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tv   9 News Now at 11pm  CBS  January 1, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

11:00 pm
hialeah? no, give me bayside downs. right. eighth race, sixth horse. okay. man (over earpiece): agent locklear, executing entry north side. we are entering hot. repeat, we are entering hot. stairwell clear. moving into east office. all units on the ground, on the roof, watch for movement. you have a shot, take it. right. 5k to win.
11:01 pm
mdpd! get those hands in the air! hold it right there! don't move! caine: don't move, leo. got the plates. where is he? where's who? toller! where is he? leo: look, he was here, all right, but then he left. caine: where did he go? look, we closed the deal and he left with a bonus. what kind of bonus? a girl. a girl. what's the girl's name? it's melanie garland. that means he's going to kill again, eric. you planned this, didn't you? do i look like i know anything about cars? leo gave you a bag of money. fix it. i don't need your opinion right now. not interested in it. no! i choked out girls for less. you get back in the car, you start it up. it doesn't go anywhere, you get ready to die. okay? okay. atta girl. go.
11:02 pm
♪ melanie: this, and a pack of ultras. hey, you got something smaller than this, miss? sorry, that's all i have.
11:03 pm
(doorbell dings) come on, please. are you okay? he'll kill me. here. (phone ringing) tripp: clerk was smart, he sensed something was wrong and called it in. well, what did she say to him? i mean, what tipped him off? i believe she said, uh, "he will kill me"" i don't get it. why would a man on the run take a risk like that? because... a man like that can't escape his m.o.
11:04 pm
he's already killed three girls. clerk says she came in and bought a pack of ultras and some radiator fluid. then she paid for it with a benjamin. could be having car problems. toller might still be in the area. hold on a second. what did she just do? i don't know, roll that back. look at that. looks like she stole something on the way out of the store. what is that? i don't know. tell you what, let's get this over to av. it's a disposable phone. kqq must be the brand. all right. you were right, here she is, the serial number. okay, well, if we find who that phone was calling, we might find that girl. yeah. duquesne: yes, it's kqq, d as in dog, r,
11:05 pm
4-003-3938, l as in lucy. thank you. okay! oh, there it is, there it is, let's open it. it's just the same number, over and over again. i know that number. why do i know that number? you do? yeah, let me put it in the directory. it's randy north. why is she calling north? she's not. toller is. i want you to call him back, randy. call him back. no, he, he knows that i'm in here. toller doesn't know anything, or he wouldn't be calling you every five seconds. well, what do you want me to say? caine: we want you to ask him... i want you to ask him what he wants.
11:06 pm
(sighs) (clears throat) i-i know what he wants. when we were in... we were cellmates, and he, he, he mouthed off to one of the guards, okay? and they roughed him up a bit, and when they were... when they were dragging him off to solitary, this... this necklace, this stupid necklace, falls out of his pocket, and, and i picked it up. where you going with this? when i ditched the car for him, he went crazy on me over this, this, this necklace. he knew that i had it. you were just willing to forget the fact that you stole from me? jack, i just didn't know that it meant that much to you. i mean, come on, it's just a necklace. (groans) just a necklace. no. that's not what i meant. where is it? i never thought that he was gonna hunt me down for it. where is it now? well, you guys took it when you locked me up. caine: okay. (sighs) we're going to arrange a meet.
11:07 pm
you mean face to face? we're sure as hell not gonna write him a letter. you know what? we'll call him for you. dial it. (keypad beeps) take it. (phone line ringing) car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and, yes, especially dollars.
11:08 pm
esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. mid grade dark roast forest fresh full tank brain freeze cake donettes rolling hot dogs bag of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback right now, get 5% cashback at gas stations. it pays to discover.
11:09 pm
11:10 pm
11:11 pm
(train whistle blares) randy: i don't see him, guys. is there some way that you... i mean, how am i going to know if you can see him if i can't? tripp: all right, we got him, he's on top of the train. all right, what about melanie? do you see her? she's not with him.
