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tv   The Early Show  CBS  October 22, 2011 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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captioning funded by cbs good morning. home for the holidays, after more than eight years, 4,400 american lives and more than a trillion dollars, president obama says u.s. troops in iraq will be home by the end of the year, but the decision does not come without risk. after gadhafi, liberation will be declared tomorrow, but soon the celebrations end and the business of governing begins. after 42 years of being ruled by a tyrant, can libyans unite and create a stable country?
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and dear carrie. dyan cannon spent three years married to cary grant and now she is opening up about those turbulent years. she joins us "early" saturday morning, october 22nd, 2011. the sun is peaking through the clouds over new york city. we are here joining us on a saturday. welcome to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. good morning. >> i'm russ mitchell. good morning on this beautiful saturday here. welcome back, my friend. >> welcome back to you, my friend. we had last week off and well rested and ready to rock is out today. >> after more than eight years of war costing the lives of more than 4,400 troops, president obama says u.s. troops in iraq will be home for the holidays but the decision does not come without risk. cbs news correspondent wyatt andrews is he is white house with the very latest.
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>> reporter: russ, good morning. the president this is both a success and a failure all at the same time. a success because after those eight years of war, u.s. military involvement in iraq is over. but it's a failure because a complete withdrawal of those forces is not exactly what the white house or the pentagon had wanted. >> today, i can report that as promised, the rest of our troops in iraq will come home by the end of the year. after nearly nine years, america's war in iraq will be over. >> reporter: the war began with shock and awe. it toppled dictator saddam hussein and it cost $805 billion but took the lives of 4,500 u.s. troops and it left more than 39 thousand wounded. today, almost 39,000 troops are still in iraq and the question in negotiations was how many should stay to train iraqi
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security forces against potential terror plots, especially from iraq. the u.s. wanted those forces immune from criminal prosecution but the prime minister could not agree and the troops are coming home. to republicans in congress, the withdrawal is a mistake that strengthens iran. senator john mccain called it a strategic victory for our enemies in the middle east especially the iranian regime but the president says the pullback fulfills a campaign promise in 2008 and his claim of success will become a campaign issue in 2012. >> the tide of war is receding. the draw down in iraq allowed us to refocus our fight against al qaeda and achieve major victories against this leadership, including osama bin laden. >> the draw down will mean 16,000 american aid workers and diplomats and private contractors will remain in iraq
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but the president has ordered the military home for the holidays. russ? >> wyatt andrews at the white house, thank you very much. joining us for a closer look is retired general marks. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> from your vantage point, is leaving iraq at this point a good idea? >> it's not a good idea and an unfortunate decision that the president made on several levels. strategically it gives the initiative to the iranian regime tehran must be excited about the news the u.s. is going to withdrawal. the u.s. will still have a very robust presence in the region but we won't have boots on the ground in iraq so we will still be able to aassist with surveillance on the border between iran and iraq which i think is critical and able to share that intelligence with the iraqis. i would also suggest we are going to have a very strong military foreign presence and
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probably leave equipment behind for the iraqis and they will continue to, i hope, buy their equipment from us so we can maintain that type of maintenance sport and training embedded capabilities. >> general, let me ask you, what is your immediate concern? you say it's not a good idea. immediately, what do you think the biggest problem would be? >> the biggest concern right now is the border between iraq and iran is as poorest as it can be. with the training of the iraqi forces by the u.s., that continues to be -- would continue to be a focus and would get attention. the concern that i have overall, russ, is that in order to grow a military, you have to start with a noncommissioned officer. that takes about 8 to 9 years. the iraqis are not there yet. they have pockets of capabilities in that military and that needs to continue to be focused on and to receive the type of training. >> you say from a military standpoint. in your mind, this doesn't make sense in your mind. why do you think the president made this decision?
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>> i think many would say he didn't have any choice, that maliki could not get his government in line. what we pay our commander in chief to do is to represent the united states best interest and that needed to be a very aggressive diplomatic effort with baghdad and really work hard to ensure that we could maintain a longer relationship with the iraqis. they have now asked us to depart. they will continue to be our friends, i can guarantee you. they are not right now our allies. they have asked us to leave. we should have presence on the ground to continue to help them grow their military forces. they need to be able to shore that up. >> you touched on the u.s. role in the future even though the troops won't be there. how long do you think the u.s. will be involved in iraq in some way or another? >> i think it's probably forever. we will have a relationship with them that is very, very deep. unfortunately, we won't have a presence on the ground. we probably will have a presence in kuwait, pretty significant,
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and gives them an over the horizon capability to respond. i think the iraqis will be our friend but right now they are not acting like friends. >> thank you, general. >> thank you, russ. we turn to libya where the ruling national transitional council plans to take the next step after the death of dictator moammar gadhafi. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer is in the libyan capital in tripoli and good morning to you, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning. we have just heard in the last few moments that libya's interim prime minister says he will step down effective today. it is something he said he would do once the country was fully liberated. the death of gadhafi has allowed the transitional national council to declare that that is the case. in fact, they are going to have a formal ceremony to mark that tomorrow in benghazi. and elections are slated for
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some time next summer but to get from there to here will be daunting. first start, the country is a wash in weapons. they fought bravely, if chaotically to overthrow gadhafi but working as libya's interim force and some act like gangs above the law. they won't want to give that up without a fight, especially to civilian politicians they might not agree with. in libya's favor it has a population that is committed to delivering a modern muslim democracy. thank god gadhafi was captured and killed. god willing, we will begin a new era of freedom after 42 years of oppression. late into last night, libyans partied. as long as he was alive, gadhafi cast a shadow over their dreams of stability and more freedom.
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now he is definitely dead and they can stop worrying. the libyan government is still worrying about it, though. as far as we know, gadhafi still hasn't been buried. the government doesn't want any grave to become kind of a shrine or a rallying point for violent insurgency so that is a tricky political decision. as far as we know, they are still waiting. >> a lot left open there. elizabeth palmer in libya, thank you for joining us. for more on what is next for libya and other dictators in the middle east we turn to jamie rubin. great to have you with us. >> nice to be here. >> liz raised this in her report. it's easy to unite around a common enemy but much harder to unite around a common objective. are they going to be able to create a new democracy that is stable in libya now? >> not quickly and not easily. but i think the momentum is certainly on the right side. there has been a lot of goodwill in the international community.
