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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  October 6, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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to do it. noon, 63. we're looking at highs upper 60s to low 70s with winds fairly light. generally at about 5 miles per hour. this morning, it is a little breezier than that right at reagan national. look at the clear skies covering most of the eastern u.s. this morning. with the clear skies and light winds, down to 43 in frederick. 49 from linda in fulton. 50 winchester, leesburg and culpepper and this afternoon, looking good. upper 60s along the bay, in town, also a couple of low 70s. fredericksburg, manassas top off at about 72. we've got troubles now, monika? >> actually, we do. we've been talking about this accident. we'll take a look live from sky 9 on the northbound side of the bw parkway, we've been talking about a car that slid into the woods. authorities have been on the scene ever since trying to deal with this. and again on the northbound side heading in toward laurel, look out for this situation on the southbound side, the lanes
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have remained open. i'll keep you posted on this situation. we'll head over to our graphics right now. i'm going to change this to yellow because of that accident. let's take a look at the beltway. no problems around town. just a little bit of slow traffic in silver spring. that's normal for this time of morning. let's zoom in here. over in arlington, clarendon area, there has been a water main break affecting wilson boulevard, the center lane is blocked at wilson boulevard. we'll take a live look at 66 inside the beltway here at leesburg pike. no problems as you head to the roosevelt bridge. let's head back out to the map. we'll zoom into 95. the yellow cars indicate slow traffic from newington into springfield. we'll take a live look at 395 at shirlington. no problems up to the 14th street bridge. now, your travel times. on the inbound side of i-66, 7100 to the beltway, 12 minutes. the beltway, 95 to 270 northside is 12 minutes right now. in my next report, we'll update you on the bw parkway at 6:12.
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mike and andrea? >> at the top of the hour, let's get a check on some of the stories happening today that we'll be following for you. congresswoman gabrielle giffords will be here in washington. the arizona democrat will attend a retirement ceremony for her husband, nasa astronaut mark kelley. she won't take care of any business on capitol hill. giffords was wounded in an assassination attempt last january. maryland governor martin o'malley is hosting an antibullying forum today. the event at arundel high school kicks off a month-long event raising awareness of bullying, especially the problem of cyberbullying. >> former d.c. mayor adrian fenty is wading back into city politics, at least for one night. "the washington post" reports he will host a fund-raiser for city councilman jack evans. evans was one of fenty's biggest supporters in his 2006 mayoral campaign. protestors already number in the thousands in new york city. you can see them here. and it is growing. the occupy wall street rally day by day.
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>> it is spreading here to washington. a group called october 2011. it is calling for a nonviolent occupation of freedom plaza. >> surae chinn is there live to tell us what this protest is all about. surae, good morning. >> good morning. it is quiet. it is dark out. but we do see the red tents set up. we also see the stage is ready to go here at freedom plaza. what we're seeing in new york seems to be catching on here in the district. the numbers are not as grand as scenes in the big apple but demonstrators showed up at mcpherson square for a rally sponsored by the group move some camps out as the occupy wall street enters its third week. some unions and lawmakers are getting involved. >> if you remember how we got out there and fought for labor rights in wisconsin, you know that this thing is on the move. we are not going to stop. we are going to get the justice
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we deserve. >> this is virtually a leaderless movement with not one focus. protestors are proud of that though and the grassroots movement that has taken shape. protestors have been asked to come here around 9:00 this morning. things really get started around noon today with a concert and a rally. mike? >> thank you, surae. surae chinn live at freedom plaza in northwest washington now. >> women taking metro, watch your back! especially at metro's suitland station. prince george's county police say two women were sexually assaulted just days apart. both around this time of the morning. the first attack happened september 27th. authorities say another woman was attacked early tuesday morning. police suggest women travel in pairs when it is dark but if you can't... >> be on the phone talking to someone who can respond if you need help. >> police are not convinced it is the same attacker in both
