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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  June 15, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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wouldn't answer questions while he was speaking, the president later answered him saying the plan was quote, the right thing to do for the american people. now in a moment, we're going to be joined live by people from both sides to talk about today's announcement. >> first, the children who are at the center of the controversy. surae chin just returned from a rally at the white house. >> no matter where you stand on the issue, it is the children who are stuck in the middle of this controversy. many of the children we talked with are honor roll students and have only known america to be their home and that is the case for ian gomez. 19-year-old ian gomez lived his entire life with uncertainty. but he wants to live in america. >> i like playing basketball, i like playing video games. i watch american television. >> both of his parents were deported several years ago. in 2010, it was gomez's turn. after 9news now interviewed
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him, back then, he got a two year extension. his time is up again and that's why he says today's news couldn't have been better. >> for me, means a victory. a victory, but not the final victory. it's been a tough road, but everything in life happens for a reason. >> at a rally at the white house in support of the president's decision, his story is not unlike the others in this group. take natalie. >> i was brought here from chile when i was 2 years old. i've been here 15 years. this is my home. i wouldn't know what to do. >> gomez came to this country at the beginning of his life at 1 1/2 years old. he sees himself growing old in this country and if he gets to fulfill that dream, listen to how he would like to give back. >> i live in my cousin who has muscular dystrophy. i would like to find a cure for his disease. >> gomez graduated high school with a 4.6 grade point average.
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he had to turn down half a dozen college applications because of his status. he is going to montgomery community college and is hoping to get into a georgetown to help fight those diseases he talked about. back to you, anita. >> good to hear personal stories. thank you surae. so is it major change in immigration policy good for the nation? joining us now to debate the pros and cons are brent, national executive director for the league of united latin american citizens. thanks for being here. and we have conservative talk show host from wmal radio. let's start with you, chris. many conservatives say this change is going to encourage illegal immigration by putting the loophole out there. your thoughts? >> well, obviously it's not a major reform. it's a selective, political decision that provides an amnesty of sorts for people between ages 16 and 30. what if you are 15? what if you are 31, it's no
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good for you. it is obviously political. it's political effort. the president is in trouble. yesterday his speech didn't do what he wanted it to do and today they came out and changed the subject. >> does it go far enough? is it enough of a reform? >> no, it's not enough to fix our broken immigration system. we need an act of congress to do that. we have been pushing for, so has the president, to be honest with you. he's not had a willing congress to work with to get it passed. we did get the dream act passed both in the house and we were just shy of 60 votes in the senate. so actually, a majority of congress did say they wanted to see this passed, but the president has taken that same group of folks, that's what those age ranges are, and said in the meantime, try to get this passed through congress, but in the meantime, he's going to provide education so they can at least get out of this
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undocumented status and it will be a limbo status. but at least they will be able to work and hopefully congress will come back and do this the right way. >> with this legal status and the ability to work, 800,000 people about what does this mean for the u.s. economy? the work force, and some of the unemployed americans who are struggling to find a job. >> right, we are talking about 800,000 jobs or work permits that aren't in the country legally. while we have a record number of months with 8 percentage points unemployment. and who is going to be affected most by this. people who are looking, the black community is going to be affected by this. the unemployment is through the roof. we have three branches of government and the president is normally goes through congress, but this is government by imperial. and it's obviously rooted in a desire to change the subject and start another food fight,
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which is what the democrats and barack obama are very good at, is polarizing a situation and now we aren't talking about the economy or unemployment. we've got name calling going on. that's what we are going to see for the next handful of days. to change the channel. >> and brent, what about the latino voters? so many people do support the president. what is this decision going to mean come november do you think? >> i think it will be a big boost for him. latino voters are focused on the same issues that all americans are focused on, education, employment, especially now with economy. the economy getting right, but they also look at this immigration issue as an issue that is talking about them. in fact, i talked to one conservative who said it is about them and it's true. everybody knows it, it is about them. and oftentimes people talk about this issue in heated rhetoric that shows they have a dislike of latino immigrants. this gives them a chance, i think, the same opportunities that our ancestors had to come
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here, work hard, they still have to work hard. the truth is, many of them are working right now, but they are working under the table. they are undocumented status. this gives them a chance to come out of their shadows. and help contribute to the the economy, not take away from the economy. when people work, it helps stimulate the economy. >> there are millions of americans who are out of work. it would be nice when you are not doling out jobs. for purely political purposes. it is obviously, this is about boosting the president's chances on election day. it's nothing more than that. it's act the fact that his speech failed. rolling it out much later. because there's a train wreck going on down at the white house and they need to start pandering along lines of race, class, and gender. >> polarizing issue. >> i can't disagree more. these people deserve a chance.
