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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  July 24, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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of storms this afternoon and becoming a bit breezy out of the northwest. there's -- as a front comes through. we had showers and storms well off to our south and west last night and to our north and east. richmond, southeast virginia and this morning is all is quiet here. i don't know if you can see the big storms coming out of indiana into southwestern ohio. we'll watch upstream later on. temps right now 70s to even low 80s cumberland and petersburg well out to our west we've got 75 at the pax river naval air station. highs today going into the -- well into the 90s. let's go to monika at 5:59. -- at 5:59. on the inbound side of the toll road, the lanes remain open. we're looking good on 66 coming in from manassas to fairfax and the beltway. we'll take a live look on the northbound side of i-95 here in springfield.
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overall do you have some delays now down in woodbridge and then off and on coming up from lorton into this point past route 644. the pace does improve, by the way, on 395. let's go back over to the maps and this time all the way out east. no problems on route 50 coming in from annapolis all the way inside the beltway through cheverly. same story on the bwi parkway. one last look outside. here's what it looks like on 95 coming in from is -- from 198 to the beltway. the accused gunman in last week's theater shooting in colorado could get the death penalty. he made his first court appearance yesterday. >> as manuel gallegus reports, investigators are going to go back to the scene of the crime later today. >> reporter: investigators for james holmes' defense team are scheduled to go inside the century 16 theater today. they'll be looking for any evidence they can find which could help defend their client. >> people versus james holmes. >> reporter: on monday holmes
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appeared in court for the first time for a preliminary hearing. his hair was dyed orange red and he had a dazed look at the judge advised him about his rights after alleged crime. >> you're accused of a class one felony under colorado law. >> reporter: some of the victims' families were inside the courtroom, including the father of 6-year-old veronica moser-sullivan, the youngest to die in the shootings. david sanchez waited outside the courtroom. his son-in-law was shot in the head and is in critical condition. >> i could feel the pain going on in there which really makes you a little bit more angry about this man that decided to take everybody's life. >> reporter: prosecutors have 60 days to decide whether to seek the death penalty. in that time the district attorney says she'll talk with the victims' families to get their advice. >> if the death penalty is sought, that's a very long process that impacts their lives for years. so they will want to have and we will want to get their input before we make any kind of a decision on that.
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>> reporter: holmes' father was here in colorado to support his son. the family attorney spoke with the media. >> their hearts go out to the victims and their families. >> reporter: holmes will be formally charged monday. in aurora, colorado, manuel gallegus, 9news now. >> this tragedy is bringing parts of the denver area community together. in fact, some players of the denver broncos spent monday at the hospitals meeting with the shooting victims. seven came with gifts and signed autographs. they say it's the least they can do for the members of their community. new at 6:00 a.m., arlington is saying yes to streetcars. late last night, the county board approved adding streetcars to columbia pike. this has been in the works for years now. it would add a line from the pentagon city metro station along the pike to the skyline development five miles away. streetcars would run along the road with cars. arlington estimate it is will remove 3,000 vehicles from the
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road and boost property values. streetcars could be running by 2016. one of the most prestigious public schools or rather public high schools in our region is now the target of a federal complaint. thomas jefferson high school for science and technology is accused of shutting out black and hispanic students. the complaint filed monday blames the fairfax county school system. itages the county does not do enough to identify gifted or talented students long before they can apply to tja. it points to numbers like this in today's hoax washington. the class of 2015 has 308 asian students. that's more than double the number of white, hispanic and black students combined. no response yet from fairfax county. thousands of people will be taking to the streets today calling for more government funding in the fight against h.i.v. and aids. protesters are here as part of international aids conference which is going on in downtown. delia goncalves is live outside the washington convention