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cases. now for the latest from the presidential campaign and another no go. sarah palin will not seek the g.o.p. nomination. the former alaska governor and vice presidential nominee says she's better suited to be an outside force in the campaign. >> i believe that i can be more effective and i can be more aggressive in this mission in a supportive role of getting the right people elected. i need to be able to say what i want to say and hold both sides of the aisle accountable. >> palin added she made her decision after discussing it with her family. recent polls showed many republicans did not want her getting into the race. cbs news poll show him slipping among voters. but texas governor rick perry isn't slipping among donors. in the first seven weeks as an official candidate for the republican nomination, perry raised more than $17 million. nearly half of governor perry's donors came from his home state
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of texas. look around, just about everywhere, it is hard not to see the legacy left by steve jobs. just look on your commute. you'll see people listening to theireyewitness eye -- ipods. steve jobs died last night at the age of 56. here is a live look at the apple store in arlington. if you look close in the center of the apple, it says thanks. a few miles from here, the first ever apple store, jobs personally opened the first one at tysons corner center in may of 2001. and there are tributes and condolences coming in from around the world. you can see impromptu memorials. we'll have more on remembering steve jobs coming up at 6:30. at 6:06, time for a special "your money" report. who wants to spend their money just to use their money? some of the biggest banks are starting to pile on new fees but as jessica doyle explains, there are some simple things you can do to avoid those extra charges. paying more money to use
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your money. new fees from big banks have some consumers fired up but here's the good news. you do have options. >> it is going to take a little research to avoid these fees. >> citi is the latest to charge more for checking, up to $20 a month. says the average minimum balance for free checking is getting higher. one way to avoid fees, keep your checking and savings accounts in the same place. >> new debit card fees from places like bank of america are another flash point. americans started to ween themselves off of credit cards after the financial crisis but now consider one with a small credit limit for everyday expenses. just be sure to pay the bill off every month. >> if atm fees make you mad, let your smart phone help you find your bank's nearest branch. >> smart phones are great tools to avoid atm fees because a lot of banks, apps, have atm locator function or you can just kind of google your bank and find a branch near. >> also, consider an online
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bank. many offer free interest- bearing checking accounts that let you use any atm and reimburse all of those atm fees. jessica doyle, 9news now. jessica says another option is a credit union. some pay you to use a debit card. a few credit unions saw a jump in new accounts as more bank fees were rolled out. in five minutes, a preview of this year's taste of d.c. event. this weekend, it is for the first time, a big chili eating contest. >> up next, howard has our thursday forecast. it is another winner. your weather first when 9news now returns. state farm. this is jessica.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.
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it is:11 on this thursday morning. sunshine, wall to wall today. it is 6:11. a good-looking friday eve. just a little cool early. but a beautiful afternoon. i'll be back in a few minutes with a look at a grit weekend forecast. right now, here's monika with more on troubles this morning. >> thank you so much, howard. i've been on the phone with park police this morning getting information on this accident that you're looking at now from sky 9 on the northbound side of the bw parkway. it is after 197 but before route 198 in the laurel area. you can see that only the right lane is getting by. with authorities on the scene. i'll keep you posted. your last chance to exit is 197. coming up, roadways at 6:18.
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the man accused of killing three people at a southern california quarry remains on the loose this morning. it is one of the stories making news now at 6:12. police say 47-year-old shareef allman opened fire at the quarry in cupertino. he killed three coworkers and injured seven other people. police aren't saying anything about a motive or where alman might be. the reverend fred l. shuttlesworth has died. he survived a bombing in 1956 and assault in 1957 and numerous arrests and beatings by police. reverend shuttlesworth was 89 years old. england's prince harry is visiting the united states. he's training in the southwest to learn maneuvers in an attack helicopter. the prince is a captain in the british army. mike? >> thanks, andrea. howard says we're going to have a fantastic weekend weatherwise. why not get out and check out the taste of d.c. in downtown. one of the big events this year, a chili eating contest.
