tv Up to the Minute CBS April 3, 2012 2:35am-4:00am EDT
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nba champion of the los angeles lakers, pau gasol, everybody! pau gasol! [cheers and applause] how are you doing, big time? >> i'm doing great. craig: i'm doing all right. i was trying to give geoff a sense of perspective because you're taller than i am which works for you in basketball. and jour still a laker. >> i know. craig: how does that work? i don't understand how the trading work. they might trade you. they might not trade you. do you have a say in this? >> you don't. the team has an interest on trading you or finding a better fit for the team and any time it can happen. there's a trade deadline and until that point you just don't know if you're going to be gone
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or you're going to stay. craig: that's kind of what this job is like too. >> you can relate to it? craig: will they trade me to some local access cable outfit or keep me here? you have a very fine scottish accent and i'm hearing it. have you ever been to scotland? >> i haven't. i have a friend to tell me to go to edinburgh. craig: you're physio. >> they traded him too. they let him go. craig: you can trade physio? >> they let him go. so yeah, i would love to go when i have the opportunity. craig: ever when you were a kid, did you watch the harlem globetrotters? >> i did. i went to watch one of the exhibition games in barcelona. craig: that's the only basketball i knew as a kid. i only thought there was one team. and there was another team that
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the guys would put together to get beaten by. but it was the harlem globetrotters an every time they threw that bucket of water and it wasn't water, and it was just confetti. you should try that with the lakers. >> sometimes i'm too focused. craig: does it mess with your head, the trade talk? >> it does. you try to keep your head in the moment. craig: how do you take your mind away from -- or do you? do you not? >> i try to. i think it's healthy to do so. obviously you want to be on top of your game. craig: so you have to work out and get aerobic exercise. >> you have to ice up. craig: ice up? >> ice your joints. craig: ice your joints? [laughter] >> no, no, no.
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no, no. craig: i don't even know why i said that. you can cut that out. that's a ridiculous thing i said. what do you do then? do you go to the movies? do you read? >> i read. i read for the most part. i watch, you know, a little tv here and there. craig: what tv do you watch? >> mostly like a tv show or more basketball. yeah, mostly. craig: you watch -- you don't actually watch the tv when it's not turned on? very few people don't. i sometimes don't. >> with stuff. craig: yeah, that would be the tv then. have you been back to barcelona recently? >> in the summer. craig: that's one of the most wonderful towns on earth. spectacular town. michael was there recently. >> oh, really? how was it? craig: you can't tell, he's in the dark.
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he likes that. he likes it that way. it suits his personality. >> nice. nice. craig: they have a big basketball league in spain, though. >> yes, they do they have the strongest league in europe. but i was practicing there during the lockout. craig: yeah, the lockout. now, tall players turned up and they go, no, you can't, or did they tell you? >> you're not allowed in the estimate of your team or contact any employee of the team. so you have to pretty much work out on your own to stay in shape until something get resolved. craig: it was long. wasn't it like 100 days? >> it was like two months. craig: you have 66 games? >> 66 games. it's very compact. craig: you guys are very stressed. it's like this job. this is really easy. i turn up.
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i mess with the skeleton. i go home. it's fine. it's already. >> i was seeing that you were interviewing the boss' wife. how is that? craig: it's tricky. because she's smoking hot. are you dating anyone? i'm not asking you for myself. >> you're asking me if i'm available. craig: do you a relationship? or do you focus on your ball -- i'm sorry man. >> i do have a girlfriend. from spain. craig: you should ask her to come. >> it's a good start. craig: is she from my hometown? >> she is. she's from barcelona. craig: great. >> it work out fine. craig: did you meet her in barcelona? >> i met her in the south of spain. craig: down in the -- what do they call the south of spain?
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>> i met her in sevilla. craig: ooh, where if organization come from. >> don't they come from valencia? craig: we're out of time. what do you want, big cash prize, awkward pause, or silent pause? >> big cash prize. craig: with the lockout. >> i don't know what's in the sacred box. it's tough. craig: that's like me saying i don't know about this bounce the ball and then throwing it over the hoop. what's that? and then you bounce it into the hoop? what the hell is that? so what do you want, awkward pause or mouth organ? >> let's go with awkward pause. craig: you good.
