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tv   The Early Show  CBS  November 12, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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cruiseship. and a sneak peek of sarah palin's reality show in alaska where dave price is. have a great weekend. we will see you monday morning. bye-bye. m the disabled carnival "splendor" make it back home as they describe four grueling days trapped aboard the disabled cruise ship. >> cold showers and no toilets for 14 hours. that was not fun. >> we're going to area from one family that is very glad to be back onshore as they join us live in the studio for an exclusive interview. palin's new role. sarah palin's alaska, her reality tv show, sparks a political debate. is it inappropriate for a potential presidential candidate, or does it show her as the outsider that many voters want? and sexting scandal. the woman accusing brett favre ever sending steamy text ts and
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pictures finally sits down with investigators for more than three hours as the controversy around the quarterback continues to grow early this friday around the quarterback continues to grow early this friday morning, november 12th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good morning on this friday morning. i'm harry smith. >> welcome to your weekend, everyone. i'm maggie rodriguez. this morning, the president arrived? japan, the fourth stop in his ten-day, four-country tour of asia. preleft seoul, south korea, the g-20, the meeting of the world's economic powers with no major breakthroughs although the president insists they did lay out an agenda. we will give awful recap ahead this friday morning. first, though, this morning a string of investigations already under way into the fire that crippled the carnival cruise ship monday. 4500 passengers from the carnival "splendor" are now back on dry land, eager to tell their
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tales of a nightmare voyage. we will speak with one family exclusively in just a moment. they're here with us in the studio. but first, cbs news correspondent john blackstone is in san diego with the very latest. john, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. later today, the carnival "splendor" is due to be moved from the cruise dock here over to a dry dock for inspection. while investigators try to look for a cause, the passengers are starting to share their stories and video of their days aboard this crippled ship. it was early monday morning when the smell of smoke awoke many passengers, chris harlan had his camera going as thick black smoke rose near the stern. >> where does that smoke come from? >> reporter: the passengers were told in spite of the smoke, there was no fire. >> no fire. they said no fire, just lots of smoke. >> you know, everybody around just said, okay, there's just smoke but no fire, huh? >> tried to calm down everyone by saying there was no fire.
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>> did anybody believe that? >> not at all. >> reporter: soon, there was no denying the fire or the extent of the damage. the ship lost power, leaving passengers with little to do. >> we were bordy. we were hungry, you know, it wasn't very sunny, so we couldn't even lay out and get tanned. >> reporter: and there were no more fancy meals. >> we started seeing peanut butter which everyone was excited about. you don't know how much we love peanut butter. >> we didn't even know how much we loved peanut butter. >> reporter: many on board were celebrating special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. >> a honeymoon experience. >> what's the first thing you want to get in terms of food or shower. >> i want a hot shower. >> as the ship was pulled toward san diego, the passengers had little idea what a big story their ill-fated cruise had become. >> good to be home. >> reporter: finally on solid ground, they were greeted by a
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hoard of cameras and reporters, as well as family and friends. now, there's plenty of relief that this cruise had a happy ending but investigators want to know what went wrong because certainly a ship this size, stranded and burning 40 miles out to sea could have ended very badly. harry? >> john blackstone in san diego, thank you very much. joining us exclusively ginger and mark kay lan and their 9-year-old daughter parker. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> smiles on everybody's faces. >> we're all happy. >> i have to say we enticed you with, what, a piece of pizza, pamburger, hot shower. >> everything hot. >> you said, okay we'll get on a plane and come to new york. >> and a trip to new york. >> you got in early this morning so we appreciate you coming in to share injure story. tell us a bit more about when you first knew something was terrible wrong on the ship. >> it woke us up, actually. >> okay. >> we were in our cabin. we happened to be on the first deck, which was right over where
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the independent happened, actually. so, it felt like a loud and rumbling vibration. >> right. >> i sincerely forgot where i was and i woke up and i thought, oh, it's an earthquake. then i realized we were on a boat. >> doesn't work so well out to sea w. you afraid, ever really afraid? >> no, not initially. i mean, it sounded like some sort of mechanical failure then all the power went out and then the announcements started. we lived by these announcements from -- >> okay, so the p.a. system worked. >> well, yeah. that must have been on the emergency because that was the only thing that worked and the only communications throughout the entire ship, even for crew, as well. >> was there chaos initially, like screaming in the hallways? >> no. but, it did feel, initially, like there was no system. i mean, at first, when we realized we were dead in the water, first when we realized no -- no toilets, no power, the first time they served food i think it surprised everybody,
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because it was barely a piece of bread, one piece of bread had a hot dog we dz ney sliced up in it. >> like they were using all their manpower to find out what was wrong. >> we didn't see a lot of crew. >> so, we see these pictures now of what looks like, i mean, mealtime does not look orderly at all. >> this was after -- after we received the aids of the airlift drops. that was probably like the second -- well into the second day. >> what was the absolute worst part of the time once the engine went out. >> oh, gosh, the worst part was not knowing, you know, really not knowing what was going to happen and how many days we were going to be like this. >> how was it for you. >> well, i -- well, this was my first cruise so, i was kind of disappointed that the cruise -- [ laughter ] >> that's a pretty good description, kind of disappointed. you barely got going and never
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had any fun. >> the first day and i was so excited about getting on the cruise ship and everything and it got terminated. >> how did you spend time? no power, no -- >> we were on the boat part of a group of 168 magicians. we were actually supposed to perform, so we had friends that would gather together and then towards the end of the cruise, when we knew that it was coming to the end, it's interesting how everybody sort of bound together, a lot of the magicians went out to perform. >> for the passengers. >> for the passengers. >> to entertain them. so, the people on ship were actually pretty well behaved. considering the situation, everybody was pretty well behaved and i think we all kind of made lemon aid out of lemons, what are you going to do? it could have been worse, right. the ship could have, you know, could have been sinking. i mean, it wasn't, so -- just drifting. >> just drifting. >> i can remember when we were going through the food line and the food was very creative, very
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strange things put together and we would pick it up and put it away and got to the end where the dessert was supposed to be and there was this flat pan with chocolate, looked like melted chocolate ice cream and i looked at it, i turned to my friend chris hart, another -- i said what is this? the steward said milkshake, sir. >> a great attitude. thank you for jumping on a plane, coming over across the country not getting sleep but joining us this morning, we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> whose birthday? happy birthday. let's get more news. jeff glor is filling in for erica hill at the news desk. good morning. >> the president arrived in japan this morning the final stop on his tour of asia. he will attend an economic summit face something of the same difficult issues he just encountered in south korea. joining us now is cbs news chief white house correspondents chip reid traveling with the
