tv CBS This Morning CBS June 30, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT
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good morning everyone. i'm terrell brown. eryone. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. here are a few of the stories we'll be looking at on "cbs this morning saturday". breaking news overnight. fierce early summer storms have battered communities from indiana to virginia. falling trees killed at least two people and knock out power to more than 2 million. >> in the west, deadly wildfires are still raging in colorado. two people are dead. 17,000 acres have been burned and nearly 350 homes destroyed. president obama calls exhaustive firefighters genuine heroes. >> maybe it was mission impossible. the five-year marriage of tom cruise and katie holmes appears
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to be over. she's filed for divorce and is asking for sole custody of the 6-year-old daughter sur i. >> we're going deep into the vaults of cbs news for legendary reporter edward r. murrow's rare interview with humphrey bogart and lauren bacall. >> if you want anything, all you have to do is whistle. you know to you whistle, don't you? you just put your lips together and blow. >> all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday," >> all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday," june 30, 2012. captioning funded by cbs good saturday morning to everyone. good morning to you terrell. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. news breaking overnight. katie and tom are over. >> for some reason, i'm a little surprised. >> you're shocked. >> it came out of nowhere. >> we're going to look at where it came from, what katie might be getting in this divorce with
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a big divorce attorney and while the people who broke the story. we want to get to the top story this morning first. the violent storm system that wreaked havoc overnight from the midwest to the east coast. at least two people are dead in virginia. downed power lines combined with yesterday's record setting heat left more than 2 million homes without power. the nation's capital was also hard hit. let's get the latest from cbs washington affiliate wusa in bethesda, maryland with us this morning. good morning to you, topper. >> good morning, rebecca. yeah, we're in bethesda at congressional country club. i took a walk up there a few minutes ago. we have crumpled tents, tree down, tent fairway on the 18th fairway. we have three strewn around me. it's like a war zone. hate to use that term. but i tell you what, travel around the metro area is nearly impossible. we have mature trees down and live wires. you know what, it was a scary night last night. a line of thunderstorms 100 miles from tip to toe rolled through the metro d.c. area
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friday night from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. packing straight-line winds of 50 to 0 miles per hour. the same clump much thunderstorms hit southeastern ohio and west virginia with hurricane-force winds earlier friday evening. the tech mi cal term for this is mesoscale convective system. usually seen in the midwest and not the mid-atlantic. this system of thunderstorms held its shape and intensity from the ohio river to the potomac river into the ocean resorts in coastal delaware and maryland. the intense heat ahead of the storm complex fueled the storms as they raced eastward friday night. over 2 million customers lost power in the d.c. metro area. highs will top out around 100 degrees saturday and in the upper 90s sunday. putting the elder at risk with no power for fans or air conditioning. power company officials won't estimate how long it will take to restore power, but if history it an indication, it may be a matter of weeks and not days. you know what, now, because there's so much debris on all the tracks between here and
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philadelphia, amtrak has canceled service for the time being. so a real mess here in the metro area. perhaps another record high today. terrell? >> topper thank you so much. to the deadly wildfires now in colorado. the worst of them in and around colorado springs. firefighters are searching through what's left of hundreds of homes. two bodies have been found. there are reports of looters breaking into the cars of evacuees. president obama got a firsthand look at the devastation and called the firefighters genuine heroes. anna werner is in colorado springs with more. anna, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. the good news yesterday, the encouraging news is that firefighters now say that the fire is 25% contained. that's the highest number we've heard so far. they've managed to hold it to the same area for the past two days. but as you mentioned, there is now another death, a second report of a death due to this fire. president obama toured scorched neighborhoods friday and offered support. >> one of the things that i've tried to emphasize is that,
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whether it's fires in colorado or flooding in the northern parts of florida, when natural disasters like this hit, america comes together. >> nearly 350 homes have burned in the fire. but the president told firefighters their efforts saved many more. >> i tell you what, those families, you've made a big difference in their lives. >> firefighters have also managed to successfully limit the fire to the same size it's been for the past two days. 17,000 acres. when do you know that you're beginning to get a fire like this under control so to speak? >> i'm halfway home to nevada. actually the sense starts to come when the black line starts to move around the map. 25%, 35%. we start chipping away at that. >> on sunday, evacuees will begin to get a look at what firefighters have been seeing. they'll start touring their burned-out neighborhoods by bus to see what's left.
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but some residents of the cedar heights neighborhood who were evacuated but whose homes did not burn got a chance to reclaim a few possessions friday. tony flores and his two daughters waited hours for ten minutes inside their home to grab a handful of precious items, like 4-year-old olivia's teddy bear. >> happy birthday to you ♪ >> thousands of people have been evacuated here and for them, the nightmares are sort of just beginning as we mentioned. many of them will get bus tours tomorrow. they may not be able to get off the busesment they're going to be toured through the area to see in some cases whether they have a home left. for other people returning, there are issues of how do you get your mail and gas service, all kinds of complications. there's a lot going on here for this community for some time to come. terrell, back to you. >> anna werner in colorado springs this morning. thank you. jorngs remains in jail in florida watding for a judge to
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decide whether he should be let out for a second time. during a bail hearing yesterday, the attorneys for the man accused of killing trayvon martin said zimmerman lied to the court about his finances because he was afraid. bigad shaban is in florida. >> zimmerman's attorneys were hoping their client would be able to take the stand and apologize to the judge directly. when the judge explained that would leave him vulnerable to cross-examination by the prosecution, zimmerman's attorneys backed down and decided to make the case on their own. >> he's no different than anybody else. >> judge lester clearly believes george zimmerman and his wife shellie lied to him at the murder defendant's first bond hearing back in april. shellie zimmerman testified by phone under oath they were broke. hoping for a reduced bond. her husband knew better. but said nothing. >> he should have jumped up and said she's lying. didn't tell you about -- >> i expect a tug on the sleeve. >> even a tug on the sleeve. agree. he should have done something. absolutely.
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and he didn't. >> the zimmermans actually had more than $130,000 in the bank. raised through an online defense fund. in recorded jailhouse phone calls, they even talked in coded language about transferring thousands of dollars. the prosecutor argued zimmerman deserves to stay in jail without bond. >> they implied to the court, they said they were indigent. this defendant just sat there and allowed that to happen. because he quite frankly was manipulating the whole thing. he was using his wife as a conduit to do this. >> zimmerman's attorney argued his client deserved another shot at bond and freedom. marco -- he says he poses no flight risk ordaininger to the community and added his client was confused or afraid rather than intentionally deceptive. >> he didn't tell you the ruth about the money. i am asking not to require that he now spend the next year in
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jail for a crime that now that you have a better flavor for the evidence he may well have an affirmative defense of self-defense for and that he may well never get convicted by a jury of his peers that the state has proven this crime or any crime beyond a reasonable doubt. >> now, o'mara worriries zimmern may have to spend a year in jail because the trial may not be until next spring. the judge is expected to bring down his ruling earth next week. >> we'll bring that to you when we have the information. to the political uproar raging over the supreme court's affirmation of president obama's health care law. republicans say they will win this fight with the ultimate jury, the voters in november. whit johnson has more. >> terrell, good morning to you. on july 11th, house republicans are expected to once again vote to repeal the affordable care act. it's a largely symbolic vote.
