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tv   9 News Now at 430am  CBS  February 29, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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start on super tuesday. he's looking for georgia to be his first win since south carolina in january. ron paul hasn't won a state yet. >> we're still winning a lot of delegates and that's what counts. >> reporter: the g.o.p. candidates have to win 1144 delegates to clinch the nomination. mitt romney leads that race. susan mcginnis, cbs news, northville, michigan. >> super tuesday's contest will be important as the candidates march toward the magic number of 1144. ten states compete in the contest and 400 delegates of up for grabs. republican senator olympia snowe says she will not seek a fourth term. she made the announcement yesterday. senator snowe says she's dropping out of the race because she's frustrated by a polarized washington. republicans will now look to hold on to her seat as they try to take back the senate. a new poll shows former virginia governor republican george allen is leading his democratic lival former
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governor tim kaine in the race for the u.s. senate seat. the roanoke college poll suggests allen leads kaine by eight percentage points. both allen and kaine face challenges from multiple candidates in the june primary. there's a new report out looking into the mismanagement of the military's mortuary in delaware. it shows some remains belonging to victims of the 9/11 attacks were disposed of in a landfill. >> the mismanagement of all the remains in question took place at dover air force base. we have the disturbing details. >> it was like a dream. >> reporter: since september 11, 2001, was the worst day of this man's life. >> i lost my right hand person, the love of my life. >> reporter: today he says after years of trying to heal the emotional wounds of that terrible day, he feels like his recovery has taken a significant step backwards. >> this is definitely opened up
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some old wounds. >> reporter: abe's wife janice, a budget analyst for the army, was one of 140 people killed when american airlines flight 77 slammed into the pentagon on september 11. >> she was one of the last remains to be identified. >> reporter: only parts of janice's body were found. he was assured by the defense department that any unidentifiable body parts recovered at the pentagon would be buried in a mass grave at arlington national cemetery. >> that's correct. >> reporter: you might be able to imagine what abe was feeling when he learned today that some unidentified human remains from the pentagon were incinerated and dumped in a landfill. >> i'm angry. >> reporter: a 20-year army veteran who retired as a major, abe says he feels like the organization he devoted much of his life to has let him down and more importantly let his loving wife down as well. >> it's going to take me a while to recover from this tragic news. >> reporter: having said that, abe added he's comforted by the fact that most of the people
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responsible for improperly disposing of 9/11 remains are no longer with the defense department though he believes the majority of them got off without being sufficiently punished. >> most of them have retired or separated from the service. i don't know what they can do in terms of bringing -- holding them accountable but i'm hoping something can be done. >> reporter: for their part pentagon officials said they deeply regret the pain that yesterday's news has clearly caused so many friends and family members of september 11 victims. matt jablo, 9news now. the start of two trials resulting from the 2009 crash on metro's red line have been delayed now both wrongful death cases were scheduled to begin next month. yesterday, however, a judge overseeing those cases delayed one trial until the end of october. the other one until the end of november. metro and several companies involved in the lawsuits rutting from that crash -- resulting from that crash have settled with the families seven
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out of the nine people killed. the virginia state senate has passed a bill which would require a woman to undergo an abdominal ultrasound before seeking an abortion. as you recall governor bob mcdonnell urged lawmakers to do away with a part of the bill that would have mandated an invasive form of ultrasound. he is expected to sign this new version. virginia would become the eighth state to require women have ultrasounds before abortions and be offered descriptions of the fetus. a race for -- a raise for county employees and your water bill may be going up. the plan includes almost $2 billion for schools, $3.5 million for transportation. if the budget passes again in fairfax, employees would get a 2% raise. storm water fees would go up about $25 for the average
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homeowner. occupy protesters will be able to remain in freedom plaza for several more weeks. the national park service is finalizing an extension to their permit which expires today. it will allow the protesters to remain in freedom plaza till april 29. the protests began in october on the tenth anniversary of the war in afghanistan. members of a group called our d.c. protested pepco in bethesda yesterday. they showed up at the bethesda office building to deliver a message and a cake to a pepco board member of the icing on the cake read "pepco can't have its cake and eat it too." the protesters called on the utility to withdraw its request for a rate increase and to cut the salaries of its board members. the group says pepco board members can expect more of these protests in the days ahead. here's some of the other things making news.
