tv CBS This Morning CBS July 14, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT
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good morning. i'm nancy cordes. i'm anthony mason. here are a few of the stories we'll be looking at on "cbs this morning saturday." mitt romney said he owned but did not manage the firm bain capital. it's quickly becoming the bain of his existence. he's demanding an apology from president obama's campaign. billions of dollars gone. the head of a financial firm is arrested after trying to commit suicide. another is missing. where is the money? then open the roof, turn up the sound and head to the drive-in. the good old days at the movies again.
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plus, right here in studio 57, the stars of "once" sing their beautiful ballad from broadway's hottest new musical. ♪ all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." july 14, 2012. captioning funded by cbs good morning. welcome to the weekend. nice to see you. >> it's great to be with you. >> yeah. bright and early today. >> exactly. >> let's get right to the top story. we begin with a new controversy in the race for the white house. mitt romney is on the defensive and lashing out at president obama. yesterday romney was forced to explain why federal documents list him as the head of bain capital from 1999 to 2001. when the company he founded was sending jobs overseas. as chief white house correspondent norah o'donnell
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reports, mitt romney is demanding an apologize but president obama's campaign is not backing counsel. >> campaigning in virginia, president obama said it's time for mitt romney to answer questions about his time as head of the private equity firm bain capital. >> as president of the united states, it's clear to me that i'm responsible for folks who are working in the federal government. and harry truman said the buck stops with you. >> at issue is romney's claim that he left bain capital in 1999 to run the salt lake city olympic. but in documents filed with the securities and exchange commission, romney is listed up until 2002 as sole stockholder, chairman and ceo. >> i think most americans figure if you're the chairman, ceo and president of a company, that you are responsible for what that company does. >> the battle over romney's business record escalated after obama's deputy campaign manager suggested that romney may be guilty of a felony for misrepresenting his role at
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bain. do you think the president owes you an apology because his campaign has suggested you're a criminal or a liar? >> absolutely. my goodness. what kind of a president would have a campaign that says something like that about the nominee of another party? this is reckless and absurd on his part and it is something which is beneath his dignity. >> in an interview with cbs news' jan crawford tried to clarify his role. saying just because he was owner of bain, he wasn't responsible for any of the company's decisions. >> the documents show that there's a difference between ownership, which is that i own shares in bain, but i did not manage bain. i left as everyone knows to go out and run the olympics in february of 1999. i was full-time running the olympics. i had no role whatsoever in the management of bain after i went off to the olympics. >> but romney's past at bain is likely to continue to be an issue. >> mitt romney's companies were pioneers in outsourcing u.s.
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jobs. >> the obama campaign has already spent nearly $100 million on television commercials, most attacking romney's business record and accusing him of shipping jobs overseas. for "cbs this morning saturday," norah o'donnell, the white house. >> cbs news political director, john dickerson, is with us now. good morning, john. >> truth is, john, it's not unusual for a ceo to take a leave of absence. but it doesn't look very good. how do you think romney is handling this? are people going to understand this tricky situation? >> no. you're right. it looks a little exotic. it looks a little different than people's common experience. what governor romney wanted is his experience at bain to basically have people think he's a business guy, he knows how to fix the economy. that's all you need to know about him. now he's having to explain complicated business arrangements. he's talking about things that just sound different from people's day-to-day experience. it changes that bain story for him. he'd rather get off this topic,
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keep things focus odd n the and the status of the economy. the more he talks about bain, the worse it is for him. >> of course, the reason that these three years are so important, this is when bain embarked on this period of outsourcing jobs and investing overseas and the obama campaign is trying to make it that romney is an outsourcer. who is right? did he walk out the door in 1999 and never look back? >> yes, essentially. the question is was he in control of the day-to-day decisions? there's no evidence that that happened during this period. what the obama campaign is using is the name on the documents. this exotic arrangement as i've called it. they're saying no, no, your name is on the documents. which is the case. the question is the controlling question is was he the guy making the decisions to send pthere's no evidence that that occurred. >> is this a farrah association do you think? >> no. it's not. if you were to sit down and have a reasoned analysis of it. for the purpose of politics, a
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reasoned analysis is not the case often. >> things are getting ugly. you've got people calling each other liars. romney's campaign said the obama campaign is out of control. is this really early for things to be getting this nasty? >> they haven't gotten -- once you get to liar, you get into personal characterizations. it does feel a little bit early. the romney people are saying, remember barack obama was going to change politics and not do this kind of thing. they talk about apologies and raise this question of obama's character. they're trying to get people to think, you know, he wasn't the guy who in 2008 was talking about a higher level of politics. tie that to people's disappointment about the economy. he wasn't the guy who was able to deliver. that's the counter move from the romney campaign. >> it seems like he's trying to take the outsourcing label and stick it on romney. in a race that's still very tight, that could -- you think that could work? >> sticking the outsourcing label on romney? for the obama campaign, it's a
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series of shots at romney and tearing down this idea of bain being a great piece of experience. this is one shot in a whole array of them. >> so far both have showed there's a bit of an impact in swing states. john dickerson, thank you so much for joining us this morning. appreciate it. a programming note. tomorrow on c violence. our clarissa ward has the latest from southern turkey near the syrian border. >> reporter: they have been unable to enter the village to investigate exactly what happened there on thursday. on the day of the massacre, they were turned away by the syrian air force as they tried to enter
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the village. but they did report that there was heavy fighting in the area and that government forces were using helicopter gunships and also artillery. we still don't have a precise number for how many people were killed on thursday. estimations range anywhere from 70 to well over 100. u.n. special envoy kofi annan denounced the government's use of heavy weaponry. but really mr. annan and his peace plan lost all credibility with the opposition at this stage. many you-tube videos posted by activists on friday show protesters across the country saying remove annan, he's a servant of assad. he will travel to russia and meet with president putin and they will continue to try to find a way to bring about an end to this conflict. for "cbs this morning" st., i'm clarissa ward in turkey. secretary of state hillary clinton is in egypt today.
