tv CBS This Morning CBS June 6, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. it is wednesday, june 6, 2012. welcome to studio 57 at the cbs broadcast center. i'm charlie rose. erica hill is off today. wisconsin decides to keep its republican governor, rejecting a union-led effort to throw him out of office. is it a sign of things to come in november? and john mccain takes on president obama over top secret leaks. we'll ask him why he thinks lives may be in danger. i'm gayle king. did the nypd go too far trying to track down possible terror suspects? john miller will tell us why they're now facing a major lawsuit. plus, should junk food ads be banned from kids' shows? first, as we do every morning, we begin with a look at
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today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions. >> wisconsin governor scott walker survives a recall challenge. >> defeating tom barrett. >> first governor in u.s. history to survive a recall attempt. >> the people you see here behind me can't get it done tonight, it's done. democracy's dead. >> the outcome could help predict how the presidential race might go. >> the president's no show represents the fact that obama's goose is cooked. >> i can tell you that al qaeda's number two leader, al libi, is dead. >> terror network's second in command killed in a u.s. military drone strike in pakistan. >> when al qaeda's number three heard what happened to al qaeda's number two, he went number one. >> investigators are looking into whether the candidate's private e-mail account has been hacked. >> thanks, you guys. >> the rare sight of the venus
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transit, the planet moving across the face of the sun. the next one won't happen for another 105 years. >> all that -- > actually i like queen elizabeth but she doesn't do anything. >> many of my students don't know i'm second lady of the united states. >> really? >> no. because, you know, it's a community college. they're working. no, i don't mean it that way. >> with enough care and effort, you can grow your own barack-oli. >> wow. look at this. >> and all that matters -- >> a dutch artist's tribute to his pet is sparking controversy. he turned him into a remote control helicopter. >> on "cbs this morning." >> now you can just say, i've got bad news about patches. but i've got some great news got bad news about patches. but i've got some great news about that dirt bike you wanted! captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." scott walker was the third
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governor in american history to face a recall election. he is the first one ever to win it. wisconsin republican governor still has a job this morning after beating democratic challenger tom barrett 53-46%. >> tuesday's vote was watched all around the country. dean reynolds is in wisconsin where he held his victory rally. he has to be feeling good this morning. >> reporter: he does indeed. good morning, charlie and gayle. it was a big night for republicans last night. a bad night for democrats. and it's just about as simple as that. he had the look of a man who had just saved his own job. >> wow. tonight we tell wisconsin, we tell our country, and we tell people all across the globe, that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions. >> reporter: republican governor scott walker turned back the attempt to kick him out of
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office. and turned wisconsin, mostly red in the process. >> the election is over. it's time to move wisconsin forward. >> reporter: for the democrats, the loss was crushing, though not entirely unexpected. milwaukee mayor tom barrett was badly outspent by walker and is now 0-2 against him. >> please, please, please, remain engaged, remain involved, because we will continue to fight for justice and fairness in this city and this state. >> reporter: according to an analysis by cbs news, walker won with strong support from republicans, tea party loyalists and a majority of independents. and by 60% to 27%, wisconsin voters in our exit polls said recall elections are only appropriate when there has been official misconduct. that was not the case in wisconsin, where the argument
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was really about policies one side didn't like. >> union-busting has to go! >> reporter: walker's decision to limit the bargaining power of public employee unions kicked off lengthy protests last year, which turned into a movement to show him the door. democrats nationally had hoped for a resounding rejection of walker and his philosophy. >> thank you. >> reporter: and they worry now that other republican governors will be emboldened to follow his lead. now, there was another result of some interest last night as part of the exit polls they asked voters their preference in a presidential race between mitt romney and president obama. in that one, president obama won by seven points. gayle and charlie. >> dean, thank you very much. we go to bill plante at the white house. tell us what the white house is saying as they look at this vote in wisconsin. >> reporter: well, good morning, charlie. you know what, the white house isn't talking.
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the president, very carefully kept his distance from this recall election because polling had shown all along that while it was very close, walker was likely to win. they didn't want to get the president involved because the research also showed that voter sentiment was very divided over the idea of throwing out the governor on a policy disagreement. so, the white house left the reaction to the obama campaign, which put out a statement last night pointing to what it called the massive spending gap. governor walker supporters raised $31 million to $4 million for challenger tom barrett. overall, the price tag on this race may hit $80 million with most of that money coming from out of state. a huge chunk of it from the super pacs. >> fair to say, then, they're not worried about anything, when they look at the results in wisconsin? >> reporter: they don't particularly like the results but they look at exit poll which dean noted, which shows a seven-point poll for the president over romney. and voters also said in the exit poll they think the president is likely to do a better job on the
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economy, although they said that by a smaller margin. that's why they kept their distance. >> bill, thank you. meanwhile, mitt romney and other republicans say the wisconsin vote is very significant for them. jan crawford has been talking with romney campaign officials. what do you republicans say? >> reporter: charlie, romney immediately issued a statement last night saying the result will echo beyond the borders of wisconsin. his campaign is making the point that voters in wisconsin in what wisconsin showed is that people are rejecting liberal ideas and are ready for change. they want bold, new conservative ideas. that's their point anyway, and that's the point romney has been making for the past year, that america has to to go in a new direction and they're hopeful what they saw in wisconsin last night will echo across the country come november. >> jan, when the romney campaign reads this and they look at that, how do perceive this notion that the tea party has
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still influence that they can convert into the general election? >> reporter: that's a great question. obviously, we saw they have a lot of influence and a lot of voters there in wisconsin, certainly republicans, support some of these ideas. and romney himself is arguing he's going to run a bold campaign, he's going to govern if he's electeds a bold conservative. he's going to try to tap into some of that enthusiasm we saw in wisconsin. of course, strategists are already saying he needs to tap into that ground game. republicans outspent and outorganized democrats in wisconsin, and strategists are already saying romney needs to move right into those offices governor walker had and get his operation going, too. tomorrow we'll speak with jeb bush about the state of politics and the 2012 presidential race. the united states has dealt severe blow to al qaeda. their number two man, abu yahya al libi was killed in u.s. drone
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attacks. >> he's the fourth al qaeda terrorist to be assassinated by u.s. drone attacks in the last month. bob orr with more. >> reporter: good morning. i can tell you this is a big loss for al qaeda. abu yahya al libi was one of the last senior operatives, a key player at the very core of that embattled terror network. abu yahya al libi was often the face of terror, appearing in more than 30 al qaeda videos, seeking radical recruits and urging new attacks against the west. more importantly, in recent months al libi served as top deputy to new al qaeda boss al zawahiri, overseeing, plotting in affiliations with terrorists. inside al qaeda al libi was a star, revered for his escape from a u.s. military prison in afghanistan. now with his killing by a u.s. drone, al qaeda has a serious hole in its top management.
