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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  November 21, 2011 3:05am-4:00am EST

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't know what to get. i... you know, i don't know that much about where you're from. you're not from india? no, i'm not. my family is. but i was born here in california. actually, i've never even been to india. i could've gone once with my dad for business, but i didn't... i didn't end up going. and what is it you do in california? i work in math and astrophysics, at a college. uh, i-i'm in school. oh. i was in school once. when i was little, i liked school. uh, i brought you something else. my grandmother thought you might like... to have this. for a puja. a prayer.
3:06 am
thank you. what's the red string for? we tie a bracelet after. to remember. ah, the trip log we got out of the ambulance? yeah. i've been through the entire thing, and every entry in it checks out against the 911 calls. so proderman was only recording official trips. doesn't leave us much to go on. no, it doesn't-- which is why i called charlie. he was nice enough to come down here on short notice. hey, charlie. how you doing? thanks for coming down. i was around here-- i was at that, uh, that detention center, with amita and the girl. is that that log book you called me about? yeah, it is, but like i told you, it's just the official runs. well, then you were probably able to get the total distance driven by the driver on each of his shifts.
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well, yeah, the company records daily mileages for each driver. how's that gonna help us, charlie? he still could have gone anywhere. no, his destinations are limited, by the total miles driven in each shift. okay, well, we still don't know where he went, and more importantly, where he could've taken those other girls. well, keep in mind that where he went couldn't have been random, you know, his choices were influenced by things: by the time of day, and his location. so you mean like if it was noon it's likely that he went to lunch. exactly. so first what we'll do is, we'll take the total mileage and plot all the possible routes, as well as all the known destinations from the ambulance log. then i can use a hidden markov model, as well as an elliptical analysis to narrow the possibilities of the most likely hidden destinations and unrecorded routes. it's a...'s a treasure map. we have ourselves a list of starting points, routes, destinations, times, but it's incomplete. not every stop is recorded. now, based on what information we do have, i can reveal the most likely locations and times for the unrecorded stops.
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imagine you held a candle to the bottom of a treasure map to reveal the sections written in invisible ink. david: i don't know, charlie, it still feels like we're pretty much guessing about where he went. okay, yeah, a little a-at first. but this log is extensive. i mean, it goes back several months. so as we continue to analyze the possibilities, patterns will emerge, and with all this data, my algorithm will be able to tell us what his favorite place for lunch is, you know, where he probably gets his coffee, maybe where he shops for shoes. who knows? we just need it to tell us where he could've taken those girls. right. ( door opens ) don: hello? anyone home? alan: yeah. in the kitchen, don. hey, dad. i made some coffee; you want some? nah. i could use a drink, though. ( groans ) oh? tough day? we just got these two missing girls from india. india? yeah. what are they doing here?
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selling their kidneys, believe it or not. crazy, right? i mean, they're dirt poor, they got a thousand bucks and a plane ticket here. what? oh, i was thinking about my friend lou-- you remember him? he used to work for the parks department of recreation. yeah, sure. yeah, he died last year of, um... kidney failure. i'm sorry, dad, i didn't know that. yeah. i remember his family was so desperate, they couldn't find a match among them for a transplant. not even his two brothers. you'd think brothers would match. well, actually, it's only one chance in four when it comes to siblings. hm. they even tested me. and then they put him on this long list. waiting for a donor. must've been hundreds ahead of him. that man could've lived. yeah, look, i see what you're saying, but, you know, these kids are dragged halfway across the world so some back-alley quack can cut them up for parts. yeah, i know, i'm not saying it's right.