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has no chance of passing the senate. it sets the stage for renewed battle over one of the country's most divisive issues. >> no. this has to be ripped out by its roots. >> fired up in an interview for cbs's face the nation, republican house speaker john boehner refused to give the u.s. supreme court the final word on health care. >> we can replace -- when we replace this, we can have a common sense debate about which of the provisions ought to stay and which ought to go. >> boehner's first order of business is to hold another vote to repeal president obama's signature piece of legislation. it's a flashback to early 2011. >> the bill is passed. >> when house republicans attempted the same thing only to be shot down by senate democrats. >> too many americans are still struggling and congress can't afford to waste time refighting old battles. >> with little time to celebrate the court's decision, democrats are already on the defensive. >> politics be dammed. this is what we came here to do. this is the great achievement.
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this is not only making history with this, it's making progress to the american people. >> that argument will have a true test on election day in november. conservative activists like adam brandon, say while the ruling on health care was a setback, they haven't been this energized since the bank bailouts. >> this health care issue is definitely going to be firing up the grassroots base. and probably in a way that's going to be very beneficial to republicans. however, republicans still need to remember, it's not just so much to oppose something. they need to advocate something. >> of course, many kongs conservatives are furious are chief justice john roberts who was the deciding vote. yesterday at a judge's conference he said that he would be traveling in malta for a couple of weeks joking that it's a "i am preg nabl island fortress and may not be a bad place to take a break for a while." terrell. >> whit johnson, thank you so much. as whit reported, the health care law now certain to be a
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central issue in campaign 2012. cbs news political director john dickerson is here with us. >> good morning, terrell. >> governor rah romney's campaign raised 5 -- is this issue going to be a factor heading into the election? >> it is. as you say, it's gotten him all that money. to the extent that conservatives were slow, conservatives were already lining up behind governor romney. but now they're really rushing because they know that only by electing him president that's the only way the affordable care act is going to go away. he solidified his base, he's raising money. so it's good news for him on that front. the question is how much beyond his base he can use this issue. >> does it push independence, john, in his direction? >> that's the really big question. we know from polling that independents were unhappy with and aren't happy with the affordable care act. but does unhappiness with that legislation translate into immediate support for mitt
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romney or is that the single issue those independents or those swing voters really is the most important group to look at, are they going to swing away from the president? that's less clear. we'll see how that plays out and whether mitt romney really prosecutes the case here on health care or kind of mentions it every once in a while. >> let's talk about the penalty for not having health insurance. the president says it should not be considered a tax. conservatives say it's very much a tax. what is it? what's true? >> john roberts declared it to be a tax in order to allow the affordable care act to be uph d upheld. calling it a tax is what allowed it to live. now that it's alive, the house doesn't want to call it a tax at all. president obama was adamant that this is not a tax. but the fact is that republicans are going to say that this is a tax and the complexity here is that the republicans, we heard speaker john boehner, talk about this tax and how he doesn't like
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it. now, mitt romney could do the same thing except that in massachusetts, mitt romney's health care plan had a tax at its center in order to get people to buy insurance. and so it's a mechanism very similar to what's in the affordable care act, which makes it a little trickier for him to criticize the president. >> given that the language now, john, is tax ds and associated with this law, do you expect that democrats in congressional highly contentious congressional districts are going to distance themselves from the law itself? >> that's the key point. so if there's a split on the republican side, there's also a split on the democratic side. there are a lot who were not crowing about the fact that the affordable care act was upheld. they know it's quite unpopular. they're trying to keep their distance. getting stuck with a tax, nobody wants to be called a tax raiser in either party. so there will be a split here among conservative democrats or democrats running in states with a conservative leaning voters. they're going to try to get away from this as fast as possible
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and the white house is trying to get away from it insisting it's a penalty and not a tax. >> john dickerson joining us from washington. john, thank you so much. >> thanks, terrell. the supreme court ruling and the partisan anger could fuel how congress deals with the deadline. it's a double whammy of tax increases on everyone and spending cuts that are massive and some are calling it a fiscal cliff for the government and the economy. so we turn to senator chris coops, he's a democrat from delaware part of a -- >> good morning rebecca. >> how much more difficult does this health care ruling make it to find compromise given how contentious it is and the fallout we're already seeing? >> i'm disappointed that the republican response to the affordable care act being upheld by the supreme court has been to amp up the volume to repeal it. i think instead we should embrace the fact that there are significant improvements to public health, broadened coverage. there are 17 million children who are benefiting from the
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affordable care act. it doesn't allow insurance companies to deny them coverage. one of the biggest drivers of the ongoing financial challenges as a country is the steady, o annual double digit increase in health care costs and the affordable care act could be a part of dealing with our long-term financial costs. it is going to be make it harder, the atmosphere in washington is more partisan than it's ever been. there's a group of us, nearly 30 members of the snat who see the on coming fiscal cliff as a challenge and an opportunity. something we have to work seriously to deal with. >> how close are you to dealing with it? >> we've got a ways to go. we've building off the bowls simpson commission. there was a group of six bipartisan senators who put in place a framework for how we would make a broad bipartisan deal that would cut spending, reform entitlements to say them for the next generation and engage in tax reform that would lower rates, broaden the base by closing loopholes and raise revenue. it's going to be a tough act to get pulled together in time. but after the election when most
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folks expect us to turn to this problem, we're only going to have a few dozen work days to get it done. >> right. >> we need to spend the summer putting in place the pieces of the solution. >> are you prepared to let the tax cuts expire? >> that would be a tough step to take. we may have to do that to get republicans on board. because so many republicans have signed this pledge that they won't ever vote for a tax increase. so if the bush tax cuts expire, the only way perhaps to save the middle class tax cut would be to let them expire and reenact them as a middle class tax cut. >> on the flip side of that, yesterday former fed chair alan greenspan said there is no way to get a deal done on this without some pain. >> that's right. >> that pain is entitlement reform. are you prepared to let certain entitlements as a concession for potentially higher taxes on some, are you prepared to let those expire? >> well, i wouldn't allow medicare and medicaid and social security, which are the broadest most expensive and most popular entitlements expire, but we can
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engage in measured responsible reform that says them for my children for the next generation. >> you wobbling to make cuts in entitlements -- >> we have to be willing to make broad balanced changes to spending, to entitlements and to revenue in order to get a package that can pass and can save the country from an otherwise dramatic fiscal cliff. >> senator, thanks for being with us this morning. a look at some of the other news. eight federal air marshals have been fired for allegedly drinking on a training day. six others were suspended for not reporting the incident. none of the marshals was scheduled for flight duty the day they were caught but employees are not permitted to drink while on the job. all but one. air marshals can appeal the ruling. cycling champion lance armstrong has been formally charged with doping. the u.s. anti-doping agency has accused him of using performance enhancing drugs since 1998. armstrong has often denied doping accusations and his
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attorney called the charges baseless. but if an ash frags panel decides he is guilty, armstrong could be stripped of his titles. fls good financial news on this last day of june. wall street closed out the rocky first half of 2012 in the black. the dow industrials are up nearly 5.5% for the year so far following the jump yesterday. investors were cheered by news that european leaders have a plan to rescue their struggling banks. >> oh, they have a plan? >> and we do too. >> we're all working on that plan day by day terrell. >> 19 past the hour. lonnie quinn with a first check of the weather. >> guys, we have so many weather stories taking place. what i want to do, walk over to the big screen. explain some of them for you as best i can. a low pressure system around the dakotas. this low pressure system has a spider web of fronts spreading out from it. one of the fronts from, say, the ohio valley through the mid-atlantic. it's a stationary front. it's not going anywhere. when you heat that up today with
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a lot of sunshine, you're going to trigger some showers and storms, some of which could be on the severe side. for places like d.c., the strongest storms take place during the heating of the day in the afternoon, not like last night. south of this area, fthere's a high pressure system. it's sucking up air over the blue ridge mountains, over the smoky mountains and on the backside, it sinks down. that's why you get the really high temperatures. memphis, atlanta, 95 to 100. some of you will feel like 110. yesterday nashville hit 109. wouldn't be surprised to hit that again. head to miami where it's 89 to escape that. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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and happy saturday to you. rebecca, over to you. >> happy saturday, lonnie. thanks so much. the global impact of the internet is hard to exaggerate. what happened to karen cline is really astonishing. thanks to a viral video, cline went from being a bullied school bus monitor to a celebrity with a well-filled bank account. >> we know she's been making the rounds on national tv including this broadcast last saturday. the kids who bullied her are paying a high price as we report. >> this scene on a school bus in greece, new york, has gone from a you-tube sensation to a worldwide phenomenon. >> now the children who cruelly teased 68-year-old bus monitor karen cline have learned that being a bully has a very steep price. the four students have been suspended from their middle school for a year. plus, they have to do some 50 hours of community service with senior citizens.
