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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  July 13, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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here's monika samtani with traffic momentarily. >> i don't know what's going on? i'm confused. >> not confused about weather though. she knows exactly what's happening today and the weekend. >> that's right. yeah we've got some stuff going on live doppler 9000 hd out to the west we've got some green which is a light rain and showers and most of that should stay out to the west but there's a chance it could make its way in here into the western portions of the beltway. right now temperatures are going to be in the upper 70s by 9:00 this morning. by noon in the 80s and we should top out mid- to upper 80s. right now in downtown 76 degrees. 68 in manassas and also for culpeper. and we are in the mid 70s in annapolis. 70 for fredericksburg. the highs for today 87 in downtown. hey not bad for july. 84 fredericksburg and 87 also in manassas. mid 80s for frederick and gaithersburg. enjoy this because the heat and humidity will be here by the weekend. here's a look at your timesaver traffic with monika.
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good morning. good morning. overall we're not doing too badly outside. if you're planning to head over to the beltway your going to be fine and southbound on i-95 there had been an accident just past route 212. it was moved to the solder and right now there's really not much of a delay getting by. we'll go over to another map this time to the south side of town. the other 95 northbound beginning to see a little bit of slow traffic in woodbridge and springfield. outside live right now and show you what it looks like if you're planning to head over on the inbounds side of route 50 looking good leaving the bay bridge in to annapolis and the beltwayment one more live look planning to head other to the other side of town. no problems to report as you head across the 14th street bridge northbound on 395. i'll be back with more traffic coming up once again at 6:12. thank you monika. >> d.c. mayor gray has right now no plans to leave office. despite this shadow campaign scandal enveloping him. >> she's shoring -- he's shoring up political support though. >> delia goncalves live outside
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the wilson building, that is of course where the mayor's office is. she has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning mike. you know folks within the mayor's office here in the wilson building are confirming to us that the mayor was actually asked to cover-up this crime back in january. he refused and then immediately called his own lawyer. we're also told that gray was absolutely shocked when he first learned of this illegal $653,000 that paid for a large portion of his campaign including his own escort vehicle and driver. harris, a friend and a campaign consultant faces up two years behind bars now for the plot. and told the court that her former boss and d.c. businessman jeff thompson funded the whole scheme. but who is the mastermind? well, our sources tell bruce johnson one possible personal it could be --
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>> mr. hawkins was allegedly the fold general for the campaign. they have been talking to the attorney and the two are trying to work out when vernon was supposed the meet with the feeds. >> reporter: vernon hawkins may be the next possible person who is connected to this campaign possibly the fourth person to be indicted in the case. coming up at 6:30. what the sources are telling us in regards to gray's decision making about resigning. he's telling reporters he won't resign but what is he telling his closest aides? we'll have that coming up at 6:30. mike back to you. >> all right, delia goncalves live outside the willson building. the man accused of leading the shadow campaign for mayor gray is now leaving one of his day jobs. jeffrey thompson sold his stake in the accounting firm he founded. a spokeswoman for thompson would not comment on the selling price or why thompson decided to sell out of this. now despite everything going on at the wilson building these days the council is
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focusing on important issues. today the interim chairman will hold a round table discussion on education. he has made et no secret he was opposed to the takeover of the school's system in the mayor's office back in 2007 and is dit pointed with the pace of -- disappointed with the pace of education reform right now. police -- >> police comb through a gainesville, virginia apartment looking for clues in the homicide of a newspaper reporter. yesterday authorities walked out of the apartment with the t- shirt. a blackberry and a bag of shredded paper. however they're not saying how those items are linked to the death of 48-year-old rather sarah greenhalgh. she was found dead in her home on monday and authorities are awaiting autopsy results to determine how she died. two weeks from today america's best athletes will be competing in the summer olympics but there's something disopportunitily un-american about what they will be wearing. you see the official outfitter is ralph lauren but the ceremony uniform that we're going to see were all made in
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china. the u.s. olympic committee says it's privately funded and relying on the donation of the uniforms by ralph lauren but people like harry reid are not happy about this and dell not mincing words. >> i am so upset that i think the olympic committee should be ape shamed of themselves. -- ashamed of themselves, i think they should be embarrassed and take owl the uniform -- all the uniforms and start all over again. >> so there you have it. right there. and there was no comment on the matter from ralph lauren? there were others who were upset with the berries because it was french. jessica doyle has a special your money report. >> saving money when it comes to booking a vacation all year? let's pack and go. and timing is everything often times in life. >> that's especially true when it comes to saving a boat load of money on the next vacation and a big opportunity is right on the horizon.
