tv CBS This Morning CBS May 8, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. it is tuesday, may 8, 2012. welcome to studio 57 at the cbs broadcast center. i'm charlie rose. a new bomb plot against the united states is foiled. we'll get new information and see if airport security could have stopped this attack. i'm erica hill. the white house scrambles for another explanation after a top official says he supports same-sex marriage. but a strike position from the government on how fast america will soon become. and i'm gayle king. we'll show you what prince harry is doing on his first visit to washington and when i see you at 8:00, john irving and rita wilson will stop by.
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but before we begin, as we do every morning, the eye opener, world's. a new and improved underwear bomb with a better detonation system. authorities believe the mastermind is the same terrorist behind the last underwear bomber plot in 2009. >> this device was nonmetallic and probably would have got gtten past metal detectors. >> just when we think we have it under control they have another variation of the device and they're constantly working against us. in north carolina voters are oing to easily pass an amendment. >> i don't have an update to provide you on the president's position. it is what it was. >> and a new interview. vice president joe biden said the sitcom "will & grace" made people more comfortable with gay
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people. >> these kind of tv shows will change your mind. until i saw "frazier," i never accepted seattle. he picks up a prestigious humanitarian award. surveillance pictures showing the man approached the woman and daughter and he had a knife. then the stunned mother runs away, leaving her 4-year-old behind. >> what do you think my problem is? >> i got nothing. >> i mean it's amazing. spinach tastes like wolf blitze's beard dipped in a salad. >> they both go into the bull pen. >> on "cbs this morning." did anyone see the fight? saw justin bieber escorting floyd to the ring? >> what's that about? >> it didn't make any sense to me. when i hear a justin bieber song, it makes me want to punch people in the face too.
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captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." fbi experts are studying an unexploded bomb created by al qaeda intended to blow up an american airliner bound for the united states. >> the government says no planes were ever in danger. senior correspondent and former deputy director of national intelligence john miller is here. good morning. >> good morning, erica. this was part of a global effort involving a handful of international intelligence agencies including the cia, tracking the bomb and the bomber, who is reportedly in custody. the plot targeted planes bound for the united states, using a new and improved version of the underwear bomb. that was the device used during the failed attempt to blow a jetliner out of the skies over
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detroit on christmas day 2009. >> they keep trying to find more and more preverse and terrible ways to kill innocent people. >> what this incident makes clear is that this country has to continue to remain vigilant against those who would seek to attack this country. and we will do everything necessary to keep america safe. >> the plot is believed to be the handiwork of ibrahim hassan al asiri. he was also behind the attempted cargo bomb plot where explosives were hidden in printer cartridges bound for chicago two years ago. >> al qaeda is agile, resourceful, coming after airline security and we shouldn't suspect that we're always going to be one step ahead of them. >> the white house said president obama was informed in april. that raised questions on how on the anniversary of bin laden's death officials said there were no credible threats against the united states as this very plot
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was unfolding, but sources told cbs news they had enough controls to ensure the attack would not go forward. >> that said, i think one of the worries they have this in case and any other case that emerges in the future is whether or not there are others like it that are on the horizon that we don't know about. >> now, let's talk about where this plot is coming from. this is al qaeda in the arabian pence lal or aqap operating out of the remote areas of yemen. this is the group that designated to take a lead in london. ing an attack against the u.s. and great britain targeting planes. this is their third plot tar getting u.s. soil and there's every intention they intend to keep going. >> they're developing the most sophisticated bombs. >> this all boil down to one
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person, al asiri, the bomb maker. it's how they're concealed, how they're conceived. the printer bomb, for instance, was considered by bomb technicians around the world to be a brilliant stroke. so it boils down to one person, but one very dangerous person. >> and when did they exactly detect this bomb and know of its existence? they say a month ago they advised the president. >> okay. so when you look at aqap, this is a group that's targeting the saudis, targeting the brits, targeting yemen, and targeting the united states. there you have four very capable intelligence agency who have a focused laser group and have been comparing notes and they've been looking at them for a period of years, and when those notes come together that something is afoot, they combine resources. i think what we saw yesterday is the result of an effort involving multiple intelligence agencies. >> with us now from the white house is john brennan, assistant to the president on home land
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security and counterterrorism. good morning, john. >> good morning, charlie. >> what do we know now? the bomb is reportedly in the fbi's hands. what do we know about that. >> as we know, they tried to carry out two attacks. the underwear bomber in december of 2009. what the fbi is doing is taking a look at the ied construction and seeing what kind of modifications and reminements might have been made since then, but aqap has been clearly continuing to attempt these attacks and we're going to do everything in our power to stop them long before they get to an aircraft. >> what does this story say to you? >> well, the story says that aqap is a very dangerous organization. it is very operationally active right now inside of yemen, that we need to continue very close cooperation with the yemen eaess
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well as others overseas. clearly they have allowed us to have the ability to see this early on. we were able to take the appropriate steps necessary to prevent its possible use against innocent americans or others. and so we're going to continue that very close cooperation with our partners overseas so that aqap does not succeed in these attempts. >> where is the man who was to carry out the bomb? >> we're working again with our partners overseas. this was an ied that was seized abroad, and any individuals that may have been associated with it, we're continuing to investigation who might have been associated with the construction of it as well as plans to carry out an attack. and so we're confident that this device and any individual that might have been designed to use it are no longer a threat to the american people. >> one of the things that's disturbing to a lot of people
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when they hear it plrks brennan, is the bomb is a new design, can't be detected by some of the technology in place, currently at airports. >> we constantly update and . - refine our security measures to take into account the terrorist groups, the efforts to try to evade the security measures. so we have implement add number of additional steps since we first saw this underwear bomber over two years ago. we continue to adapt the measures on a regular basis. we take into account these attempts. and then make sure that we're able to have a redundant system that relies not only on one measure but on multiple measures. and i think that the int intelligence and counterterrorism and homeland security professionals have done an outstanding job, again, working with partners overseas, to stop these attacks. >> do you consider uqap the most
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dangerous arm of al qaeda today? >> i would say it's the most operationally active. any al qaeda cell no matter where it is is dangerous. but aqap, it has a range of activities under way inside of yemen as well as clearly its continued determination to carry out attacks against homeland and persons of interest. so it is a serious problem for the yemenese. we're going to work with them to make sure we remove this cancer from yemen. >> john brennan from the white house. thank you. any time there's been alarms like this, they have boosted their efforts to protect airplanes. that including full body scanners, and they're in place at most busy airports. >> but this morning officials are asking if it's enough. mark strassmann is at hartsfield atlanta airport.