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>> there's nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. >> in addition, each student will be required to complete a program in bullying prevention, respect and responsibility. because the school district is required to provide an education for aulg children between the anls of five and 15, the four will be sent to a special facility called the district reengagement center. while the students who taunted her are being taught a lesson, so is karen cline. that the kind people in the world outnumber the cruel. >> they might want -- >> when the suspension is over, karen cline is more likely to be in a bmw nan a bus. a fund set up with the modest goal of sending her on a vacation reached a tote afl $676,000. no word on whether she's going back to work as a bus monitor this fall. but karen says she never wanted her tormentors to be prosecuted. for "cbs this morning saturday," i'm david broud i in new york. she deserves it. i get mad every time i see that
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video. >> it's easy to get angry when you see children behaving that way. coming up next, have you seen the story. two alleged thieves, they have been caught after stalking a couple for 200 miles. the question is, they took some jewels about 300,000 worth of them. where are they? we're going to speak with the man and the woman trying to recover all of that jewelry. try to get to the bottom of this. a serious wakeup call on the risks of not getting enough sleep. boy, do i know all too well. we are taking a visit to a sleep clinic with very surprising results. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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you were up all night thinking about this story, weren't you? >> it kept me up. i can't get past it. >> looks like the end of the line is close for tomcat. katie holmes divorcing tom cruise after five years. >> it seems longer. >> it's felt like a while. they've been in the headlines and the spotlight. katie holmes is divorcing him. supposedly he was blind sided by this. we're going to talk to people magazine. >> we're going to talk to people magazine and figure out why this
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it is getting better all the time, isn't it? >> it is. got to look forward to something. >> welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." it's getting better here. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm terrell brown. a jewelry heist leaves a couple devastated. we're supposed to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night. how many do you get? >> three or four. >> i'm on the four to five routine. most of us don't get that much sleep. part three of our series on sleep looks at how not getting enough shut eye can hurt you physically and mentally and impact your reading skills, which i've been noticing lately. i don't read as well when i don't sleep. >> i agree.
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the agony of -- behind the headlines coming up. we like this segment. also first, our hollywood super couple tom cruise and katie holmes calling it quits. holmes filed the divorce papers while her husband was in iceland filming a movie. this is tom cruise's third marriage and an odd coincidence. all three marriages ended when each of his wives turned 33 years old. here's the report. >> in a world of larger than life celebrity marriages, none were subject to more tabloid fascination than that of tom cruise and katie holmes, married in 2006, the couple raised one child, a 6-year-old now. holmes is reportedly asking for sole custody. the romance began as cruise's career was hitting a rocky patch with his couch jumping episode. while holmes was mostly known as the teen starve the tv drama dawson's creek. now gossip websites are reporting holmes is asking for the divorce to get out of her famous husband's shadow and
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further her acting career. cruise has been down this road twice before. he was divorced from oscar winner nicole kid man after ten years of marriage and three-year union with mimi rogers ended. it was only a time before this too came to an end. entertainment tonight disagrees. she spent time with cruise on the set of his latest film two weeks ago and they talked about his marriage. >> there was nothing but love that i felt from his end. so it is a little concerning and it is shocking. because there's an argument there that he was blind sided by this divorce. ♪ >> some saw signs of trouble when holmes was absent during the publicity tour during cruise's recent movie rock of ages. but the actor turns 50 on tuesday gave nothing away. >> when i asked him at the age of 50, what's your greatest achievement, he said my marriage and my family. >> for "cbs this morning saturday," los angeles. and joining us now is julie
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dancing. assistant editor of people. people was the first to break the tom and kate divorce story and also with us is divorce attorney raulfelder. whose clients included rudy giuliani and mike tyson. great to have you with us. what happened here, julie? >> i mean, this is a bombshell. it's one of the biggest marriages in hollywood breaking up in the middle of summer when just a couple weeks ago, tom cruise was talking about how wonderful his marriage was and his life was. >> it seems like tom cruise had no idea that this was coming. it was katie who made the move, right? >> katie filed for divorce in new york and from how it went down, it certainly seems that tom was blind sided. >> raul, from a legal standpoint, what's the significance of five years? >> no significance. they have a pre-nup tal agreement. probably the money increased as the years go by. it was a dead marriage at some point. he wanted to cut his losses. that's what happened. >> it's being reported that katie maybe wanted to step out of tom's shadow or vice versa. do you see that happening in
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these situations? >> sure. everybody is watching the thing has to believe that this has been dead for quite some time. this is an interment. not a death. this marriage has died some time back. >> i want to ask you about the $3 million figure. because there have been reports that maybe katie could walk away with $3 million for every year she was in the marriage. >> possible. not unusual in prenuptial agreements that for every year you stick it out, you get so much more. the real question arises, why does she pick new york to sue for divorce. the only sensible reason i can think is we have a strong privacy law. files are sealed by law. you go to california, anybody has nothing do in the afternoon can go look at the court file. >> does katie holmes have a big acting c'eira head? is she going to be okay as independent katie? >> i think she whants to find out. she has been going back into acting recently. that's part of the reason they've been apart more recently. tom talked about always wanting to be together. he's been on his film sets and
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she's been working on films as well. >> how hard is it going to be for katie to get sole custody of s uri. >> i would imagine -- test all over america is the same. best interest of the child. he would have a tough job if he had custody. a lot of people think scientology is a cult, not a religion. jumping on oprah's couch doesn't indicate a stable personality. i think she'll do okay. >> a seesaw time in tom cruise's career, could this have come at a worse time for him? >> he's turning 50 as you know and his wife files for divorce. rock of ages didn't do quite as well as people expected. he's still one of the biggest movie stars in the world. tom, i think, will be okay. >> all right, julie and raul, thanks so much guys. now we turn to lonnie quinn with another check of the weather. >> good morning to you and good morning everybody. let's look at something called a surface analysis map. all this is, is it's showing you where the elements in our
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atmosphere are right now for your day today. out around colorado, there's nothing on the map. there's a big old high pressure system there giving you nothing. there will be no clouds. there will be no rain to help out with the wildfires. the rain is going to be stretching from the ohio valley into the mid-atlantic states. take a look at this. last night west virginia to washington, d.c. just rocked by strong thunderstorms. well, today's storms will take place primarily in the afternoon. all because of the heating of the day. chicago, charleston, washington, d.c., again, the possibility for some severe storms during your afternoon. that situation out west, around colorado where i said there's not a cloud overhead, it's because high pressure is in control and it's giving colorado, utah, wyoming, i'm talking a huge block of area there. nothing but sunshine soaring temperatures. the only good thing i will say about the situation with the wildfires, the pressure gradient, the winds not as strong today. about 20 miles per hour versus 40, 50 miles per hour winds that they've had out there. that's a quick look at one portion of the country. here's a closer look at the
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weather for your weekend. everybody make it a great day. terrell, over to you. >> lonnie, thank you so much. a couple is stalked more than 200 miles and then robbed of more than $300,000 worth of jewelry. we're going to talk to them about what police are doing to recover their stolen merchandise. that's next on "cbs this morning saturday." hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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a jewelry designing couple here in new york is trying to recover from a devastating loss. back in march, two thieves allegedly followed them for more than 200 miles, broke into their van and stole everything. the suspects were arrested last week. but so far none of the stolen jewelry has been recovered. seth doane has the story. >> two men allegedly tailed this woman and her fiance more than 200 miles through toll plazas and rest stops from a boston hotel to this storage facility in midtown manhattan. that's where the police say they parked, got out of their minivan and entered the warehouse. when they returned 20 minutes later, the van's windows were smashed and 140 pieces of handmade jewelry missing. police have yet to recover any of the stolen jewelry valued at approximately $300,000. criminal activity accounted for $85 million in losses for jewelers in 2011.