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people in the region urging the success of this government. they are going to get help from abroad. they have got oil resources on their side. so the momentum is good. unfortunately, for four decades, they have lived under this dictatorship and there are no institutions, no civil society, no rule of law, none of the things that we in the west are used to that we call government exists there. it's a tribal structure and if those tribes can find a way to share power, things can move forward successfully. >> you raised the point about the tribal structure and libya, there are more tribes in libya than really any other place in the arab world. for everything he did, gadhafi was able to keep some level of decorum among these tribes. what does it take for the next round of leadership to do that and can they? >> we don't know whether they will succeed in having the kind of stable democratic government
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that the world would like to see. they certainly have started off reasonably well. they gathered together all of their opposition forces into some form of unified transadditional council. they fought a war together. they had, as you said, a single objective of getting rid of gadhafi. that's easier than building. so it's going to be difficult and the west is going to have to provide help if we want it to succeed. their neighbors will have to provide help if they want it to succeed. we don't want to see it devolve into a situation one part of the country is fighting against tribes from another tribe or different tribes are fighting or islamic elements get the upper hand. i feel optimistic about libya because of the goodwill that exists in the world, the success of their revolution, the way in which the world united behind them. but it's going to be a really, really long road for them to get to a stable government. >> i want to quickly get to the neighborhood because we have already seen images coming our syria with the people of syria
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likening their leader assad to gadhafi waving the libya flag in their town suggesting perhaps we will see another overthrow. do you think it's likely in both there, as well as in yemen? >> syria and libya are very different places. the world is not likely to unite around the idea of supporting the syrian opposition because china and russia are determined to be on the side of the dictator there, mr. assad. the outside world is divided and the internal situation is far, far digfferent. i think what we are likely to see in syria is a long term low level conflict where people are fighting in the streets, where brave young syrians are prepared to fight for their freedom but the outside world has not figured out a way to help them. >> we will continue this conversation undoubtedly. jamie rubin, thank you for joining us. time now to turn to campaign 2012. the republican presidential
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candidates battling to challenge president obama. joining us now are robert zimmerman democratic strategist and ed rollins, republican strategist and former campaign manager for michele bachmann. good morning. >> good morning. >> talk about national security in a moment. let's talk about michele bachmann the latest from her campaign. word her entire new hampshire has quit and her campaign manager ed rollins quit. look who is here today. is her campaign becoming unglued? >> i think she has the focus in iowa. if she doesn't win there, she has a ticket out. the campaign narrow down to raising money which romney and perry have and the others have to win somewhere. >> you leave, the staff quits. what does that say to folks who supporter? >> i think plenty of supporters out there. hers and my difference had nothing whether she can or cannot win. iowa has to be her focus.
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>> president obama on his watch, osama bin laden has been killed and gadhafi now killed and troops coming home from iraq. as far as campaign 2012 is concerned and the issue of national security, can the republicans touch him on this? >> not only can they not touch him, if you watch their attacks on him, the comments, for example, from mitt romney, the obama campaign directly engaged and responded to the attacks are so partisan and so shrill it is out of the mainstream of the american people. president obama implemented the bush withdrawal program. when this plan was announced by the bush administration you didn't here mitt romney or john mccain or any of the candidates talk about this premature and wait until the generals have to say and they accepted it. now obama but the successful in place they are turning around in a partisan way that undermines the men and women in battle. >> ed, do you think? >> unless something happens the eight or nine months we
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withdrawal. more this election is about the economy. clearly the foreign policy is using a american issue not a republican or democrat issue. the candidates have to attempt to draw the line. i think we ought to applaud our american troops who have done an extraordinary job there. we weren't welcome any more there. i think it was time for us to leave. >> herman cain the game with the ball and seems to be the game of kill the man with the ball. are his 15 minutes up? >> not right now. i think he has the ability to continue on even though he won't have the resources. i don't believe he'll be the nominee of the republican party. >> herman cain is making mitt romney look consistent. taking both sides of the issue of negotiating with terrorists and redefined his tax plan and taken both sides of the abortion battle. he is just out there selling books and building up speaking fees. >> ask you about the debate but we are out of time so more debates to come. >> unfortunately, many, many
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more. >> thank you both very much. now for the rest of this morning's headlines, let's go over to cbs news correspondent and one news anchor and our good pal, betty nguyen. >> all of those. good morning, russ and to you. ohio is cracking down on private ownership of exotic wild animals. this after police shot and killed about 50 of them last week in zanesville. their owner released them from their cages and took his own life. the governor john kasich signed temporary measures and permanent ones are being drafted. berkeley, california, residents are on edge this morning following three more aftershocks just after midnight. two stronger quakes hit the area thursday. there are no reports of damage or injuries from any of the five tremors. ironically, this is the 22nd anniversary of a earthquake in the bay area during the world series that killed 63 people. a search for a missing baby girl in kansas city, missouri is
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again focusing on the family home. police say an fbi cadaver dog consented a dead person there earlier this week. there recently is disturbed soil in the backyard but attorneys for lisa irwin's parents say there could be other reasons for the dog's reaction and that the parents are cooperating with police. the baby was first reported missing two and a half weeks ago. on wall street, the market has staged a major comeback. the dow rose 267 points yesterday, closing just over 11,000800. it has gained nearly 11% since october 3rd when itt sank to it lowest point of the year. strong corporate earnings and a sense that europe may solve its debt crisis has given investors new confidence. listen up. britain's prince harry apparently is smitten with a california girl. he is here in the states for military training and during time off he met a 26-year-old cocktail waitress named jessica
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donaldson. it's reported she looks a lot like like harry's sister-in-law, ka kate. did you see see that. >> i'm picking up on the tattoo. >> just a little bit. >> just a little bit! >> tiny. in terms of the weather headlines it's really a classic fall pattern out there. it's a quiet time of the year. much of the nation dry. a few areas have some precipitation. nothing big i'll point out. no big organized weekend sforms for anybody. this is a bit of precipitation out there. no big problems happening. the big change will take place as you get into the mid week because we are watching a strong cold front to come through the pacific northwest and the northern rockies. i think you could be seeing snow by tuesday or wednesday.
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that's a look at the weather across the nation. now here's a look at what's going on outside your window. make it a great saturday. a new biography of the late steve jobs is about to hit the stands and it offers unique insight into the life of the former apple ceo. "60 minutes" steve kroft saturday down recently with the author walter isaacsson and talked about the jobs' controversial decision to delay treatment to treat his cancer. >> they do a biopsy and say this is good. slow growing 5% of pancreatic
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cancer that can be treated. but steve jobs goes to spiritualists and trying to do it make role biotically and he doesn't get it operated on. >> why doesn't he get it operated on immediately? >> i asked him that. he said i didn't want my body to be open. i didn't want to be violated in that way. he is regretful about it. his wife is a very solid, decent person but says, the body is there to serve the spirit. you should get this operated on. soon everybody is telling him quit trying to treat with these roots and vegetables and things opinion just get operated on but he does it nine months later. >> too late? >> well, one assumes it's too late because by the time they operate had him, they notice that it has spread to the tissues around the pancreas. >> how could such a smart man do such a stupid thing? >> i think he kind of felt if you ignore something, if you
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don't want something to exist, you can have magical thinking. it had worked for him had the past. he regret it. >> hors to discuss jobs' choices is dr. ready. you watched this. it's shocking to hear he didn't get it treated. i now it's hard to discuss because you everything about steve jobs going into it but do you think things may have got different had he had it treated earlier? >> it's important to discuss the treatment he had. had a very different pancreatic cancer. adenoid cancer is seven months overall. but like steve jobs type of cancer, they can live for years. it's a slow growing cancer. i don't know what his images showed at the time this was diagnosed but i can say on a
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statistical basis most of our patients even when be think we are taking them to surgery for a cure, they recur. most of the patients have this cancer come back. having said that surgery is the only option for cure if it hasn't spread. >> you're saying he could walk away cancer-free had he done this perhaps but it could have come back as well? >> exactly. and also it's -- this is a cancer because it's so slow growing often we take them to surgery even when it has spread but it's not for curative intent but to take out as much cancer as possible. i don't know in fin would know if his cancer was curative. most of our patients have the cancer at a microscopic level at another place and probably would have come back. >> as a doctor, you what i do this about alternative methods? because many people do, when they get that prognosis, they do pursue them. >> right. so as an oncologist, i studied
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nutrition as an undergrad and i think it's important for prevention. cancer oncology treatment is based on data and evidence. no data whatsoever to support the use of nutrition alternative therapies or vitamins to treat cancer. it just doesn't help. we wish it could. it doesn't. in fact, we have a couple of studies to show that iv vitamins can make patients with cancer do worse? >> really? doctor, we appreciate it. >> my pleasure to be here. thank you so much. >> you can steve kroft's interview with steve jobs biographer on "60 minutes" sunday night on cbs. we will be right back.