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center where a lot of the events are going on and talk about what's going on inside today. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning, mike. things are heating up. lots of folks coming in and getting prepared for some events that will be happening in just a short time from now. we've seen a lot of live music, some forums, education, even some lively protests inside the conference so far. everyone, though, is really focused on ending this disease. you talk to everyone inside of the conference and they say we are indeed very close. however, funding remains a huge challenge, especially in this economy. the u.s. has donated, though, an extra $150 million focusing on mothers so they don't spread the virus to their children. still, listen to this 30.4 million people worldwide are living with h.i.v. and even though infection rates are down, two and a half million people are infected every year. >> what would be an aids
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conference be without a little protesting? we understand that. >> part of the reason we have come as far as we have is because so many people all over the world have not been satisfied that we have done enough. >> aids epidemic is fueled by stigma, by hate, by misinformation, by ignorance, by indifference. >> the global fund was created and now we find ourselves with eight million people who are receiving these drugs. it's a very positive story. every one of those lives is a mother, a teacher. >> apparently we're having
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trouble with delia's microphone. we'll get back to her in a bit. she's live this morning outside the convention center. organizers at the conference are trying to reach out to the younger generation. that effort included a welcoming party last night at the black hat in northwest. the v.i.p. event included drinks and food and music. 40% of new h.i.v. cases worldwide involve people between the ages of 15 and 25. i am watching your money. also watching the local job scene. things are looking better for our region. the d.c. metro area added 36,100 jobs in june compared to june of 2011. this report from george mason university finds nearly 28,000 of those jobs were added in the northern virginia area. 6600 were added in the district. just 300 jobs were added in suburban maryland. there are new steps this morning to simplify the college
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loan process. it's called a financial aid shopping sheet. it will help families comparison shop when choosing a college. the shopping sheet is a one- page document outlines numbers like tuition costs, scholarships, available loans and how much students can expect to owe after graduation. the department of education wants schools to use this when offering financial aid to potential students. it may be four weeks before the first bell rings. the back-to-school shopping already in full swing. our partners at "u.s.a. today" report that retailers are clamoring for your business. staples is giving you money to exchange your old binder notebook for a new one. wal-mart is selling things like rubber bands and paper clips just for # 8 cents -- for 88 cents. k-mart is giving free flu shots for people who spend over $100. nationwide americans will spend more than $83 billion on back- to-school supplies. did you start yet, mike? >> no, not at all. >> haven't even started thinking about it yet.
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>> still summer. >> i know. about 6:09. coming up in five minutes, remembering the first woman in outer space. the legacy of dr. sally ride remembered. the heat is definitely back today. straight ahead, learn about the threat of storms later on. >> but first, she's the head of modern family and the top paid tv actress in america. says sofia vergara pulled in $12 million. she's also a spokeswoman for cover girl, cool cast and burger king. >> kim kardashian $18 million in earnings and rounding out the top five, we have eva longoria, bethenny frankle and tina fey and chloe kardashian. if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own.
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if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. my father's hands didn't build this company. my hands didn't build this company. through hard work and a little bit of luck, we built this business. why are you demonizing us for it? it's time we had somebody who believes in us. someone who believes that achievement should be rewarded not punished. we need somebody who believes in america. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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. looks like a relatively quiet morning. could have thunderstorms this afternoon. best chance of that south of d.c. your full seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. if you're planning to head northbound on 395, there are no issues here at the 14th street bridge heading into downtown. but there is an accident right now in northwest. it's blocking off cathedral avenue at connecticut avenue
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northwest. follow police direction. i'll have more on that and other area roads coming up once again at 6le 18. -- 6:18. the time is 6:12. here's a check on some of the stories making news. the penn state football program will be crippled for years because of the school's inaction against jerry sandusky's abuse. the ncaa hit the school with $60 million in fines, slashed the number of scholarships and stripped late coach joe paterno of every single win in the last 14 years. his family blasted the decision. the prime minister of turkey believes the rebels are close to winning the civil war in syria. turkey has received 40,000 refugees from syria. rebels began a major offensive monday in syria's largest city. the massive drought is not having a spooky impact on pumpkins. farmers in the midwest say pumpkins actually do well in dry weather. it protects them from diseases so there should be a healthy harvest in october.
