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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  February 10, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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winds northwest at 10. we'll come back and let you know how much could fall in the immediate metro area. >> a rivetting video tape statement in the uva lacrosse murder trial. prosecutors played the tearful conversation with police just hours after he is accused of killing yeardley love. >> it shook the courtroom and left a number of people sobbing. bruce leshan is live in charlottesville with what may be one of the most critical pieces of evidence in the trial. bruce. >> yeah, you know, one of the eternal mysteries of police work is how the detectives get suspects to come in and talk to them. george huguely was definitely talking on this video tape, taken in the hours after yeardley love's death. admitting that he confronted her, saying possibly he even hit her head against the wall. but he addmently and repeatedly denied he did anything violent enough to kill her.
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>> yeardley love's family after listening to huguely's video taped statement, their eyes were red from crying. detectives at first did not tell the former uva lacrosse player nearly two years ago that his exgirlfriend was dead. but after noticing a cut on his arm and freshly bruised knuckles, the detective told jurors she knew this was someone she wanted to detain. huguely told police he went to yeardley's apartment just to talk. but he says she started screaming and hitting her head against the wall. she was like a fish out of water. i grabbed her and shook her, but i never struck her or hit her or anything. we were wrestling. she may have had a bloody nose. i tossed her on the bed. i may have grabbed her neck, but i never strangled her. then, the detectives told huguely that yeardley love was dead. did you crack her head?
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no, you guys said she had a black eye and a bump on the head. huguely started sobbing. she's not dead. i didn't. i did not. you're lying. i never did anything that could do that to her. nothing. i did last night could do that to her. just a short time ago, another kind of chilling piece of evidence, the bedroom door from yeardley love's bedroom. it was all wrapped up in brown paper. one of the crime scene investigators ripped the brown paper off and there you could see this big hole. the hole allegedly made when huguely kicked his foot through it to open the door and get it. allegedly he left his dna behind on that door. lesli. >> all right bruce. any sign there was anything medically wrong with yeardley love's heart? anything come out about that today? >> reporter: this is really
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critical because the defense attorneys are suggesting that there was something wrong with her heart and that is what caused her to die. that there wasn't anything so violent that huguely did to her. there was actually a cardiac pathologist on today who dissected yeardley love's heart. said it was absolutely normal. nothing there that would cause her to die suddenly. >> the end of the first week, going to the next week starting on monday. bruce, thank you. anita. >> accused penn state sex offender, jerry sandusky surprised many by speaking out to the press following his court hearing today on the situation of his house arrest. manuel is live outside the courthouse in belfont, pennsylvania. >> reporter: he surprised many of us camped out here in front of the courthouse. when he took the podium and addressed the media. one of his concerns is he is frustrated by the term of his house arrest. >> jerry sandusky says he doesn't understand why his
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neighbors have turned against him. >> all of a sudden, these people turn on me when they have been in my home with their kids when they attended birthday parties when they have been on that deck. >> prosecutors claim, watching from his deck as children play in the elementary school behind his house. >> because of allegations and perceptions that have tried to be created of me, now i can't take our dog on my deck and throw out biscuits to him. >> the former coach is under house arrest. accused of abusing young boys for over a decade. prosecutors argued in court, he should be confined to the inside of his home. >> prosecutors also ask that jurors for sandusky's trial be selected from outside the county, because so many have ties to penn state. >> we want the verdict to be not only an actually valid
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verdict, but one perceived to be as well. >> with his wife by his side, he talked about his request to the court to be able to see or talk to his grandchildren. >> when grandchildren call on my birthday and they ask to talk to me and she has to tell them that they can't, i'm sensitive to that. >> sandusky's defense attorney described his client as concerned, depressed, and sad. his trial is set to begin in may. in court, prosecutors noted today that a daughter-in-law of sandusky strongly objects to him having more contact with her children. from belfont, pennsylvania, anita, back to you. >> thank you. a ruling on today's motions regarding the house arrest expected early next week. a compromise on contraception. the white house backed off a new policy requiring religiously affiliated employers to provide free birth control coverage to female