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long-time cia analyst phil mudd. >> in the past significant people were killed or captured but there was somebody like sharks teeth coming in behind them. in this case there's only a few deck chairs and it's not sure who will fill them. >> reporter: in the 13 months since bin laden was killed by u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s more than a dozen top al qaeda terrorists have been killed by 100 u.s. air strikes in pakistan and yemen. among the dead anwar al awlaki behind u.s. bombing plots. and a terrorist. this weeks of al libi further strains relations with pakistan, which is demanding an end to u.s. drone strikes. while the u.s. will not stand down, mudd says u.s. cannot ignore pakistani concerns. >> they're a difficult partner but critical. you cannot walk away from the table.
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>> reporter: officials say a badly weakened al qaeda is probably no longer capable of a large-scale attack like 9/11 against the west or the u.s. right now al zawahiri has little experienced help. he's focused primarily on staying alive. >> bob orr, thank you. last week the new york times said president obama personally decides when to attack. it was one of the recent stories based on top secret information. on tuesday an angry republican senator john mccain called for an investigation of these intelligence leaks. >> such disclosures can only undermine simeon going or future operations. and in this sense, it compromises our national security. for this reason, regardless of how politically useful these leaks may have been to the president, they have to stop. >> senator mccain is on capitol hill this morning. good morning, senator. >> good morning, charlie.
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>> tell me specifically what it is about these leaks that you think compromise national security. >> well, two of the highest priorities that we have as far as national security is concerned is the issue of the iranian nuclear build -- the attempts of iran to acquire nuclear weapons. and the other, of course, is the issue of drones, which are one of the key elements, as you just described in the previous story, and how we will keep al qaeda down. by the way, i take a little issue with the previous report. al qaeda is not making a comeback in iraq. they're still heavily engaged in yemen and other places. i'm sure the director of the cia would affirm that. but the fact is that previous to this who we knew that we were attempting to infect the iranian capability to develop nuclear weapons. this is all now out on the
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table. it is now all well known. and these hurt our national security. by the way, small example. the doctor who helped us with eliminating bin laden, he was identified and shouldn't have been. he's now just been sentenced to 33 years in prison. so, there's a human side of this as well. so, this is the most highly classified information and has now been leaked by the administration at the highest level of the white house. that's not acceptable. >> you're suggesting it was leaked by the white house for political purposes, as i understand it, and david sanger said the stuxnet explosion of information did not come from the white house. it came from other sources at the time. and that began to happen several months ago. >> well, i guess it depends on how you look at it, but also in his story and other stories at the white house, they confirmed those as being factual.
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all they had to do was say, this is classified information and we won't discuss it. nd administration officials at the highest level confirmed these facts. they obviously shouldn't have done that. >> here's what david sangers in his book. following the practice of the times in reporting on national security, i discuss with senior government officials the potential risks of publication of sensitive information that touches ongoing intelligence operations. at the government's request and in consultation with editors, i withheld a limited number of details senior government officials said could jeopardize current or planned operations. so, there was editing taking place here. >> well, some editing. now david sanger now decides and administration officials which top secret information, highly classified information is okay to be revealed or not? in an honest environment, they would have declassified information already if they wanted to publicize the american people. look, this puts american lives in danger, revealing our most
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highly classified operations, both in cyber war and in drones. so, i mean, that's just a fact. >> senator mccain, you're calling on a special council to investigate. what do you hope will be accomplished by that? >> well, senator levin has agreed for us to have a hearing. senator chambliss, ranking republican on the intelligence committee, is deeply concerned about it as well, given the post he holds. look, this is -- this is a breach of national security. and you can -- you know, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. >> i think i heard that in a campaign somewhere. >> yeah, somewhere. >> sounds familiar, yeah. >> look at the -- one last question. i think that came from your vice president, did it not? your vice presidential nominee. this is "the new york times" today, the story you just heard, al qaeda's number two said to be killed in a drone strike. clearly, these things are done by this administration. they seem to be successful. i mean, is there a leak in national security that this
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reporting about these kinds of things is taking place? >> i think, for example, the elimination of these individuals is perfectly unclassified information and is important information. but the kinds of information that was leaked to "the new york times" and other outlets, obviously, are breaches of national security, otherwise they would not be classified. you know, what we're hearing from the administration now, well, it was really okay. if it was okay, then make it public. don't do it in your dealings with a reporter from "the new york times." that's what this is all about. and, of course, it makes the president look very decisive. it really gives very little credit, frankly, to a lot of the other men and women who make these things happen. one of the things i've noticed about leaders is they give credit to others and not take it for themselves. >> senator, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. well, back to business this morning in london after a massive, massive four-day party
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to mark queen elizabeth's -- did you hear it's the diamond jubilee? >> the official celebrations come to a close tuesday and in grand style, clarissa ward is in london. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and gayle. well, it's hard to believe that just 24 hours ago, these streets were filled with a million people. today the party is finally over and the clean-up now begins. it was the final hoorah after four days of spectacular pomp and pageantry. standing on the balcony of buckingham palace, the queen was honored with a fly past of second world war ii air force. the 86-year-old monarch smiled and waved with the sea of a million well-wishers, dressed head to toe in the colors of the british flag. they filled the avenue leading up to buckingham palace to celebrate the queen's 60 years on the throne.
