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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  June 16, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> axelrod: tonight it, at last. aung san suu kyi of burma is finally honored at a ceremony in norway. scott pelley talks to the nobel peace prize winner about her long years of struggle for democracy. >> pelley: were there times when you thought of giving it up, thought of leaving burma? >> no, never. >> pelley: never. >> never. >> axelrod: under increasing fire, u.n. observers suspend their mission in syria. >> go get them, governor. >> axelrod: day two of the mitt romney road trip through six crucial swing states. bob schieffer tells us about his interview with the candidate. and silver star, david martin has the final chapter of the complicated story of cold war spy plane pilot francis gary powers. captioning sponsored by cbs
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this is the "cbs evening news." >> axelrod: good evening, i'm jim axelrod. we begin tonight in oslo, norway, and a remarkable nobel peace prize ceremony for burma's aung san suu kyi, a ceremony delayed 21 years as the military dictatorship kept its human rights campaigner under arrest. she's won the prize in 1991, but chose not to go to oslo to accept, fearing she would not be allowed to return to bum a1 of asia's most isolate isolated and impoverished nations. in norway today, she sat down with scott pelley. >> pelley: aung san suu kyi spent most of the last 25 years in prison or confine bide the military to her home. she is the reveered leader of what has been a brutally repressed democracy movement in burma. in '91 she was in her second year of house arrest when the nobel prize brought world attention to a lonely struggle. were there times when you thought of giving it up, thought
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of leaving burma? >> no, never. >> pelley: never. >> never. there were times, of course, when i felt rather tired physically, but never did i ever think that i would leave burma. >> pelley: she was always free to leave the country but she refused, even in 1997, when her english husband was dying of cancer in britain. you felt the country was more important than your personal feelings. >> i think the country should be more important to every one of us in than our own personal and private feels. >> pelley: coachee came to oslo now because of the improvements. she reminded the audience that burma has far to go. it's still holding political prisoners. >> there still remain such prisoners in burma. it is to be feared that because
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the best-known detainees have been released, the remainder, the unknown ones, will be forgotten. i'm standing here because i was once a prisoner of conscious. as you look at me and listen to me, please remember the often-repeated truth, that one prisoner of conscience is one too many. >> pelley: she has assurances she will be allowed to return and she will need to, because in those recent elections she was elected a member of parliament. the military still runs things, but burma is opening to the world. suu kyi says the rulers have learned the power of the powerless. scott pelley, cbs news, oslo, norway. >> axelrod: we turn next to the escalating violence in syria that has now forced united nations observers to suspend their operations there. charlie d'agata has more on the deteriorating situation that has
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all the hallmarks of a civil war. >> reporter: the u.n. mission in syria began badly nine weeks ago. and then got much worse. finally, the escalating and unpredictable violence over the last 10 days left the mission's head, major general robert mood, no choice but to suspend operation >> u.n. observers will not be conducting patrols and will stay in their locations until further notice. >> reporter: the 300 unarmed observers have gone to ground, down but not out, yet. the observers were sent into syria in april to monitor a cease-fire. the cease-fire never took hold, and the u.n. teams were often caught in the cross-fire. as cbs' elizabeth palmer found when she reached some hard-hit towns, they also ran into angry
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civilians. residents upset the monitors could not do more to stop the violence. >> we need you to stay here. >> reporter: or rebels begging them to stay, fearing the government would resume its attacks as soon as the u.n. cars rolled out. but now what? the u.n. says it will monitor the situation day to day. the current mission is only approved until the middle of july. any new mandate will have to come from the security council where the united states and remain deeply divided on any resolution to a crisis that has killed over 10,000 syrians. for now tseems the only people to bear witness to the atrocities will be the syrians themselves. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> axelrod: to campaign 2012 now. it's an important tradition of presidential campaigns-- the small town bus tour. today, republican presidential contender mitt romney rolled into several towns in pennsylvania. romney took time to speak to our
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chief washington correspondent and host of "face the nation" bob schieffer. good evening, bob. how was your conversation? >> schieffer: well, we started off talking about the announcement the president made yesterday about letting these young people who were brought into the country as children stay in this country. trying to pin governor romney down on whether if when he is elected -- if he is elected root would he allow the president's order to stand or would he take a different tack? he said he wants to work toward a longer and broader solution. but he-- i couldn't get him to say whether or not he would actually repeal it or just let it stand. one thing he was very clear on, though, and that was why he thinks the president did it. >> i think the timing is pretty clear. if he really wanted to make a solution that dealt with these kids or with illegal immigration in america, then this is something he would have taken up in his first three and a half years, not in the last few
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months. >> schieffer: so he did it for politics. >> that's certainly a big part of the equation. >> schieffer: we also talked to governor romney a lot about the crumbling financial situation in europe. he basically seemed to be saying there's not much that we can do about it. he said for sure, we will not be sending any checks to europe or at least we won't be if he is elected. back to you, jim. >> axelrod: bob schieffer at the romney rally in pennsylvania. thank you. >> axelrod: and this program, note-- you can see all of bob's interview with mitt romney tomorrow morning on "face the nation." the economy, not immigration, was what audiences listening to mitt romney today in pennsylvania heard about at conservatism stops. no republican has carried pennsylvania in a presidential election since 1988. but romney is focusing on one issue in hopes of changing that. >> job one in this country is to create jobs for the american people, and i will. ( applause ) >> axelrod: these days, mitt