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to work and to live the american dream. they have been here their whole lives. they were bought in by their parents. they deserve the same chance. >> thank you both. this is not a debate we're going to be able to solve. really, thank you both, brent and chris, for sharing your opinions on what is clearly a very polarizing issue. thank you both. >> the search for a killer continues as a community mourns the loss of 64-year-old june lime. the beloved owner of the great deli was shot and killed in her store in an apparent robbery. it happened yesterday morning at 7th and 8th streets in northeast. kristin fisher is hive with live with more on the vigil that took place a few hours ago. kristen. >> reporter: yesterday, this place was a crime scene. today the grace deli has become a shrine to its owner. earlier, about 100 people gathered here to remember the woman known for her smile, known for knowing all of her customers names.
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also a chance for people to say good-bye to the great deli. with june gone, her family says they are closing it down for good. >> it's a nightmare. i can't believe it. >> peter puts up his poster on the front of his mom's store. but then, the dad-to-be opened a card from one of her customers. all the grief, the pain, the anger rushes out. >> it's overwelming. i have no idea she touched so many people. i always knew my mom as a wonderful person. loved so many people. >> and those people loved her right back. >> she was one of the sweetest people i have ever met. she loved people. if you didn't have the money, she gave it to you anyway. >> today, her son continued that family tradition. >> everyone thank you for coming. help yourselves to drinks. it's what my mom would have
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wanted. >> these people took time out of their day to be here. they came to show their support for my mother. it's the least i can do. thank you for coming. >> there's this dark cloud lingering over all this love. whoever killed june is still out there. >> i hope he gets caught. my prayer is that everybody will come together and pray against the spirit of evil in this place, because this is a senseless crime. >> we are hoping to show support in handing out the fliers that somebody saw something or somebody knows something. i don't pray that much, but i'm praying now. >> this is the flier that homicide detectives were handing out during the vigil. there's now a $25,000 reward. now i just got off the phone with homicide detectives working this case. they say they are getting lots of calls, but so far, no concrete definite leads. if you know anything about this case, you are asked to call the
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command center at 202-727-9099. back to you. >> they need that call and they need it soon. let's hope it comes in. sky 9 was over chantilly where two teenagers were injured by a pellet gun on their last day of school. the 13-year-old girl and 14- year-old boy were taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. four teenagers were arrested. and police recovered the pellet gun believed to have been used. a utility worker is fighting for his life after two accidents on his job. this is at the intersection of route 355 in rockville. here's what investigators think happened. the man fell out of a bucket truck suspended above the ground and hit by a vehicle. that worker was taken to the hospital in critical condition. osha is investigating the work site. a pilot is in critical condition after his plane crashed in carol county,
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maryland. the cessna went down just after 10:00 this morning at north end of the runway. the pilot was the only one on board. he was flown to shock trauma in baltimore in critical condition. according to the ntsb, this is the 9th crash at the airport in the last 30 years. just one of those crashes was fatal. workers spent hours mopping up spilled milk. this afternoon in dickerson, maryland, the mess caused major headaches for drivers on route 28. investigators say a tanker truck spilled 5,000 gallons of milk in martinsburg road around noon. 200 gallons of diesel fuel also spilled. no one was hurt. in just a few hours, nick attempts to tight rope walk his way into the history books. crossing over niagra falls from the united states to canada on a 2-inch wire. randall spoke to him. he has the latest. >> reporter: world famous daredevil is about to attempt a feet that no one has ever
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accomplished. it's coming down to the wire. no pun intended. >> he will try to walk a tight rope 1800 feet across niagra falls on a 2-inch cable. >> what will be the most significant moment of your walk across the falls? >> well, the moment i stepped foot on the cable and the moment i stepped foot off the cable. >> linda's family has been performing dangerous stunts. his great father fell to his death during a high wire act in 1978. the network televising tonight's attempt is requiring her to wear a safety harness. our cameras caught her making last minute adjustments to the harness. rerigging it with the show biz version of duct tape. he doesn't want to use a harness, but promises he won't ditch the device unless it interferes with his balance as he crosses niagra falls. >> do you think it will detract from the event?
