voting begins here in nevada here saturday, tomorrow. polls in the state show most people in this state don't like either of these candidates but you could have a situation where you have people filling in the bubble with one hand and holding their he nose with the other. harry? >> ben tracy in las vegas this morning, thank you very much. more now from cbs news political analyst john dickerson in washington. good morning, john.
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>> good morning, harry. >> i watched this debate on c-span last night. i'm very curious to know what you think of what happened. >> well, i watched it, as well. clearly there were two differ refnt philosophies on display. harry reid talking about the things he'd brought home to nevada and sharron angle saying a senator's job is not to bring jobs home but create the environment for jobs pushing her limited government argument. neither one of these candidates did a very good job in the debate. they were sort of confusing at times. their talking points came out in this staccotto, sentences seemed to be missing. it was not a great showing by either candidate. >> especially if you're the senate majority leader. you're a guy that's been in this business forever and ever and ever, it seems to me harry reid did not do himself any favors last night. >> people joked about bob dole, the majority leader of the senate, he was stuck in the senate, he would talk about the procedures of senate and harry reid had a lot of that last night. he was talking in jargony phrases naming bills in
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washington. he clearly and has always said he's not a great public speaker. but if sharron angle was trying to paint him as a captive of washington, he was will helping the case by behaving like a captive of washington. >> he was carrying the bucket and paintbrush. what if he loses? >> well, if he loses, it's a huge blow for democrats. this is the most important target for republicans out there. then the question is whether the democrats lose all of the senate. if he loses in and democrats keep control there will be a very interesting fight for who the new majority leader will be among the democrats. but if he also loses, this will be a huge boost for the tea party, which is backing sharron angle. >> let's talk about the tea party some more. christine o'donnell had her debate a couple nights ago in delaware and basically said i don't need the republican party. she went on hannity yesterday and said i'm in a fight with these guys and getting all kinds of let's call it unorthodox support in her run down there. >> well, she's down, according
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to the polls, by quite a big margin, 19 points, i think in one of them. and so, this race is so different than the angle race so, close, neck and neck. what's happening now, though, o'donnell is kind of lashing out and said according to harold fine men of the huffingtonpost sean hannity is in her pocket and can help her beat on the established republicans. you talk to those republicans and they say she is out of control. the problem is not she'll lose quietly but she will take down the establishments in the process or at least threatening too. >> very interesting. the other thing we want to talk about quickly, the first lady has been on the campaign trail and is mrs. obama's star power enough to bolster the candidates she's been out trying to support? >> no. if it is, it is just at the margin, this sn an attempt to get democrats out who are lackluster in their support. but a lot of these candidates are in trouble because it's a very bad economy and there's nothing she can do to make that any better.
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>> very interesting. with just a couple weeks until election day, john dickerson, as always, appreciate your expertise. >> thanks harry. >> all right. >> erica hill is standing by at the news desk. good morning, erica. >> good morning, happy friday. good morning to everyone at home. the pentagon temporarily suspending enforcement ever don't ask don't tell. the president cannot unilaterally end the law. that is up to congress. speaking yesterday, however, mr. obama insisted the ban will, quote, end on my watch. florida's attorney general is praising a federal court ruling allowing a court challenge to president obama's health care reform law. 20 states are part of the suit and among the issues, the constitutionality of pea nalizing people who don't buy insurance. last week, a federal judge in michigan ruled that requirement is constitutional. as mexico suspends the search for david hartley's body one u.s. official says the american jet skier believed killed by mexican pirates may have been a victim of mistaken
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identity. cbs's joel brown reports. >> reporter: david hartley, the american reportedly shot to death in mexico waters september 30th may have died as the result of a tragic mistake. according to the u.s. consulate in mexico, mexican pirates possibly thought hartley and his wife were drug runners when they allegedly shot him in the back of the head as he and tiffany hartley were jet skiing across falcon lake on the text-mex border. i think what you had is two innocent american tourists who mistakenly stumbled into a bad area and were pursued and the shooting occurred, said a spokesman for the consulate. the tragic event could have been set in motion by the mexican license plates on hartley's truck. thursday a security expert told "the early show" how they could have given them the wrong id idea. >> they were identified by
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zeta spotters, posted as look-outs to keep an eye out for undercover agents either from u.s. law enforcement or mexican law enforcement and i think a set of dominos started to fall when they went out on the water. >> reporter: neither hartley's body nor his jet ski have been found and thursday, mexican authorities suspended their search. there is a recess. we are going to look into new strategies, because up to now, we have not been able to recover the body. joel brown, cbs news, washington. made for good video, but this next one we're about to show you really sets itself apart going virral online it happened in sao paulo an escaped prison inmate driving a black car trying to, as you see there, smash his way through traffic. that's not working. hey, we'll just back up, take the motorcycle with me. yeah. listen to these brazilian announcers following it.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> almost like a soccer match. officers opened fire and converge on the fugitive's car you see wedged between the other vehicles. the guy's not going anywhere. finally they were able to corner and arrest the wounded criminal. time to turn our attention to dave price if a check of your weather. he's standing by in rye new hampshire this morning. you look like you are ready for a little weather today, dave. >> oh, absolutely. and we've got a picnic basket so join us, erica. it is a dose of autumn weather that really is rolling in a little early. the nor'easter, seven to ten-foot waves behind me and, of course, high wind advisories through much of new england. high wind warning in southern maine and of course looking at one to three inches of water rolling on through here today. it's going to be a tough go. let's look at the national maps, as well. the west coast, still southwest looking nice and warm in the desert, rolling air rolling into the northern plains, in florida, south florida, the rain beginning to push away but here
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in the northeast and new england, with-i-n-d spells wind and it will be with us for a while. we're in >> it is really beginning to kick up here. we'll be back in a little while. if you are traveling throughout new england or throughout the east coast today, check your airlines. there are going to be delays wracking up. back to you in new york. >> they've got to wipe the lens again, he gets fuzzier and
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fuzzier and fuzzier. >> do not adjust your television set. that's rain on the lens there. >> whoa. >> still ahead this morning, a clash of views on "the view." joy and whoopi walked off after bill o'reilly says muslims killed us on 9/11. the fight didn't end there. we'll bring you the latest on the showdown on the sofa. also ahead how to find the best buys right now on holiday toys. we're not talking about halloween. christmas toys for sale already. while big retailers are pulling out the stops and how you can take advantage here on "the early show" on cbs. ner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers.