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president this morning in seoul, south korea. hey, chip, good morning to you. >> well, good morning, jeff. the president finished up his two-day stay here in south korea with a wide-ranging press conference on everything from jobs to trade to taxes. the president's chief goal at the g-20 economic summit was to complete a free trade agreement with south korea, a deal that could create as many as 70,000 jobs in the u.s. but it got bogged down over korea's refusal to open its market to u.s. automobiles. at a press conference, the president downplayed the failure to meet his deadline. >> i think we can get a win-win but it was pont to take the extra time so that i am assured it is a win for american workers and american companies. >> reporter: jumping back to u.s. politics, the president sought to clarify his position on extending the bush tax cuts. he firmly dismissed rumors in washington he's already decided to give in to republican demands to extend the cuts for the
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wealthy. >> i also believe that it would be fiscally irresponsible for us to permanently extend the high-income tax cuts. i think that would be a mistake. >> reporter: the president seemed a bit defensive when asked what complaints and concerns he heard from foreign leaders about the country wamplts about compliments? you didn't put that in the list. >> reporter: and argued what other leaders want is exactly what he wants. >> they want to see us grow. they want unemployment to go down in the united states. >> reporter: in japan, the president will attend yet another international economic summit, at the top of his agenda, creating jobs in the u.s. by opening up foreign markets to u.s. goods. >> you mentioned it a bit there but there's been some chatter on the international stage whether the president's stature is diminished following the midterm election losses. the president won't address that, right? >> reporter: he did, jeff. he firmly denied it in fact said
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his relations with foreign leaders now are better than ever. jeff? >> chip reid traveling with the president in seoul, south korea this morning, chip thanks. the search is on for a drive-by purse snatcher in ohio caught on video. in a walmart parking lot, a woman driving an suv spotted a 61-year-old woman, stopped the 61-year-old, asked for directions police say the driver then grabbed the woman's purse and hit the gas. the victim was dragged about ten feet before she fell and broke her shoulder. they have not found the purse snatcher yet. dave price is on his "no way home adventure" this morning so here's today's weather a. storm brewing in the middle of the country could bring strong thunderstorms to the southern plains, rain showers will fall on the southern plains. the northwest will see a chilly
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that's your weather. now here's maggie. >> at 7:12 let's talk about sarah palin. we don't know if she will run for president but this morning getting a sneak peek at her latest project. it premiering on tlc this weekend and takes us inside the former alaska governor's life at home. >> a bear. >> oh, my gosh. >> holy cow! >> cute. >> oh, telling them to get the heck out of here.
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>> wow! this is awesome. joining us from washington to talk about the politics of sarah palin's alaska michael crowley deputy washington bureau chief for "time" magazine. michael, good morning. >> good morning. >> i think a lot of people will be surprised she agreed to do this. first i think we need to explain she asked for and was given final say on editing so people will only see what she wants them to see. even so, it's still going to be the first time we get this intimate look at a politician's life. karl rove, for one, who knows a little bit about republican presidential politics, think it's a terrible idea. what do you think? >> well, you know, i understand what rove is saying. i think rove like a lot of republicans is concerned sarah palin is going to run for president, get the nomination and have trouble becoming elected president and his argument is that this does not make her look serious enough to be president. but, i think that, you know, you can think of this as sort of the longest, most expensive
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biographical political add in history and i think it is appears humanizing her there. could be upsides to that if she wants to run for president. >> especially if she gets to say what's in it and not in it and all shots like what we are looking at her showing her outdoorsee and with her family could be a good thing. her husband says it doesn't matter because of the people who don't like them aren't going to like them ever. but if you are going to run for president as she very well might, don't you want to try to get more people to like you? >> well, exactly. i think this could be a good step in that direction. she may just be interested -- having fun, making money sort of going around the country traveling an enjoying herself but could be a step towards trying to humanize herself, trying to show a new side, trying to, you know, associate herself with classic american theme also of the outdoors and family. and that could be beneficial. she probably also has to do some work to show people that she, you know, does the homework and can be president, because polls show that people have concerns about her qualifications. but, i don't think that this
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show means she's not running. i think it's very possible that she will run. >> and another indication she might be running is the schedule of her book tour that we just found out this week. >> yes. >> very interestingly, there are two stops planned for iowa. what do you read into that? >> well, you know, there are two possibilities. one is that she's -- well, three. one is that she's running and she hasn't come out and said it yet. two, i think the likeliest she's keeping her option open, able to kind of do the commercial side of things but, also, at the same time, get her ducks in a row if she decides she wants to run for president. the third interpretation would be she's kind of having fun whipping up the speculation about a presidential run, doesn't intend to do it but of course it's good for her book sales and ratings of her show and i think right now we just can't be sure. >> michael crowley, thank you so much, michael. >> thank you. >> at 7:15, harry. >> to the latest on star quarterback brett favre. he said on thursday that he is retiring after the season. just as nfl officials met with the woman who received a series
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of suggestive voice mails from him. our chris wragge is here to tell us more about it. good morning. >> good morning. retiring after the season we've heard that before but you never know it could be true this time. she sent down with investigators for a meeting thursday, the first shim she's officially put her side of the story on record. what happens next, well, the ball, as they say, is in the nfl's court. he said it before but given his age, recent injuries and a brewing sex scandal, maybe this time brett favre means it. >> are you coming back in 2011? >> no. >> if his answer was timed to deflect attention from his ongoing scandal, it's probably too late. jenn sterger, the cheerleader turned sexy sideline reporter met with nfl investigators thursday. at issue provocative voice mail messages she received during their time with the new york jets. favre has admitted the calls were, in fact, from him. >> i'm going back to the hotel and just -- just chill. love to have you come over
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tonight. >> last month, sports website broke the story and reported lewd photos were also sent to her from the same phone as the voice mails. favre has denied sending those. >> all right, guys. >> reporter: cbs news learned her meeting with investigators lasted three hours. her spokesman released this statement. we can confirm a meeting took place with the nfl today and we cooperated fully by providing them with substantial materials in our possession. we await the nfl's investigation to be concluded. nfl commissioners roger goodell spoke before thursday night's game. >> i think what you have to do is be fair. you have to try to get all the facts and make a smart decision. >> reporter: having heard from both sides, the question now is when will that decision come down? >> the nfl is obligated to pursue this and make sure that they determine what the proper course of action is. they can't ignore it. >> reporter: a decision against favre would have wide-reaching consequence, the possible loss of seven to nine million dollars
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in endorsements and toned his iron man streak of conservative games started currently at 293 and counting. of course, there are only seven more weeks left to the football season not including the playoffs so if the nfl is slow to decide and favre sticks to his plan to finally retire retire, he may not suffer any consequences. >> on the field anyway. chris, thanks so much. still ahead this morning, the latest on the barefoot bandit. we'll show you exclusive video of his interrogation after being on the run from authorities for years and a fascinating new study of our wandering minds. we'll tell you how it affects you, coming up. man: so this is my new windows phone.
