tv 9 News Now at 5pm CBS December 17, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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the savior, eventually making the redskins a contender. instead he's suffering through his worst season since he was a rookie throwing a career high 15 interceptions and 25th in the league. >> i have had a chance to watch somebody for 13 weeks. the they can three weeks is not going to change my mind. >> reporter: mcnabb who two days ago said he wasn't aware of any planned quarterback changes was upbeat at practice today but didn't speak with reporters. his agent fired this sal video towards the -- salvo towards the front office. to treat him this way is just beyond disrespectful. >> you can say yeah you're surprised but end of the day, i mean, you don't have time to be surprised. you just got to go with it. >> probably a lot of things going through his head. a lot of things going through the coach's head. he made the decision, they felt like it was something they had to go. the redskins will go with 30- year-old rex grossman who led chicago to a super bowl but has never been taken seriously as a starter. >> i am human. how could you not be motivated
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to show everybody who is mocking this. >> reporter: one person not mocking it mike shanahan. he said he's liked grossman from day one. now they are mathematically out of the playoffs it is time to see what he can do in game situations. also next week mcnabb won't even be the backup. he will be the third string quarterback. john beck will be the backup. shanahan wants to see what he can do. that's the story for now. back to you in the studio. >> dave, you know, so many people are shaking or scratching their heads tonight. mcnabb just signed a huge contract extension with the redskins. what does this mean for his future? >> reporter: that's a good question. 5 years, $78 million. but only 3.5 of that is guaranteed if he's not on the roster before week one next year. so they can part ways next year and owe him $3.5 million. that is certainly the direction it looks like they are going as of tonight. >> thank you, dave. a lot of people are speaking
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out tonight. thank you. >> that's right' comments about mcnabb's benching have been filling up our facebook page. morris says this has to be a clear message they will part with him in the off season. i think it whats a bad move. >> john parson goes 1 step further saying the decision is stupid. he writes what is shanahan on these days. me one of the greatest qbs of all time, which true, isn't having the best year but nonetheless is the best we have. grossman is a backup at best. come on 'skins you're killing us. >> susan writes the offensive line is horrible and can't block their grandmother. but chris simms believes mcnabb is overrated and needs chunky soup or something. become a facebook fan of wusa 9 and tell us what you think. a storm is forming that could bring snow to the northeastern u.s. this weekend. how close will it come to us is a big question. meteorologist tom sader in for topper in the weather center. >> the storm will still develop. it will still make its way up
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the coast line to new england, which i think will get the brunt of this. but the big question has been the last several days the computer models. will it hug the coast or stay far enough off shore not to bother us. today's model wants to keep it just off shore, just far enough not to cripple the area with a devastating snowfall. new models will come out tonight. but i want to show you the satellite picture. here is one thing we know for sure. that is the cloud cover broke up nicely today, giving us sunshine that really helped out in the melting process today. we made it up to 38 degrees. that is much better than yesterday's 27. but with clearing skies now our temperatures will start to fall like a rock. as you see here the numbers 36 degrees already starting to fall. gaithersburg is 28. at least the winds are light and have been light the last couple of days and will remain that way. so very good news as we do enjoy some sunshine today, although these cloud cover breaking up is really going to cause the ice to refreeze. so slick spots today. we can talk more about that potential of the coastal storm coming up in just a few
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minutes. all right, tom. many area school systems delayed opening conditions due to icy systems. many people woke up to show- covered roads in their neighborhoods like these at hammond and jackson streets. but people who remember last year's storms certainly weren't complaining. >> no comparison at all. this is fine. >> they did a good job at night, yeah. because it is clean, everything is clean now. >> they came by a couple times and then this morning also i think they came by a couple times. i thought they did a great job. >> we did learn a lot from last year. we got hit pretty hard last year, i mean, but we survived that so we will survive this. >> now many people we talked to said the worst part of their commute was digging out their driveways, getting out of their neighborhoods and the main roads were clear. when you hear this next story you won't complain about your commute for the rest of this year. >> okay listen to this. an expectant mother delivered her baby in a car during rush hour traffic this morning with
