tv 9 News Now at 5pm CBS November 12, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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investigation into how county records -- county contracts have been administered under the johnson administration and apparently they have found that both mr. johnson and his wife leslie have been involved in some type of shady business. that's what federal officials are saying. tampering of witnesses and evidence, obstruction and falsification of evidence and destruction of possible evidence. investigators have been looking at the evidence. >> thank you for laying out that information. i know there is going to be some additional information coming outs in a press conference in a short time. thank you. we also want to go now live to scott broom at the johnson's home in mitchellville where more on the police activity that is still going on at this hour. scott. >> reporter: well, federal agents just wrapped it up here just seconds ago leaving. nine agents with at least 13
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boxes of evidence. evidence that included clothing according to the affidavits that have come out in court. we have been told that they seized $80,000 from leslie johnson's underwear in this case and there was discussion about flushing a check down the toilet. this after johnson and his wife left their home in handcuffs this morning. county executive jack johnson with a sport coat over his shoulders to hide the handcuffs is taken away by federal investigators. johnson looked away from the camera and did not respond to shouted questions. meanwhile a plumber showed up called by investigators he said. >> they are looking for evidence. >> reporter: there was a broken window in front of the home. bystanders could see investigators wearing rubber gloves going through the cushions of a couch. no hints at the scene for what they are looking for but every indication that the search is a
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thorough one indeed. >> reporter: neighbors were stunned. one woman was in tears. emotions ranging from disappointment to anger. >> he is our neighbor. they just got arrested. i'm going what happened? is everything okay. we socialize with them and it is shocking. very nice and very kind people. >> so now that the affidavits are out we are beginning to piece some of what we saw today to match with some of the evidence coming out. as i said, johnson has been accused apparently of getting rid of evidence by flushing a $100,000 check down the toilet. presumably that's why the plumber was there. we saw investigators leaving with documents and clothing. and accused of trying to hide $80,000 in his wife's underwear. the federal agents left the
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scene and presumably the house will be dark tonight while the johnson's appear in court. reporting live in mitchellville, scott broom, 9 news now. >> scott, thank you. federal agents swept simultaneously into the johnson's home in mitchellville and the office in upper marlboro. bruce leshan has that part of the story. >> reporter: yes, lesli they have lesli, they have been here trying to build the case. the cars of the forget agents are still on either side of the county administration building and we have no idea when they are going to come down. >> i'm sorry, you have to go back downstairs. you cannot be upstairs. >> reporter: prince george's county police officers stopped us at the door of the executive suite of offices. inside, county officials insist work continues. employees are still conducting the county's business even as
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federal agents go through the executive's papers and computers. in jack johnson's eight years as county executive there have been numerous allegations of shakedowns. earlier this year a prince george's county developer sued alleging johnson and his allies demanded what amounted to bribes in exchange for a million dollars county lease for a new complex. but law enforcement sources tell us that the allegations that led them to lead he and his wife off in handcuffs involve another development. this one a massive project near the green belt metro station. two years ago federal agents raided county offices questioning the county's relationship to the developer of green belt station. jack johnson has just weeks left in office. but county officials say if he is unable to serve they have a chain of successions. >> if he is incapacitated that
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the deputy chief administrative officer would serve as acting. and we are not sure about where he is right now. >> reporter: now, jack johnson may have just weeks left in office but his wife leslie was hoping for four years. she was just elected to county council from district 6. she was supposed to take office on december 6th at noon. >> bruce leshan reporting. thank you. we are expecting a press conference shortly. jack johnson was born in 1949. received a degree in law and served as deputy state attorney for prince george's county from 1987 to 1994. he was the state attorney for
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the county. county executive in 2002. he won reelection in 2006 and also generated controversy back in 2005 when he billed the county more than $6000 for a ribbon cutting ceremony. again, we will have more on this case coming up throughout this show and throughout the night. millions of visitors enjoy the smithsonian museum free of charge but that could change if congress gets its way. this is not the first time lawmakers have pushed for admission fees. >> reporter: the national zoo is buzzing with activity on this beautiful fall day. >> hi. >> reporter: families enjoying a free visit but the president's deficit reduction commission wants to cut funding to the smithsonian by a whopping $250 million. commission members say they could make up the difference by