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a teenager accused of shooting five students inside a high school cafeteria in chardon, ohio may be charged as an adult. prosecutors say the alleged shooter t.j. lane picked his victims at random. three of the students who were shot died. classes at the high school are expected to resume on friday. officials say a crippled italian cruise ship in the indian ocean won't reach land till thursday. the costa allegra lost power monday following a generator room fire and more than a thousand people aboard with no air conditioning. helicopters are dropping food, satellite phones and radios to the passengers. the ship is owned by carnival, the same company that operated the cruise liner that capsized off italy six weeks ago. time now 4:36. at 4:41 executives at yahoo may be facing off with the people of facebook. we'll explain. at 4:48 driving around one part of fairfax may soon get a little more complicated. we're back with your weather first in two minutes. keep it right here.
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it's a cold morning, 30s and 40s and rain is on the way so grab the rain gear. in fact by later this morning, midday, some of the rain could be hefty. maybe a thunderstorm passing with mid-40s by noon. by 5:00 some breaks and 53 but more rain and storms this evening before we finally clear out tonight. i'll have the full seven-day forecast looking ahead toward the weekend in just a few minutes. right now over to monika with time saver traffic. thank you so much, howard. a huge sinkhole blocks westbound bladensburg road -- annapolis road, excuse me n bladensburg road to route 1. it will be lying this way throughout the morning rush
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hour. more coming up in your next report. time for your first your money segment of the morning. >> we did it. we close above 13,000. this is the first time we've been above that level at a close since may 2008. still a little bit over a thousand points away from the all-time high of 14,164. that was all the way back in october of 2007 but we're going to take it. the dow got the final push from a report that consumer confidence jumped this month to its highest level in a year. checking the numbers, the dow starts this morning at 13,005. i've got to get used to saying 13,000 after adding just 23 points. the nasdaq climbed up about 20 points and the s&p 500 was up by about 4 and a half. an alert for those of who you have a mortgage through the federal housing administration. your mortgage payments are about to get a little bit more expensive. the agency says as of april 1,
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it will start raising the premiums it charges borrowers. the increase of 75 basis points is on upfront payments that will translate to $5 on the average monthly payment. yearly rates are also going up. so a loan up to $625,000 will go up 10 basis points. larger loans will go up by 35. yahoo threatening to sue facebook. the struggling internet search engine is accusing the social networking site of infringing on up to 20 patents. yahoo is demanding facebook pay for the patents or it will sue. the timing of this coincides with facebook's expected ipo this spring. maybe yahoo is going to ask for some stock from the company in the settlement. >> sort of a bluffing thing. you don't need to bully us around, you big facebook. he's been called by some people the mayor for life but some challenges are taking aim at marion berry's seat on the
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d.c. -- marion barry's seat on the d.c. city council. 9news now returns in two minutes.
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good morning. welcome to 9news now. don't forget your umbrella. >> we're going to have some showers, maybe thunderstorms. could be coming down pretty leftly midday. i think a break in the afternoon before another round of showers and storms is what i'm anticipating between now and 8:00, 9:00 preponderance tonight. -- 9:00 p.m. tonight. we had 30s and 40s. you definitely need something to keep you warm this morning and potentially dry. there will be some showers
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possible toward the tail end this morning. some stuff by 8:00, 9:00 moving in. later this morning the rain will definitely be moving in as we see temperatures slowly climb to 45 by noon. it could be a really soggy, raw, almost stormy midday with the chance for some thunderstorms despite the cool temperatures. the upper level winds are strong. that could be enough to generate the thunderstorms. by 4:00 i think the first batch of rain is over so mostly cloudy, 52. winds out of the south at 11 miles an hour. we'll continue that slow climb up to around mid-50s. 56 by 8:00 p.m. daytime highs closer to 54, 55 with again a chance for some showers and storms returning this evening. here's the first batch of rain. even a little bit of lightning as you go west on 64 there going from i-81 into west virginia. but the heavier stuff is in ohio, kentucky moving in toward west virginia. we'll see this over the next few hours. you can really see charleston going to get ready to be
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walloped here. this is going to be coming in toward virginia, down towards stanton and charlottesville here over the next 60 to 90 minutes. temperatures have dipped into the 30s in many areas. we're holding on to 40 right now with winchester and culpeper 39. it's 32 in cumberland. they might see some sleet for a few minutes but this is going to be a rain event. we have temperatures of 39 in sterling and 39 in springfield. columbia is down to 36. upper marlboro down to 35. and outside on our michael & son weather camera, no problems yet but skies are mostly cloudy with a temperature of 40 with a light wind out of the southeast at 3. but this is a big, big storm in the middle of the country. there's another big storm on the west coast but we're going to focus on this one because while we've got the snow to the north, we've got the moderate rain, batch one here. you see the second line coming through missouri into the tornado -- missouri with a tornado watch this morning.
