tv The Early Show CBS December 15, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST
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weather and traffic at see you tomorrow. take care, everybody. an armed man takes over a meeting in florida holding hostages then firing point blank at the school superintendent. >> please don't. please don't. please. >> a security guard steps in, fires back as the shocking standoff ends with the gunman taking his own life. we'll talk with the superintendent as well as a board member who tried to save her colleagues. bitter blast. cold weather marchs east and keeps half of the u.s. in an ice box as a storm leaves hundreds of drivers stranded on a road to nowhere. we'll tell you when the deep freeze will finally be over. and casino caper. police on the hunt for this man who held up gamblers at a las
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vegas casino and ran off with $17.5 in chips. we'll go live to las vegas on this stunning crime straight out of the movies. early this wednesday morning, of the movies. early this wednesday morning, december 15th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs clear and cold here in the big city this morning. we'll get to that winter railroad weather in a moment. good morning, everybody i'm harry smith. >> i'm betty nguyen. >> i tell you, this video from panama city yesterday right in the middle of the school board meeting, this guy shows up, orders everybody out and can you imagine being -- staring down the barrel of that gun. the video, of course, is quite dramatic. you'll be seeing it several more times as this morning unfolds. if you have sensitive folks in your house, you may want to -- ints point-blank range. >> -- exactly. you may try to avoid this for the next little while anyway. let's get right to that
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shoot-out in a panama city, florida school board meeting all caught on tape. however the only person injured was the gunman himself shot by a security guard and took his own life. in a moment we'll speak to two survivors of yesterday's near-tragedy but first mark strassmann has the story. again, we warn you the video is quite graphic. >> this will be the first -- >> reporter: at the school board meeting, no one saw it coming. a man named clay duke, angry and mumbling suddenly spray-paints ad red "v" on the wall then turned dangerous. >> please. >> reporter: the 56-year-old residents of panama city pulled out a small-caliber handgun and took the entire school board hostage. >> you can leave. you stay. >> reporter: he told everyone to leave except school board members. female board member ginger littleton snuck in and tried to disarm duke with her purse. >> reporter: no luck. duke forced littleton to the
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floor but didn't fire. he started complaining. about a recent local sales tax hike and claimed his wife had lost her job. >> she was fired. >> reporter: then said ominously. >> i'm gonna die today. >> reporter: he was right. what follows is shocking video not suitable for all viewers. >> will you let them go? >> reporter: as the superintendent tried to talk the gunman down and end the standoff peacefully. >> i don't want noib get hurt and i've got a feeling that what you want is the cops to come in and kill you because you're mad, because you say you're gone that die. but why? >> reporter: suddenly duke raised his gun. >> please don't. please don't. >> reporter: fired several shots at point-blank range. miraculously, all missed their targets. then a security guard named mike jones, off camera, exchanged fire. duke fell woundeded. the only person hit. and lying on the floor, he fired
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one final shot, killing himself. on his facebook page clay duke posted what he may have intended to be, his final words writing some people, the government sponsored media, will say i was evil, a monster. but, people in this room saw him more simply as a disturbed man with an apparent death wish. >> joining us from panama city, you just saw both in that jid yo bay county superintendent of schools bill hotsfeld and member ginger jts ton who tried to stop the gunman hitting him with her purse. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> have you had a chance to di jest this yet? does this all feel like what happened yesterday was real? >> it was very surreal but we're slowly digesting it as we government we're just going to take it a minute at a time right now. >> i think "surreal" is the term i'd have to use, yeah. >> yeah. >> ginger, i got to say this moment in the tape you're starting to exit the room.
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it's clear to me you ptd, you know, something in your mind said i've got to take one shot at this guy. you go after him with your purse. you fall to the ground. did you think, at that moment, your life was over? >> yes, i did. i knew that he had the gun right there. there wasn't anything i could do. my plan a was to try to get the gun away from him. unfortunately, because i'm probably not smarter than the average bear, i did not have a plan b. >> boy. but, do you know what it was inside you that said, i've got to at least take a swing at this guy? >> we were so volleyball. their shield was a three-ring binder and lethal weapon was a ballpoint pen. they were lined up like ducks in a pond. and this guy was very scary. so, i could either leave and i knew something bad was going to happen. i could either leave and try to live with myself if it did or go back and try to at least delay
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or divert until we could get some help. >> bill, there's the portions of this tape where you're really trying to communicate with mr. duke, trying to talk him down, as it were. as you look him straight in the eyes, what did you think was on his mind? >> he had that look that, you know, it's very hard to describe, but he knew what was going to happen. he told us he was going to die. and in many different ways told us we were going to die and, you know, ginger -- we're all very close. she's been on the board for eight years. and, you know, we all work very well together. and so, she was trying to help us. and, you know, she was putting herself on the line for us. but, when that didn't work, the only thing we had, like ginger said, we didn't have anything. it was us and the desk there. and so, you know, we knew our safety officer was in the building. i'd already seen him.