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dad-to-be behind the wheel. the baby was born in the -- northbound lanes highway 270 before montrose road. the proud parents didn't want to speak on camera but the emergency responders who helped are gushing with joy. they say -- they share the amazing story with lindsay mastis. >> reporter: only a miracle could get this ambulance through rush hour traffic. there was no time to wait. so it was up to mom, dad and jamie nottingham to bring a baby into the world. >> it was awesome. >> dad called 9-1-1. nottingham was on the other end. >> : i heard him say oh my god the head is out. and then the miracle. >> then i heard her cry. >> reporter: firefighters say as soon as they pulled up to the scene they found the woman in the back seat. she already had the baby. >> got an early christmas present. >> they cut the umbilical cord. >> checked the vitals for the baby and for the mother. >> reporter: they said mom and baby were doing great. it was pretty emotional for parents. the father was very emotional. it was their first child. >> soon mom and baby were
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transported to shady grove hospital. the firefighters couldn't be happier. >> nice to help someone coming into the world instead of going out. as for nottingham he never got to see the child but before he got off the phone i asked was it a boy or girl. they said it was a girl. great feeling to know she came out healthy, crying and breathing. >> reporter: for first responders it is their miracle on 34th street. it just happened to happen on 270. in montgomery county, lindsay mastis, 9 news now. the family is doing well and first spokenners want to remind -- first responders want to remind everyone to call 9-1- 1 as soon as possible in these situations. anita? there will be no tax increase for most americans on new year's day. less than an hour ago, president obama signed the deal to extend the bush era tax cuts for another two years. joel brown joins us live from the white house. so even though this thing passed, not everyone is happy about it. >> reporter: yeah, i tell what you, anita, this tax cut bill signing today gave us maybe a preview of what the new reality will look like in washington.
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empowered republicans joining the democratic president, celebrating common ground legislation. there we go. [ applause ] center the president's signature turned the tax cut compromise into law. the deal is hammered out with republicans, prevents a new year's day tax hike for millions of americans. >> this is real money that is going to make a real difference in people's lives. >> reporter: the house approved the plan late thursday, after marathon of debate and closed door deal making. the biggest critics were from the president's own party. >> the president has to understand that if he reaches out william a finger of bipartisanship, he's going to lose a pound of flesh and -- >> but liberals failed to win a tax hike on wealthy inheritances. >> the motion is adopted. >> and in the end, the deal went through without changes. everyone will get the bush era tax rates for another two years. unemployment benefits were extended 13 months and most workers will get a one-year cut
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in social security tax. >> with complaints from democrats that the deal favored the rich, the president was counting on republican votes more than ever. it is likely to be a sign of things to come as the gop flexes its new-found strength. >> the soon-to-be speaker of the house praised the bipartisanship but warned that republicans won't just be satisfied with a temporary extension of the tax cut. >> two years is better than a tax hike on january 1. but it will not end, the uncertainty -- >> both sides are sharpening their knives for the next fight over the tax cut two years from now at the height of the next presidential campaign. so the tax cut deals price tag is $858 billion. you can add all of that to the national debt. so next year's debate on deficit reduction will really be the true test of this new sense of washington compromise. anita? >> yeah, joel. a lot of republicans saying that is the first thing they want to tackle is bringing down that debt and federal spending. joel brown, thank you. more washingtonians will be
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heading out of town for the hollywoods this year. according to aaa, 2.2 million people will travel 50 miles or more from the d.c. area, between christmas and new year's weekend. that is an increase of nearly 4% from last year. it is really a rebound, and not only is it a rebound, it is the best numbers we have seen in this entire century. the best numbers in the -- in 11 years. >> 94% of all local travelers will go by car. despite $3 plus gas prices. although air travel is also expected to be up this year. we have travel alerts for anyone heading north for the holidays. traffic on i-95 near the maryland delaware line could be a real problem because of construction at the newark toll plaza. and this is what it was like thanksgiving weekend. the back-up got so bad, that they suspended northbound tolls the wednesday night before thanksgiving. the delays are expected to start as early as december 23rd and they could last off and on