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what a beautiful way to get fiber everyday. that's the beauty of benefiber. do you you remember the barefoot bandit, stole plane, eluded capture for years? coming up peter van sant of "48 hours" will take us inside the story like no one else can.
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welcome back to all of you. coming up the latest on anna chapman. a new report says she and other accused russian spies kicked out of the u.s. earlier this year were apparently betrayed by a colleague spying for the u.s. since then she's been in the tabloids wearing fancy outfits like that, sometimes wearing next to nothing. she's back in moscow and has become a celebrity out there. we'll tell you what she's doing and give you the latest on this still unfolding story. also, what are you doing right now, maggie, this very second? >> sitting next to my favorite guy. >> oh, yeah, what are you thinking about beyond that?
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>> that i just told a lie. >> very good. there's a 50-50 chance we are talking about two different things. i'll going to tell you about a brand new study that shows just how often our minds wander and why that can actually make us unhappy. >> but first, at 7:30, colton harris-moore, the teenager known as the barefoot bandit was indicted in seattle this week. tomorrow night, "48 hours mystery" has an hour-long special on his alleged international crime spree including exclusive police interrogation video. "48 hours" correspondents peter van sant has a review. >> reporter: by the spring of this year colton harris-moore you adation aerial joyroids including four airplane thefts had put hit on the radar of law enforcement in two countries. he had been on the run for two years. >> he's getting more attention in the united states than bin laden does. >> reporter: maybe that's why colton left the united states. in july, he allegedly stole his
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fifth plane, in indiana, and flew it all the way to the bahamas. we finally made it to colton's plane, the landing skid path through here is about 50 yards long. if you lack right here he lost a landing gear making this crash landing. of he managed to keep it level, somehow, as you can see, the nose is in the grass. he got out of that plane, reportedly uninjured, and headed into the island. the royal bahamian police vow they will find the infamous barefoot bandit. >> they should be able to take him down and put his in custody in the shortest possible time. >> he flaunted authority six days on the island breaking into at least seven homes and businesses on one last crime spree. but by week's end, they got him in custody n. this video, exclusive to "48 hours" the police questioned colton, now outfitted in a bullet-proof vest. >> get that camera out of my face. >> reporter: they offer him food and water.
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and check out the world's most famous bare feet. they also ask where he got his gun the same type used by james bond. he says he doesn't remember, and they all share a laugh. after a quick court hearing, colt ton harris moore is deported back to the united states. >> and peter van sants also back in the united states after his globe-trotting and joings us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> you can't make this stuff up. >> you can't. >> this is crazy. >> i'd say this is like out of a movie and it's going to become a major motion picture. it's an extraordinary tale of a brilliant young man who, sadly, went off the rails. but, you know, we got to know this guy by following him around the country for all those months. >> drew: kind of had a taste of what it was like to be the authorities chasing him because you would go and go and go and
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never seemed to catch him. how was he finally caught. >> like the movie, you know, "catch me if you can "implts yes. >> we were always just a few steps behind colton. when we got to the bahamas at the end of this story, we were the first people out to his downed aircraft on this island called aboco, businesses to businesses with break-ins very exciting to follow. >> how was he finally captured. >> he stole a boat from harbor island and made a big mistake, hot pursuit of the bahamian authorities behind him hits a sandbar of all things this kid who taught himself how to fly, hits a sandbar. they come ut out and shoot out his engines so he can't flee anymore. he puts a gun to his head and eventually they talk him down and arrest him. >> at that moment the 23,000 members of his facebook fan club went, ahhh. >> you know. >> crazy he actually had a fan club. >> it got to more than 100,000 members. >> did it?
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wow. >> yeah. and their hero was captured. >> we can't wait for the story tomorrow, peter van sants, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> be sure to watch "48 hours mystery" tomorrow night at 10:00, 9:00 central here on cbs. up next, hey, pay attention. we're going to tell you why wandering minds could lead to personal unhappiness. focus, people. this is "the early show" on cbs.
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a new study says the average person spends nearly half of the day doing one thing while thinking about something else. "early show" special contributor taryn winter brill went to find out where our minds have been wandering. >> reporter: in a life dominated by conversation, texts and tweets, turns out most of us are easily distracted. according to a new harvard university study, our minds drift 47% of the time. would you say your mind often wanders? >> of course. >> all the time. >> reporter: most everyone we asked admitted their minds wander often. >> it's funny, when i'm at school, i think about school, but when i'm at work, i think about school. >> reporter: that's a catch-22. >> yeah, either way sgrort are you thinking about something else as we do this interview? >> yep. >> reporter: researchers found a lack of focus can make you unhappy. >> what we found was that when people were mind wandering, they tended to be quite a bit less happy than when they were
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focused on what they were doing. >> reporter: of course, what you are being distracted from also plays a role in your overall well-being. mind wandering while working, commuting, leads to unpleasant thoughts. while having a conversation, exercising and making love top the charts for the most pleasant ones. >> a question really what is happiness and why would the brain be less happy when it is wandering. i think one of the reasons is the brain likes to be stimulated. >> reporter: so, the next time you find yourself in a less-than-stimulating -- when your mind wanders, what are you thinking about? >> retiring, not working. >> to help us keep our minds from wandering into unhappiness, clinical psychologist dr. jeff gardere contributor to why do our minds wander so much? >> our minds wander because it's part of the evolutionary process
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unlike other animals we use it to think, reason an plan. it is something quite natural. but what the study is saying is that there is a cost for this mind wandering and what it is that it causes unhappiness. it's not a consequence of unhappiness. >> so, why would it cause us -- if we are doing all these dreaming is it because they our dreams can't come true or won't come true or we don't know how to come true? why would we be happy unhappy our mind is wandering? >> -- in order for you to find happiness, the true path to happiness is being in the moment. >> okay. >> being oonz in the here and now and appreciating what is happening in your immediate environment. >> okay. i'm appreciating this moment right now. >> as i am. >> okay. i'm pretty happy. what would be the triggers, then, for distraction. say we're having this, what would make me wander off and start thinking about the flowers in that basket, or whatever. >> could you be losing, i know
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it's not happening but you could be losing what's going on at the particular time. it could be a situation where you're overwhelmed with other things happening in your past, present but mostly this study found that you are thinking about what will be happening tomorrow and the day after instead of focusing on what you need to know right now. working out whatever the issues are right now. staying focused. >> so, in order to be best equipped to stay focused, what are the things we need to do to get us in that place? >> well, there are many things that we can do but one of the major things that we can do is getting enough rest, for example, getting the exercise so we have the energy to do it. if we're in a classroom situation, taking notes or doodling, as you know, that keeps you within whatever conversation is going on from the professor and finally brainstorming, which means that you're invested in whatever the situation or conversation happens to be. >> all kinds of learning theories now about kids these days who learn by groups, they
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don't go off in single cells to learn, they learn best by learning in groups. this is part of that. >> absolutely. they support one another, it keeps them focused and it keeps them in the here and now. >> and, if you do this and make that kind of commitment to try and do that, they say it actually improves relationships? >> it improves relationships. for example, it showed in this clip, this thing about making love. well, if you're focused on your partner, chances are, you will have a better experience instead of being drifting someplace else and that really does make sense. so, folks, when it comes to love making, focus on what you're doing right now! >> as o polesed to the thought bubbles that, you know -- >> that's right. >> exactly. dr. jeff gardere, thank you very, very much. >> always a pleasure. >> thank you. up next the latest harry potter premiere is a big hit in london. we're going to take you to see all the hoopla surrounding "harry potter and the deathly
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hallows" part one, when we come back. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by: she felt lost... until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. i love your work. missing something? now you get a cleanser with scope freshness. ♪ new fixodent plus scope ingredients. ♪ cleans...kills germs that cause denture odors... and provides your dentures with the freshness of scope. ♪ new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients.
