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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  February 1, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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one batch on top of us and pulling away. more showers in west virginia, pennsylvania and ohio, kentucky. that has to come through. that's all ahead after cold front that comes through this evening. that's going to drop us into the 50s tomorrow. live doppler 9000 hd, we've got the showers in the immediate metro. you go up 270 past gaithersburg and loudoun county and points west, we're generally dry for the moment but east and southeast of town, those light to occasionally moderate showers are out there. your temps are running in the upper 40s to even mid up toker 50s in a couple of spots. let's go to monika. quite a surprise when you head out the door and you barely even need a coat and it's not cold and it's february 1. but we'll take it i think. the beltway looks great all around town. we'll take that as well. here's what it looks like on the north side where you have your normal slow traffic forming as you leave college park toward georgia avenue. we'll take a live look there. once you reach georgia avenue, you're going to be okay heading through silver spring and over into bethesda. this is what it looks like on
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270 southbound at route 121. your initial delays out of urban that. once you reach here, you're absolutely fine down to the point where the lanes divide. back over to the map. this time we'll take a look at 270 again. no problems out of frederick down to the point where the lanes divide. we're looking good across the american legion bridge as well. if you're ranking to use met -- planning to use metro, marc or vre, everything is running on time. back to you. >> thank you, monika. this morning mitt romney is a savoring his win in the florida presidential primary. it's a big one. with 100% of the votes counted he won 46% of the vote. newt gingrich a distant second with 32%. rick santorum finished third. ron paul came in fourth n. his victory speech, romney was looking ahead to the election in november and he said it's time for president obama to, quote, get out of the way. >> he's also sort of dropping hints that it's time for republican opponents just to get out of his way as well. >> as this primary unfolds, our
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opponents in the other party have been watching and they like to comfort themselves with the thought that a competitive campaign will leave us divided and weak. but i've got news for them. a competitive primary does not divide us. it prepares us and we will win. >> romney will get secret service protection starting today. the second place finisher newt gingrich put up some signs at his campaign headquarters saying 46 states to go. he's not giving up. >> we are going to contest every place and we are going to win and we will be in tampa as the nominee in august. >> august, he's talking about the republican convention months down the road. here's what lies ahead this month. saturday the caucus in nevada. next tuesday contests in colorado, minnesota and missouri. february 11 maine will hold its republican caucus. then nearly three weeks to votes in arizona and michigan. locally we're talking about
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a big step back to normal life in central virginia. it's a story happening today. it's been more than five months since the big earthquake and finally today life for school students is getting back to normal at the epicenter. joining us is the chairman of louisa county's public schools. good morning, mr. strictland. >> good morning. >> this has got to be an exciting day now. it's almost like the beginning of school all over again. getting back to normal. what does that really mean? >> what it means today is for the third time this school year, we're going to have our -- [ inaudible ] we will -- the students and teachers will have their own classrooms and have a normal five-day schedule. >> what had they been doing before since the earthquake to keep things going? >> our school administration has done a phenomenal job of coming up with a plan of using the middle school building for both the high school and the middle school students which meant that our high school students went to school monday,
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wednesday, friday from 8:00 to ak and our middle -- 5:00 and our middle school suntses went tuesday, thursday -- students went tuesday, thursday and every other start. >> you're getting back to a normal schedule but not necessarily getting back into school buildings that are zest natured for middle school -- are designated for middle schools or high schools. how much of the building is left since most of the damage from the earthquake happened to the public schools in louisa county? >> whether we had the earthquake, -- when we had the earthquake, we lost the buildings for approximately 40% of our students. we have a modular elementary school and high school at this point and even though i keep saying a normal schedule, we'll still have an extended school day in order to have our necessary number of hours required by the board of education. >> just a few seconds left. is life really back to normal yet in louisa county? >> well, we have a new normal as you foe. we had a 3.2 aftershock this
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week as well. so we're all adjusting the to the new normal and teachers and staff are doing a wonderful job of rising to the occasion. >> gregly strickland, thanks for speaking with us. we wish you the best of luck as you proceed with the new normal in louisa county. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. have a great day. 6:05. a legal victory for occupy protesters in mcpherson square. a judge says police need to give them 24 hours before being evicted and protesters must also get a challenge to -- get a chance to challenge that in court. the national park service says enforcing its ban on camping in the park -- says it is enforcing its ban on camping in the park but it doesn't look like it. overnight police in miami cleared out an occupy protester camp there. they faced a sundown deadline to clear the encampment at the city's government center. most left without a problem. police, however, did make three
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arrests there. maryland governor martin o'malley will deliver his state of the state address today in annapolis. it will most likely be touching on the issue of legalizing same- sex marriage. he testified in favor of it yesterday. >> it's not right and it is not just that the children of gay couples should have lesser protections than the children of other families in our state. >> governor o'malley says this year's same-sex marriage bill includes language saying religious groups do not have to recognize these unions. some religious leaders feel like they're the ones under attack. >> our esteemed first lady referred to those who oppose this legislation as cowards. this is just the latest example of those with sincere religious convictions are being encouraged to give up their beliefs. >> the biggest fight over this issue may be in maryland's house. speaker michael bush favors the bill but says supporters are going to have to be around. he needs the help.