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through january 3rd. drivers should consider alternative routes or alternative forms of transportation. more fallout tonight from metro's plan to randomly screening passengers' bags for explosives. the aclu calls it ineffective and intrusive and is considering legal action if metro ignores its request to stop. bruce leshan is live at dupont circle metro where a lot of riders are skeptical, too, right bruce? >> reporter: completely unscientific poll but we talked to a lot of passengerring getting on and off the escalator here and we found very few of them who thought that randomly checking bags was an effective way to fight terrorism. >> a customer has been randomly selected to have his item inspected. >> reporter: metro has a video on its website showing how the process works. a swab and ionization machine. only if the scanner and an explosive detection dog alert on your bag will officers go
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through your belongings. but the plan is already close to provoking a passenger revolt. >> i think it is ridiculous. it doesn't actually stop terrorists attacks or crime. i mean, i think that there are more effective ways. >> seems like it is too much. it seems like it is entirely an overreaction. >> if they start doing that, the bus riders, and taxi riders, and -- >> people on the street. >> people on the street. >> and one thing leads to another. >> reporter: two years ago metro announced a similar plan, and backed down when riders complained. the aclu hopes the agency will reconsider again. searching like these are not good. they are not good in terms of results and not good in terms of the constitution. >> this is the saber4000. >> reporter: metro admits it is impossible to scene every single passenger but attacks on trains in europe and two recent potential threats to d.c.'s system, make it clear terrorists relish a spectacular
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attack on metro. metro's police chief says random bag checks are helping. in boston and new york. >> it is to throw the bad guys off in the event that they want to bring some explosive device in the metro system. >> and at least a few passengers agree. >> considering a condition, i think it is reasonable. >> reporter: one of the top complaints from security experts is that if a terrorist godfored by walked up and saw the police screening passengers at the head of the escalators at dupont circle, he could walk down connecticut avenue and get on the metro system down at ferragut north or off up the square at ferragut west, easy as that. anita? >> i know they made the announcement but have they started checking bags yet? >> reporter: no, the chief announced this yesterday, and he said they could start as soon as that afternoon. but as far as we know, none of this random checking of baggage has taken place so far. >> okay bruce leshan, thank you.
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still ahead, riseing from the ruins. nearly one year later. a survivor of a hotel collapsed in the haiti earthquake personally thanked his rescuers. julian assange says his biggest fear is being tried for espionage in the united states. i'm charlie d'agata in london. we will have the story coming up.
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how wonderful you are. how the sound of your feet running from afar brings dancing rhythms to my day. >> very nice. that was the president reading to students of long branch elementary school of arlington. during the q & a that followed he revealed, the leader of the free world, has to bend down and scoop poop after his dog bo like everybody else. that drew a collective ewww from the second grade class. a day after being released on bail, the founder of wikileaks said he fears that the united states is getting ready to do it him. but as charlie d'agata reports from london, julian assange insists his website will continue its work despite what he has called a smear campaign against him. julian assange says he's worried the u.s. is preparing to try him as a spy. >> we heard reports yesterday, a secret indictment has been made against me, in the united states. >> the wikileaks founder is under what he calls high-tech
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house arrest at a friend's country mansion, three hours outside london after being freed from a british jail on bail. >> we're very nice to be among good friends, fresh snow in the english countryside, to have my first martini in a long time. >> he'll remain at the 10 bedroom mansion on the sprawling 600-acre estate as he fights extradition to sweden to face charges he raped and molested two wikileakss volunteers. he says he has been set up and has text messages between the two women to prove it. he says he's the target of a smear campaign, backlash over his whistle blowing website and its release of hundreds of thousands of u.s. secret diplomatic documents. >> reporter: assange says he's far less worried about being extradited from britain to sweden than sweden to the u.s. >> the big risk, the risk we have always been concerned about is onwards extradition to
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the united states. and that seems to be increasingly serious and increasingly likely. >> assange says now that he's back at the helm, he will speed up the release of documents that have caused so much embarrassment and outrage in the u.s. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. while under house arrest, assange has to wear an electronic monitoring device and report to police daily. los angeles police say they have received hundreds of calls after releasing the photos of what could be nearly 200 victims of a serial killer. their pictures were posted on a website thursday. sexually explicit pictures of the women were found in the home of a suspected serial killer, local mechanic lonnie franklin. he's called the grim sleeper because police believe he took a 14 year hiatus in his killing spree. most of the victims are believed to be prostitutes and drug addicts from a seedy part of l.a. police want to know whether the women in the pictures were also victims. >> our main concern right now is the welfare of these
