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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  May 5, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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good morning, everyone, i'm jeff glor. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. and this is "cbs this morning: saturday." khalid shaikh mohammed is among five men who will be arraigned in cuba. >> the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks faces military justice. >> this morning ksm will appear before a military judge to face 2,976 charges of murder in the worst terror attacks ever on u.s. soil. american and chinese diplomats are working on a deal to allow chen to study abroad and take his family with him.
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>> new york university announced chen has a standing invitation to become a visiting scholar at their school of law. >> the diplomatic chess match to get chinese dissident chen guangcheng to the u.s. may be clearly complete. >> what chen guangcheng has done single-handedly and seeking american help has pushed human right back up to the top of the agenda. >> it's a great day. >> 48 philadelphia transit workers catch the money train, riding home with $107 million. >> there were shouts, there was laughter, and i saw grins, wide like i never saw before. >> i give you michael shamrock. >> he's conducted the pops, won four nba titles and now he has a new title, call him dr. shaq.
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those stories -- >> co-founder adam yauch has died after a fight with cancer. >> tomorrow's moon will be so big and bright, it's earned a name upgrade, supermoon. and so much more on "cbs this name upgrade, supermoon. and so much more on "cbs this morning: saturday," may 5, 2012. captioning funded by cbs he's okay. >> that did not look good. >> a guy getting hit by a bus in texas, but he's okay. >> glad to hear it. we're taking a look at the second straight month of job growth, it was weak, and more people stopped looking for work. some are young adults and they're moving home. we'll take a look at the new job numbers. how this migration back to mom and dad is hurting the economy. there is a ripple effect there when people move back in with mom and dad instead of buying a car, a home, that type of thing. >> very interesting trend taking
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place. also from spot cleaning to that supposedly free breakfast, insider tips on how to make your next hotel stay a five-star event. >> i always take the free breakfast. on a more serious note this morning, we begin with the long delayed trial of the man who has said -- who has boasted that he orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks on america. khalid shaikh mohammed and four other alleged al qaeda operatives are being arraigned at u.s. navy base at guantanamo bay, cuba, and jan crawford is there. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. we were here four years ago when the bush administration brought mohammed and our four suspects here to trial in a courtroom, but when president obama took office, he ordered guantanamo closed, the charges were dismissed. he said these suspects would be brought to a regular criminal courtroom in new york city, but opposition was so intense, they had to scrub those plans and now we're right back to where we started at military trials on
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gone tan notice bay. without khalid shaikh mohammed, september 11th would not have happened. the confessed mastermind, called ksm, proposed to osama bin laden a plot to not only hijack airplanes but to fly them into buildings. >> i want to see him face to face. >> reporter: eddy, whose sister died in the world trade center, came to guantanamo for today's hearing with nine other family members. her brother was working as a bond trailer in the world trade center 106th floor. >> imagine how you would feel if you looked at the burning buildings and it was your brother. >> reporter: this morning ksm will appear before a military judge to face 2,976 charges of murder in the worst terrorist attacks ever on u.s. soil. also being charged are four other top 9/11 suspects.
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an al qaeda operative, ramsey binn al shib who couldn't get a visa, and two others who helped finance the attacks. four years ago the bush administration brought the five to trial in the same military courtroom. it was the first time the public had seen ksm since his capture in 2003 and he was unrecognizable. then with a long bushy beard, ksm was also defiant. he fired his lawyers, railed against america and told the judge he wanted to plead guilty, because as he said, i'm looking to be martyred. now, although the five suspects four years ago all said they wanted to plead guilty, we're hearing from defense attorneys, this time they've changed their mind. they may not enter a guilty plea when we go into that courtroom later on this morning, which means these proceedings here in this military courtroom would continue, giving mohammed and
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our four is thes a platform to continue bashing america. >> that's always been the concern, jan crawford, we'll check back with you, thank you. relatives of the 9/11 are invited to four military bases on the east coast to watch arraignments onned-circuit tv. among them will be former firefighter jim riches. he was at ground zero where he pulled the body of his son, also a firefighter, out of the rubble. . good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> why do you want to watch this. >> these are the people that masterminded 9/11. got in the courtroom when i was in guantanamo in 2009 and said they killed the americans, glad they killed my son, and they would do it again. we have to send a message to the world that we're not going to allow terrorism to come and murder people. >> you saw khalid shaikh mohammed in 2009. what was that like? >> bone-chilling. it will be difficult for the people down there.
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five family members dawn in guantanamo right now. he's going to be about 20 feet away. he'll spew hate. it's hard to watch someone that murdered your loved one stand in front of you and he hasn't been brought to justice because democrats and republicans have been fighting. >> as he spewed hate before. as we mentioned, this is on closed-circuit tv. you think a lot more people should see this. >> yeah, everybody saw the o.j. trial. we don't need secretive justice. i think the world would be appalled at the way he behaves in the courtroom. they're evil. they are threatening the whole world. let them see american justice, how it works and let's give them proper punishment. >> speaking of american justice, as you know, the first discussion is that this trial would take place in new york city. they canceled those plans. it's now at gitmo. your thoughts on that? >> i think that democrats and republicans both played political football with this trial.
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at the expense of 9/11 families. we've been denied justice for ten years. they had it in the military commission, democrats brought it out, obama stopped the trial, was going to bring it to new york. then republicans held up the money, the funding to go back -- for the terrorist to come here, now we're back to guantanamo. ten years later and no one has been tried for the murder of 3,000 americans, and i pulled the bodies out of there, including my son broken into 50 pieces. let's get justice. >> we're talking about at least a year before the trial starts. >> yeah. hopefully -- i was down there and they were confessing their guilt. they wanted to plead guilty right away. i hope they do that. but i'm sure this is -- this is their center stage and they're going to do it for the world and i think they're going to prolong this as long as they can. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. now to the diplomatic chess match over chinese dissident chen guangcheng. he and his family might soon come to the u.s. on a student
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visa. whit johnson is in washington with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. chen, a blind self-taught attorney, has been invited to study law at new york university while his travel plans aren't final yet, senior u.s. officials tell us they are confident steps to bring chen to u.s. will play out expa dishesly. a media frenzy at a beijing hospital when a u.s. embassy doctor was finally granted access to chen guangcheng. the chinese dissident is recovering from three broken bones in his foot, injuries during a daring escape from his village. a tentative deal to secure chen a student visa granting him, his wife, two children, safe travel to the u.s. >> progress has been made to help him have the future that he wants. >> reporter: secretary of state hillary clinton, whose diplomatic trip to beijing was largely overshadowed by chen's
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case, said she was encouraged by china's willingness to find a resolution. china's foreign ministry released a statement saying, if chen wants to study abroad, he can go through the normal channels and complete the for malties in accordance with the law. senior u.s. officials confirmed chen was interviewed by members of the u.s. government about abuses he and his family allegedly suffered at the hand of local authorities. >> this is not just about well-known activists. it's about the human rights and aspirations of more than a billion people here in china and billions more around the world. >> reporter: secretary clinton is no longer in beijing, so now it's up to the chinese government to live up to its end of the deal. before chen can leave the country, however, there's still a lot of paperwork that needs to be done and top officials on both sides need to sign off on it. >> whit johnson in washington, thank you.