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6:06. she's back. jessica has another your money report. >> she has a great local business success story. sounds good. >> it's terrific when you can actually report some really good news and we have some starting a small business is a dream for a lot of folks. to one arlington man, humble beginnings and pure necessity has led to big success. >> reporter: it all started back in 2008. a tough, tough time for this man working in the construction industry. >> i loved my job. i got really depressed. my wife was pregnant with my second child. we didn't have the health insurance. but then it was like i need to do something. >> reporter: that's where neighbor, friend and now business partner mark wallace stepped in over cooking and beers one night. >> we were sitting there eating salsa he just whipped thawp was fantastic. -- that was fantastic. >> he came up with the idea of opening a taco stand. >> reporter: they decided to start small with a food cart selling tacos. it was a near instant hit.
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>> within a couple weeks there was a line around the corner and we had to start hiring people. >> reporter: one cart grew into two and then into a popular bricks and mortar restaurant called district taco in arlington now employing 40 people. in march another location will open, this one in metro center and more will follow. >> now we're searching for stores tee and four in the -- three and four in the district as well. >> reporter: even though district taco has enjoyed success and is planning an expansion, he hasn't forgotten the lessons of the 2008 recession and how it felt to be unemployed. >> i just want to have a job. i want to help people, that they love their job. when i think about it, yes, we just hired somebody else, you know. because in my mind if you help them, you know, and they know that you care about them, they're going to care about you. >> reporter: caring that chimes through between partner and partner, employer and employee all the way down the line to
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one terrific taco. >> as for restaurants three and four, they are scouting out spots around capitol hill, dupont or the palisades. to prove i put my money where my mouth this, this is my frequent taco card. i have ten punched holes. i'm ready for my free taco. >> very good. >> andrea was lobbying please bring them to the silver spring area. >> or at least this part of d.c. >> we've all tried them. >> and we love the guacamole. thank you. good luck. our time is 6:09. it's going to be another spring like day with highs near 60. ahead learn when it will all come to an end. in five minutes delia brings us a story that's new this morning. >> reporter: do you like saving money? how about thousands of dollars off your next energy bill. i'll have that story and tell you how coming up when 9news now returns.
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. be sure to grab the umbrella as you step out this morning. we have some showers out there. take will be the case this morning. not this afternoon as sun returns. temperatures will shoot into the mid- to upper 60s. drive open temp 62. we're going to take a look at traffic now on the west side of town across the american legion bridge. good morning, everybody. the legion bridge looks fine across the potomac river but northbound gw parkway ramp to the inner loop is blocked with
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an accident. i'll have more on that coming up in my next report at 6:18. just about 6:13. democrats are holding on to a congressional seat out west calling a special election on tuesday. >> it's one of the stories making news now at 6:13. suzanne easily won the election in oregon. she's a former state senator. she takes the seat that was held by david wu. he resigned after a woman accused him of making sexual advances. a hotel pool heater is being blamed for a deadly carbon monoxide poisoning situation. it was tuesday in south charleston, west virginia. a 44-year-old man died in this. another person is in critical condition. 16 people were hospitalized. those red kettles brought in plenty of green last holiday season. the salvation army says its red kettle campaign brought in $147.6 million nationwide and that's a record. the salvation army is based in alexandria, virginia. we are aiming to save you
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some cash today. a new program in prince george's county is promising to save and possibly shave thousands of dollars off your energy bill. it is a story that's new this morning here on channel 9. delia goncalves is live with details that every homeowner cannot afford to miss. i'm paying close attention, delia. >> reporter: absolutely. keep your ears open. in a time when folks are saving their money, holding on to their pennies, including the federal government it seems but the department of energy is literally handing out millions of dollars to make sure this program happens taking care of our most needy residents. they are offering this free program that normally would cost thousands of dollars. the prince george's county weatherization program is income based. crews spend a day inside your home insulating all areas. each have -- each home gets a service worth $6500. here are those income guidelines. a single homeowner in prince george's county must make no