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>> hip hip hooray! >> reporter: now it was her majes majesty's chance to show her deep gratitude and appreciation. >> the events i've attended to mark my diamond jubilee have been a humbling experience. it has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbors and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere. >> reporter: at a thanksgiving service in st. paul's cathedral earlier in the day, the queen husband prince philip, has been in the hospital for two days, being treated for a bladder infection. though the prince is reportedly feeling much better, the queen was said by her son prince edward to be missing him. it was not just britons who wished the queen well, president obama had a message for her majesty. >> a steadfast ally, loyal friend and tireless leader, your majesty has set an example of
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resolve that will be long celebrated. >> reporter: today london is finally getting back to normal. people are going back to work, including her majesty, the queen herself, who is today hosting a lunch for visiting leaders from different world's countries. no chance to sleep off some of those celebrations. >> clarissa, thank you very much. i can only say after watching >> please finish that sentence, charlie. >> i will. the british do this very well. they have the right ka need krals to do this, the right pomp and circumstance, so it works very well for them. >> i like how much they love the queen. i really do. you can tell they love her very much and admire her but i'm thinking, four days, that's good. that's enough. that's enough. >> you don't to want think about the jubilee? >> i want to say good-bye but it was gr
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party city, nobody has more summer for less. muslims go to court to force the nypd to stop surveillance in mosques and schools. >> were you surprised that it was the new york police? >> well, we were surprised that this was going on, period. >> this morning former nypd insider john miller looks at a once secret program that city officials say is legal and necessary. and forget hatsfields versus mccoys. how about costner versus baldwin. we'll get the story behind the real life feud now playing in the new orleans courtroom on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by netfl netflix. netflix delivers movies two
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number seven? >> in his lifetime, the average american will eat half a radish. >> that's about right. that's right. number six? >> the largest zucchini ever grown contained a starbuck. >> and the number one fun fact about gardening? >> with enough care and effort, you can grow your own barack-oli. >> wow, look at this! how about that? >> welcome. >> i think she's right about radishes. i tried a radish once when i was a kid and haven't had them since. do you eat them? >> not much. occasionally. >> never. >> how about broccoli.
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>> i like broccoli very much. >> let's turn to welcoming you back to "cbs this morning." >> a muslim group is claiming this morning that new york city's antiterror efforts go way too far and violate the civil rights of innocent victims. >> early this year the nypd was criticized for a surveillance program for targeting mosques and university in several stays. john miller, former nypd official, joins us this morning. >> good morning, charlie. good morning, gayle. >> good morning, mr. miller. >> the lawsuit that will be filed this morning is intended to take this controversy beyond the rhetoric and into federal court. the nypd says it's just doing its job and doing it legally. but a group of new jersey muslims charges that the nypd gathered secret files on them, not because they were suspected of any crime, but simply because of their religion. >> reporter: abdul kareem muhammad is the imam of a mosque in new jersey.
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his mosque like any other mosque in new jersey, was listed in this secret new york city police department intelligence report. he doesn't not why his mosque in new jersey was even mentioned. were you surprised that it was the new york police? >> certainly we were. we were surprised that this was going on, period. >> reporter: and so were the imams of other mosques, muslim schools, muslim restaurants, musl muslim-owned stores, all listed in the nypd report. some are now suing. >> surveillance, spying, without question was unjustified and it was definitely without doubt an invasion of our civil human and constitutional rights. >> reporter: there would be people who a in the post-9/11 world that muslims are going to bear the brunt of a disproportionate amount of attention. >> all americans, john, including american-muslims care deeply about our safety and
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security. >> reporter: farhana khera is the director of muslim advocates, the organization behind the lawsuit. she says no other religion seems to be under the sake microscope. >> just to give you an example. there was reference in the documents to targeting, for example,ite ran yan community, the egyptian community, the syrian community, but then explicit reference they weren't targeting syrian jews or christian but the focus was on muslim. >> reporter: they also say nypd monitored meetings of student associations. one plaintiff is a biology stubt student at rutgers. >> it's an organization where students can learn about islam, participate, whether it be muslim students or nonmuslim students. we cater to the whole university community. >> reporter: did you ever hear any talk of radicalization?
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>> never. >> reporter: anybody suggest doing violence? >> i personally have never heard it before and i don't think anyone would actually say that in public because all other muslims would not tolerate that behavior, that talk. >> reporter: nypd commissioner ray kelly and mayor michael bloomberg have both defended the practice, saying the information the nypd collects is within the department's guidelines, which are approved and monitored by lawyers and a federal judge. >> we have to be cognizant of what we do. we have to check. we have to make certain that we're what doing is within constitutional bounds and that's precisely what we're doing. >> so the question is, where is the line of demarcation so that people can -- police can do what they ought to do, at the same time, if nothing is going on and they have no reason to do it, they shouldn't be doing it. >> so, here is the two sides of that argument. the nypd says, if these are places that are out in public f you can walk into a restaurant
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and sit there or attend a mosque or take a picture of the front of it, the nypd shouldn't be barred from going anywhere the public can go, including an open meeting of muslim students association. they say that is within their guidelines, which they say is modeled on the fbi guidelines. the flipside of the argument, and this is what this lawsuit may end up defining in federal court, is the muslim community is arguing if you have a lead and you need to follow it into our community, a lead's a lead, follow it. let it take you where it needs to go. but you can't come into the community and just catalog every business, house of worship, school, and put it in a file and stamp it secret and keep it forever if you don't suspect anybody's done anything. and this is the tension. >> they're saying, you can't paint us all with the same broad brush. what are they hoping to get out of the lawsuit? >> that's interesting. because what they're not intending to get, they say, money. they say the damages are
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nominal. they want two things, tagging on charlie's question, they want a set of rules that says the nypd can't do this anymore and they want a federal judge to put a stamp on that. number, two want all files expunged from the records. >> would you want a lead before you investigate some possibility of a national security threat? >> i'm within the fbi when we wrote -- or rewrote domestic intelligence guidelines which define what could do and couldn't do. what it required was a proper purpose. that meant we didn't have to prove a crime had happened but we had to articulate a reason as to why we were looking at this place or this person, especially a house of worship or something sensitive. >> john miller, thank you. good to see you. remember that classic line in "field of dreams," if you build it, he will come. well, if you sue kevin costner, will he come to court. stephen baldwin did that and this morning we'll show you why both actors may have to testify.