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we're joined by taste of d.c. ceo. and we have a representative from berne's chili bowl. we love ben's chili bowl. >> obviously, we have our -- all of our restaurants. we have over 85 vendors this year. >> that's a lot. >> 100 wines. 40 plus beers and of course, our concert series. we've got big and rich. rusted root and live and then, of course, the major league eating competition with ben's chili bowl. >> we love ben's chili bowl. it is one of our favorites here at the tv station. where is the chili eating contest going to be set up? do you still need people to be a part of it? >> it will be on the maybe stage. the backdrop will be beautiful, the capitol right there on pennsylvania avenue. it will be beautiful weather. the taste of d.c. we've got 12
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to 15 people. we've got an amateur competition on saturday. all of the big pros are coming. >> joey the jaw chestnut, the number one world ranked eater. >> here's video of them doing their thing. isn't it hysterical how the people are skinny and they can eat more than anybody. >> i've never seen anything like it. >> the big guys are coming and the big guys. it will be fabulous. we've got amateurs and locals. everything going on at the taste. it will be a fantastic event. >> for people who have never been, when you go to taste of d.c., do you buy tickets and move your way along the venues? >> for some of the programming like the concerts, you have to prepurchase your tickets online at the taste of you can also prepurchase food and beverage tickets on sale before you get to the actual event. >> does that give you a discount if you prepurchase
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them? >> if you purchase online, you're saving $5. >> wow. >> taste of d.c. let's go over it. saturday, sunday, monday. it is along pennsylvania avenue between 9th and 15th in northwest. look for the big stage, the music and get your eat on, so to speak. >> make sure you take metro. >> good call. >> stewart, good to see you. we have great weather. howard and andrea, over to you. we know chili goes well on hot smokes. we know that from yesterday. just the best birthday ever thanks to my crew and ben's chili bowl. >> lots of great stuff at taste of d.c. >> folks last weekend who had their events. >> they said they had a good time but yeah, it was a little damp. no problems this weekend. in fact, we start with the allergy update. this might be the one that's not so great. mold spores in the high
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category. everything else was low. and mold, record year for mold. your bus stop forecast, it is clear and chilly this morning. we've got 40s and 50s. you might need a little jacket early sunrise at 7:08. the rest of the day looks really, really good. low 50s here at 8:00. low 60s by noon. as we get to the afternoon, we'll be in the upper 60s to near 70. 69 will be the high for today. by 8:00 p.m., we're down to 62. with light wind, a very nice evening out here. you want to go grab a bite outside. eat outside, should be good for that. look at williamsport in the 30s. we've got 40s and 50s. 60 in norfolk this morning. locally, we're down to 45 in gaithersburg. 50 in the shenandoah valley with 54 in fredericksburg and tappahannock. 55 at the pax river air station. 54. north wind at 8 miles per hour.
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the dew point nice and low. 41. the humidity levels are nice and down. winds are going to be light. with a ridge of high pressure in the middle of the country, pretty warm air here. that's what will be moving in toward the weekend into early next week. the west coast, you saw the video from squaw valley if you were with us earlier, there is know out there in the sierras. they may be skiing here in the next couple of weeks. it will be building in toward us with the big storm we had earlier in the week and last weekend now pushing farther and farther away from us. front slips through. that will continue to slip south during the day. high pressure builds in from ontario through northern pennsylvania this afternoon. near us tonight. tonight's wind, tomorrow, fairly light out of the southeast. as we head into saturday, here we are friday evening. we head into saturday. the high continues to pull away. the winds turn more south and southerly. that will bring warmer air in here to finish out the weekend and to go right through columbus day. as we look at the forecast,
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today, near 70. tonight, 40s and low 50s. winds will be light. tomorrow, sunny. nice, 72. for saturday, a warmer day. 77. sunday and monday, columbus day, even better in the low 80s finally by tuesday, we may see a shower later on. high around 80. wednesday, a better chance for showers and storms. highs back in the 70s. monika, the next five, six days looking sweet. >> something to look forward to. thank you so much, howard. unfortunately, i don't have the same news as howard on the northbound side of the bw parkway here as you're looking from sky 9 down at this accident scene before route 198 but north of route 197, a two- car accident. i just got off the phone with park police. officer whiteman told me it was not a major accident. minor injuries but they're waiting on a couple of tow trucks. that's what's taking so long. it looks much bigger than it actually is. it is causing that delay a couple miles northbound side of
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the parkway. southbound, the lanes have remained open for the rush hour flow. we'll keep you posted as the information comes in. i hope it won't be too much longer. let's take a look at our graphics on the beltway, everything is fine. here's what it looks like on the outer loop. you've got your normal rush hour flow leaving 95 heading toward silver spring. a live look at connecticut avenue. up ahead, word of an accident closer to route 355. could be the flashing lights here. we'll keep you posted on that situation as well. take a live look at 270. slow traffic, route 80 to 121 going about 27 miles per hour. 16 minute ride there. then you're ok here in rockville down to the point where the lanes divide. i'll keep you posted on the bw parkway at 6:25. >> 6:19. next in sports, who stole the spotlight in yesterday's baseball playoff games? it wasn't a player. it was a rodent. we asked one about the guys earlier this week. it is time for the ladies. what is the number one thing
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women say they want to change about their husband or boyfriend? is it... >> our facebook friend, claudette is emphatic. b, b, b! i'm not the maid! clean up after yourself. >> keep the guesses coming to your facebook page. we'll have the real answer at 6:54.