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here it is the beginning of the end for harry potter. this is the world premiere, last night, in london, of the second-to-last harry potter movie. >> friening. >> the penultimate? >> the penultimate. the way they are doing this, releasing them in two parts, two, two-hour movies what the book was but camped out two days in london to see this movie. there is daniel radcliffe who is harry potter. >> you know what's interesting. obviously this will be six movies, eight now after. it's interesting to watch how they've changed over the years. daniel radcliffe. >> they're all grown up. >> absolutely, there we goimplts a little boy. how sweet he's wearing the poppy for veterans day.
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so is she. look she was a little girl now a 20-year-old -- >> emily watson has shorter hair now and looks great. >> her dress got a lot of attention. he looks kind of exactly the same. he dress gots so much attention and she says her dad from an early encouraged her to express herself with her clothes and not to care what people think. she was bold last night with that dress. >> it is crazy to see those pictures, though, when they were kids because they were here when they were kids to be interviewed, and what have you. and, you know, she's off at brown and he did "aquous" a year ago and they are grown-ups. >> and that got some attention. >> he was nude. >> what's interesting, with all the child celebrities we hear problems about, how well have they all handled themselves. >> from the time it came from the first interview and now they're the same down-to-earth lovely people. >> local news coming up next. >> we'll be right back. you might also want
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to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ starting veteran's day get black friday prices right now at sears. save fifty plus an extra ten percent off mattresses... ...get sixty percent off coats for the family. plus get ten dollars in sears come back cash when you spend fifty dollars. be the santa you want to be. find your santa at [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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no way home volume two, dave sent to alaska, in anchorage this morning. how's it going, dave? >> harry, it is 28 degrees. it's just about 4:00 in the morning but this morning, anchorage, alaska is the warmest place in the country. the hospitality is terrific. no way home is on its way and i have no idea how i'm going to get out of here. >> have you had any offers of employment or a ride or anything? >> i'm going to work at a fish plant as soon as we're off the air, a fish processing plant. what happens after that, no idea. >> somebody hopefully will offer you a shower, please, after that. >> afterwards. all right. we'll check with dave. the adventure begins here this morning. he's in anchorage and how this will turn out, we'll find out. we'll be right back.
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you are watching "the early show" on cbs.
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these sausage pancake bites are an amazing combination. it tastes just like my mom's sausage and pancakes. when i was a youngster,
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i always pleaded with my mother to think out of the box, to consider ways to make the sausage and pancake more portable. ha ha ha! alas, innovation was not mother's strong suit. hmm. mm... nice to meet you. dunkin's new sausage pancake bites. sausage inside maple-flavored pancake. 3 for $1.59 -- america runs on dunkin'. hurry in to dunkin' donuts and grab 3 sausage pancake bites for only $1.59, today. [ female announcer ] there's a way to get your groceries when you want them, all without leaving your home.
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it's called safeway home delivery. visit today and you'll save $15 on your first order and get free home delivery. just type in the promo code fresh. it's everything you need. so you have more time to do what you want. order today. with $15 off and free delivery, now's the time to shop at
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we have a nice crowd on the plaza, right? a lot of people from all over the country. yeah. welcome back to "the early show," everybody i'm harry smith along with maggie rodriguez. >> coming up the most common cancer in women is back in the spotlight this morning because jane fonda has made it public she had a cancerous tumor in her breast you are moved a couple weeks ago. we'll look at her case and tell you how she is doing now. she had it removed and is cancer-free at the moment. we'll get the latest. dave price, as you know, is
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4,000 miles away in anchorage, right? this is "no way home" volume two. >> there se. look at the ice sculpture. >> he's there in anchorage. we want you, our viewers, to help him figure out how to get home. you can get ahold of him on twitter, you can tweet him, you can e-mail him, a million different ways. he only has $50 in his pocket. >> he needs your help. he has to get back to new york in a week. >> exactly. >> very far away and very difficult. >> so, he needs jobs. he needs to make money. he needs rides. >> you can't just hand him money, he's got to, you know, work for it. >> exactly. go on our website to find out about it and we'll check ba with him in minutes. >> easy to say yes to a shopping rewards program but when time to cash in those points that's the hard part. it's important to stay with us this hour. we have the five golden rules that will let you get those rewards you have earned. >> first, though, a check of the news and jeff glor is at the news defng. good morning, again, jeff. >> good morning, everyone. president o bam na in japan this
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morning attendsing a regional economic summit, the last stoup on the president's four-nation asian tour. mr. obama arrived in tokyo from south korea. in seoul the president was at the g-20 economic summit and did not end as well as planned some. the u.s. and south korea failed to agree on a free trade deal. the president said it's better to wait and get a deal that benefits both countries. >> i think we can get a win-win, but it was important to take the extra time so that i am assured that it is a win for american workers and american companies, as well as for korean workers and corian companies sfwoo a deal with south korea might create as many as 70,000 jobs in the u.s. a rather surprising story from president george w. bush's memoir emerging involving senate republican leader mitch mckoj the iraq war and politics. president bush writes in september 2006 were the elections coming up mcconnell privately asked him to withdraw troops from iraq. according to the president's memoir mcconnell said, quote,
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union unpopularity is going to cost us control of congress. when the president asked mcconnell what he should do, he answered mr. president bring some troops home from iraq. this was at the saimt mcconnell was publicly calling on the president to stay the course in iraq. >> general had it krekd when he said we leave iraq they'll follow us, they'll come back here. so, cutting and running is not a strategy for it protecting the american people here in the united states. >> a mckoj spokesmen says the senator doesn't comment on any advice he may have given the president. passengers from the carnival cruise ship "splendor" describe the terrible conditions they endured for a few days, almost four days without power off mexico. passengers complained about no lights, no air conditioning, no cooked food and for a time no working toilets. the investigation into the engine room fire will be conducted by the panama maritime authority instead of the national transportation safety board. one capture captured video of
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smoke pouring out of the ship monday. earlier today one family told harry about their experience. >> the worst part was not knowing, you know, really not knowing what was going to happen and how many days we were going to be like this. >> how was it for you? >> well, i -- well, this is my first cruise so i was kind of disappointed that the -- [ laughter ] >> kind of disappointed. carnival cruise lines says the passengers were never in any danger. there's a new twist this morning in the russian spy scandal, it's reported russian double agent blew the whistle on those sleeper spice including anna chapm chapman. cbs news correspondent mark phillips reports. >> reporter: anna chapman didn't so much come in from the cold when her spy cover was blown. using her new celebrity status to open a moscow boutique this week, she seems to have come into the cold. chapman, who picked up her inning lish name when she briefly picked up an english