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russ, what do you think about your st. louis cards these days? >> 1-1. >> tied with the texas rangers in the world series. the big news out of st. louis is this guy, albert pujols. arguably, he is the best player in the league. the guy is fantastic. he has been with the cardinals his entire career. it is payday. he is up for a big raise. the big question can st. louis afford him? is he going somewhere else? he is really popular in st. louis and does a a lot of things for the community. >> you love this guy?
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>> he's a great guy. a great guy. we will talk to
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♪ what a beautiful day in new york city. looks fantastic. a look at central park, the upper west side of manhattan off in the distance. new jersey. those mountains. that is the rocky mountains, right? >> that's exactly it. i think it might be russia actually. you never know. >> you never know. welcome back to "the early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. in a moment, st. louis braces for heartbreaks as one of its greatest citizens, baseball great, albert pujols maybe about to leave. >> say it ain't so. the former ceo of citigroup stops by and talking about his
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growing anger at big banks. dollars for doctors. are drug companies influencing doctors to push their pills? it's all coming up on our "healthwatch." we begin with what they are calling the st. louis blues. the past 11 years, cardinals slugger albert pujols has hit his way into the record books and also become beloved in his adopted city for his charitable work off the diamond. his team is back in the world series playing some team called the texas rangers. but st. louis fans are worried his days as a cardinal may be about to end. >> that one is hit high and deep into left field by the rookie pujols. >> reporter: since entering the majors in 2001, albert pujols has dominated baseball. >> home run! >> reporter: accomplish be something no player in history has ever achieved. batting over .300 with more than 30 home runs and a hundred rbis in each of the first ten years of his career. even more impressive may be pujols, the man, as a "60 minutes" correspondent bob simon
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found out at the he caught up with the star at his annual at for downs syndrome. >> tuxedo, nice dress. like they want to go all night until the next day and don't want the day to be over. >> reporter: and neither did albert. every kid wanted to dance with albert and he never said no. by the end of the evening, he looked like he had just finished a double-header in august. >> must be the highlight of the year for them? >> and for me too. any time i'm around them, i enjoy it and have a great time. >> albert! >> reporter: fans have reveled in watching pujols the player carry not just the cardinals but the entire city on his back. as the world series shifts from st. louis to texas, pujols may have played his last game in the city that can't live without him. the 31-year-old future hall of famer has asked for a ten-year contract worth at least $230
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million. and the smaller market cards might not be able to hold off the big market teams desperate for his services. >> go, cardinals! >> reporter: fans in the city famous for its gateway arch hope that pujols takes less to stay in st. louis and take comfort in knowing pujols will bend over backwards for those he cares about. once again, bob simon. >> reporter: albert quietly left houston's ballpark and went to the texas children hospital. he heard a 13-year-old boy was there who couldn't make it to the game because he had a malignant brain tumor. albert came with a gift for brandon johnson. it was the bat that had what kind that 400th homer five nights earlier. he signed it, said a prayer, stayed for an hour. brandon is still with us and the bat is still with him. he hangs onto it the way he hangs on to life. because of his surgery, it's not easy for him to express what that visit and that bat mean to
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him. do you remember what you felt when he walked into the door? >> i got real happy. >> reporter: albert did not come to see brandon with a gaggle of photographers. it was not a publicity stunt. albert pujols has shown us many things since he came to america, becoming a great baseball player is only one of them. >> for more on albert pujols, let's turn to brian burnwell who with the st. louis dispatch. he is in arlington where betty guyen's rangers take on the cardinals tonight in game three of the world series. the world series is tied at one game apiece. in your mind, where does albert pujols rank in terms of the best all-time players? >> you know what? tony la russa, you always ask him this question and he has a really good response. he says you know what? i don't know if you can qualify and say that he number one or number two or number three, but the fact that he is in the
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conversation seems to be pretty good. >> full disclosure from folks who didn't know this. i'm from st. louis and have a take on this as well. brian, how do you think the city of st. louis would react if pujols were to leave town? >> there are not enough bridges or buildings for people to jump off of, quite frankly. this is a big deal. this is a really big deal if he were to leave. >> i know at one time, having grown up there, it's always a small market baseball bat. they don't have the money as the big markets. in the old days the brewery owned the team and give the player brewery distributorship if they played for the cardinals. do you think this is a done deal if that he will stay in st. louis? >> i don't know. when people ask me, to get the answer you need to know a couple of things. number one, does albert pujols want to be considered the highest paid player in baseball? he has never said that. a lot of people have assumed that but he has never said it.
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the other thing is, well, if he doesn't want to do that, then is it more important to him to one of those rare franchise icons who was associated throughout his entire career in one place. i don't know whether he can get both in st. louis but i do believe he ought to be able to get both. >> brian, have any other teams expressed interest at this point in pujols? >> well, you know what? technically, they can't do that. you have to assume the good news for st. louis most of the big market teams like the yankees, the red sox, you know, they are not going to be in this bidding. but the wild cards in this are teams like chicago, the chicago cubs, and the washington senators. the senators have shown in recent years they are not afraid to spend big money and you never know what theo epstein is going to do now that he is running the chicago cubs. that, i think, would be the ultimate insult to st. louis for albert to end up in a cubs uniform because, as you know, because you're from st. louis, there is only one thing that the
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cardinals hate more than losing and i think it's losing to the cubs. >> i think you're right. brian burwell, my friend, thank you so much. appreciate your joining us. talk to you soon. >> my pleasure. >> 24 minutes before the hour, lonnie quinn is here with another check of the weather. >> i got to tell you after watching that piece i think i have a new major league baseball player who is my favorite. that guy comes across great. a great individual and great ballplayer. talk about great weather. a great fall pattern out there. calm and seasonable conditions for almost the entire u.s. of a. nice fall weekend. talk about where the nice fall colors are. portions of new england and adirondacks, around the great lakes. peak foliage viewing this weekend. if you look at the national satellite and radar picture, it's pretty quiet out there. this is what we expect this time of the year. i talk about seasonable the plaintiffs. northeast 60 degrees and great
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lakes 50s and gulf coast temperatures in the upper 70s. fall-like weather because we are in, you got it, the fall! happy saturday, everybody. coming up next, the other side of the "occupy wall street" protests. sandy weil will talk about the growing number between big banks and his work in the community. this is "the early show" on cbs. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by by the u.s. postal service. s a winner. ha, not me! cause shipping is a hassle. different states, different rates. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate.