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good mornle. >> reporter: good morning, erica. two questions, would the bomber have picked an airport that has full body scanners a ud would the scanners have spotted the threat? if you fwlie into the u.s. you know the drill. pockets emptied, jackets and shoes off, laptop in its own bin. you walk through a full body scanner. it uses x-ray or electromagnetic waves to detect threats. knives and explosives like the type used in the second foiled underwear bomb plot i can assure you that the tsa and airport security general ll is going to be looking at it to see what steps if any we have to take to upgrade our defenses against this type of attack. >> reporter: representative peter king is chairman of the committee. >> tsa and the explosives
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experts are going to be analyzing this device very carefully, seeing how effective our current detectives are. >> reporter: the tsa says it's using 670 full body scanners across u.s. airports, mostly international entry points. most use them. london, paris, rome. but they're seen less frequently in asia and africa. israelis, considered to have the world's toughest security don't use full body scanners at all. they consider them to be unreliable, and technology has to keep up with the evolving of terror networks across the globe. >> they have scientists who are constantly trying to stay one step ahead of us. just when we think we have it under control, they come up with anorther variation. >> reporter: they say they would have picked up this underwear
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bomb but they're worry about the next potential threat, which is an explosive not hidden inside the underwear but inside somebody's body and whether scanners could pick up that vote. north carolina voters decide if that state should have a copps substitutional ban on same-sex marriage. meanwhile president obama has. said anything about the congress or members of his cabinet supporting same-sex marriage. >> this morning a poll says half of americans think it should be legal. >> reporter: delicate for sure. if the vice president hadn't brought it up, the white house would just have soon have ignored this. the white house played defense monday insisting nothing has changed in the president's view of same-sex marriage. while he opposes it, his p>> i don't have an update to provide you on the president's position. it is what it was. >> reporter: but in the last 48 hours the vice president has suggested that he supports the
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right of gay couples to marry, only to see the administration pull that back and say he was simply supporting equal rights for all. >> i am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men and women marrying women are entitled to the exact same rights. >> reporter: but education secretary arne duncan was explicit when asked if he supports same-sex marriage. >> yes, i do. >> reporter: it's an important position to many of the president's supporters on tell left and though he supports civil unions for gay and lesbian couples he has maintained he does not support marriage for them. at least not yet. here's what he said in 2010. >> my feelings are constantly evolving. i struggle with this. >> reporter: it was one element in 2004 in the re-election of george w. bush. it helped to drive social conservativet to the polls, but
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public opinion is shifting. 2011 was the first year in history that the majority of americans supported gay marriage according to a gallup poll. the white house ended the ""don't ask, don't tell"" policy in the military and has ordered the justice department to stop enforcing the marriage act. now later this week the president is headed to hollywood. of course, a vast array of literal support and a big fund-raiser at the house of george clooney if he's still evolving in his views. >> how does the campaign plan to handle this? >> reporter: well, the campaign is changing the subject. mine that's first thing they did yesterday when mitt romney made a comment about how he was responsible for the success of the gm/chrysler restructuring,
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saying, hey, he supported that but he doesn't support the bailout. they're just changing the sum and moving on. in mississippi the bodies of a missing mother and her oldest daughter have been identified by the fbi. jo ann bain and her daughter adrienne were found behind a home. police believe mayes has abducted the family and has bane's two younger daughters with him. prince harry is looking more like a diplomat than a prince. >> as chip reid reports there is serious reason for this. >> prince harry has been doing some social work. now the royal family is putting him through an image makeover. ed on his first visit to washington, prince harry
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received a welcome fit for a rock starks but this was no priv lus occasion. >> we must be there for our service men and women and their families standing shoulder to shoulder with the boys. >> reporter: he was here to accept recognition for his work with men and women through an establishment with his brother prince william. he shared the stage with former secretary of state colin powell who joked about his popularity with ladies. >> we have a record number of young women attending this year. prince harry? >> reporter: earlier this year he met with injured military. he's currently training to be an apache helicopter pilot. his first official trip was on behalf of the queen. >> i'm definitely not a diplomat.