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more than $30,000 a year, a family of three about $49,000, a family of four $58,000. you must also be elderly, disabled or have children under 5 years old. if you meet those requirements, here's the number to call. 301-883-5491. here is a bonus. we visited that woman's house. if crews find out that you have an appliance that's older than ten years, they'll replace it for free. so she's getting a brand new refrigerator. if you listened to this story and say wow, that's great, i love saving money but i don't think i qualify for this program, don't worry about it and we'll let you know in our next live report how you can still save money, even if you don't qualify and even if you don't live in prince george's county. that side of the story coming up in a half-hour. back to you. >> love it. delia, thank you. delia goncalves live in southwest washington this morning. >> very cool. >> i climbed into my attic just
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to check the insulation out. you might be surprised if you look around where you can just make small changes, add a little insulation, go out there with some coke, spray foam, seal those openings between the ceiling and the attic. >> you've done a story on this before going around looking at your home. >> finding all the little leaks that are costing you money. weather wise we've got some showers out there. hopefully no leaks in your roof this morning or else the water is coming in. not a lot of showers or nothing too heavy eats but they are out there for -- either but they are out there for a few hours. we have temps generally in the 50s. our average high is 44. sunrise 7:15. yesterday had a record high of 66 at dulles. today we're going to be back in that range but the records in the mid and upper 70s. we won't be setting any records today. noon 59. better chance of sunshine this afternoon. 64 by 4:00 p.m. by 8:00 56 degrees. so we do have a front. notice the winds shift to the northwest by 8:00 p.m. a front which is going to slide through this evening.
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that's going to end the 60s and drop us back down into the low 50s the next couple of days. overnight the showers have been pushing through. you see some on top of us now and more out to the west scattered about. that's why the shower threat will be with us for several more showers. right now west -- more hours. right now west of town not too much going on. the back edge is getting closer and closer to i-95. still some light rains in southern montgomery county, fairfax, down through central and eastern prince william. but down toward fredricksburg and stafford, you guys have some showers to go through. in prince george's county, anne arundel county, you're all looking a little bit damp this morning as those light rain showers are pushing through but mild. reports of 55 from bowie and prince frederick from our weather watchers. same story in southern maryland at the pacs naval air station. out to the west it's 54 winchester. hagerstown 56. fredricksburg 55. here in washington 50 degrees with pretty good visibilities. just a couple of raindrops now on the lens cover there at our weather camera with the light rain going on and a south wind at 3 miles an hour.
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but a very mild start to the day. where's winter you're asking? here it is. dead horse 50 below. none of that cold really has a chance to get into the lower 48. so for us we'll cool down but not a significant chill headed this way. today 66 this afternoon. some areas in the upper 60s with more sun later on. showers are still going to be possible tonight and thursday. mainly south of d.c. 40s tonight. only in the low 50s, about 50 to 55 tomorrow and friday but friday a sunnier day. in fact, friday morning we're going to be down in the 30s and saturday and sunday near 50. could be a shower saturday night, sunday morning and again late monday into early tuesday. let's go to monika at 6:18 with your time saver traffic. suddenly things are beginning to happen. good morning, everybody. the beltway is doing fine but if you're planning to head on the northbound side of the gw parkway, that ramp to the inner loop of the beltway, you know that ramp i'm talking about. a lot of people take that too fast and with rainy conditions, it's been slippery. here's a live look from sky 9.
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in fact, i was just talking to park police. it was a single-vehicle accident, flipped off the ramp there from the northbound side of the gw parkway to the inner loop. they're now getting virginia state police to take care of that situation. it looks like the tow truck has already arrived at the scene. hopefully it shouldn't affect your drive too much. again a live look from sky 9. we'll take a look as well at the person legion bridge on the west side -- american legion bridge on the west side of town. you won't be affected as you head on to the gw parkway at the accident scene. back over to the maps on the inbound side of 66, inside the beltway at fairfax drive about 33 miles an hour. here's what it looks like inside the beltway on 395 now. here a king street it looks okay. take a look live at duke street. a very heavy and slow through landmark. once you get through alexandria, king street as you saw things look good up to the 14th street bridge. i'll have more on the accident on the gw parkway at 6:25. >> thank you, monika. our time right now is 6:19.