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the april jobs numbers are out now and they show a second straight month of sluggish growth for the economy. the jobless rate dipped to 8.1%, mostly because most people stopped looking for work. the economy added 115,000 jobs, far fewer than expected. joining us is senior writer with bloomberg business week, robin good to see. >> you thank you for having me. >> disappointing numbers. why? >> very basic math. if you have a recession -- a great recession where you see 9 million jobs lost between 200 7 pmonths out of the year, when you're creating just 115,000 jobs, it doesn't even begin to dig you out of that hole. >> one of the big points we've been talking about here is the number of people who have stopped looking for work. why are they doing that and who are they? >> this has been going on for the better part of four years. so many people have been kick out the real estate industry, of the construction industry. their skill sets don't match. the new skills that are being
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called for in the jobs market. i mean, you talk about, you know, one of the most lucrative job openings is social media guru. how are you going to convert yourself from a construction worker or somebody who was a real estate broker into that? it's -- actually, the bureau of labor statistics calls it discouraged workers. >> and there's a lot more of them. the end of extended unemployment benefits, does that make a difference here? >> yes, it is. once you kind of exhausted that resource and you're out there, pounding the pavement for several months and trying to find something and you find at best maybe you can get contract work. and that if you are waiting in line for a job there, 50 other people applying for the same thing, this is one thing if it's happening over the course of a year, but it's been happening over three-plus years. >> i wanted to talk about some good news. 115,000 jobs is not nothing. you mentioned where some of these jobs are are social media managers. where else? >> the restaurant industry is strong. you have health care, which is
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kind of an evergreen population, health care costs are only going up so that's a world unto itself. that's coldly comforting. fast food and bar jobs, there's only so much you can do in terms of building a career out of that. >> good news that consumers seem to be spending on leisure and hospitality again. how good is that news? >> that's really unbelievable. if you look at stock market performance, the way luxury brands, restaurants, retailers that cater purely to nondiscretionary impulses, they're near all-time highs and at the same time we're talking about unemployment closer to 8%. you're talking about people not being gainfully employed. there's something out there, but can you build a career around that? that's a very open question. >> great to see you. >> thank you. >> thank you. now we turn turn to politics and what's really just a formality in the 2012 campaign. president obama officially launches his reelection campaign today. he's traveling to two key
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battleground states and you can bet the weak jobs number will be getting plenty of attention. john dickerson joins us live from washington. good morning. >> good morning. >> how does the president's re-election campaign handle this in light of the weak job numbers that don't appear to be improving? >> well, this has been the difficulty at the center of the president's re-election campaign for months now. basically what the president has to do is reiterate the same argument he's been going over again, which is, yes, i know you're struggling. yes, i know times are tough, but we've turned a corner after this historic setback we've had in the economy and at this gentle and tender moment, don't go back. don't go back to the policies that put us in the position. that will be the obama argument. >> how about comparisons romney's team is drawing to carter and his presidency? >> well, jimmy carter, yes. the analysis is -- or the romney campaign basically wants people to think the stagnation of the carter years. the stuck in the mud, slow
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growth, barely growing at all, and this idea that america could kind of be on that slow path for a very long time with president obama. >> obama's campaign has now released this life of julia ad, really trying to court those female voters. how important is the female vote going to be in this election? and do you think that could be even more than independents, the game-changer here? >> well, they're kind of the same. a lot of those female voters in the suburbs in particularly in these battleground states are independent voters. they decide late. they tend to make a lot of the household decisions about purchasing and so they're sensitive to the changes in the economy. this life of julia ad is sort of a fickal chashg character. the obama campaign was showing how her life was faeked by government and how it would be negatively effected by romney administration. a lot of chuckles on the right that the obama campaign had to come up with a fake character
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because the real julias in the world are actually being hammered by this economy. i think we'll hear a lot about julia. as you say, the woman's vote is very important. the president has a big lead to win. he need to hold that lead and really run up the score with women because he has problems with men and other voting blocs. >> you mentioned, john, battleground states. recent polls have virginia and ohio by obama and romney has florida and pennsylvania. when you look at the country as a whole, they're really neck and neck. how sticky are these numbers in the key battleground states? >> that's a great question. they are stuck kind of right in the middle, as you say. the president has a little lead in virginia but in the crucial states of ohio and florida, it's tied just tight right evenly split. we're going to see as the president launches his campaign
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in earnest today the kind of differences between the two candidates get a little sharper and this -- the ability for the polls to move will depend on how much people are actually listening. people might be concerned about their vacations and their summer, so it may not -- those polls may not move for a couple months. we'll see now that the choices are being made clear -- clearer, we'll see if those poll numbers start to shift a little. >> john dickerson in washington this morning for us. thanks. >> thank you. one group of coworkers in the philadelphia area who may be less worried about the economy today. the 48 winners of a huge powerball jackpot. >> reporter: now they're finally sharing their story with the world. >> i'm like, oh, my god, we won! we won! we won! >> reporter: $5 and a dream is all it took to drastically change the lives of these regional rail workers from pennsylvania. they're called the septa 48 and
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last month they hit the jackpot for $172 million, which works out to be $107.5 million after taxes. the winners range in age. >> i'm one of the younger ones, 26. i haven't been here for barely -- not even a year yet. >> reporter: dan has 42 years on the job. >> when i looked at the light of the end of the tunnel, it's no longer a regional rail train coming at me. it's a way out. >> reporter: at friday's news conference where the they went public, winners shared stories of survivorship and surprise. >> about 4 1/2 years ago i battled and beat an aggressive stage three breast cancer. complications followed my treatment and on january 10th of this year, i found myself on the operating table again. and i recovered. and returned to work after a long, unpaid absence. >> reporter: 15 days later, she beat the odds again and won the lottery. for now these workers are basking in the spotlight, living a life they never imagined.
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>> every morning i wake up to my wife and say, boy, i had this dream. and she says, i'm dreaming the same thing. >> reporter: a dream that became a reality. so, this works out to be around $2 million for each person. one person said they actually went half and half on a ticket, so they'll only receive about $1 million. but they're not complaining about that at all. reporting live here in philadelphia, for the "cbs this morning." >> thank you very much. i'll take it. it's jeff glor here. we're going to move now over to lonnie quinn, who we win the lottery have day when lonnie is here. >> jackpot. >> oh, juror a gentleman and a scholar. good morning, everybody. let's get right to your weather headlines. it is still winter, believe it or not, in the northern rockies. snow is falling out there. i'll tell you how much in just a moment. it's early summer in the southern plains. places like amarillo, texas, hitting 100 degrees f you can believe that. the mid-atlantic gets drenched. we have to talk about that. horse race taking place today,
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kentucky derby. they're getting pummelled with 1 to 2 inches of rain. around race time, 6:30, it may or may not be raining. the track will be muddy. as far as the snowstorm, its way up here. we're talking 4 to 8 inches of snowfall. i am dealing with -- excuse me, with elevations basically above 5500 feet. 100-degree temperatures in amarillo, temperature well below freezing in that portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. cool thing for all my viewers out there. tonight the supermoon will occur at 11:34 eastern time, when the full moon occurs closest to the
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earth. what does it mean exactly? it's going to appear 14% larger, also about 30% brighter. have i some pictures here to show you from last year's supermoon. now, each month you'll get a full moon, okay? it's not always closest to the earth. it happens to be the full moon and closest time it comes to the earth taking place at the same time tonight. again, 11:34 eastern time. some cool viewing for about 70% of the country. rebecca, jeff, over to you guys. >> 11:34 this even. >> and cinco de mayo, and the kentucky derby. >> there's a lot going on in this world today. unfortunately, on a sadder now, adam yauch, one of three hip-hop pioneers who called themselves beasty boys and over 25 years had four 21 number one albums. >> when they were inducted into rock and roll hall of fame, yauch was too sick to attend and yesterday in new york he died. brian rooney has more.