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aside from retail stores, jewelry thieves targeted parking lots more than any other location last year. her business may never recover from the break-in. her insurance policy specifically states that it does not cover items left in an unattended vehicle. seth doane, cbs news, new york. and joining us now to help us get to the bottom of this are john speaks and cake owe meta. good morning to you. >> john, we were speaking and you said there are about 200 booths at this fair that you attended prior to the robbery. 50 of them were jewelry booths. what do you think it is about yours that caught these thieves' attention? >> i think that the fact that we had 18 carat gold. it was very shiny and very expensive, obviously. and clearly, they were looking for something that they could fence or melt down very quickly. so i think they targeted us. >> you spend sunday night in boston and boston back to new
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york. at some point did you realize that someone was maybe following you? >> well, we didn't know anything, but we found out, we where our jewelry was stolen and thinking back, oh, maybe that guy was a little bit suspicious in the show or, you know, he was told me he was kind of see something or car kind of following him. but we didn't know anything about that time. >> retrospectively you think about this car who was following you and this person taking pictures of you that turns out to not be the individual who was the photographer for the event. >> that's correct. the photographer that she saw taking our picture at the boston show was not the same photographer that the show had hired to actually take pictures of the show for publicity purposes. >> you get back to new york and you drop off your display cases, someone asks why in the world would you leave $300,000 worth
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of jewelry in a car that's not being looked after. >> the story -- it's supposed to be secure site. it was 3:00 afternoon. also in a surveillance camera is over the parking lot. and also the office worker look over the parking -- >> we were parked at the loading docks at the storage facility between two other vehicles. and the loading docks are under video surveillance and their office has big wide windows that overlook the loading docks as well. they have a member of their staff with regular security routes. we parked there many times before loading our material into the storage facility. hadn't had a problem. >> john, did you know you weren't insured for this jewelry? >> not at the time. not until we got back and looked over the contract. >> all right.
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thank you so much. we appreciate you sharing your story with us. >> thank you. coming up next, we're analyzing sleep. >> it ain't happening here. >> terrell actually gets sleep because he took a test. he discovered two disturbing things that could make it harder for everyone to close their eyes and his. that when "cbs this morning saturday" returns. >> terrell exposed. what makes hershey's s'mores special?
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[ female announcer ] real fruit... means real fruit smoothies from mccafé. real delicious and made just for you. ♪ real delicious and made just for you. mornings are a special time for the two of you...) and now you can make them even more special... with new fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein rich entrées... with garden veggies and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. new fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love.
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♪ sure wish i could close mine. this morning's "healthwatch," part three of our series on sleep. a new report stresses the importace of getting a good night's sleep. it could help prevent stroke, overeating and depression. i recently visited a sleep clinic here and let me tell you what i found out about my sleep was shocking. for a nation always online and on the go, getting a good night's sleep can be a person's worst nightmare. >> it certainly appears that we are a sleep-deprived nation. >> a worldwide conference of
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sleep professionals this month issued a serious wakeup call on the risks associated with a lack of sleep. a series of studies revealed that less than six hours of sleep significantly increases the risk of stroke in a healthy person. sleep deprivation makes unhealthy food seem more enticing and sleep can even affect professional athletes, players who sleep more were shown to have longer careers after being drafted. from athletes. >> good morning everybody. good to be with you. >> i'm terrell brown, to anchors. working in the news business presents its own serious sleep hazards. dr. david runs a sleep clinic in new york. >> describe to me your typical sleep history, if you will. >> most recently, it's been sleeping during the day because i'm up working all night. >> for nearly three years, i've spent time anchoring the overnight broadcast of cbs news, clocking in at 8:00 p.m. punching out at 5:00 a.m. >> how many hours of sleep would you typically get, whether in the day or the night? >> it all depends.
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i think solid sleep where i actually feel like i went to sleep, three or four hours. and then i'm laying in bed trying to get the other three or four after that. it's just not happening. >> after an examination, dr. voel by gave me a take-home sleep test. even in the dark i have a nightly problem. just getting to sleep. >> i've been up for about 22 hours now. now, finally i get into bed and i can't go to sleep. >> i eventually got about four hours. far from the seven recommended. but some sleep experts believe how long you sleep may not matter most. >> as far as how much of it we need, the answer is no, we don't really know. clinically, what we've learned is that the best marker of how much sleep you need is how you feel literally. >> and ask for how i sleep. >> the results actually were a little surprising. when you sleep, you're not
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really getting quality sleep. you have mild sleep apnea. >> i was assured i'm physically okay. it's my lifestyle that's affecting my sleep. but there was one last observation, a bit harder to hear. and it was a shocker. >> the other thing this shows is that 13.4% of the time you were sleeping, you snore. >> i snore? >> yes. >> you're a snorer. >> who wants that guy in the bedroom who snores? >> i was worried for you terrell. the snoring thing, that's not a big deal. i thought we were going to learn something terrible. >> here's the deal. some things i was doing i'm not supposed to do to put myself to sleep. do you eat before you go to bed? >> i try to eat a long time before i go to bed. >> not a good idea. don't drink alcohol. >> what about the iphone in the bed? >> you know, they say it's best
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left somewhere else. >> all right. terrell, i'm glad you put yourself on the line for the show. >> any time. >> huge step. coming up next, a deep seed sea dream comes true. that coming up when "cbs this morning saturday" returns. cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by beauty rest. living life fully charged. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop our family-owned company makes daisy...
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with 100% natural farm-fresh cream. no artificial ingredients. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ better with a dollop here ♪ fresher with a dollop there ♪ ♪ wholesome in every way ♪ daisy, do a dollop ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop it's your teenager's first varsity game. it isn't just your annual exam. it's your daughter's wedding. did you know with your health insurance you may now have some preventive benefits with no co-pays or out-of-pocket costs? it isn't just your cholesterol screening. it's all the tomorrows you're looking forward to. learn more at it's all the tomorrows you're looking forward to. welcome to summer road trip, huh? as the hotel experts, finding you the perfect place is all we do.