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>> no. very risky. it's still one tremendous daredevil activity, tethered or not. >> an estimated 120,000 spectators will be watching his thrilling high wire walk. he will wear a special pair of moccasins his mother made and a waterproof suit as he makes, what he hopes will be a 30 to 40 minute book into the history books. initiation agra falls, new york. >> he started wire walking at age 2. he is married with two kids and while he was performing one of his last stunts, the kids were so interested, they played nintendo. i'm meteorologist topper shutt. we'll have the all important weekend forecast for dad. we'll talk about the 9 weather alert code and look ahead to next week. something is lurking around the corner. up next, republican mitt romney hits the road to court those undecided voters in key battleground states. we'll get the latest on the presidential campaign trail
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from cbs news' bob shaefer when we come back.
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republican presidential candidate, mitt romney, is still trying to draw attention to small towns hurting from the recession. he launched a five-day bus tour this morning at a new hampshire farm where his campaign started last june. in all, romney's every town
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will make 14 stops in six states that president obama won in 2008. >> washington's big government agenda should not smother small town dreams. in the america we love, every town counts. >> romney accuses president obama of not giving a fair shot to our nation's young people by leaving them with trillions of dollars of debt. championing the middle class. mitt romney will be this week's guest on face the nation. joining us is the host, bob shaefer. good to see you. >> hi. >> so here's the question. i mean, what does romney have to do to persuade voters that he's the one that has to turn the economy around? >> that's what i'm going to ask him. what is it that you can do that president obama can't? and you know, if president
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obama were our guest, i would ask him the same question. why do you think you can get these two sides together. how can you close this divide so something can happen? because you hadn't had much luck at it so far. i think really that's the overriding question in this election. both of these candidates have very different ideas of what they think we need to do to get this economy going. but we have heard very little from either of them about what it is, what particular thing, what strategy they will have to get the two sides together and compromise, because the less you can do that, the thing will just remain in gridlock. good ideas, great. but you have to figure out how to put them into action. that's one of the things i want to talk to mr. romney about. >> mr. obama is hosting a gay pride reception at the white house. earlier this month, the president declared his support for gay marriage. today, he announced a major immigration policy change. these would appear to be part of the campaign strategy
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designed to energize his base. >> well, the president folks would say we are doing this because we think it's the right thing to do and the president thinks it's the right thing to do. but they cannot be unaware that this might have some impact, number one, on gay people who make up a growing part of the population. and also, and especially, hispanics. hispanics are becoming a larger and larger part of our electorate and not just in some of these very key battleground states like florida. so the president can't be unaware that the hispanic community will probably be pretty happy about what he did today. so it is an election year, you know, and sometimes strange things happen in election years. >> you said it, bob. great to see you. it was great to see you and get my hugs in person this week in the newsroom. we'll be watching you on sunday. >> thank you very much.
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>> we'll send it out to topper and anita who are enjoying a beautiful day. >> this has been one of the best springs in a long time, don't you think? >> it has. it doesn't mean anything, but it hasn't been that hot in june. oftentimes, they heat up quickly, that's good news. let's start -- >> could be rolling in one of the best summers. >> could be. we'll take a live look outside. this is our new weather cam. it is on our tower and looking north up wisconsin avenue. that would be bethesda. right now, 82 degrees. that is as high as it has been so far today. the dew points in the 50s. that means you can open your windows again. winds easterly at 11. that easterly component, keep afternoon clouds in again tomorrow and for father's day. not bad, but some clouds coming in, partly cloudy both days. it will stay dry. if you are a boater, wind not a factor at all. winds light over the weekend. easterly at 10. only 75 to 80 tomorrow on the bay and title potomac.
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winds, because they are light, not a big deal. maybe 76 to 81 on sunday and winds east, southeast at 10. if you are going to the beaches, a nice weekend, but kind of cool right along the shore because of that easterly component. the ocean is still about 64 degrees. so we'll say 70 to 75 on saturday. partly cloudy skies and pretty much the same forecast on sunday. when you go inland, it will be in the upper 70s. all right, for us right now, 77 at bethesda. 79 in great falls. 79 also in leesburg. 81 down in manassas. 80 in beltsville. a nice weekend for dad. open the win dose tonight. saturday again, a mix of clouds and sun. and on sunday, a little more cloud cover on sunday, but still nice. and a head's up, heating up next week. some pretty big time heat coming in. all right, yankees in town. the nats are on fire.