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♪ you got to fight for your right to party ♪ >> reporter: the beastie boys were three middle class jewish kids from new york, one of the first white bands to make it in the black art of hip-hop. ♪ you miss two glasses and no homework ♪ >> reporter: adam yauch was part of the group that at times was a caricature of boys behaving badly. their album "license to ill" was the best selling rap album of the '80s. ♪ no sleep for brooklyn". >> that chemistry wouldn't have been complete without adam yauch, that graveling, raspy voice he had. he had incomparable energy, offbeat sense of humor. >> reporter: he was found to have a tumor in his neck back in 2009. >> totally localized in this one area. it's not in a place that affects my voice, so that's nice. >> reporter: he had been fighting cancer ever since. two weeks ago when the beastie
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boys were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame, he was unable to be there. >> we would go to his house have day after school and made awful records. >> reporter: adam yauch, a bad boy, a beastie boy. >> thoughts and prayers with the family. >> he will be missed. >> he will be missed. all right. coming up, concussions may have been just one of the factors that led football great junior seau to commit suicide. we're going to discuss what else may have triggered his depression. young adults are moving back home in numbers not seen in decades. why that may be adding to the nation's economic problems in a very big way. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday".
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dramatic testimony in the john edwards trial on friday a political adviser took the stand and said he warned edwards to quit the presidential race if he was having an affair. >> we will speak with "48 hours" correspondent and attorney erin moriarty about edwards' behavior, what's going on in this case, a lot of twists and turns.
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good morning, albany, new york, and everyone else. welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm jeff glor. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. this morning we're taking a look at shocking suicide of former nfl linebacker junior seau. it has some people asking, if concussions led to his death. we'll speak with experts who say this may have been other contributing factors. also a new migration in the nation. young adults moving home at the fastest pace in a half century. so many are now living with mom and dad, it may be hurting the economy in interesting ways.
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>> you couple all that student debt, unemployment figures, it's very difficult for anyone graduating college to get out in the world and a lot of them are returning. there's a ripple effect there. also, don't look down. the penthouse bathroom. this one could actually give you vertigo. we'll explain and show you more details when we take you "behind the headlines". >> you only stay in penthouse suites. >> always. first, our top story this half hour, the john edwards trial. more fireworks on friday. a political adviser described a tense confrontation with then-presidential candidate over edwards' not so secret affair. anna warner reports. >> reporter: john edwards walked out of court smiling, including a tough week of testimony including a warning from a political adviser, if he was cheating on his wife, he should not run for president. peter sheer testified he edwards
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denied the affair with rielle hunter, and when he questioned him again, edwards told him to back off, i don't need a babysitter. you should go blank yourself. other staffers also testified they warned edwards to avoid hunter and revealed the emotion toll his affair was having on the family. on wednesday, christina reynolds described how during one incident, elizabeth edwards confronted her husband, screaming, you don't see me anymore, and then took off her shirt and bra in front of others. kate edwards didn't hear that story. she'd already left the courtroom in tears. >> tried to redirect the focus onto john edwards and his behavior. unfortunately, i think the behavior they focused on had very little to do with the actual charges that he faces. >> reporter: but on thursday, former staffer john davis did testify that edwards was present during a conversation when finance chairman and donor fred baron talked about how he was hiding hunter. that goes to the heart of the
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six federal charges facing edwards. did he know about the money from wealthy donors baron and rachel "bunny" mellon, and did the casual fi cash qualify as contributions or gift? at 101 years old, mellon is too fragile to testify but rielle hunter is expected to take the stand soon. it's unclear if john edwards will choose to speak in his own defense. for "cbs this morning: saturday," anna warner, greensboro, north carolina. >> joining us "48 hours" correspondent and also a lawyer, erin moriarty. >> it's great to be here. >> thanks for being here. distasteful behavior for hur. is it illegal? >> well, i think that this parade of aides really does help the prosecution in the sense that they tell the prosecution's story that, yes, john edwards was having an affair. members of the campaign knew about it. they were concerned about it. there might have been a reason
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to hide. and as anna warner mentioned, there was testimony that one of the aides actually overheard fred baron and john edwards talking about how fred was whisking rielle around. but there was also some evidence that actually helped the defense. he took the stand and talked about how -- how andrew young isn't dependable, called him shady. when you have one key prosecution witness talking about another being unreliable, that helps the defense. so, it kind of -- as you've seen, every single day, there's been son-in-law good for prosecution. this is a very good defense team. they've used every single prosecution witness to help their own case. >> how about rielle hunter, we just heard, she is expected to take the stand. there was some question about that in the first place. what might we hear? could she be another andrew young type case? >> well, definitely. i mean, she's a mixed bag. what's really interesting about this is that she was on actually
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both witness list. there's now talk -- of course, the prosecution isn't saying anything, but there's talk in the courtroom that the prosecution may be leading up and using her as the very last witness. i mean, of course, she's going to be great for the prosecution. it remind everyone that she is actually the whole reason why this money was collected. she's going to have to tell the story about how she's whisked around. i know she also is going to say that andrew young, again, the key prosecution witness, is a liar. she's going to say it was his id idea, his scam. so, again, it's a mixed bag. >> how much does john edwards say? >> of course, everyone is wondering about that. it's always dangerous to put the defendant on the stand. and a lot of people feel -- a lot of legal experts feel if he goes on the stand, that means that the defense is in trouble. but i would caution that because is he an attorney -- >> exactly. >> he may insist. it is his right to insist.
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if he wants to go on the stand, it's really his choice. >> that is his comfort zone. >> erin moriarty, thank you for being here. >> always great being here. a check with lonnie quinn, one more check of the weather. good morning once again. >> good morning, everybody. let's get to the weather headlines. you realize the month of may, it's known as the month of extremes. this may, although it's early on, is really holding true to form. we're calling for half a foot of snow in montana today. conversely, we'll have temperatures 100 degrees or more in portions of texas. let's take a look at satellite and radar picture. you can see what i'm talking about. here's that snowstorm brewing up around northern montana. again, we're talking elevations 5,000 feet above. so, it's just northworthy because we're into may. all that searing heat in texas, because there's nothing but sunshine out there. we'll have temperatures about 20 degrees above normal. hundreds are possible from amarillo down to midland. if you get to the 100-degree mark in midland, texas, you'll break the record that goes back to the 1940s. that's a quick look at one
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portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. happy cinco de mayo, everybody. >> thanks so much. coming up next, we take a look at the suicide of former nfl great junior seau. what made him pull the trigger? we'll speak with two doctors about that. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by novolog flex pen. ask your doctor today. in with a vial and syringe. me, explaining what i was doing at breakfast. and me discovering novolog mix 70/30 flexpen.