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and we knew that everybody was calling 911. so, the only thing we had was time to try to get. and we just tried to do everything we could to talk to him. but he had that look in his eyes. he decided this was not going to end well. >> he opens fire, i mean, h you. as i looked at the tape i'm trying to figure out, is he really trying to hit you or is he just shooting? >> uh, he was as close to me as the camera is right here and he was pointing it right at me. and i'm just going to tell you, harry, god blocked the bullet and i'm not saying that facetiously. i really believe that. i knew that there was going to be somebody was going to be killed in there. and he really had decided that he was going to die. i mean, there's no doubt. and ginger saw it just the little bit of time she got to see him in there in the boardroom but there's no doubt, looking in his eyes, you know, there was going to be --
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somebody was going to be killed and, you know, he had -- he'd made it very clear that he wanted to kill me and the rest of us in there. and so, i don't think he was trying to miss. i -- i believe what i said and i think that that's what his intent was from the very beginning. >> wow. and then your safety officer comes in, begins to take fire -- you know, shoot at mr. duke. unless he comes in at the time that he comes in, i guess maybe this would have had a completely different ending. >> mike jones is our safety officer. he's a retired police detective with the local police department. he's the hero in all this. and, you know, i can't say enough. his timing was perfect. he wanted to make sure we were safe and everything was fine. the minute he heard that first shot, he came in. and, you know, he was trained to wait for backup but he knew once that first shot was fired he didn't have time to wait anymore. so, he came in. if you notice in the video, i'm
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sure you've seen the video, he -- he kept shooting and mike started shooting at him and that's when he turned. i'm going to tell you it's by the grace of god you tell me how somebody wasn't shot in there besides him. i mean, you know, you can use whatever excuses you want but there's no doubt in my mind that there was a lot of protection going on in that. but, mike jones is definitely a hero to all of us. >> mike was magnificent. he did everything right. >> ginger and bill, thank you both very, very much. what a saga in the last 24 hours. and the tape just really is extraordinary. and there are a lot of people i'm very sure are very thankful that all of you managed to survive this thing. thank you very much for taking the time to tell your stories. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. betty? >> extraordinary story there. to the latest on this winter blast crippling half the nation and just won't go away. once again this morning we're seeing below-freezing temperatures as far south as
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florida and the worst of it is in the midwest. cbs news correspondents cynthia bowers is in chilly chicago, i should say downright cold, freezing chicago this morning. good morning, cynthia. >> reporter: good morning, betty. negative one in the suburbs. you know in northern climbs like this one cold can be relative but this cold is that unwelcome relative especially since winter hasn't even started yet. four of the five coldest starts in december in chicago history have happened in the last five years. the pre-winter assault continued across the midwest yesterday dumping two feet of snow outside cleveland with nine more inches expected this morning. and as the slow-moving storm continues to move east, there is more snow for pennsylvania and new york. on a snow-bound highway in ontario, military choppers had to rescue motorists. >> actually, i've lived here 35 years. i've never seen it like this. >> reporter: more than 300 people were stranded in snow and ice for over 24 hours. >> it's a storm that we generally don't get and it's
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just blowing and keeps on snowing. so, got no visibility hardly sglort the northest is experiencing and arctic blast that has temperatures plummeting. >> freezinging cold. i should have wore another jacket on top of this. >> reporter: the bone-chilling temperatures stretches as far as south as florida, a cold snap experts say is unusual this time of year. >> for the beginning of december, this has been an extreme one. >> reporter: while most some central florida slept, local crit krus growers held vigil hoping the thermometer would stay above 28 degrees to avoid cop damage, part of florida's $9 billion a year citrus -- >> two or three more hours, we would have lost this crop. >> reporter: temperatures plunged 30 degrees below normal, record lows in atlanta, 14 degrees, vir row beach, 26, daytona beach, 24. more seasonal temperatures are expected to come back starting
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tomorrow. boy, and we are glad those citrus crops will be okay. now here locally, our temperatures are going to go up the thermometer today, all the way up to around 25 degrees but not much time to enjoy that, betty, because snow comes in tonight. >> oh, man. all right. get ready cynthia bowers joining us live in chicago, thank you. >> we'll get a look at weather with dave price in minutes but first we check with whit johnson at the news desk. >> good morning, everybody. violent protests this morning in athens, greece. the demonstrators with -- battled with police officers, smashed cars and tossed gasoline bombs during a massive labor protest against the government's austerity measures. the violence escalated outside parliament. about 20,000 protesters marched to parliament during a general strike today. the senate is expected to easily pass a package of tax cuts today. democratic members of the house want to revise the plan but
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republican leaders warn a deal is a deal. cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes has the latest from washington. nancy, good morning. >> whit, good morning. all the house democrats held a meeting late last night trying to figure out if there's a way they can change this deal without killing it. house democrats say even if the tax deal passes in the senate today, they still want to change provisions they don't like. such as a cut in the payroll tax which they say robs the social security fund and a cut in the estate tax, which they consider a hand-out to the wealthy. what's most troubling to many of them is the cost. >> biggest hypocrites in the world. we have a deficit all the time and want to -- $700 million in the next ten years doesn't make sense. >> reporter: republican senator leader mitch mcconnell who hammered out the deal with the white house issued this warning to those across the aisle. >> this agreement is not subject
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to being reopened. >> i don't think we're basing what we want to do on a threat by mr. mcconnell. >> reporter: house democrats don't have much time to figure out their next move. all these tax cuts are set to expire in just 16 days, whit. >> everybody watching very closely. nancy cordes in washington for us, thank you. tragedy near australia this morning after a boat-full of people seeking asylum sank. at least 27 drowned when a small wooden boat with about 70 people aboard smashed apart on jagged rocks and heavy seas on christmas island. in recent years asylum seekers have come from afghanistan, iran, iraq. generally they first fly to indonesia and continue to you a stral why in camped boats. wikileaks founder julian as sauj remain behind bars in london even though he has been granted bail. he appeared in court yesterday fighting extradition to sweden accused of sexual assault. he was granted bail but returned to prison while sweden appeals.
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his next hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. if you've got a lot of holiday shopping left to do, you're not alone. the national retail federation says 37 million people just like me have not even started shopping yet. that's almost 17%. so, saturday may be a very busy shopping day. be sure to plan ahead. about 10% only have completed their holiday shopping. recovery efforts are under way this morning in a small oregon town ransacked bay rare tornado. the twister touched down just before noon yesterday in aumsville, south of portland. the storm ran down main street. there were no serious injuries but shops and homes were destroyed. the roof of a barber shop was ripped off. >> when the roof came off, it just started swirling and glass started breaking and the tv come down and the air conditioner went with the roof. >> air conditioner went with the roof and everything. all right. it is 15 past the hour. time for a check of the weather. dave price is here. tornados in oregon. >> no state immune from the
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dangers of tornadoes. >> what's next? >> good morning, whit. we have a lot going on we heard about at the top of the program cold air continues. let's break it down right now and talk about the cold temperatures. here's that jet stream once again. you can really trace it by looking at the temperature variation. but we are going to see things moderate as we head towards tomorrow. there will be a bit of rebounding. it's not going to be warm but certainly we'll see a change in temperatures as the jet begins to retreat a bit. let's move on. we've got problems, as we head he into sections of missouri, kansas city, over to st. louis then down to memphis, tennessee, watch it from kansas all the way through missouri into memphis into the carolinas, just a quarter inch of ice can really wreak havoc on the roads you may see wednesday and thursday. we'll keep an eye on it. mine not into far go, minneapolis, we sheared cindy baur talking about it into chicago overnight. one to three inches, more in some sections. only warm place really in the country really look at that
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>> at 7:17, our first look at the weather. we'll see you again in minutes. folks, over you to. >> thanks very much, dave. >> yeah. >> still ahead a motorcycle bandit holds up a famous las vegas casino and runs off with a million and a half dollars' worth of chips. find out how he did it. >> also the chilling confession on tape by the mother of missing gabriel. we'll have the exclusive story.