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here we go. time for a look behind the headlines at a few stories you may have missed this week. would-be burglar gets head stuck under garage door. major fail. it wasn't enough. he was stuck there for nine hours until the store manager opened it up. he is okay. he claimed he was there to fix the door. the police not quite buying it. >> whoops. anti-cheating ring leads an
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i'm married i am print on finger. the new rings are causing a buzz on the internet. they cause $550. as one twitter critic puts it, it stops guys from cheating only with women who can read. >> my husband doesn't need one of those. >> huh-uh. sailor's delight. florida training camp for wannabe mermaids. it's a school for sea good he is. there's ariel. the camp leader says for 350 bucks, he can transform any woman into a siren of the deep. it's home to just nine people. >> nine people. how many of them are working on this project? >> all of them probably. >> it takes a village to raise a mermaid. >> i would drown trying to do that. just saying. >> you well then you shouldn't do it. >> i wouldn't be a mermaid anyway. >> merriman. >> what are the odds. a photo finish but only one can go to the olympics. wait until you hear the odd way they could break the tie this afternoon. talk to three-time gold medalist jackie joyner-kersee next.
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♪ hot air balloons in chicago. >> looks good, too. >> pretty cool. welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm terrell brown. coming up, two u.s. sprinters finished in a dead heat last week. only one can go to the olympics in london. this is unbelievable. today they're going to break that tie. we'll talk to jackie join joyner-kersee about the unusual way it could be resolved. >> could you imagine this. we're hoping it will not be. we'll talk to her about it. then the truth is out there. a real life mulder and skull i will tell us about their high tech search for alien life on this planet. >> 50 years ago, cbs news made
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history with a groundbreaking series called person to person hosted by edward r. murrow. we'll break open the vault this morning for a rare interview with humphrey bogart and lauren bacall. >> this is incredible footage. up don't want to miss it. first, we want to turn to the top story this half hour. in syria, the army has regained control of a rebellious damascus suburb after ten days of fighting. at the same time talks are under way in geneva switzerland to find an end to a syrian civil war. elizabeth palmer is following the story from our london bureau. she joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. well, there is certainly agreement that the war should end. but no consensus on how. the u.s., europe and turkey all think that a solution begins with the forced departure of president bashar al assad. his top officials. russia and china just don't agree. if there was diplomatic tension over a solution for syria, the
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u.s. secretary of state wasn't letting it show as she arrived at the area. britain's foreign secretary, william hague was blunt. >> we haven't reached an agreement in advance with russia and china. that remains very difficult. i don't know whether it will be possible to do so. and in the interest of saving thousands of lives. >> the civil war in syria has now killed 14,000 people. and it's getting more violent as the numbers of rebel fighters grow. known as the free syrian army, these men are getting better armed and better trained to fight syrian government troops who for their part continue to rain rockets and missiles into villages and towns across the country. syrian president bashar al assad made a rare appearance last week on iranian television where he denied that foreign pressure would influence his handle of the war. in geneva, delegates don't
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believe it. they think russia, by lavrov, could convince assad to step down and hand over to a government of reconciliation. but that is only if russia wanted to. something that has so far looked like a long shot. now, we're hoping in the next few minutes that there will be some sort of a statement out of geneva that could indicate that russia is willing to change its position and that would result, everybody hopes, in a united plan on where we go from here. rebecca in. >> elizabeth palmer in london. thank you. in other headlines this morning. severe weather stretching from indiana to the mid-atlantic states left two people dead overnight. more than 2 million without electricity. the storms partly generated by yestrday's record heat brought hurricane-force wind gusts of up to 70 miles per hour toppling trees and knocking down power lines, amtrak service between philadelphia and washington was knocked out. president obama is using his weekly radio address to praise the coordinated government
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response to the deadly wildfires in colorado. mr. obama visited colorado springs yesterday. he declared it a major disaster and promised federal aid. at least two deaths are blamed on the fire, which have destroyed more than 350 homes. firefighters say they now have it about 20% contained. >> sheldon emmel son, one of the richest men is making another big campaign donation aimed at defeats president obama's reelection effort. he's contributed $10 million already to a super political action committee that backs republican mitt romney. at ellison is donating another $10 million to the campaign activity was the coke brothers. this is a historic day in egypt. mohamed morsi backed by the muslim brotherhood was sworn in the country. he took the oath of office in egypt's supreme constitutional court building. but yesterday he took a symbolic oath in public before thousands of supporters packed into
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cairo's tahrir square. >> it is au revoir to foie gras. they have been filling california restaurants for a final feast. starting tomorrow, the state is the first in the nation to ban the sale and production of foie gras. the forced feeding process is cruel they say. all right. >> are you a fan of that? >> we're a big fan of lonnie quinn. five minutes after the hour, he joins us now with the weather. >> learn everything you can from her. >> fabulous. >> that's how you do it. i'm doing fine, terrell. rebecca, good morning. not a big fan of the foie gras. let's get to the surface maps. you're going to find eye lot of clear air over the four corners. the deep south also. lot of clear sky out there. there's a problem. pumping in big time heat. high pressure off the eastern seaboard pulls in the heat. on top of places like albuquerque makes it real hot out there today. albuquerque, you'll hit 100 degrees.
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that's not as out of the ordinary as atlanta, georgia hitting 104. nashville, 108. coolest spot, seattle at 71 and the lower 48. take a look at what we've got tore anchorage, alaska. there will be raindrops. but that's where you can escape the heat. 61 degrees for my friends in anchorage. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. this weather segment sponsored by macy's. all right. that's going to do it for weather. make a a great day. now over to my buddy terrell. i have a keen interest in this story. it's a highly unusual
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decision that must be made to determine a slot on the u.s. olympic team. tarmoh and felix finished in a dead heat tied for third in the 100 meter sprint. a coin toss or a compromise worthy of king solomon to decide the winner. >> they have to compete in a 200 meter race first. joining me is three time medalist jackie joyner-kersee. she's also on the board of directors for usa track and field jackie's husband, bob ker see, he coaches both of them. great to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> you have spent your entire life in this field. have you ever seen anything like it? >> no, i have never seen anything like this. but i do understand from an athlete perspective that it's very important that these two young ladies get through the finals of the 200 meters today and then from there, they would come together and decide if it's going to be a runoff or a flip of a coin.