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its the next to last stop on her marathon trip around the world. margaret brennan is traveling with secretary clinton. >> nine countries in 13 days. america's chief diplomat is the most traveled secretary of state in u.s. history. she's visited 102 countries since taking office. president obama has visited 32. hillary clinton has only seven month left in office. she's not slowing down. in the first 48 hours, the secretary flew from the u.s. to paris to kabul to tokyo toggling time zones and topics. in kabul, she made an unannounced visit to the u.s. embassy and hamid karzai's presidential palace. the longest portion of this trip was spent in asia, boosting u.s. businesses. part of what secretary clinton calls economic state craft. a prime piece of her foreign policy strategy. from the platform of a woman's forum in mongolia, she pinched neighboring china. 24 hours later, secretary
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clinton had breakfast in vietnam, luncheon in loo owes and dinner in cambodia. she addressed the painful memories of the vietnam war. during the visit, the secretary toured a center that provides prosthetics to victims of u.s. cluster bombs. she's the first secretary of state in 57 years to visit the southeast asian nation. 24 hours later, it's wheels up to the middle east. secretary clinton will be the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with newly elected egyptian president mohamed morsi. on monday, she'll head to israel before returning to the u.s. for "cbs this morning saturday," i'm margaret brennan, cbs news. it's exhausting watching that story. she leaves her post in january and there's lots of speculation about what she's going to do next. >> joining us from washington is the former spokesperson and traveling press secretary for clinton during her 2008
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presidential campaign. so he's a man who knows a lot about how she travels. good morning, mo. >> good morning. >> so she's so far been to 100 countries. i think she's the most traveled secretary of state of all-time by comparison. the president has only traveled to 32 countries since he's been in office. why the punishing schedule? is she just someone who needs to be on the go? >> well, she doesn't do anything halfway. hillary clinton is a person who when she rolls up her sleeves and gets to work, she goes full throttle. i think she's proving that as secretary of state with, you're right, it is a grueling schedule. when she took office, a big reason she took the job was because she wanted to help repair america's standing abroad. there's no better way to do that than to get hillary clinton out there as the face of u.s. diplomacy. >> do you think she's tired? >> i can't imagine that anyone in that role would not be tired
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at this point, especially, i get tired flying up to new york from d.c. so that schedule has got to be exhausting. that's who she is. she works hard and she does a good job at what she does. >> she's been the secretary of state. she has been a senator, she has been the first lady. what's next? >> well, look, i don't know what's next. i don't think anyone really knows what's next. i do know that she would be great at whatever it is she does do next. there's a lot of people out there who think she may, after she leaves public life, head into some sort of international foundation work, maybe working with her husband at the clinton foundation or setting up her own thing. she's been obviously for many, many years out front on the issue of international women's rights. she's, as you talked about in the piece, focusing on economic
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state craft -- she could do nonprofit work in either of those areas and keep doing what she's doing now. she says she's done with politics. i got to believe her when she says that. if she were to get back in, i think she would be a formidable candidate. maybe she's earned the right to kick back on the beach and read a book. if she does do that, that will probably be one book before she dives back into the fray. >> you can't not ask the presidency question. if she gets back into politics, it might be the one job she wants. she says she doesn't want it. but there are friend of hers encouraging her. do you think no really means no? >> again, i mean, i got to believe her when she says she's not interested. she's earned the right to do something else with her life now. if she were to do it, i think she would be a very, very tough and strong candidate. you know, she is one of the most popular public figures in america at this point. i think she would be a strong
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candidate. i think there are going to be a lot of people who try to encourage her. but she said she's not interested. she wants to do something else. i think she'll still have a major contribution if she doesn't run. >> all right. politicians have said that before. mo a lathe in washington. thank you for your insights this morningment. >> thank you. the penn state boort of trustees responded to that scathing report on the jerry sandusky child abuse case from former fbi director louis freeh. the trustees said they accept responsibility for freeh's accusation that they showed a "callous disregard for the sexually abused children." >> judge freeh's report offers a roadmap to help penn state continue to move forward. in the weeks ahead, we will certainly need to be carefully consider and review each of the report's recommendations. >> the board also said it will put together a team to begin making changes recommended in freeh's report. joining us now is the author of game over, jerry sandusky, penn
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state and the cultural silence. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> how do you think the university is handling this? >> it started off they handled it deplorable fashion for many, many years. and now that mr. -- judge freeh has put the report out, he issued over a hundred things that they should do. most of them are basic common sense that the insular closed society of penn state never adopted. it's going to take -- they can put all these plans in place, but it's going to take a long time to live through what they've done to themselves. >> bill, who comes out looking the worst in this report? the president? >> what happened was there's a huge contradiction between what a bunch of folks said in the grand jury and what is in the freeh report. now, there's ongoing statewide grand jury going right now, and i think they're taking a good look at the former president, graham spanier, i think there are some other folks that are
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exposed, at least from the point of view that their words are different in a grand jury under oath than they were in the freeh report. >> does that mean they face perjury charges? >> they could face, at the very least, failure to report child endangerment and there's a wide assortment of other things that they could be looking at. but the fact of the matter is, people were not honest and forthright all the way from graham spanier down to joe paterno. >> bill, "the new york times" is reporting this morning that as this was unfolding and developing and building that penn state was looking at giving joe paterno a lucrative retirement deal of $3 million, access to the plane, boxes at the stadium, all this kind of stuff. do you think the culture there can really change? >> no. i think that my experiences in interviewing over a hundred people with my partner, bob da
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voracek. chef a closed society attitude that won't change quickly. it's got to change but it won't quickly. >> do you think the culture there is that different from any other school with a big powerful sports program like this? >> i think what game over is a cautionary tale to everybody. if it could happen at penn state, a place that has never been under an ncaa investigation, it could happen anywhere. >> what about joe paterno's reputation? >> joe paterno, inside the confines of happy valley, state college pa, joe paterno is a god. that will never change. but judge freeh's report this week put joe paterno in a conspirator's role dating back to 1988, meaning that 14 years went by, a bunch of kids were abused and joe's legacy, while it is great and he did a great job for many, many years, joe's legacy will always include that. >> nobody came out looking great in that report. bill mushi, thank you so much for joining us this morning.
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appreciate it. the cost of paying by credit card may soon go up. visa, master card and some banks that issue credit cards agreed to pay more than $6 billion to settle an anti-trust lawsuit. retailers claim the companies conspired to fix fees that stores pay to accept credit cards. the settlement let's them charge extra if they pay by credit card. in florida, george zimmerman's defense team wants a new judge to preside over his murder trial. zimmerman is the neighborhood watch volunteer charged in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. his attorneys claim that during a bond hearing last week, judge kenneth lester made statements from the bench that were biased against zimmerman. designer ralph lauren says from now on his uniforms made for the u.s. olympic teams will be made in the usa. lauren was sharply criticized after it was revealed that the uniforms made for team usa for the 2012 games in london were made in china.