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hi. chili's tonight? do i know you? yeah. your mother's brother went to summer camp with my uncle's friend's accountant. we're practically family. jason? who? my mom's brother's accountant. yeah. that guy is a maniac. okay. i love jason. isn't he a riot? chili's $20 dinner for two. all you need is somebody to go with. share one appetizer, choose two entrees. now with crispy fried shrimp. just $20 for two at chili's.
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honestly simple. you love the "oceans 11". >> the movie is great. >> george clooney, so good. all that elaborate planning. this was not exactly elaborate, not quite the same. guy comes in wearing a motorcycle helmet says give me your chips. they give him a million and a half dollars worth of chips. look at it, he's getting away. the story doesn't end quite as well, though. >> no. >> we'll have that for you. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. there's one word every man should know. - leo. - the leo diamond, certified to be visibly brighter, at kay, the number one jewelry store in america.
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we like these people. we're very impressed, with their costumes, as well. >> standing out there in such cold weather today. >> welcome back to "the early show." early why err this year, a story grabbed national headlines, you remember this, we first told but a missing arizona baby named gabriel. now, there is a new twist in the case. it is not good. she -- we find gabriel's father, in a tape, was told by the baby's mother that she killed the baby. we're going to have that tape exclusively this morning and hear that from the mother's own words. >> also, it's not just snow that makes winter driving dangerous. it is black ice and other hazards, too. coming up, we'll take toum the consumer reports auto test
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center in connecticut right there for important tips to help you stay save on these treacherous winter roads. first, though, to a daring late-night robbery at a big-name las vegas casino where an armed bandit walked in and stole at least $17.5 million in chips. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy is in las vegas with the latest on this. good morning, ben. >> reporter: good morning, betty. this is really quite a story and all happened here at the bellagio casino in las vegas. a lot of people come to vegas to push their luck at the gambling table but it's an entirely different gamble to think you can run into a casino and make out with more than a million bucks in chips. but, that's exactly what this guy did. with his helmet still on, he looked more like an astronaut than armed bandit but he brazenly held up a table of gambles at the bellagio casino making occupy with $1.5 million in chips. famous for its dancing water fountain it is a top tourist
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destination and also the back drop for several hollywood films. >> casino security cannot be beaten. >> reporter: including the 2001 casino heist "oceans 11" starring george clooney and brad pitt. the robbery in the film was a high-tech whodunit requiring nearly a dozen men, whereas tuesday's lone gunman required just a helmet, motorcycle and about two minutes to pull it all off. >> he then entered the casino and went directly to a kraps table, where he confronted several patrons with a firearm. he told everyone not to move and he took approximately $1.5 million worth of casino chips. >> reporter: this is the tenth casino robbery in las vegas this year. police believe tuesday's crime was committed by the same man who made off with an estimated $20,000 from the sun coast casino on december 9th. >> he was carrying a handgun in both events and last season wearing a white motorcycle helmet with multiple stripes on it wearing a black jacket, black
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pants and black gloves during both events. >> reporter: unlike money, casino chips are only valid to certain properties so the chips taken from the bellagio can only be cased there. while the casino would not reveal security measures, a spokesman said quote at some point they'll have to be redeemed. here's the kicker, it will be nearly impossible for this guy to make a lot of money off this. that's because we're told many of the chips he stole were $25,000 chips. casinos have very stringent security when it comes to dealing with those. some even embed and radio frequency in the chip to track them, although the bellagio is not saying whether or not they used that technology. so, not really a great gamble here in las vegas for this guy. betty. >> no, not at all. thank you. that was my question, harry we've been talking about it, did he not do his research before he went in? >> not exactly danny ocean. >> it was a very quick heist, no
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>> now to a bizarre and disturbing twist in the baby gabriel case. 8 month old gabriel johnson vanished in arizona nearly a year ago. his mother has been this custody for most of that time. but, on kidnapping charges. now, our phoenix affiliate kpho has obtained a chilling audio tape where you hear the mother say she killed the child. cbs news correspondent bill chit ker has the latest. >> reporter: baby gabriel was last seen the day after christmas. police still don't know whether
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he is alive or dead. but his 24-year-old mother, elizabeth johnson, claimed in a phone conversation with the baby's father that she killed their son. >> where are you and where's gabriel. >> gabriel is in a dumpster. >> no, he's not. >> you want to talk -- >> reporter: johnson and her ex-boyfriend, logan mcqueary shared joint custody but december 27th, the day he was to get gabriel, he received a text message from johnson that the baby was dead. and in an audio recording obtained by cbs station kpho, johnson confesses to murder in chilling detail. >> you made me do this. >> you did not hurt gabriel. >> yes, i did. i suffocated him. i put him in a diaper bag and i threw him in the trash can. >> reporter: johnson was on the run at the time of the alleged call and had changed her identity as police searched nationwide for both mother and son. her motive, she believed he was flirting with other women online and she wanted revenge.
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>> don't you care about me? all you care about is gabriel. and he's gone now. you know what i'm capable of and you pushed me anyway. >> i haven't destroyed anything. >> yes, you have, logan. you made me kill my baby boy. so, find some new girl -- >> reporter: days later, johnson was arrested in florida and told police she gave the baby to strangers in texas. she had also promised an arizona couple, jack and tammy smith, they could adopt the baby. johnson remain behind bars charged with kidnapping, child abuse, and custodial interference. she is due back in court january 24th. bill whitaker, cbs news, los angeles. >> many thanks to our phoenix affiliate kpho. here to take a closer look at this close is beth karas, correspondent for inn session on the trutv network. good morning. >> good morning. >> pat: tape is really quite extraordinary. you a listen to it, what do you make of it.