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even with travel, good things come to those who wait. >> just be a lilt patient. and -- little patient. and wait for the shoulder season. which is coming up this fall. >> that's when you find lots of deals as destinations try to attract new business as peak travel season starts to wane. take for example london. >> wait until after the olympics. so you've looking at -- you're looking at maybe september? fall or april. >> ski resorts in the fall can be up to 50% off. and there's still lots to do even if there's no fresh powder. >> there's golfing and horseback riding and hot air ballooning and mountain biking and all sorts of things. the discount in the fall are maybe half as much as you'd pay prime time in holiday season. >> one stop shopping can unlock a wealth of savings. look at bundled packages. >> that would include airfare and hotel and maybe some other perks too. and it's a better deal than trying to price out everything individually. so that's worst looking at. >> finally, consider cruises on
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the move. >> coming up in the fall, are the repositioning cruises especially from say alaska to hawaii because all the cruise lines are moving their boats down through the pacific to hawaii so you can get some great deals on those. >> there's one catch. you still have to buyer airfare. but you're going to save a bundle on the cruise. you can use two quirks of the travel industry to save money on the airfare. the best time to find a cheap flight, tuesday at 3:00 p.m. and the cheapest day of the week to fly? wednesday. >> no kidding? >> yep. yep. >> oh. >> it can save you a little bit of money. >> take wednesday to wednesday if you're going to take a week off. >> i like that. thank you jess. all right you may be noticing something when you go to fill up the gas tank. prices are slowly inching back up a bit. nationwide prices have creeped up three cents in the last week. now here in our region they're up four cents in the last week. aaa says regular grade gas in the d.c. metro area now
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averages $3.40 a gallon. the amount though is still down seven cents from one month ago and was 29 cents -- down 29 cents from one year ago. i thought crude oil had gone back down. >> yeah. sure. yeah. 6:08. in four minutes we have more on the fallout from the penn state scandal. and we're also going to hear from the son of joe paterno. >> how's the friday shaping up weather wise? anny hong in for howard has the answer straight ahead and tell  us when we might hit 100 once again. >> but first a look at the top books in america this morning -- the first in the series has held the top spot since the end of april. >> it's called "gone girl" by flynn. following in fifth and sixth
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place are "mocking jay" and "catching fire" from the "hunger games" series by suzanne collins. ♪ +
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mostly cloudy skies for this friday. only a slight chance for maybe
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a shower, a stray thunderstorm west of town out in the mountains. otherwise temperatures will get up into the mid 80s for this friday afternoon. and if you're planning to head outside it's true. no delays southbound on i-270 at route 109. it's really like this all the way down to the point where the lanes divide. we'll take that. coming up in my next report, another look at area roads at 6:18. andrea and mike? our time is 6:12. penn state alumni are staying loyal to their school. but shocked by a new report on the sex abuse scandal there. >> this was released yesterday and it slams the university for not doing enough to stop jerry sandusky. randall pinkston reports. >> reporter: former fbi director louis freeh puts the blame on joe paterno and three other top penn state officials for covering up jerry sandusky's child abuse. >> our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and
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welfare of sandusky's child victims. >> reporter: freeh and his investigators discovered evidence that penn state's president, athletic director and the legendary coach all knew in 1998 that sandusky was under investigation for sexual misconduct but did nothing to stop him. the former judge said the late coach had another opportunity to do something in 2001 when former coach mike mcqueary reported seeing sandusky abusing a boy in a campus shower. >> he was an integral part of this active decision to conceal. >> reporter: freeh says pa tore know and university officials allowed sandusky to retire in 1999 as a valued member of penn state allowing him to lure more victims until he was arrested and convicted. paterno's family says the coach acknowledged he should have done more but insists he would have never taken part in a cover-up. >> joe did not interfere with any investigations and in no way ever suspected that jerry sandusky was a child predator. >> reporter: lawyers for some