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game time temperatures, 78. last pitch will be at 72. a perfect night for baseball. the outcome is perfect. partly cloudy, comfortable. open the windows, 55 to 65. winds east at 5 to 10. by morning, partly cloudy and pleasant. air quality code green. again that's good air quality. by afternoon, partly cloudy and pleasant. still not humid. high temperatures in the low 80s. that's a good deal. winds easterly at 10. next three days, our 9 weather alert codes, green, green, and grown. can't beat that. 81 tomorrow. 80 for dad. again, a few more clouds on sunday and 83 on monday. a little warmer. a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm on monday. the next seven days, it gets hotter and as we go through the week, a better chance for showers and thunderstorms. temperatures will be around 90 on tuesday. mid 90s wednesday and thursday. cold front comes through friday. that will be by far and away our best chance for showers and thunderstorms. 91 on friday. so, good thing you are resting
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the ac now. >> love those banner green days. >> thanks, topper. up next, a big name in the las vegas casino scene could be coming to national harbor. >> but up next, metro reports crime is dramatically up in one part of their station and dramatically down in another. we'll be back.
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bats are on the rise on metro. the transit agency says the number of thefts inside metro stations or on trains has doubled over the last three months of the year. 239 thefts were reported from january to march. that's up from 119, the same period last year. but crime and parking lots, to 63 this year. the top four high crime stations are all in the district. they are anacostia, rhode island avenue, and the plaza. two former metro workers are going to jail for stealing more than $500,000 from machines. former metro police officer, john hile was sentenced to prison. and got a 2 1/2 year sentence.
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the investigation started after reports that hail routinely brought in bags of coins to a convenience store to scratch off tickets. >> a prayer service is scheduled for tonight just days before former d.c. councilman, harry thomas goes to prison. the service will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. now thomas reports to prison next week. the former councilman was sentenced to 38 months for stealing money meant for youth programs and for filing false tax returns. prepare to see more police this weekend. on a local highway popular with vacationers. we'll tell you all about it. scott. >> and i'm scott broom, live in baltimore with why nearly a million people are headed to this city for the weekend and why you might want to be one of them. >> but first, 9 wants you to know about new designer drugs called bath salts. can they turn people into cannibalistic zombies? a rash of bizarre crimes and
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this trending new high.
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i was possessed. >> that was a young man recounting his disastrous experience with a drug known as bath salt. the substance is being linked to some horrific crimes and some bizarre behavior across the country and right here in the d.c. area. ken explains why this new synthetic drug is sounding so
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many alarms. >> it was one of the most horrible experiences. i don't know why i did it. >> freddie is one of the lucky ones that survived a bath salts induced high. >> i was possessed and i kept trying to stop whatever was in me from continuing further. it felt like i was about to bust loose. >> this youtube video from an inmate inside the jail in indiana shows a man under the affects of the drug. he strips his clothes and at some point does a hand stand into the toilet. the properties of the drug can even turn people into cannibalistic zombies, which is exactly what is suspected of a homeless man in miami, where his face was eaten by a man under the effects of bath salts. >> they are synthetic drugs that are stimulants. >> says the name bath salts is simply a street name. it comes from overseas, he says.