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♪ that comes fromove a little green leaf ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. ♪ in this morning's "moneywatch," sandy weil is the former ceo of citigroup and now he is the chairman of the national academy foundation, an
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organization that helps prepare young people for college and career success and sandy joins us this morning to talk talk about the foundation and the latest news in the financial industry. great to have you with us. >> thank you for being here. thank you. >> this is an organization you founded 30 years ago, 30 plus years ago. >> right. >> you've been very involved in it. what do you think makes the organization successful? >> i think what makes the organization successful is we teach kids about what the world is about today and where there are opportunities. we have mentoring, we have summer internships so that they get to understand that education is going to be the key that opens the door to their financial future, that there's something beyond that entry level job. we teach them to feel good about themselves and we now are in 500 schools and 42 states with 50,000 kids. our graduation rate is over 90%. nearly double what it is in similar schools in the same
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community. and about 80% to 83% of these kids go on to college. they do well and much better than other kids from the same community ten years after they have graduated from high school. so we have a program that works. >> you mentioned that people are doing internships, that they are getting experience also outside of the classroom. how do you formulate those relationships with businesses and companies to make sure it's not just a classroom experience? >> well, we have 2,500 companies and government agencies that participate with us in the local communities, so they are the ones that really offer the young people the opportunities and they stay with these young people and it really opens up their eyes to what the world is really about, and if we don't understand that we have to educate our people, america is not going to be the leading country in the world that it is today, and when you look at, for example, engineering, where there is great opportunities, less than 3% of the engineers in the united states come from the minority community, but we are
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not educating people about where the jobs are and that is one of the problems why unemployment is so high today. >> i want to get to that high unemployment because that is one of the things driving these "occupy wall street" protests that have been happening all over new york city. do you think the ankle remember towards big banks like citigroup, for example, is merited? >> well, what i really think is that it's time to stop pointing fingers about the past. i think there's plenty of responsibility to go around in what created the problems, especially in the housing market and the mortgage market from regulations, from government, from government agencies, and the financial industry. but i think that we want to get our country moving again and we want to create jobs. we got to start getting people to work together and we will not be able to build this country again unless we get the financial industry to be partners with the government,
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with all of the different constituencies and work towards getting our country moving. if we are so possessed with thinking about the past, and pointing fingers, we will not get moving and that is bad. >> we are almost out of time here. what do you think about breaking up banking practices that are, for example, prioritiary trading from commercial bankses can't make deposits with common people and then on the alternative side, take risks in the stock market? >> listen. i was brought up for america to be a leader. and our country had the leading financial institutions in the world. everybody is copying our model of capitalism. the communist countries are capitalists. i think it's a shame to get the financial industry where we can't be the leaders in the future. we should be. that's what america is all about. >> i would love to talk to you further about this but we are out of time. sandy weill, thank you for being with us. >> thanks very much, rebecca.
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outrage over doctors getting money from drug companies, we will take a look at whether their cozy relationship compromises your medical care. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i thought it was crazy feeding in the fall. i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sort of want nutrition. [ man ] i give my lawn scotts winterguard. [ man #2 ] it's like a root building machine. [ man #3 ] it builds your lawn from the roots up. [ man #2 ] next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long.
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the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there's no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it is the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard.
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[ female announcer ] start the day off right with a protein-packed breakfast like the sunrise subway melt. try it with juicy tomatoes for a breakfast that stands out from the pack. subway, the official training restaurant of apolo ohno and athletes everywhere. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today.
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in this mornings's healthwatch, dollars for docs. according to an organization pro publica, drug companies are having doctors more than $760 million. that begs the question is your health care being compromised? joining us is a doctor of the consumer reports health rating center. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> overall, do you think these potential financial ties between drug companies and doctors impacts a negative way the kind of medical care we receive? absolutely. money works. doctors are human. doctors who take money from drug companies are more likely to give you an expensive drug or a drug you may not need. >> i'm guessing you would be reluctant to advise someone to go to a doctor who has this type of relationship? i would. the issue is who are you working for? me as the patient or the drug company you're taking money from? >> let's talk about a poll by
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consumerreports. nearly 72% of those you talk to believe that pharmaceutical companies have too much influence on the drugs that doctors prescribe. so given this statistic and given what you know, in some cases are doctors not giving patients cheaper alternatives in some cases? >> absolutely. we know from our studies and others that there are still many opportunities for doctors to prescribe generic drugs and they are not doing it and one of the republicans is these financial relationships. >> it's important for patients as you say to keep an eye on what their doctor is doing. you say when people go to the doctor, they should look for three things and then be kind of alerted if they see these things. first of all, they see drug reps in the office. >> that's right. the last time i was in a medical office three drug representatives in the waiting room. i haven't been back. >> free samples. watch out for a lot of those thrown you on? >> that's right. people think a free sample is a good thing. well, the expensive precipitation that follows it,
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if it works is not a good thing. it can be, again, much more expensive drug than you may need. >> you also say look for marketing materials. >> that's right. doctors who have relationships with drug companies will often have promotional materials, will have information that they give patients that come from the drug company. you should be weary of that. >> let's say this is a doctor you've been going for a long time and just notice is these things. what questions should you ask? >> first of all, you shouldn't hesitate to ask do you have a relationship with a drug company? is it your policy and your practice to take money from drug companies? more and more, i think, it's good for consumers to ask those kinds of questions and what you should especially ask, though, what are my other options? what are my other options? >> people will see this and start asking those questions, i'm sure. thank you. appreciate it. the bittersweet wedding of cate edwards. today her father, former
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presidential candidate, john edwards, walks her down the aisle. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. okay, so you mean you just ignore the environment. actually, it's cleaner. and, it provides jobs. and it helps our economy. okay, i'm listening. [announcer] at conoco phillips we're helping power america's economy with cleaner affordable natural gas... more jobs, less emissions, a good answer for everyone. so, by reducing the impact of production... and protecting our land and water... i might get a job once we graduate. well... 'cause i could pay a little at a time... but actually we do -- and my kids would be like, "awesome, mom!" oh! i did not see that. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics, and jewelry departments.
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or a can of paint... a click... or a clamp... you came together to vote, to share... to volunteer. and now, thanks to you, 10 communities have more to smile about... more to be proud of... and more to be grateful for. what's next? tell us on facebook, and together, we'll do more amazing things.