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individuals and their identity. >> there is somebody's identity we need to establish. there is some family in this city that goes without justice. and you will help us in achieving that for them. >> franklin is officially charged with 10 counts of murder. he could get the death penalty if convicted. a elderly man is recovering after he plunged his vehicle into florida's biscayne bay. a firefighter's camera captured the drama as rescuers dove in. look at that. rescuers dove in, broke the car's windows and pulled the driver to safety. investigators say the man was trying to park, but accidentally put the car in forward instead of reverse. he's in stable condition in a miami area hospital. we had a lot of our local schools opening a little late. the kids were excited. parents not so much. not so much. yeah, those poor administrators, you know, they can't win. >> i mean, you understand why. >> we do. >> yeah. >> safety first. >> that's right. >> yeah, use it tonight because -- >> we have refreezing. >> yeah. it will happen for the next
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couple of nights. we're still in a deep freeze where high temperatures are going to be, and have been, 10, 15 degrees colder than they should be. there is no warm-up in sight. at least there is some good news with this coastal storm. we have been playing pattycake with this -- you know, models that we use to forecast this. it will hug the coast, it will not? well, good news tonight. let's run through numbers for you. temperatures the big story and with the refreeze and then it will occur, 36 degrees currently but notice it feels like 33. all right, we drop 3 degrees because there is a wind at 3. i mean, you sneeze more, faster than 3 miles an hour, you know? it just automatically drops. it doesn't take much. but humidity levels are low. it is dry air mass and of course what we had yesterday, the first official inch, an inch-and-a-half at reagan national. brandy station in culpepper picking up 4.5 inches yesterday. there are still many roads that have not been treated. secondary streets and sidewalks, storefront properties. so again anything out there that looks wet will be refreezing tonight. on larger scale, cumberland at 32 then the 20s. we will find the 20s in the
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metro area but not right now. 27 in pittsburgh. 25 in columbus, cleveland, 26 degrees. still the arctic chill, really gripping a good chunk of the northern part of the country. and it does look like our temperatures will stay unseasonably cool. the pattern will be, after this weekend, a very fast-moving system, moving across the country. and a little bit of snow in the panhandles of texas and oklahoma. still lake effect snows here. but the coastal storms still looks like it will develop. it will still push off the georgia coast, the carolina coast. it will still make its way towards new england that i think could get hit hard sunday into monday. but the big story is how close to the coast will this system hug. this is the latest computer model. they have been going back and forth for several days now. of course we will get another model tonight. high pressure slides out. but watch the moisture creep up to southeast parts of virginia, and then stay just off shore. even the cloud cover. i still think we will be mostly cloudy late in the day tomorrow. but this is great news. now, again, this is not a for sure thing. this is a computer model. this is what we use.
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just pretty much gives us some guidance. but i will take it right now. a lot more in the next 24 hours. 24degrees overnight tonight. we will start the day with some sunshine. then we will see temperatures get up above freezing slowly in the day and then an increase of cloud cover with a high of only 36. the average high is 46 degrees. it will not be for the next three. and it will not be in the next seven. i mean, the best i can do for you is forty degrees next friday. so this is been a cool december. and yes, we haven't had as much snow but again, a lot of depends on how the computer models will handle things this evening. >> a lot to watch this weekend. thanks a lot. hey, we want to show our toy drive 9. you can find all our information on wusa but look at our set right now. it looks beautiful because of all the toys that are here. i think some of those bikes may need helmets. >> they absolutely -- you know, they still have a tremendous need, the marines will be joining us later in the newscast to talk about that. in the 0 to 3 range, and for
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older kids. older than 10, 11. they buy toys for kids up to 17, so please help us here with the toy drive 9. well, coming up on 9 news now -- i am scott broom in frederick county. coming up, a debate about what is an appropriate gift for your kid's teacher. up next, are you cooking for a crowd this christmas? we will show you some ways you can fix the feed without breaking the bank.
