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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  June 16, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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?>p good morning. i'm rebecca jarvis. i'm jeff glor. here are a few of the stories we're looking at on "cbs this morning" saturday. president obama changes the rules on immigration granting young immigrants work permits. he says it fixes our broken system. republicans say it's all about politics. at stake, a vital voting block in a deadlocked race. a raging colorado wildfire takes a turn down a dangerous path. dozens of homes have been damaged or destroyed. the widow of thomas kinkade, america's richest painter is trying to brush off his girlfriend.
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but she says she has proof she's entitled to millions. the war of wills being played out in northern california. 50 years ago this week, three convicts did the impossible. they escaped from alcatraz. or did they? we have two people who know firsthand what happened that night on the rock. all that and so much more on night on the rock. all that and so much more on this saturday june 16, 2012. captioning funded by cbs good morning. >> good morning. good saturday morning. we have a lot of news to get to. this morning. we begin with president obama's controversial decision to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants and grant them work permits. the president says his decision is fair and just but some republicans are lashing out saying this new policy is an obvious political move that makes an end run around the constitution. whit johnson now joins us from the white house. good morning, to you bhit.
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>> reporter: these new rules are effective immediately and relate to illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who pose no security risk to the public. amid political gridlock here in washington, this is another example of president obama attempting to bypass congress. >> it makes no sense to expel talented young people who, for all intents and purposes, are americans. >> it's a dramatic policy change and president obama's announ announcement could impact thousands of immigrants. to qualify, individuals must have entered the u.s. under the age of 16, they must be in school, have graduated or served in the u.s. military and have no criminal history. they can also apply for a work permit, good for two years with no limits on renewal. >> let's be clear. this is not amnesty. this is not immunity. this is not a path to citizenship. it's not a permanent fix. >> but in a flurry of statements friday, top congressional republicans blasted the president's election year
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executive order. senator marco rubio accused obama of ignoring the constitution. but said he supports a long-term solution for children who are brought to the u.s. illegally by their parents. on a campaign trail friday, presidential hopeful mitt romney sided with rubio. >> if i'm president, we'll do our very best to have that kind of long-term solution that provides certainty and clarity. >> now, in recent polls, president obama leads mitt romney by a wide margin among hispanic voters. their support is crucial to his reelection, which makes the time of this announcement all the more significant. rebecca? >> whit johnson at the white house. thank you. for more on this, we're joined from los angeles by angelica sol lis. >> she's the director of the -- for humane immigrant rights of los angeles. good morning. >> good morning. it's a pleasure to be here. >> thank you for being here. marco rubio says the president is ignoring the constitution. what do you make of that? >> well, first of all, yesterday
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was a historic day and the president, with advice by constitutional scholars, by attorneys, by judges, that this was completely in his purview and in his power. so we are extremely thankful and happy for this decision. these are young people who have grown up in this country. these are young people who are americans and who deserve a chance to really continue to contribute to this country in the way they know how. yesterday -- >> mrs. sol is, is the president hurting his case by doing it this way? i guess that's the question. >> the problem is that he had no other choice. we had been working over a decade trying to make the dream act possible, trying to move forward immigration reforp and it baffles me that republicans today want a long-term solution when just a couple of weeks ago, senator rubio was talking about not a path to citizenship but something temporary. what the president has done is something that was in his executive power that actually benefits a very small segment of
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the undocumented immigrant population and really recognizes those young people who are incredibly brilliant, who want to contribute to this country in any way they k so i applaud the president, i applaud his team. i think this was something that took a lot of courage. i think it's going to really demonstrate to a lot of people, especially in the latino community, that it's not just about rhetoric, about being in favor of a community, but taking action that is concrete and that will bring real benefit and real relief to a community that actually has been suffering deportations at the levels that we've never seen in the history of this country. >> the more significant action here is the dream act, which congress has rejected. how optimistic are you that this changes the tables and do you believe it does in any way? >> i do. i think that the president is challenging, challenging everybody to take action. and so i'm actually heartened to hear a lot of republicans
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talking about a permanent solution. i know we're in political season. my hope is that republicans and democrats are going to come together to actually pass legislation, legislation is something that is controlled only by congress. this is a temporary solution, but we do need a permanent solution. i agree with that. but it takes the republicans and the democrats to work together and i think we have yet to see republicans really taking action and really finally solving the immigration question. >> an gel a solace, thanks for joining us. >> thank you so krech for having me. mitt romney is in pennsylvania this morning beginning a bus tour of six battleground states. nancy cordes is in washington with more on that and a look at what romney hopes to accomplish during this tour. good morning, nancy. >> good morning, rebecca. for the past couple months, romney has been focused on raising the money he needs to run against president obama. this bus tour marks his return
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to retail politics, especially in the swing states that will decide this election. >> do you believe we can take back the white house and reclaim the greatness of america? i agree with you. >> romney kicked off his bus tour in new hampshire at the same farm where he launched his campaign for president a year ago. >> the president thinks we're on the right track and that his policies are working. and i believe with all my heart that we can and that we must do better and we will do better. >> romney's bus emblazoned with the slogan, every town counts, will head through six swing states. president obama won four years ago. new hampshire, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, iowa and michigan. he'll be joined along the way by potential vice presidential contenders. including senator kelly ayotte of new hampshire, senator rob
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portman of ohio and congress paul ryan of wisconsin. >> what we need is mitt romney to be the next president of the united states of america. >> hi there. how are you? >> in milford, new hampshire friday afternoon, romney promised that as president, he would pursue energy independence and sweeping tax reform. >> number three, i'm going to stop this trillion dollar deficit year after year after year and get america on track to have a balanced budget. >> romney's tour takes him through small towns, not the big cities in those swing states that went for mr. obama four years ago. he hoping to win over more rural voters. >> how big of a curve ball at this point nancy is this immigration announcement from the president and how is romney's campaign going to deal with it considering they've based their campaign so far on the economy? >> this is a tricky one for romney to navigate because he wants to side with republicans on capitol hill who called the president's action an unconstitutional power grab. and yet, romney doesn't want to
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come across as being anti-immigrant. that's a crucial constituency in this presidential election. he kept his criticism pretty mild, especially if you compare it to the way he's hammering the president on the economy. >> speaking of crucial constituencie constituencies, you have the religious-based, the faith and freedom conference mr way right now. romney hasn't been favored in that crew so far. now that he's the nominee, what's their take? have they changed their opinion? >> well, they're skeptical still. but they recognize he is their standard bearer now. whether they like it or not. they better get on board. some conservative faith leaders told cbs, look, he's not my first choice, but i realize he is my only choice. you can bet he'll be doing his best this weekend to try to boost their enthusiasm. >> nancy cordes in washington. thanks for joining us, nancy. joining us now is tony perkins, president of the family research council. he will speak today at the faith and freedom conference in washington. that's what rebecca and nancy were just talking about.