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ralph lauren's contract to make olympic uniforms runs through the year 2020. actor sylvester stallone is mourning the death of his eldest son. 36-year-old sage stallone was found dead yesterday in his los angeles home. the cause of death isn't known. an autopsy is planned but investigators say there were no signs of foul play and no suicide note was found. it's about 19 minutes after the hour. here's lonnie quinn with our first check of the weather. good morning, lonnie. >> good morning, nancy and anthony. good morning everybody. let's take a walk to my big map here. i want to start off talking about the mid-at states into the northeast. we have an area of disturbed weather. what's interesting about this. this is the exact same system that came through the exact same portion of the country exactly one week ago with dangerous storms around portions of southern new jersey and then it pushed down to texas and it erupted yesterday with all that terrible flooding. it has now tracked back to the northern portion of the united states.
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we will see gray skies in the northeast and the mid-atlantic today with a rain chance. the bigger picture is going to show us rain around the spine of the rocky mountains. on the backside of that, i'm telling you, for a portion of the country that people think is the gray pacific northwest, it is anything but gray. i'm telling you, this is a beautiful spot to be, spokane bend, redding. i'm talking temperatures, lovely for this time of year. and a lot of sunshine. enjoy it all everybody. that's a quick look at the national picture. here now is a closer look at the weather for your weekend. that's going to do it for weather. over to you nancy. lonnie, thanks so much. it has been six months since the cruise ship costa concordia hit a rock and capsized near giglio,
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ita italy. >> relatives the people who died visited the island off tuscany for a solemn ceremony of remembrance. elizabeth palmer was there. >> a mass on the six-month anniversary of the disaster bought family and friends of the victims together with local people who had joined the rescue on january 13th, the night the cruise ship costa concordia hit the rocks. more than 4,000 passengers and crew struggled to get into the lifeboats. the captain, francesco schettino abandoned them. no one will forget it. >> i remember the scenes. the screams and the -- like in a movie. >> half a year on at the height of the tourist season, the costa concordia still sits half submerged just off shore. its salvage master, nick sloan's
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job to refloat the vast ship. >> she's not designed to be on her side. we have to stabilize her as soon as possible. >> the costa concordia has been remarkably stable so far. you can still see the jumble of deck chairs piled by the long empty swimming pools. but it's only resting at the front and the back on rocky outcrops on the sea floor. the salvage team is going to have to build a platform to support the whole thing, then use cranes to ease her upright and finally, pump air into massive steel containers welded to either side. if the engineers' models are right, the wreck will refloat. then investigators can get inside and start gathering evidence. with the solemn anniversary ceremony over, the lawsuits are about to begin. for "cbs this morning saturday," i'm elizabeth palmer in giglio. coming up, he freed the slaves and won the civil war. why does a best selling author
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♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. the mystery surrounding jesse jackson jr. is deepening. his staff says he's suffering from a mood disorder. for the first time, his mother is speaking out. we'll talk to a reporter digging into jackson's disappearance and talk to an expert on mood disorders. stay with us. this is "cbs this morning saturday".
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm nancy cordes. >> i'm anthony mason. we've got a lot to get to this morning. let's get to the top story. >> the top story this half hour. the mystery of what happened to congressman jesse jackson jr. his mother spoke out for the first time yesterday saying her son has dealt with enormous disappointment and needs time to heal. jackson's office said earlier this week, the chicago democrat has been an medical leave for a mood disorder. jay levine of wbbm tv in chicago has more. >> for congressman jesse jackson, the future was bright. he had considered running for mayor in chicago. then president-elect barack obama's senate seat. before allegations surfaced that
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one of his fundraisers tried to buy it for him. >> i never sent a message or an emissary to the governor to make an offer, to plead my case or to propose a deal about a u.s. senate seat, period. >> jackson was never charged in the case, which brought down illinois governor rod blagojevich. but it did trigger a continuing house ethics investigation. a statement on june 25th announced jackson was taking a leave of absence for exhaustion. on july 5th, his office said his condition was more serious than we thought. woe receive extended inpatient treatment. less than a week later, they announced he was being treated for an unspecified mood disorder at an unidentified location. >> the idea of not having him here in the middle of the speculation is a good thing. >> many people here believe jackson himself should say something, be more specific about his medical condition. but sources close to the congressman tell me he may not be well enough to work until
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after labor day. for "cbs this morning saturday," i'm jay levine in chicago. >> joining us now from chicago is lynn sweet, washington bureau chief of the chicago sun-times and here in our studio, director of the mood and anxiety disorders program at the mount sinai school of medicine. good morning to both of you. lynn, let me start with you. my sense on capitol hill was that as soon as congressman jackson's office put out the statement saying that he had a mood disorder, that people kind of backed off and said, okay, let's give him the time to recover. that explanation is good enough for us for now. is that the sense that you get from his constituents and democrats in chicago? >> well, there's a sense, that people do have a charitable impulse. certainly when anyone is ill, people want to give people some space and time. the issue right now is that there has been space and there has been time and the people who hired him who are his constituents need some more
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details, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but probably pretty soon. just about what the nature of this mood disorder is even if they can't give a prognosis, perhaps there's a diagnosis that could be a little more forthcoming than what they've done right now. >> especially since he's up for reelection in four months. can you give us a sense of the power and the reputation of the jackson family in chicago and why this has created so much interest. >> i'll take the second part first. the jackson family is in chicago, a political dynasty at this point. certainly everyone in the nation knows reverend jesse jackson. he ran for president twice. the founder of operation push. rainbow push coalition. many people don't know that congressman jackson's wife is an alderman in the seventh ward. this is a power couple in the city. and that the congressman has
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created a pretty efficient south side political operation where he systematically has been able to defeat rivals through the years. now, his reelection in november, even with this question mark hanging over him, i would say it would be a very rough time for a republican to win. the district is overwhelmingly democratic and the republican who is running is barely known. this is a county, i want to remind people around the country, that re-elected a cook county board president, or nominated him when he had been ill for months and was never even seen before his death. but nonetheless, severely ill. he was renominated. people might be a little fed up with this because of that situation. >> lynn makes the point, doctor, that mood disorder is a pretty broad diagnosis. what exactly is it? >> indeed, it is. it's a group of disorders characterized by depression and
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other mood symptoms. major depression and bipolar disorder would be the most significant diagnoses here. what's important to understand is how prevalent, how frequent this is. basically, if you look at a group of individuals the size of the u.s. congress, you would expect about 45 to 50 them to have suffered with depression lifetime and about 20 to 25 to have suffered in a 435 group of people, 20 to 25 in the past six months. >> that's a big group of people. is this something brought on by stress? >> well, it's biological predisposition, genetic and otherwise. and then a history of traumatic life events makes a big difference and then in an individual that is so predisposed, having very intense stress would make it more likely that you have an episode.