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if you still have holiday shopping to get done, like me, today is free shipping day. about 1500 retailers nationwide are offering both free shipping and guaranteed delivery by christmas if you order today. but some stores are requiring minimum purchases to qualify. you can check the website for the full list of those participating. so your kitchen is probably going to get quite a workout if you're feeding a crowd this holiday. but if you're appliances have reached their limit, lesli foster has money-saving recommendations that could expand your cooking capacity
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without breaking the bank. >> reporter: professional chefs have no problem cooking for a crowd. and some new appliances are offering features to make that easier to do. now is a good time to buy. sales are slumping so a lot of appliance companies are rolling out lots of bargains. >> a test of ranges shows many once pricey features are more common, like dual ovens, induction cook tops and high- powered burners. all come in handy when you're cooking for a lot of people and preparing a lot of dishes. the experts have always known the benefits of bigger ranges. in consumer report's labs this 36" ge monogram has a built-in griddle and four high-powered natural gas burners. it has convection heating to shave the cooking time all packaged with a pro style design. but it is a real wallet buster at $7,500. instead you might want to consider an oven that does double duty. >> dual ovens are a great option. you can cook your main entree and bake a pie at the same time
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at different temperatures. >> consumer reports recommends the gee electric 30-inch double oven. -- it is rated very good in baking tests. spend less on a high tech hot plate. it can be an extra burner for cooking and a food warmer. this waring pro hot plate is a best buy at $140. cooking like a pro doesn't have to set you back a lot of money. >> one thing that is interesting about induction cooking, it heats the pan dialectally because it uses electromagnetic coils. they heat more quickly and efficiently than conventional electric elements. just know that means you need to use cookware that has magnetic base such as cast iron pans. next, new at 5:30. pulled from the rubble of haiti's earthquake. a survivor comes back to thank his rescuers with a book. i am peggy fox in burke,
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rising -- rising from the ruins. man pulled from the haiti rubble coming face-to-face with those who rescued him. a list of gift wishes that are sparking controversy at a local elementary school. you know you should tip the taxi driver and the bellman at the hotel but what about all the other people who provide you services throughout the career. we will have advice. he spent three days under the rubble of haiti's earthquake but he's alive today thanks to our rescue team from burke, virginia. new at 5:30, peggy fox tells us this survivor is doing more than just saying thank you. he's written a book about it. >> good to see you. >> dan wooley from colorado springs has a personal connection with these fairfax county firefighters. they saved his life. >> i thought this was the end. >> a year ago on january 12, wooley was caught in haiti's horrific earthquake buried under 50 feet of rubble that had been a 6 story hotel. his new book, unshaken, rising from the ruins of haiti's hotel montana details his three days in the darkness, writing
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goodbyes to his family, figuring out ways to stay alive and then his rescue. >> to know they put their lives on the line, and they risked their own lives to get me out. >> we had to lift him up out of the hole and then run horizontally another hundred feet. >> this -- they dug a 50-foot tunnel and used ropes to pull out wooley and a haitian named luken. >> his first concern was about luken. both guys had been in here for three days. he said you might want to check on luken first. >> dan wooley does his own rescue work so to speak. he was in haiti with his job for compassion international which rescues children from poverty, by getting them sponsored. >> wooley plans to go back to haiti next month to finish the child development work he started last year. in burke, virginia, peggy fox,
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9 news now. >> he hopes his book will bring more awareness to the extreme need that exists in haiti. investors who lost their life savings to bernie madoff are getting a early holiday present. under settlement agreement, $7 billion will be deposited into a fund to repay his victims. the settlement is with the estate of jeffrey picauer. he was the target of a lawsuit that claimed he should have known madoff's operation was a scam. under the settlement, many of madoff's victims would get back half of what they lost. in ohio, a police officer sent to pick up surveillance video from a pharmacy robbery had another hold-up unfold right in front of him. officer joshua campbell wassing standing in line at a dayton walgreens when a man reached over the counter and grabbed money from the cash drawer. campbell drew his weapon and video showed the two scuffling as they went out the door. with the help of the store manager, the suspect was subdued. in addition to the robbery, he's charged with assaulting a police officer.
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one of the oldest charter schools in the district is celebrating the beginning of a new era. hyde leadership public charter school held a grand opening at the old vocational center on perry street northeast. the building has undergone an $18 million renovation. 750students from pre-k to 12th are enrolled at the school. a private school in alexandria held a more unusual holiday event today. the festival of lights at burgundy farm country day. it is a celebration of diversity. students participated in holiday tradition and customs from around the world. they sang holiday songs from different cultures, and sampled several international winter celebrations. the pta at an elementary school in frederick, maryland, has sparked a debate about gift- giving to teachers. scott broom reports it started with a christmas list sent home with the kids? >> reporter: at this elementary school the pta wants teachers to know how much they care.