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tony, good morning. >> good morning. >> i know mitt romney wasn't your first choice. are you supporting him now because he feel he's connecting now more with you or because he's not president obama? >> well, i think this is a process. the process is moving forward. the key to team building, whether it's in the public sector or the private sector, is a common objective. a common objective clearly is to replace barack obama in the white house and when you have a common objective, what will happen is people of different viewpoints and different ideas will come together. i think that's what's happening and i think it will happen. i do believe mitt romney has to help that process along. but it is moving forward. >> so would you call your support right now aggressive or tepid? >> well, i would say that from my perspective, it is -- the needle is moving toward the red line because i see what the policies of this administration are doing to this country. i do believe that mitt romney will be better for the country when it comes to our economy well-being. i think he'll be better when it
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comes to the social and cultural environment of our country as well. i think many people are beginning to see that. while they may have some questions where mitt romney may go, there's no question where barack obama will take the country. >> tony, what are you looking for in a vice presidential nominee? >> i think that's a great question. that is what, i think, is maybe the factor in holding some people back. they want to see that the -- that mitt romney selects a running mate who is solidly conservative, pro life, pro family and feel like they have a connection with a romney administration. i think this is going to be critical for him. that he makes the right pick. >> tony, i want to ask you about the immigration policy change that the president came out with yesterday. what is your group think about that? >> i do think that the issue of immigration is one that needs to be addressed. it is a looming issue. i've written about it extensively. but i think this is an abuse of
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executive power. i think it's an election year gimmick. but there's more to come. i think this president will pull out every gimmick out of the drawer that he can. he'll be offering the begin zu steak knives when this is done. there's no end to what he may do. >> tony perkins, thank you. thank you. and now we turn to the wildfires that are raging in the west in colorado. one person has been killed and more than 100 homes have been destroyed or damaged. thousands have been forced to evacuate and rick salinger from our affiliate is in bellvue, colorado. he has more for us. good morning to you, rick. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca president as we know, this fire has been deadly. it has also been massive, charring some 54,000 acres. what we're getting a better picture of now is the amount of destruction. 112 homes have been burned to the ground. and that number is expected to go higher. like so many others, this family
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grab what they deem important in their lives and prepare to get out before the flames could arrive at their door. >> we decided we better get the rest of our stuff out today. it looks -- sound like a war zone with the choppers and what not, pulling water right out of the pond right near us. >> the flames jumped a river. they hoped they could sit this out in their homes. already, more than 100 houses have been counted as destroyed in what is one of colorado's large he's wildfires. >> for a total of 112 homes destroyed at this point. a lot of families struggling with that news as we speak. >> from a mountainside a group of evacuees watched as helicopters scooped up the ammunition needed to protect their homes. >> fire is always inevitable. just a matter of time. i always tell people it's not if it's going to happen, it's when. >> this parched year, it's very often. it is now a paradise threatened.
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national guard checkpoints have been posted here outside evacuated neighborhoods for protection. but they're also frustrating many residents who want to get back in and find out if their homes are still standing. rebecca? >> rick salinger in bellvue, colorado. thank you rick. this is an enormous weekend for greece and the rest of europe. tomorrow greek voters go to the polls for second the time in six weeks. if they reject austerity measures, greece could be forced to stop using the euro as its currency. the implications could affect us here in america as well. so for the latest, we go to clarissa ward in athens. clarissa, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. well, that's right. tomorrow's election is really being seen almost as a referendum on whether or not greece should stay in the euro. on the one side, you have the
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leftist party. that's led by alex cyprus who was virtually unknown until recently. he's hugely popular on the pack of this platform. we're going to renegotiate that bailout with europe. on the other side, you have the center right party. they're saying that is simply magical thinking and that a vote for cyprus is the same as a vote to return to greece old currency, the drak ma and that withdrawing from the euro would be an absolute disaster. one thing is clear, no matter who wins, it's going to be a long road ahead for greece's recovery. >> clarissa, we've seen frequent protests in athens the past few months. what is it like there now? >> reporter: i think it's often easy to forget just how desperate the economic situation here is. just look at tourism, for example. if accounts for nearly 20% of greece's economy and yet, right now, in peak tourism season, the restaurants are empty, the sites are not crowded. tourism this year is expected to fall by 15%.
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greece's economy has contracted now for five years in a row. if it continues to contract next year, that will be a world record. >> clarissa ward in athens. clarissa, thank you. and joining us now to break down how the greek election could affect the rest of europe as well as the united states is the president and ceo of sgh macro advisers. it's a consulting group focused on global finance. great to have you with us. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. >> you're in constant contact with polity makers, both here and in europe. how high are the stakes? >> the stakes are enormous. this is a historic vote. not just for greece but more europe, the eurozone and important for us in the u.s. as well. president obama has been on the phone with not just the top leaders of angela merkel and the leaders of germany and france, but even with some of the functionaries in europe. people who -- the head of the
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european council. that's like for example, like merkel calling boehner and talking to him. this is how important it is for the u.s. and for the global economy. these greek elections. and to make sure that europe has sort of a protection against the potential consequences, negative consequences and a firewall setup in case things go wrong tomorrow. >> the decision for the greek people is sort of a catch-22 here. they have one option, which is cut benefits, or the other option, which is the complete unknown. >> yeah. that's right. i mean, greece has been under a tremendous austerity program. the country is broke. they're on life support essentially. you have one party that's saying, look, you know, we have to abide by the rules and basically do more of the same and you have this other party, this pretty far left socialist party led by this cyprus who is sort of the pied piper and saying i'm going to take you to the promised land, we'll tear up the memorandum, we don't have to
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abide by these rules and by the way, it's not going to have the consequences that you guys might be afraid of. they're not going to kick us out of the euro, which is what the germans and everybody have been threatening greece if they don't play by the rules. it's a tough choice for greece, because they want to get out of the austerity, they don't like the way things are, but they're scared of the alternative as well. they don't know whether the germans are serious, whether the europeans are serious wland they will in fact kick them out of the euro if they don't abide by the rules. >> how does their choice in weekend impact us here? >> i mean, all you have to do is look at the stock market over the last couple weeks. the dow has dropped about 10% on european concerns over a couple weeks. if you look at the market cap, that's about a trillion, trillion and change of market cap that we've lost just on jitters. over the last few days, there were some polls or rumored polls because there's no official polling now, that were showing the new democracy party, which
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is the more -- the establishment party, slightly in the lead and these rumors in and of themselves, lifted the stock market about 6, 7%. that's another trillion dollars. you have a direct impact on the financial markets, you have impact on more broadly on europe, what happens in greece is going to impact spain. spain is in bad shape. you're going to have impact through trade, through growth, through whether europe stabilizes. and we're not in such great shape here either. we really can't afford to have more weakness coming out of europe right now. >> thank you so much. thank you, rebecca. nice to be here. there is another important election over seas in ee vipt. egyptians are replacing hosni mubarak who was ousted in a pro-democracy revolt last year. he was recently sentenced to life in prison. the runoff pits mubarak's former prime minister against a conservative islamist candidate. official results from the two-day election are expected on
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thursday. japan's government has given the go a thoed restart two nuclear power reactors shut down for more than a year. all 50 of japan's nuclear plants were shut down after last year's earthquake and tsunami which caused catastrophic damage at a plant on the northeast coast. the decision to restart the two reactors in western japan triggered major anti-nuclear protests. there is late word that the crown prince of saudi arabia has died. crown prince was next in line to succeed king of dull a on the throne. the interior minister, he was said to be in his late 70s. reuters is reporting he died in a hospital in switzerland. the cause not disclosed. his funeral is set for tomorro
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for safety. but he never faltered. what i can't understand is why you would want to do that? >> the interesting thing is lonnie quinn did that untethered several years ago. >> no notoriety. >> didn't get credit. >> no one got it on tape. >> did it really happen if it's not on tape. here's your satellite and radar picture. you can tell by looking at it the east coast is fine. the west coast doing pretty good as well. the problem area in the mid section of the country. the portions of the midwest, will be triggering some thunderstorms out there. so the places i want to put on alert, places like, well, i have chicago, des moines, topeka, minneapolis, know that some of the thunderstorms could be on the severe side. take note of that. next thing i want to touch upon. we heard about the colorado wildfires. the problem is from colorado
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into wyoming. utah. nevada. that threat is going to continue all the way through monday because humidity levels are as low as 5% in spots. when you get low humidity, lots of sunshine out there and winds whipping up to 40 miles per hour. you got to watch an open flame. that's a quick look at the national picture. here now is a closer look at the weather for your weekend. all right everybody. have a happy saturday. jeff, rebecca back to you guys. >> have a happy saturday. and to all a good night. have you heard about the good grade pills. they're becoming a problem in schools and we're going to address that. >> spg story coming up. singles bias.