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next in sports a big game for the caps tonight and two players come up big for uva. another check of our question of the morning. the average american encounters 270 of one of these things every day. is it a, commercials, b, web pages, or c, people? >> facebook friend eric weighs in saying i think the average person encounters fewer than 270 people and more than 270 commercials so i say b, web pages. >> what do you think? leave your answer on our facebook page and found out if you're correct coming up at 6:49. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. 6:23. your weather first. we're looking at showers as we peek at live doppler 9000 hd. these aren't the only showers we'll see. still a few more showers to go through before the morning is out and i think a drier afternoon. temperatures once again way up there. by 3:00 65 with highs mid- to upper ofs on. 6:00 p.m. we're -- upper 60s.
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6:00 p.m. we're still 60 degrees. a big game tonight for the capitals. >> they're in florida visiting the panthers. d.c. has a one-point lead over florida in the southeast division. >> the caps were skating against lightning down one goal in the 3rd. troy braugher nabs the goal. it went into overtime and halfway through ot tampa on the oddman rush. the caps lose in overtime 4-3. could things be turning around for the wizards? they're in florida tonight and are going to take on the orlando magic. tipoff is at 7:00. orlando just happens to be reeling. they lost four in a row so maybe the wiz can get another win tonight. let's hope so. 18th ranked virginia hosting clemson. mike scott with 23 points. joe harris added a season high 19. uva wins 65-61. they are now 18-3. virginia visits florida state this weekend. 6:24. still ahead, hear from the
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first lady about how she's adjusted to life in the white house. here's an item from our zuckerberg's time lienl. facebook -- timeline. facebook expected to announce it's going public. in ten minutes just how much that deal could be worth. monika has a quick check of the traffic. giving you an update on the ramp. from the inner loop of the beltway, single vehicle accident with a tow truck on the scene. should be cleared shortly. coming up in my next report, more on that and area roadways at 6:30. you're watching 9 news now. stay with us.
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we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united. (woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss.
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the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now. we were going to go out on the weather terrace but it's spritzing a little bit. >> warm for this time of year. there are wet roads out there. be careful with that but temperatures are generally 50 or better in most areas this morning. we're going well up in the 60s once again today. did you love yesterday afternoon? >> i did. it was gorgeous. even blue skies. >> this afternoon we'll get a little more sunshine. this morning the clouds and scattered showers. it's not going to be raining all the time this morning. certainly some breaks. right now we've had some light rain and 50 being reported at reagan national. by noon, though, partly to mostly cloudy, 59. any showers i think by then will be south and east of d.c. by 5:00 a decent amount of sunshine. 62 with highs mid- to upper 60. here's a batch of rain with us now. look to the west. we've got stuff from central and southern west virginia. even a few showers back into ohio that all have to come
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through ahead of a front. that front arrives tonight but the shower threat will be with us i think for the first half of the day. a better afternoon. here's live doppler 9000 hd. 29 and i-95 right here just about cleared. much of fairfax and montgomery county, howard counties and prince george's county, down towards andrews air force base still pretty hefty showers. it's 6:30. monika samtani is in with your time saver traffic. we're going to take a look from sky 9. i've been telling but this accident on the ramp on the northbound side of the gw parkway to get on the inner loop of the beltway. when you have rainy conditions and take that ramp too fast, those of who you use it know it can be very slippery. authorities have been on the scene i would say for 20 minutes or so. the tow truck is on the scene. if lieu to the right side you can see the delay there caused by that accident. hopefully it should be cleared shortly. northbound gw parkway ramp to the inner loop of the beltway. in fact, i'll show what it looks like on the map. that's where it is but not affecting the beltway.