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everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors.
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the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. welcome back this thursday morning. you may need a little jacket early otherwise it is going to be a good day today. slightly cooler than yesterday. yesterday, we were 74. today, we'll be lucky to be 70. looking at the day planner, you'll see temperatures climbing through the 50s this morning to 60 at 11:00. lots of sunshine. light winds northeast to southeast 5 miles per hour or less. highs near the 70 degree mark. mike? >> thanks, howard.
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the baseball playoffs, a deciding game five between the yankees and the tigers. the winner moves on to face the texas rangers. >> both series in the national league are tied at two games apiece. the brewers and diamondbacks combined, they had five home runs last night in phoenix. four of them belong to the d backs. chris young hit a pair of long balls. diamondbacks topped the brewers 10-6. the series moves now to milwaukee tomorrow night. the other national league series will also go to a deciding fifth game. the cardinals david drove in four runs yesterday including a pair on this home run in the eighth. st. louis tops philadelphia 5- 3. game five is tomorrow back in philly which has the hottest bullpen, supposedly. >> they say. >> in the game. >> that game yesterday, in st. louis, had a scene-stealer. it had nothing to do with the players. check out the rodents! watch the bottom of the screen as the squirrel runs across home plate. into the stands, just as the
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phillies pitcher was in his windup. it was called a ball. he argued it should have been no pitch but the ump disagreed. look at this. >> yikes! >> funny. >> thank goodness it was a squirrel and not a rat. >> more on the death of steve jobs and the legacy of the man behind the mac, the iphone and so much more. >> is it a revolution in computers? learn about this tablet going on sale for $35. >> right now, monika has a quick check on traffic. >> thank you so much, andrea. we're taking a look live from sky 9 on the northbound side of the bw parkway. accident cleanup moved to the left shoulder but the damage is done. at least a couple miles back up northbound, i'll have more on this and other area roadways coming up next. you're watching 9news now. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ oh, won't you be good to yourself? ♪ ♪ and don't you feel like coming home? ♪ ♪ ♪ it'll be like coming home [ male announcer ] some rooms feel like a fish bowl. but in our roomy suites, you can spread out and live a little. with breakfast, dinner, and drinks included, you'll feel right at home. ♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪
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you need the patch. (announcer) icy hot patches. targeted no-mess relief. icy to dull pain. hot to relax it away. pain's no match for the icy hot patch. 6:29. this is the place you always get your weather first. let's take a live look down pennsylvania avenue at the u.s. capitol. beautiful shot. mostly clear skies over d.c. right now. 52 degrees. >> it looks like a painting. >> it does. beautiful. >> thanks for joining us. we're glad you're starting your day with us here at 9news now.