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>> doctor, here in new york, thank you so much, lynn sweet in chicago. appreciate your insights this morning. now here's lonnie with another check of the weather. >> guys, thanks very much. good morning everybody. let's get to the big picture. the satellite, radar image. satellite imagery will show you where the clouds are. the radar image those you the wet weather. as you look at this, you can see two areas of disturbed weather. one stretching from the tennessee valley into the ohio valley right up over into portions of the northeast. the second area is around the spine of the rocky mountains. we will be calling for scattered showers for both of those areas. in between, look at this, talk about sweet sunshine out there. but that's going to be the hotspot of the country. we're talking literally the center channel of the country. nothing like the heat you felt last week. sioux falls, wichita, 100. a lot of you last time this week 109. everybody bumps up a degree or two for sunday. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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make it a great saturday everybody. anthony over to you. >> thanks, lonnie. up next, what if lincoln wasn't assassinated and instead was impeached? we'll talk to best selling author and law professor steven carter, whose new novel imagination just that. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf.
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by law professor stephen carter. it's called the impeachment of abraham lincoln and professor carter is here in studio 57. good morning, professor. >> good morning. >> thanks for being with us this is an interesting premise. you get to something that a lot of people, given lincoln's myth i can status don't realize, there were a lot of people in his own party who didn't like him. >> it's true. history does rub away the sharp edges sometimes of what really happened. i should say, i am a lincoln fan. i'm not -- didn't write this book to say that lincoln should have been impeached but the premise is interesting to me. some say if lincoln survived, is it possible to have an impeachment trial, what would it have looked like? that's why it's fiction. >> what did people in his own party not like about him? >> we tend to forget that lincoln, to a lot of the abolitionists was seen as a westerner, no college, no formal education, had a funny accent, he had a high voice. they looked down on him through his presidency anyway.
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they thought he wasn't sufficiently absolutist in his purr suft of the abolitionist mission and so on. the idea is that members of his own party once the war is safely won along with members of the opposition, take up some of the things he did in the war, the closing of opposition newspapers, the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, defying court orders. things lincoln said were necessary for winning the war. those are the charges against him. >> you're a lincoln fan yourself. >> yes. >> growing up as a kid, your father had a lot of books about lincoln, you've read a lot about him. was it hard turning him into a character of fiction? >> it was very difficult but also a lot of fun. i do a lot of research for my novels. but i did more research for this than any of the others. while at first it was difficult taking someone i sew admire and making them a fictional character. after a while, i got into the enjoyment of fitting him into what's basically a courtroom thriller when you unpack the
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other aspects of it with lincoln as the defendant in the trial. >> one of the other interesting aspects of the book, your heroin is a 21-year-old defense lawyer for lincoln who is from the black middle class in civil war america. i think a lot of people probably wouldn't realize that existed. >> i think that's right. that may be one of the reasons i chose her. he's 21 years old. she wants to be a lawyer. and this is at a time where there are no female haurs in the united states and probably six or eight black lawyers, we don't know the exact number, she's young, ambitious, barriers holding her back of race and sex and class and other things. i hit on her as the one who is basically telling the story. most of it is told from her point of view. i want an outsider's, not insider's view of lincoln. >> how successful was the black middle class at that point? >> it wasn't what it is today. a lot of times when we look back at the 19th century and especially the era around the end of slavery, we tend to think
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that every black person in america had just been a slave. of course, that was sadly, tragically true for the great majority. there were some families in the fictional family of hers is one of them in which people had actually been free and earning a living for some time before that. >> you are a lawyer, you're a law professor at yale. did you use some of your own personal experience in building this courtroom drama? >> i don't know about experience. but i've certainly written and talked about presidential power. i write about the war power and talk about impeachment as well. all that fit together. you add in lincoln, you add in the courtroom scenes and wrap a little murder mystery around it and you've got a novel. >> you live in two different worlds essentially here. how do you travel back and forth between the two when you're writing? you certainly keep yourself busy. >> you know, i like to write. i write fiction. i write nonfiction. i've public ishd nine nonfiction books. each one is a break from the other. writing fiction helps relax me
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actually from the nonfiction which is most of the writing and teaching that i do. >> dr. stephen carter, thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. thank you. now, here's nancy. up next, how to live longer without breaking a sweat. it's all in a new study that deserves a standing ovation. we'll explain why when we return. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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desks for this. a new study suggest that if people sat three hours less each day and stood instead, it would add two years to their lives. joining us is james levine, the author of move a little r lose a lot. good morning. thanks for being here. >> my pleasure entirely. how are you today? >> we're up and moving. >> yeah. >> i mean, i literally couldn't sit down while i was reading about this study that found that you take years off of your life just by sitting during the day. >> i mean, this is really moving mainstream. the kettle has finally boiled. in the scientific community, we've been seeing studies over five to ten years, diabetes, blood pressure, cancer. finally we're realizing that long-term sitting is bad for us, is shaving years off our lives. >> ha do you do? most people are at the office eight hours a day, at a desk more than ever and in front of computers. what are the little things you can do to get up and move around? >> we have a simple mantra. tag it, think it, do it.
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tag your monday morning meeting. think how am i going to make it dynamic. have a walk and talk meeting. this is for both of you. put an orange sticker on your telephone. tag it. >> okay. >> when the phone goes. think, get up and pace around. this way you can actually pulse hours of activity into your day. it's extraordinary. studies show you can do it. >> what is it about sitting that's so damaging for your health? >> as soon as the person sits down, their blood sugar is affected. their blood pressure, their thinking. their mental processes are affected. if you do that for a prolonged period of time, we're doing it for hours and hours every day, it's so harmful to our bodies. >> do you just need to stand up more or is it about walking around? what about sitting on the ergonomic chairs or the balls. does that help? >> last time i sat on an ergonomic ball, i fell off. didn't help me at all. >> moving around. >> i sure moved. seriously, what we try and do in the corporations we work with is
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encourage people to get up and move. walk and talk meetings. if you can push two walk and talk meetings. many of us have more meetings than that. that's probably better than the two rushes to the gym each week. very powerful. >> we were talking in the break about some people have standing desks. gets you up on your feet. the numbers they're using here, you sit three hours less, two years added to your life. is that real? >> it's real. the reality is 26 million americans have diabetes, the numbers are overwhelming. two thirds of people have blood pressure higher than it should be. as soon as you realize, if you get up your blood sugar plummets, your triglycerides improve. you can prevent diabetes and you can become sharper and more productive too. at this point, we need dynamic working. >> it's easier than going to the
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gym. just stand up. dr. levine, thanks for joining us this morning and getting us up out of our chairs. >> my pleasure entirely. stay moving. >> right after this. up next, the stinging discovery behind the wall you're about to see. that and other stories behind the headlines when "cbs this morning saturday" returns. [ male announcer ] it started long ago. it's called passion. and it's not letting up anytime soon. at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we understand that commitment. so does aarp, serving americans 50 and over for generations. so it's no surprise millions have chosen an aarp dicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. to find out more, call today. but what about your wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available.