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employees. the initiative drew fire and others said the mandate violated their values. president obama today unveiled a new solution. >> if a woman's implore is a charity or hospital that has a religious objection -- as part of their health plan, the insurance company, not the hospital, not the charity, will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive carefree of charge. >> some catholic and health based groups sate president's new plan is acceptable and planned parenthood is also on board. the issue is still expected to provide a lot of fire on the presidential campaign trail. lesli. >> i'll take it, anita. 9news now uncovered new information on a deadly police shooting in culpeper. an eyewitness now contradicting the police version of yesterday's confrontation in a catholic school parking lot that ended with the death of 54- year-old patricia cook. peggy fox is live in culpeper
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with the latest on this investigation. >> reporter: an eyewitness here in culpeper is contradicting what state police are saying about the investigation and why the culpeper police officer fired at a sunday schoolteacher. >> he had his hand on the door handle. i remember distinctly. >> chris says he saw a culpeper town police officer shoot 54-year-old patricia cook to death in this church parking lot yesterday morning. cook was in her jeep wrangler, cook rolled up the window, catching the officer's arm inside and dragged him. it didn't happen that way. >> it was right next to the vehicle. one hand on the door handle and one hand on his weapon. and she was rolling the window up and they were exiting out of the parking lot. >> the window was half way up. he said stop or i'll shoot and really didn't think he was going to do it. but she got the window all the way up and he shot and she took a left out of the parking lot here and he stepped out in the street and fired five more
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times. >> the officer was not dragged. he couldn't have had his arm caught because he fired through the glass. >> i'm angry, i'm frustrated. i'm sad. >> personally i think it may be an over reaction. maybe excessive force,. >> he doesn't know why his wife was in the parking lot of the catholic school. their couple's pastor at culpeper united methodist think she could have been there searching for a job, because she loved her volunteer role teaching sunday school here. >> we have to celebrate the good things and the parts we had of pat and not just what we lost. >> gary cook is filled with questions along with his grief. >> i wish i knew what was going on. i honestly do.
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>> culpeper town police and the sheriff's department is assisting police in the investigation. no charges have been filed, but gary clark is talking about an attorney about possible legal action. peggy fox, 9news now. >> we should note that virginia medical examiner has cook's body so he can determine the exact cause of death. we have some breaking news for you in washington, d.c. where police just announced an arrest in the murder of a transgender person last week. japarkej jones was stabbed to death. 55-year-old gary montgomery was arrested this afternoon and charged with second-degree murder. police are not revealing the motive for this attack, but they say it was not a hate crime. lesli. >> a man accused of robbing a gas station and leading police on a wild chase is arrested tonight. it all started this morning when the suspect robbed the shell station at addison road and martin luther king highway. the man was driving a stolen
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chrysler sedan and that he rammed his car into a prince georges county police officer during the chase. the officer was not seriously hurt. that chase lasted about an hour. it ended at the d.c. line. we don't know the man's name just yet. and today, d.c. police announced they are making major progress in cracking down on street robberies in the district. the d.c. police department made 141 robbery arrests so far this year. and of the 476 robberies reported since january 1, roughly 40% involved taking a cell phone. today, chief kathy lanier told us anyone who provides information of a person who illegally sells electronics would be eligible for a $10,000 reward. twit has been lighting up with a lot of people talking about parallel parking. you don't need to know how to parallel park to get a driver's
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license in d.c. it seems crazy, especially in a parking spot starved city like ours. our scott broom decided somebody aught to. he is live in northeast washington with the results. scott, what do you have for us? >> reporter: 17,000 meteorologisted parking spaces in this city and the dmv doesn't test you to see if you can use them? i'll tell you what, if the dmv won't put them to the test, i will. that's where nine news steps in today with the 9 news parking test. we set up the cones, you washington drivers show the rest of the world how it's done. >> he won the hat. >> so you're a pretty good parker, huh? >> i think everybody should know how to parallel park. >> you don't know whether or not you're going to pass that part of the test. >> here she goes. between the 9news cones. not perfect the first time, but good enough. >> okay, a little back and forth, but she's in there.