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committed suicide. his family has donated his brain to science in hopes of finding out if the concussions he suffered contributed to his depression. >> there is another important factor being considered right now. his sudden fall from superstar on the field to relative anonymity after his 20-year career. joining us is dr. phillip steeg, chief of neurology, and in san diego, dr. christine versari, from san diego university, she's written about why stars leave the limelight and what the impact is on their lives. it's great to have you with us this morning. thanks for joining us. >> pleasure to be here. thank you. >> thank you. >> you've written. this and you say it goes beyond concussions, what may have happened in this case. so what do you think it is that seau was facing that contributed to his suicide?
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>> i think it's very difficult for us to say that at this point because he didn't necessarily fit the profile of the athlete that does not have conditioning into a second career. he had everything. he had very good support system. he had established business. he had a foundation. he was adored by his fans in san diego. he was still in very good shape, financially stable. so, he really didn't fit the typical profile of a player that does not adjust to retirement. >> dr. steeg, we're talking about multiple factors here, leaving the limelight, concussions, everything else. we want to talk about concussions. what about concussions can lead to depression? >> there's mild traumatic brain injury, then traumatic brain injury, and then this concept of chronic brain encephalopathy. it's the repetitive injuries we used to talk about with
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punch-drunk and now chronic encephalopathy that has depression and effective changes. >> i know it's early in this particular case but any thoughts on why something like this happens? >> in regard to mr. seau, circumstances, i think it's way too soon to say anything. there are so many circumstances that go into -- if this really is a suicide, there are so many circumstances and it would be purely speculative. >> when it comes to depression, does one exacerbate the other? for example, would a concussion exacerbate depression and would depression make the long-term effects of a concussion worse? >> well, i think we have to be careful to talk about concussion and then the long-term effects, as i said, the chronic traumatic encephalopathy, where there are repeated episodes of concussions. people like mr. seau who played football for 20 years and possibly had multiple concuss n concussio concussions. that's where you're going to likely see chronic depressive
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behavior. with a mild traumatic brain injury, a concussion, there's slight aeffective changes in behavior but those usually resolve within seven days. >> has the way athletes handle that transition after they quit playing, has it gotten worse? are they handling it worse now than they did 10, 20 years ago? >> i don't think it's gotten worse for athletes. i think whatever happens in sports is a reflection of what's happening in our society. there's more than 18 million people in the united states that suffer from depression. and less than 20% are getting help. 15% of those people commit sue i suicide. what's happening in sports is a reflection of what's happening in the united states, in our culture. athletes in general do have a difficult time transitioning into a second career, so my experience, between four and eight years for a professional athlete to adjust to life after
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sport. >> that's a long time -- i have to stop you. that is a long time given the pace in which they work in the sporting world. thank you very much, doctors. we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> up next, the love of parents and children stretched to the breaking point. >> is this your place? >> no, no, no, no, no, no. no, i live with my mom. >> oh. >> yeah. you hungry? hey, ma, can we get some meat loaf! >> one of the great scenes. >> amazing. >> of all time. the growing homestward migration when "cbs this morning: saturday" comes back. i'm gonna make you breakfast. what?
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with magic. you are? see the egg? uh huh. so, look at the orange. now close your eyes. ♪ alakazaam! [ sighs ] you're good. and now i'm gonna make this flower bloom. presto. "love you lots." do you want to see it again? yes, i want to see it again! [ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions delivers your love again and again. we serve more than starters. we serve igniters. and now, so can you. introducing succulent dumplings and crispy spring rolls. ignite the night with p.f. chang's home menu appetizers. find them near our frozen meals. so it stays on in conditions like pool water... wind... sweat, even 100-degree heat. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered.
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momma i'm coming home ♪ >> ozzie. >> in this morning's "moneywatch," adult children moving back in with mom and dad. >> hi. y'all have a good time. >> hi, pop. >> you live with your parents? >> is that a problem? >> indeed, does he. that is "failure to launch" and happening until real life more and more frequently these days. in fact, a new study found that more than one in five adults age 25 to 34 lives with their parents. that's the most since the 1950s. economists say it's stalling the economic recovery. >> joining us now are jock otter, executive editor for, and the new author of "not worth it" and dr. jennifer hartstein. good morning. >> good morning. >> jack, why is this happening? >> it's a brutal job market out there. interestingly, this trend has been going on since the early '80s. the bottom -- about 11% of families were
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multi-generational. that hit about 16% before the recession. then it jumped, as you said, to more than 20%. you know, they go out of college and there's just nothing there for them, so they say, hey, mom and dad, could i have my old bedroom back? >> there's a ripple effect. >> it's the dramatic ripple effect. this is an incredible statistic. in the recession, 2.2 million construction jobs disappeared. since then, we've only got 95,000 of them back. why? because they built too many houses and too many strip malls during the bubble years and now with young people not forming new households, there's even less demand for that oversupply. >> let's move from economics to the social impact. at home. >> there certainly is. >> what's happening? >> you know, as we pointed out, pgo, so they're asking mom and o dad to take them back in. they kind of are relying on the impact of family and the kind of bonds of family to say, hey, i need your help and so they say okay. >> and that's fraying those family bonds at times as well. >> it really could. i mean, is it good or bad?
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it's heaard to say. it might be a necessity. we have to figure out how everybody will figure out their new rules because i'm not 16. i'm 26. how is that different this time? >> you say you have some of typical house rules that could work. first one, clarify responsibilities. >> absolutely. you don't have a 16-year-old in your house where you can say, these are the house rules, live by them or not but have you an adult you need to negotiate some of that. while they're starting to make a little money, are they going to contribute to household? do chores? mow the lawn in lieu of meals? do they do their own laundry? >> in my book i have a graphic showing living in a hubble with six friends at staying at home. you have to weigh coming home at 6:30 in the morning and explaining to mom or finding your toothbrush on the floor of the hubble. >> i'll take the hubble. >> other guidelines. set house guest guidelines, plan an exit strategy. work with your parents to figure
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out what's going to get you out of there. how are you saving money? are they working with you and being active participants. your parents can't plan it for you or it won't stick. >> be patient. >> parents need to be patients. >> what about the house guest, does the house guest need to be patient? >> the house guest might not want to come over and hopefully they have their own apartment and you can hang out with them. >> fun discussion, interesting stuff. thank you. >> thanks. coming up next, why are these guys dressed like pandas? what's inside that box? >> you know what's coming up. >> well, i do. "behind the headlines." >> hi, i'm snuggle. look, i get towels fluffy...
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blankets cuddly... and clothes stay fresh... [sniffs] for 14 days. and i cost less than the leading brand. let's snuggle. ♪ daisy, do a dollop ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop our family-owned company makes daisy... with 100% natural farm-fresh cream. no artificial ingredients. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ better with a dollop here ♪ fresher with a dollop there ♪ ♪ wholesome in every way ♪ daisy, do a dollop ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop
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♪ daisy, do a dollop all he has to do to pass.... is have a better night. which means helping put bedwetting frustrations... midnight sheet changes... and mommy wake up calls. to bed. introducing new goodnites bed mats. if your child is bedwetting, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help. the one bright spot, mcdonald's... where we get one of those sweet and creamy iced coffees... caramel. everyday! hazelnut? [ male announcer ] mccafe iced coffee. choose from three delicious flavors. who are you? [ male announcer ] the simple joy of surprising yourself.