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the bloviater got joy and whoopi to blow a gas set. >> aka bill o'reilly. >> there you go. everybody's seen this. it is interesting because it brings up the idea of awkward moments in tv history and some of us have a few. we'll talk about it a little bit next half hour.
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a friday kind of feel today here on our corner of the world. welcome back to "the early show." it is the middle of october so let's talk about christmas shopping. >> good idea. >> absolutely not especially looking for great buys on toys for kids. a lot of the big retailers are marking down prices. ahead this morning we'll tell you which stores, which toys, and why. >> all right. also coming up, how walking can help your brain, as well as your body, according to a new study, walking can cut your risk of memory loss and even alzheimer's
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disease. that's why i do it each day. and even not that much. we want to take a look at a walking episode. >> good one. >> two walked off the set when a conversation got heated. erica hill with the story. >> walking with huffing and puffing but from the brisk walking a bit of a battle. fox news's bill o'reilly was the guest and didn't take long for sparks to fly between him and some of the most liberal co-hosts. >> please welcome bill o'reilly. >> when barbara walters introduced the conservative talk show host on "the view" thursday she ignite ad major feud, turning daytime tv into dynamite. >> hold it. hold it. listen to me, because you'll learn, all right? thank you. >> the explosive topic, the controversial islamic cultural center planned near ground zero in new york city. >> i'm american. >> let me break this you to, 70% of americans don't want that mosque down there. >> where's that poll?
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where's that poll. >> so, don't give me the "we" business. you want to bet? you want to bet? of ai'll show you that poll in a minute. >> i'm american. >> why is that? but why are we saying. >> because it is inappropriate. >> why is it inappropriate? >> because they killed us on 9/11. >> no. oh, my god! that is [ bleep ]. >> muslims didn't kill us on 9/11, is that what you're saying? >> extremists. >> -- were they in? >> doesn't matter -- >> i'm telling you, 70% of americans. >> i don't want to sit here. >> go. >> i don't want to sit here. >> go. >> muslims killed us on 9/11. >> the dispute led to co-hosts joy behar and whoop i didn't goldberg walking off their own show, leaving walters to defuse the situation. >> you have just seen what should not happen. >> and walters addressed both
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her co-hosts and o'reilly. >> now, let me just say to you in a calmer -- >> sure. >> -- voice. it was extremists. you cannot take a whole religion and demean them because -- >> i'm not demeaning anybody. >> yes, you are. >> goldberg and behar did return after o'reilly apologized but the story didn't end there. >> i loved that exposition today. didn't you? >> on his prime-time news on fox news the incident was a major topic all night. >> you see how that might be condescending? >> a little bit but i am often offensive. i think everyone knows that. >> and on her hln show, bay har want about to let et go, either. >> today on "the view," bill o'reilly had a real pin-head moment. >> a moment viewers won't soon forget. >> muslims killed us on 9/11. >> that term pinhead a lot and
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he's on "the view" promoting his book called "pinheads and patriots". >> he loves all this thaengs. >> he thrives on it. brings great attention to his show and "the view," so for all of them. >> worked out for everybody. >> we anchor live tv for two hours and it can be very hard to keep your emotions in check why wh a guest says something you don't agree with but you don't walk off you sit there and challenge them with information and bring up the counterpoint. maybe they have a little more leeway because it's not a news show but the show is called "the view." they should accept all points of the view. >> he is the bloviater in chief and he was in full bloviation mode yesterday. he was so happy to see their reactions to him. and so, i think in a situation like -- he's been on the show bunches and bunches of times, not a guy you particularly go head to head with. he wants to get under your skin. if you are going to come back at him you need to figure how to do the same thing. >> there you go, advice from
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harry smith. >> do you have any moments like that on tv? >> we were talking about -- we've been talking about awkward moments or unpredictable moments you never know what happen. a couple minutes ago sacha baron cohen was on when he had the "borat" movie? they said to me, okay he's going to appear in character. we finished the interview and he says, all right, tough guy, we're going to wrestle now. >> he tackled you. >> yeah. and you just, you don't know. >> that's -- roll with the punches. >> so to speak. >> there you go. >> time for
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>> up next, retailers are not playing games when it comes to selling toys for the holidays. we'll tell you where to find some great discounts, as early as this weekend. this is "the early show" on cbs. it's simple physics... ] a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex,
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rebecca jarvis is here to tell us. good morning. >> good morning. >> right to it. where are the deals right now. >> we are seeing deals across the board in terms of toys from nerf to barbie, disney and fisher-price toys all on sale right now and at some very well-known retailers. >> do you know which retailers specifically are already offering sales. >> walmart already is offering sales. target says 1,000 of its toys will go on sale and toys 'r' us has gone so far this holiday
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season to attract buyers to its toys it's popped up 600 stores temporarily for the holiday season. >> i've heard of that. how deep discounts are we talking about? simplsts right now the discounts are looking like 20 to 40% off. actually, when it comes to toys is a pretty sincere and significant discount. it is something pretty significant at this point. >> will discounters kind of continue those discounts? because if people don't show up at the stores, are they going to be desperate to get rid of the stuff? >> is the age-old question. you think, i want to get out to the store and get the best bis count but is today's discounts going to be lesser than tomorrow's discounts? the truth of the matter is retailers, generally speaking, lower their prices as the holiday season goes forward by the day after thanksgiving, black friday, usually they come down significantly and cyber monday, following black friday, that monday following black friday, prices tend to come down and you tend to see the best deals the last two weeks leading