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what did you think? >> no problem. >> i saw you guys out here with the parking test and i figured i'm a pretty good parker. >> you know why i'm testing you? >> because the division of motor vehicles doesn't anymore. >> that's john, backing in now. yes, he lives up to the hype in the first time. >> are you ready to take my test? >> here comes lynn webster. >> oh, she hit the cone. >> how did it go? >> it went good, but you made me nervous. >> you hit the cone, so you might have bumped a car. >> okay, i do have insurance. >> and what do these drivers think about the dmv dropping the parking test in washington? >> you need to know how to parallel park. >> i live on a residential, with cars coming on a one way street. if someone is having a difficult time parking, all the others have to wait. >> i don't understand why you can't park that car in that
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space. >> and the dmv says it cut out the parking test several years ago because they don't have enough space on their lot to give the test, they say they might consider bringing it back within the next year. reporting live in northeast washington, scott broom, 9 justice of the peace news now. >> seems like it would be wise. thanks a lot. >> coming up, 9 wants you to know the reality of under age drinking. two local parents have a wakeup call for anybody who thinks it's okay for teenagers to drink alcohol. up next, the republican presidential hopefuls fighting to win the support from conservatives meeting right here in washington, d.c. we'll be joined by bob shaefer when we come back.
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three of the republican presidential candidates made their case before nearly 10,000 conservative activists, students, and members of the media. rick santorum, mitt romney, and newt gingrich spoke in a packed ballroom at the conservative
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political action conference in washington. the event comes just days after santorum shook up the race with three primary wins. >> so just think about what it's going to take. it's going to take ideas, vision, contrast, a record of accomplishment that can go up against the failed poll sis policies of barack obama. that's the winner. >> this election is not just about getting more votes, defeating barack obama is only one step towards our ultimate goal of saving america. >> when people say you really can't control the border by january 1, 2014, they are describing the america that can't. that's the establishments america. tied up in bureaucracy. tied up in red tape. tied up in incompetent. tied up in interest groups. >> joining us here live here in washington is the host of cbs's face the nation, bob shaefer, and bob, you just heard from the three republican candidates, but really, rick santorum is the one getting all the talk today.
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came out strong, wanted to use this appearance to build on those surprising victories. so, did he do that? >> well, i don't think he hurt himself with that particular group. but this is all coming down to our conservatives going to be able to accept mitt romney as their nominee. i mean, he still seems to be inching toward getting the nomination, but as he does so, so many of these conservatives just can't seem to sign off on him. if he does get the nomination, he is going to have a whole lot of work to do to try to bring those folks into his fold and unless he can get a united republican party, he's going to have a hard time come november. >> he has these questions about whether he is conservative enough for the conservatives, who knew? >> well, you know, he was answering or trying to answer those very same questions when he tried to run in 2008. even in his own party. his political strategist told him, you got three problems
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here. the three m's. mormonism, moderation, and massachusetts. and they said you got to answer questions about that. he tried to sell himself as a conservative and so far, some of the conservatives just say they don't buy it. >> all right, this weekend you're talking republicans. you're talking religion, and the right. who is coming on? >> well, we are going to have ron paul. they'll have the maine caucuses. we'll know the results there. and they're saying of all things, ron paul may actually pull this one out and score his first victory this season. so if he does win, he'll be here to talk about it and we'll ask him his take of where he thinks this race is right now because he is one of those who said romney is just not conservative enough. so we'll see what he has to say. >> all right, you got a full show, bob, we'll be watching you this weekend on face the nation. >> and while conservatives gathered inside the hotel, hundreds of protesters gathered