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america has lost a true pioneer. dr. sally ride died monday at age 61. >> she was the first american woman in space. she made the historic voyage nearly 30 years ago. >> we have more on what the president called a national hero. >> reporter: sally ride traveled into space on the shuttle challenger in 1983. she was just 32 years old. ride returned to space on the same shuttle the following year. >> what was absolutely amazing to me was the feeling i had looking back at earth, the perspective that that view gives ow your planet, you can't get it just standing on the ground with your feet firmly planted on earth. you can only get it from space. and it's remarkable how beautiful our planet is and how fragile it looks. >> reporter: ride joined nasa in 1978 after responding to a recruitment ad in the student newspaper at stanford university where she earned several degrees, including a doctorate in physics. after making her mark in space,
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she worked as a physics professor, wrote several children's books and served on the package that investigated the two space shuttle disasters and started her own company to help teach students, especially young women and girls about science, math and technology. >> it was may great privilege to work with her going around the country putting on almost like rock shows to do science. there was a big festival, we'd have an astronaut speaker, street fairs, basically some middle school girls that thought science was a boring, dull career, they would look at this great festival and go, i was wrong glk i'm ed payne for 9news now. >> sally ride was surrounded by her partner of 27 years, her mother and sister when she died. she was not the first woman in space overall. a soviet woman was the first female cosmonaut in 1963. >> what a tremendous legacy. a lot of us have a lot to thank of her. we have an okay day shaping
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up. >> a little bit on the warm side, in the 90s. chance for thunderstorms, a typical summer day but tonight and tomorrow is when we get that drier air, lower humidity levels and a gorgeous wednesday on tap. let's get you going with the day planner on this tuesday morning. it's really not a bad morning. you like to get outside and exercise, it is kind of muggy. we'll rise to the 80s pretty quickly. by lunch time we'll be in the low 90s. we'll top out about 94, 95 or so this afternoon with a threat for a couple of storms as well. i think we're good through midday but by mid- to late afternoon, that's when the thunderstorm chance will be with us. winds really picking up out of the northwest with a front coming through at about 15, maybe 20 miles an hour. radar fairly quiet this morning around here but you look to the north and west, there's a severe thunderstorm watch around chicago till 9:00 a.m. big storms coming out of wisconsin and then indiana and ohio. we'll see how this moves south and east but looks like the target will be more to our south than here in washington. still a front coming through and that could pop up a couple of storms but stuff toward
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chicago probably not too big after concern us for. we're in the low to mid-70s in most spots. reston and haymarket down to 69. college park 76 this morning while rockville is 72 along with alexandria at 72 degrees. outside on our michael & son weather camera, the sun is up. you can see it glinting off the capitol dome this morning. generally clear skies. 75 degrees. humidity way up. 82% with a light wind south, southwesterly about 3 miles an hour. future cast shows the storms moving into west virginia by noon. then you'll watch a little line of showers from the north. there's other ones to our south. we have isolated to scattered activity this afternoon. if anything gets strong, it will be the damaging wind gusts the main concern for that. with the yellow alert with the possibility of thunderstorms today. 94, 95, 96. tonight we're dipping into the 60s for most of us. 70 in d.c. wednesday a great day. thursday we shoot back up to 100 with a chance for scattered
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storms thursday afternoon. friday mid-90s. still around 90 sunday and monday. it is 6:17. monika samtani stepping in now with an update on timesaver traffic. suddenly there's quite a bit of activity going on right now. first of all there had been a car on fire in reston westbound on the dulles toll road after hunter mill road where only the left lane was open. i believe that things should be resolved in that area right now. on the inbound side of the toll road, it was not affected through reston so you should be okay. by the way, in the downtown area right near dupont circle, you want to be aware there's an accident blocking off a portion of cathedral and connecticut avenue right at the intersection there. so be aware of that as well. this is right nearby at dupont circle. connecticut avenue at cathedral is where we're talking about where there is some lane -- there are some lanes closed because ever police activity and an accident. again at dupont circle, though, everything is final. let's go back over to our maps. 270 is final.
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on the beltway north of town at university boulevard, outer loop side still looks okay. going to be a bit slow as you leave the 95 interchange. this sunshine may affect your drive on the inner loop as well in the college park area. let's go back over to our maps. this time we'll head over to the other side of town. no problems to report as you head inbound on i-66 right now from centreville and a live look outside in extra v.a. coming up on our vdot camera. no problems to report to the 14th street bridge. more at 6:25. 6:19 right now. coming up next in sports, the bryce harper show hits the big apple in a big way. and learn which national was honored as player of the week. >> right now it's time for a check on a very tasty question of the morning. it might not be the healthiest choice but it is delicious, though, americans will eat about 70 million pounds of which food this year? is it a, bacon, b, hamburgers, or c, tater tots. >> got to be bacon. our facebook friend sharon says
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bacon. it makes everything taste better. hamburgers and tater tots. she says a, bacon. >> bacon, bacon, bacon. keep posting your guesses on our facebook page. we'll show the correct answer right here with you at 6:54. over the next four months, you have a choice to make.