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if you're crossing the american legion bridge in this area, you will be okay. it is not in the roadway there on the beltway itself. if you're planning to head northbound on 95, a couple of long slow stretches. we'll take a live look in lorton. delays will begin in quantico to dale city and woodbridge and newington into springfield. we'll take a live look in spring field. it's been incident free but heavy trying to get up toward the beltway. could be that wet road conditions are affecting your drive. 395 northbound this has been heavy for a while as well at duke street heading through landmark. it clears up though in alexandria. coming up in area roadways at back to you, mike. >> thank you, monika. 6:31 now. mitt romney is celebrating a big win in the florida primary last night. he's focusing on the economy and the general elections in november now. >> three years ago this week a newly elected president obama faced the american people and said look, if i can't turn this economy around in three years,
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i'll looking at a one-term proposition and we're here to collect. >> because of his standing and his fund raising, the associated press is reporting mitt romney will begin getting secret service protection starting today. so what happens now as we move forward? does mitt romney have the whole thing sewn up or is this going to go the distance newt gingrich saying he's going to stay in it till the very end. let's start with the secret service protection. you were telling me a moment ago it's normal procedure. >> no cause for alarm. the way federal law is written, you have to meet certain polling and fund raising thresholds and then there have to be legitimate concerns for crowd control and security. romney would have been eligible for this back in the fall the way he's been raising money and polling. the party is starting to come around him. the crowds are starting to get bigger. he will be traveling more. having the secret service protection that has to be
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approved by congress sort of gives him the extra bubble, helps with the transportation, helps with logistics and again should be no cause for alarm. >> negative ads, do you approve -- they've proven they work? >> they do he spent about $16 million on negative ads. newt gingrich spent about $4 million. they are definitely helping there. were some reports you would be watching newscasts in jacksonville, florida and every ten minutes, every five romney ads between weather and sports. he unindated the state with it and it appears to have worked. >> even though it worked and was a landslide victory, newt gingrich has had his share of support. is this going to go the distance a like -- distance like newt says? >> there's no incentive for them to get out if you have the money to stay in, in that the republican contest now is a proportional delegate distribution, at least in most states. if you're able to pick off, you know, four or five delegates in these states while romney takes most of them and you accrue a
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considerable number of delegates, at the end of the race romney will have to turn to newt gingrich and ron paul and say what do you want? do you want a speaking position at the convention? is there some piece of your platform you need me to embrace and maybe they'll hand over-- >> the contest between hillary clinton and barack obama got very contentious and oftentimes if it gets too fractious, it could cost the white house. this is a pretty contentious debate as we move forward but will it cost them the final goal? >> the benefit of a prolonged primary back in 2008 for the democrats is it shook the trees in states where democrats hadn't been found really in years. it could very well be doing the same thing now. the problem is the attacks in this go around are a little more personal and nastier than what democrats were going through four years ago. so republicans run the risk of
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having that kind of an issue perhaps suppressed turnout come november but then again it could help them because it forces all the states to begin organize and find republicans and get them motivated for november. >> it certainly will be interesting. there's no news of ron paul dropping out any time soon too so lots to watch. thank you for joining us. back to you. >> as the results are being tabulated in florida, first lady michele obama was on the tonight show where jay leno asked her about life in the white house. >> most surprising things about living in the white house and probably one of the things i worried most about was whether we could have a normal life, more so for them than for us. but the people at the white house are amazing. the girls are good. they're normal. we always check in. they have a regular life. they've got friends and sleepovers. to them it's home. >> mrs. obama attended two fund- raisers in california for her husband's reelection campaign. police say they have a full concession from the --
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confession from the man now charged in connection with the murder of alexandria activist lenny harris. prince george's county investigators say linwood johnson of oxon hill is not their only suspect. they expect to arrest more people. harris' body was recovered saturday from a well in fort washington, maryland. he'd been missing since september. police also recovered a gun they believe is the murder weapon. new this morning d.c. police are awaiting the arrival of the dea at a crime scene in northwest washington. firefighters rushed to an apartment building on r street near 16th street last night. there was a minor fire in the 4th floor but they called police after finding evidence there was a meth lab operating there. so far no arrests in this case. d.c. was the first government in the country to legalize online gambling within its borders. the program, though, may be repealed today, even before it gets started. some council members admit they didn't realize they had actually approved online gambling because it was part of