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outside. the occupy demonstration features tents and what protesters call a giant corporate fat cat and a gold plated toilet. the protesters say the speakers represent the interest of corporations and the wealthy. that is the 1% instead of the 99%. >> are you feeling lucky? the power ball jackpot is now in record territory. tomorrow night's drawing is worth an estimated $310 million for the annuity, but a record $193 million for the games cash payout. power ball tickets now cost $2 and they can be bought in maryland, d.c., or virginia. your odds of winning, 175 million to one. >> let's take it to you out on the weather terrace. a little chilly. >> i was in those stores earlier, they were selling a power ball ticket. i didn't buy one, i'm thinking maybe i made a mistake. >> when we came out here, there's a snow sky out here. >> the sky that is more whitish, grayish as opposed to
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a blue kind of gray and that's a snow sky. let me take you to kansas now. this is the same system that is heading our way that produced snow out there. >> did they have a snow sky? >> i assume they did. it was snowing. it dropped a couple inches there. it was intense for a while. that's going to happen here. we're going to see periods of snow showers. crazy for a while and winds are going to pick up tomorrow. so keep that in mind. it's not going to be a snowstorm, but it will have an impact on the roads tonight west of town and tomorrow night even in the immediate metro area. all right, right now we're looking at temperatures downtown right around 40. our live weather ca . brought to you by michael and son. light rain reported at national. winds are still west, northwest at 6. pressure steady and the dew point is now 31 degrees. now here's the deal. satellite picture radar combined. a lot of moisture. there's a couple things coming our way. we had the arctic front to our
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west. we also have an area of low pressure that is trying to develop off the coast that will skirt the coast as we go through tonight and tomorrow. temperatures 44 bethesda. 44 in rockville and 39 in gaithersburg and 44 in great falls. 42 in arlington. so this is why we are not concerned about the roads tonight in the metro area. frederick north, we are concerned about the roads after midnight if you are out late. live doppler 9,000. we just got an e-mail from robert. it snowing with a temperature of 39. so the atmosphere above is cold. it can support snow, even though the service temperatures are above freezing. it's going to turn to snow quickly around frederick and hagerstown as we go through the evening hours and into early tonight. so, arctic air for the weekend, roads okay, metro area tonight. roads slick. frederick north and west. i think we'll see 1 to 2 inches of snow in the metro area and windchills saturday night. 5 to 15 above. all right, we'll put the future
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cast into motion. put this into motion by 9:00, you can see most of the activity north. frederick north by the border, it's blue. that's snow. then we get into the early morning hours, it ends as snow. even down into charles county, then a break. and then we see more snow showers roll through friday afternoon and friday night and that is the last little batch of snow showers saturday night that could give us 1 to 2 inches. and make the roads slippery. the chance for snow, again, 1 to 2 inches general snowfall across the metro area and this is by 5:00 on sunday. so that's the deal. roads could get slick tomorrow night in town. tonight, rain showers turn to snow showers. 1 to 2 inches frederick north and west. low temperatures in the 30s. all right, next seven days. look like this, temperatures in the 30s. i mean, barely above freezing on sunday. what falls is going to be around for a while. low 40s on monday. maybe light snow on tuesday. highs near 40. wednesday we go back in the
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upper 40s. 50 by thursday, and then maybe next friday, light snow showers as we get temperatures 39 or 40. not a storm. frederick north and west after midnight. don't be driving. tomorrow night, even in the metro area, could be slippery by 7:00, 8:00 at night. >> i'm trying to hit the fast forward to next thursday. it is just not working. thank you, top. >> are you looking for love for valentine's day or a really good gift or a date idea for your sweety. well you know, there is an app for that now too. >> but up next, the potential fire risk for owners of popular toyota models. that's coming up.