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olivia culpo with me. >> the new usa was crowned over the weekend, and now the miss pennsylvania, that's not her, resigned suggesting the pageant was rigged. on her facebook page she called the organization lacking in morals, inconsistent and in many ways trashy. i'm thinking donald trump was associated with this organization, charlie, will certainly have something to say. he doesn't often like to speak his mind but i'm thinking he might want to comment. >> he doesn't often like to speak his mind? >> she says, tongue in cheek. welcome back to "cbs this morning." kevin costner's new miniseries "hatfield and mccoys" is a big hit but this week he's
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starring in an off-screen feud with one of the baldwin brothers. >> stephen baldwin is suing costner over a business deal. >> this sounds very hollywood but millions of dollars at stake here. the fact that baldwin and costner are in court together and may even testify against each other has turned a rather dry civil suit into a little bit of a circus. >> reporter: it has all the makings of a celebrity spectacle, complete with lingering paparazzi -- >> going into court today? >> doing good, brother. >> confident of winning? >> feeling good. >> reporter: as stephen baldwin exited stage right, kevin costner entered stage left. just another day in hollywood. but this isn't hollywood. it's the u.s. district court in new orleans. where attorneys aren't just dancing with wolves, they're dancing with a judge and jury. with bp's deep horizon exploded and sank sending millions of gallons of oil into the gulf,
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kevin costner was drawn to it like baseball players to a cornfield in iowa. >> we have to find a way to get a grip on oil. >> reporter: his steadfast interest in the environment had led him to finance the development of a technology that could separate oil from seawater, using centrifugal force. he thought it the perfect solution to bp's clean-up crisis. even testified before congress about it. >> if we can find oil thousands of feet in the ground at depths that boggle the mind, surely we have the technology to clean up our own mess. >> no job, no money, no women. things are really looking up. >> reporter: like barney rubble in "the flynnstones," stephen baldwin had been one of costner's side kick and was on board as minority investor. bp took costner up on his offer and plunked down millions to buy the clean-up machine. baldwin says the company knew they were about to score a multimillion dollar bonanza but never told baldwin before he
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bailed, and now he wants his share of the profits. costner calls the lawsuit frivolous but refused to settle out of court. so, like a hollywood cliffhanger, there seems to be one more fire from the bp disaster that still needs to be put out. this drama, like the trial, could last up to two weeks. >> the most surprising thing about this story to me is kevin costner is involved in the business of these kinds of devices, which bp is so interested in and willing to buy. >> right. and he spent a lot of money on this, overseeing it, investing in it. he had actually loss some 20-plus million dollars on this same technology for years because no one was willing to buy it. one of the reasons he went to capitol hill to say this should be one of those things that is out there as safety measures for the oil and gas industry as a whole. on when the bp disaster happened, that was a perfect tune for him to sell it. by the time everything went through, the well was capped -- >> they never used it. >> they never used it.
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>> it's fascinating, kevin costner, very high profile, steech baldwin, the two are in court and they couldn't work it out ahead of time. nobody likes all their dirty laundry exposed this way. >> kevin costner's attorney said he refused to settle out of court. he thinks he's in the right here. baldwin thinks he's in the right. >> did baldwin have an interest in the company or not? >> $1.5 million he invested but sold before this deal went through. >> and he's arguing costner knew. >> yes, there was a meeting between he and bp, had he known he was getting this $18 million from bp, he wouldn't have sold his shares but nothing had happened with the company for so long -- >> to be continued. >> great to see you again. congratulations on your recent marriage. >> thank you. >> honeymoon in paris. >> good, very nice. thank you for the suggestion, by the way. good restaurants. >> he's the guy to get suggestions from. good eating all around the world. you look happy. i li
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what'd you guys think that it would cost? i thought it'd be around $10. it's only $2 per disc. that's a great price. bring in your favorite dvds. see for yourself. boooom! [ host ] that's the walmart entertainment disc to digital service. visit the photo center at your local walmart to get started. that's my favorite part. for the very first time a giant media company is saying no to junk food ads. >> we'll take a look at what disney's big decision means against the fight against childhood obesity. time for your morning's "healthwatch" with dr. holly phillips. >> good morning. in today's health watch, weight and breast cancer. if you want to lower your breast cancer risk, dropping a few pounds may just do it. a new study involved 439 overweight or obese post men posal women age 50 to 75 who are
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not on hormone replacement therapy. they were divided into four groups. one group dieted, another did intensive exercise, a third group dieted and exercised and a control group didn't change their diet or exercise habits. at the end of the year-long study, women in the diet or diet plus exercise group lost an average of 10% of their body weight and saw reduction in estrogen and other hormones associated with breast cancer. the study estimates just 5% weight loss could lower breast cancer risk by 22%. women in the exercise only and control groups didn't lose weight overall and they also didn't lower their hormone level. the study shows just a small weight loss could lower your breast cancer risk and, of course, it comes with a host of other health benefits as well. i'm dr. holly phillips. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by dove deep moisture
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body wash. sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. oh, it's their new oatmeal. well what's all that la-de-da? fresh blueberries, walnuts -- in oatmeal? in my day, oatmeal had two ingredients, oat and meal... not all that fancy-pants whatnot. [ female announcer ] introducing new blueberry banana nut oatmeal. i have got to blog about this.
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[ female announcer ] loaded with fresh blueberries and just 290 calories. the simple joy of another wholesome breakfast from mcdonald's. it's going viral. yeah! ♪ yeah! - [ announcer ] introducing hugs. - [ barks ]rs ] crispy, oven-baked dog snacks with soft savory centers, made with beef and cheese. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four new snacks... to help spark play in your day.