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>> first of all, this is not new information but new to us, the public following the case and it is really interesting to listen to the exchange and the details that she gives him about what she did. i mean, she doesn't hesitate in saying i smothered him, he turned blue, i put him in a diaper bag, he's in a trash can. very quickly it comes out of her life. is it a lie or the truth, who knows. >> right. because she's clearly trying to communicate and get to him in some way shape or form and that becomes the question. is she just trying to get to this guy or is what is coming out of her mouth the truth? >> she clearly wants to hurt the father of the baby. her former boyfriend who had broken up with her, all right. >> right. >> she later rekants that this was a killing and says she gave the baby away. either way, she didn't have authority to do. this i mean, she wants to hurt him and now the authorities have to decide, you know, is the baby alive? they think he might be. >> did she not also confess at some point during some interrogation, may or may not have been admissible your -- >> we don't know --
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>> what is that. >> we don't know the details of it but there is a motion right now to dismiss the arizona case because of the texas investigation. you see, she was in san antonio, there's a separate homicide/disappearance investigation there and a texas detective, kind of got into the jail in arizona and toukd to her for three hours on tape some months ago. her new lawyers want to dismiss the case because of that saying that's a violation -- >> because she didn't have representation. >> her lawyers didn't know bit. however the arizona case isn't based on that. i suspect that won't fly. >> the other people involved in this story, as we covered it day by day by day was this jack and tammy smith, right, who reportedly were told by this woman that she was going to give the baby up to them for adoption. >> well, that's the new defense. tammy smith is facing conspiracy to interfere with the custody of the father, okay, because she actually had the baby for a few weeks before the custody decision was made. and that custody decision was made a few days before the
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disappearance of the baby. tammy smith now says i want a new grand jury presentation. my defense is i was going to adopt her, the mother, and there's not that much of an age difference, 12 years or so, and that way get the baby and that's no criminal. she says she shouldn't be held. that's her defense. >> what a story. beth karas, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> up next, how to drive safely in this brutal winter weather everything from handling icy roads to surviving getting stuck in the snow, all that when we come back. hi little guy! ahhhhhh! get off me! need help. take a seat. someone will be with you in 28 days. you'd never wait that long. so why wait 28 days for new releases? blockbuster has hot new titles, like a-team and inception, 28 days before netflix and redbox. rent them in store, by mail, stream on demand, and on the go. blockbuster. less waiting. more watching.
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winter officially starts next week but already brutal in much of the country. all that snow and ice are cause having treacherous driving conditions and joining us now with tips how to stay safe on the roads this winter is david champion director of automobile testing for "consumer reports." david, good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> what should we be keeping in mind, right at the top of our consciousness as we head out onto the road during this bad weather? >> well, it's where the car
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meets the road. and that really is the tires. you need to make sure that your tires have plenty of tread on them. we use a quarter. if you can see the top of george's head, then those tires need to be replaced. also, tire pressure are very important. always check your tire pressures because cold temperatures reduces the pressure inside the tire. you need to keep those up to date, as well. and if -- if the going really gets tough, snow tires are really good choice if you are driving in snow and ice conditions, they have a much more aggressive tread than a normal all-season tire and gives you much better traction to get going, better braking and cornering. >> speaking of braking and cornering, some common sense applies, as well, in terms of being on the roads. you need to keep distance from the other cars out there. >> yes, you really need to drive very gently. no sharp maneuvers, no sharp braking, no sharp acceleration. i a if you have a cup of coffee on your dashboard and don't want
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to spill it, so everything is done very gently. >> that's really good advice. you should also check your headlights, right? >> yes. headlights are very important not only to be seen -- to see with but also to be seen. so, make sure that your headlights are nice and clear. make sure your taillights are clear of dirt. make sure the bulbs are intact and you don't have one out. >> and one of the other things is you're right there by the hood and it happens all the time, we always forget to make sure that we have enough wiper fluid, right? >> yeah. your washer fluid here should always be filled before you take a journey. it, also, should have washer fluid in it so it doesn't freeze in conditions like we have today, which is very cold here. because that fluid, as soon as it comes out oun your windshield you don't want it to freeze on here, either. also, your wiper blades, as well, they'd to be replaced probably twice a year, a really
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good time to change them to make sure when the wipers cut across they actually clear the screen. >> one of the things, you make a good point because as you open the hood there cars are so different than they used to be at least for the window washing influenced there is usually a symbol on the front. you can't make a mistake in terms of where you put that stuff in. >> yes, there is. this one looks like a little squirter actually coming out onto a windshield, sometimes different colors but check your owner's manual to make sure you find the right one. >> right. let's talk a little bit about what we should be keeping in your cars at this time of year to make sure, if we do run into trouble, it won't be a really bad scenario. >> well, one of the main things is make sure you have a good set of jumper cables. once you can get your car started, then you can get heat out of the engine to keep yourself warm. an engine will use probably less than a half gallon of gasoline every hour. so, as long you've got sort of half a tank of gas you're good
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for a number of hours to let that engine um run and keep yourself warm inside. also a good flashlight. make sure the batteries are charged so it actually works. that happened to me the other day. a good scraper. i like the long-handled ones, as well, because you can actually use them to scrape snow out from underneath the tire. >> david, we've got to wrap it up right there. also probably a blanket and maybe some water in there, too. do appreciate your advice, you always do such a good job. thanks so much, david champion. >> thank you very much, harry. >> -- from "consumer reports." we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to
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♪ a blender for aunt sue ♪ head phones for uncle wayne ♪ pillow pets and hot wheels for my sister's kids in maine ♪ ♪ oh, walgreens has perfect gifts ♪ ♪ for all those on your list ♪ like a walgreens gift card ♪ for your daughter's teacher miss gilchrest ♪ [ female announcer ] finish up your list at walgreens and get $5 in walgreens super jingle cash with every $25 you spend. good for anything in the store. [ female announcer ] stay jolly with walgreens. brand new study out says the more sleep you get, the better it is for your appearance. >> the better you look. >> so you must getting lots. >> no, i'm not getting nearly enough, four to five hours, that's it. >> just think, how much better you would like with more. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. house chickens. call a day's work. call 1-800-steemer >@
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yeah, very good. >> look at this crowd! >> a nice crowd out here on this very chilly wednesday morning, welcome back to "the early show." i'm harry smith along with betty nguyen. forget the beauty aids. the sure-fire way to look healthy and attractive. >> is? >> get a good night's sleep. >> ahhh. that's going to be hard to do. >> we'll take a look at the first scientific study ever to show that a bad night's sleep is really bad for your looks. our dr. jennifer ashton will have the abcs of catching more zs. >> that's what we've been doing wrong, huh? not getting enough sleep,
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apparently. also having trouble figuring out the perfect present for your man? this morning, we have amazing ideas. ladies, here's a hint. the best the ones he would never buy for himself. right, harry? >> okay. i'll be paying attention. >> you'll be very glad, though, you picked them for him, or he will, once he sees what's under the tree. >> we'll take a look at that in a bit. first, though, a check of the news with whit yawn son at the news desk. >> thanks so much. good morning once again everybody. this morning the motive behind a shooting at a florida school board meeting remains a mystery. we want to warn you some of the video here is very graphic. the gunman began yesterday by spray-painting a red "v" on the wall and 56-year-old clay duke pulled out a handgun much he told everyone to leave except the five men on the bay city school board. duke tells the board his wife had been fired trt district and complains about a tax hike. the drama was captured by television cameras. >> please don't.
