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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  June 28, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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reasoning behind it and the justices who made up the majority to uphold it. >> i'm so happy that the supreme court did the right thing in upholding the constitution. >> reporter: joy and disappointments over one of the best supreme court decisions. >> the tax did not change anything. we still need to pay for it and we get penalized if we don't. >> reporter: anthony kennedy, as many legal experts had predicted. the chief justice found the affordable care abouts mandates that everyone buy health care insurance or pay a penalty. and it could not be justified under congress' power to regulate interstate commerce. but he held that it was constitutional anyway. congress may have called it a penalty, but the chief justice says it is really a tax. collected by the irs and well
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within congress' taxing power. >> the health care is constitutional, undeniable, and irreversible. >> reporter: the affordable care act expands medicaid, offering it to everyone who falls under 133% of the poverty line. but the court said that the federal government has no right to cut off all of the state medicaid funds. if it fails to sign up for expanded medicaid. and that, the chief justice said, was not a gentle nudge, but an unconstitutional gun to the head. and so states are level to decide whether to join medicaid expansion and its huge federal deficits. >> they will receive 100% funding for three years, never going below 90%. so this is extraordinarily
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generous. >> reporter: the fight is still far from over. the house republicans have set up a largely symbolic vote for about two weeks from now to repeal what they are still calling obama care. but take a look at this from the historical perspective. fer, harry truman, bill clinton, all those presidents tried to move the country towards the universal care. today president obama has succeeded. anita? >> bruce leshan, live at the supreme court. thank you for that. of course as you said, this has such significant immications for the health care of the nation and for president barack obama's legacy. the challenger, mitt romney, says if he is elected in november, he'll move to quickly repeal the law. >> and what the court did today was to say that he does not violate the constitution. what they did not do was say
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that obama care's good law or it is good policy. obama care was bad policy yesterday. and it is bad policy for today. obama care was bad law yesterday. and it is bad law today. >> whatever the politics, today's decision was a victory for people all over this country. whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the supreme court decision to uphold it. they reaffirmed the fundamental principle that here in america in the wealthiest station on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any families and their financial ruins. >> now with such a controversial decision as you can well imagine, protesters and supporters on both sides of the health care overhaul debate were all on the front steps of the supreme court for the ruling. we gathered their reactions just after that decision came
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down this morning. >> reporter: the crowd erupted in cheers as the historic decision came down. >> we're going to pass to the health care reform. >> from the protesters to the media, massive clouds assembled outside since early in the morning. >> i flew in yesterday. >> reporter: this nurse arrived at noon on wednesday for the first place in line and a guaranteed seat inside the courthouse. >> i'm very passionate about the ability of every american able to access the high quality efficient health care. >> she was not alone. dozens of folks camped out overnight risking a chance to witness history. 9news now. >> thank you. >> well, leaders learned of the ruling the same time that the
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rest of us did as it was coming down. the president's first phone call after this decision was to take on the general who argued that the case for the administration before the high court. lesli, let's take it back to you. >> all right, we'll see you in just a bit. to further today's analyze is the dean of the university of maryland's school of public policy. thank you so much for coming in and talking to us today. >> yes, thank you. >> you revise both republicans and the administrations if you were talking to the obama administration right now, what would you tell them about what they need to do to help people, a, understand the new law, and b to get them to buy into it? >> if you look at the polls, people hate this law and the administrations, they concluded that it was a large part of it because they don't understand, but the biggest problem is that they have allowed politically the republicans to define the
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issues. to talk about average for the people here and at the age of 26, ensuring that they will continue, even if you hit the lifetime here. they will need to do a far better job of trying to explain it to these people, why it matters to them and why they ought to support it. >> now, some were asking where does good policy end and the free will of people begin? there are questions about whether or not they have the ability to do this, what else could they do? >> that's one of the things that they will lay it out there. the argument about the clause that will be an effort to try to force everybody to try to buy insurance. on the other hand, the court, this is one of the geniuses. >> yes. that's a big winner because he found a way to thread the needle on this, by casting the decision in terms of the taxing power, the government levies the taxes. everyone knows that's okay.