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i've come representing my grandmother, essentially. >> reporter: for years harry was best known for playing polo, escorting beautiful women, getting into scuffles with photographers and on more than one occasion appearing to be in've brie yated. but in recent times the prince, who's third in line for the throne behind his father prince charles and his brother prince william, he's all grown up. >> we're very privileged in the position that we are but with privilege comes great responsibility, they say. >> reporter: but changing his image is not going to be easy. while he's here in washington doing important work, back in london the tabloids are all abuzz about whether he's back with his old girlfriend chelsea davies. charlie and erica? >> nothing changes, chip. it's time to show you this morning's headlines from around
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the gloat. the paper "haaretz sts says they've joined forces with another government. >> the san francisco chronicle worths that oracle won a lawsuit. the outcome may affect the price of android phones and other devices. they found oracle vie a littled its right. jurors could not decide if that was allowed under fair use law. "the wall street journal" says gas prices are down for a fifth week in a row. the average price for regular is now $3.79. that is 15 cents lower than a month ago. and the omaha harold says the pink plant has been shut down. it will permanently close three of its four plants. that will result in about 850 job cuts later thi
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two air force pilots tell 60 minutes that fighting an advanced fighter plane is making them sick. >> we're waiting for something to happen, and if it happens nobody's going to be surprised. >> we'll ask a congressman and fellow pilot if those planes should be grounded for good. and the cdc predicts that in 2030, another 30 million americans will be obese. we'll look at the rising medical costs and also the hidden cost of making room for all those extra pounds. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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yesterday on cbs, newt gingrich said it would be inconceivable for mitt romney to choose another running mate and today mitt romney said yep. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> there is new information on sunday's "60 minutes" report about the airport's most sophisticated fighter plane. in case you missed it, two fighter pilots say they got dizzy and disorient dude to a lack of oklahoma city jen. the men were so concerned bd their safety and their colleagues, they put their careers on the line by speaking with "60 minutes'" leslie staal. >> it's insidious. some will go on the entire
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mission, land, and not know anything was wrong. there was a publicly announced incident of a jet in alaska hitting a tree and the pilot was not aware that he ran into a tree. >> he didn't know he hit a tree? >> that's correct. >> reporter: after josh's incident, his symptoms were so severe, the ars sent him to a hyperbaric chamber. >> this is the first time we've heard that pilots are going into hyperbaric chambers. >> reporter: even pilots who never had a physiological incident in the air had problems on the grournld in the days after they fly the plane. >> amongst f-22 pilots, there's a term called the raptor cough. in a room full of f-22 pilots, the vast majority will be coughing. among other things, lying down for bed at night after flying getting spinning room feeling, dizziness, tumbling, vertigo stuff.
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>> reporter: i have heard that other pilots because of their fears from crashing from their own vertigo, whatever, that they're taking out additional life insurance policies. >> they are, yep. absolutely. >> we're waiting for something to happen, and if it happens, nobody's going to be surprised. i think it's ma matter of time. >> lesley stahl is with us from studio 57. adam kiz injer is a pilot from the ars reserves. good morning, all. leslie, there's a hearing this afternoon. what do you expect from that hearing? >> it's the senate armed services committee and we're being told they'll be asked what's taking so long to find out what's wrong and i suppose they may be pushed into the same question we were asking, do you need to ground the plane again in order to find out what's wrong. p>> what do they say so far? they do not believe it's necessary to ground them. >> yes. they say they have minimized the risk enough that they're
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comfortable keeping the plane in the air. >> congressman, what do you think? >> well, look. i think this aircraft is so important to our invenntry and our strategy that it's important to find out what's going on. if you have pilots taking off and they're worried about going hypoxic and they've gone through it on purpose during training, it's not fun. we've got to be very careful. i want to make sure we get to the bottom of through but also that pilots who felt it was important to stand up and get this message out don't have their wings taken away because they feel this is outside of >> and the pilots that came out, you wrote regarding it vchlt you made any more headway with them? >> unfortunately we've requested a number of items from the air force. we had pushback. in some cases they claimed
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privileges and in other cases they didn't have the studies. we're getting ready to make the quest again. we want to see it in writing so we can figure out what to do next. >> let me see if i understand this. the pilots continue to fly and they do not know the cause of what makes the pilot sick and the question is why not ground the plane until they figure the cause. >> that's it in a nutshell, but i went to a fwreefg that the air force put on last week. i have no doubt that they're doing everything to figure it out. it's baffling that it's taken a year and a half. >> what do they suspect? >> well, they're now -- after looking at the oxygen tubes and all that kind of stuff that maybe when you fly that height, that fast, super sonic, there's some physiological change that takes place that interacts with the system of delivering the oxygen. they're going to look at each pilot, look at what his particular health condition was hen got in the plane to see if