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charging admission. $7.50 a head. >> i would do anything to prevent this from happening. >> i don't object to paying admission. >> reporter: but on the other hand. >> i think it would detour some tourism. >> we live outside of baltimore and we chose to come down today because the zoo is free. we would probably go see a zoo closer to us if we had to pay. >> reporter: the 19 museums have been free for more than 100 years. two thirds of the budget is federally funded through taxpayer dollars. a smithsonian spokesperson says this is the sixth time since 1986 that congress has tried to hit taxpayers twice with an admission charge. >> every time the smithsonian decides to remain free because we think it is really important that regardless of your income you can come and visit the museum. >> these are things that are great for families because they are learning things. they have the butter fly exhibits in there and reemphasizes learning. they are going to charge for learning now. that's crazy. >> we just went and saw the
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declaration of independence. these are things that governor us literally. it is an inherent right for us. >> they are still in the beginning phases of working through this proposal and it is certainly not a done deal but to put it all in perspective. the museum charges up to $18 for admission. on facebook we asked if you would pay admission to the smithsonian and most of those that responded have said no. but tamara ward said she wouldn't want to but considering the state of the economy and priceless relics that are housed there she would be willing to pay. another woman said she would be willing to pay as long as it is not too much money to get in. sarah says she would rather pay admission than the ridiculous cafeteria prices. become a fan of wusa 9 on facebook and tell us what think. prices at the pump are rising quickly thanks to the
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declining value of the u.s. dollar. the national average price of self-serve regular today is $2.87 a gallon. that is up 6 cents from last friday. and 21 cents higher than this time last year. but the rise in gas prices has very little to do with supply and everything to do with the value of the money that is used to pay for it. ever since the federal reserve pumped billions of dollars into the u.s. economy the value of the dollar has declined and price of crude oil has surged on world markets. prices in dc are the highest. averaging $2.94 a gallon. in rockville the average gas price is $2.85 and in tyson's corner gas prices average $2.87. to find the cheapest gas in your neighborhood go to our website,, go to our community in our where you live section. contact us and be part of the team. sky 9 was over the wealthiest counties in america
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this morning. according to new census figures loudoun counties, virginia, is the richest in the country with a median household income of $114,000. in fact, seven of the top 10 wealthiest counties are located in our area. fairfax county comes in second. howard county, maryland, third. arlington county sixth. montgomery seventh. a trip to the nation's capital took an unexpected turn for some vietnam veterans. passengers say a vet noticed smoke as their tour bus approached the 14th street bridge. as people evacuated the bus the flames started shooting out the back. everybody got out and they were all okay. this was part of a veteran's day tour group from the 199th light infantry brigade. you'll hear from the vets on that bus and show you what they are riding around in today. coming up on 9 news now at 6:00 p.m. a commuter alert for drivers in northern virginia. starting tonight at 9:00 p.m. the outer loop of the beltway goes down to one lane between eisenhower avenue and telegraph
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road due to road construction. drivers will not be able to exit route 1, national harbor or 295. the work will continue through tomorrow afternoon. if you're driving downtown near the lincoln memorial this weekend, be prepared for closures. the street affected ohio drive at 23rd street up to the theodore roosevelt bridge. construction crews are finishing up work in that area and will reopen 5:00 a.m. monday morning. take a look at other things that will impact that evening rush. time safer traffic now. >> good afternoon on this friday. we do have backups on the inner loop beltway from the american legion bridge going through montgomery county to conneticut avenue. an accident just prior to connecticut. should be moving off to the side. beyond that point inner loop, on and off slowing to new hampshire avenue but not too bad a drive.
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southbound i-85 slowing approaching warton. >> thank you, richard. still ahead on 9 news now. owners of this rare vase selling for more than expected. >> it is very nice right now. temps will fall quickly. temps right now comfortable. 58 downtown. 55 in gaithersburg. when you come back we will have high school football forecast and of course the weekend forecast. is president obama losing his leverage. the setback marking the end of his trip overseas. i'm joel brown. that's coming up. 9 news now is sponsored by...