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it's been around for two years now and it's legally sold in many places like convenience stores and gas stations. >> this has nothing to do with epsom salt you would put in your bath. these are active drugs. >> the numbers are shocking. the american association of poison control centers reports there were 300 cases nationwide in 2010. in 2011, it skyrocketed to more than 6100. this year, some 1300 cases have been recorded. and many of them are close to home, specifically in the shanandoa valley. >> the western part of virginia, and parts of west virginia, there is a lot of bath salt abuse. >> because so little is known about these bath salts right now, even emergency room doctors say sometimes they have a difficult time pinpointing the symptoms. >> when i'm in the emergency department, i'll see someone who is just very, very agitated. they don't come with a label. >> dr. kathleen clancy says
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they are racing to learn about the drug as people continue to die from it. >> people are testing it, using themselves. >> the dea says the synthetic drug is so available, so hard to track, and popular, they are having a tough time stopping it despite its deadly consequences. however, their attention is focused on battling the scary drug trend prevailing on the street. lesli. >> the trauma surgeon linked to a murder at a buffalo, new york, hospital is believed to have killed himself. police have been conducting a nationwide man hunt for dr. timothy jordan ever since the murder of his exgirlfriend. she was found shot to death at the erie county medical center on wednesday. jordan was a former special forces soldier. his body was found not far, i should say the body was found far from jordan's home near lake erie. mgm resorts confirm it is
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setting its sights on national harbor for a new casino. during a meeting between mgm and maryland governor, martin o'malley. mgm is one of the leading hospitality companies and owns several las vegas reports. >> we have partners with the peterson family to explore the development of an integrated resort at national harbor. a resort where we combined with the peterson family would be prepared to invest over $800 million to drive tourism to the state. >> o'malley is expected to convene a session next month to deal with the casino issue. it is father's day weekend here in washington. but just up the road, it's a lot more than that. this weekend marks the kickoff of the bicentennial. the writing of the star spangled banner. as you are about to see in baltimore, that is a very big
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deal. scott broom is live from federal hill overlooking the harbor with more on what's going on. that's a beautiful shot, scott. >> it is. this town is mobbed. they are expecting a million visitors in baltimore this weekend. there are tall ships filling the harbor. the blue angels are going to be flying over the city all weekend long. it's a war a lot of people don't know much about. and there couldn't be a bigger difference between the way they are handling it here in baltimore and the way people in washington think about all this. in baltimore, there is pageantry, tall ships from around the world. the blue angels buzzing the city. >> i love it. i love baltimore. >> a million visitors taking it all in. >> i think it's part of the history and we should take down and enjoy it. >> meanwhile, it's just another friday. >> war of 1812, can you tell me anything about it? >> it was in 1812, come on. >> i don't know anything about it. >> we saved the united states
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of america. >> but the governor cares. >> why is it that washington can't get into this? >> because they got beat. >> as a matter of fact, we did. in 1814, british forces invaded and burned washington, including the white house. but in baltimore, the defenders held fast at fort mchenry and at the battle of northwood. and the star spangled banner was a result. >> there's only one song that every kid in the united states knows the words to. >> this is baltimore's moment. this has been an overwelming force and not even having a federal government to back us up, we confronted that force and we carried the day. >> oh say can you see. >> by the dawn's early light. >> what so proudly we hailed. >> at the twilights last gleaming.
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>> and yes, you folks in washington are in fact invited to this big celebration. in fact, the whole country is. tomorrow and sunday, both days the blue angels are flying over fort mchenry. that's really spectacular. a lot of the tall ships are open for tourists. >> they are having so much fun. we lost scott along the way. that will teach you to mess with washingtonians. it will be the most highly attended series at nationals park. the new york yankees are in town to face the washington nationals. we'll take you there live for a preview. enter but first, a place to register your wheels on wheels. the rv that is a full service dmv. we are always online, stay with us, we'll be right back.
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so you need to expect some delays if you ride metro over the weekend. and that is including the fans heading to nationals park for this weekend's game. beginning tonight at 10:00, there will be no service on the blue line between the springfield and stations. you're going to have shuttle buses, but it will slow you
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down. trains will also be single tracking between eastern market and on the red line, single tracking will take place from friendship heights to medical center and takoma to forest glenn. maryland, virginia, pennsylvania, and north carolina are banding together to crack down on unsafe drivers. state troopers from all four states will participate in operation border to border. along 400 miles of u.s. route 15, including the stretch from frederick to leesburg. they'll conduct saturation patrols, sobriety check points and other safety enforcement initiatives. >> the dmv is on the move, at least in alexandria. the city is partnering with the department of motor vehicles in a new statewide program. full service dmv's are being packed into several rv's and those are driving all around virginia. and you can find all the services you would normally find at a traditional dmv. >> still ahead, so you think
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you are lactose intolerant. how do you get the calcium you need back into your diet? we'll have answers. >> but first, two popular fast food restaurants makes the list this week. your restaurant report is next.