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so they asked teachers, what do you want for christmas. the resulting list included the modest like school supplies to restaurant gift cards, silver jewelry, and spa treatments. all preferences sent home in a note to families. >> we don't solicit gifts for any reason. if we're going to be proper. >> from her office in a video call, cynthia lett is an etiquette expert and an author of "that's so annoying" saying asking for specific gifts is, well, rude. >> you're saying we have a relationship where you have to give me something, and i have to give you something. material, in order for the relationship to be a good one. and that's just bad manners. >> the policy is not a concern here. >> reporter: school spokesperson marita lou says soliciting gifts is against the rules but that is not what happened here since it was the pta, not the teachers doing the suggesting. >> this is a story that has snowballed way out of proportion.
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it has bah hum bug and the grinch and scrooge written all over it. >> the best teacher gift comes are the child. it could be something they made especially for them. even just a card saying i appreciate you being my teacher, thank you, would mean so much to most teachers. >> reporter: so in the end, the rule of thumb when it comes to giving gifts to teachers is, it is the thought that counts. in frederick, scott broom, 9 news now. isn't that what it always supposed to be? by the way, gift giving goes both ways in frederick county where teachers and administrators have collected thousands of dollars' worth of personal care items to give to the district's 400 homeless students. coming up next, from the paper boy to your hair stylist. everybody in between. we have a guide on tipping this time of year. how much is appropriate? and coming up new at 6:00 -- >> prince williams county where a community is mourning the loss of one of their own killed in battle. the hero's tribute straight ahead. and don't forget we're
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hi this is troy gillson in africa. i want to wish my family, jennifer, alex, sierra, olivia and cholea, happy holidays and i love and miss you guys '. welcome back. sorry. >> that's okay. >> you know, tipping is not just for that occasional meal out or the taxi driver, but for the people you do business with all year round. >> absolutely. samantha hays tells us why you may want to budget a few extra dollars, especially around the holidays. >> reporter: the names on your
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holiday gift list most likely include family and close friends. but join goldwasser from kip linger's personal finance says there are other folks you don't want to forget. >> everybody from the nanny, if you have one, the baby sitter, the person who delivers your newspaper, the person who collects the trash. you know. sort of all of those people that make life a little bit simpler. >> reporter: and who you plan to keep doing business with. goldwasser recommends tipping the dry cleaner a few extra dollars. your hair stylist, the cost of one visit. trash and recycling collectors, $10 to $30 each. same for the person who delivers your newspaper. a regular baby sitter should receive the amount of one or two jobs, and your dog walker, what you would pay for a weeks' worth of work. >> i live in an apartment so i don't see my postal man every day and getting your hair done it is nice to give a tip to people you give business to and they give you great service. >> reporter: but if the the economy has you running low on
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cash, spread cheer without cramping your budget. >> perhaps if you're, you know, a crafts person, you could make something, or, kookinesses, bake some kind of nice treat and write a note saying thank you i appreciate what you have done. everyone this year will be seeing cookies. >> in washington, i'm samantha hays. if you thought black friday was crazy. get ready for next week. for the first time ever toys "r" us stores nationwide will stay open around the clock. for 88 hours straight. starting at 6:00 a.m. tuesday, until 10:00 p.m. on christmas eve. and they are not the only ones. 14 macy's store nationwide will be open for 83 consecutive hours starting at 7:00 a.m. tuesday. that's up from 12 stores last career. other stores such as k-mart and sears are extending their hours next we can to keep up with the holiday rush as well. tom? >> well, now that the sun has set and the skies are clear, the temperature will fall like a rock. refreezing taking place. big story though, coastal storm still in the forecast.
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get selsun blue for itchy dry scalp. strong itch-fighters target scalp itch while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue. the search to unlock the mystery of autism continues. now scientists are looking at air pollution. researchers know there is some genetic part to autism but they think there are environmental triggers as well. a study of more than 500 children around los angeles found those whose families live near freeways were twice as likely to be diagnosed with autism as kids who are farther away from the congestion. now the scientists say that doesn't prove a causal link but that exposure to pollution may be one factor in autism cases going up. you know, those emergency bracelets some people wear if they have got a serious medical condition? imagine having all your crucial info with you, without something around your wrist? that technology has now come to northern virginia.