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there's some little pin point thing they can do between the pilot and the system, but they don't know. >> another question. are there more pilots who believe what the two who came forward said? >> oh, yeah. they're just not -- as the pilots tell us, it's a silent majority. >> congressman, why shouldn't they shut down the plains until they know the answer? >> well, that's a decision the airport has to make. they did remove the charcoal filter. that's a decision they had to make. my concern is that they get to the bottom of this. as leslie said, i don't think there's a conspiracy here to hide anything, but what i'm concerned with is pilots -- as a pilot, i've been trained if something's outside of your safety level or con fort zone, you have a responsibility to say that and have a responsibility not to fly. i want to make sure these pilots who have come forward and said there's a problem that they don't have their wings teenagen
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away. >> do you know, congress marngs one of the things the airport did to get the plane back in the air after they grounded it for -- over this was put in the charcoal filter. it was one of the reasons they said they were going to be able to fly again. now they've taken that charcoal filter out because the their suspicion that was hurting the pilot. so now they're flying without any additional protection right now. >> that's baffling. >> that's baffling. the pilots don't know themselves, congressman, if they're going to be punished. you said they're protected under the whistleblower's act, but they're kind of in limbo right now. >> they're protected as far as telling their story but if they're going to have action taken against them for not flying, that's another question. >> congressman adam kinzinger
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on freshly baked bread. it's a barbeque-licious $6 footlong™ special! come and get it! subway. eat fresh. obesity specialists are meeting in washington to discuss new ways to tackle america's weight problem. there's a new study that shows more than a third of the americans are obese and that number is expected to hit 42% by the year 2030. >> reporter: the new report warns that the increase in obesity rates would make skyrocketing medical costs even more difficult to control. >> oh, it's definitely a medical crisis. just the cost to our country from obesity-related illnesses is a trow nom call. >> reporter: to put the numbers in focus, metlife stadium holds 82,500 fans at capacity.
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if 42% of the attendants were obese, that would mean almost 35,000 people, more than could fit in the entire lower level of the stadium. and now america's burgeoning weightlines are changing society in ways to imagine. a roller coaster at universitial studio had to be modified with wider seats so larger riders would no longer be turned away. big john, a california company, advertises a toilet seat that can hold up to 1,200 pounds of pressure, especially designed for the big and tall plus size consumer. in florida the city of palm beach garden spent $8,700 to retrofit an ambulance with an automatic stretcher that could support the weight of plus-size patients. and then there's this. coffins the size of double beds so the obese can rest in peace
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and comfort. >> it has many down effects. >> reporter: member metlife stadium? if the seats were made wider by just one inch, they would be able to sit in comfort. for "cbs this morning," terrell brown, new york. >> we know about the health effects and that. but when you look at it in those numbers. >> 42%. >> and the products, too, that are being offered and the cost of them. >> i picked this up. this is the cover of "newsweek." when i grow up, i'm going to be 300 pounds. help? >> yeah. a little help indeed. you have the french fry, throw in ketchup. there's two vegetables of
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no... ♪ jeerl ler this year earlier this year we reporting that a shortage of cancer drugs is cripping hospitals and patients. >> after a year, it still has not passed. why? dr. jon lapook went to capitol hill to find out. >> when you're 10 months old and fighting leukemia like elena, this is what a good day looks like. 80% of children with her kind of cancer can be cured with the right medication. but two months ago her dad mark
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schoenveld was told her chemotherapy drug methotrexate was running out. >> you hope people do their job and get it done. >> but it's not getting done. dozens of cancer drugs are running out. the reasons include manufacturing problems and reduced production due to lower profits with generic drugs. fda commissioner dr. margaret hamburg. >> the industry has to not be afraid to let the fda know if if they have a problem is we can get in there and work with them to fix it before it results in a shortage. >> the fda says the two bills that are languishing in congress would help fix the problem. we showed up at speaker of the house john baker's press conference to ask why. >> why is it that what everybody agrees is desperately needed is taking so long to pass sth. >> the congress is working on it. the senate is getting ready to move a bill.
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the congress is getting ready to mark up a bill in early may. but i would also ask where's the administration been? where's the president of the united states been? >> meanwhile in the senate drug shortage legislation cleared a committee but has not yet reached the floor for a vote. senate majority leader harry reid. >> when is that going to happen? >> well, you're asking me to look into the future and try to pinpoint a time. as soon as we can. >> next two weeks? next two months? next two years? >> i hope to get it done sometime in the fourth of july recess. >> dr. jon lapook is here. where does that legislation stand? >> that interview was in april and late yesterday afternoon the chief spokespenn for senator reid says it might get passed before memorial day. >> might. we look at it. pwhy is it taking this long? >> it's a mystery. every single person i spoke to wants it passed.
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republicans, democrats have supported the president. there's no on session to it. i went to washington to find out why it's not getting passed. a the end of the day the answer was that's sort of the way it snies no one gave you an answer. >> i never did find out. >> good work. >> john, thanks. >> susan powell has been missing since 2009. her husband was a suspect. now his father is on trial. we're hoping for some answers. you're watching "cbs this morning." [ man ] i think this is a good time to tell you: you're doing okay, mom. i can call you "mom," right? i know we haven't known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper. you're not perfect. but you're trying. anyway, i want you to know how much i appreciate you. you know, right? how much i love you.