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we'll give it our all. [ male announcer ] the inspiring taste of mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites. ♪ poppable pieces of tender chicken breast seasoned with just the right amount of spice, but just for a limited time. new spicy chicken mcbites. the simple joy of spicy perfection. ♪ maybe it's your name. richard? smucker. (announcer) when your name is smucker everyone knows you'll grow up to make the world's best jam.
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with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories. new lipton tea & honey. two stories you might have missed this week.
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the caribbean. got to be. rule number one, wear a sting proof suit. it giant hive turned up on the backside of the drywall in a california home. the bee guy smoked them out and vacuumed them up without harming the bees. mike got four stings. >> how did they know there were 50,000? did they count them? >> i think it was a rough estimate. a guy who estimates the number of bees. >> give or take 10,000. >> right. >> later a ceo describes as a midwest bernie madoff is arrested for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars. for some of you, the local news is next. you're watching "cbs this
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has that special snuggly softness your family loves. hi, i'm snuggle. snuggly softness that feels so good. look! i get towels fluffy [ giggle ]... blankets cuddly... and clothes stay fresh... [ sniff ] ...for 14 days! and i cost less than the leading brand. let's snuggle. [ female announcer ] also try snuggle exhilarations, scents that give your mood and your laundry a boost.
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the government is cracking down on corrupt financial institutions. another ceo was arrested yesterday. we'll have the details and some advice on how to make sure your money stays safe. then one of the most innovative geniuses ever on stage and screen. we open up the vault for edward r. murrow's interview with orson welles after he returned from a decade long exile in europe. >> it's the biggest no no in magic. revealing the secret behind a trick. but you're going to meet a magician who has been banned for doing just that and he's opening up with us this morning. but first, our top story
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this half hour. president and mrs. obama sat down with charlie rose at the white house this week and rose asked the president what he considered his greatest mistake during his first three years in office. take a listen. >> what do you think the lesson have been that might guarantee success in a second term if that happens? >> the mistake of my first couple of years was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. and that's important. but, you know, the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the american people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times. >> so fascinating. obviously when he was running
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for office, everyone said his greatest strength was his communication. yet, he says it was his weakness. >> it tells you what happens when you become president. you become absorbed in policy making. a lot of people would agree with that. he failed to sell what he was doing. and he paid a price for it at a certain point. >> republicans say that wasn't his biggest problem. you can see charlie's entire interview tomorrow on cbs sunday morning. both president obama and his republican opponent mitt romney offered their condolences to the family of a member of mr. obamas reelection staff who died suddenly. 29-year-old alex collapsed at obama campaign headquarters in chicago on friday. he died later at a hospital. the cause not yet determined. he had been on mr. obama's political team for eight years. in egypt, a kidnapper is holding two american tourists captive demanding that police release his uncle. the unidentified american said to be a couple from boston were abducted along with their guide
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in the sinai peninsula on friday. the u.s. embassy in cairo is working with authorities to win their release. today is bastille day in france marking the start of the french revolution. 223 years ago. french air force jets flew over paris trailing red, white and blue smoke. military units marched through the center of the city in memory of the bastille day. they call them the northern lights. but people as far south as california and alabama may see them this weekend. that's because a flair unleashed by the sun will hit the magnetic field of the earth today. a nasa scientist told the website that the giant flare could bring the aurora much farther south than usual. keep your eye on the night sky. >> it's about three minutes after the hour. time to look who is behind us? >> right here, guys. just hanging out in the solar flare. >> i watch your stories, anthony. solar flare you were talking about, he every 11 years we go
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into an active solar flare. who loves that? ham radio operators. they get much better reception all over the world. let's talk about where the sun is beaming in our country today. in the center channel of the country. also out around the pacific coast. along the spine of the rockies we have wet weather. now, this is not because of a cold front or anything like that. it's because of this i won't say a pesky low pressure system. this is what brings your annual rainfall. this time of year, your monso monsoonal season. around baja you get rain you much need. however, in lifetime fires we've had in this section of the country, you got to be careful with erosion and mudslides also a possibility anywhere from salt lake city to phoenix. that's a quick look at the national picture. a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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this weather segment sponsored by macy's. >> nancy, over to you. >> thanks, lon. it looks like bernie madoff may have been the tip of the iceberg when it comes to stockbrokers from investors. the ceo of a brokerage company was arrested yesterday just five days after he tried to commit suicide. federal investigators say russell -- he embezzled more than $200 million. was en dore of's company, peregrine financial, collapsed this week after regulators found that an account that was supposed to have $225 million worth of customer funds actually held just $5 million. the ceo was found unconscious in his car after attempting suicide. late last night, a georgia banker disappeared. after confessing in a suicide
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note that he had embezzled $17 million worth of investors' money. he was last seen in key west, florida. joining us now with more on these financial scandals and advice on how to protect your money is jack otter. he's executive editor of cbs "moneywatch".com and the author of worth it, not worth it. jack, why are we seeing a lot of these cases? >> when you have a financial boom like we've had, you have a lot of money circulating and it's easier to get away with this stuff. then you start to get to the peak. there's more and more pressure to keep the results that you've been having. you get more bad guys trying to do stuff. everyone -- >> the tide is out. what's particularly disturbing about this case is that he admitted in his own suicide note that he had been doing this for 20 years. >> yeah. as you guys were talking about earlier, first of all, regul regulators were asleep at the
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switch. he was a decent fraudster. people don't expect the faxes that come in and the information to o have been put together by photoshop. clearly, regulators are outmatched, aren't enough of them. they are vastly underpaid to the people they're supposed to be regulating. >> weren't there a few whistle blowers who said hey, you should check this guy's books? >> that's what scary. customers were complaining. he had an auditor, one guy in illinois. it was a big firm. earns and young should have been auditing. mott this other guy. there were plenty of tips that somebody should have picked up on. >> you're looking at a simple scheme relatively. he was using photoshop and taking bank statements and adjusting them. he set up a fake post box to intercept mail to make sure nobody else got it. it seems like a small time scheme in a way but it was quite a big company. >> it was a huge company. so people now i think are thinking oh, my gosh could this
