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tv   9 News Now at 11pm  CBS  November 3, 2011 1:35am-2:05am EDT

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♪ what did we learn on the show tonight, craig? ♪ [meow] [laughter] [applause] craig: what the hell? [laughter] geoff: what is wrong with you?
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craig: what is wrong with you? geoff, we can't waste any time. we're 2 1/2 minutes over. geoff: that's all right. i'm still out of my mind. craig: what? oh, yeah, the fake pot. hold on. geoff: that's some good stuff, man. [sniffing] i can't breathe! craig: good night, everybody. good ight.
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. this sh 9news now. . a stunning high profile trial and a unanimous verdict after less than an hour of jury deliberation tonight in the lululemon case. >> the montgomery county jury found brittany norwood guilty of first degree premeditated murder paving the way for a life sentence without the possibility of patrol. andrea mccarren has been in the courtroom. she joins us live now with the murder victim jayna murray's family.
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andrea. >> reporter: well, derek, the courtroom was utterly silent when that verdict was read. i'm live now with jayna murray's family. i want to introduce everybody. we've been with them all week. phyllis murray, jayna's mom, christie her niece. jayna's brother and sister-in-law. derk is jayna's other brother. an emotional up and down. what was it like when you heard the words guilty of first degree murder? >> i questioned it. i thought did i hear it right? i was so afraid it could be anything but that. but yet at the same time, i was so concerned that i didn't catch it right. and then my husband had a deep sigh and i knew it was right. i knew it was right. >> reporter:
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and, phyllis, i interviewed a juror right after and he said that your compelling, courageous testimony yesterday clinched it for him and the other jurors. wow. >> wow. because i did not feel -- that's not my comfort zone. and i basically just identified jayna's possessions and her picture and that she didn't have a twin sister. >> reporter: and you said you do not want any other family to go through this? >> absolutely. it is the most difficult walk we've ever had to do. and no other family should have to do it, nor should there be another victim that is so brutally killed as our daughter. >> reporter: it must have been horrific today to see some of those autopsy photos in the closing arguments. >> we looked at the floor or looked away. it's more information than what we need. it's hard enough to cope with
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what we have. >> reporter: and, david, you were shaking your head when i talked about closing arguments. and i saw you, phyllis, and the rest of your family actually put your heads down. >> we did put our heads down. just stimulation overload. and there was no reason why we should remember jayna as the photos depicted her. we would rather remember her smile and her good high spirited being. >> reporter: you said it was an utter sense of relief when you heard the verdict. >> it was. it was an absolute -- it was -- it was the greatest that i've ever felt in my life. >> reporter: i know it's been a horrific seven months for you, and i have to say one of the things that's been so unique about this trial is we have been followed -- our coverage has been followed worldwide thanks to social media. i have to credit jayna's brother
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hue for getting the ball rolling on some of this through facebook and twitter and you were so close to jayna. she was going to be 31 years old later this month. what has this whole or deal been like for you? >> oh, man. it's just -- it's just been extremely stressful. it's something that you never expect to have to go through. and so having to deal with it and especially know is the legal system, it's tough to know exactly what is going to happen. but, again, we have faith in the legal system. we had faith in john and mary beth the prosecutors and everything worked exactly the way it was supposed to. >> reporter: from day one one of the things that struck me is the entire family to be seated just steps away from brittany
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norwood. >> yes. i mean, again, to be that close to just a calculated killer. i mean, she is just -- she is where she is because of what she's done. she belongs there. we're done thinking about her. >> reporter: yes. i should add as well that the judge will be doing a formal sentencing for her. she stands to get life without the possibility of parole. now, you all are from houston where there is a death penalty. do you wish this kind of case was tried there? >> it's not. and so we have to be content with what maryland decides. and that is the only way we can go on is to accept their decision so that we can heal. but also at the same time, we want people to be held
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accountable for their behavior. >> reporter: and it certainly soubdz like sounds like it's going in that direction now finally. another thing i was struck, david, is to see you and brittany norwood's father right across the aisle. did you ever look at that family and feel anything? >> yes. i looked at the family. >> reporter: you had talked about forgiveness and how jayna knowing what we now know about her, she really had a strong sense of what was right. she also had an extraordinary compassion. would she ever forgive? >> she would. i think she's in a place now where she will forgive. i think that is god's will. and she will fulfill her role in god's will. >> reporter: well, you have been an extraordinary family to get it know, and we really appreciate all of your time and we're so happy for you that the verdict was what you had hoped