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♪ what did we learn on the show tonight craig ♪ [meow] [laughter] craig: i think it's just a rash, man. [laughter] geoff: no, no, man, it really burns. craig: it's just a rash. you've got some bad haggis or something. geoff: i looked it up in the medical textbook and the term for it is "ozzy's willy." [cheers and applause]
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of dollars. now a small group of lawyers, activists and former ballers are going to court for what they say is their fair share of it. >> oh, my goodness. >> the intoxicating passion of march madness all boils down to billions in cold hard cash for the networks, universities and the ncaa. everyone, it seems, but the students who play the game. >> let's go. >> they are partners to this thing. it's the only enterprise in the world where the employee has no vested interest. >> reporter: we caught up with 71-year-old sonny vacaro in new orleans for the final four. but nowadays his real passion lies in crisscrossing the country telling anyone who will listen about what he calls the plantation mentality behind major college sports. ironic since he made his fortune marketing big money sneaker deals to those very universities. >> it took me awhile to understand that the only people
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that were being used here were the individual players. >> reporter: his message caught the ear of d.c. based attorney michael housefield who investigated. >> they're selling the athletes work, name, immanage and likeness, taking all that money and keeping it themselves. >> what about that free college education? >> a division men's basketball and football, the highest revenue producing sports for the ncaa have the lowest graduation rates in the classes with the least career oriented occur rick can curriculum. >> reporter: he filed a federal lawsuit arguing the players deserve a percentage of whatever money their sport brings in, including things like jersey sales and video games and former greats like bill rustle and ross scar robertson have -- oscar robertson have jumped on board p. the ncaa issued a statement
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saying in part student athletes often get full scholarships that pay their tuition, room and board and books and fees. beyond this the ncaa provides more than $60 million annually to help students with true financial need pay for other personal expenses. but it's not just about the money. it's about power. housefield argues the ncaa currently controls pretty muchevery aspect of a players career, even how much they can make on a summer job. if the player gets hurt herself the precious scholarship could be gone. >> it is the very definition of an uneven playing field. but not every ex player agrees. he played. >> i think if the student athletes begin to get some money, it will take away from college sports and the beauty and the competitiveness of college sports. >> but housefield says wake up. that glitter rubbed off a long time ago. >> you're trying to pull back the curtain on them?
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>> yes. >> reporter: and that lawsuit is due to go on trial in the summer of next year. now, i asked housefield what would you consider a victory here? he said at the heart of this, he wants a big change in the power relationship between the college athlete and the ncaa. right now, he says the students have no voice. along to news of maryland. the single mother from baltimore who claims she won maryland share of the mega millions lottery broke her silence tonight. >> she said she's in shock and claims by coworkers they were in a pool with her on the winning ticket are false. but lottery officials verified none of her story. scott broom is in baltimore tonight after talking with the haitian immigrant at her home. >> reporter: here at her home in baltimore created a huge amount of lottery confusion. wilson, single mother of 7, haitian immigrant, who says she won maryland's share of the mega millions lottery with a ticket she bought with a dollar
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found on the floor at this mcdonald's where she works in maryland. >> i'm still in shock. >> reporter: meanwhile, coworkers at the mcdonald's told the new york post newspaper they were in a pool with wilson. and they might be winners, too. >> they give me the pool and everybody have the ticket. >> reporter: not so says wilson who showed reporters photocopies of the pool tickets, all losers. >> everybody have their copy. >> reporter: instead she insists the winning ticket, purchased at the 7-11 near her job, is hers and hers alone in safekeeping. she won't show it. but then things get confusing. when she says a coworker bought the ticket for her. >> he got it for me. >> reporter: what is for sure is wilson has not presented herself to lottery officials yet. >> they have to come through here. >> reporter: who said earlier they can verify nothing without a person with ticket in hand. >> we get claims all the time of somebody who's won. it doesn't matter until they come in, show proof, show that ticket, and that ticket has to be the real deal.