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i'm mike hydeck. >> i'm andrea roane. howard bernstein has a jacket on. it is cool. >> a little chilly. temps in the low to mid-50s. some in the upper 40s. bus stop in a little while or taking a walk, you probably need a sweatshirt or something but a great day ahead. check out our day planner. we're looking at temperatures by noon into the low 60s. a tad cooler than yesterday with highs only approaching 70 give or take a couple. right now, 54 at reagan national. with clear skies. you're not seeing anything on the satellite and radar. there is a touch of fog out toward petersburg. they're 45. it is 47 in la plata. 50 in martinsburg and culpepper. the naval academy checking in at 55 and a brisk 46 in easton. we're looking at highs later today in the upper 60s, low 70s. another beautiful day ahead. we'll talk about the weekend next time i see you. let's talk to smom getting busy. >> it has been getting busy. we'll take a live look at the bw parkway, the right side of
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your screen is the northbound side of the bw parkway. the accident has been here for awhile. north of route 197 in the laurel area. park police tell me it was only two cars involved with minor injuries and a tow truck literally just arrived. i saw it pull in at about 6:29. it is going to take a couple of minutes before they can clear it out. a couple of miles of back-up northbound on the bw parkway with that right lane getting by. southbound is not affected by the accident. we're going to take you over to some maps now. first of all, the beltway north of town, slow stuff into silver spring as you can see there. we'll zoom into arlington and clarendon where there has been a water main break on washington boulevard at wilson boulevard. center lane is blocked there in clarendon. let's go live now over to 95. we've got about a 22-minute ride from dale city into newington. then you'll be ok into springfield here. let's go back out to the beltway. and this time, we're going to zoom into the other side of town. the beltway north of town is taking a live look here at new
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hampshire avenue. that is your slow traffic. trying to get into silver spring but the lanes are open until you get to connecticut avenue where i'm getting word of an accident. no lane information given on that as of yet. now, before i go, i have a commuter alert for everyone driving through d.c. a big step forward on the new 11th street bridge project. the new flyover ramp for southbound 295 will open this weekend. southbound 295 will open this weekend. that's the big gray ramp on the left side of this picture. expect some closures. you see that, andrea? the straight one there. you can expect some closures and delays this weekend as crews shift the lanes. the whole project should be done july 2013 that will include a new link from eastbound to northbound 295. when that flyover bridge is done, that will rise 68 feet high. kind of cool. very pretty. >> it is a mess getting through there now. >> oh, my goodness.
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>> minimize the impact on traffic. but in the end, it will also improve access for bicyclists and pedestrians. >> overall, it will be great. >> patience. >> yes. >> 2015. >> we take a live look at the apple store now in the clarendon section of arlington. where there will no doubt be people there remembering the man behind it all, steve jobs. >> the public face of the company that brought us apple computers, ipods and iphones has died. he was 56 years old. >> greg black takes a look at the legacy of jobs and the tech world left in mourning. >> around the world and around the web, tributes have been pouring in for steve jobs. he's been called a visionary, a creative genius. his products in the homes and hands of millions of people all around the world. >> everything i use, my computer at work, my computer at home, my iphone, eyewitness news pad, i don't think there's anybody out there who
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doesn't touch an apple product on a daily basis. >> reporter: there was an outpouring of grief over jobs death in california. fans left flowers, cards, photos, all in memory of the former apple ceo. >> here is a guy that created schools that everyone in the world, billions of people just love and feel happy about and good about. >> jobs revealed he had pancreatic cancer in 2004. a year later, he would deliver this speech at a stanford university commencement address. >> no one wants to die. even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. and yet death is the destination we all share. no one is ever escaped it. that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life. it is life's changing, it clears out the old to make way for the new. >> those who knew jobs say he was at the forefront of new.
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innovating gadgets that will be remembered for generations to come. >> i'm greg black for 9news now. president obama even released a statement on the white house web site. it reads in part,... later this morning, crews will start cleaning up a prince william county mobile home park devastated by tropical storm lee. the holly acres neighborhood in woodbridge, virginia, was devastated by the creek. many of the families are still looking for new homes. most of them lost everything. lee's heavy rains flooded more than 40 homes there last month. the cleanup is expected to take all weekend long. federal disaster relief is coming to parts of maryland damaged by lee. yesterday, president obama declared a major disaster for parts of anne arundel, prince george's county, charles and cecil counties. the verdict could come as early as today in the murder trial against carmella della rosa, the fairfax, virginia