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talk about a track star. an incredible show of sportsmanship at a track meet in ohio. megan vogel helped arden cross the finish line after arden collapsed. megan says she was just doing the right thing and others would are done the same thing. she was on track to win the track meet but she stopped to help her competitor and then doesn't win. i'd like to think i would do that but there's a little part of me that thinks i'd cross the finish line and then go back and help her. you, of course -- i know -- i won't speak for you. what would you do? >> i don't know. >> you have to look at it in the moment. what it remind me of is all of the acts of heroism in war and the same thing that people say, why wouldn't i do this?
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it was instinctive. it was my duty. i want to help somebody. >> i know. maybe you don't know until you're in the moment. right now special mommy hug to you, megan. that's great. welcome back to "cbs this morning," i'm gayle king. >> i'm charlie hill. the walt disney company is changing its advertising rules to try to stop young people from getting fat. the media giant says it will stop running ads for junk food during children's programming. >> so, the ban will apply to disney tv and radio network stations and websites, too. jim axelrod is in the studio with a look at the significance of this announcement. >> good morning. you know those commercials for fast food and sugary breakfast cereal that seem as much a part as saturday afternoon cartoons as the characters themselves. come 2015 you won't see them on disney channels. disney is the first media company to put such a far-reaching pban in place, whih is why some are calling it a
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potential game-changer in the fight against bow he'sty. food and beverage companies wanting to advertise on shows like "good luck charlie" -- >> i'm right, you're wrong. >> reporter: and "shake it up" are going to have to meet certain nutritional standards for serving size and calories. fat and sugar content. no more junk foot. >> as it turns out, doing the right thing for kids just happens to be a smart strategy for the walt disney company and its businesses. >> reporter: gone will be xheshs for high sugar drinks like capri sun and snacks like oscar meyer. >> disney is a smart company that has a special relationship with the american family. >> reporter: first lady michelle obama has made fighting childhood obesity a signature issue and was at disney's press korns to lend high-profile support. >> i'm so thrilled about today's announcements. i'm thrilled disney is stepping forward in such a big way.
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>> reporter: public health add row cats are hopeful the disney bans signals a fundamental shift in the fight against obesity. the private sector isn't alone in this fight. just last week in new york city, mayor michael bloomberg announced a plan to ban the sale of large sugary drinks and sodas. >> there's nothing wrong with one full sugared drink. if you have three every day, you'll be obese. >> reporter: bloomberg took heat from critics who said he was overreaching. another example of an out of control nanny state. but the numbers are alarming. currently, 36% of americans are or bows. and that number is projected to rise to 42% by 2030. so, perhaps, the u.s. has finally reached a tipping point. >> this is not a one-month diet the nation has to go on. this is a change in the way we eat and how active we are. >> let's bring in trevor butterworth who's been writing about it for "the daily beast"
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and "newsweek." do you think these are effective tactics? we are a nation really out of control when it comes to weight. >> well, the entire world is actually becoming out of control when it comes to weight, but -- and i think public health experts think this is -- can't going to help?y how much is it - i don't think the science really supports it that much. the problem is not so much that the kids are seeing advertisements on tv but they're spending hours watching tv. and some of the latest studies show what they're doing when they watch tv is eating snacks. so, what we need to do -- what parents need to do and what's been shown to work is set rules with your kids for limiting the amount of tv you watch. i mean, advertisers wouldn't be advertising on tv if kids weren't sitting around for hours. we have terrible -- kids are -- six hours a day some demographic groups are watching tv. >> trevor, i love your accent.
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>> i'm actually irish. >> i love that. don't you think, though, kids are influenced by what they see? i know you say parents should crack down and parents should make the decision but that clearly is not happening. >> yes, but actually there's a new study that came out which showed that kids are now cosuming tv in a very different way than they used to. multitasking, multiscreening. when researchers asked them why are you doing this? they said, so we don't have to watch advertisements, which is probably not great news for any of us here, but, again, my focus is let'ses look at things that actually work rather than things that can be spun politically, that seem like good fix, like we're doing something. the war against obesity seems to be all about looking good in fighting the war against obesity. >> i get the point. i guess my question is, you have 12.5 million american kids who are on obese. 17% of the population. couple that with this statistic.
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1.6 billion dollars in advertising that kids are bombarded with, specifically about food and bes. when you have those two put together, how can this not be helpful if what they're going to see starting in 2015 is $1.6 billion, a portion on disney networks, will be for different food and beverages? >> again, you know, yeah, mrab. again, if you look at how this issue has been studied, you don't -- you know, one of the things australian researchers found recently is that there's a very -- the relationship between seeing ads and consuming food is kind of weak. >> let me see if i understand your argument. it is, yes, obesity is a huge problem. yes, the rising increase of diabetes is a huge problem. yes, maybe the government should use a bully pulpit but you don't believe television influencesing t the obesity -- >> maybe a little bit. not hugely.
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i don't see it in the studies. i don't actually see any proof that changing advertising going to have anything but a marginal impact on this problem, at best. >> you know, i think what happens is that we saw this with mayor blom berg last week. everything gets lost when it's political. battle lines are drawn and you hear complaints about the nanny state. what's most interest when commerce take over. it's not just a question of sense, but dollars. disney doing this, it's hard for me to believe the world's biggest entertainment company is going to make a decision like this unless they expect the culture to follow. so, whatever we're going to debate about the effectiveness, clearly this marks a major turning point culturally in our attack -- >> sends a message. >> and i think -- and i think, you know, obviously food companies are really cognizant of the fact that there is a problem. they don't want to kill their consumers. they want to be seen to do good. this is a real opportunity,
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actually, for politicians to -- and public health experts to devise strategies that cover the full range of options. so, what i'd like to see mayor bloomberg do is, you know, there's a great researcher in louisiana, mark hamilton. he has been studying the effects of sitting. and based on -- i've gotten a standing desk. i'm convinced -- >> you stand up now? >> yes. >> good for you. >> thank you, jim.
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so, you want to know the best place to do or find just about anything? well, our travel editor peter greenberg can tell you. he'll give you some recommendations from his new book. and if your son or daughter's graduating this year, you may not want to cheer for them. what? we'll make that "a long story short" on "cbs this morning."