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be happening to me. i have my money in a company i thought was safe. people need to take a lot of steps. there are things you can do to prevent this from happening. >> so $200 million is gone. will the investors ever get their money back and what kinds of investors are these? >> these investors may not. a small distungs. but this was a futures firm. it was not protected by the security investors protector corporation. most people's broke erjs, merrill, schwab, those are protected by sip i can. up to have a million dollars is protected. not from making a lousy investment. but if the assets disappear, if it's bankrupt or whatever, the government will step in or thiso, i should say. as an investor make sure you're sipic protected. i would recommend a third party custodian. if you have an adviser, you want a separate entity holding your money. the adviser might tell the
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vanguard, the fidelity what to do with the money. you get your statements directly from vanguard or whoever. you know the money is still there. he can't run with it. make sure your adviser is a fiduciary. they have to act in your best interest like a doctor or a lawyer. not a stockbroker. because they actually are only required to sell you a product that's suitable. you want somebody who can only buy the best product for you. >> as you say, you need to get past the appearances of this. this is a man highly respected in the community, hanging out with senators and it turns out he was committing fraud for 20 years. >> i find it scary. we cover this stuff, you and i. you never know where the next scandal is going to turn up. i want to caution people against thinking, because they see scary headlines like this, i have to stuff my money under the mattress. that is a guaranteed way to lose purchasing power. you need simple, basic, low cost mutual funds and of course, never ever, ever accept a
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product somebody tries to tell you over the phone. somebody is cold calling you, hang up. >> thank you so much jack. >> thanks so much. up next from the vault. edward r. murrow talks about the future of tv with the man who changed the face of radio and cinema orson welles. >> you think television has lived up to its potential? >> well, i don't, ed, no. i don't. i think it's done wonderful things and disproportion nat amount of those good things have been done by you. >> two legends. person to person when "cbs this morning saturday" returns. ♪
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he spoke with edward r murrow on the cbs series person to person. the welles classic citizen cane is considered to be one of the best movies ever made. >> his war of the worlds caused panic in the streets. he had just returned to hollywood after spending ten years in exile when murrow interviewed him in 1955. >> hello or son. i'm glad to see you found yourself a home. you had a little trouble for a while? >> a little trouble. my goodness, it wasn't a little trouble. we were practically vagabonds for a while. i was afraid we wouldn't be able to keep this engagement. there wouldn't be anyplace for us to be visited in. >> it must be nice to be home. is it? >> i hate to quibble with you ed. nice isn't the word. wonderful to be home. >> is the theater still attractive to you, i mean with radio and television and the movies? >> well, the theater is
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irresistible. i can't live without it myself. it's always been my home in show business, even during the years in which i slummed in other mediums. you should excuse the express n expression. anybody who starts in the theater never gives up loving it most, i think. >> why are you so partial to the classics? >> well, i'm partial to the classics because i love them. but i'm doing the classics now in new york. mostly because i think the rest of the theater is so well-represented in america. i do think the classics are a little bit neglected of recent years. in the old days in the mercury we did a lot of classic plays. >> there was another classic that you did, that invasion from mars. i'm sure everyone asks you about that. >> yes. well, that was -- i don't know if it's a classic or not. but it was an event of some sort.
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i don't know whether you're asking your question about it or just leading me to -- >> what prompted it? >> what prompted it? >> yes. >> well, this may seem rather personal, ed. i began to think that people were believing the radio too much. [ laughter ] >> there were voices from europe and other places, and were being accepted as absolutely ex-ka thee dra. i thought it would be fun to prove that the radio could lie along with everything else. i think it was about time that people did that on the tv, don't you? >> do you consider yourself as somewhat unpredictable? >> i describe show business as somewhat unpredictable and if i could predict what was happening in show business, i'd be as predictable as you could ask. >> you're something of an individualist, aren't you? is that a fair description? >> well, i don't know, ed.
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i don't know much about myself. i suppose people ought to know about themselves. greeks told us we ought to. i don't spend much time trying to decide what i am. i'm very fond of individuals, though. as against conformists and members of the gang. i hope i'm an individualist. i like to put it that way. >> do you think television has lived up to its potential? >> well, i don't, ed, no. i don't. i think it's done wonderful things and a disproportionate amount of those good things have been done by you. forgive me for saying so. but i don't think so considering -- are you asking about america or the world? >> i'm asking about the world. >> my answer would be the same as a matter of fact. all over the world, it's a medium maybe as important as the printing press was when it first popped up on the cultural horizon. i don't think people quite
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realize how important and how dangerously important it is and how wonderfully important. i think it's too much a medium of casual entertainment and not one of serious exchange. i don't mean it should be solemn and boring and all of that. i do think that there are new forms that haven't even been attempted in tv that ought to be. it's solidifying and crystalizing too quickly. >> do you feel it maybe getting muscle bound in infancy? >> yes. middle aged when it's still young. >> what does that make us now? >> i know. makes you wonder what he would think of television today. >> right. i know. first of all, you never get tired of hearing that man's voice. the thing i remember about orson welles. my father told me about that radio broadcast, war of the worlds in which the radio -- he put together a show that was basically a pretend newscast about an invasion from mars. and my father remembered it from when he was young and said he actually believed it.
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it actually had millions of people fooled that martians were invading earth. >> when did they figure out it was a farce? >> they put it out on record. i listened to it. it was incredibly convincing. eventually, of course, people did. it was a cool hinge. >> amazing. next week we go back into the vault as murrow pays a visit to liberace. >> up next, ever wonder how a magician saws a person in half? our next guest will show you even though he really shouldn't. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. maybmaybe you can'; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. the faculty at hogwarts would never approve of our next guest because he has chosen to ignore the cardinal rule of
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magic. never reveal the secret behind a trick. alex stone has been expelled from the society of american magicians and he wrote a book fooling houdini, mu jigs, mentalists and the hidden powers of the mind. alex stone, good morning. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> why did you decide to write this book essentially pulling back -- getting you excommunicated from the world of magicians. >> i was five years old when my dad bought me a magic kit. my first gig was my own sixth birthday party, which didn't go well. i was heckled. years later, i discovered this sub culture of magicians, it's a world of mystery and deception. there are bizarre rituals and there's even a magic olympics that takes place every three years. it's actually going on right now. i wanted to share this with people. i also wanted to explore a number of questions that arise when you look at magic.