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we have an important consumer alert. investigating one of the top selling cars in the u.s.. feds are looking into reports of the driver's side doors of sedans and rav4 crossover
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suv's. this impacts the 2007 models. the fires appear to start in the power window switch on the door. six fires have been reported. it also includes the 2007solara. no recall has been ordered just yet. >> if you are likely to wait until the very last minute to buy a gift, card, or make reservations for your sweety, this story might be just what you need. valentine's day apps could add some sizzle to that special day. >> valentine's day sneak up on you? there are plenty of apps to make it quick and easy to show your sweety you care. can't find the right words? try the love poem edition app for your iphone and ipad. it takes you step by step from themes to brainstorming a finished product. they have a spicey version, too. if you think you are well versed, try the iphone app that promises love in every language. a survey of diners by website, open table, said they made reservations a week ahead of
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valentine's day. the other half did not. if you're looking for a last minute restaurant reservation, check out their app for android, blackberry, and iphone. couple discount lovers with special valentine's deals on everything from hotel stays to restaurants. >> and for the single crowd hoping to make a match this valentine's day, there are apps that can help you with that too. >> thank you lesli. a driver springs into action when her school bus burst into flames. >> she described how she was able to quickly get her students off that bus coming up. >> but first, when these local parents found their daughter pass out on the floor, they discovered the dark truth about under age drinking and drugs. we have a wake up call that every parent needs to hear. that's coming up.
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liver cancer. damage to the central nervous system. an increased risk of impotence. these are a few of the long- term affects of alcohol abuse to young kids. when it was almost too late for this teenage daughter. let this be a wakeup call to all of us. >> probably the saddest moment in my whole life. not sure anything came close to what that was like. >> emily and greg learned their teenage daughter was drinking when they found the straight a student athlete
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intoxicated and barely conscious. >> it's shocking to me how out in the open it really is and how oblivious the parents are, including us. >> they are oblivious no more. >> i think she is 15. >> i think people think that if their kids get good grades, they have friends, they seem relatively happy in school, that that's a proxy for everything is okay. >> lie after lie after lie. we want to trust our children. that's what makes it so hard. these are good kids. >> what is especially shocking is how their daughter was introduced to alcohol. >> we have found out that her very first drink was taken on a school sponsored field trip to another city. and she said all four of the girls in her room actually drank to the point of passing out, vomiting all over the room. >> you are angry at your child. you're angry at the
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authorities. >> give your child privacy is crap, because the privacy is killing them. >> they would have been tougher parents. >> i wish i would have taken away her phone more often. because these kids are text messaging constantly. are your parents home? >> and it's all unfolding in one of the nation's wealthiest areas. >> there's a disease of affluence. to these kids, a hard day is not being able to go to a party. >> do you have the ability to put it into a gps? >> i think they all feel entitled to a good education. they all feel entitled to have a phone. they all feel entitled to have a car and to go out. they all feel entitled to use their money to buy alcohol and drugs. they don't know what hard is. and if we don't show them, when are they going to learn it? >> now some kids may be adept
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at holding their alcohol abuse, but others have a cluster of warning signs. these are things parents can be looking for. perhaps a change in attendance or performance at school. now you shouldn't jump to conclusions based on one or two signs, especially with teenagers. it is this cluster effect that you'll want to look for. joining me to talk more about how to discuss this with your kids, she is the director of the addiction treatment center at suburban hospital in bethesda. welcome. thanks for coming in. one of our interviews said the privacy is killing them. she said look, i wish i looked at their facebook, looked at her phone. is that the direction parents need to go? >> absolutely. if they are worried, they need to find what's going on and they need to seek help. don't be afraid. the last thing they want to do is ignore it and ignore it until it's a full blown problem. >> now a lot of people still say, well, you know, i drank a few beers and i'm okay. why do i need to take all my
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kissed fun away? >> -- kids fun away. >> i've been doing addiction treatment work since 1978 and i can tell you it's a different world. the patients that we have coming in now for treatment, for alcohol abuse and alcoholism. average age is 17. >> okay. so now what else is different about the kids? are they drinking more? more of them? what do you see? >> what we see is kids are drinking at earlier ages, which makes them more susceptible to having a problem. the earlier you drink, the more likely you are to develop a problem. and they are doing binge drinking. they are drinking large quantities in one setting. >> now we gotten e-mails on our facebook page. some say look, what about doing it the european way. it doesn't become a right of passage. >> actually, if you look at what is happening, the european way, if you look at the european studies, they have a huge problem with under age