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>> i have a very conflicted medical history. >> as do many people. keeping track of that history can be hard. especially in a time of distress. now, susan thompson carries her medical history complete with a list of her latest medications in a small key fob and a card right next to her driver's license. the system is called invisible bracelet. >> it is an electronic health registry that allows the end user to keep their own information up to date and allows the ems providers and easy way to access that information in the field. >> reporter: the city of fairfax has started this new program and describes it as a win-win for both the patient and ems personnel. in a medicalmen, trauma or accident, -- medical emergency, trauma or accident, victims may be dazed or confused or unconscious. but the database can tell first respond irs all they need to know including -- responders all they need to know including how to reach a family member. >> the virtual medical bracelets are for any age and signing up is simple.
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there is an online program where you add your medications, medical conditions, and emergency contact. >> it also has a nice added benefit that it allows us to click on a button that will contact emergency contacts that they have predefined either via e-mail or text-enabled device and will tell them which destination facility we're going to. >> reporter: for this active 68- year-old, having virtual inject backup, offers freedom. >> i don't stay at home because i do have a lot of medical conditions, and i have learned that if you want to do things, you have to do things. >> great attitude. right now only the city's fairfax in our area has launched the invisible bracelet program but they plan to expand it if possible throughout fairfax county and then the region. if you would like to sign up, go to our health page on for a link. caught on tape a new tactic thieves are using to steal cars in st. louis. now that is a 1987 blue ford tempo you're seeing right there being pushed down the street by an old pickup truck. police say in the past eight
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months they have abingdon harford three people for using -- they have abingdon harford three -- arrested three people for using trucks to steal old cars. the owner of the truck said he had plans to donate to it charity. good smother tan in minnesota may think twice before ever offering anybody a ride. the 26-year-old man thought he was doing a good deed when he offered a 70-year-old woman a ride to the bank on wednesday. here's the deal though. she allegedly robbed that bank at gunpoint. and used the man as her getaway driver. the woman is now in custody, and police say she was acting alone. >> a homeowner near denver finally caught the given who has been damaging his holiday -- grinch who has been damaging his holiday decorations for years. berry miller says for the past four or five years now his driveway lights had been cut in the same exact place. he thought maybe a neighbor had been pulling a prank on him so he decided to hook up a surveillance camera, and a motion detecter to catch the prankster.
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>> i was so excited because they were cut in broad daylight. then we looked at the tape and i was so disappointed. i actually thought we were going to catch a person and go through with my plan. >> nope, it is a bunny rabbit. because it turned out to be that little thing. the creditor had been taking a little bite -- critter had been taking a little bite and running off with it. he's going to look for a home made rabbit repellent to keep his decorations in tact. >> that is crazy. i would not have thought a rabbit. >> not at all. really cold in our area for anybody outu outside. animals included. >> yes. good point. i mean, -- some folks, you know, yes they do leave some of the dogs outside but -- come on. >> not now. >> time to bring them in. >> right. try to put bedding down there. not like so much a blanket but maybe some -- you know, shavings or something like that for them because they get wet and go in and it freezes for them. we're looking at this coastal storm developing for the last several days we have been looking at computer models that have been going back and forth
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and back and forth. will it hug the coast or stay far enough away? good news the national weather service has not placed a winter storm watch. that is usually the first indication. everything seems to be -- it will stay offshore a little bit. we will run through what still could develop, we're still waiting for that to, you know, unfold. let's take a look now, titan 9,000. this is doppler radar picture. if you are leaving the area, this weekend, you plan to go towards pittsburgh, they looking at a little bit of light snow currently and will continue for the nighttime period. if you head up a little further, syracuse over 66 inches of snowfall. that is the second snowiest december on record. and we're only halfway through. so, again, lake effect snow still well to the north of us. but if your plan takes to you new england, let's say maybe manhattan, or up even further north, to boston, areas of maine, interior new england, i think the coastal storm that is going to develop off the coast, no matter if it is close enough, or not to the shore junior it is still going to affect new england and will stall.
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we're looking at a problem with significant snowfall accumulations the latter part of this week and beginning of next week. let's run through the outside story. as we run through we will let you know yes, clearing skies. now the sun is set, the temperature falling very quickly. refreezing of roadways and walkways, store front property, driveways, everything that looks wet will be frozen again. an off shore storm is still going to develop. already, we're starting to see moisture gather to the south. but how close it will get? when we use computer models many times, you know, they seem to get an eye on it and they stay with it. sometimes they do vary, but as the system gets closer in time period they start to converge and start to believe one another and we will start to see how that unfolds. still a little uncertainty but look at the temperatures. yes, already the freezing mark in many locations. cosold is going to play -- so cold is going to play a role. it could play a role if we had significant snow move into the area. l.a. is a big story. they are looking at several inches of rainfall, possibly measuring in double digit inches. that's how much rain. we will have stories in the news with mudslides and some other problems out there.