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up to christmas. >> prices come down but crowds go up. i hate shopping on those days. >> such a good point. this is one of the reasons why people say, okay, well, there is something in addition to a discount that you are going to -- >> your sanity. >> yeah, in addition to the discount you'll get your sanity and fewer crowds. also on top of this an issue about wallet shop people face. they spend a lot of money in the month of december and in the new year when they are trying to start fresh, all of a sudden they have this massive credit card bill. it's a good way, if you want to get away from that, to start trying to shop now and doing gradually leading up so you don't have a massive bill in the end. >> good points. what is your recommendation for people this weekend. >> this weekend, i think the recommendation is feel free to check out the stock of the retailers and see if it is interest to you. remember, they have 90-day return policies. worst-case scenario keep it in the box and the receipt and return when you see the price go down lower. >> that is a perfect solution,
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when it goes down more -- >> i want the discounts and for everyone out there. >> you have our back. thank you. up next how pounding the pavement can affect your brown. it's just one more reason to start walking. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪
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and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to in this morning's health watch, walking for your brain, a new study finds that walking and other exercise can fight off memory loss and even reduce the risk of alzheimer's disease. more on that in a moment "early show" contributing kors correspondent taryn winter i brill has the story. >> when it comes to the brain it turns out size does matter but as we age our brains get smaller and our memory suffer. a new study suggests walking just six miles a week can actually protect your brain and improve your memory. >> i think i walk every day. >> reporter: after track canning
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the physical activity of older adults over a nine-year period researchers found subjects with more active lifestyles maintained more brain mass. >> people who were exercising on a regular basis, their brains did not shrink at the same rate that other brains did. >> reporter: six miles a week may seem like a daunting task but we set out to improve if you incorporate a few more steps into your daily routine, it can easily be done. okay, here we are at the mall. the entrance is all the way over there. i've parked away as possible with my pedometer in hand. let's go. ♪ walk this way, talk this way ♪ >> okay. i made it i've logged 1.4 miles, double that for the walk back, i'm over a quarter mile and that's just to and from the parking lot. and forget taking the escalator. i'll log a lot more steps taking the stairs. ♪ i'm walkin'
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>> all right. so, an afternoon's worth of shopping. check it out, i've already walked more than a mile and a half ♪ let's take a walk >> after just one day and close to two miles under my belt, i'm on my way. i just need to make sure i remember to walk the rest. karen winter brill, cbs news, new york. >> our dr. jennifer ashton joins us now with more on walking and the brain. how does walking help the brain? >> well, we've said it before, harry what's good for your heart, what's good for your waistline, also likely is good for your brain. the fact of mat ter is, we really don't understand fully what causes dementia and alzheimer's so right now the best we have are associations and factors that seem to be associated with a protective effect. >> we had that study a couple weeks ago a lot of that stuff they thought might help stave off alzheimer's doesn't really do it. but, it can't hurt. >> exactly. what this study actually found, the gray matter, the part of the brain that holds the nerve cell
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bodies responsible for things like memory and speech and emotion, did not shrink as a likely they do with all of us as we age in the people who tended to walk the most. >> let's walk. let's walk a lot. what are other things beyond walking that are good for the brain? >> well, look, exercise is very important. you really want to exercise your whole body. we've heard a lot recently about brain-boosting foods. these are fruits and vegetables particularly green leafy vegetables, fruits with dark skins. you want to stay socially engaged. people who have a good social network, even who have pets who are talking to people, who are involved with other living things tend to have less dementia. >> wait a minute, you mean you have to have flendz? >> i know, harry. you are the most social person we know. >> yeah, right. >> lastly, stay mentally active in middle age, do things that really engage your brain and stimulate new connections within the brain, crossword puzzles and things like that. they don't help as much when you
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already have dementia but in middle-age they can -- >> it all ties together, help me a bit the notion sometimes people retire and, you know, they take themselves out of using their brains and -- >> that's right. >> -- maybe as active as they were and kinds of the worst things can happen. >> all of the things we think are aggravation when we were working actually may be stimulating our brains. >> be well young brain. >> and walk to work. >> of course. dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ i loved you, sweetness ♪ but you're not sweet you hit on my friends ♪ ♪ i'm not your fool i won't just sit here and drool ♪ ♪ i'm tired of sharing you this is the end ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a natural true love ♪ ♪ that comes from a leaf green and bright ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my soul sings with joy and delight ♪ ♪ its name is truvia i had no idea ♪ ♪ and i am loving every single bite ♪
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[ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet.
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inherits a billion-dollar surplus, low unemployment. o'malley signs the biggest tax hike in maryland history. raids chesapeake bay fund to cover spending. gives raises to top aides. business climate ranks 45th worst in the nation. now 200,000 jobs lost. o'malley covers up jobs report that proved maryland's economy stalled. if re-elected, o'malley will raise taxes again. whether he does, is up to you.
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[ cheering ] nice crowd on the plaza. we'll get out there and get a chance to know them a little better in a couple minutes and america will get to know these women, very well, very soon. "the talk" debuts on cbs.