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at the office, they say they're forced to stay late at the office while married co-workers get to go home on time. >> you know nothing of this, jeff? >> nothing at all. saturday, beautiful view of the city.
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new developments in the sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky. in our next half hour, we're going to get a glimpse into how lawyers for former penn state coach jerry sandusky plan to defend him from those charges. now, a judge says they can have an expert testify about sandusky's personality disorder. >> the first defense witnesses are expected to take the stand on monday, then sandusky himself is expected to testify either tuesday or wednesday. we're going to talk all
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welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday" everyone. i'm jeff glor. >> we're happy to be on this new morning with you. i'm rebecca jarvis. we're looking at a dangerous problem in the classroom. students illegally taking drugs like adderall and ritalin to get better grades. we'll talk with two doctors about the troubling side effects. are you singled out at work because you're single? we'll talk to a woman who was dumped on lots of extra work because a co-worker had a child at home and she didn't. >> and get this. a whopper of a diet buster. the new bacon sundae. we'll tell about that and other stories when we take you behind
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the headlines. >> yes, please, thank you. >> really? you're interested? >> i'll take it. >> there might be one for you to try. we want to get you to a more serious story. the latest on the child sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky. the defense is expected to call its first witness on monday and the judge ruled on friday that sandusky's lawyers can enter expert testimony saying that sandusky suffers from a personality disorder. cbs news chief investigative correspondent, armen keteyian takes a look at the dramatic first week of testimony and what's ahead. >> for four jam-packed days, jerry sandusky walked into courtroom number 1 in centre county, pennsylvania, to face a barrage of emotional testimony. portraying the once revered football coach as a sexual predator who abused vulnerable young boys over a 15-year period. eight accusers took the standing, young men from 18 to 28 years old. most raised in unstable homes with no father figure.
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who turned to sandusky and his second mile charity for help and hope. a gut wrenching part of the prosecutor's case on monday was provided by a young man known as victim number 4. on the stand, he repeatedly broke down, sobbing as he described sustained abuse as a 12-year-old boy in the basement of sandusky's home. a progression that began with nightly good night kisses and led to oral sex. i kind of blacked out and didn't want it to happen, he said. on thursday, the jury witnessed more pain in the form of a teenager. now 18 who testified he had been repeatedly raped in sandusky's basement beginning at age 13. he said he would sometimes scream, tell him to get off me. but his calls for help went unanswered. at one point, the witness was asked to identify sandusky. he paused, then pointed to a man he called jerry. but said i don't want to look at him. the defense is expected to call its first witness on monday and
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right now it appears the star witness will be the man on trial for his life. armen keteyian, cbs news, new york. and joining us now from state college, pennsylvania where she is covering the sandusky trial is jean ka sar he is. she's correspondent for trutv in session. >> thank you. >> i want to ask you about this inclusion of expert testimony. this psychiatrist who is going to testify to sandusky's disorder. how big of a deal is that for the defense's argument? >> well, we'll see if the defense does this or not. because there are pros and cons. first of all, histrionic personality disorder. what is it? it's that someone is aggressive, their behavior, their actions, their words. the point is to get attention. and somebody can be sexually aggressi aggressive, but it's not for a sexual intent. it's just to get attention. i truly think the defense will want this for all of jerry
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sandusky's actions. it sounds great, right, they're going to ask the judge to instruct the jury for him to be found innocent of everything. here's the problem. now the commonwealth's psychologist can actually assess jerry sandusky personally. they ask him questions. all of that can be used against him. there can be a diagnosis. so the psychologist for the commonwealth can tell the jury if he takes the stand, this is the classic pedophile. i assessed him myself. i diagnosed him. he's classic. so i think the defense may not even do this. but they can if they want to. >> jean, sandusky met with his attorneys at his house yesterday for more than six hours. this week has clearly not gone well for their team. at this point, does the defense have to put jerry sandusky on the stand, as risky as that can be? >> you know, obviously, legally they don't have to do anything. they don't have to put on a defense because they have nothing to prove. but you're right, it was an amazing week for the
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commonwealth of pennsylvania. and spending that time with jerry sandusky in his home, it looks like they're going to put him on the stand. they hinted toward it in their opening statements. and i think jerry wants to take the stand. because since he's been charged with 52 counts of sexual abuse and raping children, he's done two interviews. he likes to talk. so i think he very likely may take the stand and the commonwealth, i'm sure, if the cross-examination will try to get confessions out of him. >> and dot i may -- his wife may alo take the stand. what would she potentially add to their case? >> you know, rebecca, i think dottie could be the best witness for the defense. becaus think about it. here in centre county, state college, pennsylvania, jerry sandusky was a hero. i mean, he was someone that everybody looked up to. he was a coach at penn state university. he founded the second mile, a charity that helped so many. she could try to bring that back
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to this jury and this courtroom, something that everybody believed in until this happened to try to change the course of this trial to show, wait a minute, stop, maybe there are two sides to this story because the defense truly has to be that these children can't be believed that are now adults. jean, as always, thank you so much for joining us. >> you're welcome. now over to lonnie quinn one more time with a check of weather. good morning. >> good morning, jeff. good morning, rebecca. good morning to you. i want to take a look at the pig picture of the united states of america and the satellite and the radar picture is great. the satellite will show you where the cloud cover is, the radar shows you the wet weather and you can tell, this is where your eye is focused on. the mid section of the country. showers and storms from the northern plains, into portions of the midwest. but then the two coasts, east coast, west coast, looking good out there. there's two different stories here. on the east coast, just one of your best days that you'll find. from augusta, maine, to boston, to richmond, virginia.