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not just between two political parties, or even two people. it's a choice between two very different plans for our country. governor romney's plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top. roll back regulations on big banks. and he says that if we do, our economy will grow and everyone will benefit. but you know what? we tried that top down approach. it's what caused the mess in the first place. i believe the only way to create an economy built to last is to strengthen the middle class. asking the wealthy to pay a little more so we can pay down our debt in a balanced way. so that we can afford to invest in education, manufacturing, and home-grown american energy for good middle class jobs. sometimes politics can seem very small.
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but the choice you face, it couldn't be bigger. ♪ i'm barack obama and i approve this message. 6:22 this morning. it's not a bad morning. a little muggy. temps in the 70s for most of us. we'll be in the 90s by noon. highs today in the mid-90s with a couple of storms this afternoon. could be a few strong ones. best chance of that will be south of washington. it's -- in sports the nationals have enjoyed seeing the mets this year. >> we're enjoying that too. d.c. was 6-3 against new york. >> they didn't waste any time monday night. no score. top of the first, guess what? bryce harper goes deep smashing his ninth home run of the season. to-run job over the right field wall. 2-0 nationals. new york tied the game up in the 7th. then it goes to extra innings.
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harper at the plate, based loaded. lines one to right field. the go ahead run scores. then the nationals did not stop. they beat the mets 8-2. braves lost so the nationals lead in the division now four and a half games. >> ryan zimmerman, your national league player of the week. over eight games, he batted .500, five home runs, drove in eight. he has been on fire since he got that cortisone shot in his shoulder last month. this is zimmerman's third time being honored as player of the week. >> baseball's trade deadline is just one week away. there's already been one huge deal. ichiro was traded to the yankees yesterday just before the teams began a three-game series. a mixed reaction from the seattle crowd seeing ichiro in a mariners uniform. virginia tech is the team to beat in the acc this year.
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the hokies got the top spot in this year's preseason coaches poll. virginia came in fourth. over at the atlantic division, florida state is the top pick. you can see maryland down there at number six. 6:25 now. still ahead, some new details on a supposed cheating scandal involving teachers in prince william county. >> a new look at the presidential campaign. learn how voters feel about the candidates and how they could handle the economy. >> before you grab the keys, listen to monika. she has a quick check of the commute. >> on the southbound side of connecticut avenue you'll find all lanes place to calvert street northwest with the accident. you'll have to follow police direction to get around it. i'll have more on that and other area roads coming up in my next report. you're watching 9news now.
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we are back at 6:29. good morning if you're just waking up. this is the place where you can always get your weather first. a live look at the jefferson memorial. a little haze. temperature about 75. thank you for starting your day with us. i'm jessica doyle in for andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. andrea will be back next week. right now howard bernstein is back from vacation live on the weather terrace with a look at the day ahead. >> good morning. yesterday morning we had the low clouds, mist in spots. today, though, lots move sunshine. yesterday we stopped at 90. today we could stop at 94, 95, 96. with the added heat and a front coming there will be a threat for a few thunderstorms.
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here's a look at the day planner. we've got good visibility this morning in spite of the haze. the sunshine on the capitol dome. temperatures in the 90s by noon. toasty lunch hour. we'll warm up quickly, maybe get your outside stuff done early because this afternoon for the only mid-90s but the threat for a few strong, maybe isolated severe thunderstorms coming through. had some yesterday. look at those near richmond last evening about 6:30. all of that has moved south and east. this morning a relatively quiet morning. big storms in chicago we'll have to watch for a little later. temperatures low to mid-70s with low 80s in cumberland and petersburg. with temperatures this warm to start, no surprise we'll see highs likely in the mid-90s. let's go to monika with a look at timesaver traffic. >> thank you so much. one thing you want to know in downtown is that connecticut avenue at cathedral, there is work on an accident going on right now. you'll find some lane closures through the area. you'll probably just have to follow police direction southbound on connecticut avenue near calvert street in northwest. here's what it looks like on
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the inbound side of i-66. you see the long slow stretch coming out of manassas towards fairfax. here's what it looks like route a. this is going to extend to about route 123 before the pace improves but the lanes are open. this is just your slow rush hour traffic. again lanes are open on the inbound side of i-66. once you approach vienna and the beltway the pace improves heading inside the beltway as well. this time we go to southern maryland. no problems to route on route 4, route 5, 301 coming out of brandywine, across oxon hill. on the beltway north of town this is what it looks like at new hampshire avenue on our mdot camera. it looks like this heading west into silver spring. i'll have more on traffic coming up at 6:42. penn state facing one of the most severe penalties in