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>> we know one of them really well, miss jewel aley chen one of the co-hosts and i love the others, so it promises to be good. >> they'll be with us. hope. hope? yeah. hope. i don't see any hope. i don't see any hope in here. you can't see it there, but you can see it here... 'cause every time you get a happy meal or a mighty kids meal some of the money goes to ronald mcdonald house charities. to help lots of kids and families. hope's good! happy meals. the simple joy of helping. ♪
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[ cheering ] am i having a nightmare right now? was that 20 snookis all at once? >> nice enthusiastic crowd on the plaza. and can we just make reference one second -- >> the baby's crying because there are so many snookis. >> there are. we've been invaded. [ cheering ] >> i guess, if you looking for an idea what to dress up for halloween, maybe. >> yeah. not too original, the number one costume in america.
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>> welcome back to "the early show," i'm harry smith with maggie rodriguez. coming up six celebrity moms launching a new daytime tv show right here on cbs getting lots of attention it's called "the talk." our own julie chen and her five cohosts will be along in minutes to give us a preview of the big show that starts on monday. >> they all have different talents. so i think it is going to be great. also ahead this morning, our buddy jack hanna is here with some of the cutest little bit scary, also, critters he could gather. >> look at that. ohhh. >> let's do it collectively. ahhhhhh. >> i know. i know. okay? i wants one. animal print is -- i'm kidding from le pard to lima, we'll get up close with them in a minute. >> first a check of the news and erica hill is safe inside at the news desk. >> safe from the snookis. >> i'm safe no snookis but the snow leopard over my shoulder so, yes, i think i may have won this one. good morning, everyone. the majority of the 33 rescued
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miners in chile are expected to go home today. [ cheering ] probably no surprise here talk about a heroes' welcome for three of the miners who returned home yesterday, of course rescued after surviving 69 days underground. as you can imagine they have been inundated with requests for interviews and offers for everything from jobs to vacations. taking a look at politics, the high-stakes nevada senate race is pitting a little-known candidate against the most powerful democrat in the senate. republican sharron angle and senate majority leader harry reid debating last night for the first and only time. angle, a tea party favorite, was quick to challenge reid. >> man up, harry reid, you need to understand that we have a problem with social security. >> and reid jumped on angle's desire to privatize social security. >> this is a extreme idea and is not good and it will destroy
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social security. >> reid also attacked her opposition to insurance mandates according to most polls, the race in nevada is neck and neck. harry reid may be in a tight race but at least doesn't have rich whitney's problem, the green party candidate for governor of illinois. on one screen of the electronic voting screen ballot in chicago, however, his name is misspelled and he's listed as rich whitey. the machines are being reprogrammed to fix that typo. in britain, brass can mean money but also means nerve and this morning hundreds of royal employees say the top brass there has a whole lot of nerve for saying there's no money for their christmas party. cbs news correspondents elizabeth palmer reports. >> reporter: she doesn't look like the grinch but queen elizabeth's decision not to throw her annual christmas bash will be a big disappointment. >> the royal christmas parties for the staff are a sort of very raucous affairs, naturally because this is the one time of the year that they get their chance to let their hey down.
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>> reporter: these are hard times in britain. and, as the country struggles with huge debts and a feeble economy, the queen and her court have an image problem. they need to appear royal but not too rich. being seen to cut back strikes the right note. >> i think most people think, yeah, great, stop spending our money. >> reporter: the truth, is maintaining a monarchy is expensive with its castles, its jewels and its pomp. it costs the taxpayers about $60 million a year. so, this year, with government cutbacks, the queen, like many landlords is facing tough decisions. she can't afford a new roof for buckingham palace but she will go ahead with repairs to a leaky ballroom knowing she saved $80,000 by canceling her christmas party. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. >> let's check with katie couric for a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. how a high school dropout and mother two of became a lawyer to
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try to save her brother. now, she's helping others and continuing to live by her conviction. we'll have that story and more tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." >> we want to get you a check of your weather. dave price standing by in rye, new hampshire getting hit with nasty weather. right, dave? >> right, indeed, erica. you are beginning to see better weather rolling into the new york metropolitan area, still windy, still cloudy, but keep in mind, the storm really began to gain strength once it went north of there and -- and rolled into the area just off of new england. that's where it's pulled all of this atlantic moisture, which is rolling up right now. we have certainly a rainy day ahead for much of new england, one to three inches, high wind advisories in effect for new hampshire. the hudson valley, even down to long island and keep in mind a [ inaudible ] warning for southern maine. the rest of the country, things look nice in southern california. northern plains are going to see very pleasant temperatures
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returning and the rain begins to leave south florida. you'll clear out there, as well. that's a quick look at our >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by farmers insurance. we are farmers. we are insurance. >> you just have to figure out the best way to travel today. it's not by air. it's not by car. visibility is lousy. you know what you should do? just stay home and plant yourself in front of the tv.
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harry, this is just awful out here. >> you know, we could watch you out there all day, dave. oh, there's an idea. ha-ha. good job. up next we walk the walk with our julie chen and her co-hosts on "the talk," tv's new hottest daytime show. you'll get a preview, when we can come back.
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funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea
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then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. [ cheering ] are you ready to talk the talk? the new cbs daytime show "the talk" will take a lively and live look every day at current issues and events through the eyes of six moms. they're all with us this morning. our very own julie chen, sara gilbert, sharon osbourne, holly robinson peete, leah remini and marissa jaret winokur. good morning to you all. >> good morning, harry.