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nice high pressure in control. low humidities, lots of sunshine. temperatures in the 70s and 80s. now look at what's going on for the west coast. hey, the same amount of sunshine. problem is, big time heat. 90s and 100s. phoenix, you'll be above 100 degrees today. tucson, 103. death valley, 113. by midweek, 116 degrees. that's a quick look at the portion of the country. let's take a closer look now at the weather for your weekend. >> all right. i got to tell you guys, outside the windows at cbs studios, a few clouds in new york city. they will be burning off and a beautiful day awaits. good to hear. the dangers of so-called good grade pills. why necessity might do more harm
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prescription drugs designed to help children suffering from adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, are turning up in schools in growing numbers. the drugs like adderall and ritalin are being sold to students not for their intended purpose but to help them get
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better grades. >> and some adults are also using them to help improve their performance at work. joining us now is psychologist jennifer hartstein. she's the offer of princess recovery. a healthy guide to raising strong, empowered girls and the spokeswoman for the american academy of pediatrics. it's great to have you both with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> dr. levine, 21 million prescriptions written a year for the adhd drugs. what percent are actually legit? >> there's a large percentage of them that are legit because they're really good medications for children who need them. the problem is, is that a lot of kids with learning the buzz words and the parents are learning the buzz words to say what the child is suffering from to give them an edge. really, that's not the case. >> so jen, do they get -- is there a temporary edge and then it hurts? i mean, you see this as well. >> we do. i think that it's not a temporary edge. they do see that it helps them become laser focused and really able to hone in on the things they need to hone in to perform
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better on tests, to do their homework more effectively and be better athletes. they are short term gains but long-term potential risks. there could be health risks, heart problems, sleep problems, mood disorders and they need to use more and more and more. it could be a gateway to other drugs. there's a lot of risk. >> when you think about the playing field, how competitive it is for children in schools right now, parents might say, but why would i give my child a disadvantage by not putting them on this medication? what do you say to that? >> right. the question is, why are we putting such pressure on our children? obviously, any parent, i'm a parent too. we want our kids to maximize their potential but not to feel the need to be super human. you want them to do what they can do, within their realm of capacity. not try to push them to do more because the people around them are doing more. >> jen, how much of this is kids and how much a is dults? >> taking the medications? >> yeah. >> i think it's both. we learn that there's a way for us to have an advantage.
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we will try and do the advantage, right? athletes do it with steroids. kids might be using it calling it academic steroids. why not, if i'm an adult, why not succeed. is it cheating, is it a problem? we have to address the fact that we live in a bell curve and sometimes we won't be at one end or the other end. we have to accept life on life's terms sometimes. >> how do you do -- it sounds like to be honest, some wishful thinking. to say to somebody, you know what, accept mediocrity while somebody else is on the drug and going higher. >> it's not accepting mediocrity. it's accepting who you are. what we have to realize, these medications have potential risks. they take them, they're not working, they're taking more and as you said, it's a gateway to other drug abuse. it's going to snowball and lead into a bigger problem. >> i think acceptance of who we are is something we've gotten lost, it's gotten lost in the process. we don't all exist at a-plus, at
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bill gates' standards. some of us exist at a lower level. that's okay. we get to live full, enjoyable fun lives. why not go back to figuring how to do that. >> we accept both of you for who you are. >> you guys set the standard. >> thank you both for being here this morning. appreciate it. >> it's a pleasure. coming up next, is your boss asking you instead of your married co-workers with kids to work late again? we're going to look at what some see as office bias against singles without children when we return. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." >> hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number. so call me maybe ♪ ♪ charlie, it was a lock. it was a lock. >> i didn't stop it. ♪
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bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days.
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vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. a new study suggests that there is growing frustrations for workers who are single. it says 62% of singles think they are treated differently from co-wokers with families. >> is there a bias against singles in the workplace? joining us nicole williams,
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workplace expert and connections director of linkedni. and another who has experienced this herself. nicole, starting with you. what is singlism? >> essentially, it's a bias around the fact that you're single. you're being discriminated against. you know, treated unfairly by virtue of the fact that you're single. it's hey, can you work this saturday and next saturday and the saturday after that or -- and sunday. because you have no other life or no, you're not up for the promotion or raise because you don't have a family to support. the presumption is, because you're single, you are able to work harder and the expectation is higher. >> full disclosure here. jeff is a father and he works literally seven days a week. we have to put that on the table. joanna, i want to come to you. we got into this conversation in our meeting yesterday and all the singles in the room rose their hand and said yes, i have felt this. >> yes. absolutely. i have definitely felt it.
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i workman i different places and there's times that i was asked to travel on weekends so that my married parent counterparts could stay home with their kids. >> how do you react to that? what do you say? >> i said yes all the time. i never said no. i never said no. i had a conversation with one of my boss es about it. >> how did that go? >> it actually went well. it was an honest open conversation. we chatted about it. i asked him and he said, well, it's true. you don't have kids. >> so maybe that would be some advice, nicole. if people are thinking about what to do, you have to have an open, honest conversation. >> yeah. i know -- singlism has a bully dimension to it. the moment that you call someone out and say, hey, listen, i'm not willing to stand for this, really back off, no, i'm not going to work this saturday without explanation, that's your best course of action.
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but at the end of the day, you know, in this kind of economy, this kind of labor market, yeah, you're trying to work above and beyond expectation. but at the same time, i think you've got to stand your ground and if you have plans on saturday, feel free to say no if repeatedly you're the only one in the office who is asked to do that extra work. >> are you still dealing with this? >> no. but that's because i've made a recent career change. i actually work for myself now. i started my own consulting practice. >> you can't be against yourself then. >> no. >> how much do you think this is a function of people who are saying i'm either going to delay or put off having a family, so it feels worse now because there's more inclination towards being single in the workplace for longer? >> absolutely. i agree with you. i'm in my 40s and have my first child. definitely, i understand this concept much yeah, i've got a lot of my life to give to my career. the expectation is high.
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there are a lot of people who take advantage of the fact that they're single and can work saturdays. at the end of the day, if you're being discriminated against because of the fact you're single, this is an issue. as you suggested, everybody has their hand in the air. believing that there's some singlism out there. >> nicole, joanna, thank you so much for being with us this more than. we appreciate it. up next, a sandwich disaster at a deli in connecticut has a customer calling 911. >> what? >> yes, that is one of our stories behind the -- whether single or married, we hope you're still with us. ♪
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[ male announcer ] we believe in thinking day and night... about your dog's nutrition. like the dual-defense antioxidants in our food that work around the clock... supporting your dog's immune system on the inside... while helping to keep his skin and coat healthy on the outside. with this kind of thinking going into our food... imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. purina one smartblend.
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time now for our segment making headlines the world over. few of the stories you might have missed. connecticut man calls 911 over beef about sandwich order. the guy wanted a little turkey, little ham and a lot of cheese
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and mayo. he says the deli worker got it wrng and refused to fix the problem. so very smartly, very realistically, he used the deli's phone to call 911. cops are not amused. but no charges were filed. >> i have to say, i can't understand calling 911. but i do like my sandwich the way i like it. i get that. lungs found on sidewalk in south los angeles. it is just as disgusting as it sounds. they weren't human lungs. coron coroner's office isn't saying what animal they came from. they disposed. to make a lung story short. on that note, burger king bets on bacon sundae. if you love bacon, you'll love this one. vanilla ice cream with fudge, caramel, bacon crumbles and a bonus piece and bacon on the side. >> i don't know. >> whopper of a dessert packs, 510 calories, 61 grams of sugar. we've got it right here.