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this clears us maybe by 10:00 tonight so that tomorrow it's going to be a breezy and warm day. we'll struggle to get into the mid-50s today. tomorrow mid- to upper 60s. then maybe a taste of winter before the weekend is out. it's march after all starting in a few hours. 55 degrees today with showers and storms at times. 68 tomorrow. we're only going to be around 50 for the low tonight. a warm, breezy day. we could have winds gusting 25, 30 miles an hour. mild on friday with a late shower around 60. saturday looks unsettled with more showers and storms. we might get a clipper passing through saturday or sunday night so we'll watch for that possibility carefully. you know what that means. monika? the big story on the traffic end this morning is definitely going to be this huge sinkhole that we've been telling you about on the westbound side of annapolis road at route 1 in bladensburg. it's completely shut down. it's bug enough that they'll have to wait till after the morning rush hour to get that situation sorted out.
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you're being diverted on to alternate route 1 to upshire back up to route 50 around the scene. avoid the bottleneck it's going to cause and use the bw parkway or route 50 instead heading into northeast d.c. we'll keep you posted on that situation of course. let's take you over to the beltway. first live near route 50. if you're planning to head in prince george's county along the beltway, you're going to be fine. near route 50 and down towards the wilson bridge this morning on the inner loop. we'll go back over to the maps this time on the west side of town. no problems through centreville on 66 and toward the beltway, the dulles toll road, there had been that construction diverting you on the outer loop of the beltway. keep that in mind. on the northbound side of 95 here in springfield looking good coming up from the occoquan all the way to the 14th street bridge. another look around the area at 4:55 but first, a heads up. work on the wilson bridge project will mean construction delays around alexandria. today one lane of the outer loop will be closed from the
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eisenhower connector to telegraph road from 9:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. two lanes will be closed overnight on the same stretch of the highway through thursday. and drivers who use the fairfax drive exit from route 50 in children don will need to -- claire reason don will need to -- crlarendon will need to find an alternate route. mike and andrea? >> thanks, monika. marion barry is seeking another term for the d.c. council representing ward eight, home of the district's poorest residents. he has been an icon in that area for decades despite personal scandals. >> bruce johnson reports with the democratic primary a month away five candidates are hoping to unseat barry. >> reporter: at age 75, marion barry can still draw a crowd. so often people in need of
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help. he's held elected office for 31 years, 16 of them as mayor of d.c. a growing number of people say that's long enough [ inaudible ] >> reporter: at age 75 he's now running for a third term a and for the first time a lot of people in position to know are asking the question, can marion barry really lose this time. >> people feel he's not moving enough forward and we don't see him at any of the meetings. >> reporter: andre and jacques are two of five candidates now hoping to unseat barry as a ward 8 d.c. council member. >> we have a number of people that are just dissatisfied with the service that they've received, his bouts with drugs and the i.r.s. are now legendary. >> reporter: but barry and his supporters weigh that against his record of service. >> whether it's education, downtown business, jobs, seniors, businessmen and they just know i'm genuine. >> reporter: he's had health
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issues, prostrate cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, but barry says he's now in good health and plans to finish a third term if reelected. >> i really love people. i like what i'm doing. i care about the underdog. >> reporter: the crowded field and small voter turnout favor barry. we've learned -- is [indiscernible] >> you divide the anti-barry vote he wins again. >> i think people naturally go after his voters and try to siphon him off. i'm trying to get my own voters. >> reporter: bruce johnson, 9news now. >> the d.c. primary is april 3. the democratic nominees become heavy favorites for the general election because democratic voters far outnumber republican voters in the district grz do you take sleeping pills? well, they could kill you. according to a study published in the british medical journal. researchers tracked the health reports of 34,000 people over a decade. half of them took sleeping pills.