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they don't need to pay taxes. if they choose not to do that, then they need to pay the penalty. so it will be a voluntary action. he found a way to convert it here. we need to make you do this to paying a penalty here. in policy terms, it is anita brikman very big administration. >> i can't let you go without asking you about this historic days in terms of what it means for president obama. and what they were unable to do. what does this mean for his legacy? to move forward with many of the presidents that have, an effort to define them and they also set up a notion of long complicated battles, all for a long time. >> yes. we're just scratching it.
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the dean of maryland's public policy division thank you. thank you so much for being here today. >> thank you so much. of course, we have much more on today's supreme court ruling. coming up at 5:30, how people living with the chronic illnesses come out at winners of today's decision. we'll talk about how it affects the primary care positions and the internal general from both maryland and virginia who both play major roles in the health care case. we're going to shift just a bit and head on out to the at&t national because it is officially underway. the play began at 7:00 this morning. they are still on the course. our derek mcginty and mike mike are live at the position overlooking the 10th and 18th green. i was suppose to ask you if the heat is getting to you. how many complaints have you had to listen about how hot it is and how tough it is for its
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speed and the hands are clammy. what is it? >> it is rough out here. it is just very hot. [ laughter ] you know, lesli, i've been trying to work with the fan here, but the thing redefines that word lame. i mean if i get any closer, take it off the skin. they are not able to cool me down. >> thankfully we have our good friend here. and he has the solution for us. take care of it. >> yeah, that's what i'm talking about. >> yes. >> okay, thank you. turn around and look at the camera. thank you, my friend. >> we appreciate it. >> get out of here now. [ laughter ] >> so now it is time to go here. that's where they will go. our local guys, they had a good day, minus two right there. and in fact, he almost had a
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hole in one, right around the cup. he did make the birdie. but the rest of the leader boards over there. >> yes. walker right now, they are both tied at 4 under right now. he's tied in third place there, along with mr. brendan. now, you know that they have not won a tournament since '08. it's been a minute and he is doing very well today. >> yes, he was all the way back to even now. and he is short of struggling. >> everyone wants to know what he is doing. not much. he has won over, i believe. and five shots off the lead. >> yeah, we expect him to come right there to the end. we'll let you know when that is happening. >> we want to get back to the heat, with a big impact on what's going on there. >> yeah, not too bad. we'll need to use them again. >> she caught up with a bunch of people to see how they were dealing with the heat and the solutions that they came up with. >> well, with the water, you
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know, it is very important to stay in the shade. she is taking advantage of the trees, trying to stay cool while the temperatures start to rise. >> but it doesn't even need to be scorching hot for you to feel the effects. while walking the course this morning, we stumbled across this spectator. he was their fourth call in 45 minutes and it had not even hit 90 degrees yet. >> a lot of people, you know, they are not used to walking around in the heat. they are used to sitting in the air-conditioning, watching it on tv. you're amazed of how quickly you could get dehydrated, just by walking five holes. >> yes. >> the ice cold lemonade. >> the cold water. >> reporter: they are already seeing an increase in the business. f >> selling double what we have done yesterday. >> if you are planning on coming out, a few things you
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should remember. wear light clothings and hat along with the comfortable shoes. there are fans all throughout the course to cool off. most importantly. >> if you're going to come out, then hydrate, alcohol is not hydration. >> reporter: yes, no alcohol. it is not good for you. if you're going to drink lots of water, the price has been decreased to $2 a bottle, all throughout the course and the rest of the weekend and also three first aid stations and tons of units all around here. they say if you feel any way out of this area, dizzy, hydrated, whatever, then go to the people on the court. they will call the emt's for you to go and be safe out here this weekend. guys, back to you. >> all right, thank you. we appreciate it. i really like that van. it is just so much better than this van. >> yes. [ laughter ]
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>> it is lame. all right, it's hot. it's not crazy hot. the humidity is still in check right now at 28%. that's not bad. >> no. >> that's going to change. we'll talk about your forecast for tomorrow and for saturday. at at&t national. we're looking at the heat advisory. 101 tomorrow. that will be good enough for the record boat downtown. the thunderstorm is possible both in the afternoon and the morning here and possible on saturday. we'll die it back just a little bit on saturday if you will. so you're coming out here, we've been going over this a lot. no cameras or pictures. you can bring a phone, just no radios, tvs, no food or drink. and you guys, no cooler bigger than here, okay? and you can take it for a reason, i'm just saying. and also, we want you to know that with your display and your ticket, you'll need to wear the comfortable shoes. you're walking 3.5 miles. wear the sunscreen and hat and please stay hydrated. >> that's what we're talking
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about. i appreciate it. >> back with your air- conditioning studios. [ laughter ] >> oh, somebody has to do it. why not me? all right, thanks, guys, we'll see you in a bit. coming up, they will hold the vote against the attorney general. and over that botched gun tracking operation known as fast and furious. anita? >> there has been so much debate, over the view of the controversial affordable air act. coming up next, we're talking to the people about what it will mean to them.