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of sandusky's victims say freeh's report will strengthen any litigation against the university or his estate. late thursday afternoon sandusky's attorneys filed an appeal in his case. randall pinkston, cbs news, philadelphia. >> the governor says he hopes the penn state board of trustees will address the issues the next time they meet. corbett launched a state investigation into the case while he was pennsylvania eastern general. it is 6:14 on this friday morning. several protestors are waking up behind bars this morning after violence broke out during a monthly art walk in los angeles overnight. one officer was hurt. at this point there's no word on what sparked the violence. court documents show george zimmerman called sanford, florida police at least six times in the months before he shot and killed trayvon martin. zimmerman called the police to complain about activity as harmless as kids playing in the street. nearly two-thirds of the
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united states is now in a drought. but according to the federal u.s. drought monitor the northeast is the only region that is not in a drought. however, many parts of the northeast are considered abnormally dry by climatologists. now we're technically in the mid-atlantic. so -- are we part of the drought condition? >> in some parts, out toward east of us but we're actually doing a little bit better and still could use the rain around here. to the weather conditions right now a live look at live doppler 9000 hd showing us areas of light rain and passing shower out there and mount leesburg and front royal and warrenton. for the rest of today most of us should be dry. we could have a passing shower and temperatures will be in the upper 70s this morning. by noon, around 84 degrees. and we'll be mostly cloudy for all day today and for much of saturday as well. here's a closer look at the doppler. now not all of this is hitting the ground. in fact here in the beltway we get the cloudy conditions but we could see some passing showers come through and then
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it will be really light in nature for your friday. currently temperatures are in the 70s in downtown. 70 in college park and 69 in bethesda and great falls 68. fairfax good morning to you. you're at 69 degrees. right now, here's a live beautiful shot of the capitol. temperature now 76 in downtown. cloudy skies out there. the winds are light and dew points dropping to 59 degrees. compared to low 60s in just the last hour. the humidity is not too bad but that's going to change over the next couple of days. so for most of us it should be a dry morning commute unless you're out west of town. still seasonal for july. an isolated thunderstorm is possible. better chance in the mountains once again and also get hot over the weekend along with the humidity on the rise. so here's a look at your 9 futurecast. and you can see we'll see cloudy conditions for much of today and most of the showers really staying out to the west. we do have a stationary boundary that will come through as a warm front over the
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weekend. we'll see more showers and some thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon and also on sunday. and that could impact your outdoor plans so keep that the mind and also see with the warm front coming through temperatures back into the 90s this weekend. but not today for most of us at least. 87 is the high in downtown. same deal for manassas. tappahannock upper 80s you may flirt with close to 90 degrees. leesburg 84 and gaithersburg around mid 80s. so let's do your beach and boating forecast for tomorrow, if you're taking your boat out partly cloudy and scattered showers and storms possible. 86 to 90 is the high. on sunday, 90 to 95 and a slight chance for isolated storms once again. for the beaches this weekend, going to dewey, rehoboth. ocean city, saturday low to mid- 830s and better chances for showers and storms will be sunday afternoon. water temperature in the upper 60s. the next three days again today warm 87 and yellow alert for saturday and sunday because of
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the heat and better chances for some storms. the next seven days monday 94. tuesday upper 90s. wednesday we're going for 100 degrees each day with a chance for some showers and storms. here's a look at the timesaver traffic with monika. good morning. good morning anny. a live look from our sky 9 here in burtonsville on the westbound side of route 198 just past route 129 only the left lane gets by this accident as you can see but luckily being so light this friday morning it is not really causing much of a delay. just wanted to show you here in burtonsville. a live look or let's go to the maps first, no problems to report all the way around the belt wait. over the river crossingings here but no big deals to report on any of the interstates. in fact heading north on ice 95. all green coming up into wood bridge. a bit of yellow in springfield. go live this right now and that's really about it on 95 and even on 395 heading if the
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14th street bridge. i'll have more traffic coming up once again at 6:25. next in sports the nationals get ready for their second half and boy i hope it's as good as the first half. the wizards start their summer league play in vegas. >> right now it's time to take another check of the question of the morning -- >> i love this next comment. our facebook friend jean always has something good to say, she writes -- >> post your guess on our facebook timeline and we'll reveal the answer at 6:49.