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♪ headlines screaming everywhere i go ♪ ♪ headlines >> that song is so catchy. >> just gets in your head and doesn't let go. >> headlines, we're taking a look behind the headlines at a
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few stories you might have missed this week. teen schools the met in art history. on a school trip 13-year-old benjamin cody visit the metropolitan museum of art and he spotted an error. the museum has to redo the map because of the error little benjamin found. by the way, benjamin is going to visit us here next week on "cbs this morning: saturday" to tell us how he's so smart, he knows what's wrong. >> chinese researchers dress in panda costumes. they may not look much like pandas but the panda in the box doesn't care. he and his mother were raised in captivity. they're slowly being reintroduced into the wild so researchers are playing along. those are really awful costumes, but it works, i guess. >> i think jeff has a better panda costume at home. toilet hangs over 15-story elevator shaft. look at that. the floor is completely clear so
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you can see straight down. brushing your teeth could be an exhilarating experience. >> i went in there with my panda outfit, it was even scarier. really. >> i don't need that
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♪ good morning sunshine with me all day ♪ ♪ just don't let the rain pass you by ♪ >> welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm jeff glor. a 6-year-old girl in georgia thoughs a tantrum and led away in handcuffs. police arrested a middle school student who won't stop talking. children getting arrested. we'll talk to two experts about why schools are calling the cops at times now instead of the parents. >> more than 30 years ago, ryan o'neal met farrah fawcett for the first time. it was love at first sight. he's written a book about his life with her as well as his
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battle with cancer. >> before you check into a hotel, the five things you need to know to make your stay more enjoyable. a hotel insider will reveal his secrets and what to look for and how to get the best deal on a room. >> i want to know the first thing he looks at when he walks into a hotel. that's what i want to know. >> first, our top story. the man admitted masterminding the 9/11 attacks faces a military tribunal today. khalid shaikh mohammed and four our terrorist will be arraigned at guantanamo bay, cuba, and jan crawford is there this morning. >> reporter: good morning. the hearings will start down in a military courtroom later this morning will be about the same as what we saw four years ago when a military judge announced the charges against khalid shaikh mohammed and the our four top 9/11 suspects. the reactions of khalid shaikh mohammed and the others could be completely different. we don't know what is going to happen or what they're going to say in that courtroom later this morning. now, four years ago, of course, that was the first time that we had seen khalid shaikh mohammed since those photographs back in 2003 when he was captured.
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remember, he was looking very dishevel disheveled, had on a white t-shirt. then he had a bushy beard, thin, dark glass, defiant, very much in control of that courtroom, in command of the other four suspects. they passed notes back and forth, almost as if they were looking to khalid shaikh mohammed for what to do. he railed against america, bashed george bush as a crusader and said he was looking to be martyred. if that will happen this time, no one knows. the judge may not allow those outbursts. he's rumored to run a very tight ship. we'll see later on this morning. >> jan, thank you. other storys making headlines. secretary of state hillary clinton is in bangladesh after a visit to china. clinton traveled by motorcade to beijing airport following three days of security and economic talks with chinese officials. those talks were overshadowed by chinese dissident chen guangcheng. china agreed to let chen and his
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family travel to the u.s. but they have not said when he can leave. defense secretary leon panetta is urging u.s. forces deployed in afghanistan to be on their best behavior. he addressed soldier at ft. benning, georgia, about incidents of buring koran. he said thoughtless actions and pictures can jeopardize american lives and their mission in afghanistan. the escort says she's still not been questioned by american investigators but she is stalking to columbian audiences. she calls the agents involved hideous and says she could have taken information about president obama's security. that's what she says. air safety investigators here in new york are trying to determine how two delta airplanes jets clipped wings while taxiing at kennedy airport. one of the 767s, flight 72, bound for istanbul, turkey, was backing out of a gate friday when it struck the other.
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it only had crew on board. no one was hurt. the passengers that were bound for istanbul were moved to another plane. and they are trying to figure out what triggered a -- look at the size of this sinkhole. >> wow. >> in suburban orlando, florida. it's about 100 feet wide and 50 feet deep. dangerously close to one home. two families have since evacuated. they're okay, though. >> good to know. four minutes past the hour. we're turning in for another check of the weather with lonnie, who's behind me. good morning. >> i'm right here. good morning to both of you. good morning, everybody. let's take a peek at weather headlines and find out what mother nature is serving up for today. look at this. there will be a supermoon tonight at 11:34 eastern daylight time. that's when the full moon is closest to theette. brighter and bigger than ever. you'll love that and it will be super viewing for many across the country. tough spots, however. the southeast and the northern plains. i'll show you why. the satellite and radar picture, there's a storm system in the tennessee valley. it will make its way down to the
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southeast in places like atlanta pushing over towards portions of carolinas. that will be cloudy to see that moon tonight. up around the northern plains, we have snow falling. my personal choice for best place to see it is going to be sedona, arizona. hello to our viewers there kpho, 65 degrees. again, we are talking 11:34 eastern daylight time, 8:34 in sedona. get out there and view it. will-t will be mostly clear, cool at 65 but a perfect view of that super moon. again, your humidity is so low, crystal clear outside. that's a quick look at one portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by macy's.
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>> all right, everybody, a great saturday. jeff, over to you. >> thanks very much. are we criminalizing kids? in the early 199 0z the federal government allowed schools to create their own police forces to make sure students and teachers are safe. but some think this kind of policing has gone too far. according to the new york daily news police here in new york arrested on average five school kids a day and it's happening all over the country. you might wonder whatever happened to sending students to the principal's office or calling their parents. in some spots, the approach seems to be, call police first, ask questions later. yes, even kindergartners are not immune. last month a 6-year-old girl in georgia was arrested and handcuffed after throwing books and toys in a tantrum. in texas, an estimated 300,000 children were charged with misdemeanors in 2010. so, no numbers are tracked nationally on how often police
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are called in to arrest students in schools, in connecticut over the past year, 1700 students have been arrested. almost two-thirds of them for a breach of peace, minor fights and disorderly conduct. joining us now, katherine simpson who represented a 12-year-old texas girl who was arrested for applying perfume in class, and shawn burke, advocacy council. good morning. >> good morning. >> shawn, is this overreaction or just an overabundance of caution? >> well, i think it's more of being overwhelmed. i think that educators and teachers now and add miministro are overwhelmed. >> how bad has it gotten? >> well, i think that every school is different. i think it's reflective of the community that it educates. >> katherine, the 12-year-old girl you represented, tell me about what happened in this case. >> sara was 12 years old. she was in sixth grade. and she was in a classroom where she had problems with bullying
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before, where other students were fairly regularly criticizing her and ganging up on her. they told her she smelled bad so she got out some perfume she had gotten for her birthday and sprayed it on herself. the girls around her made a lot of noise. the situation got louder and louder and the teacher called in a school resource officer. >> so what happened, she was arrested? >> she wasn't arrested. she got a class "c" misdemeanor ticket which you don't go to jail for but you go to adult court. you get a ticket, you go to adult court. if you pay the ticket, then you're considered to be guilty. >> why was she given this? >> for something called disruption of classes, section 37 of the texas education code. special laws that create criminal charges, basically, so things that wouldn't be criminal outside of the school setting. so, for example, for disruption of classes it could be making a noise within a certain distance of a school or preventing somebody from going to class. >> is this too much?