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a judge has sentenced a former university of tennessee student who hacked into sarah palin's e-mail back in 2008 to a year and a day. but the judge recommended that david kernell serve the time in a halfwayhouse instead of prison and to get mental health treatment. the president arrived home after wrapping up his trip to the g20 summit in south korea. he faces more tough talks when he gets back to washington. >> reporter: while g20 summit leaders toasted what they call a successful summit president obama left with little to celebrate. a free trade agreement with south korea is still delayed. >> do we have a deal that works for us? >> reporter: he had no luck convincing world leaders to put more pressure on china over its
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under valued currency. after the setbacks in south korea reporters traveling with the president asked him if he had been hurt in the mid-term elections. >> the answer to the second question is no. >> reporter: things won't get any easier when the president gets back here to the white house. next week he will sit down with congress' newly empowered republicans to talk tax cuts. while the president wants to let it expire for taxpayers making more than $200,000, gop leaders are pushing to extend the cuts for everyone. >> i think extending all of the current tax rates and making them permanent will reduce the uncertainty in america and help small businesses begin to create jobs again. >> my hope is, is that somewhere in between there we can find some sort of solution. but i'm not going to negotiate here in seoul. my job is to negotiate back in washington. >> reporter: when the talks do begin there won't be much time
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to negotiate if no deal is reached by the end of next month everyone's taxes will go up. joel brown, cbs news, the white house. >> president obama is due back in washington on sunday. that's the same day newly elected members of congress will be arriving in the nation's capital. the creator of the garfield comic strip is apologizing for a strip that ran on veteran's day. it shows a spider daring the cat to squash it. the spider tells garfield if he is killed "they will hold an annual day of remembrance in my honor." the final panel shows the spider asking if they know why spieders celebrate national stupid day. the cartoonist said he had no idea the strip would run on veteran's day. the bells are ringing and it is not even thanksgiving yet. the salvation army kicked off its red kettle christmas campaign early this year and it runs through christmas eve. now, last year the blizzard
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took a toll on the campaign which fell $150,000 short of its goal of $1.5 million for the salvation army. another sign of the upcoming season, the rockefeller christmas tree arrived in new york. it is huge. 74 feet high. it was cut down yesterday and trucked in. the lighting ceremony for the christmas tree will be held on tuesday, november 30th. >> new york at christmas is awesome. >> tough to get that to stand straight, wouldn't it? take a couple days to do that. a fantastic day. i mentioned this yesterday, air mass very dry. relative humidity 18%. kind of like a desert. cools off quickly and warms up quickly. so warm days and cool nights. the weekend still looks pretty nice. we are looking at one storm system. first things first. talk about the high school football weather. it is playoff time. it will be great. again, if you leave your house it will feel kind of warm. so bring a sweatshirt and jacket. 56 at 7:00 p.m. 52 at 8:00 p.m. it will be in the 40s by 9:00
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p.m. certainly in the suburbs. but clear skies and, remember, also go to dchighschoolsportsglueoff .net for the latest in terms of high school sports. we are looking at 62 up in fairfax. but there are some 50s and temps will really have a big fluctuation in terms of lows. 52 over at andrews. satellite picture, radar combined. we will zoom into our storm. this will be our next storm system. look carefully here. you will see a little bit of snow around the texas panhandle. they got a little bit of snow today. this storm system will work its way very slowly to the east. so this is going to produce rain in the great lakes and some snow. they were shoveling that snow
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in amarillo. won't be this crazy but it will feel more like november the end of the week. we will zoom in. little bit of snow in parts of minnesota. a storm warning for tomorrow and tomorrow night. again, that stays at bay for us for the next couple of days. we will be clear and chilly tonight and that's a good thing. all right. let's talk about what is going to happen. a wonderful weekend. saturday will be sunny and milder. saturday night will be cold again. dry air mass. cools off quickly. sunday will still be nice. a few more clouds. monday will have clouds come in. we might get lucky. we might have the showers hold off until after the redskins game. for tonight, clear and cold. temps fall fast. winds north easterly at 5 to 10. so lows tonight will be a wide range. beginning to talk about these micro climates. well, 29 in gaithersburg but 40
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downtown. 31 over in bowie. 31 in fairfax and 30 in sterling. so falling quickly. sunny with a cold start. it warms up nicely. by afternoon, sunny and just spectacular. highs 64 to 68 with light wind in the afternoon. highs tomorrow 62 in gaithersburg, 63 in dc. day planner. 30 to 40 at 7:00 p.m. 59 by noon. temperatures in the mid-60s. it will be falling quickly when that sun goes down. very, very quickly. next three days. 56 on saturday. upper 60s sunday. clouds come in monday. i will keep monday dry for now. but i think after midnight you could see a shower. that would be after the game. and temperatures around 60. next seven days. rain showers on monday. cold rain on tuesday. low 50s. maybe some showers early on wednesday. nearly 60. then that change we talked about in part with that great
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deal storms will produce colder air. low 50s on thursday. only 50 on friday. >> big change. >> it is. >> can't last forever. collecting dust. $83million at auction. modernizing the nation's electric grid is proving to be an uphill battle. sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. on wusa 9, the newest member of the regulatory commission talkeds about why improving the smart grid is such a big challenge. 9news at five will be right back.