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i'm just saying... that when it comes to looking at your own mortality, ah, you'd grab on to anything to save your life. hm. all right, larry, we've reached the last few entries in the ambulance log, and we've got... ...point c-36. okay? uh, two kilometers north-south, three east-west. you know, when i was a child, i was plagued by a nightmare involving the theft of my internal organs. you were? yeah. boy. uh... centering on, um... on point y-12, half a click up, one kilometer side to side. the dreams recurred in regular intervals till i was 13 years old-- it was horrible. well, like what? like, was there a monster attacking you or something? well, i mean, no. actually, it was my aunt louise. god, i can see her
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even now, wearing this hair net. all right, this is the last coordinate. uh, d-16. one by one and a half. and the 13th time is the charm. ( exhales ): the hospital again? hospital again. ( whispers ): wow. all right, so let's summarize. in our analysis, university general shows up as a more likely destination than any other place? yeah. but it's not unusual for an ambulance to go to a hospital. yeah, but these were in addition to his official stops. none of them were recorded. which means the ambulance driver may have had a contact at university general. what are you... hey, you're not supposed to be down here. are you in charge? i'm the only one here. you ever run into a guy named proderman
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down here? who are you? fbi. he drives an ambulance. you know him or not? no. no, not really. sounds a lot like a yes. i've seen him around-- he's usually looking for michael. michael? michael tolchuck-- he works days in the morgue. and nights at a hotel downtown? where is he right now? i don't know. i haven't seen him around. you know, i think maybe i should just call my boss. i think you should as well. excuse me? you have paperwork for four bodies right here. so? so... i count five. looks like she could be one of our girls. yeah. i have copd. if you have it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
3:13 am
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the morgue is actually a great place to hide a body. it's ironic. immigration showed santi the fax; this isn't her sister. yeah, well, she's a lucky girl, 'cause he just gave me his preliminaries. both kidneys were taken. liver, corneas, even bone tissue. well, if they took more than a kidney, something's changed. murder wasn't part of the deal before. i think when the first girl died, it was an accident. and after that, tolchuck just decides to cover his tracks. makes the witness problem a payday. he said that parts were worth over 300 grand. $300,000? the organs are valuable if they have a recipient match. and biotech firms use skin, bone,
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even fat tissue to make all sorts of implants and prosthetics. well, if that's the case, santi's sister is worth more dead than alive. as long as he finds matches for her organs. which should give us a chance to find tolchuck first. yeah. mike, we'll see you later; thanks. megan: thank you. doctors and hospitals use an optimization theory developed at johns hopkins to determine the best matches between organ donors and recipients. if we only consider a single variable-- let's say, blood-type-- then the match between only two items is simple to achieve. but transplant doctors are trying to find complex matches for entire immune systems, based on a number of variables: blood-type, a crossmatch and a range of inmuno-proteins. an optimization algorithm is used to determine what donors are best suited for each patient. okay, so how do we use any of this? santi told me that each of the girls was given a blood test to find a match for their kidneys.
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now, the national organ sharing network keeps blood-type, crossmatch and hla compatibility information on every patient waiting for a transplant. so, what, we run the sister's results against that to find out where the kidney will wind up? exactly. we might be able to determine the transplant patient before the surgery takes place. yeah, but there's one thing. what's that? we don't have any blood work on the missing girl. charlie: no, we don't, but we can run blood and hla- compatibility tests on santi. charlie: we can use her results; they're sisters. don: from what i understand, there's only one in four chances that siblings will match. well, aone in four chance is better than no chance at all. sorry, amita, but santi's data just isn't producing a result. well, then let's test the algorithm against known matches. we already tried that. amita, i don't think the equation's the problem. then the database of patients waiting for transplants must be an incomplete set. you know, if we consider we're dealing with a black market, it's possible, even probable, that we're looking for a patient who cannot obtain an organ in the normal way. so they wouldn't be on any official lists.
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yeah, but it's much more likely that santi isn't a match for her sister. i was hoping this would work. yeah, well, we all were. well, we aren't giving up. wow, this doesn't look good. megan: i assume you guys haven't found anything yet. no. well, you know, we're only working with a 25% chance of success to begin with. and absence of proof is not the same thing as a proof of failure. yeah, she's right about that. she's right about what? we don't know that santi isn't a match for her sister. we only know that we aren't getting any results from this current set of patients. well, david and colby found some data on the patients in tolchuk's computer at the morgue. let me see. this is a potential list of customers? we think so. our elusive black-marketeers? we have a match. thank god. well, now that we know where the kidney is going, what i need to do is find santi's sister before she gets there.