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how much of our reality do we actually perceive? how much faith can we have in our memories? how does secrecy affect our health and relationships? these are questions that relate to magic and our daily lives. >> when you talk about the importance of psychology in magic, what do you mean? >> magic is about toying with the limits of perception. good magicians know how to manipulate what we see, how to use our own expectations against us, even instill false memories. p>> give us an example if you would. >> this is a simple example. let's say i took a coin and put it in my hand and made it vanish. so the trick -- >> i could do that all the time. >> the trick is i'm only pretending to put the coin in the hand while pulling it out. what really sells it and makes it work is that it takes a while for your brain to catch up. the brain cells are still firing. so you actually see the coin in your hand for a second. for a split second after the
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hands separate. >> your book is called fooling houdini. there was this one famous magic trick that fooled henry houdini. what was it? it was a trick known as the ambitious card routine where a card is placed in the middle of a deck and rises to the top. you want to see it? >> i'd love to. >> i tell you, could you mark an x or sign this right here. >> on this ace of hearts? >> that would be great. duplicate card or something like that. >> okay. >> if you could, just pick up about half the deck, please. >> put them on top of the ace. push the ace into the deck like this. >> okay. >>. >> okay. >> wow. >> how did you do it? >> it uses advanced sleight of hand techniques and miss direction and psychology like most magic tricks. >> so you're not going to spill
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the beans? >> i think on this one, i might not tell you. not because of any ethical constraints. i just want you to suffer. [ laughter ] >> thank you. are you basically persona non grata in the magician's community now? how high had you risen in the world of magic before you started telling the secrets? >> i'm a writer by profession. magic is an obsession and a hobby of mine. it's not how i make my living. i have yet to find a severed rabbit head at the foot of my mattress. but there are some angry magicians out there because they're very guarded about their secrets. i think some of them might have put a curse on me. some weird stuff has been going on. not long ago i received a letter by certified mail, i think it was the only piece of certified mail i ever received from the society of magicians of which i'm a member saying i was in violation of section b of the code of ethics. >> we wish you the best of luck. you're safe in here. stick with us.
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm nancy cordes sniefrnl. i'm anthony mason. celebrity chef david burke is here. he's blurred the line between chef and inventor. this morning he'll dish about juggling the menus at seven restaurants and his amazing cheesecake lollipops. >> yum. and the broadway show you'll want to see more than once. the stars of the tony award winning musical "once" sing their show stopping ballad falling slowly right here in studio 57. first, we'll check in with lonnie for a final check of weather. >> do you know what starts tomorrow?
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national zookeepers week. you never miss one, do you? >> no. >> here's the deal. it always takes place the 15th through the 21st of july. there are 370 zoos in the good old usa. go out and say thank to you your local zookeeper which anthony always does. we want to thank them for protecting the wild animals. where is the wild weather? you know what, really nowhere in the country. yes, we've got wet weather along the spine of the rocky mountains. this is monsoonal moisture where you need rain. the brush fires, you've lost groundcover. there could be flooding and erosion. also around, say, the tennessee valley into the new england area. we'll be seeing wet weather for you. these are pop-up storms. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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everybody, in honor of national zookeeper week, say hello to our buddy ron mcgill at the miami metro zoo. nancy, over to you. >> thanks, lonnie. get ready to load up the car, drive-in movie theaters are making a comeback. in 1958 there were more than 4,000 across the country. now fewer than 500. >> that mum is growing again. the manager of a drive-in in tulsa, oklahoma says people are tired of the sterile environment of the multiplexes. michelle miller is here with a firsthand report. >> good morning. there's no denying the good wholesome appeal of the drive-in. i was reminded of that just this week. in poughkeepsie, new york, there's still a place where movie lovers can take a drive to their favorite seat. >> i've been going to the drive-in since i was a little kid. you went as a child and then you went with your boyfriends when you were dating.
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>> the overlook drive-in has been a favorite for 65 years offering everything from animated classics to big budget blockbusters all via the great outdoors. >> me and my husband grew up in this area. we came to this exact drive-in when we were kids. we remember that experience with our families. we wanted our kids to experience the same. >> daniel mcavoy brought the fends, the husbands and their entire brood. >> it's fun. the kids can play around. we don't have to be in a theater. it's like like shhh. >> business isn't what it used to be. the first drive-in opened in camden, new jersey in 1933. by 1958, at their peak, there were 4,000 nationwide. >> okay. let's find the chicks. >> yeah. >> a pastime so popular, the drive-in often made a cameo appearance on the big screen itself. >> i thought i meant something to you. >> i'm actually old must have to remember the heyday of the drive-in movie. where you pull up to your
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position of choice, watch the film through wind shoeshield condensation and listen through speakers that never quite seem to work. >> today there are 364 drive-ins left but they may be staging a revival. six new theaters will open by the end of this year in michigan, indiana, oklahoma, texas and california. >> nowadays, when you go to a drive-in, it's a sense of occasion. >> film critic david he had he will stein still believes there's room for the outdoor theater. >> with more and more people watching films on demand, you know, at home, on dvds, you need something to get them to the theater. the drive-in nowadays has a wonderful retro feel. >> it's just the thing that keeps joan and floyd denton's marriage on fairytale footing. >> i work a weird shift over nights. it's difficult. my wife works days. we try to make it as often as we can during the summer.
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>> then there's the other thing drive-in theaters are known for. what are you doing in there? any kissing, any of that going on? >> later. p>> waiting for it to get darke. >> rich downing doesn't have to. he's witnessed it all from his post at the concession stand. >> 12 years, what have you seen? >> what have i seen? i can't tell you some of the things that i've seen. but i see a lot of happy people. they're in a good mood. they want to come out and have fun. >> this really took me back. i remember my first drive-in movie. it was pip i long stocking. do you remember pippy? >> of course. you went with your parents? >> i went with my parents. they took me to see lady sings the blues at the drive-in. >> what do you -- >> my last film was ghost in 1991. such a fun story. thank you so much. >> it was a blast. up next, one of the leading pioneers in american cooking.
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celebrity chef david burke will dish about working as a dishwasher on the jersey shore and how he manages to keep things fresh and exciting at his seven restaurants. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." ♪ [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. why use temporary treatments when you can prevent the acid that's causing it with prevacid24hr. with one pill prevacid24hr works at the source to prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day and all night.
