tv 9 News Now at 11pm CBS November 9, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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i had good days and bad days. there were days that i didn't know if she was alive. >> dead or alive. see the amazing reunion after a mother spends three years searching for her daughter. plus the hotness test. find out where dc ranks when it comes to looking sexy. also, a black eye for the cops after an officer allegedly beat up a son of a fellow officer. this is 9news now. >> first the memory of a beloved professor murdered inside her bethesda home is far reaching tonight. >> that's right. hundreds gathered for a memorial service for sue marcum. they didn't allow cameras inside, but the emotion could be felt well beyond the walls. in fact, right over to the streets of marcum's home neighborhood. that is where brittany morehouse joins us live. and, brittany, tell us about the latest in the investigation. >> reporter: well, unfortunately, they are so
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actively investigating. still not one person charged even though they have a lead suspect. still trying to pinpoint just what happened in that house on october 25th. because whatever happened stole the life of a beloved professor. >> it's a defining moment. >> reporter: defining young lives one by one. sue marcum is remembered at american university tonight as a woman who reached people. a professor who got it. >> she was also a great friend and mentor. she was a faculty member that people wanted to write her letters of recommendation for graduate school and they were excited to introduce her parents to sue marcum. >> reporter: and now those introductions are no longer possible as police work around the clock to piece together the murder. >> we have to determine exactly what happened in that residents that night. who was there. the actions people took part in inside the home and narrow it down and ultimately make an
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arrest in this matter. >> reporter: the police says many voice frustration that the 18-year-old arrested in her stolen car is not facing murder charges. >> trust us, detectives know what they're doing. they're doing a diligent investigation. they're going to make sure they don't leave anything behind and they're going to do this the right way. >> reporter: and unfortunately, the right way, he says, may mean the slow way. much slower than many people here in this neighborhood would like to see. but police say as far as that 18-year-old is concerned, they are not done questioning him. they found him in her stolen car. surely he has some answers to offer. reporting live in montgomery county, brittany morehouse, 9news now. what would you do if your house or the house on your bloc was burned intentionally by the fire department? well, it happened in one arlington neighborhood and now the residents are smoking hot. gary nurenberg reports this story actually starts back on
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october 19th when firefighters deliberately burned down an old house on south h street. >> reporter: they did it for a network morning show as a safety demonstration. >> we did it to try to promote safety in the home as far as fires are concerned. we were doing this to try and limit the amount of residential deaths resulting from fires in the residents. >> reporter: neighbors complained they had little notice and no input and worried what was going up in smoke and into the air. >> i'm sure this house has asbestos in it. it's asbestos cited. so whatever was in the error in that house is now gone and in the air over our houses. >> reporter: the fire department says it does not think toxins were an issue. >> we were not able to take a reading because the fact that everything was going up straight into the air, we didn't have anything at ground level that we could read. >> reporter: the fire burned
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for about 15 minutes. but nearly three weeks later the burned out shell remains and neighbors have had enough of it. >> many have been here 20 years. i take a great deal of pride, as do the neighbors, and driving down the street looking at this is not fun. it's not a good thing to come home to. >> reporter: protective employ woods came off the with -- plywood comes off the window. a new energy efficient home is expected to begin in december. but many residents do not want arlington to burn any other homes without specific plans for removing the debris. derek. >> well, gary, we should also note that a neighborhood association has now voted to ask the county to stop burning buildings without definite plans to get rid of what is left behind. a popular student athlete at a high school and just a good kid. that's how friends and family describe 17-year-old joseph sharp. last night someone shot and killed sharp in the 1300-block.