11:12 pm
where the hell is this girl? i don't know. i hope she's still alive. (train whistle blows) tripp: all units, hold your positions. he does not have the girl. i repeat, he does not have the girl. wolfe: guys. train coming up on them fast. wolfe: it's northbound on the number two line. we don't have much time before the train cuts us off. get up here. now. randy: up there? toller: yeah. what the hell are they doing? guys, we got to get this done. this train is coming up fast. it's going to cut us off from the suspects. rail yard said no arrivals for two hours. look... where the hell are they going? toller: look, i'm not going to ask you again. hand it over. i got it. i said i have it! hand it over! guys, this train's coming fast! it's coming real fast. tripp: does anybody have a clear shot at toller? you know, you got the whole world out there looking for you, and you're about to give it up over some stupid necklace? what is it, for the girl or something? all right, we gotta stop this train. we gotta stop this train right now! oh, he got made! he got made!
11:13 pm
randy: it's a women's necklace, i doubt it's for you. stop the train! it's just a thought. you brought the cops, didn't you? no! take a shot! stop the train! come on! come on! i did everything i was supposed to do! delko: shut your mouth! all right? you just shut your mouth! yeah, horatio? bastard's gone like the wind. simmons: damn it, calleigh. he was right there in their grasp. they had him. i know. so you know what? we rip through every piece of evidence from toller's trial, no matter how small.
11:14 pm
we're looking for any sort of pattern, ritual... anything that a serial killer like toller would revert to as a comfort zone. you're thinking we find that, we find him? yeah. i'd also like to come up with the significance to the necklace. what do you think? my guess? it's some sort of trophy from one of the victims. so toller's case, it turned on a single tooth from the charred remains of his last victim. right. and from there, they were able to link him to all three victims? exactly. so i'm thinking, no one ever really talked about the original crime scene where he killed the girls. hey, calleigh, were toller's clothes ever tested? i don't think so. there wouldn't have been a need for it, because they already had the connection they needed for a conviction. what are you doing? all of toller's clothes smell like smoke. well, i would think they would; he burned his victims. yeah, so if we analyze the organic compounds of this soot, then perhaps we'll be able to find exactly where he did that burning. we find the crime scene, we'll find melanie.
11:15 pm
♪ (printer whirring) what'd we get? more like what didn't we get? creosote, co2... off the chart levels of methane, styrene, chloroform, sulfur, formaldehyde, chlorine, presence of pc's. geez. what are you thinking?
11:16 pm
i got a hunch. inputting elements from the spectra: creosote, chlorine, pcs... i don't think there's any sort of a database for killers who incinerate their victims. no, but there is one for the eastern seaboard air quality management. calleigh, these are all hazardous pollutants, flagged by the epa. it just connected me to their database. two sources produce chemical hazards that match this description. the first one is... iraqi oil fires. what's the other? landfill fires. toller killed those girls at a landfill. and based on his m.o. he's gonna do it again. what's going on? we ordered a gift online and we
11:17 pm
really need to do something with it... i'm just not sure what... what is it? oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus i can pick it up for free. perfect because we have to get that outta this house. c'mon, it's not that... gahh, oh yeah that's gotta go... priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.95. only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship and return. ♪ [ male announcer ] there are over half a million apps and counting on the iphone. apps that can take you anywhere and do anything. you might say there's no limit to what this amazing device can do. so the question to ask is -- why would anyone want to limit the iphone? [ phone beeping ] we don't. truly unlimited data for your iphone, trouble hearing on the phone? only from sprint. visit [ tea kettle whistle ]
11:18 pm
[ male announcer ] beat your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d contains the most powerful medicine allowable without a prescription to fight your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d. serious power. and that's what i'm doing. a free recheck of your taxes, if i got some unexpected money, my wife would want to redo the kitchen. oh, boy. $1,597. yeah! [ male singer ] h&r block. ♪ never settle for less
11:19 pm
11:20 pm
ahh... so much better than last year. [ both screaming ] throw the food out the window! throw the food out the window! [ growling ] never again.