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>> this was your idea. how did it come to be? >> it came to be i had had my second child and i was starting it feel like, wow, this is more difficult, you know, you hear people say that, this is harder than i thought it was going to be and i was feeling kind of overwhelmed and i ended up joining this second-time moms group and we talked about kid issues and being a mom and ended up meeting for two years and we started talking about everything in the world and i kinda one night just thought, wow, that would be an amazing thing to bring to people in the rest of the country because i think people don't have that kind of support system. >> conversation every day. >> yeah. >> so as the idea then spread around and as you became involved, julie, then what are you thinking this show is going to be when it goes on the air? >> well, when i was first asked, would you ever do a show like this, i was on maternity leave, hi my first child and i thought if i divorce harry smith and they can get these five women and we can settle that you get
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our lovechild dave price in the settlements, i will do it. when i heard they got sharon -- sara not only a co-host panelists but one of the executive producers when i heard sharon wanted to do it, leah wanted to do it, marissa wanted to do it and holly wanted to do it, i said i'm leaving that harry smith. >> sorry, harry. >> wow. i win, i win on that one. what do you feel like you want to bring to this program? because you've been on television a lot, you've done reality shows and had your own show. what do you want to bring? >> i think it's being the oldest woman in the group here -- >> really? >> -- and i've got adult children -- >> -- sharon by going really? >> moving right along, harry. i think i bring that i, you know, i hope fully successfully brought my children up the right way. and so, i'm looking and talking to julie and sara who have little newborns so, been there, done that.
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>> i have teenagers, new teenagers and i'm looking to sharon for help to get -- i'm looking to her for wisdom. i'm looking to everyone on this cast. >> you guys were on "the apprentice together" i'm trying to recall. were you ever at odds. >> of course. it's a conflict-driven show, so we are. we are friends before "the apprenti apprentice" and thousand after now get to have conflict every day harry. >> one other thing sharon brings, she does have wisdom in older kids but she's got this quality where she doesn't really seem to care what people think of her, so she will say the thing that's on everybody's mind but they're afraid to say. >> uh-huh. >> she's bawdy. >> i'm not running for mayor so i don't care if i get votes or not. that's the way it is. >> will this be your dream job. >> oh, yes. i love being with women all the time. um -- [ laughter ] >> you mean specifically this group? >> this group. >> go ahead. >> no, it's great.
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it's going to be great and i think what's great about us is that we're all very vocal and we all have found a way, so far, to disagree with each other in a way where we're not, you know, pulling each other's, you know, weaves out and stuff. >> not yet. >> yeah. mine's not in today because i thought holly and i were going to throw down, but i left mine out. >> we've got to be ready. >> always have to be ready. you never know when we'll get into a fistfight but that's me on a daily basis. >> marissa -- >> thanks for jumping on that joke, harry. >> i waited for it longer. >> you didn't wait, harry. i was still talking haarrry. >> she doesn't have her weave in, she will -- >> i will fight you down. >> all right. you're also a little bit different. >> yes. you are ready? you are done with your joke? >> i am done. harry destroyed it. go forward with your story, marissa. >> that's why my job for me i won't have to worry about stepping on leah's jokes.
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i'm actually going out, i'm going into the street actually dealing with real moms, real dads. i find that when you talk to -- >> as opposed to the fake moms? >> well, as opposed to -- >> fake tv moms. >> fake tv moms, bringing in a dad, a stay-at-home-dad in a studio space i think would make him really nervous, totally stressed out, so heightened, going to the playground with their children and talking with them about being a stay-at-home-dad, so i'm going out -- >> like the field reporter. >> yes. >> all right. who is going to surprise us the most. >> i think julie will surprise us, because she gets to bring more of herself. i think she's used to being more in news formats or host formats that are more formal and we get to see how really fun she is. >> that's a lot of bresh sure, sara. >> you better be fun! >> funny. be funny. go to leah. >> so, the question that begs being asked, is it "the view,"
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is it oprah, is it -- >> can i answer that? >> what? >> i think if you were to get a big pot and put in, you know, a pinch of "the view," a pinch of oprah, a good dose of regis and kelly and cast it with us six women, that's what "the talk" s. it's a mix mixture of all your favorite shows on daytime television but everyone's asking us, what is the difference between you guys and "the view." the biggest difference. it boils down to two things, we're not going to be as political as "the view," is it's gotten to be very political and these six women make a difference. >> we're not boring. >> ohhhh. [ laughter ] >> sharon osbourne -- >> -- gun to your head, gun to your head. >> yes. >> okay you've met us now. you have to pick one of us to be intimate in. which one? >> sharon osbourne, sharon
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osbour osbourne. >> that's right. >> ohhh. [ laughter ] >> ooh-ooh. >> there's the difference right there. >> that's the difference. >> "the talk" premieres monday tkz p.m. eastern, 1:00 central, pacific and pacific right here on cbs. almond joy and mounds. enjoy more. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean.
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it's all good.
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[ cheering ] tomorrow night "48 hours investigates" a mystery 26 years in the making. bruce lisker was released from prison last year after being locked up at age 17 for his mother's murder. now his freedom is at stake again as prosecutors seek to reopen the case and have him return to prison. "48 hours" correspondents erin moriarty is here with a preview. good morning, erin. >> good morning, maggie. this is not just about bruce lisker, a man convicted of murder now fighting to clear his name. this is also the story of an unlikely hero, a los angeles
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police department lieutenant who put everything on the line for get to the truth. >> my name is bruce lisker. i've spent 26 years in state prison for a crime i had nothing to do with. the murder of my mother. >> reporter: but, when jim gavin, then a sergeant with the lapd looked into the evidence that put bruce lisker in prison, the case unravelled before his eyes. >> in the closing arguments of the case, the deputy d.a. said, look at all the footprints in the house, they are the same as bruce lisker's. >> reporter: gavin discovered those footprints had never been analyzed. he ordered tests. the result? the footprints were not bruce lisker's what did you just realize at that moment? >> that maybe we actually convicted the wrong person. >> when gavin's superiors took the case out of his hands, he put his career at risk by publicly revealing what he had found. >> i want people to know. this could happen to you.