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[ female announcer ] lose yourself in a delicious lunch. ♪ special k protein shakes and meal bars. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber each... they satisfy your hunger longer so you can stay on track. [ telephone rings ] ♪ satisfaction. what will you gain when you lose? love your lunch with special k protein shakes and meal bars. the first thing you got to do is make a car that's worth building... one with character and conviction... then you put in an 8-speed transmission that gets 31 miles per gallon. that combination of luxury and efficiency only comes from one place in the world. ♪
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likely to be a very emotional day ahead for the family of former presidential candidate john edwards. his eldest daughter cate is getting married. >> her mother elizabeth died last year and dealing with the. >> reporter: cate edwards stood by her father senator john edwards on some of his worst days. today the 29-year-old should have one of her best days, getting married. their day is bittersweet. elizabeth edwards, cate's mother, died of breast cancer last december. >> when they started planning her we hadding elizabeth was ill. >> reporter: in "glamour" magazine, cate edwards wrote the following.
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>> they knew that the time was short so they really tried to take full advantage and really have some wonderful mother/daughter wedding planning time which is what everyone wants. >> reporter: next year, senator edwards will stand trial on federal charges of receiving illegal campaign contributions. allegedly to cover up his extramarital affair with rielle hunter. they had a daughter together. >> she doesn't talk much about what he has been through and i think she just wants to focus on the celebration of the day. >> reporter: the wedding reception will be at their family 100-acre estate near chapel hill, north carolina. the theme rustic romantic just as the bride and her mother had planned. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> we certainly wish her the best. >> absolutely hope it's a beautiful day. >> coming up, more to cary grant
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than just being a movie star. >> he remains an elegant iconic image hollywood's golden age but he also was a husband and fath
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in her flglory. new york city. i think that is the statue of liberty there. >> big old cruise ship. >> everyone on the cruise ship waving at her. welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm russ mitchell. welcome back. a lot coming up this on hour. dyan cannon will be with us to talk about a new book she has written about her late husband cary grant. >> there she is! in our studio. >> she still calls cary grant delicious. >> i can't wait to hear more
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what she has to say. next weekend people are going to halloween parties and a week later it's halloween. we have a spook tacler. you might have stuff around the home to put these costumes together. >> a little goblin right there. >> adorable. amy goodman will be here to walk us through it and that is her daughter. >> favorite halloween costume as a kid? >> i was a punk rocker. >> i was a devil one year which is probably appropriate. >> i can't imagine! >> thank you, rebecca. dawn of a new era in libya. an interim government is expected to declare the nation liberated now that moammar gadhafi is dead. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer is in tripoli. with the liberation is expected to be declared what are the next steps for libya. >> reporter: good morning, russ.
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well, the prime minister, the interim prime minister has just announced in the last hour that he is going to resign today. that really does underline the fact that a new chapter is beginning. there will be a ceremony tomorrow in benghazi. then the country has to decide who it wants to represent it, because elections are supposed to be coming up by next summer. the first priority, though, has got to be to poll tull the youn you're looking at right now off the streets. they fought bravely to topple gadhafi but that era is over and they need to be brought back under civilian control either to be convinced to go back to their day jobs or else to join a new national army. >> libyans yesterday were showing pictures of gadhafi's body on a mattress in a cooler. at this point do you have any idea -- the pictures we are looking at right now. any idea what is to become of his body? >> a vague one. it will be buried. the government has got a real
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problem on its hands, because it can't allow any grave site to become a shrine or a focus for any sort of loyalist insurgency. yesterday, rather deafly they appeared to hand off to the religion authorities and the supreme religious figure in libya said this must be looked at in secret and it's going to be looked after, that is buried bay trusted group of religious insiders. it will probably be all over by the time we hear about it. russ? >> elizabeth palmer in tripoli, thank you very much. now for more of this morning's headlines, let's head to cbs news correspondent and morning news anchor betty nguyen at the news desk. >> good morning to you. secretary of state hillary clinton said this morning, the united states is committed to a democratic future in iraq. even as most of u.s. troops will be pulled out by the end of the year. yesterday, president obama said the nearly 40,000 service men and women are coming home by the end of the year. 150 to 200 troops are expected to stay in iraq to protect the
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u.s. embassy and american consulates. the death of the saudi crown prince in new york this morning is raising some questions about the future of saudi arabia, a key u.s. ally in the middle east. the heir to the saudi throne, sultan bin abdulaziz al saud. his half brother who is 87 is in poor health. any successor is likely to keep the close ties to the u.s., but might not continue abdullah's attempts to reform saudi society. on monday the defense is expected to make its case in the trial of conrad murray, the doctor charged in michael jackson's death. they spent friday grilling the prosecution's star witness. cbs news correspondent bill whitaker reports. >> you propped up one of these bottles in this bag, right? >> correct. >> and you said that is what i think happened? >> that's correct. >> that's a bold claim, isn't it? >> it's an honest statement. it's what i think happened. >> reporter: dr. conrad murray's
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attorney chipped away at propofol expert dr. steven shafer's testimony that murray's mishandling of the powerful anesthetic led to jake's son death. >> it was not the same bottle found in jackson's house? >> that is correct. >> reporter: shafer admitted that drinking propofol had not killed jackson. >> even a first-year medical student would know that that is just simply ridiculous, right? >> correct. >> they really wanted to suggest to the jury that he was some sort of vigilante that he had a vendetta against conrad murray and do anything to secure a victory for the prosecution including drinking propofol himself. >> reporter: court watchers say when the defense phase begins next week, their strategy will be? >> shift the focus from conrad murray and focus on michael
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jackson's dependency on drugs. >> it's 5 minutes past the hour. time for weather outside with lonnie quinn. >> good morning. here is what i have for you in terms of the weather headlines. it's a relatively tranquil pattern all across the u.s. although no major storm systems brewing out there, there is ironically, a chance to see a storm in arlington, texas. that is where game three of the world series is being played tonight. first pitch gets tossed out 8 5 8:05. think about it. a thunderstorm pulls down cool air from the higher levels and, boom, that temperature drops 10 degrees. 67 degrees with a thunderstorm i just want you to address appropriately. if you're going to the game like betty nguyen's parents 67 would be chilly for you.
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announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by v-8 v-fusion smoothies. could of had a v-8. >> everybody, have a great saturday. prosecutors say a northern california woman apparently was justified in shooting and killing an intruder in her home. they say donna harper first called police and fired warning shots as the man tried to climb into her bedroom window early yesterday. joining us from reading, california, are donna harper and amanda wynn, the 911 dispatcher who took donna's call. thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i want to begin with you, donna. it is the middle of the night
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just before 4:00 a.m. what are you hear in your home and how do you know you're in trouble? >> the doorbell rang and i have a motion sensor light on the porch and i jumped up and looked out the spare bedroom window and i could see a man standing there. so i grabbed my telephone and went to the door, i stood by the frame of the door because i was afraid of what was on the other side. and i said who is it? and he says my name is jeff. i thought that's what he said. i says what do you want? he says i'm coming in. i said i don't know you. go away. and i think i started dialing 911. he started pounding -- i have a metal security screen door and he started pounding on that door and i went down the hall and the dispatch lady, i don't remember her talking to me, but i remembered that i had a gun, so i went and got the gun out of
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the bedroom and when i was getting the gun, the spare bedroom window was next to the front door. he beat on the window with both hands and broke the window. and i just remember coming into the doorway and firing two shots wild. >> wow. >> and -- go ahead. >> i was going to say, you can just hear the intensity of the situation, how frightening it was from what you describe. renatta, what you're talking to donna on the phone, do you get the impression that she is afraid? >> oh, definitely. she was very afraid but she was extremely calm, extremely calm for the situation she was in. i was actually impressed. >> did she mention to you on the phone that she was going to get the gun? >> she did. she said that she had a gun and then she got it out and she said he is trying to come through the window and i actually, i didn't hear the two shots that she fired. she had to tell me that she did.