11:21 pm
everyone deserves a great vacation at a great price. get on board a carnival cruise and get more fun for all. (grunting) settle down! no! (grunts and yells) don't do this. please. (chuckles) please. they all say that. if only one of you could figure it out. what do you want me to say? i want you to try this on. it was my mother's. please.
11:22 pm
come on. (groaning) (cackles) feisty. (yelling) what? (groans) hey! there we go. there we go. okay. okay. okay. okay. that's perfect, that's perfect. don't move. don't move. okay, now... (sobbing) perfect. (panting) say, "jack, i'm ashamed of you"" i don't want to do this. say it. i don't want to do this. (groans) you say it, you say it! you say it, or i burn your pretty little face off. you say it. i'm ashamed of you. say my name! say my name, and louder! jack i'm ashamed of you! again! jack i'm ashamed of you! jack i'm ashamed of you! you make me sick! how many ways do i have to tell you that you are not to make my life harder than it already is?! i am so sick of you!
11:23 pm
you disgust me! i'm ashamed of you! jack, i'm ashamed of you! (groans) (panting) what are you doing? what i couldn't do to her. (groaning)
11:24 pm
help me! please! help! (panting) don't do it! (screams) help me! please! (whimpers) (gasping) h, i got it, i got it, i got it! simmons: okay... stay with the girl. stay with the girl. it's okay. (grunts)
11:25 pm
toller! (grunting) (wheezing moans)
11:26 pm
delko: don't move, toller! got it. it's all right. let's go. (handcuffs click) get up. get up! let's go. h, i'll be back. i won't see him again, will i? your dad's going away for a while. actually, he-he's going away for a long time. will i ever see my sister again? yes, everyone worked really hard and they found a family that was ready to take both of you.
11:27 pm
both of us? yes. together? together. does it have to be that family? why? were you thinking that you wanted to do something different? my dad's gone now, and... my mom... i thought maybe... we could stay with you for a while. before that. oh, austin... pretty stupid, isn't it? no. that's not stupid. i would love to be able to say... that i could take you and your sister. but i have this job.
11:28 pm
and it's a big one. and it takes a lot of my time. and it... it asks a lot of me. sometimes too much. it's okay, forget it. austin, you are very special. and i want you to know that this family where you're going is so excited to have you. and i bet, if you give it a chance, you're gonna like it. no matter where you go, i'm gonna find you and come and see you. i'd like that. i'd like that, too. patty: austin!
11:29 pm
♪ (siren wailing) we got him. yes, we did. can i ask you something? who's marisol?
11:30 pm
how'd you know her name? apparently, you kept repeating it in the ambulance. she was my wife. and she was murdered. i'm sorry. yeah. she kept trying to tell me to go back. (chuckles) well, i'm glad you listened. (sighs) you gonna be okay? i don't think so. we, uh... gonna get you looked at, huh? okay. captioning sponsored by cbs
11:31 pm
c.s.i. productions and toyota. captioned by media access group at wgbh
11:32 pm
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11:33 pm
my search is going to come on january 3rd after the people of iowa do what they do. >> a major surprise just two days ahead of the iowa caucuses
11:34 pm
as rick santorum gains momentum. good evening. i'm matt. bruce johnson is off. with just two days to go until the iowa caucuses mitt romney is now the front runner. danielle nottingham begins our coverage. >> reporter: republican front runner mitt romney is shaking as many hands as he can to keep his momentum going. >> i'm asked from time to time how i enjoy this. this is the best part of a campaign. >> reporter: the latest poll shows romney slightly ahead of the pack. ron paul is right on his heels and rick santorum is soaring thanks to his appeal to social conservatives. >> the more we do for each other the less government has to do for us. >> reporter: newt gingrich blames his fourth place slide on romney's war chest. >> $3.5


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