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gayle is in the control room. >> how did you know i was in the control room? how did you know, charlie? >> he's so good, gayle. >> yes, i am in the control room. former atlanta braves pitcher john smoltz and author john irving are both coming up. we've seen actress rita wilson in movies and on tv and broadway. but she said she's always wanted to sing and guess what? she can sing. we'll talk about her launching her new music career at the age of 55. that geesd too. that's rita. >> why are police saying there's a serious danger linked to being
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say what you wille putin's me la dramatic style. you have to be impressed by this moment. there he is. living the dream, just beside himself. overjoyed. i can't believe i've been happier getting a colonoscopy. >> that's the inauguration. you can take anybody's picture and say look how happy she looks, look how happy he looks. >> he didn't look very happy. >> they have one of those too.
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it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king >> and i'm charlie rose with erica hill. on monday charge was dismissed against powell. earlier his son killed himself leaving many questions about his missing wife. >> a reporter spoke to the parents who can explain what happened to the daughter. >> it's hard if you run across them. it makes me cry. >> reporter: for chuck and judy cox, memories are all they have left of their two grandsons. >> their dad made a lot of promises and he never kept them. >> reporter: last february during a supervised visit with their faerks 7-year-old charlie and 5-year-old braden were killed in an apparent murder/suicide. police say josh powell locked a social worker out of his home
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and attacked his two sons with a hatchet before starting a gas-fueled blaze consuming the house within minutes, killing everyone inside. >> he blew up the house and the kids! >> i already felt numb, but it just took my breath away. >> the in fact he killed those boys and the way he killed them, what kind of a monster -- it pointed out what kind of a person he really was. >> reporter: now josh powell's father stephen powell is on trial charged with 14 counts of vow voyeurism. during a search of the home he shared with his son they found images of women including josh's wife susan powell who's been missing since 2009. with the wounds of their grandson's deaths still fresh they hope steven powell will provide them with answers they've been looking for. >> he needs to tell us the truth
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and what happened to our daughter. >> reporter: he and his sons were on a midnight camping trup in the utah desert. chuck and judy cox say their former son-in-law was very close with his father and they're con veniced that stephen powell knows what happened to their daughter. >> we're hoping when he realizes that he's not going to get out on some technicality, that this is real, that he would be willing to go ahead and admit his part in it and tell us where she is. >> reporter: almost three years after susan's disappearance but only three months after their grandson's brutal dealt, the coxs hope the trial might bring them some sort of closure. dragon fly. that's for charlie. he liked bugs. >> reporter: and maybe even some sort of justice for their daughter. truth, no matter what it is.
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he also won an oscar for the screenplay of "cider house rules." good morning, john irving. >> hi. >> people say this is so timely, a bisexual man. i am thinking with the way you right, how could this be timely? you must have had this idea for a very long time. >> i have. i'm very sflee or you were ahead of your time. >> this novel was pretty much formed almost 10 years ago, 12 years ago. i didn't begin writing it until 2009 but the wright process itself was very fast for me, unusually so, maybe because it's anarrater, and when it is, it's more forthcoming. >> here's what you wrote about it on it's about a young buy sexual man who falls in love with an
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older transgender women who run as public library. they're the heroes in this novel in the sense that my by seisexu self. he's the hero. >> i somehow thought i was done with that subject when i finished "the world according to garp" in the late 1970s. but i think sexual intolerance is still with us in a different way, and this may be somewhat less radical, a more realistic novel than "the world according to garp." i chose the bisexual main character because i knew he would generate more distrust
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from straights and gays alike. he is a dib rat are ily chosen sexual outsider or misfit and part of the attraction to these two transgender women of different generations is that he recognizes that they are even more marginalized in society or even more distrusted than he is. >> you also say in the next sentence, billy is not me. >> yes. >> no, he's not me, but i think there's so much in my novels that comes from a "what-if" proposition. as a young boy, i suspect like many young boys growing up or coming oup age in the '50s and '60s, i was attracted to just about everyone. my friends' mothers, girls my own age, even the occasional older boy on the wrestling team. my attractions were all over the
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map. >> did you feel confused by it? >> no. >> or was it just a normal way of growing up? >> not so much confused, but i -- the sympathy remained. i thought, well, just because it turned out that i liked girls and i was straight doesn't mean that i'm allowed to forget that moment of coming of age when i felt these desires and attractions to a disturbing variety of people. therefore, how can i judge other people who act upon those desires. >> i'm so fascinated, john, by your writing style because i often think if i would write i would start with the first line. your first line is i'm going to begin by telling you about miss frost. it i'm immediately drawn in. you always write with the end in mind. you always know how it's going to end. was it true in this case? because this book is very
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complicate add. did you know in this case? >> it is true. this is a dialogue ending. there were three. and when it happens it's a line of dialogue you heard before, usually in a different context, sometimes from a different speaker. but it's like a refrain. it's like a piece of music that you hear again. i like those endings. i can't engineer them and make them happen but when they do happen i feel lucky because there's that moment that reader says, oh here comes that again. >> i love the a-ha moment. now he's poised to reflame claim his tight. does that resonate with you? >> well, that's one of those legacy issues, which i think even when you get to be my age, if you start thinking about that too much, you might as well
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stop. >> well said. >> i don't think that's my business. that's a younger writer. of that piece. >> john irindividual, news flash, you are still young. you are still young. like the line you are formed what you desire. i love it. >> now on sale. >> at your favorite bookstore, whatever that may be, or online. mark zuckerberg is making waves with his fashion choice. yep, he's got a fashion choice. we'll make that long story short. you're watching "cbs this morning." chili's lunch break combos are full of delicious choices, starting at just 6 bucks.