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husband during her time in london has long since become the centerpage spread of the spy story that surfaced last summer. she was one of ten long-term sleeper spies living apparently normal lives in the u.s., when they were exposed and swapped in a vienna airport scene reminiscent of the cold war for four russians serving time for allegedly spying for the u.s. but none of the spies was exposed like anna chapman has been exposed. her femme fatale form has been on the cover of the russian edition of a popular men's magazine. other aspects of the spy story, though, hark back to darker periods of es-west espionage. the russians are reported to be scouring the world for a mysterious colonel, head of a secret department of russian intelligence who fled to the u.s. just as russian president medvedev was due to visit and allegedly betrayed his spies to u.s. authorities. in the manner of historic soviet-era leader joseph stalin,
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who dispatched an assassin -- to kill the renegade leon trotski, russian sources say one has been sent to find the traitor. anna chapman isn't the only thing keeping this spy story in public view. mark phillips, cbs news, london. an antique chinese vase fetched a record price at auction. >> -- it's 43 million pounds. sold! >> yeah, 43 million pounds, that is $69 million in the u.s. the highest ever paid for a chinese artwork sold at auction. the 18th century vase had gathered dust on a bookshelf in a home in middlesex, england. the owners had no idea how much it was worth. katie couric with a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. she integrated a school and inspired an iconic painting. now, 50 years later, ruby
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bridges is reuniting with an old classmate and hoping to rebuild a piece of history with the american spirit. we'll have her story and much more tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now, back to "the early show." >> coming up on seven minutes past the hour dave on his "no way home" adventure in alaska so a check of today's weather later today areas from missouri to texas should watch for showers and thunderstorms some might be strong. chilly in the northwest and snow showers expected in western montana. . but in the east warm air is continuing to move up through the southeast
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now here's maggie will. >> up next, jane fonda survive as breast cancer scare. we'll look at the importance of early detection and treatment and why it worked for her. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup.
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gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! hey! wait up! ♪ [ female announcer ] you see a mud stain. but new wisk sees a particulate stain. with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology, wisk is engineered to fight all the major stain groups like particulates and oils. [ girl ] that lip gloss is soooo cute on you. [ female announcer ] you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new wisk. fight stains with science.
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use new wisk. ♪ and love ♪ such a silly game we play ♪ oh, like a summer's day in may ♪ ♪ what is love? ♪ what is love? ♪ i just want you to be loved ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh-oh welcome back to "the early show." more than 12% of women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some points in their lives. we've often told you and heard that early detection is the key to survival.
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and legendary actress jane fonda recently learned that first handing. at 72 years old, jane fonda is the latest celebrity to be diagnosed with cancer. the famous actress revealed thursday she recently had a scare with breast cancer but luckily she caught it early. >> jane fonda announced she had cancer but not as grim as we thought. >> a few weeks the iconic fit us in gur rue went in for a checkup. although cancerous, it was found non invasive. she had the tumor removed earlier this week and according to a statement is 100% cancer-free and completely fine. fonda rose to fame in the 1960s with the campy sci-fi space odyssey a barbaraella" and the much more classic "barefoot in the park" entered the american living rooms in the '80s and '90s with hit fitness videos and those in the industry know she
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hasn't stopped since. >> what is amazing about jane fonda, she is 72 years old and nothing, nothing is slowing her down. >> the mother of two grown children has released two movies since coming out of retirement in 2005. this year, she is returning to her workout roots. >> really fun to be back. >> at the end of the month, fonda will release a new set of fitness dvds aimed at women her age, just another accomplishment for someone who can now also call herself a cancer survivor. joining us is our dr. jennifer ashton. good morning, doctor. >> good morning, maggie. >> was it one like you like jane fondue was diagnosed with breast cancer. >> unfortunately, it never is a surprise to hear the latest diagnosed with breast cancer. the reality, is it is a bullet all women have to dodge. what is definitely known, most breast cancer is diagnosed in older women. it is more common as we age. so, 77% of cases are found in women over the age of 50 and when you're talking about the
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60s that, decade your chance of getting diagnosed with breast cancer is 1 in 29. obviously she's older than that and her risk is higher. >> she's yet another example of the value, the crucialness of early detection, discovered during a routine checkup. >> exactly. last year we heard a lot of controversy self breast exams was not recommended because of the thought it causes anxiety. i still rec mebd patients understand what their bodies feel like and be familiar with their breasts feel like but the general guidelines by the american cancer society still state women over the age of 40, 40 and over should be screened with yearly mammograms and have a clinician or clinical breast exam -- every three years in their 20 to 40 years age group and then annually 40 and over. so again, this does speak to the importance of screening and finding something earlier rather than later although maggie there is a trend in breast cancer in particular not all breast cancers necessarily need
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aggressive treatment. we'll hear more about that research in the future. but at this point when you find something, it's treated. >> they found her tumor before it spread anywhere else. they took it out and she's cancer-free. does that mean she's out of the woods? >> do you find something that's small, not spread to the lymph nodes and non-aggressive type, the five-year survival approaches 100%. at this point it is better to find an early cancer and treat it but in the future we'll hear more and more about maybe cancers that never become aggressive and never need aggressive treatment. at this point she's in such great health obviously being cancer free is what anyone would hope for. >> i'm sure her perfect health and fitness will help her, as well. >> it's so important, maggie,ing in good physical conditions will help you diagnosis the with any illness, cancer is no different. >> dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. still ahead we'll check in with dave price who begins his "no way home" adventure in alaska. there he is with all his
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friends. what is he doing, taking a picture? there he is. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. that'll help you maybe, dave. >> announcer: "no way home" sponsored by windowsphone. other man in bathroom: really? vo: it's time for a phone... son: really? wife: really? vo: save us from our phones. vo: new windows phone. designed to get you in, and out, and back to life. get yours at at&t. a tornado hits, air life denver takes off... their night-vision goggles keeping the rescue mission safe... and powering those goggles-- the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere.