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drinking and binge drinking. >> wow. on the other side of this, what age do you think you aught to start talking to your young person about alcohol? >> you should start talking in elementary school and middle school is critical to get consequences down, clear rules, get a code if your child is out somewhere and it's not turning into a very good supervised activity. they need to be able to call you. they need to be able to text you. they need to give you a code that says i'm in trouble, come get me. >> how do you draw that line between saying don't do this and you're going to be in trouble if you do this. at the same time, i'm in trouble. >> you want your kids to be able to identify who they would go to. it might not be the parent. do they have an uncle or an aunt? do they have someone that if they were in trouble, they could go to? where is their safety zone? we have safety zones for everything with our kids. we need it for drinking. >> thank you so much. i hope some parents are
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listening. we appreciate your time. back to you. >> all right. >> go ahead. >> if you do go to our website, we'll have a lot more information on how to talk to your kids about alcohol. in fact, we have broken it down for you by age group. now back to you. >> thanks, derek. great information. it is estimated that about 60 million americans suffer with insomnia. coming up, new hope for the clonically sleep deprived that doesn't include taking medication to fall asleep. >> swift action a north carolina school bus driver takes after his bus goes up in flames. and don't forget, we're always on, we'll be back right after the break.
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caught on tape, a dramatic school bus fire and the driver being hailed as a hero tonight. linda rushed six elementary school students off the vehicle moments before it erupted in flames. she said she noticed a smell of smoke before quickly hustling the kids out of the back of the bus. >> when i made sure the bus was secured and the brakes and everything were on the bus, we basically opened the door and i got them off one by one. >> all hope our bus drivers would do that. after fleeing to a safe distance, they watched the bus
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burn. they got out unharmed. the charlotte fire department plans to honor this bus driver next week. >> they definitely should. still ahead tonight, the woman at the center of an apparent dispute between planned parenthood and susan g. komen. the new risk for babies already struggling to survive. what a c-section delivery can mean for preemies in our health alert.
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[ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. topping our health alert tonight, research showing c- section deliveries could pose a risk for preemies. premature babies born via c- section had a higher rate of breathing problems. the march of dimes have been educating parents about these facts. unnecessary c-sections, especially before 39 weeks, but of course sometimes in emergencies they can't be helped. encouraging news for women who may find themselves having to battle cancer while they are pregnant. undergoing chemo poses very little risk to the developing fetus. doctors have been worried in the past about balancing treating their patients while protecting the baby from the cancer drugs. now a group of european studies
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find kids expodsed to chemotherapy while in the human develop just as well as other children. millions of americans suffer from insomnia and many turn to medication to try to get some relief, some sleep. but research shows there may be a more permanent fix without the drugs. >> jeffrey child suffered through many sleepless nights, making it tough to function during the day. >> i would have fragmented sleep of an hour and a half at a time. you can't concentrate as well. >> after years of battling insomnia. childs reached out to a sleep specialist. dr. shelby harris suggested he try cognitive behavioral therapy. >> let's look at your sleep diary. >> dr. harris helps patients change their behaviors. eliminate caffeine in the afternoon. avoid exercise late in the day and wind down an hour before bed. that means no tv. >> i have an active mind that keeps racing. >> next comes the cognitive part of the therapy, which
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includes relaxation techniques, including meditation. >> it will teach them ways to quiet their minds. >> insomnia is the most common sleep problem affecting about 60 million people. but it often goes undiagnosed and can have serious health effects. >> problems with memory, attention, concentration, increased risk of stroke. heart attack. increased risk of accidents. >> research shows talk therapy can be just as effective as medication to treat sleepless nights. child didn't want to rely on sleeping pills, so this was the option for him. >> i work better. i have more energy. >> and here's another tip. doctors say people with insomnia should keep waking and bedtime st consistent during the weekday and weekends and try to avoid napping during the day to keep cycles on track. >> why keep results of some research secret? that was the question when the u.s. government asked medical journals not to publish studies on bird flu. infections disease pioneer at the national institutes of