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everything to them and she did. note to self, erica. don't do that. >> i'm not going do it and i'm not going to let you do it. we should all have co-worker like this. a man fell from a roof into a container of acid five feet deep. they went in after him. they pulled him to safety. he's in critical condition. the hero was treat and leased. >> would you drop into a vat of acid? >> probably. >> you can't say it with a straight face. aisle call 911 for you. >> i'll throw you a rope. >> these better. dustin hoffman calls 911 to save a man's life. hoffman stayed with him until the medics arrived. they were able to restart his life. imagine waking up and you see tootsy? i look it. i look it. >> as long as anybody calls for help, you're very happy.
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beta beat is watching. zuk irburg met with button-ups. some were saying he hasn't changed. others say he was simply telling investors to tell it or leave it. i think they wanted to use more clois words which are not available for television. >> he's not trying to make a statement. he's wearing what he normally wears. >> yeah. and when you don't have to challenge, why bother. >> leave him alone. leave him alone. talk about wall-to-wall celebrities, in new york, does this happen every day? >> not like this. quite a party. we're going to take you there. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hallmark. life is a special oh kachlgs 'ven a good mom. that i actually taught you something. [ heartbeat ] tell me i'm ready. that you look up to me.
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tell me you like spending time with me. ♪ that i'm doing this right. even if i'm doing it alone. tell me you are proud of who we are. just -- tell me. [ female announcer ] for everything moms need to hear, there's a hallmark card. ♪ since i became part of that mccafé frozen strawberry lemonade at mcdonald's, people call me citrus límon out of respect. women pucker up when they see me. [ smooches ] you got to get some of that icy lemon swirl before it's gone.
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its one of new york city's best dressed red carpet veepts. dozens of a-list stars turned out to celebrate two visionary artists of fashion industry. the glitz, the glamour. the annual costume institute gala at new york's metropolitan museum of art is known as the oscars of the east. >> it's another illustration of what makes this city so exciting and in large part due to them. >> the vogue editor in chief plays host to a crowd draped in masterpieces. >> i always say you can look at great fashion photograph and it can tell you just about as much of what's going on in the world as cbs news programmes. i mean fashion is history. fashion is culture. fashion reflects a time. >> the institute's new exhibind
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shows the style. the familiar boilt elsa schiaparelli. turned it into a global empire. behind the exhibit is curator andrew bolton. >> why did you choose to put elsa schiaparelli and prada together? >> the one between the two women, one between the past and the present. also the object itself. they almost enter into a dialogue with each other. >> it echos through the exhibit with an imagine nair chat brought to life by famed director baz luhrmann.
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>> the idea was ridiculously attractive. these extraordinarily creative women from a different time, different place, have a conversation. >> i tried to make the man more human and the women more powerful. >> i think it's not about what's in front of you in terms of an object or the individual yoechlt its about the experience you have in your own head. >> the experience you have between prada and shocking pink that continues to inspire new conversations among the icons of today. >> that exhibit opens on thursday. one of the great things that andrew bolton told me, consistently the galleries where they house are the loudest. he loves it. he thinks it's a comfortable vieshlt where they love to talk about clothing. they love that it's in sort of his words a unifier.
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"come see about me." it's part of her solo album called "a.m./fm." hello, rita. >> hello, erica. nice to see you. >> can i hold this up? it's so cool. it looks like a record. vinyl. >> it's called a.m./fm. even the crew guys stopped to look. >> oh, that's good. >> do you remember lying around in your room listening to vinyl or transistor radio and how important that was and you could spend hours doing that? i can remember the smell of album covers and the smell of vinyl. >> what's so interesting is rita wilson can sing? that was my first reaction. rita wilson can sing? yes, she can. you're not sitting around, you know, i think i can sing. you've been singing for a long time. >> i would say it's my first love. >> your first love?
