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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  May 12, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> axelrod: mitt romney talks faith and family at liberty university, but tredz lightly on same-sex marriage. chip reid reports. no more checks for california's long-term unemployed. john blackstone on the 93,000 people now cut off. charges that school lunch money has been stolen and not by a bully. cheryl at i can son investigates. >> and he's a college professor and cross word blogger matching wits with the "new york times" and our own tony guida. >> there was a part that wanted in a really stupid, shallow way to seem smart. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news."
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>> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. all but certain republican presidential romney mitt romney made an appeal today to evangelical christians, a group whose whose support he will certainly need if he is to prevail in the fall. romney traveled to the largest evangelical college in the world to reach out. chip reid joins us now. chip, good evening. >> reporter: well,ing good evening, jim. mitt romney has struggled to win over evangelical christians in part because many evangelicals believe mormonnism, romney's faict, is a religious cult. today romney emphasized the shared values of two very different branches of christianity. >> people of different faiths, like yours and mine, sometimes wonder where we can meet in common purpose when there are so many differences in creed and theology. >> reporter: their different faiths can meet, romney contended, by way of a common world view based on christian values. >> there is no greater force for good in the nation than christian conscience in action. >> reporter: romney said the
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word "christ, christian, or christianity" a dozen times in an effort to despell doubts that he as a mormon is a christian. in a speech more spiritual than political, romney never mentioned president obama by name but just three days after the president announced his support for same-sex marriage, a brief mention by romney of his opposition drew the biggest applause of the day. >> marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: many listeners, especially parents, like bob thompson from portland, oregon, said that was exactly what they were hoping to hear. >> i think he needs to take a stand and he took a stand and it's really timely now with what's happened. and so, yeah, i think there was a lot of support on that. >> reporter: but some students, including bob thompson's daughter, chelsea, were not so pleased. >> i think student are a little frustrated that he said that because they didn't want it to be a political, like, divider
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thing. and i think they just didn't want it to be political. i don't-- i don't necessarily think he should have said it in a speech like this. >> reporter: overall, though, romney was warmly received. a possible first step toward firing up the party's conservative christian base. >> what the next four years might hold for me is yet to be determined, but i will say that things are looking up, and i take your kind hospitality today as a sign of good things to come. >> reporter: romney's mention of same-sex marriage may have been brief but tomorrow it's expected to be addressed at great length by conservative pastors and priests across the nation as they take to the pulpit to condemn president obama's decision. jim. >> axelrod: chip reid in washington, thank you. for more perspective on governor romney's speech we're joined in washington we our political director john dickerson. john, good evening. governor romney speaking just a few days after president obama backed same-sex marriage and yet mr. romney only briefly touches on it.
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why? >> that's right. the strong reaction governor romney got to the single sentence about the sanctity of marriage shows why he won't spend much time talking about it. foanyone anywho were reluctant o embrace governor romney after the primaries have been given a fresh nudge in his direction by the president's support for same-sex marriage, that gave romney latitude to spend the bulk of his remarks showing fundamentalists and evangelical christians that he understood their world view, could speak their language and shared their values, even though he practices a different faith. >> axelrod: and yet this is an election everyone assumes will hinge on jobs, jobs, jobs, so what happens when the back-and-forth actually becomes about social issues? >> well, the issue that will dominate voter thinking in the fall will be the health of the economy, and that's another reason governor romney and republicans are not going to spend much time talking about same-sex marriage. they want to talk about the weak economy which they think is the president's biggest vulnerability. but we are going to have these
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summer squalls from time to time about issues other than the economy, and they are important. governor romney is helped with his base, and for the president, at the very least, he has helped raising even more money from that influential part of his base who care a lot about marriage rights for same-sex couples. but in the end, despite all the cheering and the shaking of fists, it's unlikely when the voting starts that this will be an issue that changed a lot of minds. >> axelrod: john dickerson in washington, thank you. some not so goanld news from california tonight. governor jerry brown announced the state's projected budget deficit has gone from bad to worse, soaring from $19.2 billion at the start of the year to $16 billion today. tight budgets across the country are making life even tougher for the unemployed. in 2008, congress extended benefits up to 99 weeks to help the long-term unemployed, those out of work a year or more. tomorrow that extension ends. eight states are cutting off their benefit checks for more than 200,000 people, and as john