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woman charged with throwing her 2-year-old granddaughter from a skywalk at tysons corner center. the girl died. defense attorneys say della rosa suffers from mental illness and didn't understand what she was doing. prosecutors, however, say she knew what she was doing was right from wrong and she was seeking revenge against her son- in-law. she could be sentenced to life in prison if she is convicted. a coalition of groups upset about the economy, lack of jobs, wars in iraq and afghanistan and other causes is descending on washington today. a massive protest is being planned at freedom plaza in northwest. surae chinn is there live and this isn't the first day of protest, correct, surae? >> it is not. they've been here all week long. protesting. we have even seen people camping out at mcpherson square a couple of miles from here. protestors want to build on that today where thousands are expected to be here at freedom
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plaza. >> jobs not cut. >> prosecutors say there is a lot wrong with our country right now. not just jobs but politics, corporate greed, financial inequality, demonstrated at mcpherson square plan to move here to freedom plaza. folks want the same images we've been seeing in new york here in the district of columbia. the movement entering its third week of occupy wall street has spread across the country. chicago, st. louis, seattle and here in the nation's capital. >> it is bad because i can't do what i want to do for my family. i got 14 grandchildren. they need me. >> still, so many people in a tough situation. protestors are planning to march down to the u.s. chamber of commerce which is just across the street from the white house. they are set to be carrying resumes and applications, asking and demanding for jobs. things start around noon today
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with a concert and a rally. folks are being asked to arrive here around 9:00 at freedom plaza. mike, andrea? >> surae chinn reporting live at freedom plaza and this is -- again, this is going to be a gathering place for other types of protestors as well. this was the scene wednesday on wall street in new york. what started as a small protest against the financial industry is growing. protestors are getting support from labor unions and other progressive groups. >> and this scene, was 3,000 miles away in seattle, washington. more protestors refused to follow police instructions. a scuffle broke out before four wound up under arrest. jessica doyle is off today. we're still watching your money. when it comes to how we're going to spend money this holiday, the prediction is average. the national retail federation expects a modest growth in
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spending this year. the forecast is out today and estimates we'll spend 2.8% more than we did last year. that's a nationwide total of about $465 billion. it also estimates stores will hire about half a million seasonal workers in november and december this year. the ice cream restaurant chain friendlies has filed for bankruptcy. it blames increased competition for it. it has closed 63 stores meaning 1200 people are out of work. friendlies has restaurants in silver spring, burke, sterling and crofton. how about being able to get $35 price tag for a tablet computer? that's the asking price for a new seven inch wide computer from india. it is designed to bring monotechnology to rural parts. they're hoping to get internet access for 220 million children there. it is 6:39. howard says it is going to be another great day. sunny skies with highs near 70.
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>> up next, find out when we'll be back in the 80s. keep it here with 9news now.
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welcome back. weather first time now. 6:4. you heard me complain earlier this week, enough with the rain. we talked about mold spores and -- >> just to stop mike from complaining, we've had a whole pattern here. >> i'll take it. >> we got it yesterday. great day. going to be a bunch of great days between now and tuesday. tuesday is about the next chance for some rain. a little chilly. >> is that enough for you? >> it is gorgeous. >> here is your bus stop forecast. mike is right about the chill. i needed the jacket out on the weather terrace. temperatures are down in the low to mid-50s. we're seeing more and more mid to upper 40s showing up in the suburbs. 47 to 57 is our range at the
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bus stop over the next couple of hours with sunrise here not until 7:08. our day planner today, lots of sunshine. that's a given. 63 by noon. light winds northwest to southeast. 5 miles per hour or even less. could be dead calm this afternoon. as the highs get toward 70 degrees in spots. 49 in bowie. college park and andrews in baden down to 46. in town right now, we're down to 54. it is a little bit on the chilly side. national, a north wind at 8. many areas, the winds are very light. dew points down into the lower 40s. we've got great weather. i talked about this for a couple of days. it is called an omega block because it is like the greek letter omega here in the atmosphere. things aren't moving quickly at all. nice weather in the middle of the country will be moving toward us.