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>> enjoy. we'll be right back. lose those lines, for up to a year! juvéderm® xc, is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling,
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bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. do a lot of sending... and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. [ bob ] i got the tickets. [ male announcer ] and with citibank popmoney, it's even easier to keep sending...and receiving. let me get you back. no, it's on me. i insist. no way. yes way. well let me chip in. [ male announcer ] send money from one bank account to another, with citibank popmoney. easier banking. every step of the way.
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there you have it. the birthday girl herself in the fabulous color yellow as she is known to enjoy. it is a colorful day in london. queen elizabeth's official birthday celebration under way at an annual event known as the trooping of the colors. >> more than 1600 troops marched in the ceremony offering the queen a formal salute. they're calling this her official birthday, even though she turned 86 in april. >> they have been celebrating -- >> when you're the queen, you get a four-month long birthday. welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm jeff glor. coming up this half hour, the mistress versus the widow.
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thomas kinkade, the most commercially successful ar cyst, died in april. his girlfriend said she should get millions. his widow is fighting back. we'll explore that. >> plus, t they y are baback.. the yuyugs, thahat is.. the reboboot of the pririme tim debuted this week. we'll speak with the cast, including j.r. and sue ellen. it took more than two decades of hardships and house detention. but burma's awning sang -- awarding her the peace prize in 1991. charlie d'agata is in london with more on her remarkable journey. charlie, i see you're covering suu kyi and not the queen this morning. >> for a change, rebecca, i am. undoubtedly, there are many people around the world who thought the day would never come. suu kyi was not one of them.
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she said receiving it means more for her country than for her. >> it took 21 years for suu kyi to thank those who gave her the nobel peace prize in person. >> it opened up a door this in my heart. >> she received the welcome usually reserved for rock stars when she arrived in norway. the 66-year-old has struggled with her health during her first trip to europe in two decades. >> it's been a very exhausting journey. i have got completely unused to time change. having stayed one place so long. >> that place, her house where she's been locked up by burma's military rulers for daring to be a champion of democracy. any hope of democracy had been in short supply in efforts to achieve it can result in violence, imprisonment, torture and possibly death. but her cause has been embraced around the globe.
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her face has kept burma on the map. her unwavering determination and international isolation finally helped her people. suu kyi admit, her country still has a long way to go. >> what is more important, the nobel prize had drawn the attention of the world to the struggle for democracy and human rights in burma. >> her message is now one of reconciliation. she says she has no intention of taking on the military rulers in burma. but has warned for burma's transition to democracy to work, the military must give up excessive power. jeff and rebecca. >> charlie d'agata in london. thank you, charlie. three minutes past the hour now. lonnie quinn is directly in the middle of us. >> this is always a fun shot. >> this is great. you can run up and actually. >> we try to perfect this whole thing. it's the art of the weather cast. let's take it over to the big old picture.
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we can show you what's going on. first thing your eyes are drawn to will be the central corridor of the country. it will fire off some showers and storms. washington, d.c. today, beautiful skies overhead with that sunshine. but beautiful temperature as well at 81 degrees. the center section of the country, storms to the north of fargo. they stretch to the south. they will be moving into the area around places like des moines, iowa, 85 degrees. the afternoon thunderstorms will kick inment then i want to look at the west coast. remember the beautiful sky. it is sunny. this is a cooker. sacramento will reach 103 degrees today under that beautiful sunny sky. going to be a hot one. that's going to do it as far as a tour across the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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this weather segment sponsored by macy's. have a great day. over to you. the fight over thomas kinkade's estate is going to court. the mistress has handwritten notes proving she should be given millions. there's a hearing to determine whether the notes were actually written by kin cade himself. she lost the battle to defend her reputation in open court. thomas kinkade painted for the masses, becoming the most commercially successful painter in the world. his paintings came off the presses like money. earning him an estimated $100 million a year before his death in april. his pastoral style holds the key as he told "60 minutes" back in 2002. >> everyone can identify with a fragrant garden, with the beauty
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of sunset, with the quiet of nature, with a warm and cozy cottage. >> but it's the authenticity of this handwriting that could decide who controls large portions of the late painter's mansion in and for tur. amy pinto walsh, his girlfriend at the time of his death went to court this week with two letters she claims he wrote before his death. they allegedly leave her $10 million to establish a museum of the original paintings. his mansion and legal authority over $66 million from his estate. kin cade's estranged wife, nannette says she's the sole executor of his will and trust and walsh is a gold digger. >> we need to let the judge make a decision. that's the only fair thing to do. >> joining us now is celebrity divorce attorney raulfelder and in mountain view, california julia covering this case for the san jose mercury news.
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great to have you with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> julia, what is the enact this is going to be a confidential arbitration mean for the case of the mistress? >> well, it means that some very sensitive issues are going to be decided behind closed doors. there's two issues. one is a medical directive. amy is fighting this, saying that the estate violated that. she said that thomas had given her, when he was sick in the hospital, medical directive over his medical issues as well as the disposition of his body should he die. the morning of his death, she said she wasn't given that authority. that people close to his family came in and took care of the body and worse yet, banned her from the funeral. that's one issue. the estate said she violated a confidentiality agreement. so she can't say anything and they say that if she were to
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talk, they fear that she would say horrible things that would defame him. it seems like what does she have on him and what is the estate afraid of? we won't really know that, at least early on, because that will be done behind closed doors. >> raul, all this is happening behind closed doors. what do you make of these letters? i've seen them. they don't look at all alike. >> the problem is the letters are worthless. in the 16th century, 1540, they passed a statute of wills. which is handed down today, which basically says they've got to be in writing, notarized. none of this stuff is worth anything legally here. it doesn't adhere to the statute of wills. it makes nice conversation and i've had them on napkins in restaurants. that's the usual place you find it. >> uh-huh. >> but, you know, it makes nice talk and the reason why the estate wants it confidential is because there's four daughters here and may be a lot of
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garbage. but they made a tactical mistake. they would be better off in court. the judge would throw it out i believe. here is arbitration, and something may work out. >> which way, when you say something may work out, which way does this go? >> in arbitration, they're more lenient. people sit around the table and more friendly and may work out a settlement to the girlfriend. if it was in court, it would be thrown out of court. >> julia? >> i spoke with amy pinto walsh's lawyer and obviously, he has a very different opinion of that. he says that, as shaky as these letters look, at least if you look at the handwriting, they don't look like they were done by someone necessarily of sound mind and body. but the lawyer for amy pinto walsh told me that he's confident that they are legitimate, authentic and that he will prevail. it's funny. i spoke with a handwriting
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expert who said after looking at these letters, that thomas kinkade either had parkinson's disease or was three sheets to the wind. >> which we know by the way, that he likely and frequently was three sheets to the wind. we have to end it there. i'm so sorry. ongoing conversation. raulfelder and julia, thank you so much to both of you. >> you're welcome. coming up next. j.r. gets shot right back into prime time. a new dallas is on tnt and making history for that network pulling in almost 7 million viewers. we'll speak with"cbs this morni returns. ♪
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you've got to be kidding me. sweetie, help us settle this. i say this and this is called southern hospitality. well, i call it the clean getaway.