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>> yes. i always asked people what you wanted to do as a kid and they always knew what it was. it was singing. the acting path tooth the front seat of the car so to speak. i was working quite a bit. i didn't know how do it. everybody that i admired played an instrument and wrote their own music and i didn't do either of those things. i guess there's never a right time to do it, and this just happens to be the time to do it. >> it's a perfect time. and i have to say, a lot of these songs, i listen to them and in my head i would listen to them with my dad and mom. but how did you narrow it down? >> stories. i wanted each song to tell a story. i remember hearing these songs and creating scenarios in my head for the people in the song. >> just look at you in the video for just a second. i mean do you look at that and go, oh, my gosh. really. look at you. >> well, i had an amazing photographer and director steven
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sebring. so i have to thank him for that. but, yes, it's surreal. chris cornell is singing the background vocal or har mo in, "all i have to do is dream." >> i said, no, wait a second but erica was talking about some of the stories. >> what's one of your favorite stories in terms of the songs? >> okay. let's take "angel of the morning," for example, which was an a.m. song and an fm song. when i was a young girl hearing that song, i thought, okay, cautionary tale. i grew up as an american. my mother was greek, my dad was american. your reputation is important. you didn't want to be known as easy. i heard that and it's like look what happens. you give it up to some guy and he dumps you and you're looking for a way to get home. then when i heard the song as a woman i thought, no, this is kind of an empowering song.
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she's saying i know exactly what i'm getting into. call me angel of the morning but i'll figure out how i'll get home. >> were you nervous about how it would be receive sthd. >> yeah, of course. nowadays everybody can be a critic and they can write about it. but at the same time i don't want to say i don't care, but it's -- at my age, i don't care anymore. it's like forget it. if people are going like it, they'll like it. if they buy it, they buy it. i'm really proud of it. it's a grade album. i'm proud of it. >> you were at carnegie. you were on the lineup on stage. there you are singing. >> talk about "all i have to do is dream," i did a duet with vince gill, "all i have to do is dream," with sting. i got to do a solo "shall we
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dance." it was pretty exciting. >> it's like kicking off your bucket list. >> and i was at carnegie hall. >> can i talk about the line of notes? everybody who has met rita wilson and tom hanks together have said they're the real deal. i don't know anybody who hasn't seen the two of you who hasn't said, oh, my gosh i want some of what they're boengt having. >> you said god blessed me with a man who told me before i marrieddy haven't to change anything about me. thank you, tom rng for the gift of love. you celebrated your 24th anniversary. you said -- >> it doesn't seem like 24 years. it seem like 24 hours. >> really? >> yeah. it's gone quickly. i consider it such a big accomplishment to have a soiled marriage. my parents were married for even 50 years. he's an incredible person, an
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incredible man and we laugh a lot. we've had some good laughs over the years. >> what's your favorite position with tom? and you wrote -- >> i didn't answer that question. >> i didn't want you to think i'm being rude. you did a special called "the conversation," and she asked very specific questions and that was one of the questions and i leaned on the thing and i thought how is rita going to answer that. i think tom would answer that question. >> no, he wouldn't but i laiddy lady gaga said. she said being private in public. she was right. >> continued success. >> thank you, erica and gayle. >> continued success. come back. >> i'll definitely come back. this has been a pleasure because, you know -- there's something about you two. >> i'm so exciting about sitting
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here with you, missy. i'm cheering you on. cheering you on. >> thank you. turning from singing to sports, john smoltz is, here one of baseball's best starting pitchers and then one of best relief pitchers, not always a typical parkt he'll talk about his inspirational life on and off the field and how the
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a high fly ball well hit deep into center field. look out. they both go into the bull pen. >> this is a minor league game in corpus christi as you saw two outfielders going for the same ball. they end up on the wrong side of the fence. there you have it. we've got a little more baseball for you. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> it came in with the song as
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krsac/dc d "thunder song." the eight-timal starr won a cy young award an pitched with the atlanta braves. >> he pitched for 21 years. he wrote a book, "perseverance, faith, and one more year." welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> there's all this talk about steroids. how did steroids affect baseball, do you think? >> well, it's affected it in a way that we're still talking about it. the actual performance and what it does, that's going to be argued, the competitive balance that everybody wants for sports, that's the one thing that's got be determined, cleared. i think the greatest tragedy in sports is when you get a tag you cannot get back. we have to make kids understand this isn't the way it is in sports. ppeople have to prove their
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innocence. we always presume guilty before innocent. i hope it goes away. i hope it clears up, everybody restores the game. >> you make great point about the kids. i think a lot of times that's who loses when they get these false ideas of how you do things. >> and that's my biggest passion in lives is to teach the kids not the way it is on tv or the highlights or the false rewards. that they can actually pursue something, dream and do it the right way without having to catch-up. i have a little heinz 52 catch up. >> how about you, stoopid, ironing yourself in a shirt. >> some stories are too good to be true. don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. thing for years i've been associated with those. did get a chance to deal with that story. not even close. just something that gets printed and the retraction is never