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>> wow. donna, after you fired those shots, he then leaves the house, but comes back. >> he did. he walked around my yard across in front of my garage over towards my next door neighbor and she's alone also. we both lost our husbands. and i remember telling the operator, oh, he has left and then right away, he came back and i'm looking at him trying to to see what he looked like and i remembered he had red hair and a beard and, all of a sudden, he put his knee on the window sill and tried to climb through the window and i just pulled the trigger again. i looked for a white shirt. i was afraid to look at his face. and i just shot the white shirt and i remember my dispatcher, she says, donna, take a breath. that's all i remember her telling me all night long, is, "donna, take a breath." and i thought i was screaming on
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the telephone and they said, no, you weren't. but in my ears, i'm screaming. the police come. they tell me don't go out in the front, they had knee go out the back door over to the gate and let them in. and took me to my neighbor's. so that is about all i knew. to me, in my ears, i'm still screaming into the telephone and everybody is telling me i didn't scream. >> it's pretty incredible. we really appreciate you being with us, donna hopper and rinatta mann. so thankful you're okay and thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> now here is russ. up next, going to change directions and have a fun conversation with dyan cannon about her life with cary grant. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition
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new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. and today, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. in fact, it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief, twice as fast. [ male announcer ] test our fast relief. love it, or get your money back.
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we are having early coffee this morning with the incredible dyan cannon. best known for her roles in "heaven can wait" bob and carol and ted and alice," and "revenge of the pink panther." she married cary grant and the and they had a daughter. she is talking about her marriage in a new book. dyan cannon, good morning. nice to meet you. >> thank you, russ. wonderful to be here. >> you had an opportunity to write this book a year ago. why now? >> i wanted it to be a hopeful book, an inspirational book. it does star cary and me. i think it's doing a big job and telling big-time, people can relate to it. it's about all of the things people go through in relationships starting with a great romance and what happens when it goes south.
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>> the first time you saw carrie grant, you talk about that in your book. what was your reaction? >> have you ever been hit by a stun gun? it was my goodness, can anyone be this wonderful, can anyone be this charming? can anyone be this electric? it was like when he walked into a room, the room changed. he had "it." he had that presence. >> he wanted to meet you, right? he arranged a meeting with you and you reluctant at first, right? >> i was. i had just come back from rome where i had been working. he had my agent call me and said he wanted to meet me. i said is he paying my way back? they said no. rome was so alive with young artists and poets and i wanted to stay but when my money ran out, i came back. >> and saw cary grant. >> and was introduced to cary, yes. >> the age difference we talked about. when you first started your relationship, did you think he was blossom into something else because of the age difference? >> actually, i was younger. i was 23 when i met him. >> 28 when you married him and 23 when you met him?
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>> yes. he was older than my father. but that wasn't the big deal. that wasn't the thing that was difficult for us because it was an immediate connection. we were both seekers. and we both conducted in a very, very special way. that was not a problem. >> you talk about the romance in the book leading up to the marriage. you get married. you have jennifer, your daughter. you talk in the book about how he changed. he became controlling in many ways. like almost like a light switch went off. what do you think happened? >> well, it happens in many marriages, doesn't it? >> it does. >> we meet people and we love them and then we try to change them to fit or accommodate our specific needs, right? and i loved in the beginning, he changed the way i wore my hair, the way i dressed, the way i wrote thank you notes and i loved it because it garnered such attention from him to me. but right after he asked me to marry him, it changed. >> yeah? >> i think that is because of what happened to him as -- look. i want to be very clear about this. this is not a bashing cary grant
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book. this is not that at all. i want people to love him more when they finish this book because they will understand his heart. >> they get a full picture of him certainly in this book. you also talk about his use of lsd. he actually was a proponent of lsd. >> yes, he was. >> you tried it as well. >> that is right. >> where did that come from? >> the wife before me betsy drake introduced him to lsd and when our marriage started to go south, he suggested i try it. he wrote a series of articles for "ladies home journal" about the benefits of using lsd. i said how can it be a good thing if you and betsy took it and you divorced what kind of an ad is that for us to use it together? he said you're the only one i've trusted enough to have a baby with and our relationship is deeper. i think it will save our marriage. that is one of the big messages of my book, russell. when you do something that you know you shouldn't do and go against your inner gut that says
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don't do it, that's death. >> you divorced three years later. in the book, you still describe him all of these years later as delicious. >> yes, absolutely. i think i love him more now than i ever did. >> we ask everyone part of our early coffee segments. if you could have coffee with anyone in the world alive or dead, who would that be? >> my mother. my mother. one more hug. >> you were very close to her and from seattle, washington? >> that's right. >> dyan cannon, a pleasure to meet you. the book is called "dear cary, "life with cary grant." >> two-time oscar nominated? >> three. >> three. >> but who is counting? >> thank you for coming in. >> up next, we have spooky pictures haunting the web. just one of this week's trend benders. very interesting. we will tell you about it next.
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♪ this morning on trend benders, getting in touch with your inner headless horseman. the newest rage called horse manning and we will discuss what it is and the obsession of iphone siri and the white house is going high tech. here with us is scott stein. great to have you with us. >> thanks. >> you know, the first lady got her first tweet on this week. let's take a look. >> this is how you tweet, huh? so now i just press tweet? do i press this? does that mean tweeting? >> that's how you tweet. >> whoa. i did it! >> yea! >> i don't remember a applause like that when i sent my first tweet but she is the first lady. >> hard to believe that michelle
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obama the idea she hadn't used twitter before but i guess it happened during the presidential campaign. >> she was busy with a few other things. >> it was for a good cause, bringing military closer to their families and got a lot of attention. it shows you you haven't joined twitter yet, don't worry. the first lady hadn't either. >> the president was making headlines this week and not so much the president as it is this guy guy. he was so busy at the end of the line there. look there. maybe it's angry birds or something he is playing. >> he has to be tweeting. maybe he is tweeting i'm about to meet the president. okay, i just met the president. >> in the best case scenario but clearly a lesson what not to do when the president comes your way. >> i would not have been twe tweeting or looking at my phone if i was about to meet the president. >> siri is the new application that you get on the new iphone.
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you send out a message and what happens? >> it's built-in voice command and artificial intelligence goes up in the cloud and talks back to you. you can ask it pretty much anything and not only does it have useful information but it seems to be programmed with endless supply of one-liners and strange easter eggs and jokes for you to discover which people are posting on a daily basis. >> you ask siri what is wrong with me and siri responds. you're good enough, smart enough and dog gs done it people like you. i don't each exist. how can you hate me? i like the singing going on with siri. take a look. ♪ siri do you love me >> how can i tell? ♪ you just know >> okey-dokey. okay. everything is okay. >> that is me at home. >> you and your siri? >> talking to my phone, yes, that is me. >> i'm worried about you.