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police say sharp was walking down the street with his friend when somebody opened fire. the other survived. sharp did not. >> no confrontation. no words exchanged. as far as i know they didn't make it home. they're good in school. he was going to graduate high school and everything. he was going to go to college. >> they shot his friend first and then joe was calling the police on his cell phone. and i guess they shot him. they shot him four times. >> tonight police are still looking for the gunman. a college student with a bloody chin and a police department with a black eye. these are photos of 20-year-old steven morales after what the family says was a run in with a police officer who was moonlighting as a security guard at a college party. the police officer dominique richardson has been suspended along with three other officers who were there. but morales's father who happens to be on the dc police force
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says suspensions aren't enough and he has hired an attorney. well, that tight congressional race in the 11th district of virginia is finally over. keith fimian conceded defeat connolly tonight. >> there were four competetive races in virginia. only one was left standing. and you're looking at it. >> well, that congressman was re elected by the 81 votes. that was the margin. he spent the weekend in the hospital after a routine test found a blood clot. connolly says he's now fine and he'll have no problem to do his jobs. fimian decided not to ask for a recount because he doesn't think it will change results. soon the mall will get a multimillion dollar facelift. today we join the secretary of the interior and the national park service on a hard hat tour of the jefferson memorial
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construction project. a new sea wall is expected to be completed by next year. the secretary also signed a record of decision that puts in place a long-term master plan to upgrade the entire mall. >> america cannot stand by and let the national mall continue to be a national disgrace. >> as far as traffic during all that construction, well, the park service says they will work to limit the congestion. the reality, though, is no matter what there is, there will be traffic. the only silver lining, at least the projects aren't all happening at the same time. tonight members of the british parliament are calling into question claims made by former president george bush. in his new book, mr. bush says he personally approved the use of water boarding, simulated drowning during an interrogation of 9/11 mastermind. that controversial technique helped prevent attacks at london's airport and the central banking district in london as well as attacks here in the united states.
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>> i will tell you this, using those techniques save lives. my job was to protect america. and i did. >> water boarding is banned in britain. critics there say it rarely leads to useful information. president obama has now outlaud it in this country. was it a bird, a plane, a missile? whatever it came from, it did not represent threat to this country. there was no launch by any foreign military, but you can see the trail that missile left. sort of a vapor trail up in the sky. however, nobody has been able to explain what that vapor is or exactly what caused it. a startling number here. 300,000 children, 300,000 in the u.s. are at risk of being lured into the sex trafficking trade every year. and it's happening right here as well in the washington area. >> that's right, anita. and tonight we hear one local mom's story desperately looking
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for her daughter who had become a virtual prisoner inside the sex trade. we have the story of a mother and daughter whose lives are now changed forever. >> i don't know. >> 100. >> not every night, but over the years, yes. >> reporter: while bianca was working the streets of dc, her mother was crying herself to sleep frantic to learn the whereabouts of her daughter to disappeared at the age of 12. >> i had good days and bad days. i had days where i didn't know if she was alive. >> reporter: for three painful years, her mother would drive around dc looking for her daughter. >> to have her out there just destroying her body. i couldn't understand it.
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what hurt so much that you could come home to me. >> reporter: it was her first introduction to the area's child sex trade. >> it's analogous to modern day slavery. and it is forcing people into some despicable acts against their will using force, coercion. >> and girls say i want to be out here. it's like, no, you don't. you can't possibly want to be out here half dressed at 12:00 at night, 32 below. >> reporter: bianca turned out to be one of those girls, under the spell of a prince george's county pimp. he says she threatened to kill her loved ones if she left him. >> it's guilt, shame, embarrassment, misunderstanding. it's not loving myself. >> someone found her on my space. and we searched out the pictures. and i went under ail yis and i friended her -- ail yas and i friended her and i was able to look at her profile and we gave it to missing and exploited
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children and then that's when they got the fbi involved. within two weeks they found her. >> reporter: remarkably, her mother harbors o hatred for the man who devastated her daughter's life but forgiveness. >> what makes a man degrade a woman that bad? and not just a woman, a child? who hurts him. >> reporter: bianca's grandmother is not so forgiving of that man. he was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison. her mother says the laws in dc related to child sex trafficking victims need to be changed. she says her daughter was raped by her pimp and by her customers and then by the dc justice system. that story right after the break. [ male announcer ] washington, d.c.