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we've got breaking news right now with the house of representative that just voted to hold the attorney general.
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now, ken ken is live in the satellite center with the latest. it was quite a showing. >> yes, absolutely. you know, seeing that republicans and the democrats had been at odds over the controversy is an understatement. but to hold him in the criminal concert of congress. but as promised, the group known as the view walked out of the house of representatives after the vote showing their support for eric holder. the fast and furious spearheaded here allowed the mexican drug cartels to provide 2,000 weapons from the u.s. gun dealers in order to take down that cartel. two of the guns were found at the murder scene at the u.s. border agent. now, to provide 18,000 pages about the operation, but that was not for the republicans. you'll remember that the white house, they issued the executive privilege, further keeping those documents sealed. the democrats claim that this was a witch hunt against the attorney general. eric holder spoke a couple moments just after that vote.
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>> we learned that the tactics began in this administration. and i had hoped that the congressional leaders would be good partners for them in this work. the others have devoted their time and their attention to making the charges, unsupported by fact and to advancing what was truly absurd conspiracy theories. >> today's vote now makes holder the first presidential cabinet member to be accused of contempt by the house. the separate vote will be held to hold the attorney general and the civil contempt, which will expect you to take place later on. lesli? >> all right, we'll be watching that. thank you. and the health care stocks were mixed after the supreme court upheld the president's affordable care act. they rallied, but they ensure that they will fall sharply. anita? >> reporter: there is quite a bit of reactions.
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i'm joined by the doctor here. doctor, let's get right to it. how does this decision affect the institutions like yours? >> they have a significant effect, oh, we give a lot of care. if we can have more patients with the insurance to come into araphia tillty, that will help us. and the help from the community will help because we get people out to the emergency room and into the primary care. >> reporter: great, you get to see them before the situation comes into an emergency? >> yes, that is absolutely right. we get the medicine in our system here, providing and training people here with their acute needs. >> reporter: speaking of acute needs, you were in the front lines of the war on cancer. i know that i have done stories here for you on people that were not able to afford the cancer care. have you seen it happen? will the law change that? >> yes, absolutely. that law will change it just a couple years ago i had a patient about four to two years. i will operate enough for the breast cancer. force them back.
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she did not show up the first day and she said that i had to make a choice because i could not afford it. they had to go to work. this is my care. this is what would affect it. >> all right, thank you so much for that and big changes ahead later on in this newscast. we'll talk about the impact as well. thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> as i said, we'll be talking to another physician about the primary care issues and some of the other care provisions that will be intact as part of the affordable care act. back to you. >> lots to get to, thank you. and the wildfire raging in colorado has now destroyed hundreds of houses around colorado springs. about 30,000 people have been forced from their homes. there is no word on when they will be allowed back inside. but the good news is so far they have no reports of any injuries. the fire known as the walden canyon fire started last saturday as those flames burned through almost 19,000 acres of land. and it is hot there, it is hot here.