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237bz ja as we mentioned throughout the show dave is in anchorage, alaska this morning, he's supposed to find his way back here by next friday. it's not going to be easy. here again, how this works, you, the voters, went online and said we want dave to start in anchorage, alaska. he needs to work, he needs to rely on the kindness of you, he needs to rely on the kindness of strangers. he's got 50 bucks in his pocket and a cell phone. that's it. >> okay. >> somehow, he has to make his way home. >> we know he has his first job lined up, dave. so you are going to head to the fish factory and make how much money? >> there's a fish processing
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plant. i think it is only eight or nine dollars an hour but keep in mind, maggie, it is at 5:00 in the morning alaska standard time. so, before anything opens, i'll go there, i'll earn 16, 24 bucks and at least i'll have a start and then, we've gotten offers already from 25 states across the country, tons and tons of e-mails and tweets. so, from there, we'll figure out what to do and how to get out of this lovely place. [ laughter ] >> will you just -- >> what would be the ideal place for you to go next? >> well, i mean, ideally, it would be great if we could wind up in, let's say, wests chester county, new york but that's not going to happen. so, most likely -- most likely, we'll wind up either -- either in -- i mean seattle is the next greatest point we'd like to wind up in the continental u.s. then begin the journey. if we could just go south that,
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would be handy. >> let's send him north. that would be funny, just kidding. >> i'm thinking of modes of transportation, though, sleddog. >> ferry. >> ferry. >> sleddog would be good. >> that's a long -- >> i -- yeah, sleddogging, to be honest with you, just a few weeks short of the iditarod so a lot are in training so i went to avis rent-a-dog and all of them booked. all of them booked. >> dave, remind -- remind people how they can get ahold of you in order to give you ideas for jobs or places that you might want to try to get to in your effort to make it home by next friday morning. >> sure. we're trying to answer as many e-mails as possible but send them in, literally, right now. it is nowayhome@cbs that's e-mail, or tweet
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me or log on to our website. >> generally speaking the more punishing and back-breaking the work is, the better. >> more appreciated. >> you know, i love you like a brother because you are always looking out for me jeff. >> i try. >> seriously, you can't just give dave money. >> you can't put him on your private jet and escort him to his next destination. >> no. no. no no. hand me that dog for a second. for instance this woman brought a dog with ten dollars attached this morning. >> but you can't take it. >> but, i can't take it. i can't take it unless i spend the next 20 minutes taking him to poop and i'm not going to do that, although i may. although, i may. >> so, the crew is with you. they get to enjoy hot meals and hotels but they can't share with you, either, right, our crew? >> no, they -- they drive in a chase car. they are only there to make sure i don't do harm to myself. and they don't give me --
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>> again -- >> kind of a combination of "where in the world is carmen san diego" and "dirtiest jobs" right? >> i love this show. >> minus the budget. >> i'm kind of scared, i have to say. i don't know if you are going to be able to do this. >> this is tough. >> it's going to be hard. >> yeah. >> honestly, i don't know if we're going to be able to do it. we are a continent away from the lower 48 and -- and -- >> they think it's funny. >> -- a little dilemma. >> you can do it, dave. you can do it. >> we've got a clock we'll -- you know, we started this morning. dave's got seven days really just a matter of several hours and several minutes and he's got to make it back here by next friday morning on the air. all right? >> give me my 50 bucks. give me my 50 bucks. hold on. hold on.
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>> good luck, pal, we'll be right back. >> hold on. >> eghhh, out of time. i love it, we get to cut him off. we'll be right back. [ man ] are you aware that verizon fios brings fiber optics to your home
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and cable doesn't? yes. -i read that. -i do know that. yes, but there's a contract. at verizon, they want you to have a two year contract. i've got commitment issues. no one likes to be tied down. [ man ] so if they didn't lock you into a term contract, you'd consider switching? -oh, absolutely. -definitely. it's a no-brainer. [ man ] because now, with verizon fios, you don't have to sign a term contract. -really? -that's terrific!
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[ female announcer ] there's a way to get your groceries when you want them, all without leaving your home. it's called safeway home delivery. visit today and you'll save $15 on your first order and get free home delivery. just type in the promo code fresh. it's everything you need. so you have more time to do what you want. order today. with $15 off and free delivery, now's the time to shop at
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welcome back to "the early show" this friday morning, the weekend, november 12th, 2010. guess who's from florida and guess who's from colder climates? >> the windy city and -- wamplts do you need the jacket for? >> it's cold. they are all dressed like i am. >> they have been standing out. >> that's true. okay, fine, i'm a wimp. coming up, how many rewards programs are you signed up for. when do the points expire and how do you cash them in? no one knows but this morning we'll take you through the top five rules for snagging foes awards. >> also coming up two-time oscar
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winner denzel washington here with us to tell us about -- look at that guy, right. >> he's kind of handsome. >> -- a movie star or what? he has an brand new movie called "unstoppable" based on a true story out of pennsylvania, a real nail-biter. he'll be along to tell us about that in minutes. >> also this morning the best thomas keller is here this morning going to be making biscuits they can be challenging to make, he will make great ones, a great brunch, a plum zinfandel jam. >> oooh. >> about time. >> in case you ever wanted a plum zinfandel jam. >> if he makes it, i'm eating it. >> first, though an update on macy's "believe" campaign we launched a week ago. here's how it works. for every letter sent to santa at their macy's "believe" station the store donate as dollar up to a million for the "make a wish foundation." the mailboxes are in place and the letters are pouring in.