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>> jackie, it's not just sheer competition here. these two women are friends allyson generals jeneba to skroin her team. what is this like for them? >> you know, it's really -- it's tough. i know it's not only touf for them, but it's tough for bobby who coaches both of them. the most important thing is making sure that these athletes are considered first and considered their health because running at top speed, running the 200 meters today's final and then trying to come back the following day to try to do a runoff or -- it's extremely tough on the athlete. with both of them being friends, being coached by bob kersee. i know boibby and the girls, they're going to do what's in the best interests of both athletes. >> what do you think would be in the best interests of both athletes here? >> what i think would be in the
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best interests of both athletes is one, is for them to get through the 200 meter finals and that's today. and then to allow their body to rest and then for the two athletes to come together and for them to decide if it's going to be a runoff, let it be a runoff off their terms. because the one thing about our olympic trials, they're extremely difficult. these athletes are in the best shape of their life and they're peaking at the right time. after they run this 200-meter race, their body needs to rest and then if it's going to be a runoff, then do a runoff. >> everyone is asking, jackie, what if this thing actually comes down to the flip of a coin. how fair is that? do you think it will happen? >> well, i'm hoping it doesn't come down to a flip of a coin because you only get one shot at this. the olympics only come around every four years. it's unfortunate to be in this situation, but this is reality tv at best. and this is what we have to deal with and -- i think the most
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important thing is for these two young ladies to get through today. they have the 200 meter final. let them get through that race and then let's decide what we're going to do next. >> you're on the board of usa track and field. how do you think they're handling this? >> you know what, usa track and field has always put the athletes first. that's the most important thing. going to both allyson and jeneba and also including bob kersee their coach and trying to figure out what's best. bobby knows how he trains them, he knows that he trained them to run fast, fast, fast. but we also know they have a final and it's not advantageous for them to run at top speed the following day because you only have a short window before the olympic games and i think usa track and field has done a great pwe protect the athletes.e that what is in the best interests of the athlete. >> jackie, going to put you on the spot with the last 15
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seconds that we have. what do you think will happen? how is this going to end? >> what i think is going to happen, once they get through the finals, allow their bodies to recover, looking like a 48-hour window and then maybe there's going to be a runoff. but you know what, let's wait and see. >> all right. >> we'll be waiting on pins and needles. >> jackie joyner-kersee joining us this morning. thank you so much. coming up next on a saturday morning from roswell to mysterious lights in the sky. >> doesn't it look like there's a light on the horizon right there? >> it's blinking. look, look, look. it's going in and out, in and out. >> what is that? we'll talk to a team of ufo chasers looking to see if aliens have already landed. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ female announcer ] the coffee house.
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it is probably one of those questions that most of us have asked at one time or another. are we alone in the universe? according to a new poll, more than 80 million americans believe in aliens and one in ten claims to have seen a ufo. i just saw one. >> one in ten. >> so the national geographic channel put together a team to see if the truth really is out there and it's for a new series called "chasing ufos." take a look. >> a man named ruiz captured something in the sky above his neighbor's house. it looks like a saucer in the sky. >> almost. >> very rarely do you have video footage with broad daylight, you have points of reference, you have something clearly in focus. this gives us a lot to go on. i'm very much looking forward to meeting this guy and finding out more. >> we want to meet this guy. joining us now are team leader james fox, one of the nation's top ufo experts, and erin rider, in charge of tech and recon for the series. >> good morning.
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>> a ufologist, is that the actual -- >> that's what they say. >> i guess i'm commonly referred to as the ufologist. >> speaking of which james, you used to be a skeptic and now you believe ufos exist. what made you change your mind? >> the preponderance of evidence. when you have generals and faa officials and astronauts and colonels and pilots and radar operators all telling you hey, these things are real, at some point you go, hey, how much longer can i deny their credibility or discounting what they're saying? so it's preponderance of evidence both military and civilian from around the world. >> you're not just saying that because you have a tv show? >> no, i'm not. i'm dead serious. i'm absolutely dead serious. i was doing this for free before i got involved with national geographic for nearly 20 years. >> you shake your head in agreement ryder. why, if these things are real would the u.s. government be trying to cover all of this up? >> well, trying isn't something i guess that we think that
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they're doing. i think it's just it's out of need. it would cause hysteria if the public knew all that was actually going on. >> if 80 million people already believe they exist. >> here's the thing. i've asked this question to astronauts -- i really have. i want to know. why would anyone want to cover this up. this could be the greatest discovery of our time. look at it from a standpoint of a governing body. to have to admit there are objects of unknown origin whizzing around in airspace. they fly rings around our jets and they are hostile, not saying they are, if they're hostile, we have no advice i believe means of defense against them and no military body wants to disclose that. >> let's say they are real. where are they coming from? what's going on in. >> you're forcing me to speculate. but i've heard several hypothesis. i've heard interplanetary. i've heard interdimensional and i know this sounds crazy, but
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i'm just telling you, or from -- apparent le -- or all above. through the process of ee limb nation, it's determined that it's not us. russia, chinese, japanese, it's the french. all of them had said it's not us. so the only other possibility is -- >> ryder, we have this video that you taped for the show over texas, i guess, where you're seeing a ufo. i think people can see it. we have some of the footage. what did you think you saw that night? what is this video of? >> it's still undetermined to me. i mean, to me it's unidentified. it was shocking that i actually captured it. it was something i was following a plane route thinking potentially that this was what these people in the town were thinking was a ufo was misidentification and then i captured that. it wasn't something i was planning on shooting. it just happened. it's compelling. >> what do you guys define as a
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ufo? some people would say, i always see that blinking light in the sky. what is a ufo? >> no wings, no tail, ability to hover and accelerated from a standstill to out of sight in the blink of an eye without any sound or air disturbance or any sonic boom. >> and you have seen this? >> military and government officials around the world have documented cases. they've been photographed, visual contact, picked up on radar. i myself, we don't immediate to go into that. a long time ago which triggered an experience with something of more ambiguous but piqued my curiosity. that changed you? >> my meeting with the military guys changed that. they're nuts and bolts kind of people not looking for attention. >> it's piqued my interest. i want to know more. we'll have to see. thanks for joining us this morning. appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. you can see chasing ufos on friday nights on the national geographic channel. coming up next, new york in the roar ago '20s.
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laura moriarty talks about the chaperone. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ male announcer ] it's avocado season, only at subway. add some flavor to your morning routine. build your better breakfast. give it an avocado kick. [ male announcer ] kick up your morning. try a fresh toasted bacon, egg & cheese with the rich, smooth superfood, avocado. subway. build your better breakfast. [ male announcer ] here's your shot to win a free movie ticket to disney pixar's brave! find codes in each royally delish subway fresh fit for kids meal. one in five wins! drop in to subway today. subway. eat fresh.
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♪ the music is very apropos of our next segment this morning. our summer book club is looking at a novel that seems to be at the top of everybody's must read list. laurie moriarty's book, the chaperone is about her fictional chaperone cora carlisle. laura, it's great to have you live in studio this morning. >> thank you so much. i'm glad to be here. >> what attracted you to louise? this is your fourth novel. >> yes, yes. i have always found her fascinating. she was a, of course, so beautiful. she was also very smart, she was witty. she was condescending and arrogant.
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you know, she was one of the huge film stars of the '20s and then she just fell out. she wasn't in any films for a while. the rumor put out about her was that she didn't have the voice to transition to sound. but that wasn't true. what it actually was is she was difficult. she was hard to work with. >> she was a diva. >> she was very much a diva. she was. and then i learned that in 1922 she really did leave for new york at the age of 15 with a chaperone. i thought, that poor woman. >> the chaperone, in your book, is cora carlisle. >> exactly. i decided to invent her. there's not much to know about the real chaperone. louise quickly became famous at a young age. louise brooks was the first woman to dance the charleston in london. when she was 18 years old. that's how wild she was. but the chaperone was lost in history. i decided to invent her and follow them to new york together. >> the irony talking about how wild it was that she would dance
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like that at 18 years old, big disparity between then and now. i love the way that you depict the 1920s and what was going on in new york on broadway. >> right. >> so much was happening. you know, shuffle along was the first all-american broadway show. so they go to see that. i mean, it was a really nice summer. so much was happening for women at that time. hem lines were rising so quickly. women were bobbing their hair. women had gotten the right to vote. it was an exciting time for women and the country. i was interested in knowing how a 36-year-old woman in 1922 would have come of age at such a different time with different values. she would have been wearing a corset and long dress. here's louise dressed completely differently and having completely different understanding of social conventions of the time. >> what surprised you the most in your research for this book? >> what surprised me? louise is very surprising. i think what's interesting about her and one of the reasons.