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topper has more heat for us on the way? >> yeah. this is just a prelude if you will. >> yes. >> never have we been more grateful for this tent. >> yes. >> the humidity is not bad, but it will be worse again tonight and tomorrow. we'll talk about temperatures across the metro area, anywhere from 90 to 95. the low to mid-90s are not crazy hot. so we are 7 degrees above average. >> no. >> and this is the 95. 91 again in leesburg and fredericksburg. that's not very hot. pretty toasty in oakland. watch this carefully. it means no heat index, which will be a good thing for us. here is the deal, we have a heat advisory in effect for tomorrow, okay? we're looking at 101 for tomorrow. a thunderstorm is possible in the morning, again in the afternoon, the cold front will try to roll on through, but it
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will not do anything for us. sot cold front won't do too much. a couple storms are possible on saturday. so dangerous heat. drink lots and lots of water. get out of the full sun when it is possible. and eat the light meals. not one big meal. although if you do, don't. a lot of little meals are better. the heat index could get to 105 to 109. i'm thinking closer to 109 tomorrow and that is the temperature that you'll feel when you are outside walking around or doing your work or something like that. take it easy. >> are we all doing shorts tomorrow or none of us? >> we're all doing shorts tomorrow. no question about it. >> no, we're all doing it. >> all right. 95 tomorrow at dulles. i'll go out on a limb and say that record will be broken. 101 downtown is close. 105 baltimore. they are probably safe. well, they have hit 105 earlier on in the month. we'll see. that waists back in 1994 -- that was set back in 1994 with the lows in the 70s.
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the winds are southwest at 10 to 15. a thunderstorm is possible. they had break it down for you. tomorrow and saturday and sunday, they made a code yellow day for nine weather alerts. we won't make them red just yet. 99 on saturday and your seven- day forecast. we'll stay hot, not crazy hot. but we'll stay in the 90s. we're back to 92. we took out the thunderstorm here in the 4th. how about that. >> that is very rare. [ laughter ] >> remember, shorts on friday. >> yes, shorts, friday. >> okay, you too. >> okay. >> somehow i think that i'll be okay in here though. >> yeah. >> because you are all 95 degrees in the shade today. >> that's right. >> all right, guys, we'll see you later. coming up next, why you may want to carry a little more money in your wallet if you plan to take metro on the 4th of july.
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it's going to cost you more to ride metro when the transit agency takes effect. now on the train, the minimum off-peak fair will be $1.76. the maximum will be $5.575. the peak-of-the-peak charge rates are gone. using a paper card will cost you a $1 surcharge. the regular fares will be $1.60 and $1.80 with cash. the recycling program will soon be one of the most comprehensive in the area. today, they announced the expansion of the recycling of plastics. here are some new items that you could recycle. things that will have the plastic number one for you. that's how you can take a look over the back. like a little triangle that will have a number one there. you can also recycle the clam
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shell containers, the plastic trades, the lids, the domes, cups. still ahead, we'll go back live to the at&t national for the congressional and i amazing story of the pro-golfer who had not just one, but two heart transplants. anita? >> lesli, i'm live at howard university hospital. the affordable care acts, they are complicated, as much as it is controversial. up next, we'll meet a young man who says it has been simple, changing their life.
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the supreme court has spoken, but the debate over the affordable care act continues after the high court upheld president obama's controversial health care reform law. let's take a look at how we got here. the health care debate started in march of 2009 when the president hosted a health care summit after a year of town hall meetings and congressional
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debates. the house approved a senate version that required everyone to buy health insurance. president obama signed that into law. on march 23, among a lot of celebrations. but in november of 2012, they found this constitutional. december of last year, becoming the first of 26 states to invalidate the law, saying we're not going to do this. in august of 2011, they found the mandate to be unconstitutional, which brought us to the supreme courted today where they upheld that health requirement. some people see themselves as losers, others are winners. now, they are focusing on in particular, someone that might have faced an almost immediate crisis if they had made a different decision. in the case here, we are talking about the tap on lifetime medical coverage, which the new law says that the health insurance had companies, they cannot do it anymore. he introduces us to a young man
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with some truly staggering medical bills for whom today's supreme court decision may have changed their life. >> and without this, you know, i wouldn't have the quality of life. >> reporter: he is the 28-year- old man with the chronic illness. >> this is the expensive sufficient right here. >> how much does that cost? >> this is $2,000. >> reporter: the medicine that ensures he will not bleed to death from the slightest injury costs about $2,000 a day. he showed me one insurance summary statement from 2003 where he racked up more than $1.4 million in a single year. >> and people who can afford health insurance. >> today as he got word from the supreme court's decision, he found a giant weight lift. >> this is a great day. >> i'm almost speechless because it is such a victory for our community. >> reporter: had the health careaffordability act been overturned, he feared the return of lifetime caps on insurance coverage. >> so a lifetime cap, most people, i mean, they may not reach their lifetime cap, but
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the reality is that many people will with a chronic illness. >> reporter: allowing companies to cut off unlucky individuals like him for running up big bills. before the health care reform, richard's life was all about insurance. >> so i had to find a good job that had good insurance. salary wasn't important to me, insurance was. >> reporter: he feared going bankrupt and landing on public assistance. a fear he was able to put on the shelf today. >> a big relief. a huge relief. >> reporter: before the law, about 55% of the insurance plans had some kind of lifetime coverage cap, usually at about $1 to $2 million. and those policies covered 105 million americans. they are among the winners of today's supreme court ruling, scott broom, 9news now. >> now, other illnesses that could be at the risk of including these diabetes, clearly a major imabout here.
