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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  CBS  August 25, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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issue one. ariba, mexico. what the mexican state needs to do first is to focus its strategy. to have a better police force. a larger police force. we need to specialize these security forces. to fight the crimes that generate the most violence. homicide. extortion. and kidnapping. >> meet mexico's new president, enrique pena nieto. he will be sworn in as president this december. he is 45 years of age and was the endorsed candidate of the institutional revolutionary party the famous and the infamous pri. the pri was in power for many years until 2000, and has resurrected itself. mexico is a republic with 31 individual states. very much in the pattern of the united states of america. one of those states is itself called the state of mexico.
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it is not to be confused with the nation of mexico. a republic. nieto has been governor of the state of mexico for the last six years. 2005 to 2011. nieto is married to a soap opera actress. she is a full-blooded mexican and is well known. he will soon be the president of the republic of mexico. he was opposed by manwell lopez obrador who wran against him in the just completed mexican election, he came in second. obrador was the endorsed candidate from the democratic revolution party. and he says the won was brought and the party of pri has a long history of being boug 38%. beating obrador by seven points with 31%. obrador filed his challenge sev obrador files his challenge with the federal tribunal which
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is investigating whether the election was bought. the tribunal will either ratify or reverse the election by september 6. >> question, with what is the good news coming out of mexico today? you can also predict who is going to win the election but i don't want to talk about that. i want to talk about the good news coming t of mexico. >> john, there is a famous old saying about poor mexico so far from god and so near to the united states. but the truth is, the fact that mexico is near to the united states is one of the reason, primary reasons is that mexico, if you set aside, and you can't really set aside that horrible drug war with all of the cartels and the zetas and the others, that mexico is really coming along as a major state. some people are predicting that it could overtake brazil. i think they've got a per capita income a third that of the americans. and there are a number of reasons for this. one of them is nasta frankly. a lot of our factories went down there. >> building cars. >> you get the remittances from the mexican workers in the united states.
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all of these things. and there really is a success story about mexico and we don't read about it because with we're reading about is people shooting each other on the international bridge at juarez. >> eleanor? >> well, they have discovered oil in recent years. that helps. and secondly, you're right about american jobs that have moved south of the border. and the middle class in mexico is really coming along quite nicely. and then you have the recession in the u.s., has kind of stopped the immigration flow. in fact more mexicans are going back to their home state, home country, because conditions are better there. but i'm sorry, i can't really talk about mexico without getting into the drug war, and in the last dozen years, since pre ex has been out of office an i don't think it has to do with him, but 50,000 people have been killed as a result of these drug wars. many of them brutally tortured before they were killed. i mean that is the equivalent of numerous 9/11s. and what that has done to the
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psyche of the people there, i mean they are yearning now for law and order. but the drug cartels are so powerful, they basically have slaughtered justices, they have intimidated a lot of journalists, and police, and i wish this gentleman well. i hope he can -- he says he is going to fight the drug war differently. he hasn't quite said how. >> is it causing any production or use of drugs the united states? >> in mexico they look north and they say it is our problem. the drugs are being bought with american money. and the drug wars are being fought with american guns. and frankly, they're right. there are a lot -- we bear a lot of blame for what is going on there. it is not an overt policy but if the same thing happens over and over and you look the other way, then policies have something to do with it. >> are they moving cocaine into the united states quite far north in the united states? >> yes, yes, we should be
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legalizing drugs, and taxing them. >> are you talking cocaine? >> that would be -- i'm talking heroin, marijuana, whatever the drugstore is that comes out of mexico. and because columbia, we've had success there, basically, columbia, the drug war lass been contained, now mexico is the alternative and they really are the hot spot when it comes to that. >> let me turn this to a head and go you, mort. mexico's issue number one. >> if he is sworn in as president of mexico, will inherit the brutal drug war that has claimed over 50,000 dead. mexican voter, their biggest issue is mexico's ongoing violence that saw an 11% increase in deaths this year alone. nieto's answer, quote-unquote, strategy adjustment. meaning instead of focusing solely on big cartel bosses, expand the current policy.
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mr. nieto's new plan still involves the military, but adding to it a 40,000 member force controlled by civilian authorities. aka, the dejon-marie. they will fight the violence with the military. the violence is so much, a newspaper publicly announced it would stop covering violent crime. why? two grenade attacks on officers in the last two nuevo laredo is the battle ground for the notorious drug cartel. >> why are the cartels targeting journalists? >> they don't want to be exposed in any way and they don't want to have the pressure on the journalists on the public authority to do something about the cartels and the crime so basically, these cartels are an enormous force in the country. >> the cartel leaders don't want their pictures in the paper. >> that too. they want to intimidate everybody. they're well on their way to
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doing that. the cartels are so powerful and such large parts of mexico, that you really have to wonder about the viability of that state, and that's why he was elected. this was something that i think was a clear statement that they want to do something about it. and it is terrifying large swaths of the american -- of the mexican public. and needless to say, it has grave consequences for us, because they are the principal suppliers of the drug trade to the united states. >> you know the player of new york quite well. >> yes. >> the mayor of new york talked to you about mexico at all in connection with drug use in new york city. or availability? >> no, i mean -- look, it is a big problem in almost every american city. where it comes from, mexico, it is only a part of the answer. columbia is another part of the answer. but it is a huge, huge problem within that country because they do not have an effective public authority to combat it. the corruption is unbelievable. the arms that they have are unbelievable. the violence is unbelievable. and they haven't yet found the answer.