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anna chapman opened a boutique yesterday in russia. tonight there is word russia is looking around the world for a double agent who may have blown the whistle on chapman and other sleeper spies here in the u.s. got any antiques sitting around the house. maybe something gathering dust in the attic. you could be sitting on a jackpot. nobody knows that better than a brother and sister in britain who became multimillionaires
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overnight. charlie d'agata reports from london. >> 14 million pounds. sold. [ applause ] >> reporter: the auctioneer's gavel came down and smashed records. the 18th century chinese vase fetched $83 million after the british auctioneer's cut. 40 times more than the auction house estimated. >> at that point i said, if this is really, we are into millions. >> reporter: but nobody was more shocked than the brother and sister who brought it to the tiny english auction house. they found it while clearing out their parents' home recently after they died. the vase sat on a shelf gathering dust for years. nobody had any idea what it was worth. >> it is the most expensive chinese work ever being sold. previous record was for a scroll which was 37 million. >> reporter: and that's only about $50 million.
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auctioneers say the vase probably originally sat in a chinese royal palace in the 1700s. nobody is sure how it ended up in a british suburb. the auctioneer who pocketed $13 million in this surprise sale put it best. it is a fairy tale really. a chinese businessman bought the vase. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> the identities of the siblings are not being released. coming up next new at 5:30 p.m. >> they spoke to high school students about what they did in world war ii. they were about the same age. i'm lindsey mastis in calvert county. that story is coming up.
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seven decades since they were teenagers themselves. they tell today's teens what he had saw. retailers take step to prevent potential tragedy from the black shopping friday crush. could there be thousands of kids diagnosed with a common learning disorder who actually have problems with their eyes. we will talk about that. first want to update our
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breaking news. county executive jack johnson and his wife leslie were arrested today. if convicted each county they are charged with carries 20 years in prison. both mr. and mrs. johnson were arrested at their home around lunchtime. we are awaiting a new conference by some attorneys and federal agents at the federal courthouse in green belt. we will bring that to you as soon as it happens. one day after veteran's day survivors of world war ii and others are sharing their stories with high schoolers. >> new at 5:30 p.m. even though the war has been over for 65 years, lindsey mastis reports these veterans remember it like it was yesterday. >> reporter: dr. taylor was an ultra gunner. >> oxygen masks and a headset and a flight suit. >> reporter: earl lindsey fought at the fought.