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health was in our studio and explained the reason for the secrecy. basically, he says the details on how the illness could be made more contagious should only be released on a need to know basis. >> you made the results available, there is a possibility that this could be used in the various purposes. >> the doctor says in addition to bioterrorism, he is also concerned about less secure labs trying to repeat the experiment, raising chances of more deadly flu strain could escape out into the public. you can see an extended interview right here on channel 9. that's on biocentury sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. check this out. nasa snapped a pretty amazing picture over the skies of d.c. this week. this is the moon rising over the capital tuesday night. it was taken from arlington national cemetery and i guess if you're a wherewolf, you are feeling hairy right now. >> you didn't color that in? >> no photo shop. >> that was the full snow moon
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because traditionally, this is when the snow pack is the deepest. well, not so much. >> so much for that. >> our snow pack is nonexistent. that said, north and west of town, frederick north and west could see an inch or two tonight and we could see an inch or two tomorrow night. that's the best chance for inside the beltway. let's talk about the live shot. we don't have quite a pretty shot. white house, it's brought to you by michael and son. a couple spots in the 30s. officially light rain at national and 43. the pressure steady and the dew point is 31. so, any time the dew point is 31 or so, and this is 43. the two will meet. the good news is, they'll meet above freezing. lows tonight inside the beltway will be above freezing. here's our moisture and it's going to be a couple things. the arctic front is well back to the west of us. we're going to have an area of low pressure skirt the coast late tonight and tomorrow and
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also have the energy and the moisture with the cold front it and when you have arctic air move in, the colder the atmosphere, it squeezes everything out. that's what is going to happen, especially tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. right now we are looking at rain, some snow mixing in toward frederick and that will turn to snow quickly overnight. so 39 right now in gaithersburg. one of the cooler readings. but 43 in bethesda. 43 downtown. and 45 in college park. live doppler 9,000. you can access this on our website, a good time to down load our weather app and search for wusa radar. this is primarily snow, some wet flakes in montgomery county. wet flakes mixing in around hagerstown and west of frederick. here's the deal. arctic air for the weekend, no doubt about that. roads okay. metro area tonight, roads slick late tonight, frederick north and west. 1 to 2 inches in the metro area
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tomorrow night and windchills tomorrow night 5 to 15. wow. how much snow could fall? we'll take it through sunday until the evening and you'll see maybe an inch downtown. maybe an inch and a half in frederick. the bulk of the snow will fall across the mountains into oakland where 6 or 7 inches could fall. winter storm warnings remain in effect there. southern maryland could get in on the action. rain showers turning to snow showers tonight. 1 to 2 inches. lows in the 30s. now tomorrow morning, early snow showers possible. dress in layers. 30s to 40 and by afternoon, the arctic air begins to come in. winds pick up. more showers possible. high temperatures around 40. winds northwest at 15 to 25 and gusty. next seven days. we're dry on sunday, but you head to church, it's going to be cold. in the teens for windchills sunday morning and back in the low 40s on monday. light snow possible tuesday. 47 on wednesday. near 50 on thursday and more
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light snow possible on friday with highs around 40. so again, roads fine tonight, tomorrow night, could be a little bit slippery and could look intense for a while. >> for a minute. >> at least it's over the weekend. >> there we go. we're going to check in with dave owens. he has something amazing in this week's high school report. hey dave. >> hey guys. this really is spectacular. we're talk about a relatively small portion of the population that goes to great lengths to do what they do. their names, griffin share and christian. wait until you hear what these two men put their bodies through on a weekly basis. >> griffin and christian do what few others can or are willing to try. >> squat 385. i'm trying to get that up to 500. >> especially teens. power lifting isn't recognize by maryland, d.c., or virginia
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athletic association. so they go to grass roots gym in rockville. it's serious. >> nothing else matters. it's right here. right now. >> it's a sport that endured it share of negative stigma. steroids. >> there are lifters that do do that. >> they pledge they are steroid free and compete in a maryland federation that tests. there's also always been fears that weight training, especially among youngsters negatively impacted joint development and joint growth. >> i thought about it and heard rumors about it. >> while the medical community has disproven that, the pediatrics discourages that. to be good at this, it takes a lot of lifting. >> what these guys get into peek training mode, they'll go 1 to 3 hours a day. that's just half of the story. once they are done here, they have to refuel. >> about 96 egg whites a week.