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history because of its failure to stop the abuse by jerry sandusky. what's the inside story on the ncaa's dispition? -- >> ncaa's decision? >> cbs this morning is going straight to the source. era hill joins us live from new york with that story. good morning, era. >> good morning. ahead on cbs this morning, we will talk with ncaa president mark emmert. he will be here to talk to us about the unprecedented sanctions. we'll ask him about the goal of those punishments and how they could affect the school's current football players. also, will this really have an impact on other schools and where they place athletics and academics as he's talked about. all of those things ahead when we see you at 7:00. did i hear it's national tequila day? >> you did. >> we are celebrating because that's what we do on the morning show. >> more power to you. cheers. >> cheers. have a good one. see you soon. it is now 6:32. now we go to the latest on the colorado movie theater shooting. the suspect in the case could wind up facing the death
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penalty. james holmes made his first appearance in court yesterday and his hair was dyed orange and he barely moved. witnesses say he looked like he dozed off during the hearing in fact. holmes will be formally charged next week in the murders of 12 people in that movie theater. the prosecutors say she will consult the victims' families on whether or not to pursue the death penalty in the case. 9 news now has learned holmes received a grant from n.i.h. which allowed him to attend school in colorado. outside the theater there is a growing memorial to the 12 people killed in that shooting. people are stopping by to drop off flowers, stuffed animals or even a simple note. >> it's a way to share our love and bring the community together. >> families of seven victims have set up individual funds for donations and several charities in colorado are helping out in the situation as well. >> it is 6:33. we are about the economy and the presidential
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campaign. a new survey by "u.s.a. today" finds an overwhelming majority of americans think mitt romney would make better decisions on the economy. 63% say the presummive republican nominee would be helped by his business backgrounds. 29% believe he would make bad decisions. however, the same poll found voters like president obama more than mitt romney by a 2-1 margin. it found voters believe the president would understand their problems better than romney. >> in virginia voters are getting e-mails which say they need to reregister if they haven't cast a ballot since 2008 but this is just a scam. virginia doesn't have a reregistration requirement but if you've moved since the last time you voted, you should check your registration status. october 15 is the deadline to register or update information to vote in november's elections. teachers from five different schools in prince william county are in trouble
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for giving inappropriate assistance on tests. the students were retested after the discovery. the offenses range from a teacher shaking a head at a wrong answer to taking notes on exam questions. a spokesman for prince william public schools says teachers will be retrained in test administrator or banned from future testing rooms. the district has one ever the highest h.i.v. infection rates in the country. >> that's one of the reasons why the city is now hosting the international aids conference on h.i.v. and aids. thousands of people hit the streets today calling for more research when it comes to curing the disease. >> delia goncalves is live outside of the washington convention center with a preview. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. it will be a busy day here in d.c. inside the convention center and outside here on the streets. 30,000 people are expected to take part in that march and there will be about five different protests scattered throughout the streets here of d.c. everyone focused on really trying to end this disease and certainly this will be one of
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the highlights of the week-long conference. in fact, this is the first time the international aids conference has been held in the united states. here in d.c. we are dealing with our own epidemic as you know. 3% of the population is infected with h.i.v. and doctors say that means about two to three people contract the virus every single day. in fact, half of all the h.i.v. positive people in the country live in just 12 major cities. >> the whole purpose of this medication, you -- it kind of locks the virus in the cell. it keeps it from spreading. if it's not spreading in your body, it's less likely to spread in the community. so treatment has become prevention. we can't let our guard down on condoms just because we've got medication. >> reporter: here are some staggering numbers in regards to the aids epidemic in the world. 34.2 million people are infected with h.i.v.
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worldwide. and even though the new infection rate is slowly decreasing, still more awareness needs to be done because we're at two and a half million people who are infected with the virus each year. the conference wraps up on friday. jessica, back to you. >> thanks, delia. delia goncalves live outside of the washington convention center this morning. the d.c. police department's gay and lesbian liaison unit will be investigating the beatings of two men. they were attacked sunday night along 3rd and t streets in northeast. police say three suspects began yelling homophobic slurs at the two men and then assaulted them. one man was taken to the hospital for his injuries. some wounded warriors are on the last leg of a journey of a lifetime. they left arlington on monday on the final stretch after bicycle trip all the way across the united states. the destination? virginia beach. they began last month at the golden gate bridge and the ride is called sea to shining sea.