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this could happen to your loved ones. this should not happen. >> reporter: unfortunately, though, to make things right for li ker, lieutenant gavin had to take on another member of the lapd, and as you can imagine he's paid a major price for that decision and so has his wyche, carol, who is a third generation officer with the police force. i kind of call them like the accidental heroes. they never wanted to take on this case and at one point even lieutenant gavin said to me, you know, i don't even know why i d. i could have stopped and -- >> how did he come to investigate it? >> well, it is so interesting. it was just happen stance. it was luck for lisker. he had run out of appeals and his p.i., a brilliant p.i. said let's file a complaint against the detective, that goes to internal affairs and landed on the desk of lieutenant jim gavin. anybody else might have ignored a case like this. all kind of luck which made it an amazing story for us.
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>> if bruce lisker didn't kill his mother, who did? >> this is what is interesting. we think it's mike ryan, a lot of people do. mike ryan was 15 years of age at the time, a friend of bruce lisker who would do odd jobs for the mother and right afterwards, he suddenly had a lot of money, he disappeared from town. and the reason why we don't know for sure because later mike ryan committed suicide. and so, no one knows for sure but a lot of evidence does indicate it's mike ryan. >> what kind of evidence has lieutenant gavin come up with? >> well, i mean, what was so amazing there were footprints, bloody footprints that supposedly tied bruce lisker to the case, helped convict him. they never, ever analyzed them. lieutenant gavin just did something simple like that and turns out they weren't bruce his ker's at all. >> thank goodness there are people like him. >> it was luck, otherwise i think bruce lisker would still be in prison. >> erin, thank you so much. we always look forward to "48 hours" you can see "the whole truth" tomorrow night alt 10:00,
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9:00 central, here on cbs. still ahead, in the heart of new york city, jack hanna will take us into the wild with some of his favorite animals. yo
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great game, man. thanks. doing well. hey, good game. oh, there he is. oh, hey, you did awesome. congratulations, jake. great game, man. so let's go get a win! whoo! [cheering] man: this year's mvp goes to jake. [cheering and applause] announcer: take steroids and eventually everyone will see you
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for what you really are. a fake. a fraud. an asterisk. [ cheering ] 8:30 friday morning. welcome back to "the early show" with a whole lot of enthusiasm. yum! >> how about that? you know, this time of year if you go to a doubletree hotel and bring some canned food, they will give you a cookie. >> oh. >> and all -- >> and they are normally [ inaudible ], too. >> proceeds go to the world frood program from the united nations. a great thing. thanks for thamts and great cookies, by the way. >> yes, they are. >> coming up, talk about making my day dirty harry himself the legendary clint eastwood is here with another great and multi-talented star, matt damon,
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how about that? >> that pairing. >> here to talk about the brand new movie "hereafter" and we'll talk to them in a couple of minutes. >> also our friend jack has na is here this morning with a black-footed penguin to a three-banded armadillo and that sweet guy, including fun facts as he does about these animals so we'll meet them. >> look at thamplsts a cheetah, a lynx. >> then we'll meet people dressed up as all those things. it is time to start thinking, if you haven't already, about your halloween costume. lucky for us, my gosh, the okay? is out here going crazy. this is "the situation" and that's the avatar child and lady gaga. a lot of great ideas from katrina szish and the whole family. but first back to somebody dressed as a -- >> rubberman. >> storm victim, dave in new hampshire. >> wow, look at that. >> my gosh, we can barely see you from all the water on the
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lens. >> thank you very much. we have low clouds, we have fog, we have gusts right now of about 25 miles per hour here. keep in mind the storm system right to the east of boston and the new hampshire border, high wind advisories through this area into new england for most of the day and the winds are going to stick around through the weekend. one to three inches possible. the rest of the country, nice weather in the southwest, warm air rolling into the northern plains. ohh, boy, it is soggy here. sorry about that. south florida will see an end to the rain showers and here in the northeast, particularly in the corridor along the i-95 highway all the way up to new england, it is going to be a rough go today. that is a quick look
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>> that's a quick look at your weather picture. make it a great weekend. erica, we'll sends it back to new york. >> we'll take it, dave, thanks jack hanna started working with animals when he was just 11 years old and still going strong. the director emeritus at ohio's columbus zoo kicking off the fourth season of his show "into the wild" to help do that, he brought some of your favorite friends this morning. a snow leopard, right? >> right. one of the rarest cats in the world in nepal, tibet, very high altitudes. >> beautiful. >> you can feel hills foot, how light it is. that helps them. >> that helps in the snow and
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ice. >> this tale gets to be huge, it wraps around the animal when temperatures go 20, 30, 50 below zero. >> to keep them warm. >> like a jacket. their eyes turn a blue color. one of the most fantastic cats in the world. >> how old is this one? >> about 16 weeks. >> and how big this cat get. >> maybe 140, 160 pounds. not a very laj cat but a gorgeous cat when you see them in the wild it is spectacular and right away there may be a thousand or so left in the wild. some people say two, some people say 500. we really don't know. >> the bol line. >> hunted for their coats valued about $60,000 on the black market, their coats. gorgeous, solitary cat, as well. >> beautiful. you also have the black-footed penguin. >> i'll let ron hold him up. >> it lives in southern africa, is that right? >> leaving for our new show shortly in a couple weeks for the bottom of the world down there. this is from africa, we filmed different penguins over the world there. are 17 species but guess what only five live in cold weather, this is a black-footed one from
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south africa. we just filmed this several months ago out of cape town. they have more feathers per square inch than any other bird in the world. >> they are amazing from up close. far away it looks like a slick coat but you can really see the feathers. >> they are monogamous and mate for life. the male sits on the egg 30, 40 days while the female goes out to sea and messes around. >> exactly how we do it in new york city. >> this is a little penguin. >> can i pet him? am i allowed to. >> my goodness so, soft. >> haven't touch ad penguin, have you. >> no. >> not many people get to. thank you, ron. when we go to ant arc that, these animals at the bottom of the world get around you by the thousands. they have no fear of man down there because they are not hunted, a protected species. this is a pretty animal here, this is a lemur. >> on the island of madagascar, right. >> this is a lemur from the island of mad cas gar. >> this is one of the largest.