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i think she as fascinating as she was as a young woman and that's when we know her, she was a pretty fascinating old woman too. i really like to see the growth of her character and i hope i matched with the growth of my invented protagonist cora. >> you did a tremendous job. i hear it might be making its way to the big screen. >> yes. >> what can you tell us? >> i was so excited to hear this. elizabeth mcgovern who is one of my favorite actors. she read the audio and she does a wonderful job reading the book and decided to option the film rights. >> when might we see it on the big screen? >> i don't know yet. it will be a while. it will be a few years. i think she'd do a wonderful job. >> laura moriarty. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> have a great weekend. still ahead, the highway to good eats. peter greenberg has five of the best food stops just off america's interstate. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday".
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that's a gorgeous picture of seattle. >> it was. a nice song to go along with it. >> sunshine there too. welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> good morning everyone. i'm terrell brown. if you're hitting the road, don't settle for the fast food. peter greenberg will show you amazing local restaurants right off the highway that are well worth the trip. >> plus, humphrey bogart and lauren bacall had it all, amazing careers and each other. this morning, we open up the cbs news vault for a very special interview. they did it with legendary journalist edward r. murrow and this is an incredible one. just getting to see this
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footage, it's totally opens your eyes to eye different universe. >> it is raw and honest and compelling. i love this. a special fourth of july celebration with celebrity chef richard blais. he's going patriotic with a star-spangled surf and turf dish. for dessert, a red develop vert tartar. we get to eat. i love it. >> love it. >> all coming up. first over to lonnie for a final check of the weather. >> another thing we love. >> i love a chef who loves his own cooking. looks great over there. fantastic. guys, you know what, i got to tell you, after tomorrow we kick off the month of july. did you know that july is national horseradish month. did you know that. >> i like horseradish. >> it's a member of the mustard family. the heat associated with it is only released when you grind it. let's talk about the heat. the deep south is going to be experiencing big time heat. how i can do a transition from horseradish to heat boggles my mind. memphis, atlanta, richmond, temperatures today 95 to 100 if
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not 105. some of you feel like 110-plus. thon date, which is june 3rd, 2012, the zip date where the city's zip coat matches the date. barn heart, missouri. a hot 103 degrees. that's a quick look at the national forecast. here's a quick look at the weather for your weekend. all right. we're going to continuing our coverage to roswell, wear they're hosting the festival. there's an alien costume contest and the ever popular alien chase. we want to thank everybody for watching at krqe, news 13. all right. guys, that does it for weather
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today. it's a hot one in all parts of the country. roswell, 102 today. rebecca, terrell, over to you. >> i took a road trip this summer. one of my favorite things to do as a kidment what about the dreaded common fast food stops. >> peter greenberg, author of the best place for everything joins us with his top picks along the great highways of america for interstates eats. peter good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's take a road trip. you'll be the driver. >> meridian, mississippi, interstate 59. 20 miles there from the alabama border. pull over at webman's restaurant. why? >> this has been going on since 1870. i-59. i discovered it on the southern crescent. the amtrak train. i saw all these people running off the train going for the black bottom pie. this train actually makes a stop there for the pie. and they all run back on the train with as many pies as they can get and then by the time you get to the next station, it's gone. >> i'm on that train. >> this stuff is great.
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it's got unbelievable bourbon flavored filling, it's crunched ginger snaps and chocolate. it's a legend. it is a legend. >> you also recommend a sushi pizza stop right off of interstate 84 in pennsylvania. which was a shock to me. >> it's a shock to most people until they actually have it. it's a hotel in milford, pennsylvania next to the pennsylvania/delaware bored oar. i'm telling you, it's unbelievable. they start with a rice tempura bottom. and mahi tuna, a spicy sauce on top. everybody who ever has it comes back to me and goes, okay, you were right. but you got to get in there first. it's a beautiful restored hotel. you go to the bar downstairs and order it. that's the only thing to order, is the sushi pizza. >> the next stop in midland michigan, sits between the thumb and the finger of the michigan mitten. you recommend people visit bone daddy's barbecue. the name says it all. >> this is northern-style barbecue. he cuts his own wood, it's cherry and sugar maple. he cures it himself and smokes
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the ribs for five hours before coating it with a very special tomato-like sauce. it's unbelievable. >> finger looking good. >> you said. hash house a go go. >> you like that name? >> yes. >> it's one of the few places in las vegas that's not open 24 hours day a. it opens at 7:30 in the morning. you want to be there for that hash. it's the traditional corned beef hash. they have smoked salmon hash. >> can i do it vegetarian? >> they even do that and they even do great meatloaf. that's the way to go. >> to wrap it up, deep part of texas, austin to be exact. short way off interstate 35, lucky j's chicken and waffles. >> another great name. yes, it's about the chicken and also about the waffles. just like the hash house in vegas, the portions are humongous. if you order the grandma andy, that's the name of this waffle, peanut butter banana, nutella, honey and maybe they throw in a
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stretcher to get you out. >> have one on stand by. >> this is great road food. its where the locals go and you need to go. >> peter greenberg, thank you so much. >> okay. coming up next, we take a look at the vault of cbs news edward r. murrow interviews bogey and bacall. >> when i first came out here to howard hawks, howard told me that he would like me to appear in my first picture opposite humphrey bogart or carry grant. cary grant was heaven to me and bogart was horror. i was convinced that bogart was strictly a december, dem and dose. that is next. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." it can be to breathe ard and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free.
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it might just make you feel like a kid again. [ both laugh ] choosy moms never stop choosing jif. [ female announcer ] new aveeno skin strengthening body cream helps transform dry, thinning skin, by strengthening its moisture barrier, for improved texture and elasticity in 2 weeks. reveal healthy, supple skin. aveeno skin strengthening. [ female announcer ] real fruit... means real fruit smoothies from mccafé.
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real delicious and made just for you. ♪ ♪ this morning we begin a new segment from the vault and it will feature of groundbreaking cbs news series "person to person." the show was hosted by legendary newsman edward r. murrow from 1953 to 1959. we begin with a classic. an interview from september 1954 with screen icons, humphrey bogart and lauren bacall. >> bogey met bacall in 1944 on the set of to have and have not. he was 144 years old, she was only 19. their love survived. here's their rare interview. >> the bogarts occupied this home for two years. they're in no great hurry to complete it.
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this week they finished the outdoor swimming pool. let's see what's going on at the bogart home across the country. good evening ms. bacall. >> hello eddie. that looks like an interesting bracelet. is it special for television visitors or a little thing you picked up. >> i picked it up somewhere very special. a fellow by the name of mr. bogart gave this to me in honor of to have and have not. the first picture we appeared in together. it was prompted by a line that i said in the picture. i don't know whether you remember it or not. but the line goes something like this. if you want anything, all you have to do is whistle. you know how to whistle, don't you? you just put your lips together and blow. that's it. >> where is the gift giver, bogey? >> the gift giver is inside. you want to see him? >> yes. i remember both of you are natives of new york.