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please. >> duke fired several shots but somehow hit nobody. it was superintendent bill hosfelt, who tried to purr swaed duke to put his gun down. he told harry this morning there was no doubt -- >> there was no doubt looking in his eyes, somebody was going to be killed. and, you know, he had -- he'd made it very clear that he wanted to kill me and the rest of us in there. and so, i don't think he was trying to miss. >> after duke opened fire, a security guard fired back, wounding duke. duke fell to the floor and fatally shot himself. duke was an ex-convict who served four years in prison for aggravated assault and obstructing justice. on his facebook page he wrote, some people will say i was evil. before duke started shooting, the lone woman on the school board, ginger littleton, snuck up behind duke and took a swing with her purse. this morning, littleton told harry her friends were so
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volleyball, she had no choice. >> they were lined up like ducks in a pond and this guy was very scary. so. i could either leave and i knew something bad was going to happen. i could either leave and try to live with smi self if it did or go back and try to at least delay or divert until we could get some help. >> littleton has no idea why duke didn't shoot her. scary stuff. this morning, "time" magazine named him its person of the year to 2010. the founder of facebook selected for, quote, transforming the way we live our lives every day. the tea party came in second, hamid karzai was third followed by julian as sauj of wikileaks. the latest on the tax plan, house democrats say they want to amend president obama's deal with republican leaders but the republicans say not so fast. a deal is a deal. the senate is expected to easily pass the measure today. democrats are raising new concerns the plan underfunds
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social security. and that it would add $858 billion to the deficit. meanwhile the midwest and east are still reeling from the bitter cold weather. people in chicago are feeling the chill of very cold temperatures but some are singing christmas carols. near cleveland residents are still digging out from two feet of snow from the pre-winter storm that just never seemed to end. the freezing cold weather in florida may soon squeeze juice prices higher. prices for orange juice futures on commodity markets have been up more than 30% because of fears crops will be damaged. about 70% of u.s. citrus production comes from florida. the cold snap in florida also has endangered manads tees, searching for warmer water in usual places. yesterday dozens were seen huddling around the power plant at port everglades where warm water is pumped out. wildlife officials blame the cold weather pushing the number of manatee deaths this year to a
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record some 700. katie couric now has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. imagine not being able to recognize your family and friends. what if every face you saw looked the same? we'll take you inside the mind of the disorder known as face blindness tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now, back to "the early show." >> it's about five minutes past the hour. time for another check of the weather. we head back outside to dave price. >> whit. >> some interesting snowflakes behind you today. >> we'll talk about that at 8:30. did you get the invitation? >> never. >> you didn't? neither did i. neither i did. jeremy and kylie, mayor he read of course over the weekend. we did not get the invitation. where married? >> at the equinox in vermont. >> beautiful. where are you from? >> vermont. >> what do you do? >> we're' dairy farmers. >> awesome. >> but we also went to cornell, most important. >> there we go, go big red. congratulations happy
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honeymooning and nice to see you. we have 20th birthdays here. your 20th. >> yep. >> your 20th? are you. >> twins. >> look at that. we have double-minute gum for you. nice to he see you and we have friends visiting all the way from western kentucky who are bundled up this morning. hello to you. do you want to take a look at the forecast? yes, i'm amusinamusing. let's go to the maps right now and see what is going on. at least he he didn't cite, right? here we go. looks like cold air continues to envelope much of the country. danger right now we're talking about the next 24 hours is that icy patch that's going to develop from, say kansas city through st. louis, pushing eventually into sections of the carolinas. there it is on our future-cast. you see that area of purple and blue. also, look at the light blue from fargo, now pushing into chicago over the next 24 hours. we're talking about several inches of snow, possibly developing over that area. could create dangerous driving conditions. that is a quick look at our national maps, everybody.
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>> announcer: this weather report sponsored by macy's. >> betty, did you know i sleep 22 hours a day and i only wake up to do this program? >> that's why you look so great, right? >> may be. >> we'll be talking about just that, dave. because counting sheep and looking younger, could it be true? we're going to show you how you really can get your beauty sleep. this is "the early show" on cbs.
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in this morning's healthwatch, beauty sleep is not just an old wives' tale a. new scientific study confirm as good night's sleep can help you look more attractive and healthy. here to help you catch more zs our dr. jennifer ashton. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> i just thought of this because everybody in america doesn't get enough sleep. >> correct. >> we would be a much more handsome country. >> much better looking and healthier. >> if we got more sleep. how much a difference does this make. >> this was one of the first studies look at sleep at the corlelgs of -- a small study looked at 23 people who got more than 8 hours of sleep or less than 8 hours of sleep. 65 untrained observers compared the same person with sleep, without sleep. and guess what they found?
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the people who slept less were rated as 6% less healthy and 4% less attractive than the people who slept more. so, we have an sclampl i think we'll show you. see if you can figure out who got more sleep and who got less sleep. >> uhh. well, the guy who is smiling must have gotten the most sleep but also may have been what he did overnight. >> right. you are correct. the person on the right, b, got more sleep. but, what this really speaks to is that the amount of sleep you get can change how you feel internally but possibly, also, can manifest externally. >> what does lack of sleep do to your appearance. >> a lot of things. for some people they might see bags under their eyes, maybe a little more dehydrated, a little more irritable and not smile as much. it can be all of those things. i can tell when you i'm up all night delivering a baby i'm not looking so hot the next day. >> really. >> there's no question. >> we could never tell the difference. what about lack of sleep would also then affect your inner
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beauty would, it not? >> right. we've season about this. this is hugely important, actually. what it does on the inside of our body when we don't get sufficient sleep, from head to tow it affects our mood, the way our brain processes new information on a cellular level can cause increase in inflammation which can lead to cardiovascular disease. we've heard also people with are more prone to obesity and insulin resistance. >> all of that. >> absolutely. >> you talk about this in your eat right, sleep right. >> hugely important. >> how do you try to get more sleep. >> couple of simple things. establish a regular schedule. that is key. try to go to sleep at the same time every night and. create a relaxing pre-bedtime routine, no stimulation before you go to to bed and avoid the chemical stimulants before you go to bed, caffeine, alcohol, not good. >> simple as that. thank you very much up next, great gift ideas ideas
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if you are stumped what to buy for the man in your life. this is "the early show" on ccb. ready sensei. hey tough guy, that cold needs alka seltzer plus! it has the cold-fighting power of an effervescent packed in a liquid-gel for all over relief! hiyah! dude! (greenery) fruit cake. how are ya? [fruit cake] dry. (greenery) who's the new guy? edible arrangements bouquets, beautiful like flowers, but unforgettably delicious, visit, call, or go to so that's why we have sensodyne iso-active whitening for those that are looking for it. it comes in a canister. it starts out as a gel. now this is where the fun begins. once you start to brush with it, it micro-foams. having those small micro-bubbles really allows it to get to those hard to reach areas. it's providing a cleaner experience.