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good morning, time now 6:23 on your friday morning. hey the clouds have moved in overnight and we see some areas of light rain and some showers out to the west of town. here's a look at our live
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doppler 9000 hd. you can see the green not all this hitting the ground but apparently light stuff a passing shower or two here in the care but a very slight chance. temperatures in the mid 70s by 9:00 this morning and should stay mostly cloudy for the day and temperatures topping out mid- to upper 80s. i also want to mention that u.s. drought monitor i just checked and it does change and update over time and we're actually in an abnormal dry area. basically north and west of town. here around d.c. looking actually at moderate drought conditions and still use more than 6.5-inches of rain to catch up for the yearly totals. back to you guys. in sports the second half of major league baseball season beginnings today. the nationals in miami they start a four game series with the marlins. >> you know usually hot in the second half and they're somewhere they haven't been though in years at the point. first place. here's a quick look at the nl east stands this is morning. the nats are 49-34. they have a four game lead over the braves. the mets are just four and a
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half games back. miami is lurking at nine games back. and the phillies are in last place, they're 14 games out of first. >> so sad for them. the washington kastles held their home opener last night in southwest hosting the new york sports times. d.c.'s bobby reynolds brought the lead to the castles and sixthry. they win 20-18 and now 19 wins in a row for the team. they visit the boston lobsters tonight. >> uh-huh. okay the nba summer league tips off later today in las vegas. the washington wizards will be there. they're facing off against the atlanta hawks this afternoon. among the wizards taking part in the first round, excuse me, taking part first round draft pick bradley beale and second year player. team usa held the basketball exhibition yesterday in las vegas. durant scored 24 points for the stars and stripes and the usa
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wanted to make a statement apparently. 113-59 was the final score. "los angeles times" reporting that blake griffin is going to miss the olympics. he needs knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus. it is 6:25. still coonly the latest on the -- to come the latest on the d.c. police officer accused of making a threat against the first lady. >> plus one thing researchers say can help a women lose weight and it has nothing to do with exercise or what you eat. >> right now monika has a quick check on traffic. it's been friday light in a lot of areas except here. >> here, this is west laurel in prince george's county on the westbound side of route 198 east of route 29. only the left lane is getting by but luckily very light and it shouldn't be a problem getting by. i'll have more traffic coming up once again in my next report. you're watching 9news now. stay with us.
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happy friday. it is 6:29. we're back this is the place you can always get your weather first. a live shot now of the air force memorial in the foreground. 76 degrees. courthouse still in the background. beautiful start going to get hot soon though. >> thank you for starting your day with us. i'm andrea roane. >> and i'm mike hydeck, enjoy your friday. we sure are, anny hong is live on the weather terrace taking a look at the numbers. good morning anny. >> it's a really nice start to the friday once again. the humidity is down. and temperatures really confidencable right now. here's a look at the live doppler 9000 hd, i start with this and i point out a couple
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of showers out to leesburg winchester and out to interstate 81. will this make it into the beltway is this a slight chance of a passing shower but for the most part we're expecting mostly cloudy skies for rest of today. temperatures topping out generally in the mid 80s and right now cloudy at reagan national and the current temperature is 76 degrees. here's a look at your timesaver traffic with monika. good morning. good morning anny. good morning everyone. i'm happy to say that it's really been friday morning light. no big issues to report. a couple of minor accidents but other than that there's a bit of slow traffic which we can deal with on the inbound side of 66. a few brake lights out of manassas into centreville. no problems at all on the dulles toll road. we'll take a live look outside right now if you're planning to head on the northbound side of i-395. you're going to find it just a bit heavy right here in landmark and then the pace improves in to seminary road and the 14th street bridge. you're going to be fine there as well. to the maps this time to the north side of town. where we're looking fine on
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270. the outer loop is new hampshire avenue to university boulevard and actually fine at georgia avenue. and we'll take a live look at connecticut avenue and again the pace is good here heading for 7270 and down to the american legion bridge. more traffic once again at 6:42. all right, monika see you then. president obama begins a two day campaign swing through virginia today and going to start in hampton roads area. and then he'll head to roanoke. >> but the first place you'll see him is on "cbs this morning." erica hill joins us live from new york with a preview. good morning erica happy friday. >> back at you andrea. good morning to the both of you. ahead charlie rose asks president obama why he's so focused on mitt romney's business record. you will see that this morning as part of the white house interview with the obamas. we'll have much more on sunday and monday morning here on cbs. and if this is the fastest growing cosmetic surgery for both men and women. the surprising reason for all of the chin implants. when we see you at 7:00. >> okay. got to cover up my chin.