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>> i really don't know what's going on. too much confusion. >> reporter: is she the winner or isn't she? the evidence tonight is inconclusive. but if she is the winner, her share split with winners in two other states, will be $218.6 million. in baltimore, scott broom, 9 news now. a deadly shooting, three at a small college in oakland, california. new tonight, police identified the suspect under arrest. 43-year-old juan go. he is a former student at the school, oikos university. they say he killed seven people and wounded three others, then escaped in a victim's car. he later surrendered to police at a safe way store. no word yet on a possible motive for the shooting rampage. tonight, an exclusive insight into an abrupt resignation within the obama resignation. >> martha johnson called it quits when a report exposed ex
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paragraph gaunt resort stays and high dollar costs. reporter has been covering johnson for two years and that includes an earlier gsa spending spree. >> reporter: it was over a year ago i investigated headquarters with hundreds of sick or dead workers. in response, instead of answering my questions, the gsa hired a private publicity firm and paid out more than a quarter million dollars. inside this gsa regional headquarters in kansas city, missouri, the administrator's resignation reignited disgust and distrust. diane price worked at the banister federal complex where employees said coworkers were getting sick and dying at an unusual rate. >> this is my husband, terry price, who died at the age of 50. there has been so many deaths, so many illnesses. >> reporter: her late husband worked in a part of the building where the department of energy makes parts for nuclear bombs.
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instead of investigating worker concerns, the gsa spent $234,000 hiring a p.r. firm, which was administrator martha johnson's first time in the spending hot seat here before missouri senator clair mccaskill. >> did you do anything wrong in this contract? did gsa do anything wrong? >> we did nothing wrong. >> reporter: when today's inspector general report identified new wasteful and in some cases impermissible spending, this time the administrator resigned. this is the inn resort where they had 44 a plate breakfast and indulged in fancy food. president obama forewarned about this in a 2010 speech. >> you can't go take a trip to las vegas or go down to the superbowl on the taxpayers time dime. >> reporter: but this report says gsa officials spent more than $136,000 in taxpayer dimes
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just visiting las vegas to plan the conference. these documents show a $2,400 square foot two level suite where gsa officials stayed. he hosted semi private parties in their own hotel rooms and spent more than eight grand in souvenir yearbooks. total cost, $822,751. $822 grand price wishes was spent on the sick. >> it's very upsetting to find out there's so many people who could use that money to help with their medical expenses. >> reporter: the gsa are making plans to abandon that facility. but still there's no explanation for all those illnesses on the gsa's nearly million dollar stay. tonight, the president is calling for all those responsible to be held fully accountable. now, if you know of any examples of government waste or corruption, call me here at the station. you can also follow me on twitter. russ, we want to welcome
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you here to wusa 9. what kind ever things will you be working on? >> if you know of tax dollars being spent like this, we want to know. we have undercover operations going. we're alonging for the small guy getting ripped off, officials lying, cheating or stealing. call us at the station. now to a website linked to al qaeda that's posted a chilling graphic which could be anything from a serious threat to a sick joke. take a look. this is a mock movie poster with the line al qaeda, coming soon again in new york. with the manhattan skyline in the background. the fbi is on this, but the feds emphasize they know of no specific threat against new york city. the graphic appeared on an overseas website that has sometimes posted al qaeda material. al qaeda itself is having trouble getting its message out on the web right now. apparently the terror group has been hacked. it's main internet forums have been off line for more than a week. no one has taken responsibility for bringing down the site, but experts say it could be the work of a government, a group working for a government or
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simply a crazy bunch of fearless hackers. an update now on a deadly shooting in culpeper by a police officer. the prosecutor there wants a special grand jury to investigate the death of 54- year-old patricia cook. back in february, a police officer was responding to a report after suspicious person when he approached cook in her car. police say the cop opened fire killing her only after they say she drove off with his arm trapped in her car window and refused to stop. but an eyewitness told 9 news that officer's arm was never caught in the window. the officer involved in the shooting has not been publicly identified. the number of young people getting arrested for robbery in d.c. is on the rise. d.c. lawyers for youth did an analysis of the d.c. police department's data and inside they found the number of robbery arrests for people with 17 years and younger was up 17% in 2011 over the previous year. the organization said they've seen an increase in the so- called snatch and run robberies of smart phones and mp 3
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players. good news? the report says that youth arrests in the district overall have gone down a bit. anita? right now parts of the d.c. metro area are under a frost advisory. how cold will it get? let's go right to anny hong. she's in for topper tonight. >> temperatures down into the 30s, especially in our northwest suburbs. that frost advisory you're talking about is impacting areas including loudoun and frederick and montgomery county. it starts at 2:00 in the morning, goes until 9:00 in the morning tomorrow. freeze warning farther north up toward the mason dixon line. temperatures there getting around freezing. so yeah, it's going to be a very chilly start to your tuesday morning as temperatures are really going to be bottoming out. right now, it's only in the lower 50s in downtown. go farther north, frederick in the mid-30s. hagerstown upper 50s. temperatures will continue to drop during the overnight hours and probably the next couple of hours. so as you're waking up
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tomorrow, definitely bundle up in layers, because as the cold start in the morning, but then lots of sunshine. temperatures into the 50s by 9:00. it's going to be a warmer day. we'll talk about that and your easter forecast coming up a little bit later. back to you. >> thanks, anny. still to come, are the washington redskins getting a makeover? a look at some ideas for the team's new uniforms, that's coming up in sports. but first, analyzing the 911 calls made the night trayvon martin was shot and killed. that story after the break
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new tonight, a small skydiving plane crashed into a florida grocery store, sending two people onboard the plane to the hospital. witnesses say they saw the plane start to sputter before it slammed to the building and burst into flames. three people inside the store were also hurt but they're expected to be okay. no word on what causedded plane to go down. the latest development in the shooting of trayvon martin focus on the 911 tape. they're trying to focus on whether screams are those of dim zimmerman, the man who shot and killed the unarmed teenager. zimmer han says he was firing in self-defense.