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correspondents taryn winter brill hit the palisades center in west new ac, new york to find out. ♪ merry christmas, baby >> reporter: whether he's been naughty. what do you think you'll get from your wife? >> what i do think i'm going to get? credit card bills. >> reporter: or nice. >> he wants a navigating system. >> reporter: gps. >> yes. >> do you think he'll get it. >> yes, he'll get it. >> reporter: okay. finding the perfect present for the man in your life has its challenges. >> i got you a blue sweater. >> that's true, in the bottom of the drawer. i don't even wear it. >> baby blue. >> the tags are still on it and everything, i'm so sorry. >> reporter: is there something you would never want to get, you'd say honey, thanks, but no thanks? >> um, a christmas sweater. >> socks. the super-warm sweater, like it's all real comfy coz yedz sort of essential stuff but
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not the sort of thing that lights me up christmas morning. >> he'll probably get something romantic like a night out for dirch. what he really wanted was a blu-ray. >> be playful. think about that little boy inside the man. >> reporter: so, this christmas, women, listen up. >> electronics, toys, guy toys. >> gps. >> we love gadgets, keep us happy and out of your hair. >> iphone. >> reporter: iphone. >> yep. >> reporter: do you think that's what you'll get? >> if i'm a good boy, that's it. >> reporter: oh, okay. the one item you can definitely cross off the list. >> ties. >> no ties. >> advice to the women out there, just stay away from the ugly ties. >> reporter: and just remember, you don't always have to splurge to get a home run. >> men love sex, let's face it. it is always a good idea to write an iou for a night of full-on passion, anything they want. there's not a guy would say no to that. >> reporter: what are you hoping to get from your wife. >> i can't say that on air.
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>> all righty, then. what we can say is that chassie post has great gift ideas for the men in your life. good morning. >> thanks so much for having me. >> this smells, i wish people at home could smell this. i would never have thought men would want candles. >> who can believe it. these three gifts will help out sort of setting the mood if we look at this piece. yes, we find that men, one of the most popular things they buy for themselves in the home category. candles, both a splurge and a steal. our splurges from modern and molten, 65 and 70 dollars. >> very manly. >> that's what you need to keep in mind, very masculine and these bath & body works candles, two for $20, really big and triple wick, great gifts. >> also with the same theme, here we have some sheets. >> really good sheets. men really want good sheets, believe it or not. >> okay.
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all right. >> things you want to look out, for keep it 100% cotton, when you are buying sheet for men, keep it simple, maybe avoid patterns and make sure you get solids. we have our splurge from frate, $250 from and our steal from, $59, 600 dollar thread count. >> that is affordable. throws, i know women love these. >> women love throws but men do, too, believe it or not. again, another really popular item men buy for themselves. so a cashmere throw, super luxurious from donna karan $home $149, great for snuggling up, even for the game. for our steal these tartan wool blankets $60 from >> you are sure he is going love this. because i know he will love this. i want one of these. >> exactly and ipad, the ereader and nook. the ipad does everything in the
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world. $499 from but for a steal, we've got this ereader, the nook from barnes & $149. you can download over two million books and the page is really crisp, the visual actually looks like a page. >> a handy size. i like that. i see these you don't even have to be on a plane, people walking around the streets wearing these. are they that great. >> they are fantastic. o over-ear headphones make a huge comeback, great sound but retro looking and these bose. >> top of the line. >> noise-canceling headphones. you can put these on cancel out noise not listen to music or listen to music and keeps out the ambient sound and our steal from urban ears dot com, $40 to 60 totally retro. >> a watch. >> something every man could use. >> from j., the re-issue of the classic military timex. $150. you can switch out the great
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watch band. and for a toelt complete opposite look, we've got these from designed by if he looep stark, very modern. >> who doesn't need a skillet. >> we don't even need a steal for this, $32 will yamp sanoma, the one-stop shop, the most essential thing you need in the kitchen. >> the biggest steal of all. >> can't believe it. >> a new car. you, too, can live like a celeb this season. major steal. today, at noon on, we are selling a brand new soaksing what again jetta, believe it or not. >> how much. >> $5,995. >> get out of here. >> it is normally $15,000. >> you has of to be the first person? >> first person and we're selling a jetta a day for three days. >> these are fabulous gifts. thank you so much. great ideas. we do appreciate it. for more on these gifts, go to our website we'll be right back.
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tell us all about his extraordinary movie that took him years to make. >> and celebrating the holidays require as splash of this, a little twist of that. just like a great cocktail. award-winning mixollist char let voicy here. how about a christmascake martini or margarita especially made for santa. sounds good, doesn't it. >> you don't want to divert santa. >> he has a job to do. >> don't have him stay in one place. >> speaking of cocktails, dave price is here. >> okay. >> with our check of the weather. we've got to watch dave around the booze. >> harry and i have done this. we know how this works. you two have not. the american museum of natural history has this remarkable exhibit on the brain. you've got to see it. they've done experiments on the brain for a long time. betty, kim on over here a quick second. all right. back to the early 1900s, one is kiki, one is buba.