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three times the size of texas. 4,350 square miles. neighbor, the united states and guatemala. population, 113 million. versus the u.s. 312 million. independence, 1810. about 80 years before us. government, federal republic. gross domestic product per capita, 15,100. versus u.s., $47,000. inflation, 4%. versus the united states 1%. unemployment 5%. versus the u.s. 8.2%. literacy rate, 86% spanish versus u.s. 99% english. question, how many of america's 312 million population are actually mexican citizens? do you happen to know that? >> no, i don't. what is the number, john? >> i have no idea. do you know? >> pat knows. >> i will tell you, first, mexican citizens, there are 12 million illegal aliens in the country. probably two-thirds of those are from mexico, and they would
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be mexican citizens, but there are mexican citizens here who are legally and trying to become americans so i would put it at about 12 million. >> 12 million? >> yes. >> i would put it at about 8 and 10. how's that? >> i think that's a little short. >> i said i didn't know. >> i think i'm a little short because we have 40 million immigrants in the country but many become citizens. >> do you want to speak to this? >> talking about the drug trafficking. this drug war really got started ironically when president calderon cracked down on drugs. >> he is currently -- >> he is the past president. >> well, what is it now, nieto is taking over? >> he is coming in. >> right. >> december. >> different party. >> calderon is still in there for one more month. >> december. >> right. >> but the irony of it is that by taking out some of the gangs, they just opened up turf for other gangs to fight over, and it has just moved from city to city over these, what,
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around 2005. and you've got a complete instability at a time when mexico is having economic growth. >> refresh me on barack obama's meeting with calderon and wasn't that an extraordinarily cordial meeting? >> you know, it was a meeting at the white house, as a matter of fact, some of them were deeply apprehensive -- >> why? >> there is a feeling, the mexicans look upon texas, for example as their lost territory. >> the louisiana purchase? >> the american southwest and the mexican war. we took the whole thing from mexico. many of them believe that is their natural home. and that they have the right to come here. and this is one quite frankly i think it is going to be a real problem down the road. >> what is the area? what is the percentage of real estate we took from them? >> james k. polk, john, he secured texas, we already had it, all the way to the rio grand, the entire american southwest, arizona, new mexico, colorado, nevada, and we took california as well. and then we bought the gadsden
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purchase. >> they're not coming to take our territory. in fact, these two economies are really intertwined. they're defend ent on us for tourism. for -- dependent on us for tourism and trade. and frankly it is really nide nice to have them on the boarder. >> they manufacture american cars. >> they assemble them. >> the border area on both sides, right? >> the mikia dora. >> you cross the bridge on el paso, that is really rough over there. >> and you get the point there. until this narcotics problem is solved, mexico is a state in danger of becoming a failed state. >> that's right. >> do you think we're putting sufficient screws on mexico to clear up the -- >> look, i agree with eleanor on this. the problem here is the demand, it is the demand in the united states for narcotics. >> i'm talking more than diplomatic courtesy. >> i mean military. we need to work together with mexico. which we are doing. and this new president has
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promised -- >> before the rearrangement, he wants to have a closer arrangement with our military. but that's very problematic. and with mexicans coming here, they're afraid of too many of us coming down there. >> correct me if i'm wrong, but another point is the mexicans that used to come into this country, particularly in arizona, they slowed down to a trickle. in fact, there are mexicans who are going back. >> that's always true of emigration. people go where the jobs are. right now this is where the jobs are not. >> what is different with the old immigration, is we have this massive welfare state, and folks simply coming into the state and qualify for all matter of programs, and that's why they stay, and that's the benefits they receive. >> actually -- >> that's why they're not going back. >> things are bad at home and now things are good at home. don't you understand, good being mexico. >> not as good as the good old usa. >> they don't want to pay taxes and get nothing back and they're not the drain on the huge social welfare state.
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that is so overstated. >> why do you think our country is bankrupt? >> you think the future is brighter in mexico? >> don't blame the mexicans for that. bankrupted ourselves. >> i want to know if the future in mexico looks better than the future of the united states? >> not even close. >> not even close. but they have tremendous problems in that country. education. they have hugely corrupt government now. >> still? >> oh, yes. they're beset -- well, he will change it. that's one of the reasons he was elected. they are beset by the whole issue of drugs. >> what mort is saying, john, they're even worse off than we are. [ laughter ] >> everybody is doing just fine. >> we are intertwined though. >> we are intertwined. >> and to ride that cloud of optimism, where it will lead you. when we come back, issue two.