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[ scoffs ] you're both wrong. it's the freshy fresh. everyone knows that. i didn't know that. oh yeah, that's what they're saying now. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try them together. then name it on facebook. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. visit cuban cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cashback. signup for 5% cashback
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at restaurants through june. it pays to discover. ♪ >> break out your 10-gallon hat. the legendary prime time soap dallas is getting a 21st century makeover. j.r. and sue ellen fans, don't worry, they are back too. >> you won, honey. i couldn't be happier.
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>> wait. >> if you ask me, you'd make a hell of a governor. if i do say so, you are still the prettiest girl at the ball. >> say hello to j.r. and sue ellen. larry hagman and linda gray. also joining the cast of a new dallas is josh henderson, plays their son john ross and jesse metcalf as bobby and pam ewing's adopted son christopher. the new cast and the old cast at the same time. >> wait. we're not starting with old words, are we? >> the new -- >> the series feels very new. by the way, so it's not a reboot. it's a continuation. >> yeah. >> patrick duffy calls it year 14. we did 13 years and now this is year 14. so that's the way we look at it. >> these guys were babies on the original. >> they were. >> they weren't even born.
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>> had you been born? maybe they hadn't been. >> necessarily. >> you guys are clearly linchpins here. larry, when they first came to you and said, listen, we want to reboot this, what did you think? >> wow. >> your reaction? >> i have to follow that. i mean, this is 14 years of this. are you kidding me? yes. it was my -- >> were you surprised? >> mine was a little less vocal. but it was pretty fantastic. >> so you guys were toddlers, youngsters when the series originally aired. when you first -- how familiar were you with the original show, jesse? >> i really wasn't that familiar. i watched as many episode as i could before we started shooting to get a feel of the show. my mother was a huge fan of the show. i definitely remember it in my childhood and definitely the theme song was certainly ingrained into my consciousness.
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>> josh? >> i was born in dallas, texas. so i knew of dallas. it was a big deal in my family. i was a little too young to remember details of sitting down and watching. but i know that they sat me down because it was like what we did, was watch the show. yeah, it's pretty surreal to be here. >> much of the new series focuses on the two of you and you play, for all intents and purposes, polar opposites in the show. tell me about that. >> it's the feuding cousins now instead of the feuding brothers. i'm probably more of the family oriented character. josh's character, john ross, might be a little more manipulative. i think we're both going after the same thing. >> just a teens i bit. >> just a touch. >> look who his father is. >> true. >> following in the big man's shadow. what did you teach him? >> everything. >> you did? >> how has larry changed in these 20-some odd years? >> he got a lot older, that's
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for sure. >> you look fantastic. you really do. >> i know. >> we had somebody on the set say you haven't aged a day. >> and humble too. >> do you think he's aged on the series? >> on the series? i think the same personality is there. i think it's bigger now if that's even possible. i think he's a little more manipulative and cunning. >> more so? >> yeah. >> he's passed that on to the next generation, part of the next generation. >> yes why, unfortunately. >> what surprised you about the new show, about the way it developed and the script? >> i think for me, it was the seamless way it went from the old show, your term, to the new show. >> my apologies again. the great show. >> the great show. >> the original show. how seamlessly it went from the old show to the new show. the reboot was seamless in my thought process. there wasn't a glitch. >> larry, how come they're not wearing hats? >> you know, nobody wears a hat
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anymore. >> it's too bad, isn't it? >> when i was a kid, everybody wore a hat in texas. not anymore. they'r all from chicago and minneapolis and things like that. >> patrick is on the show as well? >> boy, is he. >> very good job. >> how has that relationship changed? >> not much. i still get to stab him in the back occasionally. like every other -- >> he's taken over the jock ewing role. dallas now on tnt. guys, thank you very much for being here. >> lovely to be here. thanks, jeff. thanks very much. here's rebecca. coming up next, jeff, best selling author, bud business inger talks about his amazing father's day gift to himself. his cross-country road trip with his developmentally disabled son. you'll hear all about it when we return right here on "cbs this morning saturday." [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk,
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and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen.
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tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ and get even greater rewards. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different.
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i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! king of the road ♪ buzz bissinger, author of friday night lights and much more, he's a pulitzer prize winner and out with a challenging new memoir. it's called "father's day" a
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journey into the mind and heart of my extraordinary son. he writes about a road trip he took with his son zach years ago. buzz bissinger, good morning. take me back to 1983, this is when your twin sons were born. jerry first. >> jerry first. in many ways this is about three minutes. jerry was the first one out by three minutes. zach was the second one out obviously three minute later. they weighed 1 pound 14 and 1 pount 11 ounces at birth. they generally did not survive at that point. they both survived. jerry, by some miracle had no residual effects. zach, he had oxygen deprivation to the brain and suffered trace brain damage. >> jerry is now a graduate student. he's getting his ph.d.. zach, the relationships was more
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complicated. >> i loved zach with you it was more complicated. we lived through our kids. fathers live through our sons. i was dee pride of that. i knew that at the beginning. you want him to play banl and go to harvard. you live through your kids and you want to see them succeed. there was a -- i never had a real conversation. >> because you knew that zach would never be able to do a lot of that? >> yeah. zach, even now, as much as he has progressed, he's not going to live alone ever in his life. he's not going to marry, not going to drive a car. i don't know if he'll ever kiss. >> what led you to take this trip in 2007? >> as much as i love zach, i really didn't think i knew him. there were moments in my life and i admit to this in the book, it's very honest, where i gave up. i let go of him. i just couldn't deal with his silences. i couldn't deal with that gulf. i wanted to get to know him. we had two weeks open. and i wanted to do something
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special and different and intimate and i came up with this idea of driving cross-country, which is something i love. >> that said, you're open even as you took this trip together, father and son, about your frustrations. they didn't go away. they haven't gone away. >> no. they haven't. i mean, a lot of them havement some of them never will. i mean there are still many moments where i look at zach and i feel guilt. somehow it's my fault. he seems so close, yet so far. i think of all the things in life that he will never be able to do. >> there are some tough passages in this book. not only you speaking candidly about how you feel about your son and your potential failings as a father, but some of these conversations with zach. >> yes. >> you recorded all of this. >> yes. >> you had these conversations with him. >> yes. >> what were the most complicated ones? >> zach is different. mms of parents have children who are different. we handle it differently.
