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tv   9 News Now at 11pm  CBS  July 1, 2012 1:35am-2:05am EDT

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ound blood and the spent shell. also didn't look like he had a lot of choice driving that command vehicle, either. and all the math i've done indicates his innocence. yeah, and how you figure that? game theory. buckley knows it pretty well. the da offered him two years in prison. there's no way he's going to risk getting caught on an attempted escape, only to serve ten more. -you're still not buying it. -no. i ran the phone logs for the exchange's security contractor. maddux made a series of phone calls to a woman in the department that handles maintenance for the ip camera system. name's lola sacco. miss morro bay, 2005? i didn't realize that you were a fan of pageants. they promote world peace. it could be that, uh, buckley was right again. you know, maybe we found our inside chick. lola sacco. like to ask you a few questions. is this about stealing office supplies? no. do you recognize him?
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gil, isn't this your boyfriend? you haven't been using my phone again, have you? i had a fling with the guy. a two-week affair two months ago. nikki: must have been some two weeks. david: you're going to prison. now, how long depends on the answers you give us right now, so i suggest that you give it some careful thought. where's maddux? -i don't know. -see, i don't think careful thought -went into that one. -i swear, i don't know. look, he wanted to know about the ip cameras. their placement, how they're networked, -how to hack the system. -and you gave it to him. he said he was going to kill me. you don't understand. -he's a scary guy. -nikki: what else? he wanted access to the exchange, off-hours, over a weekend. he told me he was going to install some device inside one of the cameras on the trading room floor. -what kind of device? -i don't know. why the trading room floor? i don't know that, either. you recognize this guy? never seen him before in my life.
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i'm sorry to hear that. you're prolonging the situation. letting me think that i'm in control when the truth is, i am in control! you still think he's in on it. yeah, i know what the facts say. there's a call for you, line one. -who? -didn't get a name. guy's on a cell, keeps breaking up. all i know is he kept yelling at me, calling me an idiot and telling me to get eppes. (sighs) buckley, what do you want? how'd you know it was me? unlucky guess. where are you? kind of hard to tell at the moment. wait-wait a second. hold-hold on. (sighs) there, that's better. given that my current location is in the trunk of a speeding car, i can't really see much. it looks like i am somewhere in the valley. look, eppes, i know you think i masterminded this whole thing.
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-nah. -and while i am very flattered, i had nothing to do with this. i got a situation here now, eppes, and i need your help. well, i need a little convincing. -(thump) -ow! the trunk of a speeding car isn't enough? fine! (groans) look, maddux knew that you were getting tipped off somewhere. he grabbed me, and he made me do the driving. the guy was holding a gun to my head. what was i supposed to do? well, why aren't you dead? 'cause maddux is the kind of guy that tortured small animals when he was a child. fortunately, he never grew up. you have any idea where you're headed? the airport. i'm afraid that he's going to make a quick stop and drop me in a ditch on the side of the road. (coughing): my leg is killing me. do me a favor, eppes. can you get your brother? maybe he can figure out some kind of equation to help get me out of here.
1:39 am
(beeping) -all right, how close? -i got a lock. we're running it through the service provider. i'm glad you're on the job, professor. wait a second. now, this doesn't make sense. the i.d. and location-- it's a call coming from gifford kemp. he's on the 12th tee of the rancho segundo country club. (groaning): oh! maddux is using a cloned phone. the cheap bastard. this is definitely not my day. what do we do? i mean, i-i designed a-a variant on path minimization that, uh... that maps routes that criminals would take, avoiding law enforcement hot spots like police stations and hospitals. don't forget doughnut shops. yeah, i need you to give me some landmarks. well, it's kind of hard to see out of this rat hole, but (groans) i'll do my best. uh, i see a really berry frozen yogurt. really berry... yeah, there's 47 locations.