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>> before we go erica make sure you -- make sure you let charlie know we're miffed he's once again in washington and didn't stop by to hi say hello. >> he didn't stop by? ill am going to have a word with that charlie rose. >> the hot spot is waiting. >> i will. >> enjoy your weekend. >> thank you. conflicting reports over exactly when presumptive republican nominee mitt romney  left bain capital. he was there until february 2001 according to documents but his campaign has said he had nothing to do with the company after february 1999. in that period the company oversaw investments involving outsourcing for companies which filed for bankruptcy. a d.c. police officer is temporarily after the job after he allegedly made a violent threat against the first lady. the unidentified officer worked
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as a motorcycle escort for the white house. d.c. police and the secret service are investigating. d.c. mayor gray is digging in his heels. he says he is not resigning. >> and he's shoring up support from city council members as three others call for him to step down amid allegations of an illegal shadow campaign. >> delia goncalves the tracking the latest -- is tracking the latest developments from outside the wilson building this morning, that's of course where the office is. good morning. >> reporter: good morning mike. sources tell 9news now that mayor gray was absolutely shocked when he first learned about the illegal shadow exam pain back in-- campaign back in january and even asked to cover up the crime but he refused. he immediately called his lawyer and told him about the $653,000 that secretly paid for a number of campaign materials. even paying for his escort vehicle and his driver. harris long time friend and campaign consultant pled guilty
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after the fbi found the invoices during a raid of her home. but jeff thompson d.c. businessman who funded the scheme has not yet been charged. now mayor gray is telling reporters he will not resign. but here's what he's telling his closest aides. >> one thing we do know the mayor is not going to resign because three council members and others are asking him to. my sources say the mayor will step down if and when the u.s. attorney calls him in and tells him he's about to be indicted and they present a case. >> reporter: now, the sources close to the investigation tell our bruce johnson they are not at that point yet where the attorney general will present a case. u.s. attorney rather would present a case against the mayor. and when that -- when that will happen if it should happen. the mayor will step down if that should happen. we're also told that the next campaign aide who could also go down in this investigation, that would be the fourth campaign aide connected to the 2010 campaign.
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well, that person could be vernon hawkins, he acted as the -- acted as the field general for gray's campaign in 2010. we'll see what happens next. mike back to you. >> all right, thanks delia. delia goncalves live outside the wilson building this morning. d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton releasted a statement on the investigation as well -- it's been two weeks since that epic storm moved through the region and knocked out power to millions. today d.c. city leaders are looking for answers. yvette alexander will lead a public oversight hearing on pep koa and if -- pepco and how well it restored power to customers. more than 65,000 pepco customers in the district lost power after the june 29th
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storm. now that the power is back on, the city of gaithersburg, maryland is feeling patriotic again. it will hold its fourth of july celebration tonight at the montgomery county fairgrounds. the event was canceled last week because of the storm aftermath. music begins at 7:30 p.m. and fireworks will go off around 9:25 this evening. the fairgrounds are on chestnut street that's just off route 355. 6:36 now. we have commuter alert for you. metro will be slowing down trains. the next time it gets extremely hot. you see a kink in the track was caused by heat last friday and that led to a derailment near the west hyattsville station on the green line. no one was hurt but three cars did jump the tracks. metro said it had no warnings about the track problems. the trains were going about 55 miles an hour in that section. from now on during extreme heat they're going to be slowed down to 35 miles per hour. and heads-up this weekend
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for metro riders on the blue and yellow lines. that starts tonight at 10:00 and goes through the weekend. it means no service to national airport as well. add 30 minutes to your travel time to make sure you get there when you need to. there will also be single tracking on parts of the green, red and orange lines. ladies, looking to shed a few pounds? well, keeping a food journal might be your best way to do it. a mud study by the -- new study by the research center found keeping track of meals helps women lose weight. it found dieters get a reality check when they have to record how many calories they're actually consuming. the study also suggestings eating regular meals during the day and avoiding restaurants can help with weight loss. time now 6:37. today's going to be the last day in the 80s for a while. >> anny hong says we'll have amex of sun can clouds -- a mix of sun and clouds today with a high near 89. >> in nine minutes jessica has a way to keep cool.
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jess? >> that's right mike. who doesn't love the ace cream man? and today private driving service uber and my new best friend forever alex and katie are going to bring the ice cream truck to you. coming up next we're going to show you how the get it done -- to get it done today. you are watching 9news now.