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it to be. >> thank you. >> reporter: thank you all very much. >> thank you. >> reporter: back to you. >> andrea, thank you. it took jurors about an hour to come back with that guilty verdict and they spoke about it immediately after it was red. ken molestina continues our team coverage tonight. >> reporter: legal experts say the fact of the deliberation process was so short was a clear indicator of how strong the prosecution was and it fore shadowed a verdict that would find brittany norwood guilty of first degree murder. >> we were unanimous in our decision right away. >> reporter: he is known as juror 15 a and described the mood moments after the jury was handed the trial. >> she had a knife wound which to the back of the head was obviously to kill her and the knife was never in the back hallway where she was murdered. either she planted it. >> it's disturbing and unfortunately i think i didn't get desensitized to it. i didn't seem to lessen the
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effect the more it was heard. >> reporter: jurors saw grotesque pictures of the murder scene. some of the photos were so graphic she was unrecognizable. >> the autopsy photos we saw were disturbing and it gave us a good picture of how long and how brutal the attack was. >> reporter: but according to juror 15 a, the most emotional part of the trial was when the victim's mother gave the testimony. >> when her mother took the stand yesterday and -- that makes it real to think of somebody's 30-year-old daughter dying. >> reporter: it was the evidence and the strong prosecution the jurors say that offered little, if any, debate over brittany norwood's fate. >> we basically wanted to be thorough and make sure there was nothing that could cause reasonable doubt. so we discussed possible scenarios and people tried to play devil's advocate, and we really couldn't think of any scenario where it wasn't
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premeditated. >> what made it such a quick verdict was the number of injuries and where they were sustained and the fact that they were sustained while she was still alive. >> reporter: brittany norwood could spend the rest of life behind bars. the sentencing is scheduled late in january. so what is the reaction in bethesda where the murder happened. where people pleased or undecided with the verdict. >> reporter: the verdict, of course, was read in rockville but word traveled awfully fast to bethesda, specifically here to bethesda avenue, the scene of the crime. >> i cannot imagine a more heinous crime. >> reporter: the reaction from bethesda avenue came quickly. >> high time. >> reporter: minutes after brittany norwood was convicted of first degree murder. >> a person who does that kind of thing is just -- just needs to be controlled forever. >> reporter: norwood's almost unimaginably savage attack on
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jayna murray eight months ago shook this district and the surrounding neighborhood perhaps like they have never been shakened before. >> it's horrifying. >> reporter: tonight there was a sense of relief at the place where the murder took that the person was responsible for premeditated murder. >> from what i know about it, it sounded like she intentionally murdered this woman and unforted knitly i think she -- unfortunately i think she should get the death penalty for ta. >> if there were a death penalty, she would be a wonderful candidate. i can't say it anymore strongly. >> reporter: a feeling he can cooed often tonight -- echoed often tonight. today's verdict comes almost eight months after the murder took place at the lululemon athletica store in bethesda. let's take a look at the time line in this case. it starts back on march 11th, the night that brittany norwood kills jayna murray at the store. their bodies are found the next morning march 12th. murray dead on the floor and norwood tied up and beaten and
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sexually assaulted seemingly. police believe the crime to be a robbery turn homicide. they begin hunting with two men with only their height to go by. that search continues for a full week until march 18th, one week to the day after the crime on that day. police arrest brittany norwood and charge her with murder saying she made up the story about the attack by the two men. the next day, jayna murray's parents lay their daughter to rest in houston. then on june 24th, the bethesda lululemon store reopens for the first time in more than three months since the murder. just over two weeks later on july 8th, norwood heads to court and pleads not guilty. the attorneys try to mount an insanity defense, but on september 13th they have to abandon that tactic after missing the deadline to file setting the stage for this trial. it begins october 24th, just nine days ago with jury selection. the jury would be seated pi wednesday, the 26th and testimony begins. then today the prosecution rests
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its case. the defense does the same with not a single witness called. the jury gets the trial after closing arguments and after just one hour of deliberation comes back with the verdict guilty of first degree murder. still ahead tonight, more reaction from the verdict in the lululemon murder trial. plus legal analysis of how the prosecution proved the murder was premeditated. and a young girl fights off a would-be kidnapper just steps from her front ñññ
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tonight police are looking for a man who tried to grab a young girl just steps away from her front door. it happens at kings hill court and quisenberry drive in alexandria. the 14-year-old was walking to school on friday when a man asked if she wanted a ride. he suddenly snatched her and tried to force her into her car, but she kicked him and ran away. we talked with one of the girl's classmates at mount vernon high. >> i think we're all walking