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according to the police report, zimmerman told police he was yelling for help during the incident. but audio engineers who analyzed the 911 recordings for a florida newspaper say they don't believe the screams on the tape are skimmer man's. >> after 28 years of doing this, i would put my reputation on the line and say this is not george zimmerman screaming. >> mean heil, a gun rights group started a legal defense fund for george zimmerman. we're waiting to learn the name of a man hit and killed by a trash truck. this one happened in an alley off columbia road in northwest d.c. witnesses say that man was actually walking behind the truck and got pinned underneath when the driver slipped the truck into reverse. witnesses say they did hear the truck's backup warning sound go off. new tonight, an online encounter ended with three young men from maryland facing some pretty serious charges. new york state police arrested 18-year-old travis, elliott johnson and hall. police say one of the men met a
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16-year-old girl online and arranged to meet her in person. the trio picked the teenager up in new york, but officers stopped them before they crossed state lines. all three are now facing charges of endangering the welfare of a child. d.c.'s primary, voters will choose among the candidates who will advance to the general election in november. polls in d.c. and maryland will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for information on the candidates and the races go to our website, click under campaign 2012. the month of april brings some rain showers, blooming flowers and appreciation of jazz. the smithsonian's national museum of american history is celebrating with a series of performances, lectures, events all around town. the museum is already home to an extensive jazz collection, including 100,000 pages of duke ellington's unpublished music
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and ella fitzgerald's fay months red dress. temperatures are dropping overnight. it's going to be a cold start. but then the warmth does make little way back tomorrow afternoon. so the next couple of days looking pretty nice h/?txua chance for showers and everybody wants to know about the extra forecast. will the easter bunny have problems hiding the eggs or the kids have problems finding them? let's take a look at your michael and son weather camera where we have the white house, lights are out. temperatures not too bad downtown. 51 degrees, clear skies. the winds finally diminishing, only six miles per hour north/northwest. and winds will not be a problem tomorrow. now, here's a look at that frost advisory for loudoun, montgomery and howard counties. just to the north and west of the d.c. metro area. this is until 9:00 tomorrow morning. farther north toward the mason dixon line, frederick, hagerstown, western maryland,
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you've got a freeze warning in effect. it will be a very cold start, especially for those where we can see patchy frost. you want to definitely cover those sensitive plants or bring them inside. otherwise, they may not just make it. the satellite radar picture showing high pressure and control. we'll see sunny skies tomorrow once again. we'll warm things up the next couple of days. tonight, we're talking about a cold and will frosty overnight and frosty start for your tuesday. sunny and warm for tuesday afternoon. showers for wednesday. cooler for thursday and friday. we're not going to get a whole lot of rain from this system, even if we get any in fact. here's a look at the 9 futurecast. wednesday morning, for the most part we're looking at dry conditions but clouds will be moving in. a mix of sun and clouds. the showers come in from the west. a lot of it impacting more likely central virginia. we may get a little bit of moisture from this system. whatever we do get, if any,
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will be not a whole lot. we definitely can use the rain around here. overnight, as you're sleeping, expecting clear and cold conditions. grab a couple of blankets that you like. low 34 to 42 degrees. tomorrow morning, sunny and cold. grab your jacket and i would say a scarf. temperatures will start out in the 30s and 40s. winds will be out of the northwest at 5 to 10 miles per hour. winds shift in the afternoon, coming out of the southwest. so it will be warmer under sunny skies. you'll want your sunglasses. highs mid-60s to lower 70s. around downtown, we're going close to 70 degrees. average high for this time of year is lower 60s. rockville 69. buoy 69. annapolis in the lower 70s. >> arlington 70. fairfax 68. manassas and leesburg around 67 degrees. tuesday is actually looking really nice. here's a look at your center. a cold start. dress in layers, because it's going to warm up.