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>> my wife feels a little bit threatened by it and tells me to stop talking at the phone. i've tried using it in the first week. you get caught in the loops with it and it is silly and a novelty at this point. >> another novelty. this is kind of crazy. to be honest, i just heard about this. the horse manning i think it's called? >> it's the latest in the series of trends. it's almost like the dance craze goes online. everybody decides to do the same exact thing everywhere and try to one-up each other. you had coning and leisure diving and now the idea 1920s, some of the -- someone apparently put up this photo. now it's put up online and everybody is trying to create these fake decapitation photos. that is not you your real head, i hope. now with halloween around the corner, why not? this was big in august. you go get on board and you don't need to grab an ice cream
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home. do it in the comfort of your own home. >> it's fabulous and i'm sure we are seeing more of it on facebook and twitter. thank you, scott stein. >> thank you. keep your head on with these awesome costumes. we have the perfect halloween outfits for everyone in
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call greater washington, d.c. home. from supporting an organization that helps new citizens find their way... to proudly supporting our washington redskins... and partnering with a school that brings academic excellence to the anacostia community. because the more we do in greater washington, d.c., the more we help make opportunity possible.
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that is the natural history museum, right? >> you know every landmark, russ. >> i could be a tour guide. welcome back to "the early show." i'm russ mitchell. >> i'll make you take me on a tour of new york city someday. >> i will. >> i am rebecca jarvis. morning spook central for your halloween needs. we are going to show you how to turn your house into a haunted mansion or a haunted apartment, or just a haunted house. whatever works for you. it includes a mummy and a
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wheelbarrow full of bones and they are all easy to make and affordable as long as you don't have to buy the mansion to make it into the mansion. >> that's true. also angry birds, prince will, kate? we have some of the hottest costumes for all of the ghouls and girls in your family. >> that is the green hornet? >> green lantern. i'm so good with all of these references. >> we will keep going. >> that is the hottest though. tim love is here. i like his costume. the owner of dove bistro. >> i'm taking pictures of the set over here. >> are you in the union to do that? >> i will get paid later. don't worry about it. >> for dessert a mouth-waterering apple cranberry crisp all coming up. >> sounds fabulous! >> lonnie quinn has the final check of the weather. >> good morning. north rockies will be going from mild temperatures a few days ago
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to freezing temperatures by the time we get to mid week. that same area could very well be seeing snow and i'm talking tuesday going into wednesday. elsewhere overnight frost is a possibility in the tennessee valley. let's talk about some actual towns out there that could get that frost on the ground. charleston and lexington, ashevil asheville, nashville lower twonts to 320s to 30s. the bigger picture quiet out there and no major storm systems brewing by i talk about the storm chance for the rockies and happen when the get the cold canadian air that you'rers in on tuesday. cold air comes in and it's called upslope snow. it rides up the mountain and gets squeezed by the pressure and pull the snowfall out of it.
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it's that time of year. temperatures getting a little cool out there. we are thinking halloween. russ, over to you. >> you are thinking halloween? you're right. americans are getting ready to have a ghoulishly good time on halloween which is nine days away and estimated they will spend $6 billion in costumes and candy and decorations. here to transform your home into a scary haunted house is elaine griffin, a design editor for "better homes garden" magazine. >> no one does halloween like we do and i have to say everything i've bought today is easy to do and affordable. mummies are a little complicated. you make the body, this one is rising up from the dead. it's live! >> okay. >> you make the body with
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plywood and 2x2s and wrap it in fabric and the head is a wig stand! you put torn sheets as band-aids around it with a little glue. finish up with some cheesecake for mummy texture. if you don't want to do the whole body you can just do the head! >> there you go. you threw a little dirt on this guy to make him look authentic like he just come up. >> it's alive! >> it's good, okay. all right. now we have bones in a wheelbarrow. >> it's a graveyard grave digger moment. i love it because it's easy. go to your garage and get your wheelbarrow and dirt from the backyard. who doesn't have dirt even in this economy? then bones from the craft store! >> these are bones from the craft store. you should still keep your dog away from them. don't forget the grave digger shovel and this would look fantastic on your front porch if you have a couple of them flanking the door. >> scare the kids away!
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i'm not going to that house. forget about it. >> this is interesting. you have the candy hanging in a basket. >> i love these because they look great during the day because we are having halloween week. these look fantastic during the day for your preactual halloween festivities and cut out of plywood. you can get two out of one sheet. you can download the template on our website and all you have to do is paint! paint these with some black paint. the beauty of these is they last forever once you do them they become your annual decorating. >> get the link to he lane's website off what is halloween without ghosts? >> this is the easiest thing to do. these are a pair of dowels done together with zip ties. we take our mummy head which is also a wig stand. >> all purpose this mummy head! >> done. >> repurpose the mummy head.
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>> add a sheet on top and decorate this. this was our captain cool guy. decorate them any way you want and have an army of them on your front lawn and terrifying everyone that walks by. >> you can do whatever you want to do. you have the tie here and hat. we have interesting webbing up here on the tree. >> this is spider webbing. spider webbing is to halloween what snow is to christmas. there you go. it's easy. pull it apart. come on. you pull it apart and then you can put it like on the tree. >> i see. you do a better job than i do. >> i'm the professional. then i love bunching up a little bit for spider nests. >> again, very easy. you got the spider? >> this is done with styrofoam balls painted and these are simply pipe cleaners. >> this is for inside. >> i'm wild about building one
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because i like to be elegant and chic and halloween decorations included. this is a branch from your backyard spray painted black and get ravens from the crafts store. easy and chip put put them in a vase and floral foam and make them stand up. >> something you can use next year as well. are you a big halloween fan? >> yes! >> how did i know that? good to see you. >> trick or treat. >> see you next time. up next from haunted houses to cool costumes for every trick-or-treater in your family. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. . angry birds right there, right? [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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♪call 1-800-steemer. [ screaming ] >> that is scary stuff especially this time of the morning. halloween is over a week away so still time to find a great costume. here with the hottest, cutest and sweetest costumes for everybody in your haunted house is amy goodman. author of "wear this, toss that!" great to have you here. you put great stuff together. >> we worked hard to put these costumes together. even though nine days out, not worry. whether you want to do it yourself or purchase something in retail still time to get it done. >> we begin with parents with children. something for the whole family. >> i think angry birds is one of the hottest games out there and great for children of all ages,
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both kids and adults. >> so cute. >> we have here on ken and also little tiny juliet costumes from am you can get that online. caroline is a do it yourself version i did watching my favorite television show in one night with cardboard, construction paper, scissors and a glue stick. this is to give you an idea if you wish to be crafty and you're talented in that way, you can really make a great costume. like that pops and is super effective. >> it is adorable and i have to say ken is doing a great job. those aren't his children, folks! but he's a great babysitter for a day. >> i think the power here is doing it as a flock. if you have a whole neighborhood who love angry birds, get them to team up. >> what a great idea. you brought your family along today to get in on the act. this is adorable. >> another family costume based on a theme. my little son rowand is a monkey by nature and monkey costume was
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inspiration here and built it around my husband michael whose birthday it is today. bless his heart for being here. >> what a great birthday present. >> he is such a good sport. i found the leaf applications and used them for a party years ago. making costumes from things you have material from in your house is cost effective. anna is the banana for the monkey look. getting the pets involved too is a scene stealer here! >> absolutely. your family is beautiful. thank you for having them. thanks, guys. appreciate it. couples love to do the couple thing go with something trendy. you have a super hero duo. >> hasn't been since batman so many super heroes in film. the green lantern girl on elizabeth and thor by ben. costumes from ricky's which is a great resource for costume purchasing and i love their website. easy to navigate.