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looking for anything suspicious because we want this guy caught. >> unfortunately, he has not been caught. police say the victim was not able to give them a detailed description of the man. the community is on alert. a man accused of killing a woman and her 11-year-old son is back in maryland tonight. montgomery county police gave us this video of curtis lopez after he was extradited from north carolina. officers say he murdered 51-year-old jane mcquain in her apartment last month. he has now been charged with homicide. and then days later they found the body of her son william in a wooded area. he died of blunt force trauma to the head. lopez has not yet been charged in his death. today in frederick, maryland, an end of life dispute came to a close with the death of 56-year-old daniel sanger. it left daniel severely brain damaged and his wife consented to having his feeding tube removed. but the courts ordered the feeding tube put back in after the brother and mother
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questioned the decision. daniel died this morning just hours before the two sides were all set to square off again in front of the judge. well, first one and then two and tonight now three women accusing presidential candidate herman cain of inappropriate behavior. cain spent the day trying to dodge questions about accusations that he sexually harassed women back in the 1990s when they all worked together at the national restaurant association. cain insists he never sexually harassed anyone. >> there are people that are trying to destroy me personally as well as this campaign. >> and tonight cain is pointing some fingers. he is accusing rick perry behind all of the allegations now surfacing. perry's campaign denies any involvement. here is something only the government could accomplish. find a way to waste money by
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making it. >> as of now, uncle sam is investing millions of dollars to $1 coins that may never see the light of day. we find the coins. but what happens to them now may well be up to you. >> is that legal? >> if you've never seen a dollar coin, it's because most aren't being spent out there. they're piling up in here. the dollar coin has come to die. >> the susan b anthony dollar. now we have these presidential dollars. >> these presidential dollars are the congress's latest effort to get americans to make the switch from green backs. they'll eventually be engraved with the face of every dead president. >> this idea has been around a long time. >> there is a simple reason lawmakers keep on trying. using dollar coins would save the government more than $5 billion over 30 years. >> because the dollar coin lasts for up to 30-year, a piece of
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paper lasts for about a year and a half. >> but that only works if people use them. and so far they haven't. >> you could mistake this coin for maybe a quarter. >> and millions of dollars of coins are filling up the vault. they cost millions of dollars to ship and store. >> if you were to phase out the paper dollar, those coins would get into circulation very, very fast. >> in other words, says kobe, dump the dollar bill and americans will embrace the dollar coin basically because they won't have a choice. i've got some free money. but no choice sounded almost unamerican to us. if you get a choice, you can have either a dollar bill or a dollar coin. which would you pick? >> a dollar bill. >> how come? >> they just weigh you down. >> i would take the coin. >> you would take the coin. how come? >> because my kids think they're cool. >> mixed results in our informal
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survey. that is until we mention saving uncle sam billions. >> would that change your mind? >> yes, it would. >> how come? >> i think anything that can help the economy right now is a good idea. >> so while change is hard, perhaps not impossible. maybe not impossible. and they're supposed to keep on making the coins until the year 2016. by that time, they'll have made $2 billion worth of them. meanwhile, though, there is some competing legislation up on the hill right now to deal with the issue. one bill would phase out the dollar bill altogether as congressman kobe wants. the other one, though, would stop the $1 coin from being minted as long as we keep on having the huge surplus of them. which would you choose? topper clearly is playing with them. >> you know, i'm a fan of the dollar coins. i think we need to make the switch. >> absolutely. especially saving the government that kind of money. >> that's true. they do weigh you down. >> it will be okay. >> okay. let's talk about some good
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weather. how about that? >> we're in pretty good shape tonight. pretty good shape tomorrow. we may see a couple of showers tomorrow night. the storm in denver going to go south of us. all of the moisture and all of the showers you see in the great lakes are not going to make it into the metro area. we're going to be having some high clouds as we get into the afternoon tomorrow and tomorrow night. most of the activity is going to end up to the south of us. it did produce about ten inches of snow in denver. and a little bit of snow is still falling in through kansas. but right now we're looking at all of the showers in the great lakes. and it is kind of hard to believe it's not going to get here, but it won't. the clouds will get here. just high and mid-level clouds tomorrow. we'll stay dry through tomorrow. a couple of sprinkles are possible tomorrow night and that is just about it. so here is the deal. we're looking at a milder day on thursday. just a little bit with southwest winds. afternoon clouds come in. just high and mid-level clouds. and then some showers are possible thursday night. more than likely after midnight. and then clouds move out on friday. and we have not changed the weekend forecast either. so we're still in pretty good shape for the weekend. there is lots going on too.