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that's not going to work, buckley. we need something else. great. uh... "relax the spine." i need something that's not a chain. it's the valley. what do you expect? um... oh, wait, wait, wait, wait! here's something. mitzvah treatment center. there's 13 mitzvah treatment centers? -you got to be kidding me. -buckley: uh-oh. uh, eppes, eppes, i'm having a little problem here. buckley, you're breaking up. yeah, that's my problem. -i'm running low on battery. -(phone chirps) we're down to a four-mile radius. -(groans) -buckley? -eppes... -(phone chirps) look, tell your boys... to look for a car with a white flag. buckley? -eppes, whatever happens, -(phone chirps) i know you and your brother were just trying to do your best. -i know... -(phone chirps) buckley! hey!
1:41 am
buckley! give me what you've got. i'm going to put units in the area. (david sighs) -he's alive. -him, too. maddux's boys. guess he sold them out. all right, we've got buckley's phone. where's buckley? that's a lot of blood. -nikki: it's not theirs. -david: buckley said that maddux would dump him by the side of the road when he was done with him. he's been right about everything else. looks like he called it this time, too. fering... from feminine odor and discomfort?
1:42 am
then stop buying products that only deal with the symptoms. instead, try rephresh. [refresh] it's clinically shown to eliminate the cause-- unbalanced feminine ph. so, use rephresh when unbalanced ph can occur: after your period... rephresh. after intimacy... rephresh. after douching... rephresh. stop feminine odor and discomfort... and finally take control of your feminine health. rephresh! sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
1:43 am
1:44 am
david: what happened to buckley? what do you think? maddux took him for a walk down by the river. that's the last i saw of him. he's funny that way. he likes privacy when he does someone. likes to take his time. all right, where's maddux going now? he stopped sharing his plans around the time he threw me in the trunk. what about your plans before that? we know you guys didn't steal any diamonds from the exchange, so what did you steal? access to their accounts. the $16 million we got from the bus hijacking was wired to the caymans.
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but interpol put a trace on the money, so we needed to launder it. using the diamond exchange. they do million-dollar transfers every day. money laundering takes time. you were only there for a few hours. we had a computer program to run the transactions already set up. we already had all the account numbers and passwords. how? we had a spy. hey. so, the techs just examined the ip security cameras from the exchange. and maddux's inside guy told us that maddux had implanted a device in one of the cameras on the trading room floor. here it is. looks like a thumb-drive. attached to a laser reader built into the camera. now, this particular camera had a view of the wire-transfer desk, which is how it recorded all the passwords and account numbers. yeah, but you can't see the screens. with a laser reader, you don't have to, because it doesn't read words on the screen.
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it reads vibrational pulses emitted by keystrokes as it types. it's like reading braille. in braille, each letter or numeral is represented by a pattern of dots, just like keystrokes on a computer are represented by a pattern of pulses and vibrations. for example, the letter "y" emits a different vibrational pulse than the letter "o," which emits a different vibrational pulse than the letter "u." and by reading the keystrokes, capturing them, it can record whatever information that is typed in-- uh, log-ins, passwords, messages. now, here's the beauty of it. maddux has basically given us the rope to hang him with. okay, how? the laser reader, which he used to steal all the information, also recorded his money laundering program, all on this thumb-drive. so, you can reconstruct the program, use it to trace the money? straight to maddux. shouldn't take more than a couple hours. (computer trilling) amita: you know, i've been thinking about what buckley said. oh, what, about how i'm... i'm a lucky guy? no, about honeymooning in costa rica.
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depending on the time of year, lots of rain. so, we'll bring umbrellas. scorpions. they have scorpions down there. they sleep in people's shoes. so, we'll wear sandals. a very long flight. not if we take separate planes. don: hey, anything? amita: we're getting close. what do you think about costa rica? uh, i don't know. i mean, i hear they have a lot of scorpions. ah, looks like we followed the money. -yeah? -oh, wait a second. i don't get it. what? maddux bounced $16 million halfway around the globe, only to have it land back where it started? amita: the exchange. looks like maddux converted the money into diamonds. charlie: no, wait a second. there-there's a pickup scheduled for today, and there's a consignee whose i.d. is listed on the file. don: yeah, yeah. who's that? it's lola sacco. wasn't she miss morro bay? we've got lola. and we got maddux.