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bigger than the print. >> i know. that's why i wanted to give you the opportunity because that sounds like a duh moment, ierng yourself in your shirt. >> i know guys who have done it. >> but it wasn't you. >> no. >> it was nice of you not to put it in the paper. >> if things had gone differently you could be an accordion player or a gas station attendant but you said this is about a kid with an improbable dream because even your own mom didn't think you would make it in the majors. >> yeah. and i'm so thankful for their foresight to let me pursue a dream and a fashion. the family business was about playing the accordion. both were accordion teachers. i guess i was good. playing at 4 years old, 7. i listened them. i had a dream to play baseball. know the numbers can be stacked against you. i pursued it to the fullest and
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i'm here to tell the story. >> what was it like to see your jersey retired? >> i'm one of those guys that doesn't get carried away with the moment. i hope the moment doesn't carry me away. hope i'm able to articulate the humblene humbleness. when i was going to be baseball league player i wasn't thinking this is what i'm going to do and when i get done i'll do this and this. >> i'm thinking there might be a tear or two. i know you're a prankster but you're also a guy full of emotion. >> yeah. >> you write that failure doesn't have to mean the end of a career or a philosophy and you're not afraid of failure and you've had a cup of doozies. >> i've had a lot. there's a myth for kids if you dream and you don't have this measure of talent or faith that you can't achieve your dreams and i want to share that you can. it's not all about talent. and the failures that i had i consider them like a step in a
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ladder to just continue to climb higher to success because i've learned by it 57b8d i've had to overcome and persevere like a lot of people do. for me it's great motivator to not be afraid to fail. i'm not afraid to laugh at myself. i learned from my parents' hard work and i'm trying to pass that on to kids. my later is to pursue them, get away from direct connection technology. it's great. i have a wild one. at least i did when i was seven. >> coming back, too, after surgery, we have the big story about manny ramirez in his 20s, can he come back and he says he will. do you think he can, number one, and you know about coming back after a serious, serious injury. >> i think the thing about athletes, if they can go out on their own would be great. i know what makes mere a know
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mariano rivera. i know the odds were stacked against me. as a matter of fact, i talk about it in the book, just waking up out of surmry. i have two questions. do i have a chance? i'm a "dumb and dumber" fan. if i have a chance, that's all i wanted. the doctor sarksd you have a chance. you thought, god, doc, i want something more than that and he said, sure, anything is possible. and you said you were waiting for the pain to come and it department come sniet was freedom. i couldn't believe it. it was a lot of fun when i threw that first ball it's great to have you here. great stuff. thank you. >> starting and closing. he said starting is better. it's on sale now. thank you, john. one of the country's best restaurants has just one thing on the menu, but if barbecue port was enough to earn a pretty
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more than for more than 100 years jones barbecue of marianna, arkansas, serving one thing sniet was honored as one of america's best restaurants. >> the james beard awards considered the oscars of food recognized top chefs from new york to san francisco. and now marianna, arkansas, a community of 4,100 people scraping by in the arkansas delta. it's also home to what may be america's best barbecue. >> i come up working with my daddy and my grand daddy. >> hold on. i'll be there in a minute. >> james jones is both opener and pit master. >> that will be $9. >> a one-man whirlwind in a tiny
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two-table restaurant. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. you have a good day that you two. >> jones barbecue diner. >> it dates back to 1910. it may be the oldest black family owned restaurant in the south. >> the way it's going for some reason it ain't going to last long. >> he opens at 6:00 a.m. six days a week and closes when he runs out. the 67-year-old sleeps upstairs. betty jones is his wife of 40 ye years. >> there are golf widows. you're a barbecue widow. >> i'm a barbecue widow. i'm the second wife. hayed to get used to it. >> outside he runs the smokehouse. open hickory logs run 24/7. pork shoulder simmers in this barbecue pit for 12 hours. mark shikt has eaten here for 40 years. >> you smell it. >> that's the key to the whole
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deal. the smell. >> which you can smell. >> when you make the turn coming here, you can definitely smell the aroma. >> all right. >> smith, a local insurance agent, showed us the roeps, which wasn't hard. mr. jones, i need two sandwiches. >> pork sandwiches drenched in a vinegary barbecue sauce, served with coal laws made on homemade wonder bread, $3 a piece, $6 a pound. it's so good and the only thing on the menu. for four generations jones barbecue has fed marianna. >> it's good. it's the best meal we have here. food pulls people together. you can share a meal together and you're friends, no matter, white, yellow, black, green. everybody loves barbecue here. in the south that's part of what we do and eat, and this is as
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good as it gets. it's better than any other barbecue i've ever had. >> jones follows the same family recipes as his grandfather who sold meat from a wash tub back when the locals called the restaurant the hole in the ground. the recipe for his sauce and his slaw are top secret i don't want to know. his father, grandfather, prom e promised the children never to tell. >> what's the secret in the sauce. >> no. >> not going to tell it. >> no, no. if you give that up, you know, you're oust business. >> then one day they got a phone call, something about an award. >> james beard award. >> first time we ever heard about it. >> you sit down because we want to talk with you. >> that didn't sound good. >> my heart start going 100 miles an houfrmt i thought, oh, lord, we haven't paid the taxes on time. they know what the beard ward means now.
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he got it last night in new york. the beard category, america's classics. after their first trip ever on a plane and his first vacation since graduating high school in 1963. recognized as one of america's top chefs for making one distinctly american dish and making it perfectly. for "cbs this morning," mark strasburg in marianna, arkansas. >> what a great story and what a great man. >> is it wrorng, guys, that i wanted to lick the tv screen? >> luckily we've got a few screens because i'm right here with you. >> i think we need to make a phone call. there's sad news to report this morning. the great children's author has died. his greatest work, "where the wild things are," that's helped children dream over the years. he illustrated dozens of books. he died this morning at a connecticut hospital.
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