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do you miss this big town very much? >> yes. no. >> wait a minute. that's a nice normal family disagreement. tell me, don't either of you get a yen to do a broadway play? >> yes. i do. >> no. >> i think i'll tell you what i think that you're going to run into kind of a traffic jam if you ask two actors one question. i think you better focus one by one. >> i'll break it up. put the first one to you. have you sort of lost your appetite for playing before live audiences, bogey? >> well, i have ed because i did an awful lot as a kid. i started at 21 and was in seven smash hits in a row. oyster and i came to hollywood and was a terrible flop here and went back to new york and was in four big flops there. i swore if i ever got to hollywood again, i'd stay here. i like it here. so i think i have lost my appetite for the broadway theater. i think possibly maybe a little ambition because i believe that
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ambition belongs to youth. >> betty, did you ever see bogey on the broadway stage? >> i can't say that i did, ed. if you'll pardon me, before my time or at least i was in -- at the time. i did see him in many motion pictures. i may say, and this is strictly between us of course. he was not a favorite of mine. i figured that he was one of those, you know -- i believed everything that i saw in pictures. when i first came out here and director howard hawks, howard told me he would like me to appear in my first picture opposite either cary grant or humphrey bogart. cary grant was heaven to me and bogart was horror because i was convinced that bogart was strictly a dees, dem and dose. >> bogey -- >> dat ain't true, ed. >> ain't true no how, huh? >> ain't true. >> betty, after all these years,
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what do you think of your husband now as app actor? >> as an actor in motion p pictures, again strictly between us, i wouldn't have him here except for the fact he's here and i can't help it. i believe that he and spence tracy are the best actors in pictures today. as he waves this under my nose, if you glance on the mantelpiece, you'll see a small gold statuette which reminds me about how wonderful he is. >> that's the oscar for the african queen, isn't it? >> it sure is. >> betty, i see a reference to you as the look. how did you earn that perceptive title? >> well, the look, ed, came along at the same time as the legs and the leer and the whatever -- what have you. the look from down under look as mr. bogart named it, came in a very odd fashion. it came because i was so nervous when i started to work in
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pictures that i thought that the only way of steady myself was to give the look, which is this. >> bogey, would you mind a personal question or two? >> not a bit. not a bit. >> i don't think i've ever seen you in a picture. but you were playing the part of a tough guy. what do you think about that sort of type casting? >> well, i think type casting, ed, is -- it sounds bad. actors don't like it. but i think it kind of helps you. i think gary cooper in a big hat and tight pants and guns around his waist is done very well. and gabe will, i think it makes stars out of people. i think that i gained the attention of people because i was supposed to be a tough guy, because i shot people and killed people. >> what matters to you most in this business of moviemaking? >> principally, making good pictures and i'm not angered to say make money. i don't hold with everybody that a thing isn't good if it makes money. i believe that it can be good and also make money. i think good pictures matter to
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me a lot. >> isn't that incredible? >> it is incredible to see. just the level of access that these celebrities gave to eward r. murrow. some of the questions being posted and asked today, it's hard to imagine. it's also interesting to note, this was really the only access that the american public had to celebrities. they didn't have us weekly and people magazine. >> that didn't exist. it wasn't that unique all access pass. for that time, we're talking 1954, this was a really incredible thing. >> speaking of celebrity crib, $160,000 this cost them. >> which translates today into? >> $2 million. >> doesn't seem like very much. it's a lot of money no matter how you slice it. for celebrities in hollywood, it might not sound like as much when you hear $15 million to $25 million figures with today's celebrities. >> that whistle. >> the whistle. humphrey bogart was buried with that whistle. the one that we saw at the beginning of the taping, three
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yers later. he died of cancer. he was a heavy smoker and drinker. esophageal cancer. i just love -- being able to see into this stuff. >> it's not something that you would see at all today which makes it all the worthwhile to check out. >> if you do want to check out the interview with bogey and bacall, cbs"cbs this morning." >> we'll continue to open the vault in future weeks. coming up next, one of our very favorite chefs returns for the dish. richard blais brings a unique take on the fourth of july classic, surf turf. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ girl ] when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. [ barks ] so me and sadie started practicing. we practiced a lot. now i've got some moves! [ crowd cheering ] spin kick! whoo-hoo! [ giggling ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy... with the total care nutrition in purina dog chow.
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because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals.
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celebrity chef richard blais is back with a special star-spangled dish. he's a past winner on top chef allstars. earlier was named a rising star by star >> richard is also the owner of -- he's known for inventive cooking techniques. he joins us with a truly patriotic dish, a twist on the classic surf and turf.
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lamb, ribs and lobster rolls. it's going to get ugly here. >> you're doing well. when you think pork and beef. you don't think lamb on the fourth. >> i'm rolling up my sleeves. >> this jacket. >> exactly. so ribs, like lambs, believe it or not, they have ribs. we're used to pork ribs or beef ribs. but lamb is sort of like the chef's sort of dish. if you want to be creative for your fourth of july barbecue, it's a need way to do it. it's braised in rootbeer, little bit of soy. sugar to it. lots of scallions and sesame. like the flavor to me of lamb on a grill, that to me is big holiday stuff there. >> this is delicious. >> it is great. >> i love the sides you brought as well. >> again, obviously, i like to have a little bit of fun with my food and what i name things. instead of the traditional coleslaw, this is coleslaw made with tiny cabages called brussel sprouts. it's brus he will kraut. it's the same as a cabbage.
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maybe it's a way to get your kids to eat brussel sprouts. trick them to believe it's coleslaw. >> oh, i'm sorry. listen, so the last time that you were here, had to literally run out the door to get back down south because your restaurant just opened. how are things going down there? >> it's good. four weeks old. the last time i sat in this chair literally we opened that night. i was totally stressed out. hopefully no one noticed. >> we opened that night, been open for four weeks. we get better every day. that's all we can hope for. the spence is in atlanta. >> one of the things i was interested to learn, we were talking in the break. you said you take inspiration from everywhere. you can walk into a store or is he for a store or candle shop and that can help with you this. >> yes. you revealed that to everyone as i spend lots of time in cosmetic stores smelling different things. >> either in the kitchen or atsephora. >> when i think of flavor, i think wow, would that make a good candle scent.
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yes, you can find inspiration anywhere. even in a cosmetic store. >> not encouraging you to eat your makeup which happens to me sometimes. >> you don't just do this create delicious food. you're also an avid runner. how in the world to you find time to run and running marathons at that? >> yesterday, it's pretty hot today in new york yesterday. it's 106 degrees in atlanta like over the weekend. when i got off the plane yesterday, i ran seven miles. i try to squeeze it in. if i'm traveling, as soon as i check in to the hotel, i go for a run. i'm running for a alliance for a healthier generation. running my second new york city marathon. to help fight childhood obesity. it clears my head and -- >> is this a beverage of choice on the table? >> if you like to imbibe, this is the left-handed hummingbird. this has got mess cal, like a tequila. it's got burnt orange, chartreuse, botanical, lemon
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cello. a hydrating drink, perfect for the fourth of july. for some reason i had to make like 24 of these for the crew, something like that. >> they're getting ready for their innocence. >> that's right. >> richard, as always, thank you so much. you already signed your plate. we're good to go on that front. for more on the dish, go to"cbs this morning." thanks a lot richard blais. don't go away. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." >> that thing is -- it's strong. >> it's strong. [ jennifer garner ] why can't strong sunscreen feel great?
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actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. it's the best for your skin. by what's getting done. measure commitment the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through.
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before we go this morning, erica hill has a look at what's coming up on monday on "cbs this morning." good morning. on monday, jeff glor goes to u.s. army sniper school where before you learn to shoot, you have to learn to hide. you'll meet some of the silent warriors in training on monday at 7:00 on "cbs this morning." i sit next to jeff glor. it's an incredible story. i've seen some of the footage. you do not want to miss that. >> the perfect guy to put into that. >> also next week on "cbs this morning saturday," hank williams junior will join us live. have a great weekend everybody.
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