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>> well, in this case, you know, obviously the suspect, not knowing the background, not knowing everything that did happen, it's hard to make a comment. but you do need these laws. you do have legitimate reasons and legitimate times where classes are disrupted that the police may have to take action. >> who has to make these decisions then? is it the teacher? is it the principal? is it someone else involved in school? >> well, i think it has to be the -- if a police officer is called to the scene, it has to be the police officer. have you to use discretion. you have to understand the situation. you have to understand what best resolves it. arrest isn't always necessary but sometimes it is. >> katherine, you think it's an overreaction, obviously, some of these cases. why? >> absolutely. i think part of it is poor training. i think instead of spending money on training a, they're spending money on bringing in police officers. i think it's -- there's not a very good definition of what
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they're supposed to be doing there. and that leads to police officers becoming involved in situations that they don't necessarily need to be involved. >> how do we improve that training? >> i think training has to be mandatory. i think any police officer before they go in a school has to be properly trained. we train thousands of police officers across the country and we train them to deal with this. unfortunately, like she said, with the budget crunch, training is the first thing that's cut. >> how much is the problem that training is different in different localities? >> i think it has to be a national standard. we train to a national standard. we train police officers how to work in schools and develop relationships. >> thank you both very much. appreciate you for being here. you up next, ryan o'neal talks about his romance with farrah fawcett and his battle with cancer. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." a party?
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♪ >> jenny, i'm sorry. >> don't. love means never having to say you're sorry. >> long after ryan o'neal starred in the movie "love story" he started a real life romance with farrah fawcett. it lasted 30 years. one of hollywood's most famous couples up there with tracy and help burn, and brad and angelina. now three years after farrah fawcett lost her battle with cancer, ryan has written a memoir called "both of us: my life with farrah" and he joins us. great to see you. >> good morning. >> why write this now? >> well, i didn't write it now. i wrote it about -- almost a year ago. it was just a way to be attached to her. c
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conjure her up. >> you met in 1979, you and farrah. >> yeah. >> how did you meet? >> i'm sorry? >> how did the two of you meet? >> her husband introduced us. >> lee majors? >> uh-huh. >> the six million dollar man. >> uh-huh. >> and you fall in love and she leaves him. >> well, their marriage was -- had reached its apex by then. and timing was right. >> is that something she told you at the time? that it had reached the apex? >> no, i used to sit and listen to them talk to each other. i could tell there was -- they were flawed. >> what did you think was their biggest flaw? >> oh, i wouldn't want to do that to lee. >> okay. have you spoken since then? >> no. we saw each other at a party and nodded. once at a restaurant he sent us a bottle of wine. so he's been a good sport. >> you go on for 30 years. >> yeah.
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>> and you farrah together. >> uh-huh. >> never getting married. was there ever a conversation along the way about, should we? >> not more than 30 or 40 conversations. >> who started those conversations? >> i wanted to marry her. i wanted to marry her. and she was -- she was happy the way it was going. i didn't push. >> except for 30 or 40 times. >> yeah. >> you did become very close, though, to getting married. in fact -- >> yeah. oh, sure. >> in the final days -- >> there was pressure. there was lots of pressure. not from the parents, but just, you know, people had to get married in those days. isn't a big deal anymore, but then you -- and then we had a baby. oh, my god, you're not married. what's the baby's name? that kind of thing. >> so there was some underlying tension there? >> not really. not for us. we were rebels.
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>> you thought about getting married. you talked about getting married in her final days. >> oh, yeah. yeah. >> and this is something you talk about, how difficult it was to plan this, essentially while she's on her death bed. >> well -- there were times she had to return to st. john's hospital. several times. and there was a priest there, the hospital priest, father kelly. and he suggested that he would marry us. and she said, okay, let's get married. but by then, she was so weak that it was only able to give her her last rites. >> you still get emotional about that today. >> yeah. of course. >> i want to talk about your
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health as well. >> yeah. >> how are you feeling? >> i've been better. >> yeah? >> yeah. i have some cancer i'm working on. but i'll fight it off. >> you are a fighter. >> yeah. >> is that how you would describe yourself through all of this? >> no, no -- through -- she taught me that. she taught me how to fight, farrah did, how to be brave and how to be strong. she gave me spirit, more spirit than i had had. and so i won't disappoint her. >> ryan o'neal, thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> we appreciate it. the book is called "both of us: my life with farrah." now here's jeff. >> up next here, from getting the best rates to making sure your room is spotless. >> first of all, i don't like these pillows because most customers throw them on the floor and then we put them back on the bed. i don't -- so i don't use throw
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pillows. >> insider tips on how to make your next hotel stay a perfect one. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> you talking to me? you talking to me? you talking to me? >> yeah. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain.
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cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. go to now there's a new way to help put bedwettto bed.strations... with new goodnites bed mats, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help. ♪ nespresso. where there's a grand cru to match my every mood. ♪ where just one touch creates the perfect cup. where no one makes a better cappuccino, latte, or espresso than me. and where clothing is optional. nespresso. the best cafe. yours.
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and where clothing is optional. ♪ welcome to the hotel california ♪ ♪ such a liovely place ♪ >> summer vacation is almost here so we're talk hotels. a good one can make your trip wonderful. a bad one can just about ruin it. >> indeed. let's get tips from a man who knows exactly what you're looking for. host of travel channel's new series "hotel impossible."