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these are ocean spray sparkling juice drinks. they have bubbles. it's real fruit juice; crisp, sparkling water; and no added sugar. and they come in these really cool cans. you want one? i'll wait a bit. all right. mm. refreshing. refreshing ocean spray sparkling juice drinks. in these really cool cans. sparkling... savings. get a coupon for ocean spray sparkling juice drinks at or on facebook.
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♪ as we looked around the web this morning we found a few reasons for charlie and me to make some "long story short". >> my fourth appearance, you know that, by invitation only. >> are you ready? >> yes. >> how do you know you're ready? >> i'm always ready. >> if you've sat next to somebody on a plane who talks too much, listen to this from "the huffington post." lafayette airline plans to seat passengers according to their mood. they'll have three to choose from, work, business, talk or relax. i like that. that's if you don't to want deal with a chatty neighbor. had one the other day. can be annoying. >> what did you do? >> i just listened politely.
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i did. >> you just open up a book and start reading. that will always work. now we talk about pets. new jersey takes pets' safety. new york daily news reports drivers in jersey who failed to restrain their cat or dog in the car can be ticketed. it's the only state where driving with loose pets is a violation of animal cruelty. sheryl crow made headlines forgetting lyrics. now we know why. she was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor last year and she says she's not worried about it. she got an mri because of memory problems that date back to the 1990s. when they found the tumor she said, see, i knew there was something wrong. >> snow white and the huntman is a box office hit but the new york post says little people have a big problem with it. the dafbs are regular size actors digitally shrunk.
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denies little actors potential roles. how can cheering at a graduation be illegal? whptv says shannon cooper was arrested after whooping too loudly during her daughter's high school ceremony. she was charged with disorderly conduct and placed in a detention center. after she got out she was thinking, are y'all serious? are y'all for real? they tell you to hold your applause and don't say anything until names are called but sometimes graduations are deadly boring -- >> and parents have put so much into it. >> so they want to celebrate. to be arrested for disorderly conduct, that must have been some whoop. that is our "lss". pizza to perfume, peter greenberg knows where to find the best of everything, he says. he's been circling the world for decades. this morning he found time to stop by studio 57 with a list of the best places to go. peter's list right after the break.
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>> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kindle. smaller, lighter, better than ever. from $7. [ female announcer ] introducing coffee-mate natural bliss. made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally.
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♪ if you need to get some perfume or maybe some wine, we're about to show you the best places in the world to do it. >> cbs news travel editor peter greenberg has made it easy for you. took him 30 years to travel around the world so he put it into his new book called "the best places for everything." i like that you -- i like the wide variety that you've chosen because it's very random. >> it is. it's everywhere for bird watching, medical tourism, to dig for fossils. it's done in a way to give you an idea of where we've been. >> let's start with pizza. >> i'm a new yorker.
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i live for thin crust pizza on the east side, however this is a place in italy, up the lift to the top of the mountain and they make the most unbelievable thin crust four-cheese truffle pizza in the world. it's worth a chair lift ride, even if you don't ski. >> you had me with truffles. >> oh, yes. well, truffles is a different story. most people think truffles, what, france? >> yes. >> i beg to differ. the best truffles anywhere, it's in western australia. nobody knows it but the chefs know it. they have the same temperature as france but you can get them out of season, southern hemisphere. >> what about wine? >> you want to get involved in the process so sonoma, california, to a grape camp and get up close and personal with the harvest. and you go to france to a small champagne house. no tour buses there. it's you and the family, they give you a pair of knee pads, do you the harvest and come back in and celebrate. >> we should go.
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>> i don't know the difference between good wine and boone's farm strawberry hill. so i'm going to take your word on it. >> boone's farm? wow, we're dating ourselves. >> wow, that was a long time ago. >> let's talk about bartels & james now. >> perfume. >> perfume you're going to find it in bermuda because there's a woman there, isabel -- i'm still going off bartels & james. >> i'm looking at her thinking -- >> i know. >> isabel blends the perfume from natural scents from the flowers in the island up. get to do it, too, bermuda. >> swimming with sharks? >> that's where you have to take a trip because that's off the coast of costa rica about 350 miles off the coast, 36-mile boat trip. it's probably not high on your list -- >> at all. >> but if you're a thrill-seeker, that's where you go, swim with whale sharks and it's amazing. >> if you're a pleasure seeker, on a boat, what's the most beautiful sight you have ever seen to wake up to? >> oh, that's in fiji for me.
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most people go for the sunsets. in fiji, you go for the dawn. >> what's the best place to go swimming with pizza? thai think about that. i thought that was good. my type of pizza. best place to spend new year's eve. >> this will surprise -- it's not times square, sorry. >> that surprises me. >> off the coast of portugal, the most incredible fireworks displays in the world. 66,000 of them in one night. think about that. they have the world's record for this. and that is -- >> new york city's not bad. >> it's not bad, but if you want to own the place, you go to madera. >> way back when when we were doing a pilot for "mcgyver," moab. you have beginning trails, eight-mile, medium trails and going into orthopedic surgery trail. you can do it based on your
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do a lot of sending... and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. [ bob ] i got the tickets. [ male announcer ] and with citibank popmoney, it's even easier to keep sending...and receiving. let me get you back. no, it's on me. i insist. no way. yes way. well let me chip in. [ male announcer ] send money from one bank account to another, with citibank popmoney. easier banking. every step of the way.
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i like your nurse's uniform, guy. >> these are o.r. scrubs. >> oh, are they? >> i'm a detective, you know it? >> oh, i love ferris wheels. >> me, too. we need to stay on task. pthere's our meat. i was thinking about changing myself to a bulldozer. do you want to come? >> what time? >> 1:00, 1:30. >> sounds good. should i bring my own chain? >> we always do. we love each other. >> yes. >> think about what i'm saying. are you sure you're ready for this? >> yes, we are. >> let me rephrase it. >> we're in a hurry. >> are you chewing -- spit out the gum, sister. in fact, everybody.