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the riders are wounded warriors from iraq, afghanistan and vietnam. and their goal is to motivate wounded veterans and disabled people across the country. >> it's an awesome blessing. kind of like going back to boot camp, getting to know new people and becoming friends and brothers and it's a great challenge. >> this is the second group to do this cross-country ride. the first one was two years ago. the time right now is 6:38. cue up the music. today is national take tequila day. >> in nine minutes we head into the kitchen. learn how tequila pairs up with the right food. >> today may be a good day for margaritas. highs in the mid-90s with a chance of storms. straight ahead, which day will be the nicest one this week.
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welcome back to 9news now.
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6:42. 75 degrees. if you're planning to head out to haymarket, want to let you know about an accident on route 15 north of i-66. want to let you know it's a pretty serious accident. they're thinking about calling a medevac helicopter there on route 15 north of i-66. inbound 66 has been normal this morning. this is what it looks like at nutley street. not too bad here heading for the beltway but you do have that slow stretch as you travel through centreville and route 50 to 123. the accident in haymarket, i'll keep you posted on that situation. let's take a look at our maps right now. first of all again on the inbound side of i-66 you will find the lanes open but you have a couple of long slow stretches through centreville and fairfax before the pace improves. the beltway is fine on the west side of town across the american legion bridge headed toward tysons and annandale. here's what it looks like on the north side of town. utter loop. looks like this as you leave new hampshire avenue. this is the westbound side of 495 headed for georgia avenue before the pace picks up. no problems to report on 270 or
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hien 95 coming down -- i-95 coming down from baltimore. incident free between college park and the wilson bridge. i'll be back with more traffic at 6:58. a little tease. unfortunately it is not smellevision. we have mexican food cooking in the kitchen and it's breaght taking, it's -- breathtaking, it's that good. we have a couple of storms. tomorrow will be a better day, less humidity. >> pick of the week? >> yes. no question about that. sunday may be pretty good as well but tomorrow pick up the workweek for sure. here's a look at your day planner. we're expecting temperatures to quickly rise through the 80s a little bit later this morning into the 90s by lunch time and highs in the mid-90s today. there's a threat for some storms this afternoon. some of those could be on the hefty side. winds turning northwest 15 miles an hour or so. a bit breezy at times this afternoon. looking at radar, had a couple of showers and storms in west virginia earlier. maybe a couple of new ones trying to form from charleston
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not quite to elkins. north and west of this area this is where we'll have a lot more activity moving into ohio. the stuff in southern michigan and even into pennsylvania got a lone storm north of pittsburgh. look at the trajectory. that would take it into our neck of the woods later into the afternoon hours. so we're going to watch this area very carefully. temps right now mid-70s. we've got eenston and pacs -- easton and pax river station in the 80s. here in d.c. we have 75. nice looking morning on the michael & son weather camera. generally clear skies, 75 but a muggy 75 with the humidity at 82% and south wind at 7 miles an hour. here's the future cast. we're expecting pretty quiet weather through mud day. notice in west virginia, southern pennsylvania the showers and storms moving toward the east, southeast. 3:00 a couple of areas with showers and storms. this will be the case through the evening rush as well. not everybody will be seeing them but we've got the threat for all come of stronger storms
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to develop at 5:00 p.m. then overnight we will clear out. the front moves through and we look really, really nice. here's a look at the forecast. today 94. a couple of storms. that's idea yellow alert. 60 to around 70 tonight. tomorrow 88. going to be a great day with low humidity levels. near 100, though, on thursday with scattered afternoon storms. so a very hot thursday. friday also hot, 94 with some storms. even a few storms saturday 90 but looking good around 90 sunday and monday. did you notice that today is national tequila day? the drink was first created in mexico in the 16th century. these days you can even pair tequila with certain foods and there's a certain way to do that which we're going to get a lesson on it. we have chris, the regional director of chevy's and mimi is here, the general meeting of chevy's. thank you for coming in.