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by noon, go outside for lunch if you want. 59 and 64 degrees. by 5:00, it will be mild, mid- 60s to lower 70s. here's how your next three days are shaping up. even warmer on -- we're talking temperatures in the lower 70s over by the middle of the week. here's a look at your seven-day forecast. it's looking pretty good. things will cool down for the end of the week into the 60s. and for easter, we're looking at some nice conditions, in the lower 70s. and because it's after midnight, the seven day is actually shifted over a day. so basically it will be lower 70s on easter sunday and looking really nice. showers holding off until evening hours. got to be thankful for that. >> thanks a lot, anny. one more game. it turned out to be pretty good, although not at first. >> at first we thought it might be just a blowout. but the last three minutes it became a game. the last three minutes. a new champion has now been crowned. kentucky hold off an incredible kansas come back to become one of the youngest teams to win a
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it's been 14 years since bluegrass country has been able to celebrate a national championship in basketball. head coach john calperry has never been able to get his hands on the championship trophy until tonight. kansas would need another come back tonight against kentucky. here's something we've seen the wildcats do a lot this tournament. terrence jones with the slam. he had nine on the night. kentucky got out to an early lead, but the jayhawks came out blazing in the second. tyler with a 3 cuts the lead to 12. kansas doing their best to mount another come back, but kentucky was having none of it. the number one overall seed wildcats are your 2012 national
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champs. bluegrass country, go celebrate. >> i don't know of any team that has sacrificed for each other like this team, and they deserve this moment. >> my teammates have a great will to win. they come out and play every possession and never give any possession. we got beat on a couple of plays. we rebounded. i think that's what helped us win tonight. to some redskins. although many predicted they'll take rg3 with the second pick in the draft, the word is michael is that the indianapolis colts are very interested in the heisman winner, three more weeks of speculation left. a lot more stories like that. your redskins jerseys may look different this season. nike has taken over as the league apparel maker for the next five years. even though some of the images have reportedly leaked, nice ci will un-- nike will unveil the new uniform tomorrow. don't expect much drastic changes. heading into tonight, the
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capitals were two points ahead of buffalo for the final playoff spot. a win would grave them just a little bit more breathing room. taking on the lightning. cats down 2-1. it's blocked, but jason for the put back to ties things up at 2. but the lightning weren't done. stephen scored two goals, just one minute apart from each other to beat the caps 4-2. wizards hosting milwaukee fighting for the final playoff spot in the east. that's the bucs, not the wizards. crawford with a big 3 pointer. he had a game high 23 points. in the fourth, milwaukee starts to pull away. john wallace on sloppy ball handling on his part. milwaukee holds on to win 112- 98. the nationals wrapping up spring training in florida today taking on the red sox in
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talk about an over achiever. a 12-year-old pulled off a skateboarding stunt even the best of the business have not been able to do. >> he pulled over the first 1080, three complete revolutions in the air, landing with the skateboard still under you. it happened at the giant skateboard ramp in southern california. he did the 1080 in slow motion, just like that. that was his fifth try. very cool stuff. man.
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>> that is amazing. >> amazing. >> tony hawk, watch out. >> i'm amazed we're all still awake. that's 9 news for tonight. thanks for sticking around. >> don't forget we're always attention - americans living with limited mobility. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. more reliable. hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your
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a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. activating protection, bear! the more you move, the more it works! [ roars ] [ screaming ] new long lasting degree with motionsense help me! keep running! it's like totally crunch-erific! what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions
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ee i got no pulse. we're losing him. charging. he's in v-fib. let's shock him. he drives that road all the time. we just had a few drinks. this can't be happening. are we clear? clear. we were just buzzed. just buzzed? you didn't tell us that, sir. you're right, this isn't happening. he'll be fine. yeah, i feel good. really? no. not really.
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