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>> i cringe. i cringed at that part. i hate chewed up gum in my hand. welcome back to "cbs this morning." that was just a sample of the memorable characters played by jason schwartzman. >> he teams up director wes anderson's new film "moon rise kingdom" opened to enormous praise. yea son joins us in the studio. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> first of alling anything wes anderson does seems to get lots of good attention. >> well, i'm happy that you say that. you know, this movie has gotten a really good response. i'm happy for wes because he works so hard on the movies. write them for a very long time, makes them for a very long time. so, when they're received and you get a positive feedback, it's so good for him. >> when he does that, do you expect a call from him when he comes up for a new idea with a movie? >> not at all. >> you guys have history, so don't you expect a call? >> i expect nothing. i expect nothing.
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we have a great -- you know, we met on "rushmore," the first time i ever acted. we met -- we made the film together. you know, we became best friends. and i love him very dearly. we have a relationship that's totally separate, you know, i think from movies and such. but when we get to work together, it's an incredible thing. i'm very honored to do it, but i don't expect it. >> you don't? >> i don't expect it. >> wes, he doesn't expect it. >> i don't expect it. >> but his mother expects it. >> let's talk about your mom. francis ford coppola is your uncle, nicolas cage is your uncle. so as a little boy you thought, i'm going into acting? >> that couldn't be further from how it was. >> what did you want to be when you were a little boy? what did you think? >> taller, first of all. and then, i don't know --
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>> how tall are you? >> sitting here right now? >> no. when you stand up. i'm 5'10", how tall are you? >> not 5'10" somewhere between 4 feet tall and 5'10". >> other than taller? entertain in some capacity, but acting was something that i didn't really think was a possibility. i grew up in l.a. you know, there's a lot of kid actors around you. i used to go to this place -- i was something called like kid cuts or something, and i hope i didn't just trademark -- say something that's trademarked. >> that's okay. >> the person that cut my hair, you know, on like the mirror in front of me would be head shots of all these little kids whose hair she cut. you know, they'd be dressed up like little vampires or astronauts or cowboys and spiky hair. and i just felt at a young age, well, if that's -- if that's what it takes to be an actor, i
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don't know if i have that. i don't want that gel anywhere near me. >> did your mother ever say, don't do this? it's too hard, it's too chancy? >> well, she's been on supportive and really has led by example. i mean, she never encouraged me to do this, but when i was young, i grew up -- she was always watching old movies, listening to music. so i think at a young age i was a witness to what -- like, movies and stuff can do to you. she's proud of me, right, mom? >> yes. it's like osmosis. it really is in your dna, you have to say. >> i don't know about that, but -- no, i don't mean to contradict you, i just -- >> yes, you do, you mean to contradict. that's exactly -- >> i mean, i will say that she's very cool because she always -- you know, she is a proponent of have a life beyond hollywood and stuff. you know, try to get into -- >> take my advice, jason, don't contradict her. >> oh, really? >> oh, yeah. >> how do you know? do you know something about your
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momma -- >> no, i'm saying don't contradict gayle. >> i'm not going to contradict you or my mother. >> there will be hell to pay. let's talk about "moon rise kingdom" if you don't mind? >> i'm not going to contradict. >> you it's a sweet love story. i love the saying about love people, when you fall in love for the first time, there is nothing like that. i dropped my earring. you may continue. >> i want to tell you something. >> go ahead. >> you look beautiful with or without that earring. >> then i won't put it on. >> i mean, i'll put it back on your ear if you like. wes anderson said that when he typically will write a film, he starts with an idea for a character. and develops that character and then kind of makes the movie around that person and develops the plot. he said with this film it began with a feeling, wanting to make a movie about the feeling of falling in love for the first time. the nostalgic feeling of that. in this film about these two young 12-year-olds who fall in love and try to run away
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together, do you -- like when i watch, do i feel like that -- you know, he captured the feeling of being in love and also the adventure of falling in love for the first time and thinking you can't outrun the adults and search parties going after you. yeah, it's very heartwarming. when i -- >> do you remember that feeling for yourself, falling in love for the first time? >> yes, yes i do. >> and? >> it hurt. well, i feel like it was staggered. i first fell in love with the actress cherlyn flynn but that was a pipe dream. she's not going to go out with a 6-year-old. >> i hear older is good. >> but a 6-year-old, i mean, if she -- i would have loved it. it would have been the most incredible year of my life probably. but anyway, i loved her. i remember being 12. do you remember it? >> yes. we're not that old. >> no, but some people -- >> yes, i do remember. >> jerry johnson. >> really? >> yeah, bad boy.