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i'm sorry to say this animal is down about 26 different types of lemur in the world. see the little hands, like your hand. this animal is referred to as a pro semmian. what that means. i don't know if he'll jump up on your shoulder. >> so soft. >> they kill the animal for their fur and their meat but it is from madagascar off the coast of east africa. we'll go ahead and, see there, see -- pro simien mean they were on the planet before monkeys and ap sdedzs, can you imagine that. >> lemurs are something you are still learning about, right, while there are few species but still species being discovered. >> right. do you want to stand back here a second. >> i will. when you get a warning like that from jack hanna, you heed it. >> a beautiful creature. >> i hear the cat making some noises. >> hi wow! >> this right here is a cheetah.
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brian and shane and do a great job with these animals we breed them at a place called "the wilds" 10,000 acres from the zoo where we breed the cheetah and wild dogs from africa. >> they need that land. >> the fastest land ma mall in the world. >> you notice the tail. they get to going 50, r506 miles an hour. if they can focus maybe on the back foot only cat in the world with non-retractible claws. >> which is why i'm keeping a distance. >> the cheetah, when they make a kill, they stun their prey and grab the throat and breaking the throat like this, not a very powerful cat and a lot of times their prey the get away f. so, she has to rest two days. if she makes a kill but sardz and vultures will fly over and lions and tigers will take the food from her. the cheetah has a tough time. they hunt in the heat of the day. no other cat -- most others hufnt at night. this cat the hunt in 110 degrees. >> because they are move so quickly? >> the plair is not thinking
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they will be hunted in the daytime, but nighttime. this is houf the cheetah hunts their prey. >> beautiful animal. >> isn't that magz sebt? every time i see this creature, i can't believe it. again 70 miles an hour. when you drive on the interstate, think about this thing passing you. >> wow. great news i want to say quickly you have one of the greatest jobs arguably in the world. if people want to be like you they can, you are running a contest, want to be like jack hanna. >> look at my website. get to go six weeks to learn how to be a ranger in south africa, all paid, for air-fare and everything. >> unfortunately i'll be disqualified doing this segment but someone will have a great time. harry, over to you. >> a question most of us will ask at one time or another, what happens when you die? that idea is explored in the 23450u movie "hereafter" stars matt damon directed by the legendary clint eastwood. damon plays a blue-collar worker who also happens to be a psychic. >> listen. listen.
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>> i don't want to listen. >> everything i have -- >> i don't -- >> -- i brought. my only child. just a baby. i just want to talk to her. please, i want to talk -- >> i can't help you. i don't do that. i don't do that anymore. please. >> i got money! >> matt damon and the legendary clint eastwood with us this morning. are you tired of that. >> legendary for what? [ laughter ] >> famous, infamous, all of the above. i'm really glad the both of you are here today. first off, have you seen the movie with an audience? an objective audience? >> i haven't seen it with an objective audience but i've seen it with an audience that responded well to it, yes. >> because when i was in the screening, people throughout the movie were sobbing. this is as an emotional subject as you could possibly want to sort of wrestle with.
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>> this is an emotional subject. it's something that people have thought about, probably has been engrained in you from the -- from a young childhood, as to what goes hereafter. >> i guess for me, the impact of the movie for me was that it's less about that than it is about loss and what do we do with loss and that ends up being the powerful factor in this movie, people begin to realize who you are. they think you're somehow the bridge to what they've lost. >> right. right. and, yeah, that's one of the things, you know, the movie follows three stories from around the world and one of them, i think, really the heart of the movie this little boy in london, who loses his twin brother and he's, you know, 11 years old and just kind of doesn't accept that and so he just goes on this quest to figure out where his brother is and he's just not going to give up until he finds his brother
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and i think that's kind of touching because as adults, we all know lost people suddenly, we know what the answer to his quest is and it's that he's not going to get the answer. one of the things i love about the movie, it doesn't try to tell you -- >> what to say, what to believe. >> -- yeah, exactly but i think it's something that people can all relate to. >> do you feel better like you're better at what you do now than you've ever been? >> i think so. i think there's no reason why you shouldn't be better as you get more information, as life goes on, unless you get to a point where you start losing the information, and then you start changing the file. but, generally, yeah, i feel better about it. i feel i've been doing better stuff in the last decade than i did two decades ago. >> isn't that something? you are not going to do another bourn movie? >> no. i read about it on the internet. i have no idea. >> you don't know? >> so, i really don't know. >> the other one, you are in
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"true grit" which is coming out. >> i am. >> out on christmas day? >> christmas day. >> you're playing. >> what would have been the glenn campbell role. >> the glenn campbell original role. >> there's an irony that i almost played that -- or henry has theaway had talked to me about possibly doing that role, many years ago with dukey. >> you could have done the john wayne this time around. that might have worked. >> i don't think you've ever worn an eye patch. have you? >> i don't think you ever have. >> you've avoided the eye patch. no, i haven't worn an "patch. i could do it. i mean, that certainly isn't a big deal. i'll put it over my good eye and then just kind of stumble around and walk in. [ laughter ] >> ahh. what a pleasure to have you both here. very much appreciate it. >> thank you, harry. >> and very much enjoyed the film. >> did you take the miss ses along with you, too. >> did. we sat there. you know what, we walked home
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hand in hand afterwards. >> did you? >> yeah. >> good. >> a little romance in your life, nothing wrong with that. >> we do what we can. [ laughter ] some of us at advanced age, you know, it is what it is. thank you, gentlemen. very much appreciate it. "here after" opens nationwide next friday, october # 2nd. now, here's maggie. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by almond joy and mounds. enjoy more. >> the big halloween costume countdown is on with only a couple weeks to go, we asked "early show" style contributor katrina szish to show us good ideas for every single person in your haunted house. we have a beautifully decorated haunted ho us for our set. good morning. >> good morning. >> i don't know if just new york or everybody in the country but seems people are more into hole wean and dressing up than ever. >> this year will be bigger than ever. the national retail federation projects americans will spend a whopping $5.8 billion dollars,
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up 18% from last year. and decorating your home for halloween as we see second only to christmas. our decorations from grnt & rhode, a great peek to see what's out there. >> a great holiday to escape reality and go wild. >> everybody can fly. >> that's right a. lot of people are snooki this year. we saw it outsigh, we have like 15 women dressed snooki and "the situation "implts the hottest pop culture. >> that is so wrong. >> of course, inspired by mtv's "jersey shore". the hair b mudz b -- of course "the situation" we're digging the abs. this is a limited edition "situation" t-shirt at they look amazing.