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why don't you start by telling us a littlity -- telling us a little bit about national tequila day. >> it's just a better excuse to drink tequila than tuesday. tequila is the first naturally indigenously distilled spirit from north america. it was sent to the united states in the late 1800s. in the past ten years the market share has grown 10%. tequila has really come on strong. >> people are loving tequila nowadays. >> it's fantastic. it has to be made in a certain region of mexico and it's made from the blue agave plant. >> you're here to talk a little bit about food pairings and tequila. i managed to actually take this off the sticky backing. are you like this? is this good looking? >> you look good. we have a couple of dishes we serve at chevy's. we try to pair it -- there are three different flavors of
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tequila. there's the silver that has the most bite. if we pair it with something, we pair it with our fresh table side quack poll lee and chips and salsa, a big favorite. we also have crab served with a tequila that's been aged for at least a year. this is a popular item, a little spicy. we have habanero steak tacos. >> i've been eating them at the break. they're delicious. >> our popular quesadilla over here is a napa valley quesadilla. it has grilled chicken, tequila glazed onions, brie cheese and mango sauce. it's absolutely delicious. >> where are you located? >> in falls church. we have three locations in the area. we have greenbelt and arlington. >> chris, what can we do today to celebrate national tequila day. >> chevy's has some great specials. specials on 1800 margaritas. we have a fresh watermelon margarita which is in season. we have specials on tequila
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shots if that's the way you want to go and there's great drinks here you can find at chevy's. >> thank you to both of you and norma as well for coming in and giving us this feast this morning. mike, i raise a glass to you. back in the studio. >> as you continue to enjoy the party, i'm hard at work here in the other room saving you money with daily deals. give your diet a jump start. gourmet style with this deal from gilt city. fresh diet will deliver to your door, breakfasts, lunches, dinners and two snacks prepared fresh daily for $168, a savings of 60%. living social is offering 25 bucks for a ticket to the city open august 4 in rock creek park or if you want to go this weekend, it's $20 for one ticket and a stiewf near hat. you're -- souvenir hat. you're saving about half the price on that one. target's daily deals has the official major league baseball world series film collection $94.99 for 20dvds.
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6:53 on this tuesday morning. 75 degrees under mainly sunny skies. we'll be in the 90s by noon. mid-90s for highs. could be a couple strong thunderstorms later this afternoon. tuesday, july 2k4 is -- july 24 is the day. in the first three months of this year, more than 7600 people died in crashes on our nation's roads. that's a jump of 13% from last year. safety experts say more people were driving this year because
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of our mild winter and the ow block a new psychiatric evaluation for the man who admitted to firing a gun at the pentagon and other military buildings. his lawyer believers he was schizophrenic at the time of the shooting. byte harper and ryan zimmerman drove in some runs at 10th inning. they crushed the mets 8-2. the two teams play again tonight. time to reveal the answer to the question of the morning. >> i can't believe the answer. which one of these foods -- well, americans downed 70 million pounds of it this year. is it a, bacon, b, hamburgers or c, tater tots. it's so disappointing. the answer is c, tater tots. one more check of traffic
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and weptder when we come -- weather when we come back. [ male announcer ] where did all the obama stimulus money go? friends, donors, campaign supporters, special interest groups where did the obama stimulus money go? solyndra: 500 million taxpayer dollars. bankrupt. so where did the obama stimulus money go? windmills from china. electric cars from finland 79% of the 2.1 billion in stimulus grants awarded through it went to overseas companies. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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weather wise temperatures running in itself mid-90s. -- the mid-90s. watch out for a couple of thunderstorms. tomorrow beautiful. hot on thursday, 100s, afternoon storms. and storms possible friday and saturday. a serious accident. we'll take a live look from our sky 9 on route 15. it's blocked here at route 234. a tow truck arrived on the scene. maybe take 234 as your alternate route. we have delays on amtrak a151, 15 to 30 minutes late. it was national daiquiri day. this week it's national tequila day. we decided we're going to celebrate. >> i'm having a good mustache day today. >> excellent. >> we're very excited to have chevy's here today. you've brought us all this
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tequila. give us one more fact. we can't do that but one fact you must know about take yield ya it has to -- tequila, it has to be made in mexico to be tequila. >> who knew. cbs this morning is coming up next. >> there's the music. >> they're going to be live with the latest from colorado. charlie rose sits down with the treasury secretary. we're going to be back in 25 minutes and have live updates, weather, traffic. she'll probably still be dancing. follow the news 24/7 by looking for us on twitter and on


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