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all right, just know this before you eat. we're talking about restaurants. meat at unsafe temperatures and sewage. what we uncovered in this week's restaurant report. >> as russ reports, we found it at big name chains. >> you're going to want to watch and see what a fast food manager does in the middle of one of our interviews. just as the customer walked out at a sandwich, inspector closed for imminent hazards. >> it's this subway at georgia avenue northwest, last week inspectors sited the restaurant for 10 critical violations,
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including food at improper temperatures, like ham at 45 degrees and roast beef at 55. that's 14 degrees warmer than the required safe 41 degrees. in april, they were sited for storing seafood salad at 59 degrees and tuna salad at 63. >> i never knew that. thank god i didn't get sick. >> the manager walked out of the store, listen just off camera. >> you feel uncomfortable with the manager stepped out? >> yeah. >> i don't know. >> subway issued arof our customers is of importance. if a restaurant is found to be out of compliance, steps are immediately taken to correct any issues and insure them from happening again. inspectors also closed this mcdonald's on baltimore avenue in riverdale, maryland. prince georges health ficials
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say a grease overflow created a sewage backup in the drain in the parking lot. a complaint, officials reported no evidence it backed up inside mcdonald's, but overflow threatened all drains and posed a threat outside, too. >> potential for human contact with raw sewage and the potential in a food facility to actually contaminate the actual food. >> mcdonald's issued a statement saying they were working on a resolution for the equipment malfunction at the time a customer brought it to their attention. providing customers with a welcoming restaurant experience is always a top priority, they said. inspectors ordered food operations on northeast after finding mouse droppings two inspections in a row. health officials shut papa joe's pizza after operating with no working water and no hand washing sink. >> back to serving food.
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in you want to know first about closures, follow me on twitter or facebook. 9news now. i always lose my appetite after watching russ' stories. if you want to see more, full inspection reports, russ has all of them on corruption, government waste, you can e-mail him at on to more pleasant things, like a glorious friday. >> here's a glorious friday. temperatures below average. humidity in check. for the most part, a nice weekend. we'll have clouds around tomorrow and again for dad. but no showers, no umbrella needed. let's start with a live look outside. this is looking north up wisconsin avenue toward bethesda. and we're looking at really a nice evening. brought to you by michael and son. 82, that's the high so far today. dew points very nice in the low 50s.
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winds still easterly at 11. that's going to produce some afternoon clouds from time to time. and the pressure stays 30.24 inches of mercury. temperatures really nice. 76 in bethesda. 79 in great falls. 76 also in reston. 79 in leesburg. 81 still down in manassas. 80 in beltsville and 77 over at andrews. here's the deal. we're looking at a nice weekend for dad. open the windows tonight. saturday, a mix of clouds and sun, but nice. sunday, a few more clouds, but still nice. and then kind of a head's up for next week heating up big time by wednesday, thursday, and friday of next week. all right, first pitch tonight at 7:05. nats on fire, yankees in town. temperatures in the 70s. winds easterly at 8. tonight, partly cloudy and comfortable. open the windows. 55 to 65. winds still easterly at 5 to 10. now tomorrow morning, we're looking at partly cloudy skies, pleasant again. 60s and 70s.
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winds easterly. air quality code green. that is good air quality. by afternoon, just like today and just like thursday, partly cloudy. there will be clouds coming back, but pleasant. high temperatures low 80s and winds easterly at 10. so, we'll go ahead and break it down. 58 to 68 to start. and by noon, nice. 76 to 80 and by evening, 80 to 83. indeed pleasant again. next three days, green, green, and green. pretty nice. a few more clouds on sunday for dad, but 80, 83 on monday and isolated storm possible on monday. next seven days. it begins to heat up. in fact, temperatures are flirting with 90. then we are looking at temperatures in the mid 90s on wednesday and thursday. only isolated storms those days. friday a cold front approaches. that will be a better chance for showers and thunderstorms. still toasty with temperatures around 90 as well. and here's the deal. talk about this yesterday. we are giving away tickets for at&t and here's the deal.
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you have until a week from saturday to enter the sweep stakes. there are the tickets right there. and you have a week from saturday to enter. we'll announce it a week from monday and you can go any day. wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, or sunday. >> you are going to give those away, because we know you. see? that's what i'm talking about. >> holding him accountable. with this glorious weather, let's talk sports and a place to be this weekend. >> the nats stepped up their game, but it's going to be tested because the yankees are coming to town. >> what's up, ladies? first place yankees versus nationals. a lot of people would have said that at the beginning of the year. i'm joined by a gentleman who has been the o stray o stray orca orchastrator.