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♪ i don't want a lot for christmas ♪ ♪ there is just one thing i need ♪ >> santa will bring you a gift if you're good because santa don't like bad people. i wish for sick kids they should stay home, drink a lot of water and take a pill mcit's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> i asked santa claus for a laptop and that i could get good grades. >> my wish is for all the kids who are sick they get what they want. >> it's important to write santa a letter. if you don't believe in him, he'll get your message. >> that's the truth. here now with more on the "believe" campaign is macy's executive vice president martine reardon. good morning. >> good morning. >> love hearing from those kids and their spirit. one of the other changes this year a whole new sort of online
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component. can you tell us a bit more? >> sure. yes, we've develop ad new creative way for children of all ages to make their letters to santa online. there's a template there. it's drag and drop art so you can be a bit more creative. >> kids love that. >> kids just love it and bring it on in to that official letter box at any store across the country and still be part of this incredible campaign. >> also along these lines a brand new facebook challenge, which goes with all of that. what is that? >> yes. we know how much everybody loves gaming today. so, if you go onto macy's facebook page and "believe" tap you can help get the letters to santa playing a game you have to maneuver the letter up through a bunch of whirling snowballs and for every letter you get to the top, another dollar goes to up to another $250,000. >> oh, wow. >> in addition. >> in addition to the million dollars. >> oh, great. >> a great way if you are at home not in a place you can get
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close to a macy's santa mailbox. >> you can still participate. >> great idea. >> that's a great, great thing. how are we doing so far, how many letters have come in? >> doing great. so far 20,620, which is well above where we were this time last year. >> oh, there we go. all right! [ cheering ] >> don't forgets all the way up to a million dollars, so get online and participate. >> yes, thank you. >> thank you. right now, we want to invite you to go tower website, first, for all the information you need on the macy's "believe" campaign. right now jeff is back in for dave, who is in alaska. >> developing my weathercasting abilities this morning. are you sufficiently impressed? >> i think you are doing a good job. >> thank you. with no coat setting a fine example. here's a check of today's weather gusty winds, heavy hail and downpours from a system moving through the southern and central plains as you can see heading toward the great lakes for tomorrow. elsewhere he we can expect calmer conditions with plenty of sunshine for both the east coast
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>> that's your latest weather. now, here's harry. >> 2010 has once again proven stars do not get much brighter than two-time oscar winner denzel washington. he started the year starring in the box office blockbuster "the book of eli" then came a tony award for the record-breaking broadway hit "fences" now washington is back on the hollywood track in the runaway
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train action thriller "unstoppable." >> doing about 60 mile an hour, connie. >> i'm sorry? i don't understand. >> we're going after your train. >> i'm not hearing you. >> if we can catch up, we can tie it up. >> frank, you can't. >> we already are. >> that train is carrying 30,000 gallons of toxic chemicals. they had a window before but the train is going into populated areas. there's no way to derail it now. >> are you sure about that? >> and denzel washington joins us. good morning. >> good morning. >> good to see you, always a pleasure. based loosely on a true story, right. >> right. >> drew: play a guy, who's an engineer. >> that's about to get fishd. >> knows he's going to get fired. >> right. >> works with chris pine, who's a rookie who you kind of ri sent his just being there in the first place, right? >> right. >> and against everybody's
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advice says, i'm going to go save that train. >> right. >> do the right thing. >> right. >> that's a pretty good story. >> that was my day. how does it start for you? >> i enjoyed the ride when i was watching the movie. >> no, it's an excellent -- it deals with some serious subjects, you know, ageism, i guess you could say, pushing all the old guys out and bringing in new guys but bays cli a popcorn movie. >> what gives it authenticity, though, i think is this story line in there that the corporation is not going to do the right thing. >> right. >> the guy is going to dot right thing. >> that's right. he says i'm not doing it for you but his two daughters who work at hooters. they do. that part of the story is true. a true story. in fact the guy's actual name is jesse but we changed it to frank barnes and he told me a story about someone said to him, hey, when are you going to let me go out one of your daughters and he answered, when are you going to let me go out with your mother?
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that's the kinds of guy he was. let's put that in there. >> played that true to form. you have authenticity to hang onto there. there's a lot of helicopters, because it is an action film. >> it's very tense. >> the helicopters flying around, this train is flying out of control and you guys are trying to catch up to it. so, you went up on top? >> i am running on top of a train going 50 miles an hour. i mean, i was stupid to do it but i dit. but what it, i think it does, one of the reasons the film feels so authentic and tense, i think audiences know when it is green screen or cgi. >> yeah, computer generated. >> it's not. i mean, that's me up there. >> here's what chris pines said about you and everybody fell in love with him from the "star trek" movie. this is what he said. he said working with you is like winning the lottery. >> well, i hope he got paid well. that's nice. >> i don't think -- >> it's interesting, like the story, 20 years ago when i
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worked with tony scott the first time, i was the young guy and gene hackman was the more mature. now i'm the more mature guy. but chris is great, a great actor. >> there is a great chemistry between you about two guys. i got to say because on the surface, a train runaway, a popcorn movie. whatever it is inside you, the joy that you bring to your job, it shows on the screen. >> thank you. >> because there is a credibility there that isn't there without whatever you've got inside that makes it work. >> you know what? going down there an filming in western pennsylvania, west virginia and in the rust belt, you know, i had never been in that part of america. and it's real america. i mean, one town we shot in, they had 70% unemployment. 70%. we needed 50 extras for one scene. 2000 men showed up. so, the people, i mean, they're going through tough times, stew beenville, ohio, different towns but great, great people.
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they want to feed you, you know, so -- in a way, i felt like i'm representing them and wanted to do a good job for them. >> wow. you did it. one quick note. i got to see you in "fences". >> yes. >> when you re -- >> the revival. >> yes. i got to see james earl jones the first time around. i'm sitting there and felt as lucky to be sitting there watching you as i did when i saw james earl jones. >> thank you. >> first time around. >> thank you. i had a ball. >> got to be a way more people to see it, my thought. >> they can go to the archives of lincoln center you about we may make the film. >> great to see you. >> my pleasure. >> "unstoppable" in theaters now. maggie. >> it is stimtd americans hold 1.8 billion memberships in rewards programs from banks to airlines to specialty stores and cashing in all those points can really be confusing so senior consumer reporter kelly grit of is here with the five golden rules making it easy for all of us. good morning.