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a contract renewal with the d.c. lottery. we have a commuter alert for red line riders. you can no longer use the south entrance of the dupont circle metro station. that's the one on the circle at 19th street n. is what it looks like -- street. this is what it looks like this morning. crews closed down the entrance last night so all three escalators there can be replaced. the entrance will remain shut through october. it's 6:37. jessica doyle is watching your money. the movie "social network" about facebook made about $225 million. facebook's ipo is expected to head our way very soon. how much is that going to make? >> a lot more than $225 million, i can tell you that much. today we might get a little more clarity about a possible public offering for facebook. i'm so worked up about this story. several news outlooks are reporting the social media giant could submit papers today with the government. it could look to raise up to $5
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billion. by large the largest internet ipo ever. google just came in under about $2 billion. about two and a half times. some estimates the facebook ipo could be worth as much as mcdonald's is today. another reason to say thank goodness we live in washington. the latest housing market data is pretty bad around the country. d.c. and detroit were the only cities out of the top 20 that did not post home losses year over year in the latest study. d.c. gained a small 0.5% but if you look at home prices between october and november, not so good. they did pull back about 1.1%. a new government plan could be announce dad to help people under water to refinance their mortgage and bring down their monthly home payments. the current program allows everyone with a loan backed by fannie mae and freddie mac to refinance. today the president is expected to push for a new version of the plan allowing all borrowers to refinance, even those with
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loans owned by nongovernment lenders. so we're not talking fannie and freddie mac here. so basically we've been talking about this program for a couple weeks now. this opens it up to everyone. >> sounds good. about time. >> we'll see how it goes. time 6:39. if you didn't play hooky yesterday, today is not a bad day to choose. >> howard says after some early rain, we will see sunny skies. highs will be in the mid-60s. ahead he tells us if this warm weather will last into the weekend. but first, we have another moment in african-american history. williard brown was the first african-american woman to earn a commercial pilot's license along with her master's degree from northwestern university. she was so enamored with flying, she bought her own plane. she also start add flying school in 1938 -- started a flying school in 1938 training about 200 african-american pilots through 1945, including some of the famed tuesday keyee
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-- tuskegee airmen. we'll be back.
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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. good morning. welcome back. it's 6:43. we're going to take a live look from sky 9 at the beltway and 66. 66 itself is just very, very heavy itself from ma fan sas to center -- ma fan sas to centreville. you have slow traffic on the inner loop as well trying to get to 66. it's the wet roads already affecting traffic. we'll take a look at your maps on the northbound side of the gw parkway ramp to the inner loop of the beltway. that single-vehicle accident has been cleared. you should be good to go there. no problems on the american legion bridge heading on the north side of town on the utter loop, it's very slow and heavy from 95 headed around to georgia avenue. we'll take a live look in that stretch at new hampshire avenue. this is the outer loop westbound side of 495. again heavy, steady traffic with all lanes open right
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through into silver spring. back to the map and this time into virginia on the northbound side of i-395. you're going to find it very slow through the landmark area. then it clears up through alexandria, slow again across the 14th street bridge. we'll take a live look here inside the beltway. again it's just that slow, heavy traffic. it's been like this at duke street for quite some time but it's been incident free. more on area roadways coming up again at 6:58. back to you. >> thank you, monika. 6:45. for those people on the roadways, going to have any more rain falling on them? >> if you're east of us yes. west of us there will be a few showers. it's concentrated along and east of 95. we have heavier showers anne arundel, calvert, st. mary's and fredricksburg. west of us we'll still watch. there are a few showers in west virginia that may come through here the next few hours. looking at the bus stop forecast, scattered showers. again most of it is east of us. temperatures rather mild. some have dipped into the upper
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40s. i'm just going to go 50s at the bus stop this morning with sunrise at 7:15. just grab the umbrella to be on safe side. the best chance of showers over the next several hours of the as we head through midday, the showers should be confined to south and east of washington. 59 degrees by lunch. 3:00 65 with highs in the mid up toker 60s. by 6:00 p.m. we're at 60 degrees. tonight cold front is coming through so this will be the last day of 60s. here's the rain we've been watching coming from west to east. this is what i'm talking about for later this morning. still scattered showers from pittsburgh south down toward cincinnati and charleston. that's got to come through. relatively quiet west of washington. much of the action is east of d.c. now along and east of interstate 95. you can see it down through lorton and quantico and dumfries, headed down towards fredericksburg. heavier shower down across parts of prince george's county. you see the yellow now showing up in the southwestern part of the county right around clinton. that's all moving towards the