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this had to be what you had in your mind when you started to put this team together. the building blocks a couple years ago. >> you know, it's come along very well for us. it has come a long way. and you know, we have a good young ball club. we like where we're at as a team. we have good chemistry and a young athletic ball club on the field. the pitching has driven us and taking to the next level. and you know, the yankees are in town and ready to combat against them. >> talk about the guys that helped you get to that next level, bryce harper. i see pop, i see savvy. is this guy, has he exceeded your expectations? you told us he was good. is he better than that? >> he's a terrific ballplayer. physically and skill wise, this is what we thought he would have a chance to be. as far as exceeding expectations, you know, in every other way on the field, in the clubhouse, and in the community, he's done everything
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perfectly. and he's a teammate that is a terrific guy to be with and to play with and his peers love him. >> he's one of the young guns on your team. another young gun, stephen strasburg, he is coming off tommy john. as you move forward, how do you balance keeping him in the rotation? what will we see coming down the stretch? >> it's 8-1 first of all. >> i stand corrected. >> you said it right. we're going to do what is in the best interest. and there will be a time during the season where i'll make the decision he had enough for this year and shut him down like we did with george zimmerman and something that the club is going to react to and have to step up. >> even if you're in a pennant race? >> we're going to shut stephen strasburg down when it gets to a point in the system where he had enough. >> one more thing, a lot of people want to know about him. how close is he now? of course he had that shoulder
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or elbow inflammation. >> his rehab is going extremely well and he's on the mound throwing bullpens right now. he'll go to minor league rehab. we're expecting him back around the all-star break. >> mike, this is a yankees man and everyone is talking about them and you in the same breath and people are here to see you guys. wow. you ever think about that? >> it's been a long time coming. >> it's been a long time. i haven't thought about it. you take it day by day, game by game, but it is. where we have come to and it's a testament to the guys in the clubhouse. >> and you, too. 38-23, best franchise record through 61 games. guys, back to you in the studio. >> keep up the great work. still ahead, new accusations against the u.s. secret service already reeling from a scandal in columbia. a major vote on abortion
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clinic in virginia. i'm peggy fox, i'll have the story coming up. first, cracked down on what's being pumped into the air we breathe. our health alert is next.
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new proposals out today from the government targeting pollution in the air we breathe. the environmental protection
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agency wants to reduce the amount of soot given off by power plants and trucks and other sources. the new soot limits will have a direct limit on health. fewer cases of heart attacks and childhood asthma. >> hear about this a lot. lactose intolerant. but, experts are saying you may want to consider trying to get some dairy back into your diet. here's the deal. without it, may be missing vital nutrients and that's true of children. >> when she's in the mood for a snack, seline has to be careful. she is lactose intolerant which she thinks about what she can't eat as much as what she can. >> when i drink milk, it makes me drink sick a couple hours later. >> she started feeling queasy, she gets cramps, bloated. >> like many americans who are lactose intolerant, she is self- diagnosed. unlike many, she and her family are committed to keeping at least some dairy in her diet.
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a commitment health experts say is crucial. >> even if you are diagnosed with lactose intolerance, the answer is not avoidance of dairy, but the inclusion of dairy in a managed way. >> she is a registered dietitian who specializes in lactose intolerance. doing without dairy, especially in the teens, can mean trouble for years to come. >> can lead to bone health problems, weight management problems and potentially cardiovascular disease problems as well. >> to avoid that, you shouldn't just self-diagnose lactose intolerance, but talk to your doctor about it as well. there's a simple test that can determine the severity of your condition. most patients can tolerate things like hard cheeses and yogurt with live, active cultures. there's also a market of lactose-free food because going without dairy isn't doing your body any favors. >> dairy is a power house of
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knew tri nutrients. >> and again, there are those lactose free products. there's a lot going on in the dairy case. check it out. 30million americans believe they are lactose intolerant, be many haven't had that breath test and are self-diagnosed. this is 9news now. >> it makes no sense to expel talented young people who for all intents and purposes are americans. >> tonight, a shift in policy from the white house when it comes to immigration. the federal government will stop deporting most young illegal immigrants who came into the united states as children and have no criminal history. >> students in louisiana los angeles are calling the new immigration policy a step in the right direction. >> i want to jump up and down and celebrate. >> president obama announced the department


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