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saint hillary. >> it is particularly urgent that we highlight religious freedom, because when we consider the global picture, and is ask whether religious freedom is expanding or shrinking, the answer is sobering. more than a billion people live under governments that systematically suppress religious freedom. >> religious freedom, country by country, is routinely monitored by the state department. the department sees freedom to worship as a fundamental human
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right. sociologists and psychologists tell us that religious freedom is linked to economic development, tolerance, social cohesion, democracy. the secretary adds that some governments are not protecting their religious minorities. some governments pass repressive laws against them. lashing prisons. even execution. and religious extremists themselves, worldwide, threaten social stability. the state department currently identifies eight countries of particular concern. alphabetically, they are burma, also called myanmar. china, eritrea, iran, saudi ara uzbekistan. secretary clinton takes note that the middle east with its newly formed government born by the arab spring may empower
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islamist extremists. egypt's new president mohamed morsi ans. unquote. christians and muslims. with no favoritism. >> the egyptian people will look to their elected leaders to protect the rights of all citizens and to govern in a fair and d so will we. >> question. true or false. the secretary of state says in effect, when it comes to freedom of religion, the world is sliding backwards. is she correct in that? >> it certainly is strue in some parts of the world. it is certainly true in the arab world and the muslim world. we see what happened in egypt. it is not just in egypt. it is a part of that whole array of countries. but egypt is one of the great countries. and one that is really fallen under the sway of the muslim brotherhood. and nobody knows where that is going to go. they were able to replace the senior leaders of the military,
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it is an example of a level of power and political sophistication that we will find will be a real problem for as we go forward. >> is it true the syrian catholic and orthodox leaders have sided with assad, and they are -- there is worry that they may be executed if assad falls? >> and siding with mubarek here. the problem here is what you have is a great muslim awakening all across that world. some 48 countries have a muslim majority or a huge muslim minority. and it is the sunnies i think who are on the move. and you have a great conflict. 17million christians between egypt and iran. or afghanistan. all of them are in danger, john. intolerance is the mark of a rising faith. >> how many weeks are we from thweeks until the presidential election but of course we're taping this show. >> do you think any of this is connected with the presidential
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election? if in fact there is a syrian massacre of cops, et cetera, copts. >> if it is a syrian massacre, it will not be the regime, it will be by the fighters over there and i don't think that will happen before november at all. >> because we have been slow, if that is the right word, judiciously slow, some would say, in assisting the reform, the so-called reformers. >> i don't think that -- >> the syrian dictator is protecting the christians. and he is protecting the kurds and the other minorities who are terrified a sunni regime. >> what is happening in syria is not only about protecting christians. there are all sorts of people involved and i think the president is wise not to be committing u.s. troops on the ground certainly in more direct resources. and i don't think there is any clamor for that. i'm not as negative about egypt. i think the new president morsi has resigned from the muslim brotherhood. he is saying all of the right
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things. the christians were persecuted i believe under mubarek. i don't think there is anything worse that is happening. i'm not saying it is all wonderful, but i think they're making some attempts to be more inclusive. and we're still fighting about separation of church and state in this country. we have been at it for 200 years. >> let's get some clarity on that. the u.s. constitution in the first amendment says this about religious freedom. quote, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. unquote. question, is this the u.s. model a model for the world? or can a state have an official religion and still promote religious tolerance? i ask you. >> we saw in iraq how difficult it is to try to impose our constitutional system on
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another culture that is not ready for it. and believe me, it will be even more of a problem with a lot of other countries. but i mean that is certainly our american ideal. and it is something that more cosmopolitan members of the islamic world community are leaning toward. there's a lot of diversity. >> does anybody disagree with any of the propositions of the amendment to the constitution that i just read? >> yes. >> do you take exception to it? >> the constitution of the united states is not for export, john. it is for the americans. it came out of the particular -- >> are you okay with it as it stands now for the american people? >> i think i'm okay with it now, john. >> but do you want to tight continue up any? >> you can't apply that to other country, john. england, henry viii and spain torquamatta. >> wait a minute now. how many wives did henry -- >> it is not how many wives. it is what happened to the catholics. >> he didn't kill catherine of
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aragon. >> he killed beyelny. >> and jane seymour. >> and a third? >> there is one more. >> and what is the name? >> you always come up short. >> we'll be right back with predictions.
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predictions, pat, be quick. >> with the u.n. having pulled out basically of syria, i think the syrian civil war is going to go on. it will spread into lebanon. and i think one of the next
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targets of the militants will be our friend in jordan. >> eleanor? >> by the time voters go to the polls in november, they will be saying praise the lord about obama care. >> mort? >> the muslim brotherhood in egypt has managed to displace the one alternative power source which is the military. we are going to see a very, very big transformation in the government of egypt. >> we are not going to hear much specific from mitt romney on the defense, or foreign policy, for the debates. it is going to be a very late time. and to clean up controversy before the election. >> mexico's president elect, enrique pena nieto will be declared to have been validly elected by the current commission judging the case. by the way, he is going to win the debate? >> the debate? >> romney? >> barack obama. >> barack is going to win? >> is there any doubt on that? >> do you want to put any money on that? >> bye-bye.
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