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getting on your super hero charm and doing it as a couple gives you strength and power to go out and combat evil hopefully! >> you night to power. this is the do it yourself costume of the year, no? >> i think so. last year it was the chilean minors. this year it's occupy wall street which is a movement happening across the country. they diged deep in their closets to get clothes they already own and have. music is a huge part of this movement so we brought in the guitar and iphone is a movement about social media how protests have changed and how we go to the word out and about. if this isn't your cause maybe you can find one in your own neighborhood and community and dress up for that. >> we have more costumes to get to. >> samuel is the serial speed dater. the key is speed dating being let's say you just graduated from harvard and you're in the city and looking for a single date. they throw the singles in a
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room. you get about maybe 15 minutes to speak to somebody and then a bell rings. samuel is in charge of his own bell here. >> love it. >> he gets to decide when the conversation begins and ends. the cup cake do it yourself truck. gourmet food trucks the trend throughout the united states. genevieve is wearing our cupcake truck. i did this cardboard box with a lot of glue. i did it in two nights. if you want to do something, the specialty is in the details and cubcake side cake from pottery barn kids and thoos here is my daughter. >> great. >> people who just had a big wedding date. >> i think all across the world we were tuned into kate and william's wedding in the spring. you don't have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to do it here. it is super fun. the dresses here provided by bloomingdales and pippa almost the show stealer for the whole
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wedding! >> she has the exact same dress. it's a replica dress. in this case, christine has blond hair. we threw a wig on here. you don't have to look exactly like the characters to pull this look off. they look phenomenal. again, the costume by ricky's and thanks to ellen for being a great kate middleton look alike. >> uncanny how much kate and pippa we are channeling. >> indeed. what fawn way to go out. >> amy, thank you so much! thanks to everybody who came out with their costumes. now here is russ. >> thank you, rebecca. up next, chef tim love is in the house to prepare some delicious parmesan crusted chicken, right? >> right. >> and a cool dessert. >> only because we can. >> even though you're a texas rangers fan, we're glad you're here today. >> hey, hey! >> you're watching "the early show" on cbs. when my asthma symptoms returned, my doctor prescribed dulera to help prevent them.
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[ male announcer ] dulera is for patients 12 and older whose asthma is not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. dulera will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. dulera helps significantly improve lung function. this was shown over a 6 month clinical study. dulera contains formoterol, which increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. dulera is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled your doctor will decide if you can stop dulera and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take dulera more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if dulera can help you breathe easier. ♪ yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables
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so the most you can earn is $15 dollars. chase freedom also gives you 5% cash back at department stores this quarter but on up to $1,500 worth of purchases. that is $75. that's 5 times more! woo. get your cash back. activate today at our "chic on a shoestring" tim love is here.
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he has a restaurant in ft. worth texas. and comfortable as cooking for the dallas cowboys as he is for his own kids and making us a wonderful seasonal three-course meal. we always love it when you're here. >> happy to be here. >> what is the menu today? >> like we said, three courses. i'm one for competition so i heard this is a competition. >> that's what they tell me. exactly. >> so i'm doing three course here. beat salad and parmesan crusted chick and apple cranberry crisp. >> we will see how you did he at the end. >> you're questioning my integrity here. >> i have no doubt you can do it. >> we rote the beats 45 minutes in the oven and peel them. slice them up here. i've got some golden beats and some red beats. and then we add a little bit of olive oil here like this. what was that? >> that is -- >> i'm will winner already! they rang the bell! >> don't get carried away. >> cut a little himmon.
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if i could play that tune every time i cooked, i would feel good about myself. >> just playing a little music here. >> when you squeeze lemons i like to use my hand like so you catch the seeds. like this. add a little bit of salt and then you will add the goat cheese. you're good at it, i heard. >> a legend. >> get in there. make it happen. that a boy. a little pepper here. okay? mix this up. then you cut up the cheese when you mix up the beats like this. this is a great salad and easy to make and you will impress your friends because it sounds kind of fancy with the goat cheese and the beats and it's colorful. >> that's basically it? >> yeah, that's it. salt is very important because when you roast the beats they absorb a lot of salt so make sure you salt afterwards and plate it up beautifully like this. >> excellent. >> look that. everybody starts clapping normally then. see what happens? amazing. >> you see it here, it comes out
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there. >> that's the way it happens. chicken, this is great. we are doing parmesan crusted chicken. today the thing is this is really something funky i discovered. not too long ago. man nas. okay? i got mayonnaise here. this will be really good. i -- there it is! i won again! >> there it is. making sure you're paying attention. >> that is parmesan cheese. mix this up real simply. you're laughing another me! >> i'm not laughing at you, i'm laughing with you. >> this is serious stuff. >> parmesan cheese, mayonnaise. >> spread it on here like this. okay? this is so easy. if you want to flavor this other ways, you can put some chili powder and crew tons crushed up on top. add some bred crumbs. look at this. oops. like that. >> also very simple. >> very, very simple. >> how long will you keep this in the oven?
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>> 20 minutes, 400 degrees. i pop this in the oven like this and pull one out because i do have the magic of tv. >> you have the magic of tv. >> unlike what you thought and when the bell rang like this. look at that! i mean, i know -- i know -- oh, my gosh! it's unbelievable! just when you thought you couldn't cook, russ, i got you covered. >> very nice. >> watch. i cut this up for you. oops. look here. slice it across like this. the thing about it is, the mayonnaise keeps it juicy and delicious and the parmesan crust, crispy outside. take a bite of that. >> 30 seconds to do the dessert. >> apples, cranberries, a little strusle topping. it's pretty good, right? juicy. what not? >> hot. >> oddly enough, when it comes out of the oven, it's hot, which is good. >> smells good. >> hi. >> another texan here. >> what is going on? we haven't seen you. >> in case you're wondering, the
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rangers are going to win tonight. >> absolutely! i get it! >> you just concentrate on the breakdown here. let's see how you did. >> bring it up. >> total, $29.70! take a look where he is on the leader board! >> let me tell you something. >> goodness! >> how do you do it? >> texans! >> all right, baby. >> 29 bucks? >> congratulations. >> serving up crackers and jam! i'm like that guy with the sign at the protest. just saving people money every day. >> thanks, tim. really good stuff. the guy is in first place. you can find these recipes at we will be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by folgers. the best part of waking up is folgers in your cup! ♪ looking forward to your first cup ♪
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