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and welcome back. it's 6:42 and # 6 degrees, it's been friday morning light and no big issues to report around town. although this was one accident right now in alexandria. and i'll take you there in just a moment. first i want to show you what it locks like inside the beltway moving at the speed limit even at quarter to 7:00 in the morning: that's great. if you're planning to head inbound on 66, of 295 here, now to the beltway south of town. an accident on the outer loop of the beltway after telegraph road. and it is blocking the left lane here at eisenhower avenue. though you can see the pace is still fairly good. now back over to the maps and this time head over to the north side of town. no problems on 270 usually by this time you see a lot of red. not today. things are great out of
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frederick down to the point where the lanes divide with all the lanes open. here's the beltway outer loop just slow if new hampshire to -- from new hampshire the university boulevard and that is really about it. coming up in my next report -- actually one more graphic if we could. keep that in end mo for your travel plans as well. back to you guys. all right, thanks a lot monika. a live look at springfield right now we're looking at temperatures in the mid 70s depending on where you are. and we have a day in the 80s head our way. >> that is going to change. >> it is. yep, yeah. is weekend is going to have the humidity set in and the heat go up. today though not bad for july. mid and youer 80s in some locations. here's a look at the live doppler 9000 hd. where you can see we have some areas overlighted rain and showers out to the west and leesburg and in warrenton. some of that could make its way here into the beltway only a slight chance for that. rest of today though for the
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most part, mostly cloudy conditions. temperatures topping out in the mid 8 #s. by 4:00 and at 8:00 get down to 84 degrees and winds will be fairly light for today. so good hair day. no extra hair spray needed. a look at the doppler. not all of this is hitting the ground. you can see around d.c. just get cloudy skies outside but to the west more showers and maybe a couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon out toward west of interstate 81. right now temperature in downtown 76. college in the 70s and bethesda at 69 and fairfax 69 also. springfield good morning to you it's at 70 degrees at this hour. right now, a live look outside cloudy conditions. 76 the dew point down to 59. so humidity actually doesn't feel too bad. just yet. that will change though over the weekend. dry morning commute for most of us unless you're far west of town. still seasonable so looks pretty good for a july day. isolated thunderstorms possible west of town mainly. and then we're looking to get hot over the weekend.
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90s are back. and even triple digit heat. here's a look at your 9 futurecast. so today, we're looking at just cloudy conditions and it will be also cloudy through your saturday not a whole lot of sunshine. may get some breaks again most of the showers and activity stay out to the west for today. now tomorrow a different story. a better chance for some scattered showers and thunderstorms mainly maybe late morning and in the afternoon and early evening hours. same deal for sunday. so we have a stationary boundary front coming through which will also then change into a warm front bringing in some warmer conditions for the weekend. but today, temperature for d.c. 87 degrees is your high. 87 also for manassas. mid 80s for frederick and gaithersburg. here's a look at your next three days and green alerts for today but tomorrow and sunday for the weekend, yellow alert because of the heat being in the 90s and the scattered showers and storms which could impact your plans. check out the next seven days by monday near mid 90s. tuesday, upper 90s and nats are playing it's going to be hot
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and humid for baseball. wednesday, look at that 100 degrees. and thursday, a cold front comes through. bringing us some scattered showers and storms. but temperatures in the lower 90s. let's go over to jessica, hey jess. hey, thanks so much. it is 6:46 and i am watching your money. did you know this is national ice cream month? did you know that? well, to celebrate this blessed occasion the company uber which is the private driving service is now letting you summon the ice cream man and truck in honor of your love of d.c.. and joining us this morning to talk about it we've got alex priest and we got katie warren in the truck. alex tell us about uber in general so people understand what you guys do. >> sure, so we're an on demand private driving service. five to 15 minutes later you'll have a town car, escalade, suburban. you name it whatever you like and they'll take you wherever
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you want to go. all professional private drivers on demand. >> the event today you can also request the ice cream truck to come. can you show us how that works on the app? >> absolutely. so on the app here you can see that normally you have the option to request a black car or an suv. today you'll have a third option which is to request ice cream. and wherever you like just hit the ice cream button and select that delivery and request the ice cream and in just minutes you'll have an ice cream truck and they'll bring you whatever kind of ice cream you like. >> some nuts and bolts here. katie, good morning to you. how many types of ice cream are you going to be offering folks today? >> we have six different kinds of ice cream for you today. $12 for five ice creams and a whole great pile of uber swag. >> i love that and i will take the ice cream miss katie. now alex back to you. the d.c. city council has motion this week that would have essentially raised prices for uber drivers in the district.