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blackstone reports, california is hardest hit. >> reporter: from the busy streets of los angeles to the farm country of the central valley, an estimated 93,000 people in california lost unemployment benefits today. as the unemployment rate drops, many others who thought they'd be getting help, up to 99 weeks, will run out of benefits sooner. mark watton, laid off from his job as a security guard a year and a half ago, will get his last check next month. >> as it's getting closer and closer, the anxiety does start building up, and you think, you know, where is my next meal going to come from fr? where is my rent going to come from next month. >> reporter: sybil esparza lost her clerical job in december 2010 and has been grateful the federal benefits lasted this lock. >> had it not been for those extensions i don't know where i would be at this point. i would be probably be on the streets. >> reporter: at an employment center they continue the job search they have been on for
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almost 18 months. >> definitely stressful. you know, you can't sleep at night sometimes, just ever wondering am i ever going to get something? >> reporter: it's a common story these says says maurice emsellem of the national law prohibit. >> right now, about 30% of all unemployed workers are unemployed for a year or longer. that's not their fault. that's because we have such limited job creation. we have unprecedented comp tigs for jobs. >> reporter: even though california's unemployment rate has dropped to 11%, three point above the national average, that drop is enough to trigger cuts in long-term benefits. even here in merced county, where unemployment is 20%. merced sits in california's central valley, once best known as the state's agricultural heartland, but now famous for foreclosures and job losses. when teacher layoffs hit merced schools last year, sixth grade teacher mig charo lost her job. >> you know, i'm not a prideful person so i have applied for
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many other positions, for custodial, for-- whatever pays my bills, that's what matters. >> reporter: but finding any work here is a challenge. factories have been closing down and moving out for three years. though california's economy is in a slow recovery, many long-term unemployed do not see the progress, and now thousands will not see government benefit checks either. >> axelrod: high unemployment is leading to a hike in another number no one wants to see go higher, the number of hungry in america. nearly 50 million americans now experience what the government calls food insecurity in the course of the year. elaine quijano joins us now with more. >> reporter: jim, food insecurity basically means not knowing when you'll find your next meal and that uncertainty affects one in six americans. today we saw another effort to help. in teaneck, new jersey, today, letter carrier danny daurio's
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mailbag was heavier than usual. >> rice, canned cipe, canned vegetables. >> reporter: he was collecting donated cans and boxes of food as part of the "stamp out hunger" the nation's largest single-day food drive now in its 20th year. the need has never been so great according to vicki escarra. she runs "feeding america" a network of 200 food paengs that supplied 37 million americans last year. >> there is hunger in every county across the united states. >> reporter: as the ranks of the unemployed and under-employed have remained high, more americans are finding they don't have the money for three meals a day. >> the first thing they will give up is food because it's more disposable. and they can go for days without eating, and they can't go for weeks without paying their represent or having transportation to their jobs. >> reporter: according to the federal government, at some point during the year, nearly
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15% of american households will be unable to provide adequate nutritious meals. food pantries are seeing more first-time visitors. retired nurse milady zapata has become a regular at this pantry in new york city. >> i skip meals if i don't have the money. >> reporter: zapata, who lives off her social security benefits, has $300 a month for food after paying her other bills. did you ever think you would have to come to a food pantry to get food? >> no. not at all. i used to think this was stuff that other people may need. >> reporter: a majority of food insecure households receive some government assistance, like food stamps but even food stamps, on average, provide only $1.50 per meal. >> axelrod: elaine quijano, thank you. cbs news has confirmed a c.i.a. drone strike in yenl today hitting al qaeda militants along the border between two provinces
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southeast of the capital. yemen government officials say the strike killed six militants. the u.s. did not confirm a number of dead. syria's information minister now claims the u.s. and al qaeda are working together to overthrow the syrian government. he made the unusual charge on the day syrians mourn the deaths of 55 people killed this week in a pair of suicide bombings in damascus. the militant adnurse rafront has claimed responsibility for the bombings. coming up next, did a big corporation wrongfully pocket school lunch money. to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens,
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activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. if you sleep in your contact lenses. lucky for you, air optix brand has a lens approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear. [ male announcer ] that's why they're recommended most for people who sleep in their lenses. visit for a free one-month trial offer. >> axelrod: cbs news has learned of a major investigation into the school lunch industry. the big companies that decide what food goes on your student's
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tray may be cheating schools and taxpayers out of millions. investigative correspondent sharyl attkisson has details. >> reporter: behind america's school lunches are giant corporations many schools hire to manage every part of the meal from budgets to choice of food. rick hughes saw firsthand the profit-driven culture of the school lunch industry. he once worked for the biggest food manager in the u.s., sodexo. >> there's a lot of money in food. food is a-- is a big-profit business. >> reporter: sodexo encouraged employees to buy from big food processing companies that in return gave sodexo cash rebates. >> when we followed those procurement guidelines, we received bonuses for those. >> reporter: but new york attorney general eric schneiderman says sodexo's profit motives extended far beyond those employee bonuses, which are legal. he says sodexo crossed the line when it pocketed cash rebates actually meant for the schools. >> if, you know, you promise