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you have to ham it up. >> the tan is disturbing but very right on. >> it's hard to find costumes for little kids. i have a four-month-old and 5-year-old. but i think i just found what i want it to be. >> you have to remember a do-it-yourself home-made costume is easy way to go. >> and candy we've just noticed. >> exactly t. makes a unique costume on brady he's our cinnamon toast. he requested to be cinnamon butter toast. we simply cut that out. >> he has not lowered the handing. >> he's feeling the toast moment, we added glitter and spray paint and emanuel is our gome, he is. we cut out t-shirts from american apparel, picked up extra accessories from a costume store. >> and of course on blare, a vampire, one of the hottest costumes. >> very nice. i could stare at these kids all day. but, lettes move on. thank you, guys, brady, keep waving, keep waving, buddy,
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there you go. good job. >> someone who dresses in costume every day of her life. >> we have double gaga, one of the most single-most popular costumes of all time. one retailer predicts they will sell more than one million lady gaga items before halloween. the meat costume legendary from the vmas is not made yet so we did -- >> how do you do that? printed out pieces and pinned them on. if you are not feeling that crafty there, are tons of gaga costume options. we love this one as cassidy is showing us and, of course, the makeup we have done by mac and always looks fantastic. >> i love the swirl on the head. thank you very much, ladies. that's a good look for you. kid and parent combo costumes. i love when people do this. >> they are adorable.
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>> bedbugs are sweeping the nation but why not make fun with it. cayley dressed as our bedbug victim. >> i love it. >> we hot glue-gunned buns on her sleep shirt. >> luckily they aren't that big but it is fun. >> exactly. we even gave her bedbug bites and piper, the cute baby bedbug and used a brown oncy and velour accents to create the adorable costume and of course the little head band. >> a great costume and i love the "toy story". >> still one of the most popular costumes. we have lisa and jesse and grayson at woody looking adorable. matching mom and kid costumes. >> we have great kid models today, right? everyone's so happy in their costume. thank you. all right. thank you very much. let's bring out a controversial couple. >> yes, a very current theme. >> one of the unique pairings of the year. of course you remember the video
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katy perry and mole from "sesame street" some deemed too controversial. this is from and elmo's from yandy costumes. charles, you are doing a great job. >> this is always fun, being a couple, you know, allows you to play off of your mate or friend, whoever it is. coming up with a unique pop culture-inspired costume. >> really, really smart. good thinking here. >> i love you don't have to spend a lot of money to do halloween right. you've shown us so many examples. >> that makes it fun. >> all right. thank you. the grand finale. >> trendy fun costumes. we have jackson, age 6, who looks amazing. >> that's what i wanted to be, i wanted to be an "avatar" person. >> he loves his tail, as you can see. "avatar" is one of the hottest
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costumes this season for boys and girls. >> that's some serious makeup. >> again thanks to our team at mac, who did a spectacular job. here we have on jen, a very pop culture costume, of course. >> she is her facebook page. >> on her iphone. again, very easy to do. you can print this out and blow it up and strap it on with grograin ribbon and you are good to go. >> that may be my favorite. >> i think it's a good one, easy. >> so smart. i love it. thank you. let's bring out all our scary and adorable models. >> trick or treaters. >> such great ideas. >> you know, they are eating candies. they are not coming back. they are eating candy. we'll put all these yidz on the website don't say that you can't dress up because we gave you many, many ideas here this morning. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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inherits a billion-dollar surplus, low unemployment. o'malley signs the biggest tax hike in maryland history. raids chesapeake bay fund to cover spending. gives raises to top aides. business climate ranks 45th worst in the nation. now 200,000 jobs lost. o'malley covers up jobs report that proved maryland's economy stalled. if re-elected, o'malley will raise taxes again. whether he does, is up to you.
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shocking and very unhappy news at "the early show" this week a. man with us as long as anybody could remember bob higgins had a heart attack and died this week. bob was as good a guy as you'll ever meet. we talked frequently about our families, his love of his wife and son, tommy. we talked a lot about the yankees. >> he loved the yankees. >> and bob brought his a-game to this show every single day for as long as -- as we've been together. and we're all in kind of a state of shock and really in a state of mourning, as well. and -- >> our hearts go out to sam, his wife, and tommy, who are just so nice about greeting everybody at the funeral, more worried about bob's friends than themselves.
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amazing family. >> let's go out with a yankee theme and we'll see you on monday.
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