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dad... these people, they're from the fbi. they want to ask you some questions. what kind of questions? sir, i'll make this as quick as possible. are you aware that buying human organs is a federal crime? i don't know what you're talking about. mr. eckworth, two women have been murdered. there's still another girl out there. who happens to be a perfect donor match for you. janet: what girl? what are talking about? we're investigating a murder of two girls who were killed for their body parts. i said i don't know anything. my father really isn't well, and i need to get back to work. so, if there's nothing else... all right. thanks. he's lying. you saw that. yeah. so why did you take us out of there? i don't think he's going to talk. and i think she's been in the dark until now, you know?
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so he really thought people we're trying to find are gonna save his life and he's never gonna talk? you see the way she looked when you said "murdered"? you think i should talk to her? i think he made the choice, and she's finding out what it entails.
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my father told you he didn't know anything. right now, i'm not that interested in what your father knows.
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without a new kidney, my father will die. but he has a blood disorder that disqualifies him from getting a transplant. i know this is difficult. difficult? every day i watch as my dad dies a little bit more. you know, he raised me. it was always just the two of us. you know, none of this wouldn't be happening if i were a match, if i could give him a kidney. i'm sure you'd do anything to save your father. but two girls have already been killed. i don't know anything about that. maybe not before, but now you do, and there is another girl out there just waiting to be carved up. look, i'm sure you would do anything to save your father, but this may not be the best way. the last person who received a transplant from these people died a few hours ago from massive infection. he told me that i need to be ready to pick him up to take him to the hospital. from where? and when?
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at a hotel. tomorrow. in romania, i was a surgeon at the best hospital in bucharest. now i'm reduced to washing my hands in a toilet. i made one mistake.... on a patient who would have died in six months anyway. tolchuck: tomorrow... i'm retiring. what do you plan to do with your share? forget i asked. ( door slams open ) fbi! fbi! tolchuck, let's go! drop it! megan: turn around! put your hands behind your back-- prita? jimmy, put them up! megan: prita? jimmy, get in here. prita, can you hear me? we need a medic!
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( crying ) how did you know she would be okay? you gave us the information we needed. and i believe in the people that were looking for her. and, uh... thank you. ( crying )
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mmm, that smells so good. i hope it's good. it's embarrassing, but i actually had to ask my grandmother what to get. it was absolutely unnecessary for you to buy dinner for us. well, after what don did to get prita and santi out of the detention center, it's really the least i can do. where is don anyway? he should be here by now. so, what's gonna happen with these girls, amita, huh? what? amita is using the money from the milton prize to... why don't you tell them? i'm going to use the money to pay for the girls to go back to school. larry: that's an admirable use of your award-- let me know if i can contribute in any way. that's sweet, but it's actually not necessary. i'll have enough money to pay the tuition and have extra left over for a trip i want to take. you're going to india. yeah, with my grandmother, over spring break. hey, that's, that's great. don: hey, guys, sorry i'm late. i got stuck at the dmv. what were you doing at the dmv? oh, i'm now officially an organ donor. check it out. alan: hey, look at that. cool. don: nice, huh?
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so now i get treated with a little more respect around here, huh? you know, more people took that simple step, can you imagine the ramifications? basic economic theory: black markets rely on a shortage of a regulated commodity. larry: that's right. increase the supply, the black market disappears here's a couple extra applications in case anyone wants. that's all right. i already got my sticker. larry: yeah, look, i've been an organ donor for years. amita: yeah, me, too. what about you, charlie? i don't know. i... kind of want to hold on to my internal organs, you know. alan: uh, charlie, they don't actually take them until you've finished with them. i'm aware of that, father. yeah, well, there's nothing to worry about. it's just, you know, what if i'm not dead and they think i'm dead, because i, like, look dead? yeah, well, in your case, i can see that happening. don't worry, charlie. you got your family around to make sure something like that never happens. yeah, chuck, we got your back. your spleen... ( laughter ) alan: i got his heart. it his brain that i think people want. maybe we should keep that and put it on ebay. no, that goes to a museum. captioning sponsored by cbs
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and paramount network television captioned by media access group at wgbh
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terror plot. police say an american-born muslim was hours away from carrying out a plan to bomb new york city. debt deadlock. more d.c. d


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