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>> and plenty of supplements to assist in muscle building. and they'll be back on the platform again, defying gravity. 300, 400, 500 pounds at a time. >> gravity certainly has nothing on those guys. there's a myriad reason why. lack of numbers, safety issues, and train the coaches. as for sharon, they compete in leagues throughout maryland, like power lifting against others in their age groups. guys. >> thank you dave. still to come, three of the four republican presidential candidates were in washington today. we'll tell you why. underway for the grammy awards. i'm in los angeles. coming up, what you can expect from the biggest stars. the crash was so intense that it layed the shattered wreckage of three young lives. >> i'm andrea mccarren of 9news now. i covered that heartbreaking
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story in may of last year. underage drinking was a part of that tragedy. i made myself a promise, to find out why teen drinking has become so prevalent and what needs to be done to stop it. it's an issue that matters, with questions that demand answers. nine wants to know just like you do.
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they are going to be rocking and rolling this sunday night in l.a. >> i hope not like that. there's also going to be blues and classical and every kind of music you can imagine at the 54th annual grammy awards. >> crews are getting the stage ready for music's biggest
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night. the tell prompters are up and the celebrity seat assignments are set. >> it's the grammy's. it's very prestigious. >> katy perry song is up for record of the year. but she faces fierce competition, especially from adele. nominated for six awards. including record of the year. song of the year, and album of the year. the british singer will preview her voice on 60 minutes for the first time since undergoing throat surgery. ♪ [ music ] >> but her first live performance since the operation will be at the grammy's. >> the fact she will be on stage singing, everybody will be definitely paying attention to that. >> the beach boys are back. and they are rehearsing for their big reunion. their first live performance in more than two decades. brian wilson, mike love, and the rest of the band will
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perform with maroon 5. >> how do you feel? i feel good. >> we're stoked. >> collaborations are always big at the grammy's. r and b stars, monica and brandi rehearsed their duet, and carrie underwood will sing with tony bennett. promises to be a big night for those watching in the audience and at home. cbs news, los angeles. >> you can watch the grammy awards sunday night right here on wusa9. and starting tomorrow, log on to wusa9 for a chance to win a free ipad 2. just tell us who you think will win the album of the year. if you're right, you're entered into our drawing. sunday night at 11:30 right after the awards. >> and before the show starts, hear what one of the night's big nominees has to say about performing for the first time in five months. adele is talking to 60 minutes
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about the surgery to save her vocal cords and how she communicated when she was not allowed to talk. >> i had an application on my phone that you talk the words into and it speaks it. i love to swear. mostly we can't swear. i found an app you can swear. i get my point across. >> there you go. see the rest of adele's conversation with anderson cooper. that's on 60 minutes. this is 9news now. >> two years ago today, the second round of the blizzard that almost dropped 40 inches of snow in our area was starting to wind down. and tonight, topper is tracking what has been a rarity this winter. snow. let's get to the weather center to find out, topper, you don't look excited about this at all. >> well, here's the deal. the good news is, no problems tonight for the roads. the good news is for the kids, i think everybody is going to see a coating of snow by tomorrow night. let's start with the advisories. all the advisories


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