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that got sent down because of the open outcry in the community. 30,000 tweets in favor of your company something like that? is this sort of a thank you to the community as a result of this support that you received? >> you know we love d.c. and we've had some tremendous support here. and we love doing stuff like this it's fun for the local community. you know we were going to do it regardless but we're definitely thankful for what's happened this week. >> let me and you too, in terms of folks at home so they know how to get the ice cream truck to their business today. what are the hours and when can they actually -- what places around d.c. to summon the man? >> we'll have trucks on the road if 12:00 to 5:00 today. and they'll be pretty much all over the city will be having at least one truck up near bethesda and friendship heights from several from dupont to downtown and capitol hill and also in arlington. >> you need the app on the phone to do this? >> you can request from either of them. >> we want to tell you too the app is free. we have all of the details on the website right now at
6:49 am and andrea and mike can i take any orders for you in the studio? >> yes. two of everything. [ laughter ] thanks jess. >> thanks yes, sir. 6:49. time right now to get the answer to the question of the morning. >> the question one more time was -- >> the answer is are you kidding me? >> i don't believe it. >> complaining. >> nah. no, no, we'll have a check on the news before you go up next.
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good morning, time now 6:52. on your friday. we have cloudy skies out there. and we do have some areas of showers generally west of town
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out toward leesburg and winchester and also warrenton. for the most part -- for the most of today though we're expecting mostly cloudy conditions and temperatures in the mid 830s and currently it is 76 degrees under cloudy skies. we have a slight chance for passing shower today and better chances will be west of town. thank you anny. today is friday, july 13th. he's a check on the news before you go. a 46-year-old man is dead after this motorcycle crash overnight. it happened at east village avenue and double land road in montgomery village, maryland. no other secs were involved -- vehicles were involved and police have not released the victim's name. the prince george's county executive office says an apartment complex condemned because of last month's stormed needed repairs even before the storms hit. in fact, they were also damaged by tuesday night's storms. all 65 units at river dale apartments were condemned yesterday. and now the county is helping residents find new places toly. facebook is adding an antes bullying feature for teenagers
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to allow them to report bullying on facebook or try to determine just how serious the issue is. there will also be links to counselors. thank you andrea. we've been combing through the day's daily deals emails and retailer websites to find you some deep discounts. morning viewer whitney sent this deal to me and good morning to you whitney. mr. handyman of metropolitan washington is offering three hours of labor from a licensed insured and bonded technician. $175. now that would normally cost you $350. so you can save 50%. and you can cash in on this deal beginning on tuesday. in the immortal words of homer sevenson, mmm doughnuts. buy a dozen krispy kreme doughnuts today and get a dozen of the original glazed for just 75 cents, this is this nonhour of the birthday turning 75. and you could be on lookout for black cats on this friday
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the 13th or you can dress like a cow instead. it's cow appreciation day at chick-fil-a. dressing like a cow from head to hoof will get you a free meal. breakfast lunch or dinner, dress partially in cow attire and win a complementary entree. if you have an offer you've seen or if you're a local merchant with a deal for our viewers, i'd love to hear from you on facebook. one more check of traffic and weather is next right here on 9news now.
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one more thing before we go. we wanted to mention once again the olympic athletic uniforms ralph lauren is the one who's manufacturing those. and they -- >> and designed them. >> those were manufactured in china and there has been a big dust up including senate majority leader harry reid says to burn them all and put them
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in a big pile. john boehner says -- >> we should know better. the usoc communications director says it's all nonsense and ralph lauren supports the usa and the team and that's all that matters. there $1,500 to $1,900. >> all right, really good point. >> here's one last look at your seven day forecast today. all right temperatures will be in the upper 80s for today. and then for the weekend, we're looking at low 90s and we're looking at triple digit heat by wednesday. here's monika with traffic. >> going to if you want up a graphic we have got delays on the lines. 15 to 20 minutes late. a quick look at the beltway delays into alexandria. >> charlie rose is next on "cbs this morning." >> we'll be back with 25 minutes with another live update on traffic and weather. >> follow the weather all weekend long. we'll see you back here in a little bit. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: comments@captioncolorado ]


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