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romney's 20-minute stump speech is all about the economy. >> this is about saving america, keeping us strong, putting us back to work. hi, how are you? >> axelrod: romney's five-day itenerary is taking him through small towns in rural settings. he told reporters that the metal casting factory in eastern pennsylvania that his long experience in the financial sector and his one term as massachusetts governor have prepared him to be the nation's chief executive. >> for mitt romney there is one argument in every battleground state-- that is the economy is bad, president obama doesn't have what it takes to turn things around. i'm a fix-it it, man. i can do it. >> axelrod: romney is in the curious position of raising the president's performance on the economy in battleground states where the unemployment rate is lower than the national average. it's 7.4% in pennsylvania, 5% in new hampshire where the bus tour began yesterday. but that's less important to him than trying to whip up a groundswell of support against the president. >> romney has a real chance to
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run up the score with blue collar voters who just don't like president obama. >> axelrod: the slow pace of job growth nationally has emboldened romney in his main argument against the president. >> last time around, you will, his campaign slogan was hope and change. now i think he'd like to change it to hoping to change the subject. >> axelrod: tomorrow, the romney bus tour rolls into ohio, where unemployment is 7.3%, also lower than the national average. major banks in new york and london are on alert this weekend ahead of tomorrow's crucial elections in greece. crisis committees are stand buying for a possible leftist victory that would likely send shockwaves throughout the world's financial system. our clarissa ward in ethenes tonight and joins us now. clarissa, good evening. i'm wonder other why world governments and banks are so spook immediate the idea of the left party winning. >> reporter: well, jim, it's important to remember european
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leaders have pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into greece with the understanding that greece would adhere to strict austerity measures and also make important structural reforms, and the fear is a victory for the leftist candidate would mean that greece very well might renege on that agreement and that has huge repercussions for greece's possible future and the european monetary union and that has financial markets really spooked. >> axelrod: so on the eve of the election, is there any sense of how the vote's going to go? >> reporter: there's no polling allowed in the two weeks leading up to the election. at this point, talking to people on the streets, it really feels like it could go either way, but we'll have to wait until the polling stations close at sundown and we start to see some of those first exit polls coming out. >> axelrod: clarissa ward in athens, thank you. the other international election in the spotlight this weekend is
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the runoff round for president of egypt, where two days of voting began today. it pitts ahmed shafiq against mohammed morsi of the muslim brotherhood. the vote comes days after egypt's highest court dissolved parliament and the country's ruling generals restored martial law. back in this country, fire crews tonight are battling major wildfires in at least four western states. colorado is among the hardest hit. at least 112 homes have been scorched by a massive fire burning near fort collins. the fire is only about 20% contained. coming up next on tonight's cbs evening news, chinese astronauts on a landmark voyage. she needs help from me. and her medication. the exelon patch, it releases medication continuously for twenty-four hours. she uses one exelon patch daily for the treatment of mild to moderate alzheimer's symptoms.
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[ female announcer ] it cannot change how the disease progresses. hospitalization and rarely death have been reported in patients who wore more than one patch at a time. the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers who take certain other medicines should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. patients may experience slow heart rate. [ woman ] whenever i needed her, she was there for me. now i'm here for her. [ female announcer ] ask the doctor about your loved one trying the exelon patch. visit to learn more. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options.
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>> axelrod: china's ambitious
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space program took a big leap forward today. a shenzhou 9 rocket blasted off from a site in the gobie desert. as chip reid in beijing reports it carried a crew of three, including china's first female astronaut. >> reporter: in china they're national heroes, three astronauts on a mission that's become a national sensation, in part because of 34-year-old liu yang, an air force pilot, mother of one, and china's first woman in space. the plan is for the shenzhou 9 space capsule to dock with a small space module named the heavenly palace where they'll live and work for 10 days. >> and liftoff! >> reporter: with the recent end of nasa's space shuttle program, the future of manned space flight in the united states is uncertain, giving china a chance to grab the spotlight. >> a manned space criminal
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confers enormous prestige on the country that does it. china, the united states, and russia are the only three countries countries in the world that have ever done that. >> reporter: we asked about that at the daily brief. is the china space program all about science, or is it also about national pride? he told us the purpose is to advance world space technology for peaceful purposes. this stone struck upper-- structure in downtown beijing is the base of an ancient observatory built in 1942, and by chinese standards this is young. chinese astronomers have been studying space for more than 3,000 years. but now, china's space program lags far behind. >> it's roughly comparable to what nasa was doing in the gem me and apollo programs in its late 60s, early 70s. they certainly have a long way to go to catch up, if that is, indeed, their goal. >> reporter: eventually, china hopes to send its astronauts to the moon and be beyond.