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east. this may clip upper marlboro but the other story is the warm t. how warm things -- warmth. how warm things up. leesburg is 45 but upper 40s bethesda. arlington and springfield at 49. 52 vienna and reston. 51 crofton. outside on our weather camera, good visibility now. a couple of sprinkles have pushed through and temperature of 50. we will have the threat for some showers this morning and again tonight and tomorrow, but the shower threat tonight and tomorrow mainly going to be south of d.c. so today 66. tonight 40s. tomorrow only low 50s. so 50 to 55 tomorrow. 30s to start friday. friday the sun returns in ernest. 52 for the high. your weekend cool, near 50. maybe a shower late saturday night, early sunday morning and again late monday into tuesday. let's go back to andrea and mike. >> thank you, howard. well, it's pleasantly warm out there for the first day of february. but for some homeowners keeping the house warm on cold nights can be tough, especially on the wallet. >> there is some help for homeowners who are struggling to pay the bills and what
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better time to do some of these improvements when it's so warm outside. new this morning delia goncalves is live outside the department of energy with some details on a really cool program, warm program i guess. >> reporter: absolutely warm program on a very warm day. first day of february. but you know this really can apply all season long whether you're trying to keep your house warm or trying to keep your house cool. the department of energy is literally dolling out millions of dollars to make sure this happens and it's not only about keeping your home comfortable. for some families if may literally help keep them inside their homes. we followed a crew in prince george's county as they insulated one home there. the program is income based and guaranteed to cut 35% on your energy costs. it is free for the elderly, disabled, and families with children under 5, but if you don't live in prince george's county, don't worry. we did some homework and found programs in your area. single homeowners in the
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district of columbia must make no more than $21,000 annually. a family of three about $36,000. family of four $44,000. you can call 311 in d.c. to enroll. in mk same qualifications for -- in montgomery county, same qualifications for prince. singles must make no more than $30,000. a family of two $38,000. family of four about $58,000. in montgomery county call 240- 777-3788. and if you live in northern virginia, there is one number for you to call. you need to call the center in berryville, virginia. that number 540-955-5630. so those were a whole lot of numbers and figures to write down. if you didn't catch all that, don't worry. we have you covered. go on to our website we have all this information down for you. we've even posted some tips that you can use as a homeowner
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to save some money perhaps on your next energy bill. back to you. >> thank you, delia. delia is live outside the u.s. department of energy in southwest washington this morning. very cool. >> very cool tips on our website. our time 16:50 and time to -- is 6:50 and time to answer the question of the morning. the average american encounters 270 of these a day. is it a, commercials, b, web pages, c, people? >> i originally thought no way could it be commercials. the answer is commercials but when you think about t you do a web search, you see a commercial. you listen to the radio, you hear a commercial, on tv, you see a commercial. they're everywhere. >> they're there and we're here too. we're going to add to your total of 270 commercials a day. we have some coming up and then we check on your news after that.
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6:53. we have showers out there. they're going to be scattered about the next few hours. this afternoon more sunshine and a very warm day once again with highs in the mid- to upper 60s. cooler weather is on the way. >> thank you, howard. today is wednesday, february 1. here's a check on the news before you go. police have not made any arrests in the murder last night in adelphi, maryland. a man was shot and died later at the hospital. fairfax county police are looking for vandals who trashed a mosque that was just weeks away from opening. every custom made window in the building in chantilly was damaged. the damage is estimated between $60,000 and $80,000. the capitals scored a third period goal to take the lightning to overtime but they lost halfway through ot. d.c. falls to tampa bay 4-3. caps visit the panthers
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tonight. cbs this morning begins at the top of the hour with more on mitt romney's big win in florida but before that, we'll get one more check of traffic and weather. stay with 9news now. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪
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an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪
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welcome back. it's 6:58 on this wednesday morning. we've got some showers out there, especially east of town right now. a couple of scattered showers through the morning. this afternoon a little more sun. mid- to upper 60s. low 50s tomorrow with some showers south and then by friday, sun's back and still above average, about 52. just a little sprinkle and look at what happens to traffic. we're going to take a live look from sky 9. this is the inbound side of 66 at route 50. kind of looks like this ma fan sas, center -- manassas, centreville. springfield same story. 395 as well. a little further north we'll
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take a look there which is slowing down right through landmark to the 14 rght street bridge. -- 14 rght street bridge. -- 14th street bridge. 95 solid. as for wall street things looking pretty good. much higher in futures trading. the cbs morning is next fl they'll have more on the florida primary and a look at two new orleans boys. peyton manning and eli manning. we'll be back in the next 25 minutes with a live update on traffic and weather. checkous dozens of live traffic cameras all across our area by visiting the traffic page on we're so happy you joined us. we'll see you back here tomorrow morning starting at 4:25. be careful out there in the rain, everybody. bye-bye.


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