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they have never explained which is which but 95% of people get it correctly. >> guess correctly. >> which is kiki, wit, which is kiki and which is bubba. >> i'll go kiki, the spiky one over here. >> that's correct. >> that's what i was going to say. >> you are in the 95% people. at the american museum of natural history. s for coming, buba nice to see you, kiki, nice toe see you. your hair you need the brazilian straightening. we go to the maps. it is cold! say it with me again, people. it is cold! yes. but, it is going to get better. it's not going to get warm but better. we're looking at icy conditions rolling through sections of kansas into missouri, into tennessee, slowly pushing toward the carolinas. not a lot of ice, but just enough to make it really treacherous on the roads from this afternoon into the
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overnight and into tomorrow. watch it. meanwhile, across the rest of the country, we're talking about more snow from sections of north dakota into minnesota stretching down and pushing towards illinois, actually, over the next 24 hours or so. watch it, maybe a couple of heavier bands but two to four inches in general. one to three in lighter areas. that's a quick look at the you guys look very good in
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paper mache, i'll tell you that. that's a quick look at the weather picture. inside you to. >> mark wahlberg has been making us laugh a lot this year with hit comedies now getting serious. in his new film "the fighter" wall berg plays a boxer torn between loyalty to his family and the woman he loves. >> i think he's a junk bag he's a junk bag. >> i'm his blood. i'm his family. >> i'm the one fighting, okay. not you, not you and not you. i know what i need. >> you need dickie? >> i want dickie back. >> and i want you, charlene and o'keefe. i want my family. what's wrong with that. >> mark wahlberg joins us this morning. good morning. >> thank you for having me. >> this is based on a true story, right, older brother played by christian bale a good fighter ends up stuck in a crackpipe, basically. his career goes down the crapper and you left in the family who will fight for a
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living. >> yeah, yeah basically. and, you know, even despite the fact dickie had this downward spiral of addiction, he and his mother always believed or hoped he would come back and they never really paid any real attention to mickie and i've also said, you know, because i've known these guys so long and i know them so well if you could take mickie and take dickie and combine them, you would have the best fighter ever. dickie had the god-given gifts and mickie had all the heart and desire and drive and never-give-up attitude. >> when you did first want to make this movie? if i remember correctly, it seems like forever. >> yeah feels like forever. >> well, i first approached mickie and dickie maybe six or seven years ago about getting their rights and i realized, you know, many people had already approached them and they had sold the rights to other people. so, it was just like, okay, well, you know, it's not meant to be and i trained for two other boxing movies that fell apart. if just went away and shortly after brad weston from paramount
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called me and said we've got the script, the mickie ward story and want to make it. that was five years ago i signed on and started training but it wasn't as much of a no-brainer, after reading the material and seeing the juicy roles, this will be made right away t. kept falling apart and i had to like mickie keep on going and training. >> it is interesting to have gone through the whole struggle and the reviews coming out and people going crazy about it uk, talking about oscar nommations. this is a long gestation period, right? it's goot to feel -- >> crazy. then you've heard the stories of like/one flew" over the cucoo's nest" it could still have turned out crap. i told mickie i would get the movie made and fought hard to get it made in itself an accomplishment but to have these other things happening blows me away so humbled by it and
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appreciate it. >> i remember you played the guy in the eagles and all banged up. i wonder if there is something about a physical price you pay and how that ends up paying dividends on the screen? >> well, it has in both cases. but, that was, for me, doing "invincible" was like a romantic comedy compared to this one. i thought i would never have to go through anything like that but we hired real boxers and really fought trained sometimes upwards of 10 hours a day, boxing is a sport in which all others aspire to be like. >> there was the great profile done on you on "60 minutes" a couple weeks ago and i was just looking at you and the commitment you that make to all of the different kinds of things. but there's a whole other aspect to you. you try go to mass every day. >> i do, yeah. if i don't go to mass i least get there 15 minutes and on my hands and knees and it just it's a good way to start the day, first of all thank you, thank god for being so blessed and to
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keep me focused to being a better servant for other husbands, friend, son, brother, neighbor. >> that's big-time stuff. >> it's the best. i just did an interview a couple weeks ago, you never really screwed up. why would i screw it up, i am so blessed. >> you screwed up plenty as a teenager. >> exactly. exactly. got it out of the way but really so blessed and for national i don't think i'm entitled to any of this. i really feel i've been so fortunate so. >> merry christmas. >> thank you, buddy. >> really appreciate it it. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> first of all, put the foot down, i got to kiss the feet because i know you're going and you're the best. ever. always. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> i'll see you around. >> oh, yeah implsts the fighter" opens nationwide friday. now, here's betty. >> thank you. >> we continue our senior moment series in partnership with "usa
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today" with a look at aging drivers. as the oldest baby boomers turn 65 next year, many of them see their parents still behind the wheel. and wonder if it's time to put the brakes on mom and dad. cbs news correspondent michelle miller has more. >> reporter: this video captured from a cell phone shows an elderly woman driving the wrong way down pennsylvania's interstate 95. and this was the horrifying scene in california, when a disoriented 86-year-old plowed into a crowded marketplace, killing ten people. both make a case for getting older drivers off the road and a new government report adds fuel, with findings that drivers over the age of 85 are four times more likely to die in traffic accidents than teen-aged drivers. but experts like this say, not so fast. >> age has very little to do with it. the fact that a person's 88 doesn't necessarily mean they can't drive safely on the road.
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>> about every day. 88-year-old jean turic, who started driving before world war ii. what kind of driver are you? >> i think i'm a good driver, i really do. >> reporter: but her daughter, louise, on the right says lately she noticed something troubling, something we found with a basic question. how many kids do you have. >> three. >> three? >> uh, six. >> reporter: all three of her children want her off the road. do you think you are overreacting because she's 88 years old will? >> am i overreacting, maybe but i'd rather be on top of it than kind of ignore it and say, you know, maybe it will' go away. because it's not going to go away. >> reporter: so, louise signed her mother up for a comprehensive driving evaluation, conducted by occupational therapist mary roberts. her vision. >> good. turn your head as far to the right as you can. excellent. >> reporter: her reaction time. her movements, all, lent.
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when she hit the road, everything seemed finds. >> we'll take a left between those garages over there. >> okayy-doky. >> reporter: after a while her daughter's suspicions were confirmed. >> put your left blinker on. >> anywhere you can get out the way he can came in. >> we came in down there, didn't we? >> no, we didn't. we came in here. >> you're losing me. >> by the end of the test mary gave her a reality check. >> eventually, you are going to find yourself getting lost because you are going to forget where you are going and puts you in a very high risk of a crash. it's here. the time is now. >> reporter: so began the conversation so many families are now facing. >> the fact that you should give up your keys, your car keys. >> i'm not going to give up my car keys. >> reporter: and so many elderly drivers are resistants to hear. >> i just can't imagine not being able to drive. >> he that's what you need to talk about, you have to start imagining that. >> reporter: she's now facing the reality that her days behind
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the wheel are over. experts say it won't always be like this, but they say it's important, no matter how painful to have the talk. to prevent potential tragedies. >> joining us to discuss the delicate issue of taking the keys to the car from your parent, "early show" contributor and school sdris dr. jennifer hartstein. thanks for being with us. >> thanks, betty. >> this seems like a very tough conversation as we saw in that video, it's not easy. >> it is not easy. you're really taking away the sense of freedom and independence. their own sense of identity from your parents. and now they have to figure out how to rely on other people. it's a really delicate conversation because they're used to having that freedom and now you are taking it away, that's hard for anybody. >> at lot of people will struggle, when do we sit down and talk about it. the holidays around the corner and the family altogether. is that a good time. >> no. it seems like it is because everybody is there. the holidays are to be about happy things and festive times.