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overnight clear to partly cloudy and chilly. a one blanket night. 38-46. winds south, southwest at ten. tomorrow partly breezy and chilly. winds in the morning southwest 10-15. not quite so breezy in the afternoon. partly cloudy. little milder than today. increasing high clouds, high temperatures in the low 60s. winds calm down southwesterly at about ten. so highs tomorrow generally 60, just about everywhere. but places like arlington and springfield will be in the low 60s. 61 in rockville, 61 in bowie, 61 also in fairfax. we'll break it down for you. 38-46 to start. partly cloudy. nice by noon. i mean, 57-62. pretty nice. clouds will come in just high and mid-level clouds by evening. 59 to about 64. now, the next three days, clouds get out of here on friday. a little bit cooler behind the front. we'll keep it at 58. and then kind of chilly on saturday. temperatures 55. terps in town. we have an extra hour on
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saturday. who cares. next seven days, sunday temps go back to 60 and still sunny for the redskins game and then a little milder, mid 60s on monday, tuesday and wednesday. perhaps a couple of showers late wednesday or wednesday night, but that is not at this point a big storm system. >> okay, topper. thank you. how did the prosecution get such a rapid guilty verdict against brittany norwood? >> straight ahead, we'll hear from our legal analyst who have been with us through e
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the lululemon case, one of the biggest trials to hit montgomery county in years. the horrible graphic nature of the murder. the young women involved, both victim and killer, gripped the area. joining us live a prosecutor and defense attorney and both of them are here with us tonight. let's talk about this because today we had the graphic testimony -- or yesterday the graphic testimony from the medical examiner. was it all a done deal at that
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point? >> well, i thought that sealed the deal. but i thought when the defense opened and said she did it, from then on i thought it was a done deal for the prosecution. >> really? >> yes. because they admitted it from day one. and everything they heard after that was colored by that admission. >> and that's interesting because you said you thought it was a pretty serious defense strategy there. >> i thought it was smart. they had nothing else. there was overwhelming evidence of who had done it. the only thing they had left was, well, did she mean to do it. was it premeditation. when we heard the medical examiner today say 331 blows and she was alive to feel each and every one of those blows, pretty much she was done. >> uh-huh. >> i would have thought to maybe do our closing tomorrow instead of go right off from today. >> too fresh? >> too fresh. that's all the jury they just saw the autopsy pictures a few hours ago this morning. >> now, jim, you're critical of
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the defense for going with that strategy. but what else did they have? >> well, they really had -- they didn't have much. but when you come right out of the box and said my client did it, the rest of the trial that's always in the jury's mind. if it was me, i would not have made an opening statement if i was a defense lawyer. i would keep the jury on the edge of their seats until the very end and see what the prosecution proved. >> now, even before the trial got started, the defense missed the deadline to put the insanity defense on. was that a critical mistake, maybe even an incompetent mistake? >> i think that might be an issue for appeal. whoever does her appeal, she'll probably get a different lawyer for appeal as a specialty, they'll look at that carefully to see whether or not there was competence of counsel. >> i suspect that the attorney that was brought in for the purpose, fine attorney. my thoughts are they couldn't find an expert to say that she was not criminally responsible. with that much planning, with that much staging, to say she
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did not know right from wrong, i don't know any expert that could get up there and say that. >> so they could have wanted to do it, they couldn't find anybody to testify to it so they let it go. >> that's what i believe. >> let's talk about what we heard from juror 15 a. he was struck by the testimony from jayna's mom who just talked about her daughter obviously and how much she emotionally put out there. that was the clincher from him. are you surprised to hear that? >> no. that made it a human story. that gave jayna's family a voice in the courtroom. very understandable that he would be touched like that. >> yes. i agree. that is why she was on. she was not really a very critical witness in any respect. >> very quickly, any chance at all she doesn't get life without parole. >> small. >> tiny. >> she will get life without parole. she deserves life without parole. >> i want to thank both of you for joining us. anita back


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