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i felt on this trip it was important for me to tell zach what he was like. not out of cruelty, because i believe in that. i wanted to see how much he knew about himself. i remember, it was on the indiana toll road and i said zach, do you know what brain damage is? and he said yes. i said what is it? he said well something is not right with my brain. >> i said how? he said i can't go to school. i can't go to college like jerry does. i was gratified that he knew. i was surprised that he knew. when you hear your child say something is not right with your brain, it's crushing. just is crushing. and just the way he said it. there was a certain sadness when said it. >> he said he comprehends. he's 24 now. he compress an eight or ine-year-old level. >> pretty much 8 to 10-year-old level. that's always been that way >> the most striking part of the trip for you? >> there was a moment, the trip
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was rough at the beginning. i was pretty stressed. he confessed it me during the trip that he hates to drive. which is something of a problem when you're triefg driving. he want to fly. we went to the amusement park. he loved the amusement parks. he went on this bungee jump that dropped from 158-foot crane. i didn't want to do it. he made me do it and i was pissed off. i was trying to talk him out of it. plus, he wouldn't pull the rip cord. i had to pull the rip cord. we dropped and plummeted and it was euphoric and we're holding each other and it's spiritual and it's the most physically close i have felt to him. we were bonded into one. it was absolutely beautiful. >> one of those moments frozen in time that you'll never forget. >> yeah. >> happy father's day to you. >> same to you. thank you. buzz bissinger, always a pleasure. here's rebecca. still ahead, 36 tried but three succeeded. maybe. we're going to look back at the
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50th anniversary of the most infamous escape from alcatraz. you're watching "cbs this morning saturd
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welcome back toe "cbs this morning saturday" everyone. i'm jeff glor. i'm rebecca jarvis. coming up, could be the most famous prison break of. 50 years ago this week, three inmates did the impossible. they escaped from alcatraz, or did they? we're going to speak to two experts about what happened that infamous night. one of the experts was there that infamous night. >> yeah. also celebrity chef daisy martinez joins us at our table. she brought her dish, a casserole and for drinks, spicy gas patch owe shooters. >> it's father's day weekend. >> we're looking forward to those. >> happy father's day, jeff.
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>> thank you very much. >> you're a dad. here at "cbs this morning saturday," we put together a father's day celebration and we hope you think it's as special as we do. we want to let our dads know, mine in particular, know how much we love them. but all of them. lonnie, another father. >> aren't you guys nice. >> happy father's day. >> that's nice of you to wish me that. circus enthusiasts all over the world today are going nuts. you know why? i'll tell you guys why. bear with me. it is world juggling day. the world juggling association started in 1947. demonstrations from brazil to finland. there will be 27 juggling competitions in our country. jugglers, if you catch them outside in the park with their hat, throw a buck this or something. you cannot work with wind. it's going to be a windy situation for the northern plains. we'll see winds kicking in there, let's say, 25 miles per hour or stronger. another spot. you got to consider from the northern rockies west. now, this is the same area that we're looking at fire dangers. yesterday the wildfires in colorado did a lot of damage. still a threat from today all
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the way through monday. you've got dry conditions. that's one of the components. you also need the winds. they will be blowing at times. 40 miles per hour or more. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer loob at the weather for your weekend. all right. it is that time of the day. i'm going to give out my shoutout. it's a sticky shoutout this morning to avon, ohio for hosting the ninth annual avon heritage duct tape festival. i mean, if you can't have fun with duct tape, people, come on. father's day weekend draws more than 40,000 duct tape enthusiasts. i didn't know there were that many. they gather in avon. there will be a parade, life
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size duct tape sculptures. there's an artist who makes duct tape portraits of everyone. it is all free. free people. a roll of duct tape can be so expensive. we want to thank everybody for watching "cbs this morning saturday" only on 19 action news. good morning to you. guys, that does it for weather. rebecca, it is all yours. thank you, lon. 50 years ago this week, three inmates escaped from alcatraz. what really happened that night? did they survive? we'll ask an author who was there that night and the head of the task force looking for the convicts. he had been doing it for ten years. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ female announcer ] i found the best cafe in the world.
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♪ nespresso. where there's a grand cru to match my every mood. ♪ where just one touch creates the perfect cup. where no one makes a better cappuccino, latte, or espresso than me. and where clothing is optional. nespresso. the best cafe. yours. so it stays on in conditions like pool water... wind... sweat, even 100-degree heat. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. ♪
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50 years ago this week, three inmates managed to escape from alcatraz prison and it's one of the most enduring crime mysteries in u.s. history. before alcatraz closed in march of 1963, 36 prisoners tried to escape but just five remain unaccounted for. known for its brutal conditions and inmates like al capone, the fortress on the rock has been immortalized in books and film, including this one starring a young clint eastwood. no one had ever escaped and survived except maybe these three men. frank lee morris, he was the
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mastermind behind the elaborate escape plan. federal officials said he had an iq of 133 in the top 2% of the population. morris was serving 14 years for bank robbery and clarence and john anglin, brothers from rural georgia, who were serving prison terms for a 1958 alabama bank heist. using stolen spoons, dummy heads made out of paper mache and a rain coat raft, they burrowed their way to freedom on a chilly, rainy night 50 years ago this week. or did they? whether or not the men perished in the bay as prison officials and federal agents insist remains the subject of intense speculation. because their bodies were never found. the u.s. marshal's office took over the case from the fbi in 1978. >> joining us now is jolene baddier, she was 15 years old and living on alcatraz with her father, who was acting warden.
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she describes what happened in her book, breaking the rock, the great escape from alcatraz. >> joining us from san francisco is michael, a deputy u.s. marshal leading the government's search for the three escaped convict. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> thank you for being here. jolene, let's start with you. you're 15 years old on the night of this escape. you're on the island. what do you remember of this? >> we all slept through it. the men left in the evening and we weren't -- they weren't discovered until the next morning. >> what do you remember about the next morning, hoe? >> the siren woke me up. i thought it was a dream. i thought it was being overrun by a ship. when i woke up, the siren was still going on. that was surprise. i met my mother on the steps. she said get dressed, there's been an escape. they have to search the house. she was excited. i took my cues from her. >> michael, you have been searching for these men for ten years. do you believe they're still alive? >> it's hard to say.
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you can always assume that because there's never been a body found. but there's a lot of different speculations on that theory, whether they're alive or not. we have to operate under the assumption that they are because there's never been any proof ois. >> where do you think they are likely to be if they're still alive? >> if they lived and made it through the escape, they probably would have had to have gone to another country. all of them were general repeat offenders. so they would have reoffended at some point and fingerprinted and we would have identified them at some point. if they were in a foreign country, that would not have happened. possibly south america, central america. >> jolene, are these men still alive? >> i doubt it. if you look at the investigation at the time, they ran down evidence all the way to the '80s. and it doesn't look possible. you look at the personalities, you look at the tide conditions that night, the types of crimes they had committed before and
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you compare that with whitey bulger. >> of course. >> he he was on the lam for 16 years with a $2 million reward on his head. when they found him last summer in santa monica, he had $800,000 in his apartment and over 30 armaments. compared with bulger shall the anglin brothers and morris were amateurs. >> yet, there's no evidence jolene of the bodies. >> that's true. san francisco bay is pretty tough on people who swim and the tide was going out the night of the escape. >> michael, what kind of leads do you still get coming in today? >> a lot of leads are just -- i saw this person, he looks like your photo. and i believe it's him. so we have to look into each one much those. i don't spend a whole lot of time investigating the case. i do it in my spare time. in between the other things i have to do. but those are the general leads i get nowadays.