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-hey. -geez. hand it over. (click) (grunting) i got her. whoa. what'd you do with buckley? do with him? i didn't do anything with him, except get screwed. at least i put a bullet in his leg. it's a little flourish for effect. buckley's not dead? he suckered you, too. (maddux chuckles) one day on the prison yard, he comes, sits down, starts talking.
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tells me i can make a score hijacking a bus, laundering the money by busting a diamond exchange. $16 million, foolproof. there was just one catch. he needed to be a part of it. hmm. he knew that you'd go to him for help. that got him out the front gate. so, this taking him down to the river... it was all his idea for show. after he convinced me to double-cross the boys, meet back at the exchange. i knew he'd screw me, so i waited for lola to pick up the diamonds. i figured she could lead me back to him. looks like buckley found his inside chick after all. obviously, there's been a misunderstanding. he set you up. i don't know what you're talking about. buckley tricked you and maddux into pulling off the diamond exchange job. i'm sure he promised, at the end of the day, you two would be the ones walking off with the money, but you had other ideas. found your flight reservation.
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one ticket, one-way, to s o paulo. you were going to cut buckley out. except buckley knew that there was no way to make off with 16 million bucks. when the cash was converted into diamonds, there was a one and a half percent transaction fee. $240,000. buckley had it wired into an overseas account, where it disappeared, just like him. right, he said he always looks for an inside chick to take advantage of. yeah, and this time, he picked one that he knew would double-cross him, one he knew he could leave holding the bag. hotel st. eve. room 301. clear. david: clear. david: don. "dinner for the eppes family, on me.
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bon appétit." "if the fries are soggy, you were slower than i gave you credit for." alan: these, uh, fries-- they are quite soggy. come on, donnie. -you win some, you lose some. -yeah, i don't like losing. charlie: you know, there's nothing on here. this is a new computer. it's just the... the usual software. don: would you do me a favor and just keep looking? (ringing) don: what's that? it's a web call. how's the food? (alan laughs and grunts) (clears throat) pretty good, thank you. um... don: what happened to costa rica? the banking laws in liechtenstein are a bit more to my liking. and the doctors, too. my-my leg is still smarting a bit. can't imagine a couple hundred thousand dollars is going to keep a guy like you happy too long. yeah, well, i'm not too worried about picking up some more cash somewhere, somehow.
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-it's never been my problem. -yeah, well, i'll be sure to keep an eye on the bus schedules. oh, that's good. i like that. you know, eppes, you and me-- under different circumstances, we could have been friends. yeah, sure we could. hey, professor. i'm serious about teaching that class. charlie: oh, yeah? well, we'll have to do it online, i guess. oh. oh, that's for him. (laughs) would you say hello to my friends in california? thanks, heidi. she's a doll. you know, eppes, you and i-- we're like those cartoon characters, sam and ralph, the sheepdog and the wolf. we just keep going at each other because we don't know what else to do. you should take some time off. we could go skiing. mmm. you know what? i'll keep this on ice for you. auf wiedersehen. you know, the wolf always gets caught. if that's what you really want.
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hey, i could use a vacation. (laughs) yeah. (laughs) ♪[linkin park "burn it down"] ♪[rock] ♪ [narrator] can't wait for the honda civic tour featuring linkin park? neither can we.
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go to for details.
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(gunshot) (gunshot)
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1:58 am
this is 9news now. >> the state of emergency is declared throughout the washington area after a night of killer storms. hello, everybody. i'm bruce johnson. tonight's states of emergency have been declared in maryland, virginia, and the district. residents without electricity have been told it could be a week before their power is restored. roughly a million people in the washington area lost power during last night's brutal storm. five people lost their lives. no power or air-conditioning tonight, a lot of people are at home outside.