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a landmark of liberty and opportunity. at bank of america, we live and work here, with thousands of employees and hundreds of branches and atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion... from supporting the arts and howard university to helping revitalize anacostia and downtown d.c. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. ♪
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>> reporter: and what she didn't bring in her nightly quota of $500, she had a price to pay. >> i got hit. i got choked. >> reporter: she lived with her pimp in prince george's county where he demanded unprotected sex with bianca and his other young victims. he claimed it was to gauge their price on the street. >> when you're on the street and you're 12 years old helping means a mcdonald's meal. so for a happy meal, you can enter the life of a human traffic victim. >> reporter: tanya is bianca's therapist. some of the victims are abducted. others are seduced. >> i was his main girl for a long time. there were other girls in the picture but i was like the number one. so i got to get away with a lot of stuff. >> she was victimized by the pimp. and the justice system pimped her too because they treated her as if she was a criminal. >> reporter: her mother and grandmother are
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furious that she was a adjudicated. >> and you want these young girls to open up to these people and they can't because you're a victim. you're treating them like they're the scum of the earth. >> reporter: they argue the pimp who ruled her life on the streets was treated better, despite getting a 20-year sentence. >> you [ bleep ] somebody's life. 20 years is nothing. that is nothing for what you did to her. >> reporter: the dc attorney general's office can charge a juvenile with prostitution. as ironic as that sounds, it may be the only way to get these vulnerable girls off the streets and try to get them the help they need. >> and that is ironic. but i guess you have to see something like this the question you have to say is what can any of us do. >> reporter: that is the question. there is, derek, a human
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trafficking hot line. you can call if you suspect someone is trafficking children. the number is 888-3737-888. you can remain anonymous. if you're a cab driver and you're asked to transport young girls, alert the police. call that hot line number. >> andrea, thank you. a connecticut woman says her employer fired her illegally after she posted remarks about her boss on facebook. the national labors relation agrees and says it's protected speech. but they prohibit workers from depicting the company in anyway on the internet. that woman, by the way, worked as an emergency medical technician. so if washington dc was your blind date, you probably would show up at the restaurant sneak a peek at dc and quietly slip back out the door at least according to this survey which rates the people of dc among the
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least attractive in the nation. i think some of us want to take exception with this. we also rate low in these categories, being active, friendly and stylish. i know. what is this, topper? our strong points diversity and intelligence. in other words, we're the in other words in the high school debate club. again, some of us take exception to that survey. and last night your 9news now 11 team got into a debate over a piece of video that has gone viral. it's a trick football play. some of us thought it was a bit of a dirty trick. but in tonight's lets be real, derek mcginty explains why it's just part of the game. >> well, anita, first of all, you don't have to be a football fan to just love watching this play. take a look. the quarterback takes the snap, walks to the line and then makes a run for it for a touchdown. for all those who say that's not in the spirit of the game, i'm going to argue it is exactly in the spirit of the game where
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deceiving your opponent is your real intention is the object on most every player. and, guess what, this play, this idea is not new. it's years old. here is a look at a very different version of the same play from some time ago. take a look at this. the kid takes the snap, walks towards the sidelines and then waits for it. waits for it. go. all the way down field for a touchdown. all the kids are completely fooled. and take a look at this one. it doesn't always work out that way. this kid tries to pull a fast one but one kid is not falling for it. he runs into the backfield and makes the play. okay. so look, if this was an every day sort of thing, i would be worried about the moral fiber of our youth. but let's be real, watching kids play football and enjoy themselves is a wonderful thing. watching those kids play a crazy trick and pull it off, price less. anita, top . [ laughing ] >> we had a debate over it. >> we did. he may have swayed me.