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coming up later, we're going to talk about the primary care impact. the day-to-day impact in emergency rooms like this one. back to you. >> a lot of talk about policy, but this really comes down to people. thank you. time to return to the congressional now for the coverage of the at&t national, were a very special golfer who will be competing in this weekend's tournament. and they are live at the historic clubhouse with his inspirational story. ? yeah, he really is a terrific story. and you know what, there are some people that have gone through challenges in their life and this man, he is truly amazing. he has had two heart transplants, using some of his time and his energy to help save some lives. >> we've got the story of the amazing guy here with the amazing message. >> golf has been, you know, a great gift for me. >> reporter: eric compton is distinct from any other player on the pga tour. he is the only professional golfer to play with the
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transplanted heart. >> the first transplant when i was 12. >> reporter: as a kid, he was diagnosed. >> i had that for 17 years. they did very well. went to college, doing all the normal things that normal kids would do. >> reporter: but four years ago he suffered a major heart attack and had to have another heart transplant. >> i didn't expect that i would be back to full form playing a pga tour with the best players in the world. >> reporter: but that couldn't have been further from the truth. just five months, eric made the cut at the pga tournament. it was the game of golf that saved his life. >> it was for me to be able to rehabilitate the big picture and being alive and compete. it is very healing. >> reporter: but eric also uses golf as a platform to educate others. >> i've been doing this since i was a little kid educating college kids, high school kids
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about becoming an organ donor. >> to share my story is a bigger picture than winning or playing in the tour. >> reporter: for him, it is all about paying it forward. >> this is a challenge for everybody and you need to get better every single day. >> a great story. he was a little inconsistent with five birdies, but seven bogies. >> yes. >> all right, back to you. >> but the opportunity to be alive to even achieve that, that's priceless for him. we'll see you in just a little bit. still ahead, the length that one couple went to to get their dream view of san francisco. butup next, a crook snatches a woman's purse as she gets home from the grocery store -- but up next, a crook snatches a woman's purse as she gets home from the grocery store. including live information for you and about tickets, parking and ground rules.
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log on to our website at mashed potatoes and gravy. mac 'n cheese...
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mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. police are looking for a man caught on tape robbing a 65-
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year-old woman. they show the man here, attacking this woman as she came home from the grocery store. >> i was yelling out help me, help me. and my neighbor nicely came out the door saying what's going on? i said help, i've been attacked. >> she is still shaken and scared, but other than a few bumps and bruces, she'll be okay. and now to mississippi where a woman turns the tables on her wood-be attacker. leaving a liquor store when the other woman grabs a hold of her purse, spins her around and throws her to the ground. but then the victim, well, she got a hand of this situation. she kicked the attacker while on the back and then that thief, they run off. the victim was bruised and scratched, but she was able to hold on to her purse. >> a down -- a couple wanted their dream home and they
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didn't want anyone to get in their way. they spent more than $1 million. that's in the san francisco bay area. they were pretty annoying. with that $7 million when it went up for auction, they snatched it up. there is tiger words, at least we have the picture. there he is. not having the best day. but we'll tell you about it later on when i'm here with mike mike and the sports team. coming up, we'll be joined by the player. come on, tiger, you can do it. >> reporter: i'm anita brikman live at howard university hospital at one of the districts busiest emergency
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democratic. coming up, how will they change the way that doctors and nurses do their jobs? a live interview is just ahead.