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>> there's the service entrance. looks all beat up and gives me a bad feeling. the captain's wheel needs to be painted as well. it's the first thing i see when i pull up. why isn't it painted? where is the front desk. this cone. it's filthy. a news stand with no news papers. flower pot that's dead. if i was a customer, i would feel like no one cares so they're not going to care about me. >> anthony, good morning. >> good morning. >> so, what's the first thing? you noticed the paint missing. what else do you notice when you walk into a hotel? >> i can tell everything i need to know about a hotel by the parking lot. >> the parking lot? >> it's like a bathroom of a restaurant. dirty bathroom, dirty restaurant, bad food. you walk into a parking lot, drive into a parking lot and the lines aren't painted, it's chipped, you can just tell it's not going to be a good experiene. >> so don't get out of the car? >> don't get out of the car. >> keep going. >> or when you see a bellman and the bellman doesn't look you in the eye. he just doesn't look well groomed. your room is probably dirty. >> how much -- what does the
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rating system tell us? how much does that matter, in your opinion? >> the rating system years ago, the aaa three, four, five diamond, it's still a big deal. but when guests go online for a room, so if you see a five-star rating and customer rated it three stars, are you going to that hotel? >> no. >> probably not. >> really reviews online with that rating system is becoming the more popular rating system. >> i was going to say, do you get a better deal by going online to expedias or going to the hotel and asking for a deal? >> you always shop, go around, look at expedias,, but go to the hotel website. you will always find the best price on the hotel website. >> let's talk about your big tips here because have you five of them. you talk about spot cleaning. why? >> when i walk into a hotel f you make me feel comfortable and under control, i'm probably less
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likely to do spot cleaning. if i feel there's a problem, like you see in that clip right there, there's a problem, then i am going to clean with my -- >> this is you cleaning, not the maid. >> i'm cleaning with lysol. cleaning the toilet, handle, remote control. >> those are the items you would say that -- the handles on the doors, toilets and the remote control? >> the handle on the toilet. >> anything else you would spot clean? >> i spot clean any -- the desk. i spot clean the desk. make sure the desk is nice and clean. i like my desk nice and clean. it's really up to you. it depend on the hotel. if the hotel is clean and focused, i'm probably less of a germ foe germophobe. if they're not paying attention to the details, i'm full on germophobe. >> you said, you demand a nice hotel and sometimes they don't give it to you. >> it's the number one complaint in america for corporate travelers, they don't get free internet if-n four and five-star
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hotels. when people were traveling and got pens to write, you got a free pen. now everybody writes on the internet. give me free internet. >> you say get two wake-up calls and arrive early for the complimentary breakfast. why get there early? >> because everybody goes down for 9:00 -- if you have a :00 appointment, everyone is downsfdow downstairs at 8:00. if you get there at 6:00, 7:00, it's more comfortable, fresher. >> and you say use social media to your advantage. how do you do that? >> you find great discounts on social media these days. everyone wants you to "like" their facebook page so they'll give you an upgrade or discount. >> do you complain on social media? >> you give your hotel a chance to correct the problem. go to the top. if they don't correct the problem, social media. >> we love the name of the new series. thank you very much. >> and the power of social media. still ahead, picking out the perfect flowers for mother's
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day. so many men will wait until the last minute and get it completely wrong. >> really? >> apparently. >> are you saying -- >> according to the studies i've seen, men wait. >> sometimes. is
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♪ it's a good morning ♪ wake up to a brand new day ♪ good morning ♪ on my way >> always good morning here. welcome back to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm jeff glor. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. a story coming up later that caught our eye. so many people talk about this, breaking of the social contract, does it exist? can you trust institutions? what made this country great? are they still here? well, there is a new story out in the "national journal" that looks at this very storier called "nothing we trust" and we take a look at our new segment
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"at the dinner table". with mother's day just eight days away, good advice for men. sometimes, apparently, men -- >> not you. >> -- forget to buy things for wives, mothers, i'm told it happens once in a while. >> by whom? who's telling you these things. >> you did. >> oh, i thought it was your wife. >> we'll have tips on how to pick out the right bouquet and get things right on mother's day. >> we're breaking out sombrero because celebrity chef ken is here to help us celebrate cinco de mayo. he'll dish about his love of mexican cuisine. >> he's great. a big step from a big man, from the court to the classroom during his 19-year nba career, shaquille o'neal had many titles. >> call him dr. shaq. >> reporter: for 19 years shaquille o'neal dominated professional basketball and used the fame he earned on the
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court -- >> i am kazam. >> reporter: -- as an entree to a lucrative career. >> big shoes aren't just hybrids and more stylish, too. >> reporter: o'neal earned millions and became a household name but throughout it all, he was working on another goal. >> you know me for my reputation on the court. but basketball is just a part of my life. i'm also a student. >> reporter: o'neal continues to keep a promise he made to his parents in 1992. when he left louisiana state for the pros after his sophomore year. more than a decade after he began college, o'neal received his bachelor's degree from lsu. then went on to earn an mba from the university of phoenix. today he gets another impressive title, an edd, a doctorate in education. as he points out, it's a real degree, not honorary. >> when he was in class, front and center, raising his hand. he had no problem fitting into the desk, which was my concern. >> reporter: but no one was
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concerned about his commitment. over 4 1/2 years o'neal took 16 courses, completed 54 credit hours and carried a grade point average of 3.8. he now wants to be called dr. o'neal because he's earned it. randall pinkston, "cbs this morning: saturday." >> i like that story. >> very good stuff. now over to dr. quinn, weatherman. >> you know what, with all that education, guys, i'm willing to bet you now that dr. shaq could tell us about the origins of cinco de mayo. i'll go over it for you because it's not mexican independence day. it recognizes an event on may 5, 1862 when 4,000 mexicans defeated 8,000 invading french. thus, the source of national pride in mexico. we celebrate it across the country. look at this. a couple areas of disturbed weather, snow falling because of a low pressure system around montana. could see half a foot of snow in the higher elevations. then you look at this storm system right now in the
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tennessee valley. it is raining in louisville, kentucky. come race time for the kentucky derby, still a chance for an afternoon storm. some may be done. could see clearing out there. that track will be muddy. they're expecting 1 to 2 inches of rain out there. will be about 82 degrees at race time, which is 6:24 this evening. that's a quick look at one poers of the country. a closer look at the weather for your weekend. everybody, all this talk about cinco de mayo has my shout out going to san jose and their annual cinco de mayo festival. marvelous bands, mexican cuisine. thank you for watching "cbs this morning: saturday" only on cbs 5. in san jose, 78 degrees, a lot of sunshine for that festival.
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over to you. >> america's national motto, as many of you know is in god we trust but lately that trust seems to be at a deficit. more and more americans don't trust anyone or anything. >> national journal editor-in-chief ron fornier writes about it as well as father beck and michael democratdemocrat demic from pew research center. from gallup poll, trust in institutions. trust is down in banks 24%. the presidency, 23%. supreme court, 13%. tv news, 8%. churches up 3%. ron, you went to muncie, indiana, what did you find? >> i found out, just like the rest of the country, people amongst me feel like everything around them, everyone around
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them is letting them down, their banks, small businesses, big businesses, their government, their churches, their schools. their neighbors. it's created this trust gap that is pernicious and could be a big problem for our country if we don't get our hands around it. >> why is it happening now? >> it's a cyclical thing. a big problem is the economy. not just that we're losing jobs. we're in this big period of social and economic transformation like we were 100 years ago, back in muncie, when we went from agriculture to industrial era. that kind of tumult is creating institutions that are no longer adapting and relative to people as they need to be and not adapting fast enough, starting with government. >> you paint this picture in muncie, i see it across the country as well, that people who play by the rules are the ones who lose the game. father beck, is that something you hear frequently? >> what i hear more is that that the mistrust is not in the institutions but the leadership of the institutions. people really see that structure is necessary.
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i mean, the government, political, the financial institutions. you need them to survive and for order but we've been disappointed by the leadership and that includes the church. >> is the answer right now, get rid of leadership across the board or does it have to go deeper from that? >> i think from the public perspective, a lot is about leadership and a lack of trust. it is about fairness. there's a perception that the pain is not being distributed evenly right now. that banks got away with doing damage to the economy and haven't paid the price and the regular people are paying their taxes and doing what they need to do and not paying the price. they're holding the elected officials accountable for that. >> you see a lot of that, whether it's occupy wall street, the tea party, no matter what, manifesting it. you mentioned a hundred years ago. any other historical reference points we should look at as well? >> the best one is 100 years ago we were going through this transformation. technology was making their lives easier but much more complicated, like it is now. people were having the old ways
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of connecting, no longer relevant and finding new ones. and people were left behind, as they are now. >> how long does this period of tumult last for? >> i don't know. if you look back in history you have some hope, the leaders of these institutions, you're exactly right, can adapt to them. if you look although a place like muncie, the social fabric of americans right now, you start to woond nder, is it poss this is not just a blip? we have permanently lost faith in leaders our institutions? >> are there people in the country, the top of institutions, that people would say, if they were put in jail, i would feel more strongly this country is on the right track? >> i think it helps. it's a sense of justice when you see leadership needing to be accountable for mistakes people just see as intolerable. it's cyclical. sometimes it's throw all the bums out but don't throw out the baby with the bath water. people realize they need the structure. yeah, i think people do need to pay for what they've done wrong.