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chip reid, cbs news, beijing. >> axelrod: ahead, the changing faces of father's day. i used to love hearing that phrase... but not since i learned i have... postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. i want to keep acting but a broken bone could change that. so my doctor and i chose prolia® to reduce my risk of fractures. prolia® is proven to help make bones stronger. proven to help increase bone density. i take prolia®. it's different. it's two shots a year. [announcer:] if you take prolia® (denosumab) you should not take xgeva®. prolia® can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium levels, serious infections... ...some of which may require hospitalization, and skin inflammation, rash and eczema. tell your doctor if you develop dental problems... severe jawbone problems may happen. what's out there matters to me.
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raising children has more than doubled in just 10 years from 8% in 2000 to 19% in 2010. elaine quijano now takes us to visit one of the couple's behind the numbers. >> reporter: as a same-sex couple, sean mcgill and luigi caiola say they never contemplated fatherhood. >> we never imagined or never thought children would be an option for us. are you being gentle? >> reporter: after almost 10 years together they were drawn to the idea of parenting. >> we were watching my sib licks starting to raise children, and sean's siblings had had children starting to raise children, and sean's siblings had had children and we started thinking, i think we can do this just as well as they can. >> reporter: adoption is the primary path for many same-sex couples but it can be legally difficult. one state, mississippi, bans gay people from adopting. 19 others require parents to be married for joint adoptions. public opinion is divided.
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a recent poll shows 54% in favor or strongly in favor, 40% opposed or strongly opposed, 4% undecide. >> parenting is is one of the greatest joys any human being can experience. >> reporter: dr. kim bergman runs growing generations, matching same-sex parents with a surrogate, a woman who agrees to carry a child on their behalf. 80% of her clients are gay men, many in their 20s. >> they're assuming that they're going to get married and have babies just like everybody else. >> our dual routines, our lives, what we do with our kids is exactly what any other family would be like. >> caiola and mcgill have gone through surrogacy twice, for five-year-old maria and four-year-old twins william and adam. >> we are living our lives and very rarely do we take notice that we're two dad. >> having them has been the most joyful, fulfilling experience of my life, of our lives, i think. >> reporter: these dads say
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they look forward to every milestone. this fall, sons william and adam will enter prekindergarten. daughter maria starts first grade. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> this is a small space. >> axelrod: americans cross into canada all the time but nobody has done it like nik wallenda. last night, the 33-year-old daredevil became the first person to walk across the period on a swaying wire strung 1800 feet over niagara's horseshoe falls. it took about 25 minutes, with wall enda sprinting the last few feet. more than 100,000 people gathered on both sides of the border to cheer him on. son story that spans five decades. that story is next. fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds.
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you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. that's how it is with alzheimer's disease. she needs help from me. and her medication. the exelon patch, it releases medication continuously for twenty-four hours. she uses one exelon patch daily for the treatment of mild to moderate alzheimer's symptoms. [ female announcer ] it cannot change how the disease progresses. hospitalization and rarely death have been reported in patients who wore more than one patch at a time. the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases.
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>> axelrod: mesh accomplished for the air force's new unmanned spacecraft. the x-37 b glided to a smooth touchdown early this morning at vandenberg air force base in california. after 15 months in orbit on a secret mission. it looks like nasa's now-retired space shuttle only much smaller and more advanced. and finally tonight, another tom-secret air mission was
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remembered this week more than half a century after it first made headlines. national security correspondent david martin has the story of vindication by the pentagon and a son's devotion to his father. >> reporter: depending on what you've read, francis gary powers is one of the most famous or infamous pilots in american history. ever since his u2 spy plane was shot down over the soviet union on may day, 1960, this question, as put by walter cronkite, has hung over him. >> did francis gary powers, captured u2 pilot, conduct himself honorably as a man in the service of his country? >> reporter: his son, francis gary powers jr., has spent his life trying to answer that question beginning with the moment a so anti-aircraft missile knocked his farther's plane up on the of the sky. >> nose pitches forward, the wings break off. my father finds himself spinning down towards the ground in the wreckage. he falls from 70,000 feet to 30,000 feet before bailing out
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of the aircraft. >> reporter: the director of the cia assured president eisenhower the pilot could not have survived so he told the world it was just a weather plane that strayed off course. two days later, save leader khrushchev gleefully announced that the pilot was alive and was being inferigated. >> it's the first time in american history that a president was caught lying. >> i realize i have committed a grave crime and i realize i must be punished for it purpose. >> reporter: powers spent 21 months in a so prison and then came home to a chorus of questions about his conduct. as a kid growing up all gary jr. wanted to know was how high was his father flying. >> after a few days questioning him he said, "gary, i wasn't flying high enough and now go to bed." >> reporter: he was killed in
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a helicopter crash and the questions are still unanswered. oned from the air force chief of staff finally delivered the answer. >> today it is my honor to posthumously award captain francis gary powers the silver star for his action and his loyalty. >> it was presented to francis gary powers iii, perhaps the only generation of his generation who knows u2 is a spy plane not just a rock band. now he knows one more thing-- his granddad was a hero. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. >> axelrod: and a reminder, you can watch all of scott pelley's interview with aung san suu kyi on monday's cbs evening news. for all of us here at cbs news, i'm jim axelrod, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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