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another a fire pilot. >> it was as low as i was. they were shooting their own buildings. >> reporter: while these men fought for the allies, another fought for love in her homeland. he was jewish and had to hide from the nazis. >> our parents died in a camp in 1943. >> reporter: a new generation could understand what they went through. >> you are right there in front of them so you see their emotions. you get to feel some of the things they are feeling. >> reporter: some were still in their teens about the same age as the high school students they spoke with today. >> i can imagine going through that. my age i couldn't imagine seeing people dead and seeing people get shot. >> reporter: these veterans are proud of their service and proud of the generation willing to learn from the past. >> they had us come down there
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to help stop the germans. and with our help and a lot of other help we did. >> reporter: in calvert county, i'm lindsey mastis, 9 news now. >> all four of those world war ii vets are members of the same retirement community. a first today for two schools in the district. the national symphony orchestra performed a special concert this afternoon from students multicultural high school and middle school. a concert at the columbia heights campus and announced a $550,000 donation from abe pollen's wife. a dream come true. celebrity designers from reality t.v. shows visited in fairfax. it confides with the cinderella foundation's fund-raiser called
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fashion with a purpose. the foundation provides support for african-american girls and women living in high risk and low income communities. 43 days until christmas but whose counting? and you can hear a little something from today's toy pick of the day. >> okay. >> what is it? >> this is a big fellow. this is imagine big foot the monster. he walks, talks, burps. he breathes deeply. he has got some attitude. let's see if he can flip. >> look out. >> okay. right. >> oh, he did it. >> yes. see. this right here -- >> i want that toy. >> this is marketed to little guys 3 years old and up. the list price is $90. the cheapest we found him is at wal-mart for 84.88. the most expensive we found is at k mart for 99.99. i'm going to turn him off
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because he doesn't stop making noise. i know. >> what's his name again? >> big foot the monster. >> he is breathing deep. i've got to turn you off for a minute. >> okay. let's move on here. because the other deals couldn't ever be as good as this is. >> that kind of took the cake, lesli. >> i know it did. we can't put all the deals of the day in this segment. you'll find bargains at pretty much any big retailer from the veteran's day sales. k mart just kicked off its better than black friday sale. today through sunday. home depot has got a big sale this weekend on appliances. you can take 30% off clearance items at express. if you go to they have got some new liquidation items available. plus, they are now offering $1 shipping on everything except movies, music, movies, games and books. find more shop ready deals on our website and plan your black friday and
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beyond. the new video game call of duty black op sold 5.6 million copies in just the first 24 hours on sold. wall street apparently is not surprised that the game raked in $360 million. hundreds of people lined up at midnight on tuesday to get their hands on the latest installment. some say it is like watching the super bowl except they have control over the outcome. if you're shipping holiday gifts across the country fedex is ready. the company expecting to handle more than 223 million packages from thanksgiving until christmas and it says december 13th will be the busiest day. that is when 16 million shipments will likely move through the system. back in 2008 a wal-mart worker in new york city died after being crushed by the crowds on black friday. this year, though, retailers say they are going to be ready when they open their doors. they are working with the national retail federation to put some guidelines in place to keep shoppers and sales staff safe. they are going to help to
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control large crowds. they are going to train staff to better spot shop lifters. they will have emergency plans in place. if you ever wondered about holiday tipping we have answers at 6:00 a.m. in the money segment. a popular bread company setting up shop in dc for the first time. there are dozens of locations in the suburbs now it is located on conneticut avenue in dupont circle. offers free wi-fi and communal table to enjoy with others. weekend is finally here. topper has your out and about forecast. >> really nice evening. temperatures will fall quickly. can't emphasize that enough. football forecast. this is essentially the out and about forecast. starts out pretty nice. clear across the board. temperatures in the mid-50s by 7 then low 50s by 8 and then by
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9 everybody will be in the 40s. keep that in mind. please bring a sweater or sweatshirt or jacket to the high school football game. and of course we will have the latest for you tonight at 11 and you can always check out dc high school saturday, sunshine across the board. 66 in fairfax. maybe 67 in lorton. upper 60s. spectacular day to take a look at monument. montgomery county. mid to upper 60s. 66 in bethesda. back to you, anita and lesli. police search for a purse snatcher caught on tape dragging a woman across a wal- mart parking lot. and don't forget we are always on at stay with us. we will be right back.
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caught on tape. a wal-mart shopper dragged for about 10 feet during a purse snatching. watch what happens here. this is in a parking lot of the store in grove city ohio. investigators say a female suspect drove up to the woman, snatching her purse but she is still entangled in it. the victim suffered a broken shoulder. the hunt is on for that suspect tonight. in california, there was a happy reunion between an 80- year-old woman and her dog. police say the woman was mugged a couple of weeks ago while walking her yorkshire terrier. the muggers stole the dog and a woman later bought the dog for $20. she returned him after seeing a news report about the missing dog. >> that is nice. >> that is. coming up. it is the first night of playoff action in high school football and in a few minutes we are going to profile an arlington duo who literally has
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opponents seeing double. topper? >> food drive 9 is in full gear this weekend. we are picking up the stuff. if you're in maryland or virginia and got a bag dropped off last saturday, this saturday boy scouts will pick it up. otherwise drop off food at any safeway inside the district. boy scouts will be there. so, please, tough time. we need your help. food drive 9 this saturday. >> but first, a diagnosis that can get a child labeled with learning problems. up next a health alert on what may really be wrong. it's great. i eat anything that i want.