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sometimes -- like a financial institution, the perception is, they were rewarded. not punished. >> very quickly, you don't see this changing sooner rather than later? >> no. and i don't think it's just about accountability. i think back to what ron discovered. a lot is about the uncertainty people right now. some is an economic downturn that's been long and deep and hurt a lot of people. some is the fundamental way in the way our economy works, the level of security people can expect from their jobs, expect in their lives. that uncertainty breeds distrust in broad ab instruct institutions. if i'm feeling uncomfortable, something must not be going right. that's a natural instinct we all have. it's an unreasonable one. >> it's a political and white house reporter, one thing i concluded from this is that there's no way these two parties -- one is likely to go away. people will take control of their government if it insists on changing the top. >> thanks so much. really interesting discussion. it seems like the uncertainty is
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here to stay. coming up next, flower power. we've got tips for picking out the perfect bow convey fbouquet mother's day. i bathed it in miracles. director: [ sighs ] cut! sorry to interrupt. when's the show? well, if we don't find an audience, all we'll ever do is rehearse. maybe you should try every door direct mail. just select the zip codes where you want your message to be seen. print it yourself or find a local partner. and you find the customers that matter most. brilliant! clifton, show us overjoyed. no! too much! jennessa? ahh! a round of applause! [ applause ] [ male announcer ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. with no added sugar. just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very "fruit-ritious." or try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit, and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry pomegranate and cranberry concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. [ splashing ]
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get mom flowers. >> and the rest, well, men, i am told either wait too long or they haven't a clue what to buy. terrell brown is here with sage advice. >> good morning. men are notorious for last minute shopping. certainly mother's day is no different. flowers are the gift to get and florists have a trained eye for the clueless guy. >> colony florist, this is callie. >> reporter: every mother's day florist callie krum comes to the rescue. >> we see lines out the door. mostly men. they always wait till the last minute. >> reporter: after ten years in her greenwich, connecticut, flower shop, she knows the routine. how often do you have to coach someone through the process? >> every conversation. almost every consideration. >> i'm happy to help you. >> we do ask the questions, does she have a favorite color?
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does she have a favorite flower? and people will typically give you as much information as they want and then they'll say, oh, just make something beautiful. >> reporter: but if it's truly the thought that counts, men should pay attention. in a new survey, 20% admitted they forgot about mother's day. >> there are always going to be last minute shoppers. because there's men on the plan either. >> reporter: 1-800-flowers founder jim mccann says it's easier to order a dozen flowers. >> the great thing about mother's day, it's dead in the middle of the peak period of spring, so you are have a spring-kind of effect with everything from everyday flowers like roses to the very popular tulips and lilies. >> reporter: flowers like these are cut from places all over the world, holland, new zealand, thailand, even africa. delivered to wholesalers like this before they end up at your local florist. a quarter of all flowers sold in the u.s. this year will be sold next weekend.
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>> these are garden roses. smell them. >> reporter: that's great. >> they look beautiful. >> reporter: to help those florally challenged, she has written a new book "the art of giving flowers". >> and then we're going to do these going up. >> reporter: her advice on mother's day is simple. >> i always encourage my customer to send flowers for mother's day on a thursday, a friday or a saturday before. so that mom gets her flowers early. she knows that she's been thought of and she actually enjoys them for the whole weekend. >> reporter: and mccann says with mother's day just eight days away, there's still plenty of time to get it right. >> our job is helping you express yourself perfectly. that's the hidden message. mom, i know you always love me. mom, i'll always love you. >> i couldn't quite get through this without calling out women. study also found 10% of women also forget about mother's day. >> we're not going to forget that one this go-round, terrell. >> my wife has been subtly remining me about mother's day.
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just so you know, i got cards and everything for all the mothers. and i'm pay attention to something else. you do know what's coming up next weekend? >> to all the mothers in all of our lives, we love you, mom. >> indeed. up next, break out the margaritas and tacos, we're going to dish about cinco de mayo. >> can't wait! >> you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." oh, hello. i'd like to tell you about netflix. it's an amazing service that lets you watch unlimited movies and tv episodes instantly. you watch netflix on your pc or on your tv through a game console or other devices, connected to the internet. wow, that's fast. best of all, netflix is only... [ buzzing ] eight bucks a month. but don't listen to a beaver... take it from the fish. it's true. start your free trial today! ♪
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♪ ♪ la la la bamba ♪ >> "the dish" is heading south of the border, celebrating cinco de mayo with ken oringer, won the james beard award. >> faced off on food network's "iron chef" and won.
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time for the cinco de mayo feast. ken oringer, welcome. >> good morning. >> this is a feast. >> what are we looking at? >> i know rebecca loves tacos. >> i do. >> i thought we would make the ultimate taco cinco de mayo platter. >> three different types? >> so, it's always nice when you entertain for cinco de mayo, it's nice to cover all the options. we have a vegetarian taco, which is a fried avocado taco, a play on guacamole. something i love because it's crunchy, creamy, a little spicy with salsa. there's spice from the cheese, cabbage and ranch dressing. not mexican but in mexico, anything flies. >> i like that. >> that's the first taco. the second one is a famous carne asada taco which we marinate with coca-cola and soy sauce,
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sill an droe and onions. and a chorizo and potato taco where everything is cooked on a griddle and in mexico they serve this with eggs with breakfast or late night when people have been drinking tequila, they'll serve -- not that you would do that. >> speaking of tequila, 9:00 in the morning and we're enjoying something. >> cheers. >> you opened a restaurant in boston, near fenway park. when did you first get into mexican food? >> about 20 years ago, the first time i went to mexico, as i'm sure a lot of people, kind of on spring break. but beyond just tequila shots and the wild times that a lot of people have on spring break, i kind of ventured outside into a taqueria and this is a theme of street tacos. >> which are invariably some of the best.
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>> absolutely, absolutely. >> one thing about your past that really interests me, you say you knew at 8, i guess, that you wanted to do this. you wanted to be a chef. but you also went to business school. and i think when people think restaurant, they think about the chef side. is it your experience that they link less about the business side and might that be why you're so successful? >> i don't know why i'm so successful, but -- >> also great food, clearly. >> obviously, cooking doesn't hurt. but i think chefs need to have a business sense, because anybody can be a great cook. to be able to be a leader, to motivate people, to be able to get your vision across to a team, that's what requires a lot of thought and also a lot of planning. and i think a lot of people just underestimate that because a lot of restaurants go into business with amazing, amazing food but they don't have the business sense, the p&l, bottom line and things like that. >> what else is here? ou have corn. what else? >> grilled corn, also this is one of our signature dishes at
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la torro, grilled corn with garl garlic mayonnaise, chile powder on top and a real crowd pleaser. >> we'll have you sign our plate for us. delicious feast. if you would like to cook it for yourself and for more on "the dish" and chef ken oringer, go to our website. >> it's so good. >> yes, please. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." cheers. >> announcer: "the dish" sponsored by v-8 fusion energy. could have had a v-8. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy...
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>> and next saturday on "cbs this morning" in honor of mother's day, the greatest tv and movie moms of all time. >> oh, mrs. brady. >> have a great weekend,
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