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don't use them to art grievances or the worries. find a time where the focus can really be only on the driving, not distracted by all these other things. you want to be able to have a very concentrated focused conversation. >> so, when is that best time and how do you approach it? >> haw of to approach it with a lot of dignity and compassion because you are saying to your parents that you are worried about them but that you also think this is something they can't do anymore. that's really challenging. so, find a time when there's not a lot going around, when you start to notice a problem, and then lead into that conversation. >> is it difficult to get them to stop, i mean, to wean them off of driving and that independence that they really, you know, appreciate and the freedom being out there to go wherever they want to go? >> it's going to be. you want to actually do really smart things. you want to approach it slowly. you want to start to say to them, we notice you're getting confused and lost or taking you longer to get places. let's talk about what alternatives we might have there. are a couple things to keep in mind. start slowly, start to have them
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drive less, maybe they drive for shorter distances. maybe they didn't drive at night anymore. those are things you really want to think about. what other alternative transportation options are there? does the community center offer pick-up and drop-off? does the church offer younger members to help their parents, you know, older mem gers get places? does midcare provide transportations. you want to know other options and offer them to your parents, as well nimplts all reality, sometimes this is not the easiest thing and a parent will say, forget about it. you are not taking my keys. what do you do then. >> we saw that in the piece. i'm not giving up my keys. it may be you almost have to stage an intervention with everybody, this is no longer an option, we are taking your keys. >> an ult maf tiff. >> you don't want to get. >> there they don't work very well. >> they don't. you may have to get there but hope not to. start slowly and give them as much information, the aarp has great information on their website as does the a trapgs
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department. take them to dmv, have them get a new test, all those things the great program in the set-ep pews all important things to try to get your parents to do. >> very good advice, important, too, as parents get older. >> challenging. >> no doubt. thank you so much. >> thanks so much. harry? thanks. if you want to add some real punch to your next holiday party, how about a festive twist to some classic cocktails? award-winning mixolist char let voicy here to try out very tasty drink recipes. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> we'll start with punch, old-fashioned punch, right. >> old-fashioned kicking off christmas with a hot gin punch. the type charles dickens wrote about in "christmas carol" and all. >> that the basic ingredients? >> hendrick's gin, your favorite. madera wine. we have pineapple, cinnamon, clove, and fresh crit truss, lemon, orange. >> do you bring it actually to a boil or kind of staep it on the
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stove? >> you want to staep it, let it sim mr 20 minutes or so on the voerve so the ingredients marry nicely. don't cook it too much. >> a bit of honey, as well. >> some honey honey. >> merry christmas. >> and to you. a wonderful greeting for your guests at christmastime. the aromas. >> it's great. when you put that on the stove and can smell it all through the house and it warms you up and you come in from cold weather like this, very good. >> a thighs twist on the classic mold wine, which everyone is doing so mix it up a bit. >> that's a lot more fun. what's this here. >> i've heard in america you guys leave out milk and cookies for father christmas, is that right. >> and carrots for rudolph. >> we all know what father christmas is a margarita, so -- >> i heard that, i heard that somewhere but wasn't sure that -- we don't know how to act on some of these impulses but you'll tell us what we need to do. >> you may think marring gree thats are a little off-season
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but what i've done is a twist, using blood orange which is in season arrange november-december so perfect for the christmas period. >> take a look. i love the look of the inside of blood orange, just so gorgeous. you are showing off this morning. you spent more than a couple minutes behind a bar, i got to say. >> i have. getting in the christmas spirit. >> with the blood orange, mixed with? >> mixed with tequila with blood orange liquor from italy and agave neck tar. check this out. it is simple to do at home, we have mint, cranberries, pomegranate, anything that looks seasonal thamplsts looks really cool. >> you can infuse that into your ice trays. >> in the ice tray. there it is. >> what we've got is father christmas -- >> i'm going to assume i just descended down the chimney and brought the presents and this is there with the cookies. >> i think that's really what he
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wants after all that heavy lifting. what do you think. >> you know, santa saying, i may just stay. >> look how pretty that simplts all the the children who won't get their toys because of the margaritas you left behind. what's this one? >> moving on, we have a cocktail a little more elegant. this one is inspired by a christmas cake, which is one of our staple on the kri mass table in the uk, very dense, with cherries and almonds and nuts. >> right. always infused with a lot of alcohol, right? >> yes. we like to do that, as well. for the base i've chosen a very beautiful single-malt scotch whiskey, the belvini portwood. >> love that. >> no hold owes barred here. >> a little cherry brandy to bring out the soft fruit, just a little bar spoon. you've got to be careful with this cocktail. some almond-based syrup, another ingredient of our christmas cake and just a little cognac, a beautiful spirit this time of year. this cocktail is similar to a manhattan. so, what i'm going to do, rather
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than shake it up, i'm going to stir it gently. >> right. >> the reason we do that is just to keep the integrity of the smoothness of this beautiful -- >> right. okay. >> -- beautiful spirit. >> you know what, i'm going to cheat over here. what you did put on the rim of the glass. >> on the rim another simple easy thing to do at home, a little cinnamon sugar. you've got that spice that comes out from the whiskey. >> wow! >> when i say manhattan-like, i mean it's pretty potent. >> we'll do one more very quickly, running out of time. what is this one. >> so many twists on a martini, a pomegranate ginger martini, super easy to whip up. >> and you put the spear through with the cranberries, and whatnot. >> yes and fresh lime. >> quickly? >> the ginger figgle, you might ask me what it is and the answer is i have no idea but it sounds very christmassy. >> yes. >> we have fig jam, a little gin injure syrup and nice vodka and will just dress it with fresh
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shocked to find everybody back of the bar sampling. right? beautiful to look at, very festive. >> and pretty po tents, too. >> typically, though, in the uk, what is served especially around christmastime? >> a lot of brandy. >> at lof of brandies inlts and a mold wine or hot gin punch when you open the doors, you want to welcome. what -- >> if you are doing a molt wine what do you use. >> red wine, cranberry juice, cinnamon, spice. >> you always throw a bunch of fruit in there, too.
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>> make it festive. >> dave? >> micked up something special. >> i actually got -- >> half a bottle. >> i got some you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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we should reach our normal high by this afternoon. hey, ellen! what are you doing? not much -- just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee. want some? [ whoosh! ] i'd love some. one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. mm! good! pick some up where you buy groceries. hey, did you ever think about getting curtains? america runs on dunkin'.
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