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and with new prevacid24hr perks, you can earn rewards from dinner deals to music downloads for purchasing prevacid24hr. prevent acid all day and all night for 24 hours with prevacid24hr. you know, pool's like mcdonald's spicy chicken mcbites. how so? first you gotta start off right. ♪ you gotta have some flavor... ♪ ...then you add a little something special. ♪ finally, you gotta bring the heat... ♪ ...but not too much... it has to be juuussst right. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites, rack 'em up while they're hot. the simple joy of changing the game.
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renowned chef david burke. he's been inducted into the who's who of food and beverage of america by the james beard foundation. >> he's owner and executive chef of seven restaurants, plus found time to write two cookbooks. he joins us with his ultimate dish, roast duck with sweet potato puree and garlicy spinach. thanks for being here. why is this your perfect meal? it smells incredible. >> duck is a dish when i was a youngster was a complicated dish to make. a festive dish. it's like a family-style dish, almost like turkey is a roast. it's much more delicious. >> i taste a little bit of maple. >> a little bit of maple and butter. good. >> when you demystify duck, is this something that people can realistically cook at home and make it crispy? >> the problem with duck has been the fat and what to do with it. after you're cooking.
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this is the duck from new jersey. a local -- excuse me. what you need to do is put it in a hot oven so the fat renders out. you cook it at high heat the whole way, 45 minutes. ducks are mainly about the same size. let it rest. then you carve it. it's easy to get the skin away from the meat. there's not much fat in this. >> right. >> i'm using my hands but i'm used to that. you got nice meat. the meat is quite lean. it's the skin that you have -- that is kind of fatty. it's kind of an indulgence dish and a festive dish. there's a lot of versatility with dish. you can go asian style like peking duck, you can barbecue it or cook it on the grill. >> that's what makes it yummy is the fat? >> yes, that's correct. >> you grew up in new jersey as a dishwasher. how did you end up with seven restaurants? what happened? >> i worked hard. i got -- >> when did you get the bug, though? >> i got the bug when i first
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entered the kitchen and started cooking. i got the bug when i saw food in its entirety like legs of veal and big bags of clams and whole fish coming through the back door and watching the chefs fabricate it into a beautiful dish. >> a lot of people say that their inspiration were their parents. you said your mother couldn't make a sandwich that well. >> she's watching. >> who would you have your dish with? that's something we like to ask. >> my dad was pretty creative in other ways besides cooking. but i didn't come from a food creative culinary family. but thinking outside the box was something that we did. so i would say my creativity and my style came from working with really great chefs around the world. >> well, we always like to ask our chefs to sign their dish. if you wouldn't mind. while you're doing that, i'll ask you about the gorgeous lollipop trees over here. >> these are cheesecake
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lollipops that i created about 20 years ago. >> they're everywhere now. >> they're everywhere and they're perfect for a drive-in movie. >> i like that. >> chef david burke, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i guess we'll dig in during the commercial. >> up next, we'll talk to the stars of the tony award winning musical "once." then they perform a song that brings the house down every evening. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through.
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♪ four weeks ago, broadway's best and brightest handed eight tony award, including best musical to "once" a bittersweet tale of two musicians in dublin who fall in love. the two stars with with us. steve kazee who won the tony for lead actor. he plays the irish guitarist played a guy. and cristin milioti who plays the piano player called girl. thanks for being with us. >> hi. >> this came if a 2007 movie
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that had a cult following by the same name. it had two actors who were pretty well associated with it. they had their own love story that came out of it. did you have any reticence about taking on parts that were closely associated with other actors? >> any time there's an established piece of work that you're basing something off it, there's always some pressure to meet criteria that other people put on it. but i mean for myself, personally, i feel like what we're doing is so different than the film. it was easier to let go of those ideas and create my own thing and to do my own work. >> cristin you were tell me you didn't see the movie. >> yeah. i knew it had a cult following. i had never -- i still haven't heard their music. but i know that it has this intense, very dedicated following and so that actually was more pressure to me than anything. i was like doing their music justice. i did have sort of a blissful
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ignorance since i had never seen it or heard it. >> did you sense you had a huge hit on your hands? this is like the hottest ticket on broadway. >> i didn't. >> i didn't, no. in all fairness, i thought because we were an arty piece of theater, we might have a struggle finding an audience on broadway. i knew it was a special piece and we all knew it was. >> it's the most special thing i've ever been a part of. you hope that translates to other people. but i never in a million years would have thought -- >> i was struck watching the play this -- the musical this week. i was watching you the piano. it's slightly angled. is she playing? as it turns out, you are but you didn't before. >> no, i didn't. >> when you went into the audition, did you tell people you didn't really play? >> yes. i did. they had me -- it's a very long story. i'll try to keep it short. we did a workshop of it before where i played a different role and they put me on the piano. i was like pling pling, that's approximate it. i knew basic chords but i can't
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read music or keep great rhythm at the time. th they set me up with a musical director and he deemed me unteachable. they gave me ten days to learn two pieces and i did. >> remarkable. >> steve, you made a moving speech at the tonys about your mother who died of cancer in fact while you were in the show, correct? >> absolutely, yes. >> how did you, putting on eight shows a week, how did you go through that? >> it's that old thing about the show must go on. i do't know that my mom was always supportive of what i was doing. in fact, towards the end, she was actually keeping from me just how sick she was because she didn't want to be in a position of, i think, making me feel, to know that the end was coming. but once it all went down and once she passed away, christin and the whole company really sort of took me under my arms and just held me up for the following weeks and still to this day, when i look around the stage some nights when i think i'm having an off night, i know that they're there and i know
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that they -- there is love there. because we all have such a deep -- we've been together for so long now. it's like a family. so when i look around and i see them, it makes things a little easier to get through. i just feel her everywhere. so much more so after she passed away. it's a strange thing. >> steve, christin thanks for being here. they'll be back to perform falling slowly from the musical "once "on "cbs this morning saturday." i was living with this all-over pain. a deep, throbbing, persistent ache. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone.
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here's charlie rose with a look at what's happening monday on "cbs this morning." from the campaign trail to life in the white house, my conversation with president obama and the first lady monday on "cbs this morning." and next week on "cbs this morning saturday," batman is back with a vengeance. we'll take a look at the history of the caped crusader and why he's withstood the test of time. we'll return now to the stars of the tony award winning musical "once."
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