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i get to sleep faster, stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts. there may be a new drug to treat lupus. treatment of symptoms of this disease which affects a lot of women. health officials say the drug's effectiveness varies depending on a patient's ethnic and racial background. the fda will make a decision on this next week. also tonight the best
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strategy for wiping out whooping cough. under one years of age can't be vaccinated but they are the most affected by the disease. they urged blanket campaigns for vaccinations. but now they think whooping cough spreads child to child. >> kids have contact with other kids. we didn't realize how intense it was. you can get parents to vaccinate kids at an early age. >> there are several outbreaks across the country going on right now including in california where there were 200 new cases just this week. an easily distracted child can sometimes get labeled with attention deficit, hyper activity disorder but sometimes a vision problem may be the real reason some kids can't pay attention. >> i was tested for a learning disability at age 7 and it came up adhd. >> reporter: and years later
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the 20-year-old man thought he was still dealing with attention deficit problems when during his first semester of college he couldn't sit still to read longer than 15 minutes a time. >> i ended up dropping all of the classes i signed up for. all four. >> reporter: he was then sent to a developmental optometrist in chevy chase, maryland. she said mental focus wasn't his problems, it was his eyes. something called convergent eye disorder. >> when a person is trying to read, work on a computer, their eyes don't come together to look at the object easily. >> reporter: symptoms include eye strain, headaches, double vision, squinting, covering one eye to read and an inability to concentrate. >> everything seemed normal but then it would start to blur and i would see two of the words or
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it would be like mud. >> reporter: and the only relief for kids like this fifth grader ava is to consistently look away leaving some to think they aren't paying attention or could have add. >> not that they have a brain disorder that prevents them from doing it, it is eye coordination that is preventing them from paying usual attention to the task. >> reporter: the doctor says the disorder is curable with special vision therapy. this student is proof it is truth. >> on my exam i got a b compared to the ds i was always used to getting. >> the doctor says kids should have their eyes checked at least every two years but this disorder isn't always picked up in a regular exam. so if parents notice the symptoms of children looking away, headaches, blurriness, ask the school specialist. >> topper is here. >> really glorious day. >> it was in the upper 60s
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today. cold as we have been. 28 at dulles. still nice though. here is what is going on right now. temperatures in the 50s. they are falling pretty fast now. notice a wide range of these temps. 58 downtown. 58 in rockville but 52 already in gaithersburg. 50 in college park and 51 in beltsville. it will stay in the north west until monday. don't have to worry about it. this storm is what is left of tomas been sitting out in the atlantic for about a week now and actually locked in good weather here. good for us. wonderful weekend. saturday, sunny and milder. saturday night will be cold again if you are heading out. temps will fall quickly. still nice on sunday. clouds will roll in again on monday as a frontal system gets organized. tonight though, clear skies and cold. temps fall fast after sunset.
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lows 28-40 and winds north easterly at 5 to 10. lows tonight 29 in gaithersburg. 30 in sterling. 29 in leesburg. wide range. tomorrow morning, sunny with a cold start. shades and coat. 30s and 40s. winds light north east at 10 then by afternoon sunny and spectacular. highs 64 to 68 with light winds. >> doesn't get much better than that for this time of the year. >> even in oakland tomorrow. 56 and sunshine. 62 in cumberland. 64 in haggerstown. 68, almost 70 in culpeper. mid-60s tomorrow. little cooler by the bay. only about 60 for annapolis. the next three days looking like this. beautiful tomorrow. great. 67 on sunday. some clouds on monday. right now we will keep monday dry. it will be cooler with highs near 60. we will keep it dry until after the redskins game. can't keep it dryer for much longer. next seven days. cold rain on tuesday.
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only 52. some of those showers linger into wednesday morning. back up to 59 then kind of a change in the pattern. low 50s on thursday and friday and that's a good deal of sunshine with that. so it is november. enjoy this october-like weekend. >> we will. thank you, top. it is a big friday night for football. you've got a team that will have the opponents seeing double trouble. >> well said. what is amazing is we are almost done with high school football. feels like we just started and here we are already playoff time. what's up, everybody. >> when coaches talk about good players you often hear them use this phrase. if i could clone that guy we would be okay. well, they don't have to worry about that. it seems that nature has already taken care of that. that is explained in this week's high school sports profile. >> if you can't tell kyle bailey apart from his twin brother you're not alone. neither can the head coach.