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ken molestina is live. what are you seeing and hearing out there? >> reporter: make no mistake about it. some of the destruction we have seen out here in these parts with the blacked out conditions and extreme heat have been discomforting to say the least. we came across a group, they are making the best of this and in the dark and having a party. >> we'll make the best out of it. i mean, what are you going to do? >> reporter: milton and his friends aren't letting the heat and blacked out conditions get in the way of a good time. they decided to have a party. they have been hanging out in the dark with music and an inflatable slide. >> we got ourselves a slide, invited friends over, and television the it's the july 4 weekend. >> pepco officials and crews working around the clock. no set time for when the power will be restored. for this group, that doesn't seem to be a concern. they say the weekend is here
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and that means it's time to unwind. >> we came down here to hang out together and support each other and through this tough time, because there's no power. >> reporter: back out live, another look at this outdoor party in the dark. the guy that planned this party, milton planned this for a week. what they didn't plan for was the blackout, but that wasn't going to keep them from having a party. they've had a good time, and they will be out here again doing the same thing tomorrow, back to you. >> thanks a lot. we have important information to pass along right now. if you are a falls church water utility customer, you must boil your water before drinking it. the water advisory includes tyson's corner, vienna, and mariesville. you must boil your tap water for one minute or used bottled water for drinking and cooking. if you don't, you could get
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sick. montgomery and prince georges county, mandatory water restrictions remain in effect. this means no outside water use. such as watering lawns or washing cars and keep showers short and limit flushing toilets. temperatures expected to climb into the 90s tomorrow, but should we expect more storms in let's go to topper shutt. >> there's a chance for thunderstorms tonight, even tonight we could see an isolated storm. most of the activity is south of us. some areas pretty comfortable. downtown, not so much. you get that heat island effect. it's still in the 80s downtown. after a high of 96, it's 86. the 96 was an improvement of 104 on friday. we're going in the right direction. 81 at andrews. 79 in manassas and upper 70s in leesburg. actually sounds comfortable. 79 in winchester. you jump the divide, 72 in oakland. that really sounds comfortable.
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now the radar, there's a couple showers back in ohio. remember, that's where the complex of thunderstorms originated yesterday in indiana and ohio and rolled right through west virginia through us. so, there's a couple of showers and thunderstorms i'm watching. about to cross the border between ohio and west virginia. that's why we will keep a chance of an isolated thunderstorm in overnight, but not a big chance. so your day planner, your wakeup weather, 70s to start. 74 to 82. by 10:00, it's going to get hot again. heating up rather quickly. we'll come back and show you the record highs. and we'll also talk about the roller coaster temperatures over the next week, which includes fourth of july. >> thanks, topper. widespread power outages last much of the metro area in the dark for updates. we have pepco on the phone right now. hi marcus, can you give us the latest numbers? >> sure. so we currently have roughly 377,000 customers out across our service territory.
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we have about a thousand crews on their way to supplement the crews that we already have, currently assessing damage to our system and currently restoring power to our customers. so, this is going to be a multiple day event, but we are certainly staffing up accordingly. definitely an all hands on deck type of event. we have employees staffed around the clock. again, pulling in those additional crews. >> marcus, i appreciate that information. what some people might want to hear tonight is, has anybody gotten their power back within the past 24 hours? >> yes, actually. we've been busy today. obviously a will the of that pertains to assessing damage, but we restored over 65,000 customers as of my most recent report and again, we work backwards. we try to impact the largest number of customers possible first. so we take care of the life threatening situations and you know, your public safety officials, hospitals first.
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then you hit those larger transmission lines that are serving thousands of customers. our equipment, and move down the line to individuals. >> 65,000 customers brought back online within the past 24 hours. you have a thousand people coming on board. let's call in the calvary to restore the other people. is that what i'm hearing? >> exactly. we are chopping at the bit to get to it. >> marcus, thanks for that information. much of northern virginia cleaning up after the deadly storms. two people died in springfield, virginia, when trees fell on top of them. surae chin reports from the neighborhood where all this happened. >> reporter: i was in the bedroom. sitting in her rocking chair, helen thought it might be time to wait out the storm downstairs. >> i picked up my pocketbook of all things. so strange, you know. >> she didn't get very far. >> down. push me down one step. >> but


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