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unsettled weather. some of the ski areas up in california and also in the rockies, starting to get snowfall that's going to maybe lead to an early ski season out there. for us, nice weather will be building in here. we'll sit high and dry today, tomorrow, right through the weekend. and the warmer weather that's in the middle of the country, that will be moving toward us as well. temperatures on the way up after today. today, cooler than yesterday. 69. yesterday, we were 74. more 40s and low 50s tonight. tomorrow, 72. a very nice day. saturday, a gorgeous one. 77. and it is going to be warm. it is going to be warm sunday and monday, columbus day. i know a lot of folks have that day off. a shower possible by tuesday. monika? >> what was that w word? >> warm! >> loving it. thank you so much, howard. i'm going to show what you it looks like live from sky 9 here at prince george's county. the right side of your screen is the northbound side of the bw parkway, the accident up ahead past route 197, along the
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left side of the road for over an hour now. two cars involved. one into the woods. took awhile for the tow trucks to get on to the scene. that's why it has taken so long to clear it up. southbound bw parkway has been open the entire time. i'm going to show you on a map where this is and what's happened because of it. first of all, the accidents right here northbound past 197, you can see all of the yellow cars. delays begin down at powder mill road. a lot of people chose to skip the bw parkway, use the outer loop to get over to 95 and 95, the extra pressure as well because of it. let's take a look live at the beltway in college park. look at that. all of people not getting on to the b washings parkway. that was what put the extra pressure on 95 southbound. the delay extends into silver spring about a 25 minute ride to get to about university boulevard. now, let's take a look at 66 on the inbound side. no problems except for the slow traffic from gainesville to route 50. that will take you about a half
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hour there. 395, not too bad here. just a little congested in landmark heading up toward the 14th street bridge. i'll update you on the bw parkway coming up next. back to you, andrea. >> coming up on 6:48, this is breast cancer awareness month. joining in the fight is the hard rock cafe with its event called pink-tober. we're joined by pia. they know you from "american idol." you were robbed a lot of people are still saying that. >> thank you. >> things have gone well for you no matter what happened there. you're here tonight at d.c.'s hard rock cafe. >> i am. >> what's happening at pink- tober? i'm performing at the pink- tober, held at every hard rock cafe around the world. all of the proceeds go to city of hope and the foundation. i'm humble to be here. it is an honor.
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>> it is amazing. that will be tonight at 8:30, i believe it is. but then before then, people who have spent a little bit extra money on the tickets can be a part of a special reception that you're going to be attending. all kinds of things. you're also doing more than just performing at this. you're making a special donation. tell us about that. >> i am. i'm donating one of my favorite dresses that i was able to perform in during the show on "american idol." it was for elton john week when i sang don't let the sun go down on me. it was one of my favorites. i wore it on tour. i'm donating that and $1,000 is donated to city of hope as well. >> very good. again, with you being there and hard rock cafe, it also brings awareness to the fact that younger women also need to know that they, too, could be at risk for breast cancer. there is also another special donation, a pink guitar. >> i'm wearing the pin. >> a pink guitar that melissa etheridge played during her summer tour. that's also going to be
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auctioned off. a lot of things going on. a lot of fun tonight. tickets are still available. d.c.'s hard rock cafe at 999e street right across the street from ford theatre. check it out. see pia tuscan know in person and help raise awareness for breast cancer. so glad you came in. we know taking care of your voice for tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> a check on the news before you go is up next.
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6:53. we're looking good today. a little chilly this morning. but a nice day. we'll have temps in the low 60s by noon. upper 60s to low 70s by later in the day.
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>> thanks, howard. it is thursday, october 6th. here's a check of the news before you go. a driver say police led them on a -- police say led them on a short chase died. police tried to pull him over. he had led them on to a pursuit. he hit a tree and he died at the scene. his name is not being released. the group maryland citizens health initiative wants the state to hike cigarette tax another dollar a pack. the money would go toward healthcare and stop smoking programs. right now, the free state puts a $2 a pack tax on cigarettes. >> inspections are done now on the outside of the washington monument over the last week, you may have seen crews on the outside. they were checking for removed and loose stones and mortar. the monument is still closed indefinitely to tourists though. >> time to answer our question of the morning. what is the number one thing women say they want to change about their husband or boyfriend?
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is it... >> heck with the emotion. the answer is b, guys, clean up after yourselves! you're a bunch of slobs! we'll check weather and traffic one more time when 9news now returns. [ speaking french ]
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[ speaking french ]
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movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah.
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check out this shot. looking down pennsylvania avenue. photojournalist kevin king out there for us this morning. we're looking atgy a fine start to your thursday. today is going to be another nice day. up near 70. low 70s tomorrow. a great weekend. upper 70s saturday.
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low 80s sunday into columbus day. monika? >> we're going to take a live look from sky 9. northbound on the bw parkway where delays begin at the beltway. they extend past 175 with the early morning accident has been cleared. let's take a look at the beltway where the outer loop has the extra pressure. look like this all the way into silver spring as well. >> we thank pia for coming in. "the early show" is next. they'll have more on the death of steve jobs plus a preview of today's visit to washington by gabrielle giffords. >> howard and i will be back in 25 minutes with a live update on traffic and weather. >> you can join us with your news, weather and traffic by visiting >> howard says sunshine is on the way. we'll see you back here at 4:25 tomorrow morning. take care, everybody. >> bye-bye.


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