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>> good morning. >> let's clarify which points we're talking about. >> points all over the place, airlines offer them, hotels credit card issuers, stores aiming to give you something back for your purchases but really from their perspective to get you to shop more with them, not their competitors. >> the value of the points varies doesn't it? >> it can. but generally talking about a point per -- a penny per point. >> penny per point. >> uh-huh. >> your first rule you say do not he redeem these points for merchandise. why not? >> it is absolutely the worst thing you can do with all of those points. it just very, very poor value. for something like, say, an 8 giggibyte ipod $230 at best buy. go to citi bank, it will cost you about 37,100 points. >> a lot of points. >> a lot. for that same amount of points or 30,000 points you can get $250 in best buy cards, enough to get the ipod, have $20 in store credit and enough points left over to get a $50 gift
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certificate somewhere else. >> the overall lesson redeeming the points for gift cards is probably the best way to go. >> gift cards or cash. >> gift cards or cash. rule number two, use your points while you can. do they expire. >> they do actually now, something we've seen in recent years if you are not getting cash back going for points or miles the issuers and program managers have a lot of different sneaky ways to make them less valuable, seeing program changes there and they can expire in usually three to five years. >> very good. rule number three, a great lesson for people who don't pay off their credit cards right? >> you definitely should not be chasing the rewards points not paying your bills off every month in full. those points as we mentioned very, very cheap. you will easily e clipse in with month's interest like a nintendo wii getting $200 dollars of rewards on an american express card and more interest if you don't pay it off. >> number four, work the systems
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to your advantage. how do you do that? the. >> you really want to double and triple up on the points whenever you can. there are so many of these programs out there you want to look at store rewards then using that rewards credit card even shopping online through a portal something like 100 dollars at toys 'r' us have a reward a 10% purchase, ebates, another 2% and use your toys r cuss card and you get another 4%. >> how do i know about this? we are telling you but how do you know about deals we can't mention today. >> you need to be aware of where you are shopping start looking for the programs usually offered a chance to sign up at the register and make sure you do that. >> unless, which is rule five, there is a fee to the programs. >> the major don't here you don't want to pay for rewards like a rewards credit card look for ones without a fee and in-store programs make sure they
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are free and not paying a charge. >> that should be first when they ask you to sign up. >> exactly make sure you are not paying anything. >> one last general view or recommendation for the viewers. >> i would say take the time to look around and see where you might be able to double and triple up on the points. it can be very valuable if you get the chance. >> surprised what you finds. kelly, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> now to the kitchen and harry irnsts chef thomas keller always a brings us great recipes and cooking tips for the holidays put together two of his best cookbooks, the french laundry and ad hoc at home in a boxed gift set called the essential thomas keller. something for you to think about as you head to the mall later today. on the menu today, though, an easy, tasty holiday brunch. great to see you gimplts to see you, harry. >> always a pleasure. >> that back. >> all right we'll poach some eggs? >> we'll poach an egg. there's a couple things critical to poaching a really beautiful egg. number one make sure they are tempered, not ice cold. >> okay. >> number two have a tall pot full of water. >> sure.
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>> number three, of course the vinegar. >> i was going to say what do you put in the water to make sure -- >> don't put any salt in there, okay. vinegar will help set the albumin in the egg. third we want to get this spinning, the water spinning. >> really? >> yeah then you can go ahead and drop the egg in there. >> of course, these eggs are room temp. >> get a little closer. there you go. >> right down. >> there you go. >> as it's spinning it's going to pull the albumin towards the yolk and keep that white against the yolk. >> this is about as fun as you can. >> in three minutes a perfectly poached egg and a very slow simmer so the -- >> not bubbling like crazy. >> you don't want it to be too active. >> i'm transfixed by this. >> cool, huh? >> very cool to watch. >> meantime we'll make buttermilk biscuits. >> i love this. >> two flours, all-purpose and cake flour which will make it lighter. baking soda, baking powder, and
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salt. and basically -- >> the butter, right. >> very simple. the buttermilk pancakes, or biscuits -- >> all this butter? >> all that butter. >> we want to do is just get it to pulse. so we can break it up a little bit. break those pieces of butter up. >> sure. >> and it's going to be like this, what we end up with, okay? >> got it. >> we don't want to do it until it comes together because it gets really tough. i'll add our buttermilk. >> should i? >> mix it together. >> all right. >> very simple. you can certainly do these ahead of time. they freeze really well. >> i'll bet. >> you can take them out and pop them in the oven. >> can i say, we talked about a holiday brunch. everybody worries so much about the big meals. sometimes as people get up in the morning if they are actually getting a meal made like this, with such a reward, such a great time to share. >> it's a splendid way to begin the day. >> no question.
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>> we'll just turn that out onto the board here. again, it doesn't look like it's altogether. we'll bring it together just a little bit. it looks like pasta, if you will. >> this is the part that would scare me. >> oh, no, not scary at all. >> no? not scary. i'll be afraid to knead it too much or whatever else but no rising quality. in a cake flour, i guess, the stuff in it -- >> you've got the powder and baking soda. we'll let it go out there. flatten it out. >> yeah. >> we'll cut it. >> just as simple as that. >> just as simple as that. and brush it with some buttermilk. >> buttermilk on top of the buttermilk. >> we'll take our eggs out here. >> look at these guys. do you mind do i dare. >> what i want to do is -- pull it out -- i want to trim that off and drop your egg onto the
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buttermilk biscuit. >> oh, my gosh. >> see how butte telephone is? >> perfect. a little bit of salt. >> a little bit of pepper. >> i got biscuits all over my hands. >> yeah but that's what happens. >> what else. >> we've got some, i'm sorry, some plum zinfandel jam. >> and you would just be making plum jam. >> on the biscuit, toasted bis sut. >> and throw a little zinfandel in it. >> we reduce the zinfandel and cut the pits out of the plums and go ahead and cook that down. there we go. >> look at that bad boy right there. >> oh, man. do you mind? >> oh, you should go. >> i got to go for it? >> you can pick it up if you want to. >> this is going to be easy. >> or maybe use the knife and fork. >> you're right. you're right. what was i thinking? ooh. >> three and a half minutes, a perfectly poached egg. >> right. imagine -- >> you can do these ahead of time. take them out, shock them in ice
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water and re-heat them in just simmering water, as well for about 30, 30 to 45 seconds. and come right back. >> how rockin' are those biscuits? really. >> very light, tender. >> hmmm. you know how to do it, man. i sure appreciate it. i'm all already to like have people over and let's make breakfast. >> thank you. >> thomas keller, what a pleasure. you can find these recipes on our website all you have to do is go to we'll be i
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fall is a great time of year to make this breakfast we're all enjoying. thomas keller was looking at this egg going did i overcook it, is it a perfectly poached egg? turns out it is. what is the secret to a perfectly poached egg, that cool
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spinning you were doing. >> three things, the amount of money, the spinning, the vinegar and the temperature. >> you said three minutes is the general rule. >> yeah, three minutes, three and a quarter a. large egg, tempered correctly bringing it to room temperature. >> like you said. >> three minutes should be perfectly poached. >> it is perfectly poached and perfectly tasting, as well. >> let me tell you what is coming up on "the early show" tomorrow important tax tips you can make right now that will save you next year and the survey of the healthiest choices at the food court when you spend your long days at the mall, right and you didn't have your good thomas keller breakfast before you left, right? >> see, another reason you should fuel up in the morning. >> i'm going to stay here all day and eat. >> we're lucky, not every day we have thomas keller on. thank you. have a great weekend. your local news is next. my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2.
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or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé.
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smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪
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