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the people who took drugs like am by yen -- ambien were dying in greater numbers than those who do not. whether you take several dozen pills a year or a few, the risk of death more than triples. for the heaviest users, the death risk was five times higher. cancer was more likely as well. researchers still aren't sure why but people who take these sleep aids long term may not be living a healthy lifestyle to begin with or may have an undiagnosed sleep apnea condition. eating omega 3 fatty acids may protect against premature aging and memory troubles. research published in neurology is the first of its kind to link blood levels with brain shrinkage. all of these factors can lead to a higher risk of developing alzheimer's and other forms of
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dementia. 4:53. time for the question of the morning. >> the average american has at least one of these they haven't used in a year or longer. is it a, a key on their key chain, b, a gym membership, or c, a grill. >> log on to the wusa9 facebook fan page and leave your response. we'll reveal the answer during our 6:00 hour. madam c.j. walker is the original entrepreneur, a businesswoman and inventor, she created her own line of hair and makeup products that eventually led to the creation of her own factory in 1910. walker frequently gave business seminars to other black women while she also provided employment opportunities to the women who sold her products door to door. when walker died in 1919, she was the first self made female millionaire. log on to for more moments in black history.
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>> woman: don't forget the yard work! >> o.k. >> announcer: with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. >> nice job, ben. >> announcer: well played, dan. well played. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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welcome back. 4:56. your weather first. it's chilly this morning and rain on the way. consider that before you step out the door. temperatures will slowly climb to the mid-40s by noon. some of the rain through at least early to mid-afternoon could be on the hefty side. a break for the afternoon commute and more showers and storms possible this evening. highs near 55 late in the day. let's go to monika santami. she'll let you know what to expect on the roads. if you're heading on the northbound side of 395 or planning to, no problems to report. here at duke street to the 14th street bridge and into the downtown area. a huge sinkhole in bladensburg. i'll let you know about that coming up at 5:01. back to you, mike. the air and space museum is
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getting ready to welcome the space shuttle discovery. the longest serving of any of the five shuttle orbiters is due to arrive april 17. a boeing 747 will carry it from kennedy space center to dulles airport on that date. in the following days the shuttle will head to the nearby center, the large annex of the air and space museum. it will then be escorted in a parade. a former american idol could be testifying in a murder trial. >> an oscar winner is opening up her checkbook. we have more in this look at entertainment. >> reporter: jennifer hudson may soon have to testify in the upcoming trial of her estranged brother-in-law william balfour. he is accused of killing hudson's mother, brother and 7- year-old nephew in chicago four years ago. hudson is on the prosecution's witness list. it's not clear if she'll be called to the stand.
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johnny cash would have turned 80 week. now stars are lining up to celebrate his legacy. kenny chesney and lucinda williams are among the musicians scheduled to perform in an april 20 concert. cash died in 2003. actor jen dujardin held up his new oscar while pushing back photographers at the paris airport. he's now home after his trip to l.a. for the academy awards where he won best actor for his role in "the artist." viola davis may not have won the oscar for best actress but she's not going home empty handed thanks to the woman who did win. meryl streep who won for her role as margaret thatcher in "the iron lady" has made a $10,000 donation on behalf of davis who starred in "help" "help." the money is going to a charter school in davis' hometown of central falls, rhode island. former boy band new kids on the block and ashley boys are teaming up for a concert tour
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of europe. >> we start the show together. we trade off. it's one big roller coaster after show. >> reporter: it kicks off in belfast april 20. and that's your eye on entertainment. cbs news, los angeles. good morning. thank you for watching 9news now at 5:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. you mean the fcc didn't catch that slip by dujardin? >> could you still call that a boy band tour. >> when they're 40? >> good morning. i'm mike hydeck. sam sam with your traffic and howard has your weather first. it's going to be wet. maybe a lot of wet. we're starting dry and chilly. 30s and 40s so you need that winter jacket. then i'm need something to keep you dry if you're going to be outside because the rain could be really coming down for a while between 9:00, 10:00 till maybe early to mid-afternoon till another break. here's a look at our day planner. expect temperatures to slowly climb. about


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