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charlie, what are you thinking? >> i was thinking -- i wanted to ask him about his best acting experience. most teachable experience you had, but this is going so well. >> i'll talk about obsessions -- >> that's a good question. answer that, please. >> what's the best acting experience or lesson you have learned in this young life? >> well, i don't know what i've learned but i would say it would have to at some point maybe come from mr. bill murray, who has been in many of the films wes has done. i've gotten to work with. it's not like he says something, you know, that's like a -- like a nugget or something of advice, it's just the general way he works and carries himself. >> try to define that. >> i really almost can't. he's mystifying. when i'm around him, i sort of feel like this is a god of comedy, like the president of comedy or something. i just look at him and stare at his face and his hands and his
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body and i'm just like, what is it about this person that makes him so incredible? when he's on set, i think the thing is, he works so hard, he makes everybody around him work really hard. and he's always trying to figure out another way of trying something. he's experimental and free. that's one thing he did say, but i read it in a magazine. he diplomat say it to me. >> that counts. >> he said, you have to be relaxed when you work. so, i'm trying that out here right now. how do you feel? is it working? >> you know what we call this, the "x" factor. >> this? >> no, what bill murray has. >> yeah. one time i was actually -- he doesn't know this but i'll say it. one time i was sitting next to him. we had a very long car ride and he dozed off. i did just stare at him for like 25 minutes or something in the car. >> and he dozes well, though, doesn't? he. >> he slept deep. he looked relaxed. >> this has been such a
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pleasure. who's our next guest? "moon rise kingdom" is the movie and you can see it in select theaters. >> it will come to you. i love you. it loves you. you put the earring back in. >> and i love you, jason. >> that's amazing. >> thank you for coming. >> hey, guys, this is awesome. these books look great. the news is going well -- >> you can stop talking now. the name of your movie is "moon rise kingdom" in select theat s theaters. he was immortalized in "band of brothers" and now being honored in france on d-day. that's coming up next
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this is the 68th anniversary of d-day, allied invasion of nazi-occupied germany. >> nearly 10,000 allied soldiers were killed or wounded in that attack. mark strassmann has the story of one of the many brave americans on that day. mark, hello to you. >> good morning, gayle. 73,000 americans from big cities and small towns hit those beaches in france. and only they truly know how murderous the fighting was. this story is a snapshot of how valor overcame terror. >> reporter: on d-day, 73,000 american gis stormed normandy's beaches and helped save the world. but hours before, a new kind of soldier had already jumped behind enemy lines. paratroopers, 13,000 of them. one was sergeant bill gaurnere, now 89. >> he got up and said, move, move. >> reporter: in june of '44, he was a 21-year-old from south
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philly. he belonged to company "e" of the 101st airborne, nicknamed easy company. none had ever seen combat. >> you take july 4th, fireworks, you magnify that 10,000 times. >> reporter: you flew that that. the commander had been killed in the jump. lieutenant dick winters found himself in charge. the 26-year-old's first battlefield was part of the largest amphibious assault in history. >> he led it all the way. he would say, follow me, hurry up! keep going, keep going. kept throwing grenades. >> reporter: the heroics of easy company inspired the hbo series "band of brothers" based on the best selling book. eight hours after they landed, winters led a dozen men in an attack. 50 german soldiers in trenches
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guard an artillery battery and four heavy guns shelling omaha beach. winters improvised an attack on a fixed position. that's still taught at west point. easy company destroyed all four guns. he personally seized military maps revealing the german army's positions all along the normandy coast. winters was awarded the distinguished service cross, the army's second highest medal for valor. he retired to lancaster, pennsylvania, his hometown, and died last year at 92. jordan brown also lives in lancaster. in winter's heroism, brown discovered a cause. not forgotten, they are remembered. >> reporter: two years ago when brown was 11, he read about people raising money to build a statue of winters in normandy. brown began selling bracelets inscribed with winter's motto, "hang tough." the statue cost $250,000. jordan alone raised $99,000.
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and today along the normandy coast, people gathered to unveil this statue to dick winters, rifle at the ready, leading to the front. to all the junior officers who led american men on that day of days. >> bone juror. >> reporter: jordan brown spoke last, the latest generation saluting the greatest generation. >> he was always honest with his men and therefore they trusted him. he never saw himself as anything special. not even after the war. >> he was a born natural leader, period. >> reporter: winters never sought attention, but in 2000 he hung tough with film makers for this interview that closed "the band of brothers" saga. >> he said, grandpa, were you a hero in the war? grandpa said no. but i served in our company.
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>> wow. >> those guys are something. >> mr. winters, so impressive. number one, he's still alive and still lucid and can tell the story so well. >> gaurnere is a tough old guy. he's 9 years old. lost a leg in the war, broke his collarbone in a fall a couple weeks ago. his grip at 9, i mean, come on. i wouldn't want to mess that guy. his son will tell you, too, that he -- well, he and his brother discovered dad was fearless, fearless. no one was going to mess with dad. and he never knew -- the kids never knew the war stories until "band of brothers" came out. in fact, yesterday when we were interviewing him, he said, i still learn more stuff from your interview that dad never told us. i mean, a couple different world war ii types or vet types in general, the guys who tell all the war stories and guys who won't say a word. only after "band of brothers" de
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come out and tell a few stories. what a story to tell. >> you're never moved by the stories. >> it's really impressive. i mean, greatest generation. i mean, aptly named. >> brings you to tears. thank you. a different kind of hero gets noticed in today's america. we look at how professional athletes can be revered figures in our culture.
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such esteem. welcome. >> hello. >> why do we hold them so revered. >> they can stop time. they can take us out of our lives when they're performing at their best. as the ball rolls toward the cup at augusta or three-pointer at the end of the final four, heading towards the bucket. you know, you are no longer a person with a mortgage and a job that may be difficult. are you in a moment that's kind of perfect and strong and almost eternal. we really -- we thank them for that. we admire them for that and forgive them a lot for that. >> you also say, though, that it's more than than they're bigger than politicians, movie stars and any famous person in the world and also important what they do off the field also matters to us. >> yes, that's really changed. 50, 100 years ago, you know, sports wrirlts saw it as their job to protect athletes, protect them as heroes. graerm pierce said if you're not in the hero-making business,
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don't be a sports writer. now with the internet and other things we feel much more intimately connected to the athletes. so like tiger woods, whereas joe dimaggio's marriage to marilyn monroe was off limits -- >> ended in 274 days for cruelty. if you thought he could have ended it that way and we don't know all the details, that's just crazy. now we know everything. >> that's exactly the point. can you imagine dimaggio's marriage to marilyn monroe and we don't have every detail, whereas tiger woods' unfortunate episode we know more than we want to know. >> is it because you think there's a way to keep score with with athletes? there's a game, a winner and loser, which unlike so many other areas where we honor people, whether it's theater or science or whether it's business. >> i think that's exactly right. and i think that, you know, what that does is it offers athletes the possibility of redemption. you know, last sunday -- >> tying irwoods came back.
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>> right, on the 16th green. that amazing chip shot which jack nicklaus said was the greatest shot in history, he'd know, rolling towards the cup. he was redeemed because he was able to win. he was able to be what he was when we loved him. >> what was interesting about it from looking at it was that he showed all the emotions that he showed when he was at the top of his game. >> yeah. and that is -- i think that's why we love the athlete. there is this possibility -- >> the exhilaration. >> yeah, the transcend ens and the renewal, you can be young, what you were when you were a kid on the playground. >> and get a second chance. in your book you cover from achilles and lebron, but mohammed ali -- >> he's the greatest of athletes. not just because of his heroism in the ring but because he embodied so much of the what athlete could be outside the ring. he was a political lightning rod.
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