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>> i haven't figured out the differences when i'm looking at them. >> kevin right there. >> reporter: that's right. kevin is number 48. kyle bailey is number 42. recently they both started playing wide receiver. but safety is their main position. oh, there is a sibling rivalry. >> we always see who can get the most picks. if i get a catch, my brother goes right back at me. >> reporter: but mostly they help each other. >> you've got to keep dropping back. don't let anyone behind you. we are seeing eye-to-eye most of the time. >> reporter: together they have become a force. >> any kind of coach would love that. if you have a great player, then you've got two and that's what happened with the bailey kids. >> reporter: kevin and kyle aren't just a nightmare for opposing teams but also for their teachers. like the time two years ago when they decided to switch practice just for fun and their teachers couldn't tell the difference. >> are those -- oh, my goodness. we have a lot of fun.
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>> reporter: the bailey's hope tonight's first rounds playoff team will be double the fun. it is a rematch against washington and lee a team they beat 14-0 last friday night. >> we came so far and put the season together with lots of hard work. >> reporter: 9sports now. >> once again we do have a big night of high school football. sevens games. it is the footballs. >> exciting stuff. >> thank you, dave. >> see you tonight. up next in tonight's friday's hero. the program that keeps teen girls from becoming young mothers too soon. >> coming up new at 6:00 p.m. i'm surae chinn in crystal city where a group of vietnam war veterans are in town. they escaped a burning bus last night and today they are riding in style. i'm peggy fox with are you planning to get your child a flu shot? no matter what the doctors tell us there are many moms who are
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nasdaq dropped 37 points. s&p 500 fell 14 points. dow down 50 points. young girls have plenty of influences they could surely do without. >> there is one organization pushing for more than a century to save those lives in more ways than one. in our friday's hero's report, derek mcginty takes us inside the services of greater dc. >> reporter: these senior girls from dc's a.c. woodson highs have a b-line on their goals and dreams in part because of what they don't have. kids. >> nobody has got a kid. >> no. so can we safely say that this group helps keep that from happening? >> most definitely. >> reporter: the three girls all say they owe a debt to the
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services program which they have been taking part in for years. once a week at school lunch hour a program coordinator gathers groups of high school girls to talk, to share, to learn. job 1, keep the kids from having kids. >> so we do a lot of work around that particular subject in talking to the girls about contraceptives, about proper family planning. >> reporter: while hopefully inspiring them to transsend their circumstances. >> you're going to study what? >> forensic anthropology. >> how did you even hear of that. >> we take them to colleges and universities to expose them to something different. trying to expose them to different cultural things. >> reporter: it is helping to change the lives of more than 200 girls. and there is a similar program for young ladies who have already become parents. sims hall says the message isn't all that different. >> we need them to see their friends who they try to
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encourage to come to the program but for some reason decided not to they start to see their lives go into different directions and that's when they are able to point back to the program and say, hey, this is important for me and this really helped me. >> so you're all going to college. >> mm-hmm. >> how much credit does this society deserve for that? >> a lot. >> and the society has been around for 123 years now. turns out it used to be a home for unwed pregnant girls but back in 1983 the group decided to get a lot more proactive in trying to deal with that situation. for a link to this organization or just to find out more information about any of the charities we profiled go to our website, click on the hero's central link. and we want to thank you for helping us raise money for the u.s. o. of metropolitan washington's holiday food bank program. because of that generosity we were able to raise 26,783 during our phone bank yesterday afternoon and that money along
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with $15,000 and a matching contribution from the quest software company means 836 military families in our area will enjoy a turkey dinner with all the trimmings thanksgiving day. now, there are still hundreds of other military families out there in need. so, if you would like to make a donation, go online to and click on the u.s.o. banner. all of those donations go to active duty personnel in the washington area. anita? >> thank you, derek. thank you for joining us at 5 p.m. 9 news at six starts right now. new at 6:00 p.m. >> crime down. developers accountable. >> that's what jack johnson promised the voters of prince george's county on election night in 2002. but today it appears he may be part of the problem. fbi agents cart him away in handcuffs. this is wusa 9 news. >> the
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