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of course with the flooding in california. but right now, you can see we're looking at clearing skies. that is very nice. high pressure will be with us tomorrow. we will start with sunshine, we will see the clouds increase later and down to the bottom of the screen we talked about this yesterday, that going back and forth computer models, you know, you got one track that is great news. the second track even yesterday, wanted to hug the coast. that could be significant snowfall for us. it has yet to develop. but now it seems like all eyes are taking it, and belief in these models that once you kind of carry everything just off shore, coming offer the georgia, south carolina coast, yes making its way to new england but look how close this is. give or take 100, 200 miles we're into it on the eastern shore. so it still has to develop. it still unfolds but at least it looks better today than yesterday. we will be in the 20s. that means teens in this suburbs, tomorrow we will get up above freezing early and about 36 for a high temperature. the next three days, unseasonably cold air. you know 46 is the average high and it is not in the seven-day outlook once again.
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what is going on here? it would be nice if it was at least average. we have to go back to the first day of december when it was 65 to get up above the average mark. >> at least the weather puts you in a festive spirit. hopefully, we want to point out we still need toys for toy drive 9 that goes through next tuesday. we will love to have more toys to give to the marines as part of toy drive 9, so many children in need. yeah we partnered with local firefighters to help with donations. and look at all these toys. but much more is needed to make someone's christmas really special. >> you can drop off a toy at any local fire station, new and unwrapped. up next in tonight's friday's hero, providing for families in need, a local organization puts out an urgent call for help this holiday season. coming up new at 6:00, it is a house fire that has been burning for more than 24 hours. it is not out, new ahead at 6:00. i am peggy fox with w no time to shop for a holiday
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dress? no worries. we have great inexpensive and simple fashion fixes. first combine chunky pearls with thick chains over a black top or grab something metallic or something trimmed in faux fur. two hot trends this season. also tonight, patterned tights and funky striped socks to make it festive. check out these ideas on the front page of www.m
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stocks ended the week mixed on wall street. the dow closed down seven points to finish the week at 11,491. the nasdaq climbed five points and the s&p 500 rose a point. well, perhaps the best thing about our friday's heroes stories that is the good guys, the unselfish guys almost always win. >> but tonight there is a holiday story still very much in search of happy ending, and you can help write it. here's derek mcginty. >> we are going to do our best and that's what we promised. >> at most any other time of year lisa wetzel's best is plenty good enough as our daily bread hands out baskets of emergency food and other aid to families in fairfax county like jessica dixon and her three small children.
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>> a lot. they help keep food in my house and diapers in the pantry. >> but at christmas time they try to do more. >> our daily bread tries to take care of and so, we find people like yourself, or like me, that will be willing to provide a gift or holiday assistance for that family. and for those remaining, that we can't find a donor for, to sponsor a family, then our daily bread, takes the donations that we have received, and distributes a gift card to that family. >> the problem is, this year, our daily bread got a christmas list of 5,000 families but they have only enough sponsors for just over half that many. >> so what happens to the 2300 if you can't gatinon. >> unfortunately they will go without -- if you can't get the money. >> unfortunately they will go without anything. and our hands are tied. >> because the numbers are pretty grim. to make christmas for 2300 families, wetzel says she needs another $300,000. >> it is still not going to cover the need it's just so
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enormous. >> reporter: but the amount of time left before christmas is not. >> paying rent and electric and all kinds of bills on my own, so without the help from our daily bread, we probably wouldn't be having anything. no presents, no food, no nothing. >> reporter: derek mcginty, 9 news now. >> if you would like to sponsor a family for christmas through our daily bread we have a link on our website,, click on heroes central to find the story. thanks for joining us for 9 news now at 5:00. 9 news now at 6:00 starts right now. there we go. [ applause ] this was the scene just two hours ago. with the stroke of the pen the president stops a looming tax increase for every american. he worked out the agreement with reic
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