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that you're giving-- passing a discount on to your ultimate customer and you don't pass that discount on, that's-- that's stealing money. >> reporter: in 2010, sodexo settledly the case by returning $20 million to new york public schools. sodexo admitted no wrongdoing. but the investigation has expanded. schneider man says his office has uncovered a nationwide pattern of public schools getting ripped off. he's fired off subpoenas to 10 more food industry companies. >> we know that there are cutbacks in programs for kids, in gym and art and teachers are teaching in larger classes. it's outrageous that there's more money that should be going, that is legally owed our schools that is not going there. >> rick hughes went to work for a school district that was once sodexo's customer, district 11 in colorado springs. he says cutting out the middle man actually improved school lunches. the money saved buys food like
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local organic beef. >> hoe additives, no steroids, no horr moins. >> every time the dollar changes hands a little comes off. when you buy direct from the farm, direct from the producer, the maximum amount of money goes toward the student's plate. >> reporter: hawaii and california have joined in the fraud investigation and at a meeting earlier this week, new york's attorney general briefed his counter-parts from 15 more states. some see it as a way to recover millions of dollars at a time when schools nationwide are struggling for every penny they can get. sharyl attkisson, cbs news, colorado springs. >> axelrod: boston university calls it a horrible tragedy. today in new zealand, near the town of taupo, three b.u. student were killed and five others injured when their minivan rolled over. the students, who had been studying abroad, were headed out on a weekend hiking trip. public employees in miami-dade
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county have pitched in to help their colleague, sabrina fulton, the mother of trayvon martin. 192 of fulton's coworkers donated their time off so she can afford to be off work but on the payroll for the next eight months. the donated leave is worth nearly $41,000. next, the scream and the horror of war when the cbs evening news continues. while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these,
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>> axelrod: four more nato troops were killed in afghanistan today. two soldiers were killed in helmand province when men wearing afghan police uniforms opened fire on them. also in the south, a roadside bomb killed another nato soldier. the german photo journalist horst faas died this week. the two-time pulitzer prize winner was 79. working for the associated press, faas became one of the world'sing legendary combat photographers. he always got close to the action. faas spent more than a decade in vietnam and his images are some of the most searing of that war, whether on the battlefield with soldiers or in a muddy canal with terrified civilians just trying to survive. we were struck this week by the work of another combat photographer. the sharp eye of one of our producers in london, jane
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whitfield, saw life imitating art and she brought it to the attention of correspondent alan pizzey. >> 12-year-old tarana akbari will probably never wear her best dress again but in an uncanny coincidence, the blood-soaked garment and her agonized cry have been immortalized in a digital version of the world's most famous scream. a poem on the back of edvard munch's painting "the scream" to explain why he made it resident in part, "suddenly the sky turned blood red. it's a fitting description of a suicide bombing. "all around were dead bodies of my cousins" tarana said, "and some of them were missing hands and some of them were missing their faces." in one of those inexplicable quirks of fate in war zones, afghan photographer moss was a
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few feet away and escaped with only temporary deafness. >> she was shouting but i just could see it, but that time for me the responsibility i felt was just showing that pain, showing that situation. i clicked, i recorded, and i knew that i did my job. >> reporter: tarana is still going through the pain of rehabilitation. "when i see the picture, i remember all like it was a dream, "she said, "or didn't even happen." he hopes his image of the scream of the girl in the green dress will help people understand what happens here on a regular base. >> what is the reality here? how life is too cheap here in afghanistan. >> sold. >> reporter: to put that in perspective, munch's "scream" recently sold for $120 million, roughly what it cost to fight the war here for 14 hours. alan pizzey, cbs news, kabul.
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and the trojans win. >> reporter: michael sharp, ph.d., bing hampton university, rex parker, manic maven of the "new york times" crossword. it's a habit he fell into in college 20 years ago, imitating a friend he felt was smarter and cooler. >> throofs a part of me that just wanted in a really stupid, shallow way to seem smart. >> reporter: but what began as a caper is now his second full-time career because five years ago he created this crossword blog. he calls it "rex parker does the "new york times" crossword." why rex parker? >> it seems so ridiculous that anyone would do this i thought i'll just put a fake name on it. >> reporter: crossword solvers everywhere discovered blog, as many as 30,000 hits a day. >> i have mixed feelings about him. >> reporter: the editor of the "times" crossword puzzle. >> it builds a crossword community which i think helps.
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>> i thought it might be fun to match wits against him. bad idea my latin, my latin. he aced it in four minutes, 11 seconds. >> he's finished. are you kidding me? i've got about-- >> i was slow. >> reporter: eight answers in this thing right now. >> reporter: sharp figures he has solved more than 7,000 puzzles. >> i've gotten a sense of community from unexpected places, notes and messages and it's been unpredictable and weird and fun. >> reporter: but every day brings another and rex parker has no intention of quitting his night job. tony guida, cbs news, bing hampton, new york. >> axelrod: that's cbs evening news. later on cbs, "48 hours mystery." for all of us here at cbs news, i'm jim axelrod from new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs
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