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>> jolene, if these men were found, where do you think it would most likely be that they would have gone after all of this? >> well, remaining in the united states wouldn't have been an option for them because, you know, they were amateurs, as i say. so going to a foreign country would be possiblement but you have to understand the types of men who came to alcatraz are generally not the types of men who want to live in a foreign country, pick up work, get a job and never see their family again. >> michael van dyke and jolene bab yak. thank you for joining us this morning to discuss this. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. thank you. up next, we're going to celebrate father's day with food network star daisy martinez. >> she's going to dish about her dad and her ultimate father's day dish. pick dill owe casserole. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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nothing works faster. ♪ this morning, a sweet and savory father's day dish, complements of the queen of latin cook, daisy martinez. not only host of the food network's viva daisy. >> she brought her ultimate dish. pastelon. it is a casserole. it looks fantastic here on this plate. in addition to this salad. >> i'm excited for you guys to try it. that's my payoff. i love to cook, but i love the expression on people's faces they take a bite. >> i love the energy you bring to the table. >> thank you. >> tell us about the casserole. >> pastelon, it's -- i'm calling it a casserole. but it's almost like a fri at that at that. it has a picadillo filling, i have raisins to balance the sweetness of the plantains.
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but this is festive food in puerto rico. this is really the heart and soul. here in america, now, the new buzzword is street food. this is soul food to me. this is -- in puerto rico, you go to any mom and pop, they'll give you a slice of pastelon. it's great for lunch, it's great for dinner. it's a heavy dish. i like to have it with something light, like salad. with the eggs and everything and the sweet plantains, it makes a perfect brunch dish. >> you could do it for breakfast or brunch too? >> what could be better, plantains and picadillo. >> it seems like you could make it in advance and have ready? >> absolutely. you could warm it up, like a spanish tortilla, like the egg and potato thing in spain. i think that's puerto rico's riff on the tortilla. >> the salad, my dad, my pap i is retired new york city firefighter. so you know the boys love their
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meat and potatoes. i made this steak for my dad. it's a steakhouse salad. it's got great salty, cheese. you could use feta or any salty cheese. radish bacon. because hello, we love bacon. everything is better with bacon. >> we had that story earlier. >> even ice cream. >> burger king bacon sundae. >> they passed me with that sundae. i was like -- >> when you started cooking, who were you cooking with and who inspired you as a kid sm. >> i come if a long line of women a that were happy in the kitchen. my grandmother, valentina, who is no longer with us, but i want to shout out to florida, my mom. women that were passionate in the kitchen. really expressed a love and joy and celebration of family through their food. and that was my first click. >> i thought this was supposed to be fathers weekend? >> it is. but we latina women love to cook for our men. my father's name is raymond.
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daddy, my father says they call me the silver fox. daddy, nobody calls you that but you. >> now everyone in america knows. >> the silver fox. if you see him at walmart, call him out on it. >> if you could have this meal with the silver fox anywhere in the world for father's day, where would it be? >> it would have to be, i thought about this. my father was born on the coastal town in puerto rico, where there's a beautiful, beautiful beach. a few years ago, i was able to take my parents on a tour of puerto rico and we visited the spot where the house where my father was born was right on the beach. and poppy, if i could ever make this meal for you on that beach, i could be a happy girl. >> that is awesome. >> he's a great guy. >> you're bringing me to tears here a little bit. >> i'm going to get choked up here. >> what is this? >> let's celebrate with -- >> guess patch owe shooter. >> this is like salad in a glass. it's got the onions and the
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tomato. i have fire roasted red peppers. but, it's got an r rating. i hit it with some tequila. drink up. >> have a little -- >> oh, wow. >> that's nice. that's real nice. >> i'm not -- i'm feeling no pain. >> listen, to poppy. >> salute. >> to poppy. >> silver fox indeed. let's sign this dish as we're slurping. >> we can't all drink and talk at the same time. thank you so much. >> so cool. >> everyone in the studio is eyeing the extra shooters over there next to her. >> you have to take the -- >> absolutely. >> you taste that. while you're doing that, daisy is signing the dish, daisy martinez. thank you so much. for more on chef daisy and the dish, head to cbs"cbs this morning." what does it say? >> don't go away. in honor of father's day, we'll be right back with a special tribute to all the dads and the silver fox. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." wake up!
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erica hill with a look at what's happening monday on "cbs this morning." good morning. we've all heard about severe turbulence causing scares in the sky. in fact, you may have experienced yourself. on monday, we're taking a closer look to show you not only how it happens but how planes are built to deal with it and why you shouldn't worry about it causing a crash. that's all ahead on monday at 7:00 on "cbs this morning." and then coming up next week on "cbs this morning saturday," rock legends, crosby stills and nash with two of their immortal balance lads including teach your children. >> should be good stuff. before we go, we'd like to honor the most important men in our lives. >> as you know, tomorrow is father's day. we put together a tribute to our dads. >> happy father's day.
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have a great weekend everybody. thank you, dad, for being everything that you've been in my life. >> my father is the most selfless person i've ever met. my dad is the funniest person i know. >> there's no one else i'd rather talk sports with than my dad, john. >> bar none, my dad is the best man i've ever known. he taught me sports, how to treat people. to make them feel good about themselves. most of all, he taught me how to be a good dad. >> my dad is a great guy. he used to sing to me every night when i went to bed. it wasn't a lullaby. it was a thermos song happy father's day to the man who forced his children to listen to dr. buzzard's savannah band on repeat during family trips to her she park. my dad is my best friend. don't tell my mom that. >> dad, thank you for always teaching me to do what's right, even if it's not the popular thing to do. >> my dad is a hero to me.
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he has taught me so many life lessons. he still does to this day. i am so thankful that i can call him my dad. i could not imagine a better one. >> my father is the most generous and loving person that i know. nothing beats that sense of humor. >> dad, on this father's day, i just want to thank you for always taking my calls, for listening to all of my concerns, for celebrating all my happinesses with me and then for always thanking me for calling. >> i just wanted to tell my dad happy father's day. you are kind and respectful and you've taught your kids that without even saying a word. >> my dad, he died when i was 18 years old. there's not a day goes by i don't think about him and all the lessons he taught me. >> some of of the most important lessons that my dad taught me are the ones that he taught without knowing that he was doing it. >> thanks for always being there for me and teaching me the most important lesson of all. it's better to give than receive. hey dad, there's so many things i want to thank you for. i wouldn't be the man i am today if it wasn't for you.
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we're hoping you get better soon and come back home. >> my dad is a survivor, my hero and the greatest many know. >> my dad is the pittsburgh steelers number one fan. i'm his number one fan. >> my dad is much cooler than i am. he rides a motorcycle. and has a leather jacket and i wear ties and take the bus. >> thank you for having the patience to always put up with me and to always be there to fix things whenever i need it. >> dad, i am so proud of your strength. we love you. >> my dad is an inspiration because he was so supportive in everything he did with us. i want to be like that for my kids. >> my dad is the wisest person i know. and everything i do in my family and my career is done through the prism of trying to make him proud. >> dad, there's no one i'd rather go to a twins game with, sit on the deck with or dance to the rolling stones and jimi hendrix with. you have the best advice and i hendrix with. you have the best advice and i love you. -- captions by vitac --
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