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welcome back to our special coverage of today's affordable care act. ever since they upheld the key provisions of that law. they have been applauding as we heard from the medical association and the pediatrics. and that had be here at howard university. okay, why are they so happy? >> because i think that, you know, now we have, well, the health care for you and for the millions of patients that did not have it previously. now they are able to excess the health care that they were not able to take on. >> our crew has been here at the emergency room setting it up today. it has been packed. will the affordable care act help take some of the stress off the emergency department?
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>> not every patient that will come into the emergency room that it had be in the emergency. a lot of the times they are coming in for the routine care that they cannot get because they don't have health insurance. >> and some places you can come when you're sick. and you may and you will be able to get treated. >> so as the primary care doctors, you want to see them before they end up here. what group of patients do you see at your practice that will be impacted the most? >> i think that, you know, the patients that have been impacted the most are those who have been, well, really working for minimum wane and they are not able to get the health insurance. and those people that may have lost their jobs and lose their health insurance had. those are the major patients here that are affected by this law. >> yeah, it is kind of a gap that will be in between those. and they are poor citizens, the working poor here.
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and now they were working previously and then they lost their jobs. a couple of times, you know, you would have a certain care plan for them. they may come another 18 to 2 months later. why didn't you come back? and they would say well, i lost my health insurance so i didn't come back to your office. but in between the times, you knew they needed to have the care to continue that view to treat their high blood pressure and their diabetes. during that time if they were not treated, then, of course, they would be thicker. >> hopefully there are fewer of those cases for you in your future. thank you for your time. >> thanks. >> let's continue about the cost. what is the impact regarding the economy and what will it cost you each month? they asked them the leading economists today. he's back in our studio with the answers to that question. >> hi, anita. >> yes.
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like the debate across america, the economists we spoke to today, they were all over the map. one saying that the health care mandate, they could save you money. the other estimates that they could cost the average family of four more than 100 extra a month and don't get them started on the imabout on our economy. >> reporter: the professor says that his analysis, they will show costs will exceed expectations. hobbling the economy. >> this will make america less competitive. fewer jobs. >> not so says the professor here at george mason. >> overall, you know, the economy will be much stronger because of this. >> reporter: they believe it will mean a healthier work force and improve the gross domestic economy. >> and we will enjoy the better health care for less costs. >> if you are not someone getting a subsidy, you'll need to pay more. >> reporter: they reject that the average family of four will be paying about $1,500 a year or more.
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they disagree. believing that some will actually pay less and most will be about the same. >> and this is, you know, a slowing of the growth of health care costs. maybe it will be the best that you can expect. i would not suggest that the costs will be going down here though. >> and here is the one thing that they could agree on. most people, they will be paying more for the health care in the future. arguing over how much. with the old system increasing their cost, whether or not you would have been paying just as much extra without any mandates. anita? >> all right, thank you for that. and now we'll head pack out to the congressional country club for a look at your weather, which will be hot indeed. hey guys. >> reporter: yeah, it really is. we're looking at temperatures in the mid-90s. by the way, they missed this put on 18, finishing one over par. that's great, but not shooting themselves out of the tournament. we'll start with temperatures in the low to mid-90s. which is really not that bad or crazy hot. we're looking at temperatures downtown, one of the hottest ratings.
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91 in gaithersburg and leesburg and andrews. look at cumberland checking in at 97. so factor in the heat, the temperatures don't change. that will tell us that the humidity is in check. they are not adding to the discomfort. it feels like it is 92 in leesburg and still feels like it is 95 downtown. so your forecast for tomorrow then and for saturday, at&t, it will be hot. 101 tomorrow. a chance for a thunderstorm both morning and afternoon and9 on saturday. the thunderstorm is possible for you, primarily in the afternoon as you mentioned it for the as couple of days. they could be heavy and severe. with the dangerous heat, drink lots and lots of water. get out of the sun when you feel possible. whenever you get out of the sun as quickly as you can and see a bunch of light meals as opposed to one or two big meals. we're under a heat advisory for the entire metro area for friday. that means the heat index could be 105 to 99.