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he's president of our debate team. [ laughing ] >> we have a great day today. >> oddly enough. >> that was not a good survey. here is your forecast first, the next three days sunshine tomorrow. nice. 60. and then 60 on thursday. veteran's day. and 64 on friday. i think temps will be a little milder on friday and a great night for high school football. trickery or no, there is your temps for the game. 44 to start tomorrow. kind of killy. it's a downtown -- chilly. it's a downtown temp. near 60 by evening. overnight partly cloudy and cold. mid 30s to 40s. winds light. it died down a little bit. we get into the morning hours partly cloudy. grab your shades and coat. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. by afternoon the winds will pick up a little bit and that will adjust a little chill to the atmosphere. partly cloudy, breezy, just a little bit cool but still a nice
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day. highs around 60 and winds northeasterly at 10-15 as we approach mid november. we can't get too picky about 60-degree days. here is six zones. i think we'll make 50 tomorrow with sunshine. 58 in cumberland. still breezy. not as windy but breezy. 60 in martinsburg. 59 or 60 in hagerstown. a little milder to the south. mid 60s for culpeper and i think leesburg and middleburg and manassas will all hit 60s on wednesday. we'll jump the river. 60s downtown. low 60s in southern maryland as well. 64 annapolis. the breeze is just enough to produce or require, rather, a small craft advisory until 3:00 p.m. so boaters need to be aware of that. it doesn't mean 3:00 p.m. the winds are going to stop. so keep that in mind. next seven days, 60 tomorrow. 60 on veteran's day. mid 60s on friday. then look at the weekend. this is great.
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upper 60s saturday. upper 60s sunday. tickling 70. chance of a shower but not a wash out. little cooler on sunday. that is going to be average by then. 59. it still appears kind of a cool to cold rain on tuesday with temperatures in the low 50s. >> great weekend. >> it's not bad. >> oh, yes. thanks. the red rock is on. >> we're rocking the red to the tune of five wins in a row. i think that feels pretty good, as a matter of fact. another close game. another capitals win. alex ovechkin didn't score, but he still made the prettiest play all night in the game of hockey. plus donovan mcnabb calls it hilarious. find out what. 9 sports next. [ female announcer ] why is travel these days
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this year he had one. he scored it on opening night and he hadn't snipped the net in the 13 games since. i would say he picked an excellent time to end his slump. there is mike green doing a little rinoplasty. do not leave the toy leet seats up. thank you. -- toilet seats up. thank you. look at alex ovechkin end to end with the puck on his stick. feeds kanuble and the drought is over. ties the game at three. then in the third loose puck behind the net. matt bradley to matt hendrick, score. they win 5-3. they're now 11-4 and 0. best in hockey. speaking of hockey, the nhl announcing a new format for the all star game this year. the fan will pick the starters as always. then the two captains will pick the rest of the roster kind of like a pickup game on the old pond. all right. here is now you know that donovan mcnabb isn't dumb. for 11 years he ran andy reid's
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offense that may have been the most complex in most of football and he made six pro bowls doing it. but suddenly with mike shanahan he is a d student. perhaps that's part of the benching last week is the report that emerged on sunday claiming that shanahan has had to simplify the redskins play book because according to him mcnabb can't learn it. donovan responded to that claim on his radio show today. >> that is hilarious to me. that is really funny to me. everyone is going to say whatever all throughout this week and during the game. i don't focus on it. everyone shouldn't focus on it. and let's just move on. >> hi road for donovan, but that is hilarious. time to pick your dc high school sportsnet edition for the week. seneca valley, quince orchard. that is maryland's three a west division. in virginia oakton to play league champion robinson. saint john's. the stags won the first meeting
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last month. cast your vote at dc winning game leads our coverage friday night. major league baseball hands out gold gloves and ryan zimmerman is poised to sweep the trophies for third baseman just as he did a year ago. san diego's chase headley his chief competition. in istanbul tonight, allen iverson introduced to turkey. he was picked to play for the club. he will make 4 million a year. finally the indiana pacers had one of the greatest quarters in nba history tonight facing the nuggets. they scored 54 points in the third quarter. listen to this, they hit their first 20 shots of the period. didn't miss until with two seconds left in the quarter josh mcroberts missed a three. it would have been a perfect quarter. otherwise they were four points shy of the record for points
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that is 9news for tonight. >> that's right. letterman is up next. have a good one, folks. see you tomorrow. yes, but there's a contract. at verizon, they want you to have a two year contract. i've got commitment issues. no one likes to be tied down. [ man ] so if they didn't lock you into a term contract, you'd consider switching? -oh, absolutely. -definitely. it's a no-brainer. [ man ] because now, with verizon fios, you don't have to sign a term contract. -really? -that's terrific! -did not know that. -i'm in. [ male announcer ] america spoke, verizon listened. switch to fios today, now with no term contract required. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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