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we'll end up closer to the 105. that's what we'll feel when we go outside and that's what you're looking at for friday. we'll see the heat advisory posted on saturday and sunday as well. and so here is the deal. we are hooking at record highs. probably dulls will fall tomorrow. 101 downtown. that's a possibility. they climbed up there earlier in june. okay, here is the forecast. you could see a thunderstorm of the lows by dawn and then for tomorrow morning, we could see a thunderstorm in the morning. some of you may have a wet commute in the morning. temperatures in the mid-90s by the lunchtime, heating up very fast tomorrow in the morning. and then as we get into the afternoon, it will be super hot. here is your day planner. 97 to 102 with a thunderstorm
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possible in the evening. the next three days, 9 weather alert codes will be going yellow, yellow, and yellow, all right? so now some caution will be required for you between the heat and the chance for the thunderstorms. 101 on friday and saturday. a refreshing 95 on sunday. the next seven days. temperatures in the 90s, but they will be manageable next week. low 90s on tuesday. nats are back in town. we took out the thunderstorms. a nice 4th. that's not bad for you. thursday is a pretty good chance for showers and thunderstorms are about 95. now, they are in the lead for you at 4 under. again, they finished at 1 over. we had a chance, i didn't have a chance, but they had a chance to talk to them about their round earlier today. >> they were able to finish in 1-under par. not necessarily an easy course, but not necessarily as hard as what you might expect. even during the practice round,
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they thought it would be lightning fast. what are your feelings as you're getting off the course today? >> i think that they got the course wherever they needed it at the beginning of the week, keeping it there like in the last couple of days. i think that it will be teetering on the edge of being real firm and fast. it's probably how they wanted it right now. >> for those of us not used to walking around, no shade. give us an idea of what that is like. >> yeah, well i'm lucky. i'll go off tomorrow morning by about noontime, which will be nice. but hopefully i'll make the cut and i won't need to deal with that over the weekend. but you need to drink a lot of water because that will wear you out. >> do you feel your game start to slip as you get very hot? >> yes, if you are not eating enough or drinking enough, you can definitely make some mental errors for sure. so you need to definitely avoid
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that. >> what was that like? you were successful? >> yeah, a great four years. actually, this is a fun week. i'm staying with an old teammate this week. it is fun to catch up with some of the old teammates. >> thank you so much. and still ahead tonight, a new way to see the sites of london right in time for the influx of the tourists for the olympics. and then a little later, the impacts that they will have on small businesses. but first, coke or pepsi? the unexpected edition that you could be getting no matter which soda you choose.
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back now with a consumer alert. so coca-cola and pepsi may not be as soft as you think. a study conducted by the national institute of the consumption shows that the leading cost of the soda brand could contain a trace of alcohol. although that religions like this for the alcohol consumption, the scientific director said that a pair of mosque have deemed it
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acceptable. they were found to have no alcohol inside them. it could mean that they could support that there. it is their largest moon. and they have all been previously discovered on the moon as well. exciting stuff. they opened up to the public today, giving them views of the city for the olympic parks. and that could carry up to 2,500 people as they will soar over the tents, i should say. the london's mayor calls it a must-see destination. from the celebrations to the criticism. >> i will act to repeal obama care. >> reporter: and today, the supreme court ruling on the
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affordable care act is one for the history books. and i'm anita brikman, coming up to you live from a very bustling emergency department here at howard university hospital. today it was hard to tell us about the reporters on the steps of the supreme court. but they were one of the lucky few inside when they handed down one of their most important decisions here in decades. bruce? >> reporter: yeah, anita. the majority of the justices upheld the heart of this bill. the individual mandates that people, they will buy it on the insurance here and forced to buy the insurance or pay a penalty. the majority found that it was constitutional. what was a surprise is the legal reasoning behind that and the justices here that will make up the majority that upheld the affordable care. even


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